`SNF Holding Company et al v BASF Corporation, IPR2015-00600
`— dis charge able
`— dis charg ee
`— dis charg er
`\dis-(cid:590)chär-j(cid:1317)r, (cid:590)dis-(cid:593)\
`See discharge defined for English-language learners (cid:257)
`See discharge defined for kids (cid:257)
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`Examples of DISCHARGE
`She's due to be discharged from the hospital on Wednesday.
`We had to discharge several employees last week.
`Thousands of soldiers were discharged after the war.
`The judge discharged the jury.
`The ship discharged missiles against enemy targets.
`The gun failed to discharge.
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`Origin of DISCHARGE
`Middle English, from Anglo-French descharger, from Late Latin discarricare, from Latin dis- + Late
`Latin carricare to load — more at CHARGE
`First Known Use: 14th century
`Related to DISCHARGE
`blast, shoot, fire, loose, squeeze off
`load, pack
`[+] more
`Synonym Discussion of DISCHARGE
`into effect. PERFORM implies action that follows established patterns or procedures or fulfills
`agreed-upon requirements and often connotes special skill <performed gymnastics>. EXECUTE
`stresses the carrying out of what exists in plan or in intent <executed the hit-and-run>. DISCHARGE
`implies execution and completion of appointed duties or tasks <discharged his duties>.
`ACCOMPLISH stresses the successful completion of a process rather than the means of carrying it
`BASF Exhibit 2001, Page 2 of 3
`out <accomplished everything they set out to do>. ACH EVE adds to ACCOMPLISH the implication of
`conquered difficulties <achieve greatness>. EFFECT adds to ACHIEVE an emphasis on the inherent
`force in the agent capable of surmounting obstacles <effected sweeping reforms>. FULFILL implies
`a complete realization of ends or possibilities <fulfilled their ambitions>.
`Rhymes with DISCHARGE
`at-large, depth charge, enlarge, fixed charge, litharge, recharge, surcharge, take-charge, uncharge,
`writ large
`dis charge
`\(cid:590)dis-(cid:593)chärj, dis-(cid:590)\
`: the release of someone from a hospital, prison, etc.
`: the act of firing or dismissing someone from a job
`: the act of ending a person's service to the military
`Full Definition of DISCHARGE
`a the act of relieving of something that oppresses RELEASE
`b something that discharges or releases; especially a certification of release or payment
` the state of being discharged or relieved
` the act of discharging or unloading
` legal release from confinement
` a firing off
`a a flowing or issuing out <a discharge of spores>; also a rate of flow
`b something that is emitted <a purulent discharge>
` the act of removing an obligation or liability
`a release or dismissal especially from an office or employment
`b complete separation from military service
`2 3 4 5 6
`7 8
`a the equalization of a difference of electric potential between two points
`b the conversion of the chemical energy of a battery into electrical energy
`See discharge defined for English-language learners (cid:257)
`Examples of DISCHARGE
`The doctors approved her discharge from the hospital.
`Several former employees are suing the company for wrongful discharge.
`After his discharge from the military, he went to college to become a teacher.
`The damage was caused by accidental discharge of a hunting rifle.
`a rapid discharge from a gun
`First Known Use of DISCHARGE
`14th century
`Related to DISCHARGE
`blasting, shot, firing
`nonfulfillment, nonperformance
`[+] more
`BASF Exhibit 2001, Page 3 of 3