`erria1n—Webster, Incorpora ed
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011

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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011

`monocarpic. o monomlnl
`mono-Ill-o-neat \.'mi.-no-‘fl-la-rnoI1t\'n (1940) a a ainule uutwistecl syn-
`thetlc filament (1.: ol nylon)
`moinog-.1-mist \mc-'\ I’! (1651) : one who practice: or up-
`holds monognmy
`lno-nag-apllllf \-m£\ I: [F mauogamie. fr. LL nronogamio, fr. Gk. fr. mo-

`monogamous, fr. mom 1- garner marriage. fr. snrrrein tomor-
`rlyi (1612)
`I archaic : thepractice at mlrryinfi only once during 2. life-
`tme hilaettateorcuttomofbeing merrledtoonepersonetntiane
`3 : the condition or practice of having a single mate during a period of
`time (~ is common among birds) 7 no-no;-I-nous \Ino-'ni-[=-
`%\ also mono-[om-lc \.n1ll.-nn—'ga-I1'I1.lfi\ aw — mo-no;-o-mane-ly
`mono-gas-Irle \.m'd-no-'5Is-tI'ik\ ad!" (1514) : hiving I Itumndt with
`only I single com
`ent (swine. chicks. and human beings are ~)
`Inortnignneuuln \ E-ne-an\ n ['N'L Monngenea, group name] ([899) : a
`monofienetk: trematode —- mollognrteul adi
`mono-gen-eels \-'je-n-a-sash: [NI-J (ca. 1899) : origin of diverse individ-
`uals or kinds (as of lnnguaxa) by descent from-a single ancestrnl mah-
`a- ne-
`: me a
`mwdouagu“°'.§£‘.lic \-1
`.5 (ma)
`1 tins to
`-non) of trematode worms that ordinarily live as ectopnraaibes on a
`2 : oi’. relltlng to. or halo: any of a subclass (Mm
`:le host (as I llah or aniphibiam) throughout their entire lilfe cycle
`\ml- .e§i“a'{...:.
`mono-pun \'rnl-no-.jarm\ ad [mom 4- germinate] (1950) : pruduclrlu
`I) I
`fruit that
`[::nc:e+fglotdgsai:pfly§i;I1T(1§§I; : :{e(t)>l"l0LIN-
`A _
`In which only one of the three hydrotxyl groups is esterllleti
`\.mi-noa'gll-ed-.|1:i\n (I560) uny of various ester! 0!
`find which are often used an emulsifier:
`Hnonougrnn \'ml-no-.sram\ 2: LL in
`file monu +
`ormad of the _ combined initials of a name — mono-gr-an-met-lc
`\rm§-no-st:-'ma-tik\ mil’
`gram — nonovgnn-nut \-.:rn-mcr\ n
`‘mono-graph \'mi-n9-.Ere.i\n (1821) x n Islet-nod treatise on a small area
`\.mfl.-n.a- 311-
`of lcn:rni:'Is'. nag‘: advévflnen account of a single thing — mono-graph-le
`zntonograpltvt l8'a'6):low11teunwnaIrI:iIon
`o-‘oi-ja~nas. mil-\ ad’ (ca. 1890) = 01'. relation to. or
`living In monogyny
`V-ll! \-nE\ u [ISVI (181.6) : the staiseor custom. of hnvlnz only
`fe at a time
`mono-hull \'mlen:>.h=l\n (1961) : ‘a-vessel (as ,a sailboat) with a single
`hull —— com e m.n.mru1.L '
`\.mi-no-‘hi-brad\ in (1.903) : an individual or strain het-
`us ior one
`ed gene — monohyhrlll ad
`motto 3'-drlc \-‘hi
`\ ma‘ (I850) : MONIJHYJJRDXY
`hydmagv-] (ca. 1
`aonniaminfi one ydruxyl group In the molecule
`mono-hy-d1'oxy9§3)hi-'dril_:-se\_ ma‘
`V ma-nah
`fr. mom +
`tnonnvluy-Bl’ \'1niH1o-.15-or, -.i -:)r\n (19215) : a finale continuous lay-
`er or film that is one‘ cell or mo
