`mter eron eta- l a
`RebifI (interferon beta- 1 a) is a purfied 166 amino acid glycoprotein with a molecular weight of
`approximately 22 500 daltons. It is produced by recombinant DNA technology using genetically
`engineered Chinese Hamster Ovary cells into which the human interferon beta gene has been
`introduced. The amino acid sequence of RebifI is identical to that of natural fibroblast derived
`human interferon beta. Natual interferon beta and interferon beta-l a (RebifI are glycosylated
`with each containing a single N-linked complex carbohydrate moiety.
`Using a reference standard calibrated against the World Health Organization natural interferon
`beta standard (Second International Standard for Interferon, Human Fibroblast GB 23 902 531),
`RebifI has a specific activity of approximately 270 million international unts (Mil) of antiviral
`activity per mg of interferon beta- 1a determined specifically by an in vitro cytopathic effect
`bioassay using WISH cells and Vesicular Stomatitis virus. RebifI 8. 8 mcg, 22 mcg and 44 mcg
`contains approximately 2.4 Mil, 6 Mil or 12 Mil, respectively, of antiviral activity using this
`RebifI (interferon beta- 1a) is formulated as a sterile solution in a pre filled syringe intended for
`subcutaneous (sc) injection. Each 0. 5 ml (0.5 cc) of RebifI contain either 22 mcg or 44 mcg of
`interferon beta-
`, 2 mg or 4 mg albumin (human) USP , 27. 3 mg mannitol USP, 0.4 mg sodium
`acetate, Water for Injection USP. Each 0.2 m1 (0. 2 cc) of RebifI contains 8. 8 mcg of interferon
`, 0. 8 mg albumin (human) USP, 10.9 mg mannitol USP , 0. 16 mg sodium acetate, and
`Water for Injection USP.


`. 23
`Interferons are a family of natually occurng proteins that are produced by eukaryotic cells in
`response to viral infection and other biological inducers. Interferons possess immunomodulatory,
`antiviral and antiproliferative biological activities. They exert their biological effects by binding
`to specific receptors on the surface of cells. Three major groups of interferons have been
`distinguished: alpha, beta, and gama. Interferons alpha and beta form the Type I interferons
`and interferon gamma is a Type II interferon. Type I interferons have considerably overlapping
`but also distinct biological activities. Interferon beta is produced natually by varous cell types
`including fibroblasts and macrophages. Binding of interferon beta to its receptors initiates a
`complex cascade of intracellular events that leads to the expression of numerous interferon-
`induced gene products and markers, including 2' , 5' -0ligoadeny1ate synthetase, beta 2-
`micro globulin and neopterin, which may mediate some of the biological activities. The specific
`interferon-induced proteins and mechanisms by which interferon beta- l a exerts its effects in
`multiple sclerosis have not been fully defined.
`The pharacokinetics ofRebifI (interferon beta- l a) in people with multiple sclerosis have not
`been evaluated. In healthy volunteer subjects, a single subcutaneous (sc) injection of 60 mcg of
`RebifI (liquid formulation), resulted in a peak serum concentration (Cmax) of 5. 1 :! 1.7 il/mL
`(mean:! SD), with a median time of peak seru concentration (Tmax) of 16 hours. The serum
`was 69:! 37 hours, and the area under the seru concentration versus
`elimination half- life
`time curve (AUC) from zero to 96 hours was 294:! 81 il'h/mL. Following every other day sc
`injections in healthy volunteer subjects, an increase in AUC of approximately 240% was


