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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1007
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1007
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`Main entry under title:
`Meui.«I.m-V¢eI.Iole1's uullcuiatc din-Liulury. — 1001 ed.
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`1. English ian3u.a¢e—I)Ictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster. inc.
`Merriam-Wchuu:r’s Collegiate’ Dictionanr. Tenth Edition nrincinll ocmvtixlit 1993
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1007
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`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1007
`cnningated protem '0 conodont
`to -or ooumunlng .a 's3*_=;tI::t:i or‘ ‘two do-ml-«he Thnuuls acnauzmu! In: a rinele
`bun-ai -(~ fatty? acids}
`umiugeix-.1] protein ar (an. 1909] ~. I -cuwup-alund rd 2 p..i‘at£.1lJ.‘A'.'lI3\ anon-
`pzrun-in (la-moglohin is a nw:;:‘u.g;«.ra'eid 3.~r.w.in.in) — compare SIMPLE emi-
`can-ju-ga-{ion \.kfin-is-'g§-shonl :4 (15.2)
`1 n : a schemnfic arrangement
`of the inllcI:l.l:Jn..1l forms of A. verb Ia : xerb inflection c : a class of
`vurbs having the same lype of i.n.tlemional forms (the weak A-) d : R
`:21 of ihe srimple or derivative l':I1IlBC1:3:HIsiiJ forms in overly re<]\. in San-
`skrit or the Semitic languages (the canntivc ~} 3- : um: not ed conga-
`gsiing : the sure of being ctmjugzucrl 3 I : indnn oi Luau. similar :3-
`meles with ulfirnate union of
`their nuclei
`that among lower
`tlaaliophytes replaces the typical ienllization of higher forms
`in : tem-
`porary cytoplasmic union with exchnngo of nuclear material that is the
`usual sexual process in cillzled profozuurus‘ e : the one-Way transfer of
`DNA between bacteria in cellular contact — eon-ju-gin-don-al \-slum],
`—sha~_n°i\ mi? - co:-in-go-flan-al-ly adv
`‘ton-Janet \kan-'j;gr_1c]t. kan-\a.:i,i [M3, E1. L ci7n,r:m§:‘u-.s‘. pp. 01 comm: ‘
`59:12] (Lie)
`1 2 Us:rren,:o|NE.o 2 :l(\!N1’ 3 : 1’:‘.l3.Iln,g to [IlEl0(.l|\'_' pm-
`grcssion by intervals of no more than a major second — compare ms-
`‘eon-junct \‘kéin-.j:n(k)t\ n (1667)
`1 : something joined or associated
`with another; .1-_z:-ecif : one of the components of :1 conjunction 2 : an
`adverb or advcrbial (as so. in addition. however, secondly] that indicates
`the speaker's on wrin-.r's nsscssmcnt of the cnmuecilonbcttvcen linguis-
`tic units (as clauses)
`can-juno-don \kan-'jen(k)—shan\ n (142)
`I : the act or an instance of
`conjoining ; the state of being conioiocd : COMBINATION 2 : occur-
`rence together in time or space : CONCURRENCE 3 a z the apparent
`meeting or passing of two u1 more celestial bodies in the same degree
`of the zodiac In : a configuration in which two celestial bodies have
`their least apparent sepziratlun 4 : an uninflected linguistic funn that
`joins together sentences. clauses, phrases, or words 5 .- 2} complex sen-
`pence in logic true if and only if each of its co
`onenrs is true — con-
`luncoflonoal \-shnol, -sha- "l\ afi — conojunc-nonaal-ly adv
`fr. L, fem. of conjunctivus cunjolning, fr. 1' corgiunctuxl (lllc) : the mu-
`con-lune-ti-vn \.k;?in- ox)(lcl-‘ti-vs. kan-\ n, pl -vas or -vac \-(.)vé\ [NI.,
`cous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and is contin-
`ued over the (urepart of the eyeball — see EYE illustration — con-
`iunc-ti-va] \—vn1\ ad/'
`um-junc-rive \|ton-'jag(k)-fil-'\ adj (1581)
`1 : coN.\n3cr1ve 1 : coN~
`Ju NLT, CUNJUINED 3 : ham or functioning like a conjunction -I
