`The Penguin Concise Dictionary o f
`~ / 1 '"
`Dick Fountain
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
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`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
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`query A request made to a computer onrn-
`BASE to retrieve a particular set of data
`Recoaos. Queries may be written in a pro-
`gramming language such as sQ~, or per-
`formedinteractivelyviaaQueRv sr exnMr~e
`interface. In the former case, a query may be
`stored so that it can be used again in future.
`Queries frequently exploit rnrreeN MATCH-
`iNc techniques such as WILDCARDS and
`BOOLEAN OPe28tOL5 (AND, OR and NO'1~ to
`retrieve a whole group of related records at the
`S8ri12 tlril2. S22 2150 QUERYD EFL QUERY OPTI-
`query by example (QBE) A style of user
`interface provided as an alternative in many
`It enables users to retrieve records simply by
`entering the values they wish to find into one
`or more fields of a blank record, rather than by
`typing a logical expression or an sQ~ query:
`those fields left blank may contain any value
`in the result set. For example typing `Jones'
`into the Last_Name field might retrieve all
`records for customers named Jones. Query by
`example does not offer the degree of precision
`and flexibility of full SQL queries, but it is intui-
`tivelyobvious and well-suited to fast, interactive
`applications such as an address book.
`querydef M object that represents an sq~
`baseobject model.
`query optimization
`The automatic
`restructuring of an sQ~ database query in
`order to increase the efficiency of the search
`process. This might be done by making better
`use of any i N v Exes that exist, or for example,
`by PREFETCHING and precomputing partial
`results and cncH i N c them in memory.
`queue A data structure with the property
`that the first element that can be removed is
`the first one that was put in. Hence a queue
`enables a number of items to wait for the
`occurrence of an event, or access to a rationed
`resource, while maintainingthestrict order in
`which they arrived. See also Fi Fo, sTncK.
`extensions to the Inter-
`permit acertain quality
`~d in advance (see under
`e collating of data values
`e value ranges as part of
`ianNzation places each
`into the storage 'bin'
`ie. Fo[ example, with 8-
`~e 256 such bins. In vector
`set of samples is stored at
`~ rec and M r ec because,
`>re computing power at
`ge, it allows for faster
`imple table lookup.
`notes played in via an
`crest whole note value.
`se A type of undesira-
`appearwhen analogue
`~d or pictures) are digi-
`~sts itself as a spurious
`ing in areas that should
`fused by the samples
`series of discrete values
`fly distributed.See also
`Physical phenomena
`ie conductors contain so
`fey cease to behave pre-
`~ Ohm's Law, and begin
`mechanical behaviour,
`ge and resistance are no
`v related.
`pular inthe professional
`ridge SeeQic.
`give AclassofTnre oRrve
`~r-inch cartridge) tapes.
`:s, one of the divisions of
`een split into four non-
`:limited by 25, 50, 75 and
`icant property. Hence a
`third quartile by inmme',
`gbetween 504b and 7596 of
`some group.
`quick-and-dirty A solution to a problem
`that is thrown together quickly, and without
`concern for elegance.
`QuiekDraw Thelibraryofgraphicsroutines
`employed by Apple's MaciNTosH operating
`system, contained in the system ROM, Quick-
`Drawwas ahead of its time in being independ-
`ent of screen resolution, and supporting
`display across multiple monitors.
`Quieksort Avery efficient soiling n~co-
`a irH Mthat works by swapping pairs of items
`to partition them into those larger than and
`those smaller than some chosen item. The
`same process Is applied to each of these two
`sets, until eventually many sets of only two
`items each will be arrived at, and these sets
`can be put into order by a simple comparison
`operation. Quicksort is not only fast but
`space efficient, as it sorts the data in place,
`without having to duplicate it.
`QuiekTime The part of the Apple MnciN-
`TOSH operating system that performs full
`motion video and animation. Quicklime
`drivers are now available for other computers
`and it has become a popular format for distrib-
`utinganimated sequences. Since 1995 Quick-
`Timehas been extended with Quicklime 3D
`QWERTY The standardKevsonaolayoutfor
`typewriters and computers in English-speaking
`countries, so called after the characters that
`appear in its top right letter row. The arrange-
`mentwas devised inthe eazlydays ofthe manual
`typewriter to separate frequently typed letter
`pairs and so avoid their typebars tangling during
`rapid typing. Now this is no longer a considera-
`tion it is clear that QWERTY significantly
`restricts typing speed, but reformed layouts
`such as the ~voanK Kevsonao havebeenuna-
`ble to overcome the inertia of billions of typing
`courses. Some countries use slightly modified
`versionsofQWERTY, sucHasthenZeRTY la}rout
`favoured in France.
