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`: to give or provide (something)
`: to prepare and give (medicine)
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`Full Definition of DISPENSE
`transitive verb
`a : to deal out in portions
`b : ADMINISTER <dispense justice>
`: to give dispensation to : EXEMPT
`: to prepare and distribute (medication)
`2 3
`intransitive verb
`archaic : to grant dispensation
`— dispense with
`: to set aside : DISCARD <dispensing with the usual introduction>
`: to do without <could dispense with such a large staff>
`1 2
`See dispense defined for English-language learners
`See dispense defined for kids
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`Examples of DISPENSE
`The ATM only dispenses $20 bills.
`a newspaper columnist who dispenses advice to millions of readers each week
`Pharmacists are certified to dispense medication.
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`Dispense | Definition of dispense by Merriam-Webster
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`Origin of DISPENSE
`Middle English, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin dispensare to exempt, from Latin, to
`distribute, from dis- + pensare to weigh, frequentative of pendere to weigh, pay out — more at SPIN
`First Known Use: 14th century
`Related to DISPENSE
`allocate, apportion, deal (out), administer, distribute, dole out, hand out, mete (out), parcel
`(out), portion, prorate
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`Synonym Discussion of DISPENSE
`DISTRIBUTE, DISPENSE, DIVIDE, DEAL, DOLE OUT mean to give out, usually in shares, to each
`member of a group. DISTRIBUTE implies an apportioning by separation of something into parts,
`units, or amounts <distributed food to the needy>. DISPENSE suggests the giving of a carefully
`weighed or measured portion to each of a group according to due or need <dispensed wisdom to
`the students>. DIVIDE stresses the separation of a whole into parts and implies that the parts are
`equal <three charitable groups divided the proceeds>. DEAL emphasizes the allotment of
`something piece by piece <deal out equipment and supplies>. DOLE OUT implies a carefully
`measured portion of something that is often in short supply <doled out what little food there was>.
`Rhymes with DISPENSE
`defense, expense, horse sense, incense, nonsense, past tense, sequence, sixth sense
`DISPENSE Defined for Kids
`Definition of DISPENSE for Kids
`: to give out in small amounts <The machine dispenses candy.>
`: to give out as deserved <The judge dispensed justice.>
`: to put up or prepare medicine in a form ready for use
`— dispense with
`: to do or get along without <Let's dispense with introductions.>
`1 2 3
`Dispense | Definition of dispense by Merriam-Webster
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`Medical Dictionary
`transitive verb
`Medical Definition of DISPENSE
`: to put up (a prescription or medicine)
`: to prepare and distribute (medication)
`1 2
`Learn More About DISPENSE
`Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "dispense"
`Spanish Central: Spanish translation of "dispense"
`SCRABBLE®: Playable words you can make from "dispense"
`Next Word in the Dictionary: dispenser
`Previous Word in the Dictionary: dispensatory
`All Words Near: dispense
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