date reference
`;eneral reader.
`'wish Religion
`uigs and Queens of Britain
`anguage Toolldt
`iterary Quotations
`iterary Terms
`oval and Family History
`ondon Place-Names
`riedicinal Drugs
`modern Design'
`Rodern Slang
`dusical TPT~C
`viusical Wozks
`)logies and Isms
`'prase and Fable
`'lant Sciences
`?ocket Fowler's Modern
`English Usage
`Political Quotations
`Quotations by Subject
`Reverse Dictionary
`Rhyming Slang
`Synonyms and Antonyms
`'riventieth-Century Art
`Weights, Measures, and Units
`Word Histories
`World History
`World Mythology
`World P1ace~Names•
`World Religions
`A Dictionary of
`Com uti n
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 1 of 6

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`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 2 of 6

`protocol hierarchy
`protocol hierarchy See rxorocor..
`protocol stack See rxorocor..
`protocol translation See ixTBxxaT-
`prototype See sorrwnxB rxoTo~rixc.
`proxy A device that handles network
`traffic on behalf of another: a client will
`send a request to a proxy, which will then
`make the same request to a server, to
`which the proxy appears to be a client.
`The response from the server is returned
`to the proxy and then passed to the origi-
`nal client. Proxies are often used as part of
`a *firewall to allow complex protocols to
`be handled; they may also examine re-
`quests and responses, route requests to
`different servers or filter responses in ac-
`cordance with some policy.
`PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface PS~2
`was a type of personal computer (now ob-
`solete) produced by IBM in the 1980s. The
`interface, a mini DIN connector, survives
`as the commonest connector for key-
`boards and mice. The pin connections are
`idenrical for both devices and frequently
`the interface maybe used for either de-
`vice. This feature is commonly found in
`laptop computers where afull-sized key-
`board or mouse may be used in place of
`the native one.
`PSE 1. Abbrev. for programming support
`environment. A software system that pro-
`vides support for the programming as-
`pects of software development, repair, and
`enhancement. A typical system contains a
`central database and a set of *software
`tools. The central database acts as a reposi-
`tory for all the information related to the
`programming activities.
`PSEs vary in the general nature of their
`databases and in the coverage provided by,
`and the degree of cooperative interaction
`of, the set of tools and the programming
`languages supported. A programming sup-
`port environment might be considered as
`a more technologically advanced form of
`*program development system.
`2. Abbrev. for project support environment.
`A software system that provides support
`for the full life cycle of software develop-
`ment and also the project control and
`management aspects of a soflware-
`intensive project. The project support en-
`PSK Abb
`vironment will have all the features of a
`programming support environment (see
`above) plus *software tools to support the
`earlier phases of software development
`(see (upper) cnsa) and tools associated with
`the management and control of the pro-
`ject. See also irsa.
`pseudocode Another name for,pseudolan-
`pseudoinstruction (pseudo-operation,
`directive) An element in an assembly lan-
`guage that is similar to an instruction but
`provides control information to the assem-
`bler as opposed to generating a particular
`instruction. Examples are:
`generate absolute code
`generate relative addresses;
`start a new segment;
`allocate space for constants or variables
`pseudolanguage (pseudocode) A form
`of representation used to provide an out-
`line description of the *specification for a
`software module. Pseudolanguages con-
`tain amixture of natural language expres-
`sions embedded in syntactic structures
`taken from programming language (such
`as IF..THEN..ELSE). The formality of the
`definition varies from ad hoc (e.g. defined
`within a project team) to being sufficiently
`formal to enable automatic parsing and
`syntax checking (e.g. supported by a
`*CASE tool). Pseudolanguages are not in-
`tended to be executed by computer; they
`must be interpreted by people.
`pseudonoise sequence A Sequence of
`symbols with *pseudorandom properties
`intended to simulate *noise. Most com-
`monly. *m-sequences are used.
`pseudonymous record See nxoxYMizn-
`pseudo-operation Another name for
`pseudorandom Mimicking randomness.
