`Robert J. Valuck, Ph.D., R.Ph.
` Home Address
` 7059 S. Magnolia Circle
` Centennial, Colorado 80112
` Telephone: (303) 770-1828
` E-mail:
`Business Address
`University of Colorado
`Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
`12850 E. Montview Boulevard, V20-1201
`Aurora, Colorado 80045
`(303) 724-2890
`(303) 724-2627
`Ph.D., Pharmacy (Emphasis in Pharmacy Administration)
`University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
`Dissertation: The Effect of Regulatory Controls on the Quality of Psychoactive
`Drug Prescribing
`M.S., Pharmacy (Emphasis in Pharmacy Administration)
`University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
`Thesis: Macro-level Screening Criteria to Identify Suboptimal Prescribers of
` Controlled Substances
`B.S., Pharmacy
`University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, Denver, Colorado
`Registered Pharmacist, State of Illinois
`Registered Pharmacist, State of Colorado
`(License No. 051-037644)
`(License No. 12376)
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`Current teaching assignments:
`Ph.D. Curriculum in Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research
` PHSC7615/EPID7615: Pharmacoepidemiology (Course Director, Instructor)
` PHSC7570: Special Topics in Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research (Instructor)
` PHSC7710: Research Practicum (Course Director, Instructor)
`A. Academic Appointments
`2011-present Professor (joint appointment), Department of Epidemiology, Colorado School
`of Public Health
`2009-present Professor (joint appointment), Department of Family Medicine, University of
`Colorado Denver, School of Medicine
`2008-present Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Colorado Denver,
`School of Pharmacy
`Member, Graduate Faculty, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University
`of Colorado Denver
`Pharm.D. Curriculum (Entry-level program)
` PHRD6400: Clinical Biostatistics (Course Director, Instructor)
` PHRD4550/PRMD6000: Ethics in the Health Professions (Group facilitator)
` PHRD6150: Professional Skills Development IV (Guest lecturer)
`2006-present Guest Lecturer, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of
`Colorado School of Medicine (topic: Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology)
`2001-2008 Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Colorado
`Denver, School of Pharmacy; and Member, Graduate Faculty, Department of
`Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
`1998-2003 Guest Lecturer, Primary Care Residency Program, University of Colorado School
`of Medicine (topic: Critical Appraisal of Published Drug Studies).
`1996-present Member, Graduate College, University of Colorado Denver
`1994-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Colorado
`Denver, School of Pharmacy; and Member, Graduate Faculty, Department of
`Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
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` H. Lundbeck A/S
` Forest Research Institute, Inc.
` Eli Lilly and Company, Inc.
` Medical-legal consulting (various attorneys, law firms)
`Previous courses taught at UCHSC School of Pharmacy:
`Ph.D. Curriculum in Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research
` Research Methods for Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research (Instructor)
` Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research (Instructor)
` Database Research Methods (Instructor)
`Pharm.D. Curriculum (Entry-level program)
` Evidence-based Pharmacy Practice (Course Director, Instructor)
` Introduction to Clinical Research Methodology I and II (Instructor)
`B.S., Pharmacy Curriculum
` Pharmacy and Health Care (instructor)
` Pharmacy Systems and Drug Use Management (Course Director, Instructor)
` Pharmacy Law and Professional Ethics (Course Director, Guest lecturer)
`B. Graduate Research Assistantships
`1991-1994 Graduate Research Assistant, UIC College of Pharmacy
` "Factors Influencing Prescribing Decisions in a Managed Care Setting" (co-Investigator)
` "Meta-Analysis: Effects of Drug Therapy on Patients’ Quality of Life (co-Investigator)
` "Development and Validation of Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scales for Student
` Evaluation of Pharmacy Instruction" (Project Director)
` "Readership and Journal Preferences of Pharmacists in Illinois" (co-PI)
`C. Consulting (past five years’ activity only)
`D. Professional
`1993 - 1994 Clinical Pharmacist (home health care), Cardiac Alliance, Northbrook, Illinois
`1990 - 1993 Clinical Pharmacist (home health care), Critical Care America, Elk Grove, Illinois
`1989 - 1993 Registry Pharmacist, Pharmstaff, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
`1988 - 1989 Decentralized Pharmacist, University Hospital, Denver, Colorado
`1987 - 1988 Pharmacy Manager, Watson’s Tabor Center Drug, Denver, Colorado
`Pharmacist, Hodel’s Drug, Denver, Colorado
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`“Population-based Pharmacosurveillance of Anticholinergic and
`Polypharmacologic Toxicity Employing Computational Molecular Modeling
`Techniques.” Co-PI (0.10 FTE x 1 year [Year 2]), with Vaughn Culbertson (Co-
`PI) and others. Funded by the Skaggs Scholars Program, University of Colorado
`Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Funding amount:
`$75,000. Funding period: 7/13 - 6/15.