`. 46
`lQ3795.5062.I final 6.
`OlJservea, sugges!mg t a accumu a IOn 0 mterleron eta.. a occurs a er repeat a mlstratIOn.
`Total clearance is approximately 33-55 L/hour. There have been no observed gender-related
`effects on pharmacokinetic parameters. Pharmacokinetics of RebifI in pediatric and geriatric
`patients or patients with renal or hepatic insuffciency have not been established.
`Biological response markers (e.
`, 2' 5' -OAS activity, neopterin and beta 2-microglobulin) are
`induced by interferon beta- l a following parenteral doses administered to healthy volunteer
`subjects and to patients with multiple sclerosis. Following a single sc administration of60mcg
`of RebifI intracellular 2' , 5' -OAS activity peaked between 12 to 24 hours and beta-
`micro globulin and neopterin seru concentrations showed a maximum at approximately 24 to 48
`hours. All three markers remained elevated for up to four days. Administration of Rebif22 mcg
`three times per week (tiw) inhbited mitogen-induced release of pro-inflammatory cytokines
`(IF-y, IL- , IL- , TNF-a and TN- ) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells that, on average
`was near double that observed with RebifCI administered once per week (qw) at either 22 or 66
`The relationships between seru interferon beta- l a levels and measurable pharmacodynamic
`activities to the mechanism(s) by which Rebi
`exerts its effects in multiple sclerosis are
`unkown. No gender-related effects on pharmacodynamic parameters have been observed.
`Two multicenter studies evaluated the safety and efficacy of RebifCI in patients with re1apsing-
`remitting multiple sclerosis.


`. 67
`W379..5Q62PI fina16.
`::tuay 1 was a ran omIze , ou e- m , pace 0 contro e stu y m patIents WIt multIple
`sclerosis for at least one year, Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores ranging
`from 0 to 5 , and at least 2 acute exacerbations in the previous 2 years. (1) Patiems \vith secondary
`progressive multiple sclerosis were excluded from the study. Patients received sc injections of
`either placebo (n = 187), RebifI 22 mcg (n = 189), or Rebi
`44 mcg (n = 184) administered tiw
`for two years. Doses of study agents were progressively increased to their target doses durng
`the first 4 to 8 weeks for each patient in the study (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).
`The primar efficacy endpoint was the number of clinical exacerbations. Numerous secondary
`effcacy endpoints were also evaluated and included exacerbation-related parameters, effects of
`treatment on progression of disability and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI-rdated
`parameters. Progression of disability was defined as an increase in the EDSS score of at least
`point sustained for at least 3 months. Neurological examinations were completed every
`3 months, durng suspected exacerbations, and coincident with MRI scans. All patients
`underwent proton density T2-weighted (PD/T2) MRI scans at baseline and every 6 months.
`subset of 198 patients underwent PD/T2 and Tl-weighted gadolinium-enhanced (Gd)-MR scans
`monthly for the first 9 months. Of the 560 patients emolled, 533 (95%) provided 2 years of data
`and 502 (90%) received 2 years of study agent.
`Study results are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Rebi
`at doses of 22 mcg and 44 mcg
`administered sc tiw signficantly reduced the number of exacerbations per patient as compared
`placebo. Differences between the 22 mcg and 44 mcg groups were not significant (p ::0. 05).
`The exact relationship between MRI findings and the clinical status of patients is unkown.
`Changes in lesion area often do not correlate with changes in disability progression. The
`prognostic significance of the MRI findings in these studies has not been evaluated.


`. 90
`mica an
`d MRI
`n lDomts rom
`E d
`S d
`Mean number of exacerbations per patient
`over 2 years
`(Percent reduction)
`22 mcg tiw
`44 mcg tiw
`n = 187
`n = 189
`n = 184
`Percent (%) of patients exacerbation-free at 2
`Median time to first exacerbation (months)I
`Median percent (%) change of MR PD-
`lesion area at 2 years
`Median number of active lesions per patient per
`6 monthly)5
`n = 172
`n = 171
`n = 171
`* p':0. 05 compared to placebo ** p':O. OOI compared to placebo
`*** p':O. OOOI compared to placebo
`(1) Intent-to-treat analysis
`(2) Poisson regression model adjusted for center and time on study
`(3) Logistic regression adjusted for center. Patients lost to follow-up prior to an exacerbation were
`excluded from this analysis (n = 185 , 183 , and 184 for the placebo, 22 mcg tiw, and 44 mcg tiw groups
`(4) Cox proportional hazard model adjusted for center
`(5) ANOV A on ranks adjusted for center. Patients with missing scans were excluded from this analysis
`The time to onset of progression in disability sustained for three months was significantly longer
`in patients treated with RebifI than in placebo-treated patients. The Kaplan-Meier estimates of
`the proportions of patients with sustained disability are depicted in Figue


