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`5. The lntemet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format
` [Year in yyyy][Month in mm] [Day in dd][Time code in
`hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL]. Thus, the lntemet Archive URL
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`URL for the record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file
`(!') archived on January 26, 1997 at 4:58 am. and 28 seconds
`(1997/01f26 at 04:5 8:28). A web browser may be set such that a printout from it will
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`7. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Christopher Butler
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`See Attached Document.
`State of California
`County of San Francisco
`CHOMMF' “an7"?791 g
`smmmomm "
`Subscribed and swem—te—(er affirmed) before me this
`dayof junta
`‘ 10‘1‘,by
`CMv‘x smhu @u’fl w ,
`proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
`evidence to be the person who appeared
`before me.
`Signature: _ LW
`mmamolmu [
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`Exhibit A
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`FDA Advisory Committees
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`. Blood [mducts Adi/”Egg Committee (Updated 08/14/0l)
`‘ nsm'
`ifonn Ence halo
`Vaccines & Related BElogic Products Adviggu-ggommittee (Updated 08/17/01)
`O -
`Anesthetic and Life Supmrl: Dmgn Adt-g‘ou' ggmmfitee (Updated 03/24/01)
`Anti-Infectivg Drug; Advisgn' g'pmmitteg (Updated 10/15/01)
`A nti—Viral Drugs: Advison' Committee (Updated 10/17/01)
`Arthritis Adviso 13- Committee (Updated 09/27/2001)
`WWWewpdmd Iona/01>
`5ngganologic and Metghglje Drugg Adv'son (ommittee(lpdated 09/27/01)
`Vosgnggcjmiog llfllls Advigon Committee (Updated 10/18/01)
`()ngghguDmg Adv“); 1,12mmittee (Updlted 09/27/01)
`Pcrinheral and Central Nervous Sistem Drugs Adv‘fln (Tomminge (Updated 07/13/01)
`Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science (Updated [0/03/01)
`Psychoghgmgg pig: 3' D5113 Advison’ Committee (Updated 7/23/01)
`PglmgnggaAlkmy Dmt Am'isog Committee (Updated 10/13/01)
`vi cs
`and R
`Anesthe in
`(i151111131155 fifitgm Defies: Panel (Updated 09/27/01)
`W (Updated 09/07/00
`figugml and [lags §HEED [zgv iggs [agel
`(Updated 08/07/01)
`W (Urdu-ed 09/21/01)
`(New 07/30/01)
`v e
`a e
`(iNew 10/11/01)
`Vaton I
`Qb§tetfigsfiynecglggg DCHCCIS Panel (Updated 6/5/01)
`Ophthalmic Dex'1ces Panel (Updated 08/14/01)
`QrthpEdic and Rehabilitation 9;ka [anel (Updated 08/22/01)
`Rgdfl’ ngic Device; Panel (Updated 6/13/01)
`Technical Electronic Fri-duct Radiation §§fgfi §tandards Committee (Updated 08/07/01)
`0W (New 08/02/01)
`0 Science 1191119 to FDA (L'pdated 111/11/01)
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`. Biological Resmnse Modifiers Adv g”211 (‘gmmiuee (Updated 11/23/01)
`- filgod Product; Adv‘ggu ggmmittge (Updated 12/10/01)
` issible S ‘ mmittee (Updated 11/26/01)
`Vgggingg & BSIESSd Biology Pmduleots Advisgg Comm'ggee (Updated 11/27/01)
`Anesthetic and Life Supmr‘t Eggs A111 i503- (igmmittee (Updated 08/24/01)
`Angt' lnfgflgg‘ g ngs Advison-Committeewpdared12/10/01)
`A nti-Viral Drugs Adv’so Ir}- Committee (Updated 12/11/01)
`Arthritis Advisog- Committee (Updated 09/27/2001)
`(Tardiovaseugr and Renal Drugs Adv’ggu- 5"gmmittggupdated 10/24/01)
`Endocrinologic and Metabolic Dru“ Adv'sgn- ggommittee (Updated 09/27/01)
`Nonprescription Dru]; Advison' gommitteg (Updated 10/18/01)
`I mmitte (Updated12/05/01)
`tmDru sAd1' n( mmitteee(Updared07/13/01)
`Adv'ghgnanmmitgee forPhamgcggtgal Sciencee(Updated 12/12/01)
`1tte (Updated 7/23/0I)
`:ulmgoganwAllemg [25:5 Agvisgn g gm‘I‘Iflflge (Updated 10/18/01)
`(New 07/30/01)
`Anhggg“hug: ans! Refiniggm 11);ng Deuees Pang]
`g1Eglgmfi fil-fitgm ngigfil’ g ngl (Updatedn/zs/or)
`”Updated 11/23/01)
` . -and Clinical' ‘ -
`Qatmenlmth—L'mlon Devices Panel
`(Updated 10/26/01)
`Signgal and Plastic Sugeg Devices Panel
`(Updated 08/07/01)
`Medical Devices D'snute Resolutign Pam|
`(Updated 11/25/01)
`Jremhrohmflm: I’m/e]
`(New 11/05/01)
`\‘atmngl “11911111121100: flgglin A§§umn§e Advgj'gg' gtgmmjttee
`tetric -
`D vi
`s Panel (Updlted6/5/01)
`Slmthalmie De1'Egg Pgngl (Updated 11/29/01)
`glnhgugIc ang thghjfitaginnnng1legs Panel (Updated 08/22/01)
`Badiohgie [lei/keg Panel (Updated 01)
`Wwww 08/07/01)
`(Updated 09/21/01)
`:Wflmflm (New 03/02/01)
`(Updated 12105101)
`[Acgflgjhjligll [E-mail ]
`Dockets Manegement Branch. 5630 F'Bhers Lane - Room 1061- EPA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870
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`2001 Advisory Committee MEETING TRANSCRIPTS / MINUTES B...
