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`@119 BEE smmmv
`IEEE Press
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`Page 1 of 7
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`“LEE Wig!
`Mia, fimflwfimtiva [Eig‘éififimwy UK
`MEET $31,116.3ng Tfiflfl§
`Seventh Edition
`4/‘AR\Z/ w:
`Pubiizahad by
`’Emmnvfla ia‘fiezw'nzzézifin I‘letwefl;
`IEEE Press
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 2 of 7
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 2 of 7


`'l‘rzidcnurks tint] disclaim
`i.'i_/iirnnr‘in.«'i in thiy publication it» tll'L'lll'tlli’ n.\ intr publii‘ntibn tluh'; MIC/I infin'mtnini: i.\ A'nlrii'i't
`llflC/z' bc’lim't'x tht'
`tn (Jill/lg? \l‘lllltlt‘ti notice. Ilz‘llz‘ i5 nnt rt'xpnnsil)lvfor tiny inadvertent C’l'l’t)i'.\'.
`()tln'r rnnlrnnnnxv uml ll'LILiL’iiltll'lx'A' in [hit (/m‘tnnz'nt are those (tfthvir rvspt't‘tii'c ()ll'.’lé’i'.\'.
`The lnxtitntc Qfl‘lcctrii'til and Electronics Engineering, Inc.
`3’ Pink t’l\'£‘lill£’.
`i mr Yul-l. NY. l()()l(i-»59()7, USA
`Copyright “F 3000 by the Institute Of Electrical and [:‘lt’t‘ti'onim Enginccm‘, lnt‘. All rig/2M rmcrwtl. Pnblishvtl
`/)(’('L’lllbi'i’ 2000 Fri/nail in the United Stiztm ()f/lnierica.
`No part rift/sits publication may by I‘(’[)l'0(lll(‘l?c’l in anyfmm. in (Ill C’l£’L'/l‘{llll(‘ rcn'ie‘ml syrtwn U)‘ utln-rwixt', without
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`To order llz'hlz' l’rw‘x pnblii'utibm, (all l—¢\’{]lJ4t‘>787-ll:‘h'l?r
`Print: ISBN ()—73i\’l—3f1()l»2
`Scc other standards and standards—related product listings at: http://standztrds.iccccrg/
`The pnblixhcr belim'cs that the infin'matinn and guidance given in this work serve (IS un £’llll(lll('(’ll1(’}li tn use/"x,
`(Ill [Jili'ilt’.\' must rely upon tht’ir awn skill antljntlgement when making nxs’ of it. The pnhlilrhcr (lacs not nxxmnc \
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`Ufa/1 L1]?[7}‘()])I'i£llé'17}‘(Jfk’5'r8l()ll£ll shalt/(l be sought The IEEE is not responsiblefor the slurp/hunts and (miniunx
`mlwtncml in this publication.
`Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publicution Dulu
`IFEli 100 : the authoritative dictionary of IEEE standards terms.—7th ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0—7381—26013 (paperback : zilk. paper)
`1. Electric cnginccringvDictionurics. 2. Electronics—Dictionaries. 3. Computer
`engineering»- -Dicti0narics. 4. Electric cnginearing—Acronyms. 5. Electronit‘s—Acronyms.
`6. Computer engineering A Acronyms. 1. Institute of Elcctrical and Electronics Engineers.
`TR“) 13% 2000
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`Haw m Use This Biefiiflflm‘y
`The Authori‘iatiw Didionary of IEEE Standards; Terms
`Abg‘imcts and Smarces
`Nan-IEEE Standai‘fis Sources
`The :1,JIJ‘Ju/i'z'mfix'e [fivzimzuqv (ff-[£115]? .S'I‘umlurc/S TCJ'HES
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 4 of 7
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 4 of 7


`iEEE standards establish an authoritative common language that defines quality and sets technical criteria.
`By guaranteeing consistency and conformity through open consensus, IELE standards add value to prod-
`ucts, facilitate trade. drive markets, and ensure safety. That’s why leading companies. organizations. and
`industries around the globe rely on them.
`Critical components of this common language are the terms and definitions that are at the foundation of
`the vast body of IEEE standards. In the past decade alone. hundreds of terms—describing the latest tools.