`. . . .
`proportions 0 atlents Wit ustamed Disability Progression
`lfgure 1:
`5 0.
`44 mcg vs. placebo p=O.
`22 mcg vs. placebo p=O.
`The safety and effcacy of treatment with RebifI beyond 2 years have not been established.
`Study 2 was a randomized, open-label, evaluator-blinded, active comparator study
`with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with EDSS scores ranging from 0 to 5.
`, and at least 2
`exacerbations in the previous 2 years were eligible for inclusion. Patients with secondary
`progressive multiple sclerosis were excluded from the study. Patients were randomized to
`iI 30 mcg qw by
`treatment with RebifI 44 mcg tiw by sc injection (n=339) or Avonex
`intramuscular (im) injection (n=338). Study duration was 48 weeks.
`The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients who remained exacerbation-free at
`24 weeks. The principal secondary endpoint was the mean number per patient per scan of
`combined unique active MRI lesions through 24 weeks, defined as any lesion that was Tl active
`or T2 active. Neurological examinations were performed every three months by a neurologist


`nt assignent. Patient visits were conducted monthly, and mid-month
`telephone contacts were made to inquire about potential exacerbations. If an exacerbation was
`suspected, the patient was evaluated with a neurological examination. MRI scans were
`performed monthly and analyzed in a treatment-blinded maner.
`Patients treated with Rebif 44 mcg sc tiw were more likely to remain relapse-free at 24 and 48
`weeks than were patients treated with Avonex
`30 mcg im qw (Table2). This study does not
`support any conclusion regarding effects on the accumulation of physical disability.
`Table 2: Clinical and MRI Results from Study 2
`Absolute Difference Risk of relapse on
`relative to
`A vonex
`Proportion of patients
`relapse-free at 24 weeks
`rroportion of patients
`relapse-free at 48 weeks
`(95% CI: 5% 19%)
`(95% CI: 0.
`, 0. 86)
`(95%CI: 2%, 17%)
`(95%CI: 0.
`, 0.96)
`MR (through 24 weeks)
`Median of the mean number
`of combined unique MRI
`lesions per patient per
`scan (25 , 75 percentiles)
`, 0.67)
`, 1.25)
`* p -:0.001 , and ** p = 0.009, Rebif
`compared to Avonex(!
`(1) Logistic regression model adjusted for treatment and center, intent to treat analysis
`(2) Nonparametric ANCOV A model adjusted for treatment and center, with baseline combined unique
`lesions as the single covariate.


`.J795.5062Pl final 6.
`1 ne aoverse reactiOnS over wee s were genera y Slml ar etween t e two treatment groups.
`Exceptions included injection site disorders (83% of patients on Rebi
`vs. 28% of patients on
`Avonex\R), hepatic function disorders (18% on Rebif vs. 10% on AvolJcx(R), and kukopci:ia
`(6% on Rebi
`vs. 0:1 % on Avonex(I), which were observed with greater frequency in the
`Rebif(I group compared to the A vonex(I group.
`RebifI (interferon beta- 1 a) is indicated for the treatment of patients with relapsing forms of
`multiple sclerosis to decrease the frequency of clinical exacerbations and delay the accumulation
`of physical disability. Effcacy of Rebif(I in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis has not been
`RebifI (interferon beta- l a) is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to
`natural or recombinant interferon, human albumin, or any other component of the formulation.
`145 Depression
`RebifI (interferon beta- l a) should be used with caution in patients with depression, a condition
`that is common in people with multiple sclerosis. Depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide
`attempts have been reported to occur with increased frequency in patients receiving interferon
`compounds, including Rebif(I. Patients should be advised to report immediately any symptoms
`of depression and/or suicidal ideation to the prescribing physician. If a patient develops
`depression, cessation of treatment with RebifI should be considered.


