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`' 72....
`Christopher Butler
` , _ A 128
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`See Attached Document.
`State of California
`County of San Francisco
`COMM “3757” {a
`V wmm'm "
`Subscribed and swem—te—(er affirmed) before me this
`Lday ofL, 3’1"; by
`CM wk SflLfl/V 15AM er
`proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
`evidence to be the person who appeared
`before me.
`Signature: LW -
`gmamslmd I
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`Exhibit A
`IPR of US. Patent No. 1735””
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`0 Q9; (Transcripts / Minutes)
`0 1292 (Meeting documents by Center)
`0 mg (Meeting documents by Center)
`0 M1 (Meeting documents by Center)
`I Selected Tunnel-bl:
`0 M
`0 33.2%
`o Redux (Three Frequently Requested Tra use I'ipts)
`0 1996 (including Mifenristone]
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`2001 Advisory Committee MEETING TRANSCRIPTS / MINUTES B...
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`Bloodn:_’r0ducts AdvIsg5' Committeee(Updated 08/14/01)
`iform Ence halo
`thies Advis
`(ommtttee (Updated 10/12/01)
`- Vaccines & Related Biologic Products .Advisgu- Committee (Updated 08/17/01)
`Anesthetic and Life Sum!“ Drugs Adviso a Committee (Updated 08/24/01)
`Anti-lnfectivg DruggAgV'isgn g'pmmittge (Updated 10/15/01)
`Anti-Viral Drugs= Advisog- Committee (Updated 10/17/01)
`Arthritis Adviso 1;}- Committee (Updated 09/27/2001)
`' v 5
`SA v'
`‘so (ommittee (Updated 09/27/01)
`Voguectjmio 9 flags Advison Committeee(Updated 10/18/01)
`()ngg I512:mg Advfiflfl' 1gmmittee (Updated 09/27/01)
`Peripheral and Central Nervous Sistem Drugs Adv'gnn g ‘gmmittee (Updated 07/13/01)
`.Adv'Isog (.ommittee for Phannaceutical Sciencee(Updated 10/03/01)
`PslxghonhgnngggSEE! Dgggs 3g1Ison Committeee(Updated 7/23/01)
`P Imn
`-.A| D l-
`viso Comm'
`(New 07/30/01)
`vi e
`and R
`Anesth in
`(iIuguigmg Entgm Desiggs Panel (Updated 09/27/01)
`Wilt/1111mm (Updated 09107/00
`WWW (Updated 08/07/01)
`htlem'gglne5' ss [z'gpute Resolutg' nEanel
`(Updated 09/21/01)
`Jmhidtmmm (New 10/11/01)
`\a ‘on 1M m o
`Qgsletrigs-anecglgggDevices Panel (Updated 6/5/01)
`Oghthalmic DesIces Panel (Updated 08/14/01)
`Qrthgpgdic and Rsh'dizilitatifln Dukes [age] (Updated 08/12/01)
`Rast'thggic Device; Page! (Updated 6/13/01)
`Technical Electronic Pgduct Radiation @1311 Standards Committee (Updated 08/07/01)
`-W (New 08/02/01)
`0 Science B9193] to FDA (Updated 10/11/01)
`Imam-111 [Eiddfl 1
`Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-305. Rockville, MD. 20852: 30l-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870
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`iological Resmgnse Modifiers Agv §'9': (‘ommillee (Updated 11/23/01)
`:13th nguct§ Adv'ggmgommittel: (Updated 12/10/01)
`‘ mmittee (Updated 11/26/01)
`issible S
`'agcing; & Relgteg Biomgg Pmdulcots Advisgg Comm'ggee (Updated 11/27/01)
`. Anesthetic and Life Summit Dmgs Advisou' Cgmmitteg (Updated 08/24/0l)
`. Ami-1131111 g 91328 Adv-ism; Committee (Updated 12/10/01)
`o A nti—Vital Drugs Advisog- Committee (Updated 12/11/01)
`0 Arthritis Adviso 5- Committee (Updated 09/27/2001)
`‘ardiovascugr and Renal Drugs Adv‘ggn- 5"gmmittgg (Updated 10/24/01)
