`Compiled by the Editors of
`Webster’s New World Dictionaries
`Michael Agnes
`Editor in Chief
`With Principal Thesaurus Text by
`Charlton Laird
`SONOS 1020 - Page 1
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`SONOS 1020 - Page 2
`synchronize / systole
`CHROMZA'HON —In (or out of) sync in (or out of) syn-
`chronization or harmony (with)
`synchronize (sirfkra niz‘) vl. mlzed'. ~nlz'tng [< 61-
`syn-, together + chroma, time] to move or occur at the
`of s
`—-syn'd|ro-nI-za’uon n.
`ro-nous ad]. happening at the same time or at the
`same rate
`Swim-pate (siifks pat') Vt. -pat'ed, wring l< Gr syn-.
`at and continue it through the next
`together + bogetein, to cut] Music to begin a tone on an
`accented beat —:yn'co-pa't|on n.
`syn-dI-cate (sin’ a kit; for v.. -kat’) n. k Gr syn-.
`together + diké.g'ustioe] 1 an association of individuals
`or corporations ormed to carry out a project requiring
`much capital 2 any group. as of
`. organized for
`some unde
`3 an organization selling articles or
`features to many newspapers. etc. —vt. mad. (at'lng
`1tomanageasorform intoasyndicate 2o)tosell (an
`article, etc.) through a syndicate b) to sell (a program.
`etc.) to a number of radio or TV stations —vl. to form a
`syndicate —syn'd|-ca'tlon n.
`syn-drone (sin’drom') n. ]< Gr syn-, with + drnmein. to
`(rhunl a set of symptoms characterizing a disease or con-
`syn-er-glsm (sin’ar jiz’am) n.
`l< Gr syn-. together +
`ergon. work] an interaction of several things that
`results in aflgreater effect than the sum of the things'
`individual e ects: said cap. of drugs —-syn’sv-ols'tk ad].
`syn-fu-el (sin’fwaal) n. lsvutmmc) + FUEL] a fuel. as
`oil or gas made from coal. used as a substitute for petro-
`leum or natural gas
`syn-0d (sin'od) n. |< Gr syn-.
`an ecclesiastical council 2 a hi
`tain Christian churches
`syn-o-nym (sin'o nim) n. ]< Gr ayn-, together + onyma, a
`name] a word having the same or nearly the same
`meaning as another in the same language —syn»on-y-
`mom (si nan’a mas) ad].
`syn-on-y-my (si ntin’a me) n. a list of synonyms
`syn-op-sls (si nlp’sis) n.. pl. -ses' (we!) l< Gr syn-.
`together + opsis, a seeing] a brief, general review or
`condensation; summary
`syn-tax (sin'taks') n. ]< Gr syn-,
`together + tassem,
`arrange] the arrangement of and relationships among
`ther + hodos, way]
`governing body in cer‘
`words, phrase. and claw {mm mm
`W i-tah’tik) or syn-m sq.
`syn-thesis (sin’tho sis) n.. pl. as: (1“) k =
`together 4» tirhenai, to place] the combining ‘
`elements so as to form a whole, a compound.
`syn'the-slze' (~si'z‘). W. airing. vi.
`syn’the-slx’er n. an electronic device .. .. -
`unobtainahle from ordinary musical ' .
`toting instruments and voices
`syn-MIC (-thet'ik) sdl. 10f or involving i
`produced by chemical synthesis, rather than d
`origin 3 not real; artificial —n. something
`Syn-m-nI-ly adv.
`ph'l-Ils (sif’a lis) I). [after SypIu'Iua, hero (I. ‘
`(1530)] a sexually transmitted disease caused
`rochetc —syph'l-llt'k sdl.. n.
`Syr-I-I (sir’e a) country in SW Asia. at the 3
`Mediterranean: 71.498 sq. mi.; pop. 9,048.”
`.. n.
`”tango (sa rini’. sir’inj) n. l< Gr
`device consisting of a tube with a rum
`at one end. for drawing in a liquid and than
`astreamzusedtoinjectfluidsintobody .
`cleanse. iniect. etc. by using a syringe
`syr-up (sur’ap. sir’-) n. ]< OFr sirofi < ML .
`shardb, a drink] any thick. sweet ’quid;
`~ , -
`ticn of sugar and water boiled together
`syt'up-y ad. 1 like syrup 2 overly senfimafl‘
`sys-tem (sis’tsm) n. |< Gr ayn-. together +
`1 a set or
`ment of
`form a whole [a solar system. a sch
`to show a logical .
`facts. rules. etc.