`, 153
`Q3795.5Q62PI final 6.
`epa lC InIUry
`Severe liver injury, including some cases of hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation , has
`been reported rarely in patients taking RebifI. Symptoms ofliver dysfuction began from one
`to six months following the initiation of RebifI. If jaundice or other symptoms ofliver
`dysfunction appear, treatment with RebifI should be discontinued immediately due to the
`potential for rapid progression to liver failure.
`Asymptomatic elevation of hepatic transaminases (paricularly SGPT) is common with interferon
`therapy (see ADVERSE REACTIONS). RebifI should be initiated with caution in patients
`with active liver disease, alcohol abuse, increased seru SGPT (:: 2.5 times ULN), or a history
`of significant liver disease. Also, the potential risk of RebifI used in combination with known
`hepatotoxic products should be considered prior to RebifI administration, or when adding new
`agents to the regimen of patients already on RebifI. Reduction ofRebifI dose should be
`considered if SGPT rises above 5 times the upper limit of normal. The dose may be gradually
`re-escalated when enzyme levels have normalized. (See PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests
`and Drug Interactions; and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION)
`168 Anaphvlaxis
`Anaphylaxis has been reported as a rare complication of RebifCI use. Other allergic reactions
`have included skin rash and uricara, and have ranged from mild to severe without a clear
`relationship to dose or duration of exposure. Several allergic reactions, some severe, have
`occured after prolonged use.


`.f.I vi!l
`L.o.1- \
`This product contains albumin, a derivative of human blood. Based on effective donor screening
`and product manufactung processes, it cares an extremely remote risk for transmission of viral
`diseases. A theoretical risk for transmission ofCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) also is
`considered extremely remote. No cases of transmission of viral diseases or CJD have ever been
`identified for albumin.
`Caution should be exercised when administering RebifI to patients with pre-existing seizure
`disorders. Seizures have been associated with the use of beta interferons. A relationship
`between occurence of seizures and the use of RebifI has not been established. Leukopenia and
`new or worsening thyroid abnormalities have developed in some patients treated with RebifCI
`PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory
`Regular monitoring for these conditions is recommended (see
`Information for Patients
`All patients should be instrcted to read the RebifCI Medication Guide supplied to them. Patients
`should be cautioned not to change the dosage or the schedule of administration without medical
`Patients should be informed of the most common and the most severe adverse reactions
`associated with the use ofRebifCI (see
`should be advised of the symptoms associated with these conditions, and to report them to their
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 10


`, 197
`. W3795.S062PlfinaI6.
`l'emale patients snou e cautIone a out tea ortl1aClent potentia
`e 11\! see
`PRECAUTIONS: Pregnancy).
`Patients should be instrcted in the use of aseptic technique when administering RebifCI.
`Appropriate instruction for self-injection or injection by another P7fson should be provided
`including careful review of the RebifCI Medication Guide. If a patient is to self-administer
`RebifC, the physical and cogntive ability ofthat patient to self-administer and properly dispose
`of syrnges should be assessed. The initial injection should be performed under the supervision
`of an appropriately qualified health care professional. Patients should be advised of the
`importance of rotating sites of injection with each dose, to minimize the likelihood of severe
`injection site reactions or necrosis. A punctue-resistant container for disposal of used needles
`and syrges should be supplied to the patient along with instrctions for safe disposal of full
`containers. Patients should be instructed in the technique and importance of proper syrnge
`disposal and be cautioned against reuse of these items.
`Laboratory Tests
`In addition to those laboratory tests normally required for monitoring patients with multiple
`sclerosis, blood cell counts and liver fuction tests are recommended at regular intervals (1 , 3
`and 6 months) following introduction of RebifI therapy and then periodically thereafter in the
`absence of clinical symptoms. Thyroid fuction tests are recommended every 6 months in
`patients with a history of thyroid dysfuction or as clinically indicated. Patients with
`myelosuppression may require more intensive monitoring of complete blood cell counts, with
`differential and platelet counts.
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 11