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`0 Allergcnic Pmducts Adv'son' Committee (Updated 10/15/01)
`0 Biological Resmnse Modifiets Advkog g‘ggmmittee (Updated 11/23/01)
`0 Blood Pmducts Advisory Committee (Updated 01/08/02)
`0 Transmissihlt: Spungiform EncephakmathieiAdvg'on giggmmittee (Updated 03/29/02)
`0 Vaccines & Related Biologic Products Advison Committee (Updated 01/03/02)
`dviso - To mittee (Updated 08/24/01)
`Anest etic and Lif
`'C mmit ee(l‘pdated05/23/02)
`5A 1"
`A i-lnfe
`i\' D
`A nt‘t—Viral D1325 Adv ‘sgg g‘gmmigtge (Updnled 01/23/02)
`Arthritis Adv ’gon Commitgse (Updalzd 09/27/2001)
`gar‘lE-vamrand RenalWv ison @mmitlee (l'pdated 12/21/01)
`Enducrinologic and Metabolic DruggAdvisggg-(‘ummiggg (Updated 09/27/01)
`Vonnmscrintion Dms Advisog Committee (cpdmd 10/18/01)
`Wwpdmd 01/13/02)
`11 Cent
`Adviso -('t1mmittee(Updated07/13/01)
`1’ r
`WNW (Updated 7/23/01)
`WWW (Lpdatcd Ions/01)
` -
`(New 07/30/01)
`I I
`“Updated 12/20/01)
`-WW0; updated 10/26/01)
`. (\ilenggl and 2133335(“135 pp Egg Panel
`lD vi 2
`(Updated 11/26/01)
`0 \Ikmhiolug) Devices Panel
`(:V'w 11/05/01)
`11 IM m
`o Obstetrics-gynecolog) Devices Panel (Updated 6/5/01)
`n Qflmhflmfi ngiggPangl (Lpdalcd 12/20/01)
`oWWW; (Updated 08/22/01)
`. Radiglogic ngicgs PaneHLpdated 01)
`.WWWHMM 08/07/011
`A '
`'m i
`Dockets Management Branch. 5630 Fishers Lane - Room l06l- "FA-305. Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860: Fax 301-827-6870
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`New Page 1
`3 [Federal Regislrrs|
`1 rDAHomrrm ”DocketsHomePageucaskucokmgugm
`CDER 2001 Meetinq Documents
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`(‘Ili‘ Ill lull!
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`3746tl.g_f (388) & hlml
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`3746M .Jmn
` Pages [OI-200
`R0538 r
`3746rl_0l committeeqlij,
` Pages 20l-339
`37461-1 _02quest.pif, ht_m
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`3744u_01 m1 & _hl_m
`|03230ld.ht_m & u]!
`B riding Information
`374431.13; him
`3744 rlqfl, htm
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`3719a 02.;u1f16374)
`.3719” 03.:glf (6385)
`3719m1.m my:
`3744a2.pg_f, hm;
`Briefing Package
` Lhtm
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`3740rl_02 ht_m & p(_lf
`374051 .htm
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`3 of6
`u gwynnsan
`367731.M. w
`i3577r1_01.m, p_d_f
`Guest Roster
`E3677r1_02._(fl, IL”.
