Clinical Neuropharmacology
`Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 11–15
`© 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia
`Copolymer 1 (Glatiramer Acetate) in Relapsing Forms of
`Multiple Sclerosis: Open Multicenter Study of
`Alternate-Day Administration
`*Shlomo Flechter, †Edna Kott, ‡Bettina Steiner-Birmanns, §Puiu Nisipeanu, and
`储Amos D. Korczyn
`*Assaf-Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin; †Sapir Medical Center, Kefar-Sava; ‡Hadassa Ein-Kerem Medical Center, Jerusalem;
`§Hillel-Jaffe Medical Center, Hedera; and 储Sieratzki Chair of Neurology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
`Summary: Daily 20-mg doses of Copolymer 1 have been shown to significantly de-
`crease the relapse rate in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). In the present open-label
`study, patients with relapsing MS were treated with the same dose of Copolymer 1
`administered on alternate days. Sixty-eight patients were recruited: fifty-one and forty-
`one patients completed 1 and 2 years of treatment respectively. The relapse rate during
`the 2 years of treatment decreased by 80.8% compared with the 2 years before treatment
`(means, 0.56 ± 1.02 versus 2.91 ± 1.10, respectively; p < 0.0001). This lower rate is
`comparable with that obtained with daily open-label administration previously reported
`by the authors. The score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale did not differ from that
`at baseline after the first year of treatment, although it increased somewhat at the end of
`the second year (baseline = 2.72 ± 1.55, 1 year = 2.71 ± 1.59, 2 years = 2.97 ± 1.80; p <
`0.008). The drug was very well tolerated. This preliminary open-label study suggests
`that alternate-day therapy has beneficial effects and is well tolerated, comparing favor-
`ably with the effects of daily injections of Copolymer 1 in patients with relapsing MS.
`These results should be confirmed by randomized double-blind examinations. Key
`Words: Multiple sclerosis—Copolymer-1—Alternate-day therapy—Glatiramer ac-
`Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common chronic neuro-
`logic disease of unknown etiology. This inflammatory
`demyelinating disease may present with a relapsing-
`remitting (RR) or a chronic-progressive course. In the
`more common RR form, the relapses may leave pa-
`tients with residual deficits, causing neurologic disabil-
`ity that accumulates over time. The aim of therapy in
`patients with RR MS is to prevent exacerbation and the
`accumulation of disability. Recently, in double-blind,
`placebo-controlled studies, interferon ␤-1a, interferon
`␤-1b, and Copolymer 1 (glatiramer acetate) were
`shown to decrease the relapse rate (1–5) and possibly
`slow down the accumulation of disability in patients
`with MS (6–8). All three agents have been approved in
`several European countries and in the U.S. for the treat-
`ment of patients with RR MS. Copolymer 1 is a syn-
`thetic polypeptide with a molecular weight of 4.700–
`Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. S. Flechter, The
`MS Clinical Research and Therapy Service, Assaf-Harofeh Medical
`Center, Zerifin 70300, Israel.
`13.000 Dalton; it is composed of four amino acids: ala-
`nine, glutamic acid, lysine, and tyrosine. Copolymer 1
`prevents the induction of experimental autoimmune en-
`cephalomyelitis and may reverse or ameliorate neuro-
`logic deficits in animal models (9,10). Clinical double-
`blind, placebo-controlled studies with Copolymer 1
`showed beneficial effects of this drug when it was
`given by daily, subcutaneous (SC) injections of 20 mg.
`In these studies, Copolymer 1 reduced the relapse rate
`and slowed the accumulation of disability (2,11–13).
`The safety profile of Copolymer 1 compares favorably
`with the safety profile of interferons (14). However, the
`dose and frequency of administration of Copolymer 1
`were rather arbitrarily selected. We report here the re-
`sults of a long-term, multicenter, phase III, open-label
`study of RR MS. The objectives of this study were to
`evaluate the long-term neurologic course of the disease
`and the long-term safety of Copolymer 1 in patients in
`whom 20 mg was administered SC on an alternate-day
`basis. Using a protocol identical to that used by us in a
`previous open-label study of daily Copolymer 1 admin-
`istration, analyses were performed on two efficacy pa-


`rameters: frequency of exacerbations and score on the
`Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (15).
`TABLE 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of
`patients treated with Copolymer 1
`After obtaining the approval of the respective ethical
`committees and individual informed consents, sixty-
`eight patients were enrolled in dedicated MS clinics at
`four medical centers. The inclusion criteria were iden-
`tical to those of our previous open-label study with
`daily Copolymer 1 injections (15). Patients had clini-
`cally definite or laboratory-supported definite MS.
