`Standardization Efforts for
`Wireless LANs
`Victor Hayes
`nieafionsascaabeappreciatedbythe npidlyincreasingpopnlaflanofcarand
`require flawless
`Computer communications, however,
`transfer of millions ofbita in a few seconds. Radio Local Area
`Network (LAN) products that do not require a user license and
`operateatuptoZMbbarcavailablctoday andhaveproventhe
`concept to be viable. Because a large instailetl base of wired
`{mpper or fiber-optic cable) LANs operate at rates of IO M'hh.
`astandard effortforawireless LANhastobeaimedatthe
`same speed. at least. to give a user equivalent performance.
`Available Standards for
`Wireless LANs
`There is no fully approved standard for wireless LANs
`available. The only draft standard close to the l Mbh data rate
`the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications
`(DEC?) drafi standarcL In June 1991, the Technical Commit-
`tee for Radio Equipment and Systems of the European Telo
`communications Standards Institute [ETSD‘ approved the
`publication of a dam DECT standard for public comment.
`Each DECT system (comparable to a Private Automatic
`Branch Exchange—~PABX] can carry IO frequency-division
`channels for [2 (voice) connections each. Each connection car-
`riestwo SZMdigital channdsfionnetnionscanbeeombined
`into groups for higher data rates. the maximum being one
`614.4 “NS stream for computer data from one access point to
`another. It typically takes 30 ms to set up and clcar such a con-
`nection; this limits the practical throughput in LAN systems to
`about 300 this
`Active Standards Groups
`Two committees an: working on wireless communications
`in the U5. The Accredited Standards Committee Tl estab-
`lished a group, TlPl, chartered with the systems engineering.
`standards planning. and programs man
`at of wireless
`networks within Tl , in October 1990. The first project is called
`Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT). UFT would
`enable a user to access network services from any terminal, i.e.,
`fixed. movable, or mobile. The user could move across difi‘er—
`ent networks. both private and public, such as the Public
`Switched Telephone Network (PS’I‘N), Integrated Services
`Digital Networks (ISDNs). and cellular radio networks It is
`not clear what the data rate and error requirements should be.
`From the list of networks mentioned, this writer assnrnes that
`thedataratewould mainlybebciowé‘ikbbandbemz. would
`IE‘l‘Sl was formed by the Conference ofEuropean Postfl andTele-
`communications LCEPT} administration in 1988. and is only accessi-
`ble for its members. i.e., European administrations. European tele-
`communication sen'iee protriders. European telecommunication and
`computumanufactumanduscrouanintions. ‘l‘hegoalofETSIis
`to create Europe-wide telecommunication standards.
`not fit the requirements for local area computer communica-
`The institute ofEiec-trical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
`established a standards working group for wireless LANs in
`July 1990. More details of this committee are given in the next
`In Europe, the two potential candidates for establishing a
`standard are ETSI and the European Computer Manufacturers
`Association (ECMA).
`joint committee with the charter offeetfins the IEEE working
`group with European requirements for wireless LANs. coordi-
`nating European radio spectrum Immunization. and provid-
`ing technical contributions with the aim of obtaining a world-
`wide standard for wireless LANs
`ETSI is in the process of establishing a rubtechnical com-
`mittee for wireless LANs. An ad hoc group is already working
`to prepare the terms and reference for the group. The next op-
`portunity for approving the establishment of the sublechnical
`committee is in the Dec. 1991—.lan. 1992 timeframe. The
`first charter ofthe committee is to manage research for the def-
`inition of “services and facilities.” The original plan called for
`having the definition established in June 1992.
`Although ECMA could invite experts from outside, both
`ECMA and ETSI restrict participation in the standards making
`pmcem to members only.
`The European Radio Commission {ERG} of the CEFF ad-
`ministration is studying the acceptance ofa Recommendation
`for radio LANs. It is expected that the Recommendation could
`be agreed upon in the beginning of 1992.
`In Japan. four groups are active on wireless LAN. The Tele-
`communication Technology Council (TIC) ofthe Ministry for
`Post and Teleconununications (MPT) is responsible for fre-
`quency allocation and has recommended that radio IAN sys—
`tems share the LES-3,4!!!) MHZ and the l?.?—2].2 Gil:
`bands with other services. The Research and Development
`Center for Radio Systems (RCRJ. within the MPT. is preparing
`Tabla 1. International Standards Prepared by IEEE P802
`if" it"
`iP-na: murderous-am
`Part4: Tatum-Flam ”Am-aw ltd
`0mm;91f0011~m19 $01.00 " 199! IEEE
`November 1991 ~IEEE Network Magazine
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - EX. 1016, p. l
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 1
`Tabb [LWodtPIaflollhelEEE m1! Norman“)
`Projected Eli-rte
`draft specifications for the Japanese wireless standard. Re-
`search is being done at the Institute of Electronics Information
`and Computer Engineering (IEICE) and the Ministry of Inter-
`national Trade and Industry {MITI}.
