`Patent 8,727,773 B2
`Patent Owner.
`Videotaped deposition of A. JON GOLDBERG, PH.D.
`Tuesday, October 20, 2015
`9:03 a.m.
`Job No.: 94694
`Pages: 1 - 90
`Reported By: Nancy Mahoney
`CASE IPR2015-00632

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Deposition of A. JON GOLDBERG, PH.D., held at
` the offices of:
` Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler LLP
` 1133 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
` 212.336.2000
` Pursuant to agreement, before Nancy Mahoney,
` Notary Public in and for the State of New York.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4 5

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1133 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036-6710
` 212.336.2000
` 607 14th Street, N.W.
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.783.6040
` Videographer
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`8 9

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` C O N T E N T S
`By Mr. Dahlgren 7
` E X H I B I T S
` (Attached to transcript.)
` Exhibit 2023 Patent Owner Gold 8
` Standard Instruments
` Notice of Cross-Examination
` Of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Exhibit 2024 Influence of Structure on 66
` Nickel-Titanium Endodontic
` Instruments Failure
` Exhibit 2025 Transcript of Testimony of 79
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` September 30, 2014
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`4 5

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` E X H I B I T S C O N T I N U E D
` (Attached to transcript.)
` Exhibit 1006 (Previously marked.)
` Optimisation of processing 17
` and properties of medical
` grade Nitinol wire
` Exhibit 1002 (Previously marked.)
` Declaration of 37
` A. Jon Goldberg
` Exhibit 1019 (Previously marked.)
` Fatigue and Mechanical 46
` Properties of Nickel-Titanium
` Endodontic Instruments
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins disk
` number one of the videotaped deposition of A. Jon
` Goldberg Ph.D, in the matter of US Endodontics, LLC,
` the Gold Standard Instruments, LLC, in the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office, before the Patent
` Trial and Appeal Board, Case No. IPR2015-00632.
` Today's date is October 20, 2015. The time is
` approximately 9:03 a.m. The videographer today is
` Charles Bowman representing Planet Depos. This video
` deposition is taking place at 1133 Avenue of the
` Americas, New York, New York.
` Would counsel please identify yourselves
` for the record.
` MR. DAHLGREN: Derek Dahlgren from
` Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck on behalf of Patent
` Owner Gold Standard Instruments, LLC.
` MR. NOLAN: Jason Nolan of Rothwell, Figg,
` Ernst & Manbeck.
` MR. GINSBERG: Jeff Ginsberg of Patterson
` Belknap on behalf of Petitioner US Endo and the
` witness.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The court reporter today
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` is Nancy Mahoney representing Planet Depos. Would
` the court reporter please swear in the witness.
` after having been first duly sworn or affirmed to
` testify to the truth, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Goldberg.
` A Good morning.
` Q As I said before, my name is Derek
` Dahlgren. I'm representing Patent Owner in this
` proceeding. Could you please state your name and
` address for the record, please.
` A Yes. A. Jon Goldberg, 30 Berwyn Road, West
` Hartford, Connecticut.
` Q You're the same Dr. Goldberg that submitted
` a declaration in support of US Endo's petition for
` inter partes review of U.S. Patent No. 8,727,773?
` A I'm not sure exactly what the number is,
` but I did submit a declaration for this case.
` Q And you understand that you're appearing
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` here on behalf of Petitioner pursuant to a Notice of
` Cross-Examination?
` A I don't know the details. I know that I'm
` here to be questioned about the case.
` (GOLDBERG Deposition Exhibit 2023 marked
` for identification and was attached to the
` transcript.)
` Q I'll just ask the question again. You
` understand that you're appearing here on behalf of
` Petitioner pursuant to a Notice of Cross-Examination?
` A Yes, the Petitioner is --
` A US Endo, okay.
` Q So Dr. Goldberg, have you ever been deposed
` before or testified at trial?
` A Yes.
` Q Can you tell me those circumstances?
` A Yes, the most recent was last year in a
` deposition related to this case and there was also a
` hearing in Tennessee.
` Q And so with respect to the hearing in
` Tennessee, are you referring to litigation between US
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Endo and Dentsply?
` A Yes.
` Q And you testified at a hearing in federal
` court regarding a preliminary injunction. Is that
` correct?
` A Correct.