`Fifty-eight were of the relapsing-remitting type and ten
`were of the relapsing-progressive type with at least two
`exacerbations during the 2 years before study entry. Pa-
`tients had to be clinically stable for at least 1 month
`before entry. No steroids or other immuno-modulators
`could be used during 6 months before study entry. The
`EDSS score at baseline had to be less than 6.0. Men and
`women ages 18 and over were eligible, but existence of
`any other chronic disease or pregnancy excluded pa-
`tients from the study. Evaluations included physical
`and neurologic examinations, laboratory data (hema-
`tology, blood chemistry, urinalysis), and vital signs.
`Drug Supply
`Copolymer 1 was manufactured and supplied by
`Teva Pharmaceuticals (Petah Tikva, Israel). It was sup-
`plied as a sterile lyophilized material in single-dose vi-
`als containing 22 mg of the active drug and 40 mg of
`mannitol. Patients or family members were instructed
`how to prepare and administer the drug. New supplies
`of Copolymer 1 were provided at 3-month intervals
`during scheduled visits. On each scheduled and un-
`scheduled visit, adverse events were recorded. The an-
`nual relapse rate and the change of the EDSS score
`were monitored to assess the neurologic course of the
`Premature Discontinuation
`Treatment was discontinued in any of the following
`circumstances: serious or intolerable adverse events,
`Gender: Male/Female
`Age (years)
`Mean ± SD
`Age when first symptom appeared (years)
`Mean ± SD
`Total number of relapses reported before trial entry
`Mean ± SD
`Number of relapses reported 2 years before trial entry
`Mean ± SD
`EDSS score before onset of treatment
`Mean ± SD
`EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale.
`35.4 ± 9.8
`28.5 ± 8.9
`5.8 ± 3.8
`2.9 ± 1.5
`2.7 ± 1.5
`patient’s decision to discontinue treatment for any rea-
`son, investigator’s judgment that continuation of treat-
`ment was not in the best interest of the patient, poor
`compliance (fewer than 75% of scheduled injections),
`disease progression (EDSS progression over 6.0), and
`loss to follow-up.
`The aim of the statistical analysis was to assess
`changes in efficacy parameters during the course of the
`treatment. Comparison of changes in EDSS scores and
`in annual relapse rates was performed. Paired t-tests
`were conducted to examine whether the results differed
`significantly from zero. In addition, we compared the
`results of this study to those of the previous open-label
`study in which daily injections were performed in the
`same centers by the same investigators (15). For these
`comparisons we used an unpaired t-test or ␹2 test, as
`Table 1 shows demographic and clinical character-
`istics of the sixty-eight patients who were enrolled
`(consisting of fifty-one females [75%] and seventeen
`males [25%]). Mean age was 35.4 years (± SD 9.8) and
`ranged from 19 to 61 years. The mean age when MS
`TABLE 2. Distribution of exacerbations
`Number of
`Total number of
`Mean ± SD
`Two years before trial entry
`Two–year completers
`2.9 ± 1.1* (41/68)
`0.56 ± 1.02 (41/41)
`* p = 0.0001, comparing baseline relapse frequency in 41 patients who completed 2 years of treat-
`ment with that during the study.
`Clin. Neuropharmacol., Vol. 25, No. 1, 2002


`TABLE 3. EDSS scores and difference in EDSS scores at yearly intervals
`N Mean
`SD Min Max
`Screening (first day of study)
`After first year of treatment (last visit of first year-12 months of study)
`After second year of treatment (last visit of second year-24 months of study)
`Screening vs. first year of treatment
`Screening vs. second year of treatment
`First year of treatment vs. second year of treatment
`EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale.
`symptoms first appeared was 28.5 years (± SD 8.9) and
`ranged from 14 to 52 years. The total number of self-
`reported exacerbations before trial entry ranged from
`2–20 (mean 5.8 ± SD 3.8). The mean number of exac-
`erbations reported during the 2 years before trial entry
`was 2.9 (± SD 1.5) and ranged from 1 to 12. The mean
`baseline EDSS score was 2.7 (± SD 1.5) and ranged
`from 1 to 8. (One patient with an EDSS score of 8 was
`included in the study by mistake, as well as one patient
`with only a single relapse in the 2-year period before
`entry. Inclusion of these cases did not change the re-
`sults or their significance).