`‘ndocn’nologic and Metabolic Dru“ Advisgn- Committee (Updated 09/27/01)
`c 1 onnmscrimion Dru“ Advison' 1.0mmittee (Updated 10/18/01)
`- Wwwnw 12105/01)
`- Perinheral and Central Nervgug Svstgm Drugs AdViflgn Committee (Updated 07/13/01)
`- Adv'ggn Committee for Phanngcemical Science(Updated 12/12/01)
`- P§1ghomgmacolongm2: Agviggg go mmlttee (Updated 7/23/01)
`ulm(ma n-AIIem1 [25121 Avgviggngggmm'mgee(Updated10/18/01)
`(New 07/30/01)
`(Updated 09/21/01)
`- AngsghSHEER! and Rem[3195 “1:53p! Deuces Pangl
`05‘im”lama fi1hfigm ngi§§§ Pgngl (Updated 11/26/01)
`P n 1(Updated11/23/01)
`. (linic l
`figstmmentgmlon-L' mlol1 Devices Panel
`(Updated 10/26/01)
`signgal and Plastic Sunni-[1 Devices Panel
`(Updated 08/07/0l)
`o uledical Devices Disnute Resolutm' n Pangl
`(Updated 11/26/01)
`-W: Panel
`(New 11/05/01)
`'at‘mngl Wimmngumyflgglin AgsmgngeAgvgj'15-179mmittee
`tetric - '
`D vi
`s Panel (Updated 6/5/01)
`0 gzmthalmic Dev'mgg Panel (Updated 11/29/01)
`-WWW (Updated 08/22/01)
`0 fladiomgic Devices Panel (Updated 01)
`. Trchni
`m icP du t
`'Sta d
`' ee(Updated08/07/01)
`W11: (New 08/02/01)
`W (Updated 12/05/01)
`[Acgflgihilig] [E—mgil ]
`Dockets Management Branch. 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827—6870
`(l'pdated lZ/lZ/Ol )
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`2001 Advisory Committee MEETING TRANSCRIPTS/ MINUTES B...
`l of 1
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`[(‘DRH 200i Meeting Documents ”EK'ZOOI Meeting Documentsl
`| Federal Registers] | FDA Home Page "What's V'QV/I
`0 Allegeenic Products Adv bog Committee (Updated 10/15/01)
`0 Biological Resmnse Modifiets Adv'sog giggmmittee (Updated 11/23/01)
`0 Blood Products Advisory Committee (Updated 01/08/02)
`0 T nsmissibleS
`halon iform Enc
`thie Adv' o
`f mmittee (Updated 03/29/02)
`0 Vaccines & Related Biologic Products Advison Committee (Updated 01/03/02)
`vi 0 ' To mittee (Updated 08/24/01)
`1 nest etic and Lif
`'(f mmit ewpdated 05/23/02)
`sA v‘
`A i-Infe
`Anti-Viral bulge Adv ‘sgn gi‘ommittee (Updated 01/23/02)
`Arthritis Adv igog Committee (Updated 09/27/2001)
`[3535‘gva§gulflr gnd Repel Dfllfl 55M}05: g‘gmmittee (l'pdated 12/21/01)
`Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drueg Advisgg- (Tommigee (Updated 09/27/01)
`Nonprescription DES Advisog Committee (Updated 10/18/01)
`WWWM 01/18/02)
`Perimeml and Centfll Nervous Sestem Dame Advigon- ('ummittee (Updated 07/13/01)
`W (Updated 12/21/01)
`W (Updated 7/23/01)
`Wilma/3mm. (Updated 10/18/01)
`(New 07/30/01)
`I ‘
`I(Updated 12/20/01)
`-W Itlpdazed 10/26/01)
`- Gen
`a \l
`D vi
`(L'pdated 11/26/01)
`- Mkruhioilm Devices Panel
`(.‘aew 11/05/01)
`0 N-
`' 11 IM
`o Obstetrics-ghnecolog} Devices Panel (Updated 6/5/01)
`e Wtuwmd 12/20/01)
`-WWW (Updated 08/22/01)
`- Radiglogic Devices Panelwpdated 01)
`e "
`rds Committee (tipdated 03/07/01)
`e BMW (New 08/02/01)
`0 Sc_i_e_n_ce Board to FDA (lpdlted 02/07/02)
`[Accessibiliti-I lE-mail]
`Dockets Management Branch. 5630 Fishets Lane - Room l06l- HFA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870
`Updated 05/23/02
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`New Page 1
`l of 6
`1 Federal Registers |
`| F DA Home Page ”Dockets Home PageHLBERHCDRHlflflLQI
`CDER 2001 Meeting Documents
`'l’mnwniit I’IH II)
`luau-mu In: H!