`con-junc-ti-vi-tis \kan-.ja13(k)-ti-'vi~tas\ It ( 835) : inflammation of the
`: corunnrms la — eonjum: ve n — con-flint:-tlve-ly adv
`con-inn -ture \lcan-'jexJ(k)~chor\ n (1605)
`1 : coNJu'Nc'rIoN, upon»:
`: a combination of circurmtances or events usu. producing a crisis
`: JUNC‘l'UR1:‘
`con. n-rs-flon \.lc§.11-ill-‘1':i-slian, ‘kart-\ it (Me)
`1 : the .-an or process of
`conjuring : INCANTATION I : an expression or trick used in conjuring
`3 : 9 solcmn adgpeal : ADIURATION
`can-;|_u-e iv! 2
`vi .ren.re.r 'k__5.n-jar also ‘ken-; vt 1 ken-'j11I:\ vb coll-illred;
`can-Jur-mg \'i<inj-rin, _'knn--je-,
`'konj'-, ‘Iran-Jo-; Icon-'Jur-in\ .[ME, fr,
`OF cargiurer, fr. L conjumre to swear together, fr. cum- + jurare to
`swear — more at JURY] vr ('i3c)
`1 : to charge or entrcat earnestly or
`solemnly 2 a : to summon by or us if by invocation or incantation la
`(1) : to affect or effect by or as if by magic
`- often used with up (we ~ up our own metaphors for our own needs
`—R. J. Knufmann)
`(3) : to bring to mind (words that r-- pleasant im-
`ages) ~ vi
`1 e : to summon a devil or spirit by invomtion or incanta-
`tion I) : to practice magical arts 2 : to use a conjurefls tricks : JUG
`con-jur-er or con-III-ror \‘k.‘i.n-jar-or, ‘Iran-\ :2 (Me)
`I : one that prac-
`tices magic alts : WIZARD 2 : one that performs feats of sleight of
`hand and illusion : MAGICIAN, JUGGLER
`‘conk \'k5i.ulC,
`'kc'vIJk\ Vt [E slang conic head] (l82l) : lo hit esp. on the
`head : KNOCK our
`‘conk n [pmh. alter. of much] (1851) : the visible fruiting body of a
`bracket fungus; also 2 decay caused by such a fungus — conky \'ki=‘an-
`ké, 'kor_i-'\ adj
`’conk vi [prnb. imii.] (1918; 1 : BREAK DOWN; esp : emu. — usu. used.
`with out (the motor suddenly ~ed out) 2 a : FAINT b: to go to sloop
`— usu. used with ofor out <~ed out for a while after lunch)
`c : Din‘
`(I caught pneumonia. I almost ~ed —-Truman Capote)
`‘conk vt [ptob. by shortening & alter. fr. congolene preparation used for
`straightening hair] (1950) : to straighten out (}1alr}usu. by the use of
`‘conkn (1965) : a hairstyle m which ihxc: hair is straightened out and flat-
`tened down or lightly waved — called also protest
`monk-er \'kiil]-lcar\ n [conch -1- ’—er, fr. the original use of a snail shell on
`:1 string in the game] (ca. 1886)
`1 : a horse chestnut esp.-when used in
`conkers 2 pl : a game in which each player swings a. horse chestnut on
`at string to try in break out held by the opponent
`um mo-to ‘ikéin-‘mo-(.)t5, kan-\ adv [It] (ca. 1854) : with movement : in
`a spirited maumer — used as a direction in music
`‘coon 'V_'k '2'-nl. Vt [a.l1.cr. oi ME aondien to conduct, fr, MP canduire, fr. L
`mmlucere —more at ootmticel [1626-} : to conduct or direct the stem-
`ing of (as a. ship)
`‘noun n (1815) : the control exercised by one who conns a ship
`con-mate Kké-‘nit, 'k'ai-.\ adi [LL connatus. pp. of conna.-sci to beboru to-
`gether, fr. L L-om~ -a- nasal‘ to be born — more at ~Jp.1'1'0.\l] (1641)
`: AKIN, coMuE1\v.L 2 : NNA1-rs, mwuu 3 : congenitally or firmly
`unitai (rw leaves) 4 > ham or originated-together 5 : entrapped in
`aufimmis al. the Lime of Their cleposinon 2?» water) —- con-ante,-Iy
`con-nat-II-ral \]c§—'nach—1-=1, ka—, —'na-tho-\ adj‘ [ML cwxnazuralin fr. L
`cam- + naturalis natural] (1592)
`1 2 connected by nafure : INBORN 2
`: of the same nature — con.nat-u-ral-My \-,na-ch:-'xa—io-té\ n '— mn-
`lat-Itoral-ly X-‘nach-ro-IE; Jna-ch:-\ adv
`can-nec1iiia—'nckt\ vb I'M}:-Z. fr. L conecrere, co-rznreaere, fr. mm— -1- nec-