`103795.5Q62PI final 6.
`urug lDteraCtlOnS
`No formal drug interaction studies have been conducted with RebifI. Due to its potential to
`cause neutropenia and lymphopenia, proper monitoring of patients is required if RebifY is given
`in combination with myelosuppressive agents.
`Also, the potential for hepatic injur should be considered when RebifY is used in combination
`with other products associated with hepatic injur, or when new agents are added to the regimen
`WARINGS: Hepatic injury).
`of patients already on RebifY (see
`In a nOllandomized prospective clinical study, 86 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients on Rebi
`mcg tiw for at least 6 months and 77 patients not receiving interferon received influenza
`vaccination. The proportion of patients achieving a positive antibody response (defined as a titer
`1 :40 measured by a hemagglutination inhibition assay) was similar in the two groups (93% and
`91 %, respectively). The exact relationship of antibody titers to vaccine efficacy was not studied
`and is not known in patients receiving RebifCI. Therefore, while patients receiving RebifCI may
`receive concomitant vaccination, the overall effectiveness of such vaccination is unkown.
`Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertilty
`No carcinogenicity data for RebifCI are available in animals or humans.
`was not mutagenic when tested in the Ames bacterial test and in an
`in vitro
`cytogenetic assay in human lymphocytes in the presence and absence of metabolic activation.
`Impairment of Fertility:
`No studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects ofRebifI on
`fertilityin humans. In studies in normally cycling female cynomolgus monkeys given daily sc
`injections ofRebifCI for six months at doses of up to 9 times the recommended weekly human
`dose (based on body surface area), no effects were observed on either menstrual cycling or serum
`estradiol levels. The validity of extrapolating doses used in animal studies to human doses is not
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 12


`10379."s0(i2Plfnal 6.05
`estaDllsnea. II male monkeys, the same doses of Rebl
`sperm count, motility, morphology, or fuction.
`Pregnancy Category C
`had no demonstrable adverse effects on
`Rebif(I treatment has been associated with significant increases in embryo lethal or abortifacient
`effects in cynomolgus monkeys administered doses approximately 2 times the cumulative
`weekly human dose (based on either body weight or surface area) either during the period of
`organogenesis (gestation day 21-89) or later in pregnancy. There were no fetal malformations or
`other evidence of teratogenesis noted in these studies. These effects are consistent with the
`abortifacient effects of other type I interferons. There are no adequate and well-controlled
`studies ofRebi
`in pregnant women. However, in Studies 1 and 2, there were 2 spontaneous
`abortions observed and 5 fetuses carred to term among 7 women in the Rebi
`groups. If a
`woman becomes pregnant or plans to become pregnant while takng RebifI, she should be
`informed about the potential hazards to the fetus, and discontinuation ofRebi
`should be
`Nursing Mothers
`It is not known whether RebifI is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in
`human milk, caution should be exercised when Rebif(I is administered to a nursing woman.
`The safety and effectiveness ofRebifI in pediatrc patients have not been
`Pediatric Use:
`Geriatric Use:
`Clinical studies of RebifI did not include suffcient numbers of subjects aged
`and over to determine whether they respond differently than younger subjects. In general, dose
`selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 13