`Premature Discontinuation
`According to the open-label design of the study, dis-
`continuation was allowed after 1 or 2 years. Of the
`sixty-eight patients enrolled, fifty-three (77.9%) com-
`pleted the first year and forty-one (60.3%) completed
`the second year of treatment. Twenty-seven patients
`(39.7%) dropped out during this period: eight (11.8%)
`as a result of adverse experience, six (8.8%) withdrew
`voluntarily, seven (10.3%) as a result of investigator’s
`judgment, five (7.3%) were lost to follow-up, and one
`(1.5%) as a result of poor compliance and disease pro-
`Relapses During the Study
`Table 2 displays mean values and ranges of the num-
`ber of exacerbations per patient before the study and
`during the first 2 years of the study. At the end of the
`first year, 65% of the patients who were still being
`treated remained relapse-free (33/51), corresponding to
`49% of the total cohort. At the end of the second year
`(Fig. 1), 71% of the patients who continued the treat-
`ment throughout the second year (29/41) remained re-
`lapse-free. The annual relapse rate during succeeding
`years decreased. The mean relapse rate for these pa-
`tients who completed 2 years of treatment (n = 41) de-
`creased from 2.9 (± 1.1) in the 2 years before study
`entry to 0.56 (± 1.02) at the end of the second year. This
`represents an 80.8% reduction in relapse rate and is
`highly statistically significant (p = 0.0001).
`Disability Accumulation
`Evaluation of EDSS scores during the study revealed
`that the condition of most of the forty-one patients who
`completed 2 years of treatment remained stable, and
`that of only a few deteriorated. Table 3 displays EDSS
`scores at screening and after each year of treatment and
`mean differences between EDSS scores at screening
`and after 1 and 2 years of treatment. Differences were
`computed by subtracting the value at an earlier interval
`from the value obtained at the later interval. The results
`obtained show that EDSS scores remained stable dur-
`ing the first year of treatment (p = 0.084) and subse-
`quently mildly deteriorated (Fig. 2).
`Adverse Experiences
`Table 4 displays all adverse experiences recorded,
`coded according to the COSTAR system. More than
`17% of all patients participating in the trial (12/68) did
`not report any adverse events during the study. The
`most frequent adverse event, injection-site reaction,
`Incidence and frequency of adverse experiences
`Number of
`% of
`Number of
`% of
`Injection site reaction*
`Idiosyncratic systemic adverse reaction
`* Including local sensitivity (10.5%), pain (7.8%), edema (6.0%), mass (4.8%), atrophy
`(3.6%), inflammation (0.6%), hemorrhage (0.6%), cyst (0.3%), and other local site reactions
`Clin. Neuropharmacol., Vol. 25, No. 1, 2002


`TABLE 5. Disease characteristics and results of alternate and daily-treated patients with MS
`Number of patients
`Mean disease duration in years (± SD)
`Mean annual relapse rate before 2 years (± SD)
`Mean EDSS score before onset of treatment (± SD)
`Mean relapse rate in the first 2 years of treatment (± SD)
`Mean EDSS score at the end of the second year of treatment (± SD)
`Number of patients who completed two years of treatment (%)
`Number of patients relapse-free at the end of second year of treatment (%)
`Premature terminations (total)
`Due to voluntary withdrawal
`Due to adverse events
`Loss to follow up
`MS, multiple sclerosis; EDSS, Expanded Disability Scale.
`* Data from Meiner et al. (1997).
`6.9 (± 0.9)
`1.4 (± 0.6)
`2.7 (± 1.6)
`0.56 (± 1.02)
`2.97 (± 1.80)
`41/68 (60.3%)
`29/41 (70.7%)
`27/68 (39.7%)
`6/27 (22.2%)
`8/27 (29.6%)
`5/27 (18.5%)
`8/27 (29.6%)
`8.3 (± 6.4)
`1.4 (± 0.7)
`3.3 (± 1.8)
`0.3 (± 0.5)
`Not available
`107/271 (39.5%)
`58/107 (54.2%)
`99/271 (36.5%)
`29/99 (29.3%)
`24/99 (34.2%)
`26/99 (26.3%)
`20/99 (20.2%)
`was reported in 36% of the total number of reports. A
`self-limited idiosyncratic systemic adverse reaction
`manifested through transient chest pain, palpitations,
`and tachypnea was reported as 16.6% of the total num-
`ber of adverse events reported. These sporadic, brief
`(2–20 minutes) reactions occurred immediately after
`drug administration and resolved without any treat-
`ment. No clinically significant changes were observed
`in any of the routine laboratory examinations.
`In the design of the study, patients were supposed to
`have an EDSS score of 6 or lower; one patient with an
`EDSS of 8, however, was erroneously included. The
`same holds true for another patient who had only a
`single relapse in the 2-year period preceding random-
`ization. We decided to include these patients in the final
`analysis and presentation. However, their exclusion did
`not change the results of the study.