`techniques. and best practices—have been added to the lexicon of IEEE standards.
`In this newly updated riiizz‘lzril'imrive Dir‘tionm'y ofIEEE Standards Terms, professional experts and stu—
`dents alike wiil gain an in—depth understanding and appreciation for the breadth of coverage of IFEE
`standards terms and definitions not found in any other single source.
`The seventh edition of IEEE 100 has been revised to include nearly 35 000 technical terms and definitions
`from over 800 standards—covering areas such as power and energy, communications, information tecl1<
`nology, and transportation systems. In addition to an extensive list of widely used acronyms and abbre-
`viations, this new edition also contains detailed abstracts of each term’s associated standardts). What‘s
`more, all definitions are augmented by a combination of indispensable information, including:
`Preferred and popular usage of each term
`Variations in meanings among different technical specialties
`Cross—indexing to related works
`Key explanatory notes for further term clarification
`In preparing this latest edition of the Dictionary. we realized that the standards community desired more
`than just a compilation of IEEE standardized terms and definitions. They needed an authoritative resource
`created by the organization that develops and produces the standards from which the terms and definitions
`are derived—the IEEE. In addition, we determined the Dictionary needed to be not only user friendly,
`but also rich in information. In other words, it needed to be the A urizorituz‘iw Dictionary (if/EEE Standards
`Susan K. Tatiner
`Director. IEEE Standards Publishing Programs
`IEEE Standards Project Editors for the seventh edition:
`Kim Breitfelder
`Don Messina
`Additional assistance was provided by the IEEE Standards editorial staff.
`Tin” Authoritative Dictionary (if/[SEE Standards Terms
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 5 of 7
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`1 1'171
`[11115311. 1111' [1121}1153 . 11. 131111111-
`1 111111111011isl'1111‘ 5111'1 R135: 1111' 1.‘\.11'111111.1.
`'1‘. 11111111113 “
`I'M i1) 11215111172 .\
`1111: 1111.‘ 11.1:
`1 Cur-
`501111111: on Lew \1 1111 1711.5:
`[1‘1 1'cprc5cr1tutin11 11}
`rat 10 “1111'
`111 ll'L‘LlllCliU)
`1'11! 110111.-
`i1:.'1.1.11'5 113111.111 11:1.'5 11111 1.11 .‘1
`'1'11111. 51'.” 1'11’1'11:
`11111.11-11111'111r1115 {11.119.11‘11[11.111115111.111.111311111:
`1111\‘1‘1‘131111 51111:
`1.15:" (.'11\1).1'L1Lll.\
`I'Al’r'i’lU 1 311 1111,)7
`11.51.5111't.di1.:it:11501:1 511.111.1111 1111111 5111111111111 1:51111‘
`11111111611} 11} elscirunid:
`(Edi/BRO?) 21 1— 1091"
`1111111 1111110 11111113111135.
`unit} '1‘- 1105: 1511:—
`)1-\ 111.
`mznpu ‘
`1’1'1‘111 iiilil‘ilfil'iCili
`1111‘ 1111' 1111111111'1111111
`‘1111161'5 1111113 51-
`11115-11 from
`original 111151: For example. in 111-.- 111111‘11111:
`. 11111101111 :1 11111111):1 in 511111:
`11.1w. 111: 01
`gimil key (2155111111111 111 be in 11-1.:
`1-11 If)! i» 6:1.111'1'55'1'11
`it 1111‘ radix.
`i5 5. 111311 1-10.:
`in 111156 16.
`‘ 71‘
`\1.‘CUI1(i [70‘3“
`. 111115 —1- 11111115 5 to 111-:
` 'u11ui11n
`‘1:~ 51‘111117.
`Or “11111 1.1";
`‘11p1.11.11-r1 [11115 7. 1111135 5
`numbcr: 1"11111.\ 1111111-
`1118-1 1986113
`1:11' 1:111:11 urithr1mtic) 1‘11111
`far 1111‘
`[‘.‘]V ~
`1'111121111'11111111111111; point numberx.
`151111111 85—1-19871'
`radix 313.111
`1.1 1n 1 '\.1. 1'111'11'11111in11. 111.1: 1‘111'111'1111i111: 01' nunibur5
`in 111111111111:
`51.111 {11:11 111111 r111
`1:.\plicit 01'
`.' 1111111:
`'imzii alignment.