`tar tn bind} w‘{1Sc)
`1 : to 1:-eoornc ioinerl (the two round -by a hall-
`réal‘) (_l»:Lcz.§ that ~— easil
`to form 9 themy) 2 : to main a slu-ccttszful
`hit, bod, nu: throw 4:
`for at home run) Q»--ea‘ cm Ari percent of his
`shots -—N.Y. Times) 3 : to have or establish arapport (tried to ~ with
`I 1 ‘to join or faster: togeniesrizru. ‘bu;
`the manager 5-cnergziinn) ~ yr
`sonu-fliing into:-waning
`2 1 to L\l.I:c*. or estehlish in ttlatlomhlp I?!
`see mm -'- eon-and-alule oiszrcnnmcflollflc ‘~.-‘net-la-Iut\ mil‘ —- cun-
`ne-:-tor also enmuvot-er ‘i-hieli-ter\ at
`connected am‘ 11?] 3}
`1 :jo:lnex:i or linked together 2 : having the parts
`or element; logically‘ linked ixmetlicr (pmsenreti A thoroushlv -~-- View
`of the problem) 3 : related by ‘blood or marriage 4 : having social,
`profssional, or commercial relationships (:1 well-connectzd lawyer) S
`ne'er no 1 havllizg ‘lb: pron;-any I]\.ar.an3.- 117.‘/o c-His points can he joined by
`:1 line wmphlely cnniaimavd in the sat: aha : incapable of bczin separat-
`ed into two or more closed disjoint suhzets — can-neat-ed
`adv -
`con-nnct-ed-Iass 2:
`connecting rod in (11539) : a rod that transmits motion (mm ‘.9 recipro-
`cating part ofa machine (as 3 piston) to a routing part or Vin:-versa
`con-nee-tint: \k=—'uel<-shan\ n [L connexion-, mnnexio, -fr. mneczere]
`1 : the act of connecting : the state of being connected: as
`: causal or logical relation or sequence (the -w between two ideas) L
`(1) : contextual relation or associanon (in this -11:-e vwrd has a differ-
`ent running)
`(2) : reiationsiup in fact {waited in ~ with ambbery)
`c : I relation oi personal intimacy {as of family lies)
`CON‘t1NUlTY 2 a : something that connects 1-LINK <2 louse ~ in-the
`It : a means of communic-tion or transport 3 : a person con-
`nected with another esp. by marriage. kinship, or common interest
`(has powerful ws) 4 : a political. social, professional, or mmmemial
`relationship: as n 1 i=os1'rIo\\:,:oe b: an an-an ement to extract: or-
`ders or advance interests of another (a firm‘:-i‘utc
`:2 :-aromas
`of contraband (as illegal drugs) 5 : a set of pernms assoclatrd togeth-
`e|;:l\a1s rs: DENOMINATION h : CXAN — conanec-tion-al \-shnol, -sha-
`‘con-nee-tive \k2-'nek-tiv\ cnzlj (ca. 1660) : serving to connect — eon-
`nec-tive-ly adv
`‘connective n (1751) : something that connects: as a : ‘a linguistic form
`that connects words or word groups h : the llzuuc canoe--:tln‘z.ihc pol-
`len sacs of an anther
`c 2
`:1 logical term (as or; ff’-then, and. not) or a
`symbol for it that relates propositions in such -.1 way that the truth or
`falsity of the resulting statement is determined by the truth or falsity of
`the components
`connective tissue n (1.846) : a tissue of mesodemlal origin rich in inter-
`cellular substance or interlacing processes with little tendency for the
`cells to come together in sheets or masses; lpecif z connective flssuc of
`stcliate or spindle-shaped cells with interlacing processes that pervades,
`supports, and binds together other tissues and forms ligaments, ten-
`dons, and a
`con-nee-fiv-1-ty \(,)ki'1-.nek-‘ti-va-re. ko-\ n, pl -ties (1893) : the quality
`or state of being connective or connected (A. of a surface); esp : the
`ability to connect to or communicate with another computer or com-
`- n-ne-ma-ra \.k§—na—'m§r-a. .11‘ \ 71 [Connemara,.Ire1and] (ca. 1952)
`(pgxter sYStem
`: any of a breed of rugged ponies developed in lreland
`con-neg-ion \k;;-'nck-shan\ chiefly Brit var ofCONNECTION
`conning tower \'Lii-um-\ n (1886).