`A *deterministic process, which cannot in
`principle be random, may nevertheless ex-
`hibit properties of randomness. It may
`therefore serve as a surrogate random
`process, in which case it is called pseudo-
`pseudorandom numbers See xwxnoM
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 3 of 6

`quaternary logic
`bining form used sometimes in computing
`in place of pseudo-, as in quasi-random
`numbers or quasi-instruction.
`quaternary logic, See mtuLTivntuev
`Quattro Pro Trademark A widely used
`*spreadsheet supplied by Novell.
`query by example (QBE) A screen-based
`form-filling user interface to a *relational
`database. The software derives the
`searches to be made from examples given
`by the user.
`query language Strictly a language for
`the specification of retrieval criteria
`against which information is obtained
`from a database. T'he term is something of
`a misnomer when, as with *SQL, a lan-
`guage that originated for this purpose has
`been extended to include facilities for up-
`dating and for schema modification. See
`query processing 7. The retrieval of in-
`formation from a *database according to a
`set of retrieval criteria, the database itself
`remaining unchanged.
`2. In the context of a specific *query lan-
`guage, the technique of translating the re-
`trieval criteria specified using the
`language (see def. 1) into more primirive
`database-access software, including a se-
`lection among different methods to
`choose the most efficient in the particular
`queue 1. (FIFO list, pushup stack, pushup
`list) A linear *list where all insertions are
`made at one end of the list and all re-
`movals and accesses at the other. Like a
`pushdown *stack, a queue can be imple-
`mented in hardware as a specialized form
`of addressless memory, and is most com-
`monlyused for speed buffering between. a
`real-time data input~output stream and a
`form of memory that requires start~stop
`queue management A queue is charac-
`terized by the way in which customers (i.e.
`processes) join it in order to wait for ser-
`vice, and by the way in which customers
`already in the queue are selected for ser-
`vicing. Both of these activiries are con-
`trolled by the queue manager.
`queuing network A network of queues
`(see QvBuixc Txaoxx) used to model a sys-
`tem, particularly for performance analysis.
`queuing theory The study of systems in
`which customers, arriving at random and
`requiring varying periods of service, may
`have to wait in order to be served. From
`the number of service points and the
`*probability distributions of arrival times
`and service times, the distribution of the
`length of queue and the waiting time be-
`fore service maybe predicted.
`Queuing theory has important applica-
`tions in any system liable to congestion,
`where the costs of improved service may
`be balanced against the costs of conges-
`quibinary code Another name for
`biquinary code.
`quickersort An algorithm published in
`1965 by R. S. Scowen using a method simi-
`lar to *quicksort. It repeatedly splits the
`array to be sorted into parts such that all
`elements of one part are less than all el-
`ements of the other, with a third part in .
`the middle consisting of a single element.
`quicksort (partition-exchange sort) A
`form of sorting by exchanging due to
`C. A. R. Hoare. By comparing sortkeys
`from the two extremes of the file, and al-
`ternately working up the file from the bot-
`tom until an exchange is necessary and
`then working down the file from the top,
`the original problem can be reduced to
`two smaller problems. The same process is
`then applied to each part, and is furkher
`repeated unril the problems are trivially
`small. See also xanrsoxT.
`Quicktime A utility program from Apple
`for embedding multimedia, such as audio
`and video, in a document. It is available
`for Windows as well as the Macintosh.
`quiesce To render a device or system in-
`active by, for example, rejecting new re-
`quests for work.
`q-valued See QnxY.
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 4 of 6

`that it fails to provide essen-
`n atimely fashion on de-
`istics Statisrical methods in-
`ie effects of *outliers (which
`ekes or contaminated data).
`rely on *medians rather
`and use more information
`tral than from the outlying
`The ideas are associated with
`data analysis.
`e (terminator, sentinel) A
`at the end of a table and that
`sized as a termination signal
`~okup program.
`>rocess that restarts a running
`oftware system at a *check-
`ord is also used as a verb to
`~~111 J $CC POLLING.
