`United Stale; Patent and Trademark Office
`PD. Box MED
`Alexandria Virgin“! 221134450
`' W
`I ”617.509
`David A Monroe
`AUSTIN, TX 78701
`Please find below andlor attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Apple Ex. 1011
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04M?)
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`— The MAILING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address -
`Period for Reply
`- Extensions of time may be available under the provisions cl 3? CFR 1.136(3).
`In no event. however. may a reply be timely filed
`after Six (3) MONTHS ftom the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will. by statute. cause the application lo become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133}.
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed. may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 3? CFR 1.2mm}.
`1)[:] Responsive to communication(s) filed on _
`2ajl:l This action is FINAL.
`2mg] This action is non-final.
`3)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle. 1935 CD. 11, 453 0.6. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`4)Ij Claimts) _ isiare pending in the application.
`43) Of the above claimts) _ isiare withdrawn from consideration.
`5)I:I Claim(s) _ isiare allowed.
`SE CIairn(s) fl isfare rejected.
`7)L__] Claimts) ____ isiare objected to.
`EDD Claim(sj _ are subject to restriction andior election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9). The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`“DE The drawing(s) filed on 28 December 2006 isiare: all] accepted or mg objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.135(3).
`Replacement drawing sheetis) including the correction is required if the drawingts) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`11)[:I The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 0.5.0. § 119
`12):] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(aj-(d) or (f).
`a)I:| All
`bIEI Some * cllj None of:
`1.[:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.I:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. __
`3.I:I Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`' See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Applicantis) Application No.
`Office Action Summary
`Houshang Sataipour
`A” Unit
`2625 -
`4) El Interview Summary {PTO-413)
`1) Entities oi References Cited (PTO-892)
`Paper NQISIJMSH 0319- _. -
`2) '3 Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`s) E] Information Disclosure Statementis) (Horsemen
`51 CI Notice 0’ 'nfomal Patent Application
`Paper Notsy‘tvtail Date
`6) D Other: _.
`LLS. Patent and T de
`PTOL-326 {EQRW- 1 01 1
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper NoJMaiiB§Q§3370924
`Page 2 of 23
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`ApplicationfControl Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 2
`The disclosure is objected to because of the following informalities:
`In paragraph 0051, line 13, PCMCIA card 50" should read PCMCIA card '72".
`Appropriate correction is required.
`The drawings are objected to as failing to comply with 37 CFR 1.84(p)(4) because
`reference character "81" has been used to designate both the hardwired personal computer in Fig.
`4 and the data multiplexer circuit in Fig. 5, and reference character "83" has been used to
`designate both the communications interface module in Fig. 4 and the sync signal in Fi g. S.
`Corrected drawing sheets in compliance with 37 CFR 1.121 (d) are required in reply to the
`Office action to avoid abandonment of the application. Any amended replacement drawing sheet
`should include all of the figures appearing on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if
`only one figure is being amended. The replacement sheet(s) should be labeled "Replacement
`Sheet" in the page header (as per 3‘? CFR l.84(c)) so as not to obstruct any portion of the
`drawing figures. If the changes are not accepted by the examiner, the applicant will be notified
`and informed of any required corrective action in the next Office action. The objection to the
`drawings will not be held in abeyance.
`The drawings are objected to as failing to comply with 37 CFR l.84(p)(5) because they
`do not include the following reference sign(s) mentioned in the description: reference numeral
`"29", in paragraph 0049, line 18. Corrected drawing sheets in compliance with 37 CFR 1.121(d)
`are required in reply to the Office action to avoid abandonment of the application. Any amended
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`ApplicationfControl Number: 11/617,509 -
`Art Unit: 2625
`replacement drawing sheet should include all of the figures appearing on the immediate prior
`version of the sheet, even if only one figure is being amended. The replacement sheet(s) should
`be labeled "Replacement Sheet" in the page header (as per 37 CFR 184(0)) so as not to obstruct
`any portion of the drawing figures. If the changes are not accepted by the examiner, the applicant
`will be notified and informed of any required corrective action in the next Office action. The
`objection to the drawings will not be held in abeyance.