`The IEEE Working Group
`The IEEE worlting group2 for wireless LAN: (designated
`[BEE P301”) is part of IEEE Standards Project 802. This
`project is sponsored by the Technical Committee for Comput-
`er Communications, a standards activity ofthe Computer So-
`ciety. It is recognized as the focal point for the development of
`LAN standards and is respected for its expertise and produc-
`tivity within the IEEE. Their work is appreciated internation-
`ally. Table I shows these standards that have been adopted as
`International Standards by the International Organization for
`Standardizationflnternational Electrotechnical Commission
`(ISCIlIIlEC)3 community to date.
`The first activity on a wireless medium was started in Work-
`ing Group 802.4, which worked on the token-passing bus ac-
`cess method in 193?. The prime interest ofthe participants was
`using radio transmission.
`During the studies of modulation techniques. the group‘s
`interest focussed on the nonlicensed radio frequencies. The
`only opportunity to do so was by using spread spectntm modu-
`lation aspennitted in the U.S. by the Federal Communications
`Commission (FCC) in the 902—928 MHz. 2,400—2.50(l MHz.
`and 5325—5375 MHz hands. These bands are designated for
`Industrial. Scientific, and Medical (ISM) applications. Other
`results of the studies were the understanding of radio channel
`characteristics. such an propagation and noise in buildings.
`The information was gained partly from literature and partly
`from measurements obtained at the automobile plant of Gen-
`eral Motors (GM) at Oshawa. Ontario. Canada.
`At the July 1990 meeting, the group had come to the oonclu~
`sion that the token-passing bus protocol was not suitable for
`controlling a radio medium without causing inefficient use of
`the radio frequency spectrum. The Executive Committee of
`IEEE Project 802 decided at the same meeting to establish
`2The working group in IEEE is an open forum; anyone can attend
`the meetings, but participation in the discussions may be restricted by
`the chaiman to members. Membership of the working group is grant-
`ed to individuals that have a satisfactory attendance record.
`3The ISO and {EC are jointly responsible for the international stan-
`dard ization of infest-nation technology related subjects. Membership is
`by national standards institute.
`20 e November 1991 - IEEE Network Magazine
`Working GroupIEEE P301] l withthechanerto delineation-
`cess protocol and a medium control specification suited for
`The working group now has over 3'0 voting members and a
`mailing list with over 300 addresses. Members are from the
`US. as well as Canada. Japan. Australia. and Europe. Most
`major computer manufacturers participate in this group.
`First, the plan calls for the establishment of an IEEE Stan-
`dard and then the introduction ofthat standard asa draft to the
`ISOIIEC for consideration as an International Standard. In
`concert with the policy of the Open Systems Interconnection
`(OSI) community in ISOJIEC, the plan includes the prepara-
`tion of abstract test suites. The goal ofabstract test suites is to
`ensure that all products can be tested for conformance to the
`standard, employing the same set of test rules and providing
`the same verdict of test results. no matter where in the world
`the testing is performed.
`Although ”Wireless” may include infrared or visible light
`waves, the majority of the group has an interest in radio. The
`radio spectrum, however. is a scarce resource and “owned“ by
`the administration of each country. The major challenge, first
`of all. is to obtain sufficient spectrum in various countries, and
`harmonize the allocation and rule-making worldwide. Thus.
`panofthetaskofthe workinggroupistoenoourage regrlatory
`agents to allocate bands for radio LANs. To prevent a require-
`ment for end-user licensing. the means of sharing radio fre-
`quencies must be such that no coordination with existing users
`is needed. Because of the many uncertainties involved in the
`regulatory process, the group started work in the bands desig-
`nated for ISM applications.
`Presently the working group is focusing on the formulation
`of design goals based on user requirements. A majorissue is the
`decision whether voice communication is to be accommodat-
`ed. Onoeanagreement basbeen reached. the group willestab—
`ing group has set an ambitious schedule (see Table II). The goal
`is to have a standard by the end of 1993.
`As stipulated in its Project Authorization. the goal of IEEE
`P802 is to propose a standard suitable for adoption by the ISO!
`IEC as an International Standard. Liaison with ETSI andTl P I
`has been set up to prevent duplication of work However.
`scarceness of radio frequency spectrum and historical differ-
`ences in national frequency allocations may force the specifica-
`tion of separate transmitterlreceiver specifications in some
`Ammrdln. (fl Motherhood. h195l.l'|ointhuchdrpcrsmofEEEm2.11.
`potato Enginnwing Sumo: on date eorr-nuica'dom. to. High—level Data
`Llnlt Control lHDLCl. and x25 packet twat. Ha ism mwaoinn Ito's penici-
`Before Who the chair of EW Mag m for wireless
`layer OSI standardsandwaaheedofdclogatim oitha Netherlands’ delegation
`alauchairadthl taskgoupforlowerioyaurchfwmnandumofthoECMA.
`He is a m of the EEE.
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - EX. 1016, p. 2
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 2