`Briefing Information
`| :
`677! .rlf(597)
`36774;].M, M
`[Briefmg Package
`02/08 |3677t2 ()I.E!f(6774)
`- 677t2 02411116852)
`'_3677t2 03.p-1_Jf(29l8)
` 3b77a2.§log & M‘
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`'3737al.htm, 1x_fl,'
`iPlanning Agenda
`!3737al_planning.m, p_d_f
`‘3737ql.ht_m. w
`Briefing Information
`3737b! .htm
`http:liweb.archivaorg/webfZOO106172 l 00301httpszww.fda.goviohnnsldockexslac/cder01 .htm
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`33757ql.ht_m & Lufl'
`Briefing Infomation
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`3724:1103, fl
`3724r1_02.fl, Lx}_f
`Briefing Info
`’’ohrms/docketslac/cdcrOl .htm
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`3742a1.m_m & M
`3742rl.1|t_m & pfl‘
`3742r2.ht_m & M
`Briefing Info
`3742bLm & {fl
`Notice of Meeting
`9813103 2301 g.@
`171;"lean PM. ll!
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`3635q2-m. 1m
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`()lllcr ”st ll)
`Age nda
`37378] .M, w
`Planning Agenda
`3737al_planning.ht_m, pg"
`3737q1.m_m, pm
`Briefing lnfonnation
`http:.I'I'web.archivaorgiwebz'ZOO [06172 1003 Ov’http:I'www.fda.govlohrms/dockets/ac/cdero l .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`1 of9
`| Federal Regiszcrs [
`[ Hun-me Page ||Qgckczs Home Pavellt'lil-LRHL‘DRHHQS‘IILBHAC \\ hat 3 MM |\eeessib1litv|
`Iii-mail | Dockets Management Branch. 5630 Fishers Lane - Room I06I- “FA-505. Rockville. MD. 10852; 301-827-6860; Fax
`CDER 2001 Meet/n - Documents
`Ullu-‘I'llm'~ ll.
`Inlnu'n'pl lea! 1D
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`(mu m I‘ln
`mile in km
`hilt" Ill LI»!
`bin in Mu
`Due to the events ofthis week. this meeting has been postponed. It will be rescheduled Draft Agenda
`in the futun. Please check here for the new date.
`Meeting Info
`m000001.ml_1‘, hm
`Briefing Information
`Docket Number 01 .\‘-0250
`Iran-u rip! luu Ill
`lmnseriyt l'nl‘ Ill
`him m M»)
`(we in km
`Due lo the events of this week. this meeting has been postponed.
`hen for the new date.
`(JIIu-I'mw-~ 111
`wile in km
`(xi/c in kl»
`It will be rescheduled in the future. Please check
`Pages 1-100
`3746!].g_f(388) & hlml
`Briefing Info.
`.3746r1_02guest.1m, h_m_1
`Notice of Mtg.
`032301d.ht_m & p_d_f
`Briefing Information
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-339
`.3744tl_01.mi_f& hl_m
`37440-1111.; tum
`Briefing Information
`,’web/"200I 1004081 740/ l .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`2 of9
`3 74 422.pc_lf. h_!|ll
`53744r2.jx_lf, my
`:37444121Llf. mm
`Briefing Package
`371911 01.31::6125)
`3719b] .htm
`371911 02.ngf(6374)
`371911 magnum)
`37 1 9r! .htm
`57| 951Lhtm
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`Draft Agenda 37913111110
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`2/27 @731” 01 .mlNGSSM)
`i373ltl 02.ndf(6275)
`3731” 03.flf(3920)
`Final Agenda 379231.M
`& m
`Committee 3792rl__01.pgf
`l& lat—m Consultants &
`'Guesls 3792r1_02.pfi
`Questions 37939l 175”
`.B riefing Information
`Agenda 379232.111; & m
`& ht_m Consultants &
`Guests 37921’2_02.p_<l_l‘
`Questions 379292.115“
`Briefing lnfonnation
`3792 b2.hlm
`731 ELM, p_d_f
`731 sl .htm
`731rl.@g, pg'
`http: /'/ veerg/‘w eb/2001’dockets/ac/cderOl .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3 of 9
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`'3676t1 b.1311
`367611 oflf
`3676t1 11.11;”
`_B riefing lnfo rmation
`Briefing Information
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`i3676r1.(1£, p_d_f
`lBfiefing Information
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`3779al.ht_m & ml!