`The drawings are objected to because in Fig. 4, PC modem protocol box "66" should read
`"68", as read in paragraph 0053, lines 20 and 21. Corrected drawing sheets in compliance with
`37 CPR 1.121(d) are required in reply to the Office action to avoid abandonment of the
`application. Any amended replacement drawing sheet should include all of the figures appearing
`on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if only one figure is being amended. The figure
`or figure number of an amended drawing should not be labeled as "amended." If a drawing figure
`is to be canceled, the appropriate figure must be removed from the replacement sheet, and where
`necessary, the remaining figures must be renumbered and appropriate changes made to the brief
`description ofthe several views ofthe drawings for consistency. Additional replacement sheets
`may be necessary to show the renumbering of the remaining figures. The replacement sheet(s)
`should be labeled "Replacement Sheet" in the page header (as per 37 CFR 1.84(c)) so as not to
`obstruct any portion of the drawing figures. If the changes are not accepted by the examiner, the
`applicant will be notified and informed of any required corrective action in the next Office
`action. The objection to the drawings will not be held in abeyance.
`'Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`ApplicationfControl Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 4
`Claim Objections
`Claims 3 and 5 are objected to because of the following informalities:
`In claim 3, line 1, "claim 1" should read "claim 2", as reference is made to '"said memory",
`introduced in claim 2;
`In claim 5, line 1, "claim 1" should read "claim 4", as reference is made'to "'the digital
`signal", introduced in claim 4. Appropriate correction is required.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that form the
`basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`(b) the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country or in public use or on
`sale in this country, more than one year prior to the date of application for patent in the United States
`Claims 1, 2, 4-12, 21, 23-27, and 30—36 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being
`anticipated by Hassan et al. (US. Patent Number 5,550,646).
`Regarding claim 1, Hassan discloses a self-contained image processing system (device
`1 10 in Figs. 1 and 2) for capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a remote receiving station
`(see abstract, column 1, lines 47 through 52, column 2, lines 43 through 61, and column 3, lines
`10 through 20), with the system comprising an image capture device (CCD 203, column 3, lines
`21 through 67), a processor (microcontroller 205) for generating a data signal representing the
`image (column 3, lines 21 through 67), a communications device (facsimile interface 219)
`adapted for transmitting the data signal to the remote receiving station (column 4, line 65 through
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
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`Art Unit: 2625
`column 5, line 9), and a wireless transmission system between the communications device and
`the compatible receiving station (column 2, lines 4 through 54, and column 3, lines 10 through
`20, with the fax modem 240, being "applied as an input to the transmitter section of a cellular
`telephone", as read in column 5, lines 7 through 9).
`Regarding claim 2, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a memory for receiving and storing the data signal (RAM 207), and wherein the
`communications device is adapted for recalling the stored data signal from memory (column 4,
`lines 24 through 64).
`Regarding claim 4, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of the image capture device is an analog'camera (lens assembly 201 on a CCD 203) for
`generating an analog image signal (column 3, lines 21 through 67), and there is further included
`an analog to digital converter for converting the analog image signal to a digital signal (column
`3, line 47 through column 4, line 67).
`Regarding claim 5, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 4 (as
`understood by the examiner), and further teaches of a subprocessor for generating a Group-III
`facsimile compatible signal representing the digital signal (column 4, line 65 through column 5,
`line 9).
`Regarding claim 6, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the subprocessor comprises a gray scale bit map, a halftone converter, and a binary
`bit map (see abstract, column 1, lines 54 through 63, and colurrm 3, lines 47 through 67).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`ApplicationfControl Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 6
`Regarding claim 7, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of an integrated wireless telephone associated with the communications device (column
`2, lines 4 through 54).
`Regarding claim 8, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a housing for housing all of the elements of the system in an integrated body (column
`2, lines 39 through 66).
`Regarding claim 9. Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and fixrther
`teaches that the image capture device is a digital camera (column 2, lines 39 through 67, and
`column 3, lines 21 through 46).
`Regarding claim 10, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a view screen for viewing the captured and stored image (LCD display 215, column 4,
`lines 19 through 64).
`Regarding claim 11. Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 5, and further
`teaches of a facsimile receiving device associated locally with the system for providing a local
`printer for reproducing the captured image in hard copy (column 2, line 66 through column 3,
`line 4, and column 4, line 6_5 through column 5, line 22).
`Regarding claim 12, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and-further
`teaches that the processor is adapted for generating a signal in any of a plurality of selected
`protocols and wherein the communications device is adapted for transmitting the signal in the
`proper protocol to a remote, compatible receiving station (column 4, line 65 through column 5,
`line l0).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 7
`Regarding claim 21, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the system is of modular construction (see Fig. 2), and the camera (CCD 203), the
`processor (microcontroller 205), and the communications device (fax interface 219) are each
`independent, functional units (column 3, line 21 through column 5, line 9) which may be coupled-
`to one another for defining the assembled system (see Fig. 2).