`(sin in lih‘i
`um- in km
`Pages 1- 100
`3746tl.g_f (388) & hlml
`Pages 10l-200
`Pages 20l-339
`\Ii'nulz ~
`(‘Ili‘ m Ill-l
`()ilu-r ”In" II)
`3746al.ndj', tam
`Briefing Info.
`3746M .mm
`Roste r
`37461-1 _02quest.1&f, hl_m
`Notice ofMtg.
`|03230ld.ht_m & pd_f
`3744t1_0l.pg_f& Lil_m mung
`Briefing lnl'onnation
`:3744bl .ht_m
`3744:1109; htJL'l
` Roster
`3744rlqfl", ht_m
` Questions
`3744q1 MI, ht_m
`Briefing Information
` m
` Agenda
`374482.1fl, him
`3744r2.p1f, hl_m
` ht_m
`Briefing Package
`§7l9rl hgm
` E
`01/30 :37l9tl 0].;ng6126)
`37l9tl 02.;nlf(6374)
`.37l9tl 03.:gf(6385)
`lE719” jl4.mlf(6428)
`| I
`http:/! Lhtm
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`373m 02.5.“ (6275)
`3731 t] 03.95” (3920)
`3731s] .ht_m
` Roster
`3731 r1 .E, M
`3731 r2.(lic, [fl
`Briefing lnfonnation
`3731 b1.ht_m
`3731 (II -M, HQ!
`367611 a.|xlf
`-3676r1.(l(_)c, ILlf
`Briefing Information
`367651 034w
`3678aLfl, lef
`Briefing Information
`3678b] .ht_m
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`.3740a1.ht_m & 1x_1r
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`3740r1_01ht_m & pfl‘
`3740r1_02 ht_m & pfl‘
`374051 .htm
`hrtp:l/ l0030/http:/ l .htm
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`3 of6
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`()5 er
`R t
`i3677rl_01.fl, p_d_f
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`i3677r1_02.fl, IL”
`Briefmg Information
`New Page 1
` 2/‘7
`3677s] .m
`[Briefing Package
`02/08 I367712 01.;._.!r(o774)
`- 677t2 ()2.E!f(6852)
`'_3677t2 03.11:“ (29l8)
` 3677a2.5i0g & [x_lf
`3677:|2 0|.doc & w
`367792 02.doc & M
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`3749ql.plf & ht_m
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`him in km
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`hue in kivL
`him I“ Hi)
`()[Ilrr Dm-x ll)
`'3737al.htm, pg‘
`iPlanning Agenda
`!3737al_planning.m, Lxfl
`Briefing Information
`3737b] .htm
` .
`3737q1.ht_m. {fl
`hrtp2/;'web.archive.orywebJ'ZOO 106 172 l 00301’http2/w .htm
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`Iwc in I‘M
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`I3757al.ht_m & M‘
`33757q1.ht_m & p_d_f
`Briefing lnfonnation
`3757b1.gtm & pi!