`i03795,5062l? fin 16. QS
`range, renecung tne greater equency 0 ecrease epatIc, rena or car laC ctIon, and of
`concomitant disease or other drg therapy.
`The most frequently reported serious adverse reactions with Rebif( were psychiatric disorders
`including depression and suicidal ideation or attempt (see WARINGS). The incidence of
`depression of any severity in the Rebif(I-treated groups and placebo-treated group was
`approximately 25%. In post-marketing experience, RebifI administration has been rarely
`associated with severe liver dysfuction, including hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation
`(see WARINGS: Hepatic Injury).
`The most commonly reported adverse reactions were injection site
`disorders, influenza-like symptoms (headache, fatigue, fever, rigors, chest pain, back pain
`myalgia), abdominal pain, depression, elevation ofliver enzymes and hematologic abnormalities.
`The most frequently reported adverse reactions resulting in clinical intervention (e.
`discontinuation ofRebif(I, adjustment in dosage, or the need for concomitant medication to treat
`an adverse reaction symptom) were injection site disorders, influenza-like symptoms, depression
`and elevation ofliver enzymes (see WARNINGS).
`In Study 1 , 6 patients randomized to Rebif(I 44 mcg tiw (3%), and 2 patients who received
`Rebif(I 22 mcg tiw (1 %) developed injection site necrosis during two years of therapy. Rebif(I
`was continued in 7 patients and interrpted briefly in one patient. There was one report of
`injection site necrosis in Study 2 during 48 weeks of Rebif treatment. All events resolved with
`conservative management; none required skin debridement or grafting.
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 14


`J.795.5062PI f\Ual 6. 05
`The rates or aaverse reactIOns an aSSociatIOn Wit e I
`1D .
`'8 II patIents Wit re apsIlg-remlttmg
`289 multiple sclerosis are drawn from the placebo-controlled study (n = 560) and the active
`comparator- controlled study (n = 339).
`The population encompassed an age range from 18 to 55 years. Nearly three-fourths of the
`patients were female, and more than 90% were Caucasian, largely reflecting the general
`demographics of the population of patients with multiple sclerosis.
`Because clinical trals are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates
`observed in the clinical trals of RebifCI canot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials
`of other drgs and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
`Table 3 enumerates adverse events and laboratory abnormalities that occurred at an incidence
`that was at least 2% more in either RebifCI-treated group than was observed in the placebo group.
`Table 3. Adverse Reactions and Laboratory Abnormalities in Study
`Body System
`Preferred Term
`Influenza-like symptoms
`Chest Pain
`Injection Site Reaction
`Injection Site Necrosis
`Coordination Abnonnal
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 15


`Thyroid Disorder
`Abdominal Pain
`Dry Mouth
`SOPT Increased
`SOOT Increased
`Hepatic Function Abnormal
`Back Pain
`Skeletal Pain
`Rah Eryhematous
`Rash Maculo-Papular
`Micturition Frequency
`Urinary Incontinence
`Vision Abnormal
`Xero hthalmia
`The adverse reactions were generally similar in Studies 1 and 2, taking into account the disparity
`in study durations.
`As with all therapeutic proteins , there is a potential for immunogenicity. In study
`the presence
`of neutralizing antibodies (NAb) to Rebif(I was determined by collecting and analyzing serum
`pre-study and at 6 month time intervals during the 2 years of the clinical trial. Seru NAb were
`detected in 59/189 (31 %) and 45/184 (24%) of RebiftI-treated patients at the 22 mcg and 44 mcg
`tiw doses, respectively, at one or more times durng the study. The clinical significance of the
`presence of NAb to Rebif(I is unkown.
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 16