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`root directory
`adding suffixes and prefixes. For example
`from the root'go' forms such as `goes', `gone'
`and going' are derived.
`root directory TIl2 FITSt DIRECTORY 111 d
`other directories are susoiRecroRies. On a
`typical PC for example, e : \ is the soot direc-
`tory ofthe boot drive.
`root node The single first N o o e from which
`a rRee structure is constructed.
`rotate 1 To turn around an axis, to revolve.
`2 To exchange a group of items (for example
`daily sncKur tapes) in a circular fashion so
`that the last eventually becomes first again.
`3 A class of eirwise arithmetic operations
`that shifts bits to the left or right along a nee-
`isre2 but preserves any that get shifted out
`and reintroduces them at the other end, like
`the rotation of a continuous chain. Compare
`this with s H i FT operations, which lose thebits
`that fall off the end.
`round robin Thesimplestpossibleschedul-
`ingalgorithm, under which each participant
`is given an equal turn in strict rotation. Round
`robin schedulers are usually encountered in
`systems that employ a coorenArive nnu~ri-
`7AS K I N Gscheme.
`round-trip engineering Theabiliryofan
`automated software design tool or cns e roo ~
`to extract a design schema from a program's
`sou nce coos, as well as to produce program
`code from a schema. This ability enables new
`products to be developed by aevertsE ENGI-
`NeeniNe existing programs and adding new
`sections to them, all within the same develop-
`route 1 n. The sequence of network N o o es
`that a message traverses to reach its final
`2 v. To steer messages through a communi-
`cation network towards their intended desti-
`nation. In apacket-switched network, routing
`is performed by reading address information
`stored in the header of each vncK er. This hap-
`penswithin aseries ofintermediate comput-
`ers along the route called aoureas, each of
`which passes on the packet to the next, like a
`relaybaton. Seealso aouTiNe rns~e, ROUTING
`router A hardware device that connects two
`togethertoform asingleinternetwork,byfor-
`wardingdata rncKers from one network into
`another. A router is a small dedicated compu-
`terwith its own memory, microprocessor and
`multiple network connectors. The routes
`examines the HEADER of each packet
`addressed to itself, and calculates which out-
`goingconnection offers the best route toward
`that packets destination, by consulting
`RouTiNe Tne~es stored in its memory that
`describe the layouts of the networks. A router,
`unlike d GATEWAY, normally requires the
`same network vRoroco ~ to be used on all the
`networks it connects.
`Routers may be used to break up a large ~nN
`(local area network) into several more man-
`ageable segments, to join a LAN to the Inter-
`net orother wnN (wide-area network), and to
`make oins-u r connections via the public tele-
`phone networks. Some routers are capable of
`performing extra processing duties, such as
`encrypting packet headersforaviaTun~ rRi-
`VATE NETWORK, or other security and access-
`controltasks. See also H u e, 8 R I DG E.
`routine Aself-contained section of program
`code with awell-defined action: a s u s Rouri N e.
`routing The process by which network traf-
`fic is guided from one swiTCH or aoureR to
`the next until it reaches its final destination.
`In a complex network such as the public tele-
`phone system there will be many alternative
`paths between any two points, making rout-
`ing ademanding discipline. Routing algo-
`rithms employ various criteria to optimize
`routes, seek perhaps the minimum number of
`steps, or to avoid the most loaded links.
`Routing Information Protocol 1 (RIP)
`An Internet routing protocol that operates by
`seeking the shortest route to a destination, as
`defined in Internet standard s'ru 34. See also
`2 A routing protocol, wholly unrelated to 1
`tll8t IS I1S2Q Uj~ NOV ELl N ETWARE.
`routing table A list stored in the memory
`of a network ROUTER, containing the
`addresses of the other routers to which it is
`connected. The router inspects certain bits in
`t$2 HEADER of each message PACKET It
`receives, uses these as an index into the rout-
`ing table, then forwards the packet to the
`address so retrieved. See also aouri N e.
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`many items may have to be traversed in order
`to find the desired one. Magnetic rnre is a typ-
`ical sequential access medium, owing to its
`physical form -consider finding a particular
`tune on a music cassette. This is in contrast
`W1YY1 fl RANDOM access medium such as a
`hard disk,
`serial 1 Arranged sequentially in time or
`2 More specifically, a oiaTn~ data stream
`in which the individual bits follow one
`another in time down some communication
`channel, rather than being transmitted in
`PARALLEL g[OUPS Of 8, 16 (or however many)
`serial bus Any interface between a compu-
`ter and its peripherals that transfers data in a
`BIT-SERIAL fBShlOri~ notable examples being
`serialize 1 In general, to convert a stream of
`~nRA~~E~ data into a stream of sirs for trans-
`mission over a s E R i a ~ interface.