`3743a1.m_m & [gr
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`[am in MM
`hm in kln
`Uilwr Duos 11)
`I Top 1
`3724r1_01.m. M
`Briefing Info
`3724131 .ht_m
`Agenda (DRAFT)
`372422.Qg, fl
`3724rl_02.fl, Lug
`Briefing Info
`http:f/ .htm
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`New Page 1
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`Hangings: hlrnl{lllfl}
`3742a1.ht_m & M
`3742r1.ht_m & pg”
`3742r2.ht_m & Ifl‘
`Briefing Info
`3742bl.ht_m & w
`Notice of Meeting
`98frx03 2301g.h_tm
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`Ilullu'l'lpl In! Ill
`bin: in I‘M
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`()[le‘li Dun II) ,,
`3685al.m, pd_f
`3685rl.d£, flail
`i3685q1-th_w, [if
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`3685!2.do_c, {if
`3635q2-m. w
`Briefing Info
`()[IICI' Dun ll)
`Age nda
`3737aLM, M
`Planning Agenda
`3737a1_planning.ht_m, pg"
`3737q1.m_m, pg
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` AMN1028
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`New Page 1
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`1 of9
`| FDA Home Page "Dockets Home Pave-”t‘Bl-LRI|(‘1)Rll||_(_)g||l_2||;\(‘ \\ hat 5 .\e»| | \eeessibilitvl
`| Federal Registers |
`ll-l-mail | Dockets Management Branch. 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- “FA-305, Rockville. MD. 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax
`CDER 2001 Meet/n o Documents
`Ilullu'l'ipl lest H)
`Ullu-‘r ”01" 11!
` lnIiN'I'Ipl PM 11)
`(\i/e ll! kl):
`Milt' m 1.11)
`(we in ltln
`hm- in kln
`Due to the events ofthis week, this meeting has been postponed. It will be rescheduled Draft Agenda
`in the future. Please check here for the new date.
`Meeting Info
`m000001.m1_f, ht_m
`Briefing lnfonnation
`177311] .I'rlrn
`Docket NumberOI .\'-0256
`lmnr—rript leu ll)
`Irunseript l'tvl‘ ll!
`(sm- Il11\1))
`(sim- in km
`09/12 Due to the events of this week. this meeting has been postponed.
`here forthe new date.
`tJthI'ltm-t H}
`”in: in km
`(xi/t- in kln
`It will be rescheduled in the future. Please check
`Pages 1- 100
` & html
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-339
`.3744t1_01.m1_f& ht_m
`3744t2.m_r& ht_m
`3746a1.nd_r, h_tn_1
`Briefing Info.
`3746r1_02guest.1fl', m
`Notice of Mtg.
`032301d.ht_m & p_d_r
`Briefing Information
`37442114flf, ht_m
`3744rl .mfl‘, ht_m
`Briefing Information
`http'.// 100408 1 740/http:/'ac/cder0 l .htrn
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
`Page 14 of 362
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`Page 14 of 362


`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`2 Of9
`3744a2.p<_lf, h_i|fl
`:3744r2-1Llf, him
`l3744q24w. m
`37l9tl 01414::6126)
`._ v
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`lnl‘u-i lie-n Ill
`lli MID
`Draft Agenda 379231 .p(_|f&
`Final Agenda 379Zal.utl_f
`& m
`Committee 3792rl_01.ui_f
`.& ht_m Consultants &
`'Guests 3792r1_02.p1fi
`Questions 379ggl 4151f
`.Briefmg Information
`'3792bl .htm
`Agenda 379232.951! & Mm
`Questions 379292.251l‘
`Bn'efing Information
`3731:].nr(271 )
`3731i] 02.:flf(6275)
`3731i] 03.flf‘(3920)
` IPRo .. aent 0., ,
`Page 15 of362
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`3 of9
`.B riefing Information
`3731 b1.Lt_t_m_
`i3731q1.m. [if
`3676tl a.