` Q And you were testifying on behalf of US
` Endo at that hearing?
` A Yes.
` Q And you referred to a deposition in the
` same litigation. Is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q And you were testifying at that deposition
` on behalf of US Endo. Is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Have you been deposed at any other time?
` A Yes, maybe ten years or so ago there was a
` case that I was assisting with, and I was deposed in
` that case.
` Q Any other instances where you were deposed?
` A I don't recall.
` Q And what about testifying at trial, have
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` you testified in court?
` A Yes, maybe 15 years ago there was a case in
` the Hartford area that I testified in.
` Q And did either of those cases involve
` endodontic files?
` A Not endodontic files.
` Q Did they have anything -- excuse me, did
` either of those cases have anything to do with
` endodontics?
` A Yes, one of those cases had to do with
` fiber-reinforced composites, one of the clinical
` applications is endodontic posts.
` Q Okay. And is it correct that neither of
` those cases involved nickel-titanium alloys?
` A Correct.
` Q And how were you retained by counsel for
` this matter?
` A I received a call in my office. They asked
` me a couple preliminary questions about my
` background. After that I talked to a couple
` different attorneys and we decided to -- they decided
` to retain me for the case.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q So I know you were deposed recently but I
` just want to go over a few ground rules just to --
` A Sure.
` Q -- make sure that we're all on the same
` page. You've been doing a great job, but it's
` important to keep giving verbal answers and avoid
` u-hu and nodding your head. Do you understand?
` A Yes.
` Q And you also need to answer my questions
` truthfully. You understand that as well?
` A Yes.
` Q And it's also important that we not talk
` over each other so the court reporter can write down
` and get a clean record. So if you'd just let me kind
` of finish asking my question and I'll try to let you
` finish your answer. But if I interrupt you, please
` let me know that you weren't finished. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q If you don't hear a question, you can ask
` me to repeat it or you can ask the court reporter to
` repeat it. Do you understand?
` A Yes.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q Your attorney may object from time to time
` but unless he specifically instructs you not to
` answer, you're supposed to answer my question. Do
` you understand?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you have any questions before we
` get started?
` A No.
` Q Okay. Is there any reason today why you
` can't provide truthful and accurate testimony?
` A No.
` Q Okay. And because this is a
` cross-examination before the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board, there are a couple special rules that apply,
` and I just wanted to read two paragraphs from the
` Patent Trial guidelines just to make sure we're on
` the same page. So in Paragraph 6 of Appendix D it
` says, Once the cross-examination of a witness has
` commenced and until cross-examination of the witness
` has concluded, counsel offering the witness on direct
` examination shall not, A, consult or confer with the
` witness regarding the substance of the witness's
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` testimony already given or anticipate to be given
` except for the purpose of conferring on whether to
` assert a privilege against testifying or on how to
` comply with the Board order or, B, suggest to the
` witness the manner in which any question should be
` answered.
` Do you understand that paragraph?
` A Can you explain that -- something about
` asserting privilege?
` Q So that's one of the limited bases for
` conferring with your counsel regarding expected
` testimony, is for ascertaining whether or not the
` answer is privileged.
` A Can you explain that a little more?
` Q Sure, sure. So if I'm asking you a
` question, you can't confer with your counsel
` regarding the testimony you expect to give or the
` testimony that you've already given, except to
` determine whether or not it involves privileged
` material.
` Do you understand?
` A Oh, do you mean confidential material?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q The attorney-client privileged material and
` in some cases potentially confidential material as
` well.
` A Okay, I understand that.
` Q Okay. And paragraph 7 of the same
` guideline says, An attorney for a witness shall not
` initiate a private conference with the witness or
` call for a break in the proceedings while a question
` is pending except for the purpose of determining
` whether a privilege should be asserted?
` Do you understand that?
` A So let me just see if I understand, when
` you say privilege, again, this is like confidential
` information or things that I shouldn't be disclosing
` to you?
` Q If you think the answer involves
` confidential information, you can say you think it
` involves confidential information and we'll try to
` deal with it.
` A Okay.
` Q Any questions?
` A I've asked them.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q Okay. So to start off, I had some general
` questions about nickel-titanium alloys. So you would
` agree that nickel-titanium alloys can have different
` crystal structures at the same time?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the form.
` A I -- let me think about that a second.
