`CDER 2001 AdvisoryComnitlee Meeting Documents
`W ”-" “k ‘
`J" ' E "1" ‘
`http //Www.fdagov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cderm.htm
`‘ 4 ’
`99 captures
`iii/til” lilllllllil I I h I I III I III III I 2000 2001MM 01 -12 Jul 12 200:
`[Federal Registers ] [FDA Home Page ]|!)_orkets Hume PageIICBER CDRH]|OC [LENAC \Vhat‘s New]
`IAeeessibilitv IELmail ] Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers lane 7 Room 10617 HFA7305, Roekville. MD,
`20852; 301-827—6860; Fax 301—827—6870
`9/14 Due to the events of this week, this meeting has been postponed It will be Draft Agenda
`rescheduled in the future. Please check here for the new date.
`Que stions
`Meeting Info
`m000001.pdf, ht_m
`Brie fing Information
`Docket Number 01N-0256
`Anti-Infe ctive Drugs Adv1§0rV Committee~ _
`k n,
`09/12 Due to the events of this week, this meeting has been postponed. [twill be rescheduled in the future.
`Please check here for the new date.
`3746t1.m‘ (388) & m
`Pages 1- 100
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-339
`. _
`3746rl_02guest.1fl, ht_m
`3746s 1.ht_m
`3744t1_01.1fl & ht_m
`Notice of Mtg.
`032301 dht_m & pfl'
`Briefing Information
`\ .htm
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 1 of11
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 1 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3744a1.1:fl, ht_m
`3744r1.1fl‘, ht_m
`3744q1.1Ldf, ht_m
`3744s 1 .[fl'
`Briefing Information
`4/24 3744t2.fl & ht_m
`3744q2-mf, ht_m Slides
`01/30 3719t1_01.pdf 16126)
`3719t1 02. df (6374)
`3719t1_03. df (6385)
`3719t1_04.pdf (6428)
`3719t1.lf (439)
`3719m1.m, fl
`3744a2.1Ldf, ht_m
`, ht_m
`Briefing Package
`3719 1.htm
`| Top
`Anti-Viral Drugs Advisory Committee
`Draft Agenda 3792a1.pi
`& ht_m
`Final Agenda
`3792a1.pdf & ht_m
`3792r1_01.1fl & ht_m
`Consultants & Guests
`2/1 1
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 2 of 11
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 2 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Questions 3792g1.pdf
`Briefing Information
`Agenda 3792a2.mif &
`3731t1_01. df(6394)
`3731t1_02. df(6275)
`3731t1 03.
`(if (3920)
`3676t1_a. df
`3792r2_01.pdf & ht_m
`Consultants & Guests
`Questions 3792 2. df
`Briefing Information
`3731r2.m, 1w
`Briefing Information
`Que stions
`3731q1.d9_c, psi:
`3676a1.Ma @
`3676rl.fl, pdf
`Briefing Information
`3676b] .htm
`36765 1.htm
`3678a] .M, pdf
`Briefing Information
`3678t1 (11);“
`| Top
`3678s 1.hfl
`3/1 1
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 3 of 11
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 3 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Arthritis Advisory Committee
`3779tl.pdf (320)
`3779a1.ht_m & pdf
`37791'1_committee.htl_n & mfl
`37791-l_consultants.ht_m & pdf
`Public Hearing
`37791'1_public_hearing.ht_m & fl
`Pages 1-100
`3779t2_01. df
`Pages 101-159
`3779t2_02. df
`Briefing Information
`3779q1.ht_m & Ifi
`Revised Questions
`3779q1_revised.ht_m & fl
`3779m2.1Ldf & hfl Agenda
`3779a2.ht_m & [fl
`37791' & pdf
`37791'2_consultants.ht_m & pdf
`Public Hearing
`3779r1_public_hearing.ht_m & mi
`Briefing Information
`3740a1.ht_m & pi
`Briefing Information
`3740bl .ht_m
`3740q1.ht_m & [fl
`3740r1_01 ht_m & pdf
`37401-l_02 ht_m & [fl
`4/1 1
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 4 of 11
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 4 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`37405 1 .htm
`3677a1.m, pdf
`3677t1_01.pfi1' (6421)
`3677t] 32¢ (6733)
`3677t1_03.pdf (2448)
`3677t2_01.pdf (6774)
`3677t2_02. df (6852)
`3677t2_03. df (2918)
`3677t2.1tf (597)
`3677r1_01.m, mif
`Guest Roster
`3677r1_02.m, @‘
`Briefing Information
`3677mm, mf
`Briefing Package
`3677a2.d0c & pdf
`367792 01.d0c & fl
`3677 2_02.doc & pdf
`| Top
`Caidiovas cular and Renal—Drugs Advisory Committee
`08/09 Pages 1- 100
`3—775t1.11:f (444)
`Pages 101-200
`3775t1 02.pdf
`Pages 201-300
`Pages 301-400
`3775t1 04.pdf
`Pages 401-411
`\MAN.fda.g ov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cderm .htm
`3775a1.m_, nd_f
`Briefing Information
`Que stions
`Re mondulin
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 5 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`08/10 Pages 1- 100
`3775t2.1tf (299)
`3775s 1.htm
`Briefing Information
`Pages 101-200
`3775t2 02.
`Pages 201-228
`3775t2_03. df
`3749t1_01.1Ldf (9171)
`3749t1_02.1Ldf (8690)
`3749t1_03.1Ldf (7469)
`3749t1_04.pdf (4025)
`3749t1.lf (437)
`3775q2.pdf, ht_m
`Briefing Information
`3749a1.ndL& hm
`3749ql.fl& ht_m
`Briefing Information
`3749q2.fl& ht_m
`Notice of Meeting
`June 8, 2001 m pif
`3761a1.@, ht_m
`3761ql.;flf, ht_m
`Briefing Information
`3749t2_01.1Ldf (9171)
`3749t2_02.1Ldf (8465)
`3749t2_03.p_df (8352)
`3749t2_04.1Ldf (7345)
` (465)
`Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee
`07/26 Pages 1- 100
`3761t1_01. df (9,446)
`3761m1 Ldf & h_tm
`Pages 101-200
`3761t1 02. df(9,613)
`Pages 201-300
`3761t1_03. df (9,586)
`Pages 301-342
`3761t1_04. df(8,306)
`3761a24fl‘, ht_m
`3761q2-mf, ht_m
`3761r2.pdf, ht_m
`Briefing Information
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 6 of 11
`3761m2.pdf & ht_m
`Pages 1-100
`3761t2 01 df(8,398)
`L P
`ages 101-200
`3761t2 02 (if (8,508)L
`Pages 201-300
`3761t2 03 df(8,318)L
`Pages 301-359
`3761t2 04 (if (9,991)L
`\MAN.fda.g ov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cderm .htm
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 6 of 11