`le in thickness
`III.IlIIoI-Iilvflflll \ mi-no-‘lip-gwol. .mo-. -‘lip-no-w“al\ ad? (1926) : Itnow»
`in: or using on y uI1'eI
`Iluuo-IltII'\'|11$-J1’!-.lth\rI Fmanaflflle, lr. manoflfhe consist
`of I rin-
`gie some fr. L monolmhrs, lr. Gk monahkhns. fr. mom + if or stone]
`f u
`great stone often in the form of an obelisk or col-
`structure 3:nnorsnnizedwholethatactsaansin-
`ale unified powerful or influential force -
`I a : of. relating to. Dr renam-
`Itollo-Iltlt-|I:'\..mii-n'1Jl-%thik\ adi ([325)
`hlinu a monolith :'HUt:i'B. MASSIVE. 11(1) : formed irom I sinnle crystal
`(in on silicon chip)
`(1) : produced in or on nmouullthic chip (has clr-'
`2. a : cast Is 3 single plece'(a. or concrete wall)
`I: 3 formed or
`compoeedoi material without joints or seems (a. nu floor covering) (it
`--'-4 furnace lining)
`c : consisting of or constituting I single unit 3 a
`: constituting a massive undifferentiated and often rigid whole (2: ~
`} II : exhlbilini or chancterlzed by ol'ten'rlzldl
`fixed I.I.n.lfI:-r-
`mlty ~ P011? unit!) -— mtno-llth-I-nl-ly \-thl-kt:-)lE adv
`man- + Josue] (1549)
`I a : sonrcocuv 2
`: a rematlc sketch per-
`ogue also mono-log \'mn-n‘l-.03, —,!If\ n MP monologue, fr.
`tonned by one actor c : the routine of 1 stander comic 2 an llterery
`nopolizins conversation — -logo-Ilt \-.6-gist. -.a-\ or IIIII~Ilo-1o-
`giIt_\.rm'rur gr mo-‘n!-la-iist. -5ist\ n
`Iuono-ma-Illa \.rn.i-no-‘ml-1:5-o. - yo\ :1
`10823} I : mental illness
`esp. when limited in expreslion to one i 1 or area of thought 2 : ex-
`cessive concentration on a single object or lden — mono-ma-nl-Inc
`\-no-.ak\ r: or any — IIIIIIID-'III-Ii.-I-cl] \-1no~'ni«o-ical\ arc‘ — nono-
`nlaani-I.-caloly \-k(e-)1e\ adv
`mono-our \'m§-no-4ner\ n IISVI (1914) : I chemical compound that can
`undergo pol
`rizetlon — no-no-nor-is uni-na-'m'or-lit. .n-in-\ acfl
`- c \mil-no-mo-‘ta-lilt\ may‘ (1877)
`1 : of or" relating to
`moncmenllism 5 : consisting of or em loving one metal '
`mono-nut-II-liem \-‘me-t'l-.i—zam\ 1: I] more + -meialllsm (In in bi-
`I879) : the adoption of one metal only in a currency —
`-list \-t'l-ist\ n
`lilo-Ioln-e-ter \ma-'nl-too-hr. mi-\ 1| [LL fr. Gk mouametiw. fr. mon-
`+ mam»: measure -— more at Mmsunn (ca. 18415) : Alina of verse con-
`sisting of nslngle metrlcalfoot or di
`mo-no-ml-nl \m§-‘no-meme], :no-\ In
`lend of man- and -nomial (es in
`btuomiafj] (ca. 1706}
`I : a mathematical expression consisting of I sin-
`gle term 2 : a Inxonomle name consilting of a single word or term —
`mnnoninl am‘
`\e\ nhut \'\ kitten. F table \ar\ further \a\ Ish \i\ Ice \§\ man. man-
`\eh\ chin \e\1m \é\ easy \g\ .9 \i\ hit
`\.‘\ lce \i\ lob
`\n\ sin: \6\ an \o\1-« \o1\bnv \th\ thin \th\ the \I.i\'loot
`\1'1\ but
`\sf\ rut \z|1\ vluriun V1. is. ". ea. 5%. .12. E. '\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`Page 3
`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011
` b.Er.(
`d)NLm0nocarp'lens tr.