`: a raised structure on the deck of a
`submarine used esp. formerly for
`tion and attack direction
`can-mp-don \ko-‘nip-shan\ n [origin
`unknown] (1833) : a lit ofrasn. hyb-
`teria, or alarm (went into ~s)
`(1593) : the act of ‘ conniving; esp
`: knowledge of and active or passive
`consent to wrongdoing
`con-nlve \ka—'niv\: vi con-nivcd;
`cum-uivoing [F or I.; F conniver, fr.
`L com‘ve“re, conninm: to close the
`eyes, connive, fr. ¢'om- + -niwire
`(akin to nictare to wink); akin to OE
`& OHG hnigan to bow] (1601)
`: to pretend ignurmlue of or fall to
`conning tower
`take action against something one
`ought to oppose 2 a : to be indulgent or in secret sympathy : WINK ll
`: to cooperate secrelly or have a secret undenfaudiug 3 :‘ ‘t1rNsPmE.
`1N1'RgGUu — conaniv-er n
`can-nl-vent \-'ni-vent\ aaii [L conivcnt-, canivens, Drp; of aonivae] (1757)
`: converging but not fused (~ stamens)
`con-hols-seur \.l<§-no-'sor alto -'sur\ 14 [N35, F (now cannairseur), fr. OF
`cnnnaivseor, -fr. ccumoistre to know,
`fr, L t.'ogno.rcere —.- more'_ at
`COUNl'l'ION] (17141 1 : Bxrenr; esp : one who understands the details,
`technique, or principles of an art and is competent to act as a critical
`judge 2: onewho enjoys with djxcriminntion audappreciatinn of sub-
`tlctics {a ~ of fine wines) — can-unis-sen:-ship ‘-.-.ship\n
`con-no-ta-tlon \.1c5i-no-‘ta-shan\ n (1532)
`1 a : the suggesting of 5
`meaning by award apart fromvthe thing it explicitly names or describes
`b : something suggeoted by a word or thin : DHPLICATION (the ~s of
`comfort that surrounded tharold chair) ‘
`:' the signification of SOm5_'
`thing (lhal abuse of logic which consists in moving counttrx about as If
`they were known entities with a fixed ~ -—W. R. Inge) 13 : an essen-
`1-ialpmperty or grcrup of prorienics of a. thing named by 3 term in logic
`— com are oeNnrAr1oN '— eon-no-ta-tion-al 5,-shnal, -sh:-n‘i\,a-£7
`con-no-tg-tive \'ki«i-nan-.t‘ fiv, 1::-‘no-to-tiv\ ad)‘ (1614)
`1 : connotinsflr
`teéivding to‘ connote 2 : relating to connotation — con-novta-five‘
`con-note \ko-‘not, lei-\ rt cnnmntved; con-not-ing [ML;-armature, fr- 1-
`mm- 4 nature to note] (1565;
`I : to be associated with or inseparabl‘
`from a:. acamoequmce ox cmmomltant (the remorse so often eonnof
