`Ninth New
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1010
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1010
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication. Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary.
`Includes index.
`l. English 1auguage—Diclionaries.
`Wehster Inc.
`ISBN 0-87779-508-8
`ISBN O-87779-509-6 (indexed)
`ISBN 0-87779-510-X (deluxe)
`l. Merriam-
`Webster’: Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary principal copyright 1983
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1010
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1010
`monocotyledonous-a tnonorchid
`7 was a
`planésnltaylng an embryo with a,sin lea cotyledgn Irldytllll. parallels
`th ,'
`".‘%'i%$1‘{ono.¢.i: \-.'1i?ti..«...’!i.?..‘t\".. ,_ Illgllifl-%$;fi'lim\,_i11n§.n-:’lr-':.‘.'£.‘i§
`‘IIla'l1I‘.1'D-cr§'s-ta] \ilt'I‘§.I't-ii-,kriS-I,°‘i\ n (ca. 1926) t a single crystal_— motto-
`eryatala —It'Iono-crya-talclilse
`‘an-o-'|tris-to-Ian also-.lln..-.|5n\ad'
`can ttr mil-'nIk-yo-tar. ma- ed} [LL mo_fl0|‘-‘Itius havin once)‘:
`‘ (1
`1.: 0 ..inw.tlving,,or affect ng a single eye 2 : sttita 1e for use
`hnoaoeuhr rt (1 36): s monocular device
`.,with only one-ege—man-oc-u-tar-ly adv
`moltnoctll-litre \':niin-o-Jtal-cl1or\ n (1915)
`1 :. the cultivation or,sro.W,th
`ol ifsingle crop or organism es . on agricultural or forest land .2 : a
`crop or a population of 'a'slt:gi’e land of or? Ian:
`rovvn ‘on land in
`m°"°°"lii"° —ai“°"'-ii°'1i'f'ti'r’s1ti"111ti{"Tiiki°]§:v']? Iiito mi’
`one :3,
`in‘ t Lnl':1|i!I1&!|.IiIl"lIfl.II||1'€
`2 :
`avln ‘a single anrtual
`ml.l:l'll'l D\E'fit'ipuiIl"II0El(a population of ~'water
`can ln‘e.1sltp)_.— motto-
`c -
`tttt’;no-i:yte \_‘tn'i_I":-o_-,si‘t
`rt [iSV]|(i:a._ l9l3)_ : at large Fhagfic
`te with basophtltc cytoplleljgt oonlaininglninlleotl nop Il
`_ 3r'sI'tuis-
`rn'a_ mono-
`rse.s .,r,
`.té’"‘.i'."“‘°.'.'°"*'“*t°‘r:E‘i“‘?';"‘;“t}‘? ~ r in.
`pef!8d.'!|;n. ol‘ '3'!“ "i-.se]‘_(1‘9fi)_ t characperiud 3! particles‘
`simeltia lap;
`iaonoo-gist 5.
`iin_-ad-aat_\ n (1751) :‘a writer.‘ anger. or.ct-impose: of
`mono-dr"a-ma \'tniin-o-'.drI_tn‘-g,‘ -dram"-\ rt (1'l93)'t a"tlrttri1a acted or
`ro- mat-
`gesigned ti? ha‘acted by-astngid person —‘-tiinto-d_l'adltat-le ‘\.miin'-o-
`-’\'ti-tlin-od‘-e\ n.
`l -dies [ML n‘to.-India; lr. Gk‘ ntan5I‘dlc'._lr.
`ainglng alone.
`-_t- o einto sin —' nioreffat one]
`6539 '1‘: an ode sung by one voice
`In ear
`tragedy)" 2': an
`elegy or tlirfi performed _by one person 3 ‘I I ‘s rnoncphomc vocal
`l monophonic style of l'ltl1 century 0 era -— |s_to-nuti-it;
`It :
`- m‘:-'n‘id-ik\ or ma-nod-I-cal \-I-it'ii\ my — mo-nod" cal-ly \-_|-kt:-)I§\
`moa-oe-clous \ma~"ne-ahae.