`3.-as .cu':f.- lasers) : bio:-Jlinuafilruit but once ‘amt then
`\-‘Iii-zi-am. -zhe-\ n. pl -5‘! \-2&9. -zhe-\ [P-TL, fr.
`ldmnim (u in da'c.*mi'um)l (en. £890 : n cymose inflorescence
`um, only one rnnin axis —'-
`Ilnl \-zéual. -zhe-\ ad’
`.\|mi-no-.kI5fl1\ II [ME manacarde, -fr. MF, ft‘. ML mana-
`lr. Gk mamaclaom'o:I,- fr. mon- + chord? string — more at
`5:) : an instrument of ancient origin for menu
`and dem-
`. “,3 mathematical relations of musical toner an “that con-
`.'. rod :6 e
`, , minggltretrited over a sound box and a movable bridge
`‘mo-not \'mJai-no-kro-.mat. .m§-no-'\ n [mow +-Gk chroma:-,
`lm) : a completely color-blind individual
`\,mli-no-intro-'mn-tlk\afi [L monochmmator, fr. Git
`.-. “fat, fr. mon- + chroma:-, chroma color] ([821)
`1 a : hav-
`mmmg of one color or hue h. : MDNDCHRDME 2 2 : consist-
`djaflflll ofe single wlvel
`th or of a very nrnlll range of wave-
`_ 3 {of relotl
`in, or exb billrll monochrnrnlillml — mono
`:5 5
`4<¢.1’.1y \-t1-
`.~.-):|a\ adv —-mmo-chm.-n-tie-1-ty \-.kr6-
`. mm \-'ltro-mo-.t:l-e:m\ It (en. 1930) : complete color
`inwhich all colorsnppear asehedes otgrny
`. -5.191-\.m§-u9'h'E|-,mi-taI'\Ir [monochromatic + illumina-
`: adevlce for isolating a narrow ponion of a spectrum '
`, \'mii-n:- |tr<‘im\ 0- [ML nlanorflrormr. fr. L. fem. oil’
`ta motp
`.. of one co or,
`Gélfmmouochggitmw, ffl irgom + -cigfimao
`mnje \.mu—na-'kro-mik\ ma’ — moIo-el|romfl|:fl:'mfl-na-
`... £f(iB49) 1:of.ralntin3to.ormnde-wtthne
`....-- oi’ a single color (on gray) (--v H ) (As to evision moni-
`Vin; at producing visual imeiens in I
`or or in
`\'mi-nl-ka1\ II [F, fr. LL mauaculus "hav-
`.e.- fr. 3. mar!- + ocular eye --— more at EYE
`_: an eyeglass tor one eye — motloo-do
`- \'m§-n#.k1l'n\.-I (1879) I an oblique aeo-
`-ic‘kit-nik\ ad} nsv] (cl. 1864)
`um oblique iniaerleciionoi the cr:varlaIlo-
`"'- Intel
`1369 :
`he -
`by three ’t't|£equa1' a:;Fy’Witt.l1so"|:toflonb‘l:lqure
`\..:.a-m--iuen=1\ cub’ (1914)
`dofccllsderlved om
`-come e.o.r.