`3779rl_committee.m & w
`FRevised Questions
`F3779q1_nevised.ht_m & w
`5 lides
`Pages 1-100
`3779m2.u;Lf & m Agenda
`.577912 01.1111
`3779a2.m & pg;
`Pages 101-159
`.3779t2 02.ndf
`3779r2_committee.ht_m & [1(_lf
`3779f2_c0nsultants.ht_m & pg
`3779r1_consultants.m & p_d_f
`Public Hearing
`3779r1_puhlic_hcaring.ht_m & 11g!
`Brie ling lnfo rmation
`3779ql.ht_m & pi_lf
`Public Hearing
`3779rl_public_hearing.ht_m & pg!
`http://‘ 1004081740/
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`4 of 9
`l I
`Briefing Infomation
`740al.ht_m & [if
`Briefing Information
`3740q1.ht_m & mLf
`3740rl_01ht_m 8:. pd_f
`3740r1_02 ht_m & pd_f
`3677a1.g_o__c_, p_d_l’
`3677t1_03.p_<Lf (2448)
`3677rl_0l.g9_c_. adj
`Guest Roster
`3677r1_02.fl, Di"
`Briefing Information
`3677a 02. H6852)
`gym 9mm (2918)
`3677a2.doc 6: 91f
`367792 0Ldoc & pg!
`3677!;2 02.doc & 91f
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`(we in I‘m
`ltullw npl 1c H II)
`min in Lin
`(xi/x in ldn
`(nluzr Hm"- I!)
`um In Mn
`08/09 Pages 1-100
`775tl.rtf (444)
`3775a Oiggr
`3775a1.m_m, pg
`Pages 101-200
`3775tl 02.11”
`Pages 20l-300
`Briefing Information
`377511 03.
`Pages 301-400
`3775!] 04411”
`3775q1_01.m_f, ht_m
`Pages 401411
`9775“ 05.53”
` 1004081740/hrtp'./ 1 .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`5 of9
`:3775ql_02.j&f, M
`08/10 Pages 1-100 377‘t2 OLEjI' ~j_77<t2.rtf(299)
`Briefing Information
`3775 b2.htm
`Pages 101-200
`3775t2 0243"
`Pages 201-228
`3775q2.fl, m
`377<t2 03.
`Briefing Information
`3749tl_03.w (7469)
`3749a1.1_)fl& ht_m
`3749ql.1m & ht_m
`5749t2_01.plf (9171)
`3749(2.1f (465)
`Briefing Information
`3749q24fl‘ & ht_m
`lr:lll-.n'|'||1[ l'lH lli
`min- in Iii-r.
`07/26 Pages 1-100
`_376|tl 01.11Jf(9,446)
`Imus-i npl lcu ll?
`Isl/r in I‘ln
`(silo in kh)
`.3761m1.p<_lf & ml
`Ulllcr llms Ill
`lsijt in ill.)
`'Notice ofMeeIing
`June 8, 200l L_\[ M
`Pages 101-200
`376121.pd_f. L
`Pages 201-300
`3761“ 123.3It‘(9,586)
`:3761ql4fl", ht_m
`lPagcs 30l-342
`Briefing Information
`m .
`a3761m2.&lf & m
`07/27 Pages 1-l00
`376!a2.pfi‘, L
`df (8,398)
`Pages l0I-200
`3761q24fl, ht_m
`3761I’ZJLdL htm
`Briefing lnfonnation
`Pages Mil-359
`376lt2 04.
`lb l
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`[sin- in LIvJ
`lnlml "Ill lru Ill
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`Ulllu I’lll"\ ll"
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`httpzz'l‘webarchi'web/200] 1004081740.1htrp:/
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`6 of9
`Pages 1-100
`373711 0145f
`Pages 101-200
`3737tl 02.
`Pages 201-300
`373711 03.
`Pages 301—345
`3737 1
`log I
`Planning Agenda
`737q1.hx_._n, my
`lBriefing information
`Briefing Infomationht_m &
`Pages 201-end
`3756t1 03.3.”
`Pages 1-100
`3757t1.fl. h|_m
`375711 01.