`Regarding claim 23, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a data processor for creating a text data signal associated with the image data signal
`(column 4, lines 19 through 64).
`Regarding claim 24, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 23, and
`further teaches of an input device for providing text data to the data processor (keypad 211,
`column 4, lines 1 through 64).
`Regarding claim 25, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 24, and
`further teaches that the input device is user controlled (column 4, lines 1 through 64).
`Regarding claim 26, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 25, and
`further teaches that the user controlled input device is an integral keyboard (keypad 211, column
`4, lines 1 through 18).
`Regarding claim 27, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 24, and
`further teaches that the input device comprises a real time clock (column 4, lines 24 through 42).
`Regarding claim 30, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 2, and further
`teaches that the image data signal, is stored in a compressed format (column 3, lines 47 through
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 111617509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 8
`Regarding claim 31, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 2, and further
`teaches that the image data signal is stored in a half-tone format (column 3, iines 3? through 67).
`Regarding claim 32, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the remote receiving station is a standard bi—ievel facsimile machine and the image
`data signal is generated in a gray-scale format and protocol (column 3, lines 50 through 67,
`column 4, line 65 through column 5, line 9, and column 6, line 62 through column 7, line 2).
`Regarding claim 33, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the remote receiving station is a gray-scale facsimile machine and the image data
`signal is generated in a gray-scale format and protocol (column 3, lines 50 through 67, column 4,
`line 65 through column 5, line 9, and column 6, line 62 through column’7, line 2).
`Regarding claim 34, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the remote receiving station is a color facsimile machine and the image data signal is
`generated in a full color format and protocol (column 3, lines 50 through 67, column 4, line 65
`through column 5, line 9, and column 6, line 62 through column 7, line 2).
`Regarding claim 35, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the remote receiving station is a digital device and the image data is digital (column
`2, line 45 through column 3, line 33, and column 4, line 65 through column 5, line 9).
`Regarding claim 36, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a seif—contained power source for powering the system (column 5, lines 23 through
`Claims 1-3 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being anticipated by Wensberger
`(U.3. Patent Number 6,072,600).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: ll/6l7,509
`Page 9
`Art Unit: 2625
`Regarding claim 1, Wertsberger discloses a self-contained image processing system (see
`l and 2) for capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a remote receiving station (see
`abstract, column 2, line 50 through column 3, line 25), with the system comprising an image
`capture device (CCD image sensor 1, column 4, lines 5 through 47), a processor (CPU 16) for
`generating a data signal representing the image (column 4, lines 20 through 58), a
`communications device (fax modem circuitry 13) adapted for transmitting the data signal to the
`remote receiving station (column 4, lines 48 through 67), and a wireless transmission system
`(telephone interface circuitry 15) between the communications device and the compatible
`receiving statiOn (column 5, lines 1 through 6).
`Regarding claim 2, Wertsberger discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and
`humor teaches of a memory for receiving and storing the data signal (memory means 11, and
`secondary storage 20), and wherein the communications device is adapted for recalling the stored
`data signal from memory (column 4, lines 48 through 67, and column 5, lines 24 through 27).
`Regarding claim 3, Wertsberger discloses the system discussed above in claim 2 (as
`understood by the examiner), and further teaches that the memory is a removable RAM and
`wherein the system is adapted for selectively charging and discharging the memory (column 5,
`lines 24 through 27).
`Claims 1, 21, and 36-42 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being anticipated by
`Parulski et at. (U .8. Patent Number 5,666,159).
`Regarding claim 1, Parulski discloses a self-contained image processing system (see
`Figs. 1, 2, and 7—9) for capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a remote receiving station
`(see abstract), with the system comprising an image capture device (camera module 10, column
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 10
`3, lines 6 through 40), a processor (pen-based computer 12) for generating a data signal
`representing the image (column 3, lines 27 through column 4, line 6), a communications device
`(RF transmitter module 14) adapted for transmitting the data signal to the remote receiving
`station (column 4, lines 4 through 25), and a wireless transmission system between the
`communications device and the compatible receiving station (column 4, lines 7 through 25).
`Regarding claim 21, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches that the system is of modular construction (see Fig. 1'), and the camera (camera module
`10), the processor (pen-based computer 12), and the communications device (RF transmitter
`module 14) are each independent, functional units which may be coupled to one another for
`defining the assembled system (see Figs. 1-3).