`'..1'111111111.‘1'1‘111':11 1111-11.
`(111 - 1987
`.c111zitic5 of computing) Th;- comple—
`radix (01111111931. :21 (11
`ment 1111111111311 In 51111111111111;
`11111111 di
`(11711 given numeral
`‘11 1.11.:
`1111111 1111-
`\_\‘5111111. 111921 1111111112
`1 [0 11111- 111115:
`111 tilff‘ii 1111- result and cu-cuiing 211i}
`rcquircd 1;:1'1'i1‘5.
`17111 1 11111111194111)» 1111111111mcnt in 11111111}
`[1115 1'1111131111‘1111'111
`in 11:1'1111111 111.11'111i1111.
`.S'wmiiv 1.
`7011) C(‘lllpiCilli'Hi:
`11(1Uflllix 1'
`Ii'u: coniplcmcnt;
`hast 011111711'1111'111: 01111111111311? 011 11.
`t: diminishcd»
`radix 1'111111'1.c111.111=1.
`radix ‘(Cll
`1115. 1151115.: sucv
`'1p1'c5cnmtin11 (1f the 5011:
`_ 111111111111 11111515i‘111i11c11n‘1 1.11
`11.. 1S'j:11m1'_'1'/)1.' divide-1
`1111d~c0111111vr 51111.
`(C) (11015499011
`radix insci'tim sort 1\ r111
`.\. 51111 in 115115111. 11:11:11 1131111511156de
`intu 115111'11'1.11‘
`1111511211111 in the 511111-11 5-1-1 according to the dig—
`11.11[111111111115111111.»11111112111111 1'11111'1-5-1111‘121111011 01th: sort keys.
`(C‘) 6110571941011'
`.5111“. inipimhcmui thing: 1111: 1i5t suiting
`radix list 5111'? 1‘. 1111111.
`(1111.5 1991M
`rudix-rninus-nne (‘Uiil])lunt‘ni (11 .A. 1111111111111 iu radix notiuiun
`111111 cm'
`111-1'111'1-11 from 21111111111 1):; 511111111ctinu cuch 1111.111
`from 0111.
`1-55 1111111 1111c radix. 1'111'111x111np1c. 111i111111> cornplcnicnt
`1n (Jenni-111 1111111111111. 1mm 1‘1
`11111111111111: in binary notation.
` £1 [1'1" 1.11.111:
`12) (malhcin of umipnfi
`((‘1 11115111198611;
`”‘le Ililtaiii‘rll :‘\
`[11>511i11n111 rcprqwnttuinn 5515111111 in which the
`radio Hitl‘.” 1111111
`11111115 111'1‘111j111-11‘nt
`t5 15 :11 posiiixe iritcgcr
`(the 111111.11.
`ix unincrzuion syx'tcrn: 1111111;
`((71 1084-1986111
`'2'] 1:\ rain. 152111111 in which 1111-
`i1c1n5 in 111
`radix tz'ie 51:"
`T11: tric i511'111.1\1-11
`to 1.111 switch-11d :11": 1111111111 in :111'ic.1\'11.‘1'.'
`11111111nti1 :1 11:1-
`Hiking. 1111111111135 1111;111:1111 in; 111 11111 scum-11.
` 11
`minnl node i.
`:111'1111111311‘11. 111111 i1 1111-51-1
` 1'1'1'551111.11111
`external nod
`5 01111111 to 1111‘ 511111111 :1 111113111.
`.8'1'1' 117.111:
`1111113; radix tr
`511111'1'11: himuy 1111111 11‘11‘ 511111111.
`rziziomc A mx'cr.
`111 131:1:'1'111
`usuuily intended f 1' 111‘011‘1‘1 .
`from 1111* 1111-1115 of it5 [7111511111 cmu'onmcni 111111111.: 111‘
`1111.11 115 clectriCdl pci‘fm'rnzuicc.
`11.11 10913
`raids in Si
`(1) 1mct21-nitride~1.
`ide field-eifct-
`Amount til‘i‘adizxtion 11111115111'1‘1'1111'1 : 10111011111111.