`by guilt) 2 1 5 to among.’ in addiuon to oust up-licit mueajning {all ‘h’
`misery that poverty rvs) b 2 to imply as a lo ‘ al connotation
`con-nu-hi-nl \ka-'nv'.i—bé—ol, -'nyii-Vadi [L conu ialia, fr. c-anubium, con»
`nubium marriage, fr. cam'- +
`re to marry — more a1.NYJP‘1'IALl_(
`‘ 1656) : of or relating to the married state : CODIIUGAL — can-nu-In-81'
`um 3.-bé—a-
`i-zayn‘-, n -— con-ml-hi-n.l-l-t)’ ‘\-.nu-be-‘a-ls-té,r—.nyfi-X n "
`con-mt-b-i-:1-Iy’:.-‘nu-be-e—]E:. —'n
`(mun-Aiourt l‘kfi-no-..d£nt, 'k-5-s_ n
`1-’ mz:- {in GI: iainas .C0l'\C}1- —od0"‘]
`(iflféflli : 2 Paleaomic 1’00Ei1.lll~£bf(IiIil‘l'lFI:![ is prob. the remain; of an 5‘
`tinct marine invertebrate
`azovmirl 25:5.
`ur uenfly 13],:
`om-l1_ner \'k_=
`dntlulrc. can
`ie-r. oi L 99,,
`search} 1-; (14
`: t_o o\*eromm
`Win by aver;
`: lo M .
`.~ M‘ r ca 5, ,
`syn’ cmaqu.
`-'fl3Nl&s gain
`phes a comp
`W-U} Dara,
`onfitsn whjc‘
`‘Llenm (emu
`Sl*_‘Fl \"-|!_h‘>dlte
`Plies aizorcin
`mouth-long 3
`ficulty or an
`.b‘*Fks>. eve
`Istms rower -
`conoquest \'k;'s,
`3“ 01 lmiqess
`. can-uniunn \'kg
`191 1) 1 a card ;
`colI-I|Ius- a 0,
`of rutumty Ev.
`-uklsyi or come;
`conquers; spec;
`of Mexico and"
`fr. cqm- ’+ sang;
`510904)’ = descem
`adv "
`Of 1391-118 oonsan
`can-science \-k
`cqr_1.sciem—, cam
`guilt, fr.‘ cum- ..
`sense or conscj.
`onefs o_wn eond
`912'1$=h°n.to do
`;o1n:ng mod‘ ac:
`transmits comm
`sC1oUsNess 3 ,
`-in ;
`all fairness
`conscience mom
`the conscience b
`con-sci-enuous I
`,conform.ing to u
`. servant) 2 ; ME-
`— can-sci-en.fi¢
`wnscienhous oi
`81'01u1ds (as to Se
`cunscientimns ab
`armed forces or i
`CDII-Sciu-unable \I
`'-'0“-Scions vksin
`0592)‘ 1:percei
`trolled thought 0
`5485 or awai-cue;
`felt (rs: 51:11)
`5»: s1
`'5!’ Sleeliyfuintncsz
`WW5 0“) 7 : do:
`betI:er)V:8 .. :1
`m"""'i.°"-" “h0i5Dc
`9°”-‘C1010 liusinesz
`:l'BC3‘COI!££1'n1Lv go;
`Wnsciou n (1919
`ton-sclomqwm \.,
`931]. of something
`‘€101-S of an exter
`57°13 for some soci
`.53! Sensation
`mtahty of couscir
`Enmcwws li_1c (reg
`’-‘ person 1.: awar
`9511- of some social
`t°n"“3il'l'h¢ \kau-'sln
`0.513) 1:r‘rMrr, <
`‘ills mgenmm l_T,,-I
`‘m“!"5$!l11¢ X"kd1_1-,5‘
`1' RAFT (Was r-wed
`. D “HI” \k=)u-‘sic
`m""°l‘lD1 W£an—,sl
`°f Wmcriberg to e1
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`Page 3
`Chums, Inc. et al. Ex. 1007