`'3676tl b.pgf
`3676t1 cflf
`3676“ d.pi:|l
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`3578” .11"
`“warm, pg;
`Briefing Information
`I'I'unu‘ripl I’I)l
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`(silo in Hip
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`Ullll‘l'l)u1" 11D
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`3779t1 .Edf (320)
`& M
`97g;;d:l h
`3779r1_committee.ht_m & ngf
`3779r1_consultants.m & p_<l_f
`Public Hearing
`3779rl_puhlic_hearing.ht_m & pg!“
`3779a2.m & pg!
`Briefing lnfo rmation
`3779111 .mm
`r3779ql.hgm & ml!
`fRevised Questions
`E3779q1_nevised.ht_m & w
`3779m2.mlj & m
`Pages 1-100
`:3779t2 0 I .udf
`Pages 101-159
`.3779t2 (llpdf
`3779r2_committee.ht_m & pg!
`3779I’Z_consultants.ht_m & w
`Public Hearing
`3779rl_public_hearing.ht_m & pg!
` 1004081740/http:/
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,753,107
`Page 16 of 362
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Briefing Information
`3740al.ht_m & M
`Briefing Information
`3740q1.ht_m & 9511
`3740r1_01ht_m & M
`3740r1_02 ht_m & 91f
`m A
`3677a1.(_1_0__c_, mfl'
`3677r1_0| .5193, mfl
`Guest Roster
`3677r1_02._d(_)c_, pg"
`Briefing Information
`:Briefmg Package
`3677a2.doc & pg"
`367792 01.doc & pg}:
`3677512 02.doc & pd_f
`3677t1_03.w (2448)
`W (6774)
`32.6w (6852)
`3677t2 0;.udr (2918)
` 3677(2.rtf(597)
`| Top ]
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`Isl/r in Ho!
`(xi/r in km
`“II1L:1‘IMH"- II)
`um I" Mu
`7'75: I .rtf (444)
`Pages 1-100
`3775“ OLEI'
`37753] .M, pif
`Pages 101-200
`3775“ 02.
`Pages 201-300
`Briefing Information
`377511 03.
`Pages 301-400
`Re mondulin
`3775“ 0441".
`3775q1_01.1&f, htm
`'Pages 40141]
`9775!] 05m“!
`http;// 100408 1 740/http:/ I .htm
`.. aen
`Page 17 of 362
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`:3775q1_02.M, M
`3775sl .lltm
`Briefing Information
`3775q2-1Af. htm
`Briefing Information
`3749ql.1&f& ht_m
`Briefing Information
`3749q24fl' & ht_m
`08/10 Pages 1-100 377St2 Olfljl‘ .1775t2.rtf(299)
`3749mm (437)
`Pages 101-200
`3775t2 02.
`Pages 201-228
`M 3
`3749t1_03.gfl (7469)
`3749t2_02.w (8465)
`3749t2_03-1Af (8352)
`3749t2_o4.pgf (7345)
`3749:2m (465)
`li'HIM‘rIpt PHI 1]?
`min- in Ill".
`07/26 Pages 1-100
`376ltl 0|.pdf(9,446)
`Pages 101-200
`:376l tl 02.:§lf(9,613)
`Iran“ up! 11'“ ll?
`hill‘ in I‘M
`Pages 201—300
`3761 (I 03.3“ (9,586)
`lpages 301—342
`376m 04.9-5If(8,306)
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`3761m1.p(_lf & m
`Ulltcl' lhus ll!