`3757a1.ht_m & 1m
`lPages 101-201
`g3757t1 02.1le
`3757q1.ht_m& fl
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`lrnnu 1111! I‘m II)
`min in MM
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`um in kin
`'Age nda
`Moming Session Pages
`Morning Session
`1-100 37821] Dla.pdf
`73211 n l.htm (139)
`.3782al.[fl& lit—m
`(10.008) Pages 101-179
`.Rev'sed Agenda
`578211 01b. df
`ftemoon Session
`'3782a]_revised.pfl& ht_m
`73211 2.|'1tm
`Afternoon Session Pages
`1-100 3782!] 029.|1gf
`'3782r1.&f & ht_m
`(9.796) Pages 101-200
`3782t1 02b.;1df (9,878)
`3782rl_cunsultants.& &
`Pages 201-225
`3782t1 020111 (2,226)
`makings; Lug
`IIntradose 3782ql_02. pit"
`i& m
`Briefing lnfonnation
`37§2 91mm
`Slides 37sgsl.htm
`Pages 1-100
`Briefmg Information
`3782a 0143.111 Pages
`101-200 3782t2 02.115”
`Pages 201-239
`3782t2 03430
`3782q2_zevalin.p1f & ht_m
`Slides 378252.11tm
`Pages 1-100
`3756t1.lf, 3756mm
`375611 0|.pdl'
`3756a1.ht_m. pg
`Pages 10l-200
`37% t1
`Briefing Information
`3757bl.ht_m & w
`http:/‘lweb.archiveerg/‘web/ZOOl 100408 l740fhttp:I' ] .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`7 of9
`3743a1.ht_m & M
`Briefing Information
`3743bl .ht_m & 1m
`'li) )
`Ulllu Iluu Ill
`lmnu'rlpl luu ll)
`Il'JilM'ripl J‘i’l
`I\I/i‘ in I‘ll.
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`MA- in Lln
` 6/6 6/6 Pages 1-100 3754tl.txt
`l3754m1.L)(fl, html
`3754al4m". html
`Pages 10l-200
`Pages 20I -300
`Pages 301—381
`Members 3754rl_01.pd_l;
`37S4rl _02.1fl2 html
`Public Hearing
`3754r1_o3.1m, html
`3754ql.p;lf. html
`lBriefing Information
`|3754bl .ht_m
`3724rl_01.(|_ot_~. p_d_l
`Briefing Info
`Agenda (DRAFT)
`3724a2.m, pg
`3724r1_02.M, M'
`B riefing Info
`3763ml.lm& Agenda
`Il'alllu‘rllVl lr\l ll)
`iii/a: in I‘m
`(\ill' in I‘ll)
`Utluu Duh ID
`(xi/a- in kl!)
`Irufiwripl l’l'fi
`hiJr nl km
`07/19 Pages 1-100
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Peges 101-200
`msgn 02.111
`Pages 201-300
`M P
`ages 301 -313
`376311 04.
`3763al.ht_m& [if
`3763r1.ht_m & [fl
`Guest Roster
`3763r1_guesl.fl 81
`FDA Roster
`3763r1_fda.g[9_c &
`3763q2.Ltm & fl
`376322.ht_m & [£1
`Guest Roste r
`3763r2_guest.du_c &
`FDA Roster
`3763r2_fda.5193 &
`M S
`3764a1.h1_rg 81 pg!
`Roste r
`3764rl.ht_m & 1&1
`Open Speakers
`3764r1 .1131 & M
`Questio n:
`3764ql-H_m 3‘ Ldf
` 98frx032301g.ht_m
`376451 .m
`3763m2.!_lt_m &
`7120 Pages 1-100
`37 312 01.
`376312.515. m
`Pages 101—171
`3mm 02,;5If
`7/17 Pages 1-100
`376411 01.1.!
`Pages 101-200
`37641! 02. [J
`Pages 201-211
`376411 03.pq_:lf
`5/3 3mm;
`html (100)
`http://web.archive.0rg/web/200l 1004081740/‘as/dockets/ac/cderol .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3685214100, p_d_f
`Ilunn Hip! I'lll Ill
`hire in LIN
`Ulht-I llm ~. IIJ
`hi1: in Mn
`lumu lip! In! I"
`(die in MI}
`[Kl/.t' ill Mu
` Roster
`368511 .M, 151!
` Questio ns
`3685cll-fl. ml!
` Briefing Info
`_3685t2.t7 (
`3685 mZQQ'
`j368532.d¢_)c, Pif
`E3685r2.fl, M
` 'Questions
`.3685q24m. w
` Briefing lnfu
` Slides
`Imnurilu WW I“
`hut in kl»
`Iris-'m-ipx I'nl ID
`{Vin- in [\In
`him in Mr)
`lulu-r 13mm ll"
`{sizc in Id];
`Pages 1-100
`5757:: mfln‘
`Pages 101-200
`3737:: 02.
`Pages 201-300
`375m 03.[~_Jl'
`Pages 301-345
`, htnII
`Planning Agenda
`3737al_planning.m. pg
`|Questio ns
`3737“”, g
`IBriefing Information
`'Io )
`(Updated 10/0210: )
`http:.’ 1 [00408 l740/ .htm
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting

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