`W795.5062PI fJW16 7 ,.05
`Ine aata renec me percen age 0 pa Ien s w ose test resu ts were conSI ere posItIve lor
`antibodies to Rebif(I using an antiviral cytopathic effect assay, and are highly dependent on the
`sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Additionally, the observed incidence of NAb positivity in
`an assay may be influenced by several factors including sample handling, timing of sample
`collection, concomitant medications and underlying disease. For these reasons, comparson of
`. the incidence of antibodies to Rebif(I with the incidence of antibodies to other products may be
`Anaphylaxis and other allergic reactions have been observed with the use of Rebif( (see
`WARINGS: Anaphylaxis).
`There is no evidence that abuse or dependence occurs with RebifI therapy. However, the risk of
`dependence has not been systematically evaluated.
`Safety of doses higher than 44 mcg sc tiw has not been adequately evaluated. The maximum
`amount of RebifI that can be safely administered has not been determined.
`Dosages of RebifI shown to be safe and effective are 22 mcg and 44 mcg injected
`subcutaneously three times per week. RebifI should be administered, if possible, at the same
`time (preferably in the late afternoon or evening) on the same three days (e.
`, Monday,
`332 Wednesday, and Friday) at least 48 hours apart each week (see CLINICAL STUDIES).
`Generally, patients should be started at 20% of the prescribed dose tiw and increased over a 4-
`week period to the targeted dose, either 22 mcg or 44 mcg tiw (see Table 4). Following the
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 17


`, .
`103795, 506ZPI flla16. Q5
`aammlstratton 01 eac ose, any reSI ua pro uct remallmg m t e synnge s ou be dIscarded in
`a safe and proper maner.
`A RebifI Titration Pack containing 6 doses of 8. 8 mcg (0.2 mL) and 6 doses of22 mcg (0. 5 mL)
`is available for use durng the titration period.
`Table 4:
`Schedule for Patient Titration
`(% of final dose)
`dose for
`dose for
`44 mcg
`Weeks 1-
`Weeks 3-4
`4.4 mcg
`11 mcg
`22 mcg
`Weeks 5+
`22 mcg
`44 mcg
`Leukopenia or elevated liver fiction tests may necessitate dose reduction or discontinuation of
`RebifI administration until toxicity is resolved (see WARINGS: Hepatic Injury,
`RebifI is intended for use under the guidance and supervision of a physician. It is recommended
`that physicians or qualified medical personnel train patients in the proper technique for self-
`administering subcutaneous injections using the pre-filled syrnge. Patients should be advised to
`rotate sites for sc injections (see
`PRECAUTIONS: Information for Patients).
`Concurrent use
`of analgesics and/or antipyretics may help ameliorate flu-like symptoms on treatment days.
`RebifI should be inspected visually for pariculate matter and discoloration prior
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 18


`\D3795. OQl?I final
`'353 MabI ny ana IS orage
`should be stored refrgerated between 2- C (36-
`refrgerator is not available, RebifI may be stored at or below 25 C/77 F for up to 30 days and
`away from heat and light.
`Do not use beyond the expiration date printed on packages. RebifI contains no preservatives.
`Each syrnge is intended for single use. Unused portions should be discarded.
`RebifI is supplied as a sterile, preservative-free solution packaged in graduated, ready to use in
`0.2 mL or 0. 5 mL pre-filled syrnges with 27-gauge, 0. 5 inch needle for subcutaneous injection.
`The following package presentations are available.
`nterferon beta - 1 a) Titration Pack. NDC 44087-8822-
`- Six Rebi
`8 mcg pre-filled syrnges and Six Rebi
`22 mcg pre-filled syringe
`nterferon beta -1a) 22 mC2 Pre-filled svrin2e
`- One Rebi
`22 mcg pre-filled syrnge, NDC 44087-0022-
`- Twelve Rebi
`22 mcg pre-filled syrnges, NDC 44087-0022-
`beta -1a) 44 mC2 Pre-filled svrin2e
`- One RebifI 44 mcg pre-filled syrnge, NDC 44087-0044-
`- Twelve Rebi
`44 mcg pre-filled syrnges, NDC 44087-0044-
`RX only.
`MYLAN INC. EXHIBIT NO. 1059 Page 19


`372' 103795.
`5062PI final 6.
`PRISMS Study Group. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of interferon
`la in relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1998; 352: 1498- 1504.
`Data on file.
`Manufacturer: Serono, Inc. Rockland, MA 02370
`U.S. License # 1574
`Co-Marketed by:
`Serono, Inc.

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