`m't_i- adj Ederiv. at <3k-mom + ‘ciilcox house
`— more at Vlc_lNI1'Y] (1753
`1 I - aving male and female sex or ans an
`.'the same individual : HBn_MAPH1toDt'rI_c 2 l ultavtnfi plstillate an stami-
`nate flowers on-ti-Ie_nme plant
`3 _-
`:: one
`IIHIIII-lfltflillll \-‘II!-.etr.-ct11\ rt (ca. I375): the condition of being monoc-
`mono-ea-ter \'ntIn-o-.ea-tat'\ 1: (ca. 1927): In uter-(as of a ‘dlltaaic acid)‘
`that contains only one ester group
`Illtlllo-iilgl-l'|Ienti\.rn'dn-a-'Iii—o-mant\ "rt (cl. 1940) : a single unlwmed
`-synthetic itlantent
`sol nylon
`mo-ttlla-I-mi.st \:no-- lig-e-tnast\ it (1631) 4 one who practtces.or t.tp-
`Illil.-Illlfl-I-l'l'|li" \~lrI6\ "II [F I'rlorlI?gIzmie.- lr. LL mouogarrila, Ir. G|t',—fr.
`amas monogamous. fr. mom + games marriage --- more at me.
`All-l\*] 1612)
`1 archaic l the practice ol-marryinsonly once during a
`I :
`the state or mtslotn oi’ being married to one erson at a
`time —_ mo-non-s-mous \ma-_'n‘dgeo_-.ma\ also -IIIl)l|il-Il.'|'I-
`.: t--
`mono-an-tr: \.rnI_.n,-o- gas-trllt\ at{i—(lh14) : having a stomach with
`n1_psrttnent_(awine. citiclta. and human heln s are H-2
`mono-gs-ne-an‘ -‘J!-no-an
`It [NL Monagsnstt, group name (ca..l 99
`Lamonogene ctr:-naio —tIt0.ll0R'\eatt.ad']-
`-‘Jen-a-sae\ 11 NL] (ca. 1859) tnorisin of divene individ-
`u or in
`,$iadls nelnr kilndsd s_roi'__|angaage by descent lrot-nip. single ancestral indi-
`nsono-m-net-_lc..;-ja-‘net-ik\_«¢‘nfi -(1873)_ - 1-‘: relating to or (involving
`: of. relating to. or iJ¢II'lfi18ll1I'_Dl asttbctans Mono e-
`,tra'natoc1e_ worms that ordinarily. we as ect_oparasitg.on- a n-
`-' n-
`:o.re ati
`gle fish h.?at\tl}1;ou£l{oul
`fled b.
`Ja. sir?Tengeoe and eap.dhy eitherof an allelic pe.|nrs—lp.t.Ittno-fin-l-_l:al-I;
`\'-i‘-it o-)i!\ adv
`f;’:.F::°:'.t+ f§’.£i'i'.‘.i‘2.i E.*;2it3';§::;f.:
`:1-i:Ii':‘:i\d|iIAtEtLIEur?'i’g&3ain;’.:ig'tirofci“ nriiiigipusfii
`on-ned of the combined initials b a"nan1e — mono-grlt_lI-ml -It: \.m'in-
`ilalitgnrit-gIt'fl:Iilit-‘iliil\,:;5|i“’Imnted;I-gt'amintlng (i‘868)_:' to-rnarlt With a mono-
`‘tnniin-o-.grsl\\ E: ”(§_'l,'1'};11 :
`,a learned troaliseun a small
`area o learn ng: also : a written aocotu_t'l of a single ll1_ln'g_ — mono-
`‘ " V
`trnonograpit vt
`I3 6 : tow teamon
`pit on
`no-nos-y-nous mo-ni o-nos, n1 -\
`ca.‘ 1390 2 of. r atlnitn, or
`llvlngin mono:
`" “
`Mil-HOT -n .\-,-n£v\nn [ISV] _(_1B’l‘6) t.the sl.It'e or custom of having only
`‘onew u atlme
`mono-II!‘-itllti \‘.n1iist-5-'hl-brod\ it (1903): an‘ individual or strairt'het-
`erozy one town; specified one—tIonohybrid qd]
`3'-drlc \-‘ht-dI'.|k\ adj. cI.‘18’56) -‘ 1 : onntanung one atom of acid
`-..---a‘ mcn'rux,r.