`A. Funded Grants & Contracts
`“Comparative Effectiveness Research through Collaborative Electronic Reporting
`(CER-squared).” Co-Investigator and Pharmacoepidemiology Lead (0.10 FTE x 5
`years), with M Wasserman and A Fiks (Co-Principal Investigators) and others.
`Funded jointly by HRSA and MCHB (HRSA MCHB R40MC24943 grant).
`Funding amount: $5.0 Million. Funding period: 9/12 - 8/17.
`“Not What the Doctor Ordered: Exploring Errors Between EHR Prescription and
`Pharmacy Fulfillment.” Co-Investigator (0.08 FTE x 1 year), with Gerry Pulver
`(Principal Investigator) and others. Funded by: The Doctors Company Foundation.
`Funding amount: $68,838. Funding period: 10/12 – 09/13.
`“Enhancing Fulfillment Data in Community Practices for Clinical Care and
`Research.” Co-Investigator (0.08 FTE x 2 years), with Michael Kahn, M.D.
`(Principal Investigator) and others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research
`and Quality (AHRQ), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Budget: $190,455.
`Funding period: 9/11 – 12/13.
`“Colorado Evidence-based Retrospective Drug Utilization Review Program.”
`Co-Principal Investigator and Analytic Lead (0.10 FTE x 1 year), with Robert
`Page, Pharm.D. (Co-PI and Clinical Lead) and Gina Moore, Pharm.D. (Co-PI
`and Education Lead). Funded by: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy
`and Financing (HCPF). Budget: $167,923. Funding period: 07/11 – 06/12.
`“Scalable Architecture for Federated Therapeutic Inquiries Network (SAFTINet).”
`Co-Investigator (0.10 FTE x 3 years), with Lisa Schilling, M.D. (Principal
`Investigator) and others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research and
`Quality (AHRQ), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Budget: $2,460,053.
`Funding period: 10/10 – 09/13.
`“Colorado CER and Safety Scholars Program: Mental Health, CVD, and Methods.”
`(K12 training program grant). K12 trainee Mentor (0.10 FTE x 3 years) with Anne
`Libby, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator) and others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare
`Research and Quality (AHRQ), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Budget:
`$1,500,000. Funding period: 07/10 – 06/13.
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`“A Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Learning Community in DARTNet.” Co-
`Investigator (0.10 FTE x 2 years), with Karl Hammermeister, M.D. (Principal
`Investigator). Funded by: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI),
`National Institutes of Health (NIH), ARRA Challenge Grants program. Budget:
`$1,066,415. Funding period: 09/09 – 08/11.
`“Predicting the Development of Opioid Abuse or Dependence.” Consultant (0.03
`FTE), with Bryan Cochran, University of Montana (Principal Investigator) and
`others. Funded by: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes
`of Health (NIH). Budget: $100,000. Funding period: 07/09 – 06/11.
`“Sedative Hypnotic Use by the Mentally Ill: A Medicaid Prescription Policy
`Study.” Co-Investigator (0.05 FTE), with Judy Zerzan, M.D. (Principal
`Investigator). Funded by: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National
`Institutes of Health (NIH). Budget: $833,534. Funding period: 07/09 - 06/12.
`“Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Depression Treatments in DARTNet
`Primary Care Practices.” Co-Investigator and Director of Research Core (0.20
`FTE x 19 months), with David West, Ph.D. (PI), Wilson Pace, M.D. (Task Order
`Leader) and others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
`(AHRQ), National Institutes of Health (NIH), DEcIDE Network Contract Number
`HHSA29020050037I-TO4. Budget: $1,600,000. Funding period: 04/09 - 10/10.
`“Consortium for the Study of Drug Safety.” Co-Investigator (0.10 FTE x 4 years),
`with Robert Gibbons, Ph.D., University of Chicago (Principal Investigator).
`Funded by: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of
`Health (NIH). Budget: $223,174 (subcontract to Dr. Valuck at UCDenver).
`Funding period: 7/08 - 6/13 (5 year grant; subcontract runs for years 2-5).