`them 3amethodorp
`of doing something 5the body. or a n
`organs. functioning as a unit
`system-ark (~ta mat’ik) Id]. 1 constitutingd '.
`a system 2 awarding to a system: orderly
`cal-Dy adv.
`sys'tam-Mize' t-ta ma tiz’) vt. one: 4!!"
`awarding to a system; make systematic
`u’tion II.
`w o e
`”Sign”: (sis tem’ik) ad]. of or affecting tb
`sys-to-le (sis’ta le') n. l< Gr syn-. together 0
`set up] the usual rhythmic contraction of -
`sys'tol'lc (-tal'ik) ad].
`synonymous a. same. like. similar,
`identical. correspondent,
`corresponding. alike. interchangeable,
`convertible. compatible; see also
`EQUAL—Ant. OPPOSITE, divergent.
`synopsis n. outline. digest. brief;
`syntax n. order of words. arrange-
`meat. grammatical rules; see GM»
`a. artificial. counterfeit.
`plastic; see FALSE 3.
`syrup n. sugar solution. sweet
`liquid. glucose; see SUGAR. Kinds of
`syrup include the following: cane.
`corn. maple. simple sugar; molasses.
`honey, treade. sorg um.
`system It. orderlinu.
`plan. arrangement,
`order. systematic ., --
`process; see also 031‘].
`a. order-b.
`precise; see REGUMI
`systematlxe v. plfl,
`organize;see0lmlm s.
`SONOS 1020 - Page 3
`SONOS 1020 - Page 3
`sln-ole (sim’pal) ad. W. m k Lsimplual 1 having
`simple I singleton
`onlyonen'afewparts;unmmplicatcd 2easytodoor
`understand 3 without additions [the simple facts] d not
`cum. carelanypositiompmvidinganinoonebutremiir-
`ornateorluxui-ious; plain Swithoutguileordeceit 6
`without mutation; natural 7 oflow rank or position 8
`51le die (si’né di'él ILL. without a day] for an indefinite
`stupid or foolish —slm’pleonesa n.
`sl-nequanonm'uékwinm’. sin’akwanon')fls.with-
`sll'nple must interest computed on principal alone.
`and not on principal plus interest
`outwhich notlanindispensable conditionorthing
`sln-awnin’ym) n. (OE room] 1 a tendon Znusculsr
`slm'ple-mlnd'sd ad. 1 artless; unsophistimted 2 fool-
`ish 3 mentally retarded
`sln’ploton (-ten) n. a fool
`sln‘fulad. wicked; immoral—an
`slmplk-l-ty(sin plis’s (é) n..pl. 4k! 1 a simple state or
`slnpusim mmsuno. slng'loolo singnnl Impro-
`ducemusicalsoundswiththevoice ltouseaongor
`verseinpraise. etc. [oftheelsi'rw] Stomakenusical
`“slime“freedom from complexity 2 absence of elegance.
`sounds asasongbirddoes 4tohum. buu.etc.. asabee
`sim-pii-lym'nrpia m n. -fled‘ m to nakesimpler
`does —vt. ‘Itorenderui song.etc)bysinging Ito
`eatol. etc inm 3tobringorputbysingingltori'nga
`comp ex
`sigma: (' purer”.mg
`bnbytoaleepI—n. [Infilgmup singing-wife! n.
`unrealistically simple —-slm:ptls'tI-cal-ly adv.
`SIMON (sim'pls) adv. 1in a simple way 2 merely [sim-
`ply trying] 3 completely [simply furious]
`slnp’mzlong' n. an informal gather-ingofpeopletosing
`slll‘l-~u-lateuin’ywflt’) vL-lat‘ed. 4at‘ln9kLsimularel
`Sln-ga-poreisidapor) lislandcountryofl‘theStipol
`1wgivesfalseappearanceofzfeign Zwlookoractlike
`—slni‘u-la’tlon n. —slrn’wla‘tor n.
`theMiilsy Peninsnlnmgi. nu.: pop. ZHSMOOO Zita
`capital. aseaportonthoScoastop 2756000
`si-mul-rast (ai’mal km) vr. «r or med. wring to
`slnpetsinj)vt.slnosd. slngs’lnolOEaer-ganl Iwbura
`broadcast (a program) simultaneously by radio and idle
`superficially Zmexposelananimalmrcaasnodamein
`vision —n. a program so broadcast
`sl-muI-ta-ne-ous (si'mal té'né as] ad]. k L simul.