`111111 1311111115 1110 org of ark-111:);
`(11111115i101i in :1 grzun 111' 11'1'11-
`di'11t1111 5111M. T1115. nunihcr 17.111 111' translutcd intu 11111: dcnxii).
`11f clcctmn—lmlc puira' (clip/C111") 11y tlic fulluv Iif.‘ 11pm
`>1 p[nui.'
`:1. 1\‘,.].[1111p,"1-nc
`1011111111 11:115113' oi' clip,
`11.11111 radiation (111511 '115 encrgy (11551111111111 [1111' unit
`'5. typically expressed in 111115.
`11’ —. density of solid in 1111155/1111111119.
`1 .
` 11i155ip'1111‘111
`1. ‘ 1111111111111 11f clips created pcr 1-111:
`in many 5011115.
`1111515151. 111111 in 5ilicon [1111'1ic111111'1}‘. 11
`Std-chm '. Non.
`2111-11 F1: 2 111' «V.
`'l‘lii5 1111111115 111111
`one clip is crcalcd 11113.6 :11:
`:1r11n-\'11115 (1111111111) dis 111111111.
`in ordcr to permit 111-: 115-: of the total 111152 exp.
`11 1d in 1.11115
`din-1'11}; use is 11111115 (if 11111 identity 111111
`1 erg
`CV. From this Nth -/ (1.3 9’. 10“ [cV/cril lCilpl/fifilt‘ \"1. 211111
`since 1 11111: 11,101

`1:1 -
`1.7 Z
`111 [17111)
`g 1‘11d J. Thus. for 5111:1111.
`“1:1; [ciip/cm‘]
`1.1 " ll))1‘
`(ED) 581407311:
`‘/. phi/C1117].
`1215\11110111111 11171‘111111111011 111'-115111"11d by it5 ionizing. cited in
`silicon; 011C rzid 1211111115 10(111gOfCiiCi‘gj; depositcd 111—111 5.1111111
`011111111111th solid.
`(1:11)) 1110. (193'.
`raged left 11111111311 In text fornuittin;
`'11 1-1-11 111.111.1111 111:1t15 111111
`1111;111:111 (11.1111171'1: icftjuxtificzitinn.
`(C) (110.34%?
` ting. 11 1114111111
`ragged right ma 'giri 111 12x1 fan
`1 11111: 15
`11W: rigtlit justiiix‘dtiun.
`not Liligncd.
`RAID St‘fl.‘ redundant arrays 111‘in-1-.\p-.:naiw 1115115.
`. 1511111111115 11‘\ 1‘1 1.
`RAH) level 2 A form 01‘ RAlD 51111';
`111's “th1 101' L‘iTUl' CUFI'CK'liK)“.
`which Hamming 1111115
`((1‘) (1101’) 109-111
`»\Cr.111\'m for 10111111111111: 111'1';1\'5 1‘11
`rudi\ number $111.
`1'11di\ “111111-1111.
`radix numcrz
`radix point 1111.1111'
`:11" 21121191115115} In positiotizf
`1 -- \L‘t‘. Hr ii
`111C 1‘11111'11.
`.thiit 881111111125 the
`.111‘1..'111 .\[115~ 11:1 1r11n1111.‘ {1111111011211
`1’111‘1 101 1-11111111- 111‘."111_\ 11111111
`1111113111 point llCX11dccimul
`Point 01 1111111111111111. 1‘,
`-i‘itluuctic point:
`10 1054-1915 1-.
`Manx-YUM (1:111'
`1‘1 :11'111'111111‘1' 111:11111 '11 p1ctur: 511c1'1111'11iiou
`9111.5 1111- 1'11.
`11111.5 11911111.
`“‘th 5C21191‘1‘1’1'111iix 1111’41511111
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 6 of 7
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 6 of 7


`. ix-teri'ctl to as levels 0 through 5. have been deiii ed
`RAM is commonly used. tlciiotes a iezitli'vvi'iie lm‘mttrv.
`corresponding lig.
`(lil)i {,4}, [037i-
`(2) Reliability. :iyailahili
`.ntl tiiaintaiiialtilili' ot tlig Plant.
`In economic analysis. the increase in RAM due to da .