` Under certain circumstances, yes, they could have two
` different crystal structures.
` Q And you would agree that nickel-titanium
` alloys can be biphasic, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And when nickel-titanium alloy is at a
` temperature between its austenite start temperature
` and austenite finish temperature, you would agree it
` can be biphasic?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A Between the austenitic start and the
` austenitic -- it's possible.
` Q Between the austenitic start temperature
` and austenitic finish temperature, is it possible for
` it to not be biphasic?
` A I could imagine that if those temperatures
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` are very close it would go from one phase to another.
` Q And so when nickel-titanium alloy is at a
` temperature between its austenitic start temperature
` and austenitic finish temperature, you would agree it
` can exhibit superelastic behavior, correct?
` A No. Can you repeat that question?
` Q Sure. Sure. So when nickel-titanium alloy
` is at a temperature between its austenite start
` temperature and austenite finish temperature, you
` would agree that it can exhibit superelastic
` behavior, correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A I -- I wouldn't agree with that.
` Q So it's your position that when a
` nickel-titanium alloy is between its austenite start
` temperature and austenite finish temperature it is
` impossible for it to behave in a superelastic manner?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A In the way that I've been using
` superelastic, correct.
` Q How do you define superelastic?
` A It's when a material is deformed, it can go
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` through a plateau region which gives it a particular
` large amount of deflection, and then when the load is
` removed it goes back to its original size and shape.
` Q And you're saying that is impossible when a
` nickel-titanium alloy is between its austenite start
` and austenite finish temperature?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the form of the
` question.
` A Yes, that's the definition that I had just
` given, that in that situation it wouldn't have that
` superelastic as I've defined it.
` Q Handing what's previously been marked as
` Exhibit 1006.
` (PREVIOUSLY MARKED Deposition Exhibit 1006
` marked for identification and was attached to the
` transcript.)
` Q It's an article entitled Optimisation of
` Processing and Properties of Medical-Grade Nitinol
` Wire. The first author is AR Pelton. Are you
` familiar with this article?
` A Yes.
` Q I'd like to direct you to Page 5 of 12 in
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Exhibit 1006, left column, under Effects of Test
` Temperature.
` A Um-hum.
` Q And the second sentence says, In these
` tests, wires with an As of negative 22 degrees C and
` an Af of 11 degrees C were pulled a 6 percent strain,
` unloaded to zero stress and were then pulled to
` failure.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, if I can just have a minute to look at
` that.
` Q Sure.
` A Okay.
` Q And the preceding sentence says, The
` tensile curves shown in Figure 5 illustrates that the
` mechanical behavior of nitinol varies greatly from
` negative 100 degrees Celsius to 150 degrees Celsius.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So I'd like to have you turn to the next
` page of Exhibit 1006 and to Figure 5.
` A Um-hum.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q And you see that there are graphs showing
` the results of the -- or excuse me, showing the
` tensile curves.
` A Yes.
` Q And if you look at the top right corner,
` the graph at 0 degrees Celsius, do you see that?
` A Um-hum, yes.
` Q And you would agree that 0 degrees Celsius
` is between negative 22 degrees Celsius and 11 degrees
` Celsius, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And you would agree that the stress strain
` graph in Figure 5 on the top right corner, 0 degrees
` Celsius, is exhibiting superelastic behavior,
` correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A According to the definition that I am
` using, they didn't return it -- they didn't release
` the load and return it to its original position, but
` let me just take a look at this again. Okay. Can
` you please repeat your question?
` Q You would agree that the stress strain
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` graph in Figure 5 on the top right corner for 0
` degrees Celsius exhibits superelastic behavior,
` correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection, form.
` A That's the way that Pelton is describing it
` in this paper. It's not the way we've been routinely
` using the definition in this case.
` Q How is the 0 degrees Celsius stress-strain
` curve in Pelton in Figure 5 not showing superelastic
` behavior?
` A It looks to me like when they're releasing
` the stress, it's not coming completely back to the
` 0/0 axis, the origin.
` Q You're aware that superelastic nitinol can
` have something called permanent set?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A Well, again, that's the definition we've
` been using is if it's superelastic, then it doesn't
` permanently deform.
` Q So it's your interpretation that
` superelastic behavior means it has to come back to
` 100 percent of its original shape?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` A Yes.
