Page 1
` CASE NO. 2:14-CV-00486-SJO-(PJWx)
` )
` Plaintiff )
` )
`VS. )
` )
` )
` Defendant )
` Boston, Massachussets
` Tuesday, December 9, 2014
`Sandra A. Deschaine, CSR, RPR, CLR, CRA
`Job No. 12950
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`Page 2
` DECEMBER 9, 2014
` 9:20 A.M.
` Deposition of Ivan Zatkovich, taken
`on behalf of the Defendant, at the law
`offices of Hayes Messina Gilman Hayes LLC,
`200 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts, on
`Tuesday, December 9, 2014, before Sandra A
`Deschaine, Certified Shorthand Reporter,
`Registered Professional Reporter, Certified
`Live Note Reporter, and Notary Public for the
`State of Massachusetts.
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`Page 3
` 200 State Street, 6th Floor
` Boston, Massachusetts 02109
` T. 617.439.4200 F. 617.443.1999
` 300 South Wacker Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` T. 312.913.0001 F. 312.912.0002
`(Appearances continued)
`2 3
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`Page 4
`APPEARANCES (continued)
` In-house counsel
` 223 E De La Guerra
` Santa Barbara, California 93101
` T. 805.308.8234
`Also Present: Leonard Laub
` Sean Budd, Videographer
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`Page 5
` I N D E X
`Ivan Zatkovich 7
` By Mr. Sullivan
`Exhibit 1 Rebuttal Expert Report of
` Ivan Zatkovich 10
`Exhbiit 2 Expert Report of Andrew
` Wolfe 31
`Exhibit 3 Table of Contents 32
`Exhibit 4 Wheeler Patent No. '283 34
`Exhibit 5 Goldberg Patent No. '740 35
`Exhibit 6 Chang Patent No. '517 35
`Exhibit 7 Chang Patent No. '739 35
`Exhibit 8 McAulay Patent No '910 59
`Exhibit 9 Lipscomb Patent No.
` 2002/0026411 78
`Exhibit 10 Central District of
` California, Civil Minutes -
` General 106
`Exhibit 11 Edens Patent No. '537 157
`Exhibit 12 Kowalski Patent No. '410 186
`Exhibit 13 Microsoft Dictionary,
` Fifth Edition 204
`Exhibit 14 Thomas Patent No. '773 244
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`Page 6
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the
`record. This is the video operator
`speaking Shawn Budd, with TransPerfect
`Legal Solutions. Today's date is
`December 9, 2014. And the time is 9:20
`a.m. We are here in Boston,
`Massachusetts, to take the video
`deposition of Ivan Zatkovich in the
`matter of Black Hills Media versus
`Sonos, Inc.
` Would counsel please introduce
` MR. SULLIVAN: Sean Sullivan from
`McDonnell, Boehenen, Hulbert & Berghoff
`on behalf of Sonos.
` MR. SHEA: Rory Shea from
`McDonnell, Boehnen, Hulbert & Berghoff
`also on behalf of Sonos.
` MR. KAFADAR: Paul Kafadar,
`in-house for Sonos.
` MR. IACONIS: James Iaconis
`representing Black Hills Media. Also
`with me is Leonard Laub.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And the court
`reporter is Sandy Deschaine.
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`Page 7
` Would you please swear in the
` witness?
` IVAN ZATKOVICH, Deponent, having
`first been satisfactorily identified by the
`production of his Florida driver's license
`and duly sworn by the Notary Public, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning. Is it Zatkovich?
`Am I pronouncing that right?
` A. Zatkovich, yeah.
` Q. Are you currently employed?
` A. I am.
` Q. By who?
` A. eComp Consultants.
` Q. How long have you worked at eComp
` A. Approximately ten years.
` Q. Where did you work before that?
` A. Prior to that I worked at Smith &
` Q. And what kind of business is Smith
`& Nephew?
` A. Smith & Nephew is in medical
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`Page 8
` Q. Did you say it was eComp?
` A. eComp.
` Q. And what kind of consulting does
`eComp do?