`2 In the IAvn language, to flatten out the
`data content of an os~ecr into a bit stream
`that can be transmitted over a network to
`another computer.
`Serial Line Internet Protocol Seesur
`serial port A type of communication chan-
`nel that inputs and outputs data from a com-
`puter as asequential stream of single airs (in
`contrast to a vnaA«e~ roar, which transfers
`a whole woa~ at a time). Serial ports are
`cheap to implement, take up little space on a
`computer's M or H e a s on R o and require only a
`thin cable, consisting at a minimum of just
`three wires. For these reasons, they are almost
`universally fitted to small computers, fox con-
`necting the mouse and possibly a printer,
`scanner and modem.
`Serial ports must employ a serial rRoro co ~
`(usually as-z3z) to differentiate the continu-
`ous stream of 0 and 1 bits into separate data
`words, by defining a certain pattern of bits as
`representing the sTor BIT (i.e. an end
`marker). Certain parameters of the bit stream
`are configurable; these include whether a stop
`bit is sent after each 7 or 8 bits, andwhether an
`extra bit is added as a ~naiTv siT for error
`checking purposes. The transfer speed of a
`serial port is measured in bits per second, also
`E R R O R ~ un eT. In the early days of computing,
`serial cables were used to connect user re tt M i-
`NALS t0 MAINFRAME COIT1plltETS~ and as 8
`result most of the nsc i i character codes below
`32 were originally interpreted as serial line
`All i s nn-c o nn rnri e ~e pc s are fitted with one
`of more RS-232 ports, and the newer use and
`F I R E W I R E ports are faster types of serial port.
`Under the MS-DOS and Windows operating sys-
`temsthe setialports are visible as system devices
`called COMl, COM2, COM3, and so on.
`Serial Storage Architecture See ssn. A
`high-speed interface designed by IBM for con-
`nectingexternal disk drives, clusters of drives
`and anio arrays to a host computer, using a
`F u u- o u r ~ e x s e a i a ~ protocol. SSA packetizes
`data to permit simultaneous MULTIPLEXED
`transfers from more than one disk or array, at
`rates of 20 Mb/sec in both directions. Despite
`IBMseekingannNsi standardforSSA, support
`for the interface remains confined to its own
`equipment. See also F i R ewi a e, scs i, us a.
`serial-to-paralleF converter An elec-
`tronic circuit that turns a seain~ bit stream
`into a stream of Pnaa~~e~ data by collecting
`groups of successive bits into a small memory
`suFFeR. Such a circuit forms the receiver part
`series 1 In electronics, a way of connecting
`components such as RESISTORS OT CAPACI-
`roas end to end so that a current flows
`through them one after the other, in contrast
`to connecting them in rnRn~~E~, where the
`cuuent splits to flow through them all at
`2 In mathematics, a sequence of numbers
`that are all generated by a common formula.
`Hence also a sequence of data items represent-
`ing the same scenario or process, as in Ti rtn e
`serif A small line placed at the ends of each
`main stroke in a type character to improve
`readability. Hence the word is also used to
`refer to any typeface, such as Times Roman or
`Plantin, that employs serifs. See also sANs
`server 1 In the context of hardware, a com-
`puter that is designed to provide shared serv-
`ices to other computers on a network (called
`WORKSTATIONS), rather than to be directly
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`inContact, Inc. v. Microlog Corp., IPR2015-00560
`Page 5 of 6
`eaaon, unnT. In the early days of computing,
`serial cables were used to connect user Teann i-
`result most of the nsc i i character codes below
`32 were originally interpreted as serial line
`or more RS-232 ports, and the newer usa and
`FiRewiae ports are faster types of serial port.
`Under the MS-DOS and Windows operating sys-
`temsthe serial ports aze visible as system devices
`called COMl, COM2, COM3, and so on.
`Serial Storage Architecture See ssA. A
`high-speed interface designed by IBM for con-
`nectingexternal disk drives, clusters of drives
`and anio arrays to a host computer, using a
`data to permit simultaneous MULTIPLEXED
`transfers from more than one disk or array, at
`rates of 20 Mb/sec in both directions. Despite
`IBM seekingan nN s i standard forSSA,support
`for the interface remains confined to its own
`equipment. See also Fi aewi Re, scsi, uss.