`gut A method of handling
`system dealing with a num-
`:aneously active *processes.
`Bess becomes active, all its as-
`kspace and code is brought
`emory. As soon as the process
`:ontinue for any reason, typi-
`the user associated with the
`oviding input, the entire
`nd code of the process is
`nto backing store, retaining
`buffer capable of receiving
`he user. When user input
`ie process is able to continue
`workspace and code are
`nto main memory. When the
`fires to output results to the
`~aiting further input from the
`led out onto backing store. See
`n for read-only memory. A
`semiconductor memory de-
`the storage of data that will
`modification: the memory
`permanently built into the
`its manufacture according
`created pattern or mask. It is
`ies called mask ROM to distin-
`programmable ROM, i.e.
`Hugh it is possible only to
`read data from the memory locations of a
`ROM, the locations can be accessed in any
`order with equal speed. Hence there is
`*random access to any of the locations in
`ROM cartridge (ROM pack) A module
`containing software that is permanently
`stored in *ROM. The module can easily be
`plugged into and later removed from a
`personal computer or other equipment
`without the integrated circuitry being
`handled. ROM cartridges are used for ex-
`ample to provide extra programs to a
`home computer or extra fonts to a printer
`Romberg method An *extrapolation
`method for *numerical integration, based
`on the *trapezium rule.
`ROM optical disk (ROM OD)An *optical
`disk carrying information that is inserted
`at the time of manufacture and cannot
`subsequently be altered. Manufacture is
`usually by pressing copies from a master;
`copies are therefore cheap although the
`master is expensive. The predominant for-
`mat is *CD-ROM.
`romware Software (machine instruc-
`tions) stored more-or-less permanently in
`a *ROM, *PROM, *EPROM, etc.
`root 1. of a tree. The unique node in the
`tree with no parent. See rxBa.
`2. of a polynomial equation. See rorsxo-
`root directory See nixECToxx Tx~E.
`rooted tree See Txsa.
`rootkit A collecrion of software tools in-
`stalled by an intruder on a compromised
`computer. A rootkit will normally contain
`tools to hide evidence of the intrusion and
`*backdoors to allow access or remote-
`control in future. Rootkits often include
`tools to facilitate other types of misuse
`such as distributed denial of service at-
`tacks or distribution of *spam.
`ROS Acronym for remote operations ser-
`rotated dither Rotation of the dither
`pattern in a *halftone image to remove
`rotation position sensor A feature of
`some disk drives that allows the central
`processor to be made aware that a re-
`quired sector is about to come under the
`read head of the drive.
`rough surface In computer graphics, a
`surface where the neighboring *facets
`making up an object are significantly dif-
`ferent in orientation.
`roundoff error The error caused by
`truncating numbers in a calculation, usu-
`ally necessitated because registers in a
`computer can only hold numbers of a
`fixed length, say t binary digits. Arithmeti-
`cal operations on such numbers often give
`results requiring more than t digits for
`their representation, which must then be
`reduced to t digits for further calculation.
`The nearest t-digit approximation maybe
`used (rounding) or digits after the tth may
`be dropped (chopping or truncation). The
`repeated reduction to t digits can cause
`systematic buildup of error in certain
`types of calculation.
`round robin A method of allocating CPU
`time in a multiuser environment. Each
`user is allocated a small amount or quan-
`tum of processor time. Once a user's quan-
`tum is exhausted, control passes to the
`next user. The round robin scheduler
`bears many resemblances to the *feed-
`back queue, which can be thought of as a
`refinement of the simple round robin
`route The path used to move information
`from one place to another. In a packet
`switching network it is the list of nodes
`that a particular packet or class of packets
`is to follow or has followed.