`“Antidepressant Drug Exposure and Risk of Suicide Attempt: A Focus on Newer
`Agents.” Principal Investigator (0.60 FTE x 9 months). Funded by: Eli Lilly and
`Company. Budget: $523,895. Funding period: 05/08 - 09/10.
`“The Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet).”
`Co-Investigator and Director of Research Core (0.20 FTE x 16 months), with
`David West, PhD (Principal Investigator), Wilson Pace, MD (Task Order Leader)
`and others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
`National Institutes of Health (NIH), DEcIDE Network Contract Number
`HHSA29020050037I-TO2. Budget: $1,350,000. Funding period: 09/07 - 04/09.
`“Impact of Antidepressant Discontinuation on Risk of Suicide Attempt.” Principal
`Investigator (0.20 FTE x 14 months). Funded by: American Foundation for
`Suicide Prevention (AFSP), Distinguished Investigator Grants Program. Budget:
`$99,710. Funding period: 07/07 - 08/08.
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`“Evaluating the Impact of Drug Warnings and Consensus Recommendations for
`Metabolic Testing for Patients Receiving Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs: A Multi-
`State Medicaid Claims Study.” Co-Investigator (0.15 FTE x 4 months) with
`Elaine H. Morrato, Dr.PH. (Principal Investigator). Funded by: Pfizer, Inc.
`Budget: $89,663. Funding period: 12/06 - 11/07.
`“Effect of the FDA Black Box Warning (Antidepressants and Suicidality) on
`Patterns of Depression Care in the U.S. Managed Care Population.” Principal
`Investigator (0.68 FTE x 8 months). Funded by: Eli Lilly and Company.
`Budget: $249,417. Funding period: 4/06 - 11/06.
`“An Observational Study of the Medical Management of Congestive Heart
`Failure and the Effectiveness of Isosorbide Dinitrate and Hydralazine.” Project
`Pharmacoepidemiologist (no salary), with Karl Hammermeister, M.D. (PI) and
`others. Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), National
`Institutes of Health. Budget: $200,000. Funding period: 09/05 - 12/06.
`“The Colorado DEcIDE (CO-DEcIDE) Center.” Co-Investigator (percent effort
`based on specific Task Orders), with John Steiner, M.D. (Principal Investigator).
`Funded by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), National
`Institutes of Health (NIH). Budget: TBD (based on specific Task Orders).
`Funding period: 9/05 - 8/10.
`“Effect of Tier Placement of Duloxetine on Medication Adherence, Healthcare
`Utilization, and Expenditures.” Co-Investigator (0.05 FTE) with Kavita Nair,
`Ph.D. (Principal Investigator). Funded by: Eli Lilly and Co. Budget: $77,415.
`Funding period: 9/05 - 6/06.
`"Planning Grant for a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program in Colorado." Co-
`Principal Investigator (no salary offset), with Jody Gingery, M.Ed., R.N., and Susan
`Warren, J.D., M.P.H. Funded by: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
`Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Budget: $50,000. Funding
`period: 07/04 - 06/05.
`"Atypical Antipsychotic Treatment Patterns in a Multi-state Medicaid Population."
`Principal Investigator (0.30 FTE), with various co-investigators. Funded by:
`Janssen Pharmaceutica LP. Budget: $129,780. Funding period: 01/04 - 12/05.
`"The Impact of Cost Sharing on Medication Compliance, Medical Utilization,
`and Patient Satisfaction." Co-investigator (0.10 FTE), with Patrick Sullivan, Ph.D.
`(Principal Investigator). Funded by: Pfizer, Inc. Budget: $98,826. Funding period:
`12/03 - 09/04.
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`"The Societal Cost of GI Adverse Events Associated with Current Utilization of
`Aspirin and NSAIDs in the United States." Co-investigator (0.08 FTE), with
`Patrick Sullivan, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator). Funded by: Pfizer, Inc. Budget:
`$49,354. Funding period: 12/03 – 07/04.
`"Demonstrating a Return on Investment for Micromedex Products: A Case Study."
`Co-Principal Investigator (0.05 FTE), with Kavita Nair, Ph.D. Funded by:
`Thomson Micromedex, Inc. Budget: $29,792. Funding period: 10/03 – 04/04.
`"Incidence, Treatment Patterns, and Costs of SRI-related Side Effects." Principal
`Investigator (0.50 FTE), with Patrick Sullivan, Ph.D. and Joseph Saseen, PharmD.
`(co-investigators). Funded by: Forest Laboratories, Inc. Budget: $321,706.
`Funding period: 03/03 – 12/03.