` A. eComp does technology consulting
`project management for software integration,
`as well as doing some litigation support.
` Q. How big is eComp?
` A. eComp? Five employees and about a
`dozen consultants.
` Q. What position do you hold there?
` A. I'm the principal consultant.
` Q. I take it there's only one
`principal consultant?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Have you given any testimony
`before at trial in a deposition?
` A. I have.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Approximately 18 or 20 depositions
`and five or six trials.
` Q. Okay.
` So you probably know the ground
`rules for the deposition so I won't go
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`Page 9
`through those in any detail today.
` Is there anything preventing you
`from giving complete and accurate testimony
` A. No. Just getting over a cold so
`I'm a little congested, but aside from that,
`I see no reason why not.
` Q. If you need a break at anytime
`today, just let me know. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Have you discussed this lawsuit
`with anyone other than Black Hills Media's
` A. Yes. I've had two or three
`consultants that I work with on this case.
` Q. Okay.
` Who are they?
` A. Leonard Laub, Nick Zatkovich, and
`Marvin Scaff.
` Q. And Leonard Laub is the gentleman
`sitting in this room?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And who did the other consultants
`work for?
` A. They all work through eComp
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`Page 10
` Q. Is Nick your son?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you talk with anyone else?
` A. Not that I recall, no.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Okay. I'm going to
` mark...
` THE REPORTER: You're going to do
` it?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Yeah, I'll do it.
` Oh, you like to do it? I'm not use to
` such fancy service but.
`(Zatkovich Exhibit 1, Rebuttal Expert Report
` of Ivan Zatkovich, marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Okay.
` I'm showing you what I've now
`marked as Deposition Exhibit 1. Ask you to
`look at that, please.
` MR. SULLIVAN: I only brought one
` copy for you.
` MR. IACONIS: That's fine.
` Q. Take your time and look through
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`Page 11
`that. But my question for you is going to be
`if to you know what that is?
`(Witness reviewing document.)
` A. I do.
` Q. Can you tell me what it is?
` A. It is the report that I prepared
`in rebuttal to the Wolfe Invalidity Report.
` MR. SULLIVAN: W-o-l-f-e.
` Q. So that's your Rebuttal Report for
`this litigation; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Let's take a look -- do you see a
`couple tabs there at the end of that Exhibit
` A. I do.
` Q. Can you tell me what Exhibit 1 is?
`Or the Tab 1 to Exhibit 1 is?
` A. Tab 1 is my CV and a list of cases
`where I testified in the last five years, I
` Q. Okay.
` Is this CV accurate and up to
` A. Yes, I'd say so.
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`Page 12
` Q. Is there anything you're aware of
`that's missing on this CV?
` A. No, I don't believe so.
` Q. If you would turn to the list of
`cases in your CV.
` A. Sure.
` Q. First of all, it says, "Sample
` Do you see that?
` A. Oh, in my CV.
` Q. Yeah. I'm sorry. It's in your
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. What did you mean by "Sample
` A. Just a cross section of cases that
`I've worked on.
` Q. Are there other cases that you've
`worked on recently that aren't listed here?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have a complete list of
`cases that you've worked on in the last,
`let's say, four years?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where would that be?
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`Page 13
` A. That would be at the end of my CV.
` Q. Is this a complete list for the
`last five years?
` A. Yes, I believe so.
` Q. So just looking at the sample
` Zomora Radio Case. Do you see
` A. I do.
` Q. It seems to indicate here that
`this case involved a broadcast or
`broadcasting; is that right?
` A. Yes, Internet broadcasting.
` Q. Did you provided a definition of
`broadcast in that case?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Did you issue a report, an expert
`report in that case?
` A. I did.
` Q. Were you deposed in that case?
` A. I was.
` Q. How about trial testimony, did you
`give any in that case?
` A. No.
` Q. And the next case down is Vtran
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`Page 14
`Media Case.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It looks like the term "channel"
`is mentioned there as one of the issues
`involved in that case?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you provide a definition of
`"channel" in that case?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. How about any reports or testimony
`for that case, did you have any?