`en <\Ea".'$1—’§°-'|':’s)i'E'§k'{" “['l-3m}r>.Imm?-nfldonglhnli or b in
`n w
`e on
`_ or
`-..“*u...:.*..:.':“°':.:c*.".'..°°°':J.£i:'.l.3’..:.;,*.i:*1=° :‘.;.‘:.'“";':°.;
`‘Will! I : a type oi‘ vehicle construction in of an automobile)
`"‘ll.“\“.i ‘ls“3i.°';‘.."..‘;‘.:.'.‘‘.°..°"""‘$.'
`is-n''5-e-‘L.i'\ ll Iuliim. fr. N1. mom + co:y-
`er noun a se
`an em-
`’§u°§-.“ln2‘"3*oF3..’.’..i "ii ‘I.’ " °'i“ °5..l“.".$.‘:"..‘.‘.‘."'°””' °‘
`" finale cotyledon. isu. perellelavei
`leaves. end oral or-
`2: $3: — compare DlC0'l."fl.BDON. — mola-
`‘P9? \rnii-‘I15-kre-re, ma-\ n (165!) : government by I. single
`mono-crat \*-ma.-no-.krat\ pr — mono-er-It-it \.'mli-n:-'kra-
`.. ‘I1 \‘Inil-nra- in-La-t'1\ n (1925) : a some ‘menu —— mono-
`"f¥ - mono-cl-ya-tn1.Itu \,mi-he-'itriI-to-‘lon also -.In., -.1e:.\
`h.i.c..°.3:.::.‘.:';?::=:..”:]c‘;:.:;'.::*.. .°:::.=;::
`-— nonpoe-m
`. u-"‘(1\9I35) : I rnonocullr
`(1915) al1c:'J$enIcul¥Vl1ion1";1l’
`_ ‘
`. o a
`or orest
`‘fil °'.‘NPBl;3£>groga
`Efgdogorpnmn wnonlanrlin
`~ - Inolo-cnh
`\.m.l—na'-'l::lch-rel, -E21-ch:-\ aw‘
`%m(_\l-gnqtl-gr:-;s5f$,rI—-ai—\ def nsvl (1910) . oontlilninfi one
`‘I'm!“'19-l~:lt.\ I: II:
`(on. 1353) : alarse wig:hlgndod
`C 1'
`*‘.;the bane nomrrow, 4.7333 the blood, and mi.;rate°:llmo the
`35%it dilfererrtutee into a macrophage — mono-
`" “ " \nflll~n5-d.isJpn|rl\ Edi [Mark 4- drirpcru. er_!j.. fr. dir-
`., £25) : Oharmrierhed by particles at umfnrm size i2ll.a die-
`'\"'“v'113-dist\ n (115!) L a writer, singer. or composer of
`'- in a-3..“.‘.'i2‘;°.?....“‘..1.‘”°.',“.'...,,.'°"'T‘_’-’......"’°.ii.}.f..§’§:‘5"sZ \‘.°...‘.°a‘,‘..‘»,i%‘.'~§I
`m1°'¢fl :1, pl -dies [ML mancdfc, fr. Gk monéldia, fr.
`-, In
`I alone, fr. mom + aeidetn to sing — more at 0133] (en.
`‘ Oderun hyonevolee-(asineGreektr
`fig 2:1nele-
`reon 3a:amono
`n vomlpiece
`Edlionie style or I
`cenrunir opera — mo-nod-Ir: \mo-'ni-
`\':'¢lll_\-di-k:l\ my — mo-nod-I-our-Iy \-dl-|.:(a-)lE\ adv
`1;“ 5 n9'81'I3S. mi-\ rm} lultlm. i'r. Gk mow + ailws house
`1 : having pistillate and smnmm flowers
`3 having male
`formic sex organs in the some
`\""15~uIi-zom\ n (1875) : the condition of being manoe-
`,,‘.'(;"I'f-=l<'>\ a'(19'z'n : an ester (or or u dlbazic may
`1'9 one other group
`Page 3
`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1011

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