`' ’
`"" _
`' “i
`gration or automation is sometimes itiianiilied as a benefit
`computer applications. this reters to random “\“T-“flk‘lnoi V,
`mm striping without parity
`which is not used in this te\tt
`(l’l:/l:l)l’(i) Hattlgglw
`W W
`(3)1{igli»speed read/write memory with an access tiim lliai
`Mmowd (“5k 5
`is the saute for all storage locations. Sir u/a'u' liicmory board-
`d) naniic random access memory: main storage: static m”:
`l Parallel disk array3 (ul('i_t[),1i)94w dom access memory; (C)
`,_ ,
`RAM disk A simulated storage disk created and [llilllllillngd by
`.. W,
`a special driver that stores data electronically (in RAM 0,
`litdependcnt disk array
`" ‘_
`random-access storaue) rather than titagiictically. Note: Such
`storage is inherently d_\namic. Synonym: virtual dislt.
`_“ 191%»
`Raman-Mtth region (orousto-optie device) The region thatoc.
`curs when the Bragg Region inet uality is reversed. tl-;
`”I ‘5 L
`. _.
`. ..
`"//\i,. The ilIIVlC ol incidence is generally ‘Iero dogmas
`and light is dittracted into many dillractiou orders.
`‘_l I‘M) [33]
`RAMIS bur: Rapid Access Nlllnttgclllcnt lntormation System
`RainLink [he packeutianstci architectuie poitiou ot this Stan.
`, .,
`dard, which descnhe,» how packets aie tianstened between
`the mastei and slates, SKWCItil signal liiyei specifications can

`be used. including [\mgLni/t and Sun [ii/it.
`“7““) ”064 l9‘)‘
`' it‘l"
`ramp (1') ml"
`stm) \ m] l
`(7 [”d d“ 1‘
`( ”1pm '1 ‘1 pre
`, " in‘d ' e;
`"ate, lion in‘ value it an 71
`(mum L h“ ”I
`if” V
`(l:\/ll( ) »ll.\-198lw
`(7 (ra'hmy co itroll A rm“ 1
`u m t m .
`‘2 .
`. i}
`111;. U a
`metal bar ot limited length. mth sloping ends.
`tixetl on the
`' w"
`’Slfln‘l to
`take co '
`' Wllll 'iittl ra " vv
`it INC
`1‘ SL1)
`( ' CL Ull
`llt.‘ "
`i C.
`road niltie d‘
`r 3::
`l n t'
`. L,
`(A) (pulse terminology) (single transition) A lllli‘al" fea-
`turn. B automatic. control S't' also: llnll’i‘tilittsz al.
`) l
`(IV/WM K A‘i
`Ii) £11977
`ramp-forced automatic control response The total (transient
`plus Steadl'smk‘.) lims' 11‘3170'150 I'L‘S‘llll'li—Y from 11 Wilde“ in-
`crease in the rate of change of input from zero to some finite
`mm" Synonym, Idlllll‘lksp‘m‘“
`ramp-forced response time (automatic control) the time litv
`““11 by “’hmh an output 11111" an “1PM: when 1‘01““)? Home
`“t A constant l‘m-
`(-1 *4th (’l
`ramping Th" mm at Mmh a generating “”11 increases or (le-
`creases its output, usually expi‘ti Sed 111 megawatts pernnuute.
`(Pie/rsm sustain“,
`ramp response (null-balancing electric instrument) A crite—
`non of the dynamic response of an instrument when SlllUCCitd
`to a measured signal that varies at a constant rate. Sew also.
`(EEC/IAN) [llel
`accuraev rating.
`ll l
`L111) The
`ramp response time (inn
`)3 "mung. c cc ric llh tum _
`time lag, expressed in seconds. between the measured signa
`and the cquhalent positioning of the end device when the
`measured signal is
`yin}: at constant rate. See also: accuracy
`(EEC/[Alli [llZ]
`- 1 u-
`ramp response-time rating (iiull-halancmg electrit 111: r
`_V V.