` A. I was only the consulting expert
`on that case.
` Q. So no reports, no testimony?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Then how about the eBay (Skype)
`case? Do those cases involve network address
`resolution and data routing?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. What is network address
` A. The ability to identify the
`location of a URL, and URI, or an IP address
`based on a link provided within a web page.
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`Page 15
` Q. Okay.
` What's a URL?
` A. A URL is Universal Resource
`Locator. It's also known as a web address.
` Q. And how about a URI?
` A. A URI is a more broad type of web
`address. It complied to documents, pages,
`resources. It looks similar to a URL.
` Q. What does URI stand for?
` A. Universal Resource Identifier, I
` Q. Did any of the cases that you
`worked on, as far as you can recall, involve
`ad-hoc networking?
` A. I do recall -- actually, it's one
`that I just completed the report for. Here
`it is. Certus versus S&N. We had some mesh
`networks involved in that technology.
` Q. Okay.
` Is that listed in your testimonial
`history here, or is it in the "Sample Cases"?
`I'm just having a trouble finding it.
` A. It's in the testimonial of
` Q. Whereabouts?
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`Page 16
` A. The last page, third from the
` Q. Have you been deposed in that
` A. No.
` Q. I think you said you did issue a
`report in that case?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you define the term "ad-hoc
`networking" in that case?
` A. No, I don't recall. It was a
`secondary technology.
` Q. What was the primary technology?
` A. Geolocation and being able to
`identify underground facilities.
` Q. And how was ad-hoc networking
`related to that?
` A. Primarily, it was a means for the
`geolocation and location devices to
`intercommunicate. Mesh network was one of
`the methods that could perform that.
` Q. Was there a particular protocol
`they used to communicate with each other?
` A. 802.11 was the base protocol that
`was used.
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`Page 17
` Q. Do you have any expertise with
` A. I do.
` Q. What expertise?
` A. I've had the opportunity to work
`several different projects involving
`device-to-device connectivity, involving both
`ad-hoc networks and Bluetooth communication.
` Q. Is Bluetooth and ad-hoc networking
` A. Bluetooth in certain
`circumstances, can be used to develop an
`ad-hoc network but in very specific
` Q. What are those situations?
` A. Well, wireless ad-hoc network must
`be both peer-to-peer connectivity, as well as
`each node participating in the routing.
`Bluetooth, by default is a point-to-point
`device communication. You can also establish
`what's called a piconet, p-i-c-o-n-e-t, that
`is a master slave, that's not a true wireless
`ad-hoc network. But in some circumstances
`you can use Bluetooth to create a
`peer-to-peer network where both nodes can
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`Page 18
`participate in the communication.
` Q. Don't both nodes in a peer-to-peer
`Bluetooth connection always participate?
` A. Bluetooth, by default, is not a
`peer-to-peer network.
` Q. Why is that?
` A. Because it's set up as
`point-to-point, by default, connecting two
`devices, and, in some rare circumstances, you
`can expand it in a piconet and even more rare
`circumstances you can develop it as a
` Q. Okay.
` What's the difference between
`peer-to-peer and point-to-point?
` A. Point-to-point is just too
`modes -- two specific destinations. Peer to
`peer is when two nodes want to establish a
`channel of connectivity. That could be a
`point-to-point as well, but peer-to-peer
`network is generally a multipoint
` Q. Have you heard the term
` A. Not specifically, no.
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`Page 19
` Q. So that's mentioned in the
`BlueTooth specification; you agree?
` A. There's one of many noticed. I
`don't recall the actual term
`point-to-multi-point. There's a master
`slave, which I believe you're referring to.
` Q. Master slave would be
`point-to-point; right?
` A. Master slave can be point-to-point
`or one to many. One master to many slaves.
`That, for example, would not be a wireless
`ad-hoc network.