`| Top
`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee
`05/11 Pages 1- 100
`3737t1_01. df
`3737m1.pdf, h_tml
`Pages 101-200
`3737t1_02. df
`Pages 201-300
`3737t1_03. df
`Pages 301-345
`3737t1 04. df
`3782t1 02c. df (2,226) Agenda
`3737a1.ht_m, fl
`Planning Agenda
`3737q1.m_m, 11%
`Briefing Information
`3782a1 .p_fd& h_tm
`Revised Agenda
`3782r1 .p_f & h_tm
`& h_tm
`3782q1.1Ldf & h_tm
`Intradose 3782q1_02. {fl
`& h_tm
`Briefing Information
`Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee
`09/10 Morning Session Pages Morning Session
`1 100 3782t1_01a.pdf
`3782t1_01.htm (139)
`(10,008) Pages 101-179
`3782t1 01b. df
`Afternoon Session
`Afternoon Session Pages
`1100 3782t1 023.pdf
`(9,796) Pages 101-200
`3782t1 02b. df (9,878)
`Pages 201-225
`09/11 Pages 1-100
`3782t2 01.pdf Pages
`101-200 3782t2 02.pdf
`Pages 201-239
`3782t2 03.pdf
`Briefing Information
`3782q2_zevalin-mf &
`7/1 1
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 7 of 11
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`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 7 of 11


`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Slides 3782s2.htm
`06/28 Pages 1-100
`Pe diatric Subcommittee
`06/07 Pages 1-100
`3757t1_01. df
`3757mm, ht_m
`3743t1_01 ILdf
`Pe diatric Subcommittee
`Peripheral & Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee
`, p_df
`Briefing Information ht_m
`& fl
`3757a1.ht_m & fl
`3757q1.ht_m & fl
`Briefing Information
`3757b1.ht_m & pdf
`3743a1.ht_m & {fl
`, p_df
`Briefing Information
`3743b1.ht_m & fl
`Pages 1- 100
`3754m1.1fl', h_tml
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-300
`Pages 301-381
`3754a1.pdf, html
`Members 3754r1_01.1fl.
`3754r1_02.1Ldf, html
`Public Hearing
`3754rl_03.1Ldf. html
`3754q1.[fif, html
`8/1 1
`PAR1 020
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 8 of 11
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`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3724tl .fl
`Briefing Information
`3724a1.fl, @
`3724r1_01.d9_c, mLf
`| Top
`Agenda (DRAFT)
`3724a2.m, fl
`Briefing Info
`3724r1_02.m, {fl
`Briefing Info
` Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science
`07/19 07/19 Pages 1-100
`3763t1.ht_m, g 3763m1.ht_m & Agenda
` & m
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-300
`Pages 301-313
`3763tl 04.pdf
`3763rl.ht_m & pdf
`Guest Roster
`& M
`FDA Roster
`37631'1_fda.m &
`3763q2.ht_m &
`B riefing
`3763bl .ht_m
`\/\MAN.fda.g ov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cderm .htm
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 9 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`7/20 Pages 1-100
`3763t2.hfl, m 3763m2.hfl & Agenda
`3763a2.ht_m & pi
`Guest Roster
`& 1L“
`FDA Roster
`3763r2_fda.m &
`Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products Subcommittee
` & pi
`7/17 Pages 1-100
`3764t1_01. df
`3764t1.ht_m, M
`Pages 201-211
`Non-Chmcal Studles Subcomm1ttee
`3764a1.ht_m & pi
`3764r1.ht_m & lLdf
`Open Speakers
`3764r1.hfl & pd_f
`3764ql.ht_m &
`3742a1.ht_m & mif
`3742r1.ht_m & fl
`37421'2.ht_m & pdf
`Briefing Info
`| Top
`Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee
`10/1 1
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 10 of 11
` PAR1020
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 10 of 11


`C DER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3685rl.fl, pdf
`3685q1.m, pi
`Briefing Info
`36855 LE
` pi
`3685r2.M, p_df
`Briefing Info
`3737al.ht_m, pdf
`Planning Agenda
`3737q1.ht_m, fl
`Briefing Information
`m |
`3737m1.1fl, html
`(Updated 10/02/01 )
`\/\MAN.fda.g ov/ohrms/dockets/ac/cderm .htm
`11/1 1
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`Page 11 of 11
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`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
` Page 11 of 11

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