`"Absorption of Oral Vitamin B-12 in Older Outpatients with Omeprazole-induced
`Gastric Acid Suppression." Co-investigator/Statistician (0.01 FTE), with J. Mark
`Ruscin, Pharm.D. (Principal Investigator). Funded by: University of Colorado
`Center for Human Nutrition. Budget: $44,663. Funding period: 01/03 – 12/04.
`"Incidence of Drug Induced Liver Injury." Co-Investigator (0.05 FTE), with K.
`Arnold Chan, M.D. (Principal Investigator), and Marsha A. Raebel, Pharm.D.
`(local site PI). Funded by: National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney
`Diseases (NIDDKD), National Institutes of Health. Budget: $120,939 (site
`portion), $14,136 subcontract to Dr. Valuck. Funding period: 11/02 - 9/04.
`"Residency in Managed Care Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research." Co-Preceptor
`(no salary offset). Training Site: Anthem-Blue Cross Blue Shield. Funded by:
`Pfizer, Inc., and Pharmacia, Inc. Budget: $30,837. Funding period: 2000 - 01.
`"Retrospective Claims Database Analysis of Cholesterol Management in a
`Managed Care Population." Principal Investigator (0.20 FTE). Funded by the
`Quality Care Research Fund. Budget: $57,980. Funding period: 12/00 – 5/01.
`"Evaluating the Effects of Multi-tiered Pharmacy Benefits on Patient Purchasing
`Behavior." Co-Investigator (0.20 FTE). Funded by the Quality Care Research
`Fund. Budget: $198,103. Funding period: 9/00 – 6/02.
`"Patient Profiling and Provider Feedback to Reduce Adverse Drug Events" (SAF
`98144-1). Consultant. Funded by: VA Health Services Research & Development
`(HSR&D) Program. Budget: $540,000. Funding period: 1/00 - 2/02.
`"Colorado Medicaid Antiviral Drug Use Review (DUR) Project." Co-Principal
`Investigator (0.05 FTE). Funded by: Glaxo Wellcome, Inc. Budget: $5,000.
`Funding period: 12/99-5/00.
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`"Patterns of SSRI Prescribing and Use in a Managed Care Population." Principal
`Investigator (0.25 FTE). Funded by: Pharmacia & Upjohn. Budget: $44,500.
`Funding period: 12/99 - 5/00.
`Continuing Education program development contract: "Urinary Incontinence and
`Overactive Bladder: A Comprehensive Approach." Program Chair. Funded by:
`Pharmacia & Upjohn. Budget: $9,280. Funding period: 9/99 - 12/99.
`"Development and Testing of CliniMED Computer Software System." Principal
`Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by: Pharmacia & Upjohn. Budget:
`$58,000. Funding period: 6/99 - 5/01.
`"Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Veterans Affairs Medical
`Centers." Co-Principal Investigator (0.05 FTE). Funded by: Pharmacia &
`Upjohn. Budget: $14,500. Funding period: 6/99 - 11/99.
`"Development of a Clinical Decision Support System for Hypertension Patients in
`the VA Medical System." Co-Principal Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by:
`Astra Merck, Inc. Budget: $13,900. Funding period: 7/98 - 6/99.
`"Treatment Patterns in a Medicaid HIV Population: Guidelines Achievement and
`Health Systems Implications." Co-Principal Investigator (no salary offset). Funded
`by: Glaxo Wellcome, Inc. Budget: $50,000. Funding period: 3/98 - 12/98.
`"H. Pylori Treatment Patterns in the Colorado Medicaid Population." Co-
`Principal Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by Astra Merck, Inc. Budget:
`$8,900. Funding period: 1/98 - 12/98.
`"Protease Inhibitors: Patterns of Use, Therapy Conversion, and Adverse Events
`in the Colorado Medicaid Population." Principal Investigator (no salary offset).
`Funded by Agouron Pharma. Budget: $6,055. Funding period: 12/97- 2/98.
`"Evaluation of In-Person Versus Computer-Mediated Small Group Learning in a
`Web-based Doctor of Pharmacy Class." Principal Investigator (no salary offset).
`Funded by the UCHSC Bridge to the Future Innovations in Education MiniGrant
`Program. Budget: $4,000. Funding period: 1997-1998.
`"Development of Drug Specific Drug-Drug Interaction D.U.R. Criteria." Principal
`Investigator (0.25 FTE). Funded by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention
`(USP), Inc. Budget: $150,000. Funding period: 2/1/97 - 5/31/98.