`Comparison of Daily with
`Alternate-Day Treatment
`The results of the present alternate-day treatment
`were slightly better than those of the previous study
`with daily treatment; results were not significantly dif-
`ferent, except for a lower dropout rate in the present
`study (Table 5).
`Copolymer 1 was introduced for the management of
`MS based on a specific scientific assumption and
`proved useful in animal models of the disease (9,10). Its
`introduction into therapeutic studies, however, has by-
`passed the usual dose-finding phase, and the dose and
`frequency of administration have been slightly arbi-
`trarily determined. Double-blind, placebo-controlled
`studies of Copolymer 1 demonstrated efficacy and
`safety (2,13), and the results of parallel, large-scale,
`open-label studies conducted in Israel support the long-
`term safety of the drug (15). Clinical data that were me-
`ticulously collected in these open-label studies showed
`an impressive reduction in exacerbation rate when
`compared with that in a 2-year period before entry into
`FIG. 1. Mean number of exacerbations for the 2 years before
`and the 2 years during treatment.
`FIG. 2. Mean differences in Expanded Disability Status Scale
`(EDSS) scores relative to screening score. Ninety-five percent
`confidence intervals are given.
`Clin. Neuropharmacol., Vol. 25, No. 1, 2002


`the study (15). These open-label studies are important
`because they are more similar than Phase IV studies to
`the clinical situation that will occur when the drug
`reaches the open market.
`The study reported here was uncontrolled; therefore,
`all conclusions cannot be used to prove efficacy. Nev-
`ertheless, it should be emphasized that the design of the
`present study was methodologically identical to that of
`the previous open-label study performed by us (15), ex-
`cept that injections were administered on alternate days
`rather than daily. The results of the two studies were
`surprisingly similar in terms of efficacy and tolerability
`as is demonstrated in Table 5; in particular, although
`the populations of both studies were roughly similar,
`the disease severity was reduced by the same degree
`(Table 5). It should be stressed that the dropout rate was
`lower in the alternate-day group than in the daily-
`injection regime (39.7% versus 60.3%, p < 0.01). The
`high rate of premature termination was not necessarily
`caused by inefficacy or an adverse event. During the
`same period, an aggressive campaign for the introduc-
`tion of ß-interferons had a significant effect as well. If
`these results are confirmed, treatment with Copolymer
`1 will become even more desirable than interferon
`therapy, as the side-effect profile is more benign than
`that of IFN-␤. Our results may indicate that the dose of
`20 mg of Copolymer 1 on alternate days already has a
`maximal effect, and daily injections are unnecessary. It
`is possible that the biologic effect of Copolymer 1 is not
`dose-related but is related to the exposure of the im-
`mune system to its presence by the continuity of admin-
`istering the drug with rechallenging the immune sys-
`tem, thus making daily injections unnecessary.
`The results of this study support previous reports
`concerning the safety of Copolymer 1 (2,12–15). The
`majority of adverse events reported were mild and tran-
`sient, most frequently consisting of local injection-site
`reactions, which were reported by thirty-four patients
`(50%). Sixteen patients (23.5%) reported 38 episodes
`of one or more symptoms of the transient self-limited
`reactions (i.e., palpitations, flushing, dyspnea, or chest
`pain), which resolved spontaneously within a short
`time. These events, which were previously reported in
`placebo-controlled Copolymer 1 studies (2,14), did not
`follow any recognizable pattern of appearance, recur-
`rence, and disappearance. Eight patients (11.8%) with-
`drew from the study because of adverse experiences;
`seven of these experiences are believed to be possibly
`or probably related to treatment with Copolymer 1.
`There were no deaths during the study. The frequency
`of adverse experiences reported decreased after the first
`6 months of therapy.
`We recorded very few relapses in patients who
`stayed in the trial. These results are similar to those of
`the previously reported phase II double-blind study
`(13), those of our own open-label study (15), and those
`of the multicenter phase III double-blind study con-
`ducted in the U.S. (2).
`The results of this trial suggest that alternate-day
`treatment with Copolymer 1 is safe, well tolerated, and
`probably as effective as daily Copolymer 1 in reducing
`relapse rate and slowing neurologic deterioration.
`However, these preliminary observations will have to
`be examined in larger studies, preferably comparing
`daily with alternate-day administration of Copolymer 1
`in a blinded manner.
`Acknowledgment: The authors are grateful to Martin Rabey
`for reviewing the manuscript.
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`Clin. Neuropharmacol., Vol. 25, No. 1, 2002

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