`lhe maximum ramp response time toi all
`iatts (
`change ol measured SiL’n‘dl notetceedinnilie ayeiageh 0C )
`~ _
`corresponding to the span step—response—u[tie-rating oi [16-
`strumcnt when the instrument is used under rated opci‘fitlll‘d
`conditions, Example: 11‘ the span gm},
`\‘pttllscdlllli‘ rating is
`foui' second.» it“ ranip responseaiine rating 51'1”]1‘H1Pl} to iluy
`rate of change ot'measui‘ed siunal not exceeding 33"} “HP-"’1
`per socondjfi-g ”/3”; agaimgy rating.
`(EEC/Eh”) lllZl
`ramp shoe 5w: slioei
`random (1') (data transmission) A condition not lociili/Ctl ”l
`time or freqnency.
`(pp) 5007 [085W
`(2) (automatic control) Describing a y "able \those value at
`a particular future instant cannot be predicted exactly lullCim
`only be estimated by it probability distribution illl'L‘llt‘Il-']
`typeset RAID storage
`(C) 6ltl 107l994 w
`rail clamp A deyice for connecting a conductor or a portable
`cabl‘ to [11‘ track r'iils that
`'V" 'is th‘
`irn )DW’
`l M L i
`L W“
`Dr L
`in mines. See also: mine feeder circuit.
`(EEC/PE/h/IIN) [119]
`rain Pt‘ecipitatton in the torm of liquid water drops Wltl‘l diam-
`eters greater than 0.5 mm. or,
`it WlthlV scattered. smaller
`diameters. For observation purposes, the intensity of raintall
`. i
`at any given time and place may be classified as Verv llfll‘lli
`scattered drops that do not completely wet an exposed sut‘lace
`regardless of duration: Light: the rate of fall being no more
`than 2.5 min/h: h/loderate: trom 2th to 7‘6 tum/h, the maXi—
`mnni rate of tall hem;Y no more than ()76 mm in 6 min:

`' 7.
`Heavy: over 7
`trim/h. When rain gauze measurements are
`not readily available to detemunc the rain iiitensny. estimates
`4 it
`may b‘ 11‘“de Terth to ,1 descriptive “\me set forth in
`observation nianiialxNon'x: 1. For coronastudies,probability
`distributions for rain are produced from data obtained during
`“measurable rain‘" i e
`rain intensities that can be measured
`' "
`Willi standard rain counters such as tipping buckets or instan-
`taneous rate meters. 2, For ac lines. heavy rain levels are often
`considered representative of maximum 01. L- levels Heavy
`rain data are often venerated by artificial tests on conductors
`gtruno m hinh-volt'itte [Sgt gctups "5 Thu 0an other form of
`. LC.» ‘4
`”H V
`liqtnd precipitation. drizzle. 15 to be distingmshed from mm
`in that dri/Jle drops are generally less than 0.5 mm in di—
`ameter. are very much more numerous, and reduce visibility
`much more than does light rain.
`(IckD/PE) 5394990
`rain clutter Radar echoes front rain that impair or obscure the
`echoes from desired targets. Sec “[34“: precipitation clutteri
`(AE5) 6864997
`rainproof (pouer and distribution transformers) So con-
`striicted. protected, or treated as to prevent rain front iiiter—
`lcl'lllfl Will] the successtul operation 01 the apparatus under
`specilied test conditions.
`(l\EC‘/l\ SC/PE/I‘R) C37.12.80»|978r, [86]
`rain rate A measure of the volume of water collected per unit
`area per unit time due to rain. The common unit is millimeters
`per hour, Now: Precipitation rate may refer to other hydro-
`iueteors such as snow. in which case the common units are
`eithci inillimetets pei heat or equivalent raintall rate in milA
`linteteis per hour, Svnmzvm. rainfall rate.
`(AP/1RD?) le—l))/
`rainfall rate Sec: rain rate.
`ruintight ( I) So constructed or protected that exposure to a beat—
`ing rain will not result in the entrance of water under specified
`135‘ C‘mdltimfi
`(NESC/NEC) l86l
`(2) (power and distribution transformers) So constructed
`or protected as to exclude rain under specitied test conditions,
`(PE/TR) C57.)2.8tl~1978r
`rake An inclination from the perpendicular.
`(T‘V‘D/PE) 7514990
`RAM (I) (random-access memory) A memory that permits
`access to any of its address locations in any desired sequence
`with similar access time to each location Now: The term
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 7 of 7
`VMWARE-1013 / Page 7 of 7

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