`"Using Computerized Decision Support to Promote Adherence to
`Pharmacotherapy Guidelines for Drug Treatment of Hyperlipidemias in
`Veterans." Principal Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by Pharmacia &
`Upjohn. Budget: $18,100. Funding period: 1996-1998.
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`"Serzone Drug Use Evaluation in the Colorado Medicaid Population." Principal
`Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Budget:
`$1,500. Funding period: 1996-1997.
`"Development and Implementation of a Web-Based Course in Evidence-Based
`Pharmacy Practice within the Pharm.D. Program." Principal Investigator (no
`salary offset). Funded by the UCHSC Bridge to the Future Innovations in
`Education MiniGrant Program. Budget: $4,950. Funding period: 1996-1998.
`"The Effect of Clinical Pharmacy Services on Patient Care, Outcomes, and Costs
`in Two University Hospital Outpatient Clinics." Co-Investigator (no salary
`offset). Funded by the University Hospital Education and Research Committee
`Grants Program. Budget: $27,500. Funding period: 1996-1998.
`"Evaluating the Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Care Services in a Managed Care
`Setting." Co-Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by the Department of
`Pharmacy Practice, University of Colorado School of Pharmacy. Budget: $5,000.
`Funding period: 1996-1997.
`First Rocky Mountain Regional D.U.R. Symposium: "Drug Formularies -
`Implications for Access, Cost, and Quality of Care", Aug 23-25, 1996. Program
`Organizer/Chair (no salary offset). Funded by: Astra-Merck. Budget: $37,500.
`"Colorado Medicaid Program Cost of Dispensing Study." Co-Principal
`Investigator (0.60 FTE). Funded by the State of Colorado, Department of Health
`Care Policy & Financing. Budget: $37,447. Funding period: 4/1-6/30, 1996.
`"Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care in Veterans Affairs Medical Centers
`Utilizing Managed Care Principles." Co-Investigator (0.15 FTE). Funded by the
`Department of Veterans Affairs Research Steering Committee and Pharmacia &
`Upjohn, Inc. Budget: $523,285. Funding period: 1996-1998.
`"Evaluation of a Heparin Titration Nomogram on Patient Outcomes at University
`Hospital (UH)." Co-Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by the UH Education
`and Research Committee. Budget: $17,500. Funding period: 1996-1999.
`"Using Computerized Decision Support to Promote Adherence to
`Pharmacotherapy Guidelines for Drug Treatment of Hyperlipidemias in
`Veterans." Principal Investigator (no salary offset). Funded by Pharmacia &
`Upjohn. Budget: $18,100. Funding period: 1996-1998.
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`American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) “Gateway to
`Research” Scholarship (for student mentee: Angela Luetters), 2008-2009, $5,000.
`American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) "Springboard to
`Teaching" Fellowship (for self), 1994-1996, $15,000.
`Upjohn Company Clinical Research Grant, $1,500 (dissertation support, for self).
`Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CCTSI) “Pharmaco-
`Epidemiology Training Program” seed funding, $34,000. Support for one trainee
`(Heather Orton, Ph.D.), and salary support for self for program development and
`mentorship (0.20 FTE x 3 months; equivalent to 0.05 FTE x 12 months).
`B. Fellowship / Training support (for self and students/trainees/mentees)
`A. Articles
`Bronsert M.R., Henderson W.G., Valuck R., Hosokawa P., and Hammermeister K. Comparative
`Effectiveness of Antihypertensive Therapeutic Classes and Treatment Strategies in the
`Initiation of Therapy in Primary Care Patients: A Distributed Ambulatory Research in
`Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) Study. Journal of the American Board of Family
`Medicine 2013; 26(5):529-538.
`Davis L.A, Cannon G.W., Pointer L.F., Haverhals L.M., Wolff R.K., Mikuls T.R., Reimold A.M.,
`Kerr G.S., Richards J.S., Johnson D.S., Valuck R., Prochazka A., and Caplan L.
`Cardiovascular Events Are Not Associated with MTHFR Polymorphisms, But Are
`Associated with Methotrexate Use and Traditional Risk Factors in US Veterans with
`Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 2013; 40(6):809-817.
`Czaja A.S., Valuck R.J., and Anderson H.D. Comparative Safety of Selective Serotonin
`Reuptake Inhibitors Among Pediatric Users With Respect to Adverse Cardiac Events.
`Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2013; 22(6):607-614.
`Slejko J.F., Libby A.M., Nair K.V., Valuck R.J., and Campbell J.D. Pharmacoeconomics and
`Outcomes Research Degree-granting PhD Programs in the United States. Research in
`Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2013; 9(1):108-113.