`Isl/x in Lli)
`'Notice of Meeting
`June 8, 200l L_\t 1w
`376121.pd_f. ht
`g3761q14m, htm
`Briefing Information
`07/27 PagesI-IOO
`376lt2 01. df(8,398)
`_— __—1—
`:3761m2.p(_lf & m
`Pages 101-200
`376lt2 02. "(8,508)
`Pages 201-300
`376lt2 03.1.f(8.318)
`Pages 301-359
`376lt2 044 {(9,991)
`3761a24m, ht
`3761q2Jfl3 ht
`3761r2.pd_f. htm
`Briefing Information
`3761 b2.hu_n
`Hill." in Isl!) (\Itk' in MM
`ml;- in kh)
`Utllw Ilium I"
`(“It In I‘lu
`'I’Iunu IIIOl l’lll'
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`IPR ofU.S. Patent No. 7,733,107
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`Pages 101-200
`3737tl 02. I
`1 f
` Pages 1-100
`3737tl 0| .mf
` Pages 201-300
`3737t1 03.:
` Pages 301-345
`3737 1 04 .. r
`:3737m1.pfl, mull
`3737a] .ht_m, pd_f
`Planning Agenda
`3737a1__planning.ht_m, 2g“
`373791-1191, 12th
`lBriefing Information
`13737hl .htm
`IruuM' 11"! 11'“ H)
`{am Ill kl‘n
`lsllr in MN
`Il'nllM I'ipt I’IJI
`mm in km
`09/10 Moming Session Pages
`1-100 3782tl Ulaqfif
`(10,008) Pages 101-179
`37821] 01b. df
`Afternoon Session Pages
`1-100 378211 02a.|fif
`(9,796) Pages 101-200
`3782t1 02b.;1df(9,878)
`Pages 201-225
`378211 02c.pfif (2,226)
`(’llll‘l Uln's Ill
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`.3782al.pif & ht_m
`IRev'sed Agenda
`l3782al_mvised.p1f & htm
`'3782r1.pif & m
`3782rl_eonsultants.& &
`I3782q1.1gf& h_tm
`Ilntradose 3782ql_02. pg!
`l& ELI!
`Briefing Information
`Slides 378Zsl.gtm
`Briefing Information
`3782q2_zevalin.pif & ht_m
`Slides 3782s2.htm
`3756al.ht_m, pfl
`, pfl‘
`Briefing Infomation ht_m &
`Pages 1-100
`3782t2 01.31“ Pages
`101-200 3782t2 02.pi_:lf
`Pages 201-239
`3782t2 0343f
`06/28 Pages 1-100
`3756” ”Ll!”
`, 37S6t1.m
`Pages 101-200
`3756!] 0243“
`Pages 201-end
`3756t1 03.
`Pages 101-201
`g3757tl 024511
`,/'web/2001 100408 l740/
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`7 of9
`3743a1.ht_m & 1m
`3743, pfl
`Briefing Information
`3743b1.ht_m & pg
`Ulliu Dun Ill
`lrmlu'npl In! 11)
`Iramsrripl J'DI
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`Pages 1-100
`3754tl .txt
`|3754m1.1_)d_f, html
`3754a14m html
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-300
`Pages 301-381
`Members 3754r1_01.pd_1;
`3754rl_02.pd_f. ht_ml
`Public Hearing
`3754rl_03.p(_|f, ht_ml
`3754q1.1flf. html
`iBriefing Information
`mung, my
`3724r1_01.M. ufl
`Briefing Info
`Agenda (DRAFT)
`3724a2.glLe, Lug
`3724r1_02.M, &'
`Briefing Info
`Ulllu Duh II'J
`Il'illlu‘l‘llll Ir\l ll)
`Irufiwrflfl I’I'Jl
`(sin- in km
`MIT in MI)
`iii/‘3 in HM
`um- in km
`3763tl.htm,t.'t07/19 Pagesl-10007/19 3763m1.ht_m& Agenda
` 1004081740/http:/'
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`8 of 9
`Guest Roster
`3763rl_guest.m &
`FDA Roster
`3763r1_fda.§l_o_c; &
`3763q2.Ltm & w!
`3763m2.ht_m & Agenda
`3763a2.ht_m & 1Q”
`Guest Roster
`3763r2_guest.d£ &
`DA Roster
`3763r2_fda.@£ &
`& S
`76 tl 0l..-l"
`Pages 101-200
`76 tl
`Pages 201-300
`3763tl 03..
`Pages 301-313
`3763tl 04.
` 7/20 Pages 1-100
`37 SO 0l.