`Regarding claim 36, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, and further
`teaches of a self-contained power source for powering the system (column 3, lines 4t through
`Regarding claim 37, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 36, and,
`further teaches that the communications device is adapted to be used independently of the image
`capture device and the processor, and wherein the power supply is adapted for isolating the
`power to the communications device from the power to the image capture device and processor
`(column 3, lines 41 through 56).
`Regarding claim 38, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 37, and
`timber teaches of a power initiation device associated with the image capture device and the
`processor, wherein the power to the image capture device and the processor is off'when the
`initiation device is not activated (column 3, lines 4] through 56).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Page 11
`Art Unit: 2625
`Regarding claim 39, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 38, and
`further teaches that the power initiation device is user controlled (column 3, lines 41 through 56).
`Regarding claim 40, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 38, and
`fiirther teaches of a trigger device for activating the power initiation device (column 3, lines 41
`through 56).
`Regarding claim 41, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 40, and
`further teaches that the trigger device is a timer (see Fig. 5, and column 3, lines 33 through 60,
`whereby the flash 24 is equivalent to a timer, as it waits a predetermined amount of time to
`charge before firing).
`Regarding claim 42, Parulski discloses the system discussed above in claim 40, and
`further teaches that the trigger device is triggered by the presence of an image to be captured
`(column 3, lines 41 through 60).
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 3S U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth in
`section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are
`Such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person
`having ordinary skill in the art to which said Subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the
`manner in which the invention was made.
`Claims 13—13, and 29 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Hassan et a!. (US. Patent Number 5,550,646 and further in view of Ross (US. Patent Number
`Regarding claim 13, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 1, but fails to
`expressly disclose if the image capture device is an analog video camera for generating a video
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 12
`signal. Ross discloses a self-contained image processing system (see Fig. 1) for capturing a
`visual image and transmitting it to a remote receiving station, with the system comprising an
`image capture device (video camera 10, column 3, lines 4 through 5), a processor (control system
`22 in Fig. 1, or CPU 44 in Fig. 2) for generating a data signal representing the image (column 3,
`lines 20 through 29, and column 3, line 63 through column 4, line 20), a communications device
`(Group 111 fax transmitter 20 in Fig. l, and fax modem 50in Fig. 2) adapted for transmitting the
`data signal to the remote receiving station (column 2, lines 15 through 29, wherein the remote
`receiving station is inherently included in the system), and a subprocessor (Group III formatter
`18) for generating a Group-III facsimile compatible signal representing the data signal (column
`3, lines 30 through 52). Continuing, Ross teaches that the image capture device is an analog
`video camera for generating a Video signal (column 3, lines 4 through 9). Further Ross teaches
`that the processor comprises a sync detector (sync separator 24, column 3, lines 53 through 62)
`and a video address generator (address multiplexer 43, column 4, lines 6 through ll) for
`synchronizing the digital signal with the analog signal for defining the beginning and end of the
`signal to define a still frame (column 3, lines 20 through 62), a random access memory (RAM
`38) for receiving and storing the converted, synchronized signal frame-by-frame (column 4, lines
`3 through 22), a processor routine for converting the signals storedin the memory to aprotocol
`adapted for transmission (column 4, lines 22 through 36) to a remote, compatible protocol
`receiving station (inherently included), and a communications device (FAX modem 50) for
`transmitting the signal in the proper protocol to the compatible receiving station (column 5, lines
`7 through 16).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 13
`Hassan & Ross are combinable because they are from the same field of endeavor, that
`being systems that transmit images from a camera to a destination via facsimile transmission.
`At the time of the invention, it would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the an to
`include the analog video camera that transmits a video signal, which is taught by Ross,
`in the system of Hassan. The suggestion/motivation for doing so would have been that Hassan's
`system would become usable in more formats, as recognized by Ross in column 1, thereby
`increasing the ystem's desirability. Therefore, it would have been obvious to combine the
`teachings of Ross with the system of Hassan to obtain the invention as specified in claim 13.
`Regarding claim 14, Hassan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in claim 13,
`and Hassan fiirther teaches that the processor routine converts the signals to a Group-III
`facsimile protocol, the system further including a facsimile modem for accepting the signal and
`transmitting to the compatible receiving station (column 4, line 65 through column 5, line 9).
`Regarding claim 15, Hassan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in claim 13,
`and Hassan further teaches of a hardwired transmission system associated with the modem and a
`switching device for selecting in the alternative either the hardwired or the wireless transmission
`system (column 3, lines 10 through 17, and column 4, line 65 through column 5, line 9).