` Q. But a point-to-point BlueTooth
`connection would be an ad-hoc network;
` A. Some people call it a BlueTooth
`ad-hoc network. It would not be what's
`considered in the industry a wireless ad-hoc
` Q. There's a difference between a
`wireless ad-hoc network and BlueTooth ad-hoc
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is BlueTooth a wireless
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`Page 20
` A. Yes.
` Q. So what's the difference, in your
`opinion, between a BlueTooth ad-hoc network
`and a BlueTooth wireless?
` A. Well, as I mentioned before, in
`the industry, the wireless ad-hoc network
`peer-to-peer connectivity with each node
`participating in the route. That's not
`possible with a BlueTooth master slave or
`point-to-point network.
` Q. Again, I guess I'm having trouble
`understanding your difference between
`peer-to-peer and point-to-point.
` When you only have two devices, is
`that a point-to-point connection?
` MR. IACONIS: Objection as to
` form.
` THE WITNESS: A point-to-point by
` definition is two and only two
` connections. Peer-to-peer could be two,
` three, four, five.
` Q. But would it not be true that when
`there's only on two devices connecting to
`each other, that that point-to-point
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`Page 21
`connection is also a peer-to-peer connection?
` A. It's possible, but, again, in the
`industry, peer-to-peer means you establish a
`set of connectivity rules such that multiple
`entities can participate.
` Q. Multiple entities can participate
`in BlueTooth; correct?
` A. By default, it would be master
` Q. But those roles can be exchanged
`freely in BlueTooth; correct?
` MR. IACONIS: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe
` that's true.
` Q. You don't believe in BlueTooth
`that the master slave roles can be exchanged?
` A. Not dynamically.
` Q. So you said there was a couple
`projections you worked on where BlueTooth was
` A. BlueTooth and mesh networks, yes.
` Q. Do you know how long ago that was?
` A. One project was approximately a
`year-and-a-half ago and the other project was
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`Page 22
`probably six or seven years ago.
` Q. And were there any other projects
`that you've worked on where BlueTooth was
` A. Well, projects where BlueTooth
`devices were used, but I wasn't designing or
`developing any BlueTooth protocols.
` Q. Have you ever designed or
`developed a BlueTooth protocol?
` A. Yes, in the projects that I
` Q. Were those projects that involved
`BlueTooth, were they litigation in nature?
` A. No.
` Q. Are they identified in your CV?
` A. They might be. Well, one was done
`as part of utility consulting for eComp, and
`the other one was done as part of a Darwin
`project that I did for a client. They would
`be done both at eComp. I don't know if those
`projects were listed specifically.
` Q. Well, you have your CV in front of
` Do you recognize those projects as
`being identified?
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`Page 23
` A. No, we just have general
`categories of consulting. I don't list the
`specific clients or projects.
` Q. What category of consulting the
`BlueTooth technology fall under?
` A. Patent litigation consulting for
`telecommunications and Internet technology
` Q. But this work you did for
`BlueTooth technology, you said wasn't related
`to litigation?
` A. It was related to patents but not
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert
`in BlueTooth technology?
` A. I consider myself knowledgeable in
`BlueTooth technology.
` Q. But not an expert?
` A. I consider myself knowledgeable.
`I don't know what level of expertise you
`would be looking for in that, but I
`understand the protocol, and I can compare it
`to other protocols.
` Q. You don't understand the term
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`Page 24
` A. I do.
` Q. Well, I mean, with your
`understanding of the term "expert," do you
`consider yourself an expert in BlueTooth
` A. Sure.
` Q. And that expertise is based on
`these two projects?
` A. These two projects and the study
`of various communication protocols.
` Q. Have you studied BlueTooth?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Have you read the specification?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In its entirety?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was the last time you did
` A. Oh, probably -- probably the last
`time I read the spec in its entirety was
`about six years ago when I worked on the
`first project.
` Q. When is the last time you read any
`portion of the BlueTooth specification?
` A. Probably yesterday.
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`Page 25
` Q. What is your compensation for the
`work you're doing in this case?
` A. I'm sure I listed it. I believe
`it's $475 an hour.
` Q. Is that your usual and customary

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