`niiiciii.°ia§‘3m§§ "‘i"iitm'il'i-iflxaic d1‘
`" “am I
`r" m '+
`5)]:t_>o11Iailtin one
`lnythe molecule
`'mhn-o- la-or. -.Ie(-a qr: 51926): a sin eumtinuoul layer
`or film that sane ceil orm lee e n t leltness,
`al \.tnitn-3-_"lit3-g
`)\|_Val. .1-no-no-\ my (1925) : knowing or
`monou ltl \'n1lin-'l-.ith .-t_ F more
`the. 1:. "i-nanoilllfe consisting nf'a
`nsinslon y‘0_I'1¢i8I‘I8ua
`lr. L'—monoi'tltus.-‘lr. G1t'nto.-taiititoe.
`lr. mar’:--+ Iitha:
`atone (ca. 1327)
`1 I a single‘ great atone often in the form of an obe-
`lisk orcolumn Q2 : a t_naesIve,_str_ttcmre_ 3:: an organized whole that
`actsasasin Ieunilied "
`rtn uentialforce .
`'rnin-‘I-‘it -ilt\ ad] 1825 ' I at owl. relating to. or resell‘:-
`bltng a _I't_l0I'l0iIii}l‘
`tlUoB.MAsslVB 'ls _(l) : tonned from: ainglec stal
`(eff §t1tcon_ chip).
`(2) : produced In or ott_a rnonolithlc chip '2; ~
`2 a: cast as a si
`le piece (a' ~ concrete
`or. composed at material wit o_I.tt_joittta or seam"; (a...,
`(a ~ furnace ltnlns) e : consisting of-or constituting .3
`a : constituting a massive undiflerelttiated and client :5 ".
`societ )
`It : exhibiting or characterized by often 11
`rnity ~par}y'unlty> — Illollll-iifll-i-I:_1li-1
`mono-lo ue’a sotlluno-lo \"rnIn-’l-tog. - lg memo"
`in tilaiagutflfll 49)
`I :.a tirant mflloqw
`malic'sketch pulormed byone actor .1 : a literary
`_ I
`Vn, M
`tin-o-‘ma-ne-o. -nya\ rt |'_Nl..]
`esp. when lim ted in expression to one idea or area of ,‘h
`oesslve concentration on a single object or idea -_..m“ '
`.a|t\ n or ad — Innnls-Ina-al-I-cal \-mo-'ni-a-k
`4231 ,
`iin-a-_mor\ n [lSV mo.|I- + -mer, as in pal_-p_amr)']
`chet-nic_a_| com unit that can undergo olymerlzatio
`«lit: \.mI_n-6-_nta- al-ilt\ ad} (1877)
`1 i in
`ntonornetelltsrn 3: consisting cl or em laying one mam
`:e oonoonerne
`lllottgmgg. 1-I ‘gag-‘mat.-‘I31:-orI_1\ it
`IS man‘-ll+ .,-mm" I
`Inotto-tnetaal. lal -'l-ost\ n W
`rao-Mun-e-ter \n1e-
`‘em-at-or. mil-\._rt [I-L. lr. Git mougmiri
`+ melron ,meas_u_re —+ more at MBMURB] (M.-1847) ,1.
`consisting at a single metrical loot or clipody n
`ntornn-Int-at \rnd-‘nil-me-al. ma-\.n [blendpl man-_ +
`binomiabl (ca.
`1 : I mathematical expreagion mu
`single term 2 t a taxonomic name _00l!l_8lshn[‘oi' nsinglg '
`mono-Inoolec'-u-lar \,mlinitl-ma-'1d:-yo-Inrx no’ (191
`molecule thick
`~l'lIm)—numo-nto-lec-u- ar-ly a y
`e \-mar-'le-mik\ ad] (1936) : ‘consistin
`morphetne (the word talk in ~ but Ialked)ls not
`t: \-'rnor-flit\ adj (ea. 18?? :"having'|gu
`stn1ctut1t|.pa_ltet1_|. or genotype (II ~ sped: of_'i
`mm’. "rite Q‘-‘I1(yiilltle-or
`5 having only ‘glue nucleus (1 F-'
`2 .
`motto-nu le-‘at-"ed \-'n(y)il_-lite-tit-od\ also ntotyt-nu-cls-ate.
`any (13
`: MOHDNUC cant
`_“ .
`taono-nu-¢ e-‘Ml! \-.n(y ~k1!-''o-sas\ 1'! NL. tr.'_‘lSV.'