`genoving feathers.ete. —n.1asingeing2asupcrficisl
`together] acorn-ring. done. etc. at the same time —sl'1nul-
`sln-ole (sin’gal) ad. l< L smgulusl 1a) one only b)
`ta-ns'I-ty (to 111?; té. ~na’-) n. —sl'mul-ta'ne-ous-ty adv.
`separateanddistinctlevery single time] Isolliary 30f
`sln (sin) n. [OE synnel 1 the willful breaking of religious
`orforonepersonorfamily Cbetweantwopersonsonly
`or moral
`law 2 any offense or fault —vl. sinned.
`[mule combat] SunnarriedsShaving only one part:
`sln‘nlng to commit a sin
`not multiple. etc 7 whole; unbroken Ia single front] —-
`5]le (si'ni'). Mount Bible the mountain where Moses
`received the law from God: Exodus 19
`vl. Basebaltohitasingle—n. 1s
`SIM (sins) adv. hilt. < 0E sith. alter o Hurt. that]
`from then until now {I've been here ever since] 2st
`sometimebetweenthen and nothehassi'ncrrecov-
`cred) Bbelorenow; sgunongu‘nce good—prep. 1 con-
`simple-breasted (-bros’tid) ad]. overlapping in front
`tinuously from (then) until now [since noon] Zduring
`enough to fasten [a single-breasted coat]
`the period between (then) and now [twice since May]—
`slngleflle lasinglelineofpeopleorthings.onebehind
`00:11 sftcrthetimethatltwoyearssi'ncetheynetl 2
`sln'gle-hand’edad" adv.
`‘lusingonlyonehand 2
`left] 3 because [since you're done. let's go]
`s‘witliouthel —sin'9|e-hand'ed-lyadv.
`sln-care (sin si!) ad. «for. ier'est l< Lainey-us. pure]
`edad. withonlyoneaimorpurpose—
`eddy adv.
`1 truthful; honest 2 genuine [sincere grief]M
`adv. —slwcsr'l-ty(aer’a til it.
`sine-cure (ai'ne W. sin’a-l n. I< L sine. without +
`ofitssuitheldbyaplayer lasinglepersonorthing
`simultaneous a. «accident. at the
`simple a. 1 [Not complicated] sin»
`frankly. profoundly. deeply. to the
`bottom of one’s heart.
`same time. concurrent. in concert. in
`gle. unmixed. unblended. mere
`the same breath.
`in chorus. at
`slncerlty n. openness, frankness.
`unadulterated. not complex. simplis-
`same instant.
`in sync; see also
`truthfulness; see “ONES”. REHABIL-
`tic. not confiising. obvious, direct.
`pure. 2 [Plain] homely. unaffected.
`the same
`simultaneously a. at
`unadorned; see loom 2. 3 [Easy]
`sinful a. wicked. erring. immoral:
`sec BM) 1. WRONG i.
`time. as one. concurrently: see
`not. difficult. effortless. done with
`one. see m 2.
`sinfully a. wickedly.
`slmple—mlnded a. unintelligent
`unjustly; see WRONG“.
`sln n. error. wrongdoing. trespass.
`childish. mindless; see 0qu. 3. NAN}:
`wickedness. evildoing. iniquity inmo-
`slng‘ v. chant. carol. warble. voinl-
`ire. hum. harm-min. trill. crow. twit-
`transgression. ungodliness.
`unrighteominess. venislity, disobedi-
`W n clod. idiot. bungler.
`ter. chirp. raise a song. lift up the
`ence to the divine will. transgremion
`voice in song. burst into song.
`ofthedivine law. violation ofGod's
`sings v. brand. sear. scorch; see
`law; see also CRlIIE. Sins recognized
`as deadly include the following: pride.
`finger n. vocalist. songster. charis-
`covetousness. lust. anger. gluttony,
`ter. choirmaster, soloist. minstrel,
`IIArtleasness] naiveté.
`chanter. entertainer: see also MUSI-
`plainneas prinitivmesa; see INNO—
`sln v. err. do wrong. commit a
`crime. ofi'end. break the moral law.
`singing n. warbling. crooning,
`slmpllfledaa. made easy. made
`break one of the Commandments.
`chanting. see Mic 1.
`plain. nnconplicated. clear.
`trespass. transgress. niabebave. go
`single a.
`1 [Unique] sole. original.
`preted. momgleared up.
`exceptional. singular. only. without
`wander from is straight a
`astray. fall.
`la‘Ese. fall from"from
`row‘. backslide.
`equal. unequaled. peerless. unrivaled;
`indoor up. clarify. inter-
`SONOS 1020 - Page 4