`the hub and the remotes transmit
`which has intervals during which
`communication cycles, each of
`the hub establishing repeating
`and receive frames;
`the hub and the remotes transmit
`which has intervals during which
`communication cycles, each of
`the hub establishing repeating
`and receive frames;
`the hub and the remotes transmit
`which has intervals during which
`communication cycles, each of
`the hub establishing repeating
`and receive frames;
`the hub and the remotes transmit
`which has intervals during which
`communication cycles, each of
`the hub establishing repeating
`and receive frames;
`the hub and the remotes transmit
`which has intervals during which
`communication cycles, each of
`the hub establishing repeating
`communicators of the Group as
`hub and the remaining the
`communicators of the Group as a
`designating one of the
`communicators of the Group as
`hub and the remaining the
`communicators Of the Group as a
`designating one of the
`communicators of the Group as
`hub and the remaining the
`communicators of the Group as a
`designating one of the
`communicators of the Group as
`hub and the remaining the
`communicators of the Group as a
`designating one of the
`communicators of the Group as
`hub and the remaining the
`communicators of the Group as a
`designating one of the
`functions comprising:
`the Group to effect predetermined
`controlling each communicator of
`the medium access control protocol
`receiving the frames respectively,
`receiver for transmitting and
`including a transmitter and a
`Group, each communicator
`receive the frames constituting a
`communicators which transmit and
`control protocol, the
`predetermined medium access
`communicator in accordance with a
`frames from a least one additional
`transmitting frames to and receiving
`44.A communicator for wirelessly
`functions comprising:
`the Group to effect predetermined
`controlling each communicator of
`the medium access control protocol
`receiving the frames respectively,
`receiver for transmitting and
`including a transmitter and a
`Group, each communicator
`receive the frames constituting a
`communicators which transmit and
`control protocol, the
`predetermined medium access
`communicator in accordance with a
`frames from a least one additional
`transmitting frames to and receiving
`21.A communicator for wirelessly
`functions comprising:
`the Group to effect predetermined
`controlling each communicator of
`the medium access control protocol
`receiving the frames respectively,
`receiver for transmitting and
`including a transmitter and a
`Group, each communicator
`receive the frames constituting a
`communicators which transmit and
`control protocol, the
`predetermined medium access
`communicator in accordance with a
`frames from a least one additional
`transmitting frames to and receiving
`14.A communicator for wirelessly
`functions comprising:
`the Group to effect predetermined
`controlling each communicator of
`the medium access control protocol
`receiving the frames respectively,
`receiver for transmitting and
`including a transmitter and a
`Group, each communicator
`receive the frames constituting a
`communicators which transmit and
`control protocol, the
`predetermined medium access
`communicator in accordance with a
`frames from a least one additional
`transmitting frames to and receiving
`11.A communicator for wirelessly
`functions comprising:
`the Group to effect predetermined
`controlling each communicator of
`the medium access control protocol
`receiving the frames respectively,
`receiver for transmitting and
`including a transmitter and a
`Group, each communicator
`receive the frames constituting a
`communicators which transmit and
`control protocol, the
`predetermined medium access
`communicator in accordance with a
`frames from a least one additional
`transmitting frames to and receiving
`6.A communicator for wirelessly
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - Ex. 1008, p. 1
`transmitted from the hub;
`the hub, by using the information
`expected to receive a frame from
`those intervals when the remote is
`receivers during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`the hub, by using the information
`expected to receive a frame from
`those intervals when the remote is
`receivers during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`the hub, by using the information
`expected to receive a frame from
`those intervals when the remote is
`receivers during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`the hub, by using the information
`expected to receive a frame from
`those intervals when the remote is
`receivers during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`the hub, by using the information
`expected to receive a frame from
`those intervals when the remote is
`receivers during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`hub, by using the information
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`those intervals when the remote is
`transmitters during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`hub, by using the information
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`those intervals when the remote is
`transmitters during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`hub, by using the information
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`those intervals when the remote is
`transmitters during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`hub, by using the information
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`those intervals when the remote is
`transmitters during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`transmitted from the hub;
`hub, by using the information
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`those intervals when the remote is
`transmitters during times other than
`the remotes powering off their
`the hub;
`expected to receive a frame from
`hub, and when each remote is
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`remotes, when the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`intervals being ones when the hub is
`each communication cycle, the
`of predeterminable intervals during
`communication cycle and a plurality
`the remotes to establish the
`the hub transmitting information to
`the hub;
`expected to receive a frame from
`hub, and when each remote is
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`remotes, when the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`intervals being ones when the hub is
`each communication cycle, the
`of predeterminable intervals during
`communication cycle and a plurality
`the remotes to establish the
`the hub transmitting information to
`the hub;
`expected to receive a frame from
`hub, and when each remote is
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`remotes, when the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`intervals being ones when the hub is
`each communication cycle, the
`of predeterminable intervals during
`communication cycle and a plurality
`the remotes to establish the
`the hub transmitting information to
`the hub;
`expected to receive a frame from
`hub, and when each remote is
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`remotes, when the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`intervals being ones when the hub is
`each communication cycle, the
`of predeterminable intervals during
`communication cycle and a plurality
`the remotes to establish the
`the hub transmitting information to
`the hub;
`expected to receive a frame from
`hub, and when each remote is
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`remotes, when the remotes are
`allowed to transmit frames to the
`intervals being ones when the hub is
`each communication cycle, the
`of predeterminable intervals during
`communication cycle and a plurality
`the remotes to establish the
`the hub transmitting information to
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - Ex. 1008, p. 2
`were not successfully received.
`of the previous transfer unit which
`transfer unit those remaining frames
`transmitting in another subsequent
`which was successfully received by
`information describing the frame
`the hub responding to the field
`the hub; and
`was not successfully received by
`previous transmission unit which
`describing at least one frame of a
`one field containing information
`unit having a header having at least
`the remotes transmitting a transfer
`communication cycles.
`during a previous number of
`predetermined number of frames
`transmitted more than a
`of a remote which has not
`transmission opportunity allocation
`the hub revoking a previous
`its transmission opportunity; and
`transmitted by each remote during
`the hub monitoring the frames
`than the number of remotes in the
`which is at least one less in number
`least one communication cycle
`transmission opportunities during at
`the hub allocating a number of
`is established.
`communication cycle whose length
`cycle prior to the end of the
`the length of the communication
`containing information describing
`the hub transmitting a frame
`in a frame transmitted by the hub;
`opportunity allocation information
`the hub transmitting transmission
`in a frame transmitted by the hub;
`opportunity allocation information
`the hub transmitting transmission
`contains a plurality of frames;
`communicator to another which
`transfer unit from one
`the communicators transmitting a
`frames to the hub.
`remotes are allowed to transmit
`before the intervals in which the
`predeterminable intervals occurring
`established the plurality of
`frame containing the information to
`communication cycle, the second
`intervals during each
`the plurality of predeterminable
`containing information to establish
`the hub transmitting two frames
`each communication cycle; and
`the hub establishing the length of
`frames to the hub;
`interval for a remote to transmit
`transmission opportunity being an
`opportunities to the remotes, each
`the hub assigning transmission
`frames to the hub;
`interval for a remote to transmit
`transmission opportunity being an
`opportunities to the remotes, each
`the hub assigning transmission
`Petitioner Biotronik, Inc. - Ex. 1008, p. 3