`Regarding claim 16, HaSsan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in claim 13,
`and Hassan further teaches of a local facsimile receiving system associated with the modem for
`providing local hard copy of the stored image signals in the memory (column 4, line 65 through
`column 5, line 22, and column 6, lines 10 through 21).
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 14
`Regarding claim 17, Hassan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in claim 16,
`and Hassan further teaches of a switching device for selectively activating and deactivating the
`local facsimile receiving system (column 6, lines 10 through 21).
`Regarding claim 18. Hassan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in claim 13,
`and Hassan further teaches of an integral viewer for viewing the images stored in the memory
`(LCD display 215, column 4, lines 19 through 64).
`Regarding claim 29, Hassan discloses the system discussed above in claim 2, but fails to
`expressly disclose if the image data signal is stored in a raw video format.
`Ross discloses a self-contained image processing system (see Fig. 1) for capturing a visual image
`and transmitting it to a remote receiving station, with the system comprising an image capture
`device (video camera 10, column 3, lines 4 through 5), a processor (control system 22 in Fig. l,
`or CPU 44 in Fig. 2) for generating a data signal representing the image (column 3, lines 20
`through 29, and column 3, line 63 through column 4, line 20), a communications device (Group
`III fax transmitter 20 in Fig. 1, and fax modem 50in Fig. 2) adapted for transmitting the data
`signal to the remote receiving station (column 2, lines 15 through 29, wherein the remote
`receiving station is inherently included in the system), and a subprocessor (Group III formatter
`18) for generating a Group-III facsimile compatible signal representing the data signal (column
`3, lines 30 through 52). Continuing, Ross teaches of a memory for receiving and storing the data
`signal (RAM 38, column 3, line 65 through column 4, line 11), and that the image data signal is
`stored in a raw video format (column 3, line 63 through column 4, line 5]).
`Hassan & Ross are combinable because they are from the same field of endeavor, that
`being systems that transmit images from a camera to a destination via facsimile transmission.
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Page 15
`Art Unit: 2625
`At the time of the invention, it would have been obvious to.a person of ordinary skill in
`the art to include the analog video camera that transmits a video signal, which is taught by Ross,
`in the system of Hassan.
`The suggestionfmotivation for doing so would have been that Hassan's system would
`become usable in more formats, as recognized by Ross in column 1, thereby increasing the
`system‘s desirability.
`Therefore, it would have been obvious to combine the teachings of Ross with the system
`of Hassan to obtain the invention as specified in claim 29.
`Claims 19 and 20 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Hassan
`er of. (U .8. Patent Number 5,550,646), in view of Ross (US. Patent Number 5,546,194) and
`further in view of Wertsberger (US. Patent Number 6,072,600).
`Regarding claims 19 and 20, Hassan and Ross disclose the system discussed above in
`claim 13, but fail to expressly disclose if the memory” is a removable memory medium which
`may be selectively removed from the system, with the removable memory medium comprising a
`PCMCLA 'card memory.
`Wertsberger discloses a self—contained image processing‘system,(see Figs. 1 and 2) for
`capturing a visual image and transmitting it to a remote receiving station (see abstract, column 2,
`line 50 through column 3, line 25), with the system comprising an image capture device (CCD
`image sensor 1, column 4, lines 5 through 47), a processor (CPU 16) for generating a data signal
`representing the image (column 4, lines 20 through 58), a communications device (fax modem
`circuitry 13) adapted for transmitting the data signal to the remote receiving station (column 4,
`lines 48 through 67), and a wireless transmission system (telephone interface circuitry 15)
`Apple Ex. 1011
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`Apple Ex. 1011
`Page 16
`Page 16 of 23
`Application/Control Number: 11/617,509
`Art Unit: 2625
`Page 16
`between the communications device and the compatible receiving station (column 5, lines 1
`through 6). Continuing, Wertsberger teaches of a memory for receiving and storing the data
`signal (memory means 11, and secondary storage 20), and wherein the communications device is
`adapted for recalling the stored data signal from memory (column 4, lines 48 through 67, and
`column 5, lines 24 through 27). Further, Wertsberger teaches that the memory is a removable
`memory medium which may be selectively removed from the system (column 5, lines 24
`through 27), with the removable memory medium comprises a PCMCLA card memory (column
`5, lines 24 through 27}.
`Hassan, Ross 8:. Wertsberger are comb