`serial-to-parallel converter An elec-
`tronlc circuit that turns a seaiA~ bit stream
`into a stream of rnnn~~e~ data by collecting
`groups of successive bits into a small memory
`su F Fe R. Such a circuit forms the receiver part
`series 1 In electronics, a way of connecting
`components such as RESISTORS OI CAPACI-
`TORS end to end so that a current flows
`through them one after the other, in contrast
`to connecting them in Pnan~~e~, where the
`current splits to flow through them all at
`2 In mathematics, a sequence of numbers
`that are all generated by a common formula.
`Hence also a sequence of data items represent-
`ing the same scenario or process, as in 'n M e
`serif A small line placed at the ends of each
`main stroke in a type character to improve
`readability. Hence the word is also used to
`refer to any typeface, such as Times Roman or
`Plantin, that employs serifs. See also sANs
`server 1 In the context of hardware, a com-
`puterthat isdesigned to provide shared serv-
`ices to other computers on a network (called
`WORKSTATIONS, rather than to be directly
`accessed by users. Since servers must serve
`many workstations simultaneously, they
`require an efficient ntu~nrnsKiNG operating
`system, a powerful cru and large amounts of
`memory and disk storage. They often need no
`screen or keyboard, since they can be
`remotely administered from a workstation.
`The most common role for a server Is as a
`FILE SERVER, to hold data files that can be
`accessed by many users. Other common roles
`seavea, each of which allows many users to
`share access to its eponymous resource.
`2 Asoftwareprogramthatdoesnotlnteract
`directly with users, but instead provides serv-
`ices that can be requested by cueNr pro-
`grams.Server programs may run on the same
`computer as their clients, as in os)eCr-oni-
`eNreo software systems such as Microsoft's
`OLEO or they may run on different machines
`receiving requests over a ~nN or the Internet.
`See c u eNr/s e Rv~e model.
`serve farm Agroupofseaveasconnected
`to the same network so that many users can
`access the resources they contain. The pur-
`pose of building a farm may be both to
`increase overall capacity and to provide fault-
`tolerant features that automatically divert
`requests away from a failed machine to the
`ohes that are still working.
`server process A software rnocess that
`provides services f0 CLIENT processes in a
`Unix or Windows NT. For example a wes
`SERVER is typically structured so that it
`spawns a new server process to handle each
`new incoming page request. In os~ecT-oRi-
`eNreocomputational models, such as co Rsn
`every application is treated as a combination
`of server and client processes.
`server-side Takingplaceattheserverendof
`3 CLIENT/SERVER IC18tlOIISllIP. Oft2ri llS2d t0
`specify the location of execution of a rRo-
`service 7 In general, any computation per-
`formed, or offered to be performed by a
`s eaveR process on behalf of a separate cu eNT
`2UndertheUNixandwiNoows Nroperat-
`ingsystems, services are sncKcnouNo TasKs
`with a special status, which may be loaded
`and started at soon time and continue to run
`as if part of the operating system. An example
`service level agreement An agreement
`between a customer and their nrrucnnoN
`SERVICE raovioeR that stipulates what per-
`centage of DOWNTIME is acceptable (for
`example, less than 1~3fi) and specifies financial
`penalties if this is exceeded.
`service pack A collection of software
`rnrcH es, additional modules and documen-
`tationreleased by asoftware company to cor-
`rect sues and add new features to a large
`complex software suite such as an operating
`system. A service pack is normally given an
`identifying version number. For example,
`Microsoft numbers its series of packs for the
`Office suite and Windows operating systems
`SR-1, SR-2 and so on.
`se~vicerelease See underSeRvice rncK.
`servlet A small program written in the ~nvn
`language that runs on a wes SERVER. IY
`accepts Hrrr requests coming in from client
`saowseRs, performs a requested action (for
`example retrieving some data from a data-
`base) and returns any result in HTML form,
`which may be integrated into a web page. The
`name is intended to suggest a complementa-
`rity to the client-side Java APPLET. LIk2
`applets, servlets are platform-independent,
`but they can be run only inside web servers
`that are specifically designed to support
`them, such as JavaSofYs Jeeves. See also ~nvn
`servo-motor Anelectricmotorthataccepts
`a set of electronic commands that stop and
`start it, move it to an absolute position (i.e.
`shaft angle), reverse its direction and control
`its speed. Servo-motors supply the motive
`force behind most kinds of remotely control-
`led mechanical system, from car windows to
`aircraft controls, and from industrial robots to
`session 1 A period of interaction with a pro-
`gram or computer that has a distinct begin-
`ningand end.
`2 A lasting connectionbetween a N eTwo a K
`user and a remote seavea that involves the
`exchange of many data rncKers. Sessions are
`often managed by a separate layer within a
`particular network rnoroco~ srncK, such as
`inContact, Inc. Exhibit 1007
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