`router A unit that supports the low-level
`linking of several regions of a single net-
`work. In any network it is helpful to sub-
`divide the network into a number of
`regions in which most traffic is between
`pairs of nodes within that region, with
`only a small amount of traffic leaving the
`region. A router links several regions: in-
`terregion traffic will be forwarded to the
`correct region but traffic addressed to a
`destination in the same region as the
`sender will not be forwarded. A router
`must be capable of interpreting the sender
`and receiver addresses in the data, and
`must be able to determine where to for-
`ward traffic. It must therefore be capable
`of interpreting the network protocol,
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 5 of 6

`must store tables that assist in managing
`the routing activity, and will probably
`need to store an entire packet before for-
`warding it. The router is designed so as to
`function at the lowest possible level
`within the protocol stack, consistent with
`achieving correct partitioning of the net-
`work and correct routing of traffic. De-
`spite the complexity of the unit and the
`delay it introduces, large networks almost
`invariably include routers. See also sxiDCE.
`routine Another name for subroutine, used
`usually in combinations, as in input rou-
`routine maintenance Another name for
`preventive maintenance.
`routing The procedure used to determine
`the *route taken by a packet in a packet
`switching computer network. Routing
`maybe Jnced (computed once at system
`starting or session initiation) or dynamic
`(recomputed periodically or on a packet-
`by-packet basis). Routing maybe central-
`ized or distributed (computed by different
`nodes independently).
`row-major order One way of mapping
`the elements of atwo-dimensional array
`onto a vector. If atwo-dimensional array,
`A, with m rows and n columns is mapped
`in row-major order onto a vector b with
`mn elements then
`a,~ = bk
`where k = n(i - 1) + j
`row-ragged See xnccsn Axanx.
`row vector See MnTxix.
`RPC Abbrev. for remote procedure call.
`RPG Acronym. for report program genera-
`tor. Aprogramming language used in com-
`mercial data processing for extracting
`information from files. The input to an
`RPG consists of a description of the file
`structure, a specification of the informa-
`tion required, and of its layout on the
`page. From this information, the RPG con-
`structs aprogram to read the file, extract
`the desired information, and format it in
`the required manner. The best-known ex-
`ample is RPG II.
`RPN Abbrev. for reverse Polish notation
`RS232C interface A widely used stan-
`dard interface that covers the electrical
`connection between data communication
`equipment, such as a *modem, and data
`terminal equipment, such as a microcom-
`puter or computer terminal. The RS232C
`interface standard was developed by the
`ELS (Electronic Industries Association) and
`is essentially equivalent to the CCI'TT's
`*V24 interface; RS232A and RS232B were
`earlier superseded versions of the specifi-
`In 1975 the EIA introduced two new
`specifications in order to upgrade system
`capabilities; these are the RS423 interface,
`which closely resembles RS232C, and the
`RS422 and RS485 interfaces, both of
`which allow higher transmission rates.
`RS232C operates with a single transmitter
`and single receiver per channel up to
`about 20 meters. RS423, RS422, and RS485
`operate at up to about 1200 meters at
`higher speeds and support multiple trans-
`mitters and receivers in each channel.
`RS422 and RS485 operate in differential
`mode using *balanced cables.
`RSA encryption A method of public key
`encryption (see cxYrrocxnrxY) devised by
`Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. A message is
`encrypted by mapping it onto an integer,
`M say, raising M to a (publicly known)
`power e and forming the remainder on di-
`vision by a (publicly known) divisor, n, to
`give the encrypted message S. Decryption
`is achieved by similarly raising S to a (se-
`cret) power d, and again forming the re-
`mainder on division by n; the result will
`be the value of M. The method relies on
`the choice of n as the product of two large
`secret prime numbers, p and q. The values
`of e and d are chosen such that
`e * d =1 mod ((p-1) * (q-1))
`Security is achieved largely by the
`dif~'iculty of finding the prime factors of n.
`RS code Short for Reed-Solomon code.
`RS flip-flop (SR flip-flop) See Frir-FLor.
`RSI Abbrev. for repetitive strain injury. A
`painful condition of the wrist or lower
`arm that can be caused by prolonged use
`of badly designed or installed keyboards,
`though it is found in other unrelated activ-
`ities involving repetitive muscular move-
`ments over a long period of time. RSI is
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1010
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 6 of 6

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