`IPR2015-00635 , p. 1
`IPR2015-00635 , p. 2
`IPR2015-00635 , p. 2
`ess Communication Systems
`and modification of, sensitive infor-
`required to assign levels of access for
`zrmined by the need for access, the
`n audit trail for access, and limiting
`vise access, all authorized users must
`fore gaining access.
`and optimize the utilization of system
`are generated, to provide information
`ta may include the total number and
`nterconnect calls, how quickly a sub-
`N often and how long subscribers are
`rrovide an assessment of how the sys-
`rs make informed decisions regarding
`. found to be lacking.
`)f radio users on the system. There is
`:m and how much. The information
`rm needs to expand to maintain or
`)re users. In some cases the informa-
`n, for apportioning costs to users of
`e number of messages, average mes-
`private, and telephone interconnect)
`)er and length of time of busies; call-
`rngth and time of call for telephone
`rtwork management, Project 25 has
`It Protocol (SNMP) for the interface.
`ul that allows a network manager end
`0 exchange management information
`work can be efifectively managed.
`of the MPT 1327 established U.K.
`potential replacement,
`the Digital
`Lana’ Molvile Radio System:
`Interchange of Information and Signaling (DIIS) standard being developed
`by ETSI. A detailed description of the new European TETRA standard for
`public safety and other SMR applications is provided.
`5.3.1 MPT1327"
`This section presents a brief introduction to the MPT 1327 related standards
`for analog trunking. These standards, first published in 1988 under the aus-
`pices of the U.K. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), have become
`the de facto standard for radio trunking systems throughout the world out-
`side North America.
`The standards are now administered by the Radiocommunications
`Agency and copies are available from their Web site (http://www.radio.gov
`.uk/). The standards cover the following areas:
`MPT 1327: Basic protocol rules for analog trunked land mobile radio
`MPT 1343: Specific implementation of the protocol rules for commer-
`cial radio networks.
`MPT 1347: Performance requirements to be met by the network fixed
`MPT 1352: Test schedule for approval of radio units on to the trunked
`Note that the protocol rules and test schedules relate only to the radio
`air interface, but this technology achieves the same level of interoperability
`between agencies and manufacturers as that shown in Figure 5.17 (from Pro-
`ject 25). There has been no attempt to standardize any interfaces Within the
`infrastructure or between infrastructures or to establish standard gateways to
`external services (such as the PSTN or PABX).
`17. Access to the MPT 1327, MPT 1343, MPT 1347, and MPT 1352 standards can be ob-
`tained from the U.K. Radiocommunications Web site (http://www.radio.gov.uk/). A list
`of LMR radio systems worldwide, of which MPT 1327 systems constitute a substantial
`proportion, can be accessed at the following Web address: http://home.att.net/-wwitby/
`for_trs.htm. Note that there are no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information.
`include: Fylde Micro Systems,
`specialized MPT 1327 supplier at
`http://www.fyldemicro.com/; Motorola, now mainly supplying third—party infrastruc-
`ture, at http://www.motorola.com/; Nokia, search for MPT 1327 or Actionet, at
`http://www.nol<ia.com/; and Tait, http://www.taitwotld.com/.
`IPR2015-00635 , p. 3
`IPR2015-00635 , p. 4
`IPR2015-00635 , p. 4