`Pages 101-171
`9801032301 “M"
`html (100)
`3742rl.ht_m & M
`3742r2._lnm & w
`Briefing Info
`3742hl.ht_m & fl
`Notice of Meeting
`98 01032301 g.hi_m
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`Page 21 of 362


`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`9 of9
`ltuihuipl I’IH‘
`Inum nil-l In: I"
`{Jun-i llm. ~. ll]
`(\i/c in Mt) [51/5,- in My)nin‘ in IJH hi1: ill Mn
` 3685tl.ml_f
`368521.fl, p_d_f
` Roster
`368511 .M, p_d_f
` Questions
`“Sill-M. ml!
`Briefing Info
` 3685bl.m
`j3685a2.d(_)c, p(_]_f
`E3685r2.fl, pd_f
`.3685q2m. [fl
`Briefing Info
` Slides
`Ii-nnui-im Pl'vl' ll'!
`!\l/l‘ in km
`[mun-nip: I'ru JD
`{sin in MM
`(xi/r in Mt)
`[Ml'wr Dun. II'I
`{sim- in Id);
`3737ml.p1f, html
`Pages 1-100
`3737:] 0L[n_.1f
`Pages 101-200
`Pages 201-300
`3737a 03.[n_JI'
`Pages 301-345
`3737t1 04.[
`Planning Agenda
`3737al__pla nningm. pgf
`I3737ql.m, g
`IBriefing Information
`'lo )
`(Updated 10/0210: )
`http:/ 1 100408 l740/http2/'ohrms/dockets/ac/cderO1.htm
`IPR of US. Patent No. 7,765,107
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`] Federal Registers] ] FDA Home Pa re "Dockets Home PEECIICBERHCDRHIIQJILE” \(7 What's Vow] [Aceessibilitvl
`[Ii-mail [ Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-JOS. Roekville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860: Fax
`CDER 2001 Meet/n a Documents
`Anesthetic and Life Sumort Drug-r Advisorv ( 'omnm
`Anti-lnfective Drugs Adviso rv Committee
`Anti-Viral Drugs Adviso [3‘ Committee
`Arthritis Advisorv Committee
`(‘ardimascularand Renal Drugs Advisorv Committee
`Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisorv Committee
`Nongrescn'ption Drugs Advisorv Committee
`OncoIOg-ic Drugs Advisorv Committee
`Pen' heral and Central Nervous Svstem Dru s Advisorv Committee
`Adviso rv (‘ommittee for Pharmaceutical Science
`Psvchophamracologic Drugs «\dvisorv Committee
`Pulmonarv—Mle _'_\ Druls Advison Committee
`lrrrl'm-i'rpt 'I'eu ll)
`lrrrnwript 1'1” 1”
`{slit in M0)
`(3111' in km
`Due to the events of this week, this meeting has been postponed.
`in the future. Please check here forthe new date.
`(hilt-r0111“. 11')
`\‘iljf in kl)!
`(xi/.0 ill Mi)
`It will be rescheduled Draft Agenda
`3778ql .p(_lf
`Meeting Info
`m000001.w, ht_m
`Briefing Information
`Docket Number 01 N-0256
`(size in Ixh)
`Il';111\(|'l|11 lcxr ll)
`txizc in H1)
`rr'r Mn
`()tircr Docs II)
`(Si/1‘ in Mn
`10/16 IPagesl-IOO
`3797a 014m
`Pages 101-200
`3797t1 02.;qu
`:Pages 201-300
`l3797t1 03.11;.”
`Final Agenda [Word
`version] [Qdfversion] [htm
`Draft Agenda [Word
`version] [Elf version] [ht_m
`Questions [Word version]
`[E!f\ ersion] [htm version]
`Briefing Information m
`Agenda htm & fld_f
`Questions my; & pd_f
`Committee Members hr—
`& 2d_f
`Pages 301-345
`ISIides 3797s] .htm
`379m 04.9.10
`09/12 Due to the events ofthis week, this meeting has been postponed. It will be rescheduled in the future. Please check
`here for the new date. This meeting was rescheduled for 10/16/01.
`http://w l 1161444l9/http:/

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