`‘-owls] (I920) : an Ibnon'nal_lncreaac o mononuclearl
`de _'ved {rpm one'rn_olecule each'oi' a nitrogenous base.
`'n -9-
`In - a
`niiiiuciiiiammd I
`(ca lass)" tuna”
`lizin lelgiggle fig! I‘
`BE?!» : feed ngon. asingle ltlittl‘
`-fiit.-Cl"-ilt n'(.IB64]'l.I
`gle mm;
`‘yin:-tel‘t;'4:.l‘.ic line n2_ grifielaun "to
`monr.nrI::orht.‘a_n icgf rit
`iIi1\(o1ning in sing e,tr ‘
`mph -
`1890 :
`h ‘J
`: avowe sou
`out its durationfhaa all?’ le co tent articulatory position‘ '_
`n -
`*“°*:t'n:t*.:x..9:=':: no it
`single atnlf'il::devfi_l| -|d\lro
`a si
`e common
`‘ nggoii. ’C'i.It -mist‘-9+ pit.‘:i:.[l"\rJ:i'|[11'e — tliitngrghfi ‘lfflviltlfi
`the anti-Chaloe anion doctrine that Christ‘:-rllt
`divineand not‘-‘human even ‘though he hss'.tl_.
`cart ly and human body with its e
`le of birth. tile. and
`-o-s - z-am rt
`{sn'1|‘t:ralte"ot_-l\*lo-I{o1tlt-y-slt-lc \-._n‘ -o-"sit-ik\ ad} — I
`tnono-plaite \"'l'l1l_5l.'I-O-'.piIi'I\ n (I997) 1 an‘ alrpIane_.ult-lth on
`ltfiloiiigr olii §"ii:fi5a..p1eid\ n_[I_S‘V] (l92i) l a monoploiti
`organ I'll
`(1941. 1: it vi
`'2"!-‘:,:|“h;'v.i:.itgar|i:1Lbei"ng.)tthe1lbaeie'i'lI§p‘iold ri'.‘ii;ee:'?:r ch '
`nihnfigi 5:!
`\.r:tt§-'3-in ':1'?se=at\ adj [1\iL"monapo'dInm.?
`s ootslm1natna|nsxie— non
`tilnsl-ly\-e-a-le adv-
`-{Indium -podiun1]‘£1B 6) : having or involving the loI'|.|'i
`is \‘min-a-.p61\ n inl%:!Tr’.1 : a hypothet est’
`electric charge or magnetic ole: also: a hypolhfii
`an eotenstr
`teem t
`l?ec.lJpa1;tio1e hariiltgtiuclt tt pole"
`t a radio antenna'¢0
`Ino-not-o-list -\htE-‘nan-o-f;.sI\ n .(15OI)' i one who mofl
`H )1
`P'l'3"HB'fik\ adj —- mo-non-0"
`non -0-line \rno.-'n'Ip-o-.|l':\ vt -lined; -Ila-lng (ca. 161
`nopo y of : assume conttrlete possession or control oi"
`ti-3:»; — 1'liM'lIJ|-0-Ii-Itl- ca \-.niip-a-la-‘cs-shon\ II -- _
`A3... p"'lii'<am'§-"its -(o-)|e\ n.
`i .-lieu L ma.-aopaltum. fr-.
`r. mort- +'pdi£itt to sell] (€534)
`t exclusive oi! ‘
`i=°é‘."'t..".'i;"..'°.i.’".,.;°'..“.‘,'.‘:i""i ‘:*:":;';:.*;;.:a.$;=’".::;:::1r:.:"i.';&=
`that has a monopoly .
`II'llhii?]Iro-|tel-llInt \.nt'in-O~pn-‘pol-ant\ rt (cs. 19.45-3 i 3
`Iant containing both the fuel and the oxidizer in a sin§"'i'“‘
`""'* ;rr;'ast;W l°"*"“t-tie“ °"°.:- i.'.*’**“”""»v
`nunrail \-cniiim °aR95'i’1'3i1)'ii a .;.-‘.?g?2‘;.al’i.mns :5 ,'
`m“iIl11t°vt'i1rEt‘:1h‘i3h{l'iiit5-'nor-:k:d“hkIii1e' mill-1'" °»i't.i'n"§rIi:i':i.ri‘r:- "‘ '
`testicle — more at chat-tI;])ica. [$74) : an individual W1”
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