` Q And you're aware in the literature that
` scientists commonly refer to superelastic materials
` having some amount of permanent set, correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form, lack of
` foundation.
` A In some cases like here Pelton has referred
` to it as superelastic. In other cases, even
` Dr. Sinclair, you know, uses that definition that it
` comes back to its original position.
` Q So going back to Page 5 of 12 of Exhibit
` 1006, the fourth sentence from about 0 degrees
` Celsius --
` A Which page?
` Q Under Effects of Test Temperature, fourth
` sentence, from about 0 degrees Celsius to 100 degree
` Celsius the tensile curves exhibit superelastic flags
` -- sorry, bottom left corner.
` A Which page?
` Q 5 of 12.
` A Okay.
` Q Under Effects of Test Temperature, fourth
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` sentence down. From about 0 degrees Celsius to 100
` degrees Celsius the tensile curves exhibit
` superelastic flags, and we note that it becomes more
` difficult to stress-induce martensite as the test
` temperature increases.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So you would agree that Pelton is referring
` to the 0 degrees Celsius stress-strain curve as
` exhibiting superelastic behavior, correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to the form.
` A That's how he's using superelastic.
` Q Do you think Pelton is not competent to
` comment on the definition of superelasticity?
` A Can you repeat that?
` Q Do you think Pelton is not competent to
` comment on the definition of superelasticity?
` A No, I think he's competent and able to
` define it the way that he wants to use it.
` Q And you relied on Exhibit 1006 in your
` declaration, correct?
` A Yes.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q So you agree that the information that
` Pelton reported in Exhibit 1006 is correct?
` A Well, the information I was relying on had
` to do with different figures, so I wouldn't
` generalize that everything in here was exactly the
` way that we're using those terms routinely in this
` case.
` Q So in your declaration you were picking and
` choosing portions of Exhibit 1006 that you wanted to
` rely on. Is that correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A Well, I was using the ones that were
` relevant to the arguments that I was making.
` Q And ignoring the sections of Pelton in
` Exhibit 1006 that were contrary to the arguments you
` were trying to make?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A No. I wasn't ignoring. I was -- it was a
` fair amount of data in here. I was asking to give --
` I was developing opinions about particular issues and
` was using the data that would help me make that
` argument.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` Q If the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
` determined that superelasticity did not require
` nickel-titanium to return to its exact original
` state, you would agree that Figure 5 in Pelton and
` the 0 degrees C stress-strain curve would exhibit --
` was demonstrating superelasticity?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A Yeah, so I'm not sure if the Board makes a
` decision, you know -- I'd have to understand a little
` more what -- what that would mean, but I would agree
` that superelasticity can be defined the way that
` Pelton is using it. It's one way, but it's not the
` way we've been using it in this case.
` Q Just to understand, it's not the way that
` you've been using superelasticity in this case,
` correct?
` A Or Dr. Sinclair.
` Q You're aware that Dr. Sinclair testified
` that superelasticity does not require the
` nickel-titanium alloy to return to its 100 percent
` original state, correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` A I don't recall that. I mean, I would look
` at that. My -- my recollection was there was
` something in his reports or declaration that
` established that, and that's what I had been using.
` Q But are you aware whether he testified that
` superelasticity also encompassed a material returning
` to its near original shape?
` A I don't recall that.
` Q Would you agree that when nickel-titanium
` is biphasic and specifically partially R-phase and
` partially austenite, it can exhibit superelastic
` behavior as Pelton defines that term?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A Well, I -- I guess I would have to ask you
` to clarify how Pelton is defining it.
` Q Allowing for some minimal amount of
` deformation known as permanent set.
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` A So when you say minimal -- I guess I'm just
` trying to clarify how you're now defining
` superelasticity.
` Q The amounts shown in Figure 5 for the
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Videotaped Deposition of A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 20, 2015
` stress-strain curves zero through 60 degrees Celsius.
` A All right, well, I mean, I would say the
` one at 10 degrees does come back to the origin. The
` one at 0 degrees and 22 does not.
` Q And you would agree -- sorry.
` A No, go ahead. I'm sorry, I was --
` Q Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt you.
` A So what's the question?
` Q You would agree that -- so you were just
` saying that the 10 degrees Celsius curve goes back to
` its original shape. Is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q And 10 degrees is between 11 degrees
` Celsius a

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