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`Czaja A.S., and Valuck R.J. Off-label Antidepressant Use in Children and Adolescents
`Compared with Young Adults: Extent and Level of Evidence. Pharmacoepidemiology
`and Drug Safety 2012; 21(9):997-1004.
`Valuck R.J., Anderson H.O., Libby A.M., Brandt E., Bryan C., Allen R.R., Staton E.W., West
`D.R., and Pace W.D. Enhancing Electronic Health Record Measurement of Depression
`Severity and Suicide Ideation: A Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics
`Network (DARTNet) Study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2012;
`Schumock G.T., Stayner L.T., Valuck R.J., Joo M.J., Gibbons R.D., and Lee T.A. Risk of
`Suicide Attempt in Asthmatic Children and Young Adults Prescribed Leukotriene-
`modifying Agents: A Nested Case-control Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical
`Immunology 2012; 130(2):368-375.
`Reiter P.D., Wathen B., Valuck R.J., and Dobyns E.L. Thrombosis Risk Factor Assessment and
`Implications for Prevention in Critically Ill Children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
`2012; 13(4):381-386.
`Hoffman D.A., DeBattista C., Valuck R.J., and Iosifescu D.V. Measuring Severe Adverse
`Events and Medication Selection Using a “PEER Report” for Nonpsychotic Patients: A
`Retrospective Chart Review. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2012; 8:277-284.
`Schumock G.T., Gibbons R.D., Lee T.A., Joo M.J., Stayner L.T., and Valuck R.J. The
`Association Between Leukotriene-Modifying Agents and Spontaneously Reported Suicide.
`Drug Information Journal 2012; 46:99-106.
`Anderson H.D., Pace W.D., Libby, AM., West D.R., and Valuck R.J. Rates of 5 Common
`Antidepressant Side Effects Among New Adult and Adolescent Cases of Depression:
`A Retrospective U.S. Claims Study. Clinical Therapeutics 2012; 34(1) :113-123.
`Shumock G., Gibbons R., Lee T., Joo M., Valuck R.J., and Stayner L. Relationship Between
`Leukotriene-modifying Agent Prescriptions Dispensed and Rate of Suicide Deaths by
`County in the U.S. Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety 2011; 3:1-6.
`Sanglier T., Saragoussi D., Milea D., Auray J.P., Valuck R.J., and Tournier M. Comparing
`Antidepressant Treatment Patterns in Older and Younger Adults: A Claims Database
`Analysis. J Am Geriatr Society (JAGS) 2011; 59(7):1197-1205.
`Shumock G., Lee T., Joo M., Valuck R.J., Stayner L., and Gibbons R. Association Between
`Leukotriene Modifying Agents and Suicide: What is the Evidence? Drug Safety 2011;
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`Henderson K.C., Hindman J., Johnson S.C., Valuck, R.J., and Kiser J.J. Assessing the
`Effectiveness of Pharmacy-Based Adherence Interventions on Antiretroviral Adherence in
`Persons with HIV. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2011; 25(4):221-228.
`Morrato E.H., Druss B.G., Hartung D.M., Valuck R.J., Thomas D., Allen R., Campagna E., and
`Newcomer J.W. Small Area Variation and Geographic and Patient-specific Determinants
`of Metabolic Testing in Antipsychotic Users. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
`2010; 19:1-10.
`Libby A.M., Pace W., Anderson H.O., Bryan C., Ellis S., Allen R.R., Brandt E., West D., and
`Valuck R.J. Comparative Effectiveness Research in DARTNet Primary Care Practices:
`Point of Care Data Collection on Hypoglycemia and Over-the-Counter and Herbal Use
`among Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes. Medical Care 2010; 48:S39-S44.
`Morrato E.H., Nicol G.E., Maahs D., Druss B.G., Hartung D.M., Valuck R.J., Campagna E.,
`and Newcomer J.W. Metabolic Screening in Children Receiving Antipsychotic Drug
`Treatment. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2010; 164(4):344-351.
`Reiter, P.D., Huff, A.D, Knupp, K.G., and Valuck, R.J. Intravenous Levetiracetam in the
`Management of Acute Seizures in Children. Pediatric Neurology 2010; 43:117-121.
`Morrato E.H., Druss B., Hartung D.M., Valuck R.J., Allen R., Campagna E., and Newcomer
`J.W. Metabolic Testing Rates in 3 State Medicaid Programs After FDA Warnings and
`ADA/APA Recommendations for Second-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs. Archives of
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