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`SCEA EX. 1023 Page 1
`SCEA Ex. 1023 Page 1


`Earp—Asia Game Ettar
`thtlefiaundtJJ'Werlitshep " “intends Life
`World at Game any
`cg." tum:
`LII-I 1H..-
`Where did
`tree rilatr
`with years?
`I lhis Game Btu.- was tit-titted hit- a U3
`sele-er and damaged In the Gulf 't'i'arLtIet It
`still tent-aiuastititiii'atim and it an nettle.-
`at the ftilintendrti Werld 51ers D1 New 'r'erlt.
`executives put pressure en “fetter
`te adept a mere visually impressive
`celeur screen, his app'each was
`feu'fl' Lie-ire
`These Smash Hr'rs.‘ Iran
`trial. I“ HIE]. [M'
`digital pad, er 'D-pad’ as it's mere cemrnenlv hnewn as. We take
`this interface fer granted new but it was t'eltei and his teant at thl
`that develeped the cencept; sensing that |Cl'g.i'S'llI3ltS weuld impinge en
`a ltandheld's mebilitv. ‘t’eltei cencected the Ill-pad —a flat centteller
`that weuldn't pretrude trem the castng et and handheld it was
`applied la. The cencept alse teund its wav ente the NES. where tt n'iLI'ir-th t'iit- Eaitte Ele-LiLiL-ei cattltt' new Fla-LI I.-i:iu.'
`ult-ntatelv vindicated wlten rival
`ittanufactcrers released their full-
`celecr. backlit pertable machines
`3-3515 anLnL-Lihgra. a'gnn er .L-Liitt- tnL-"L-tg
`.Litiq arts-art [er l:i_ini'5 Esme BeiLi cnnversre‘ts el H-Tt'pe and Keep FLI Master
`was eeuallv successful. The HES in tutti influenced ether aspects et'
`erttp the rrtarltet slip-Ida after Nir'itende's handheld Iai..-rtchetl; ttt—lHt—IW
`The Game Eeti interfa-ee — the tart'iiliaT a. and B huttens were present.
`'ife was drsrrtai and this facte' uttrt'ettltitee'ls' helped the Game Eel..-
`eleng with the “Select' and 'Start'. This shared centre! methed
`te v'.-'irt the war. "Kids hate replacing batteries; it reeutres having te
`Lair: '5 Awakening. Super Mane Land i'.'L Dehiretr dang .Larie'and
`Menard ll. fi'etum titt' Sam-us Hewever. it was the Japanese release
`at the tirst Pitt-tented title In tests that catapulted the lSaree Eev :itte
`seltwarel. it essentiaslv spelt the and let the eriginal 'breeze b!e-clt'
`versien ef the r-tachine. this the Cast variant ea ned peptilatittr. ever
`an nt:II:c-n cif its snenechrerne s=b':rcgs were relegated te the each ef
`was friends? .-
`had high hepes fer the device: president ‘ ‘ Batte
`helped the Game
`Bay t0 Win the war ’ ’ see. which made sertte games dtfftcult
`lit"ear released: lt—ib's‘
`Urfginal pride: Edit-".1 [5]?"
`Butt it new fm: [Ea
`hithette uncharted realms ef cer-tntetcia' triumph Sadlv th-s secend
`wind was semeth-itg ef a de-Jble-tttlged swerd fer the rhet‘ipchrert'e
`lt resulted in Nintehce lCIEtltit‘g it'-te successets .‘er the aging
`ha'dware taltheugh witheut ‘r’eltei's help — he had !eft the firm IT'
`disgrace after the failure ef the "v"l'llt£t_'1l Ecv and wled Iate' meet a
`tragie end IF'. a read tratftc accieeetiu and the first babv stees were
`made with the Game Bee Pec-tet i". the saints tear that halts-hen
`made its Japanese debut.
`Essential'v a scaled-dewn versien cf the machine that beasted a
`sharper screen and ran en twe new batteries. the lEsme Bett- Pec set
`[E‘Jl'lfillSiEd hardware sales and was a much-needed aesthetic usdate
`drawets and cuplteards the werle ever
`Even the massive pspularita e'3 the ISartre Elev. frtdii‘ie
`integrammers with. esperier‘fia ef creating se‘twate fer the machine
`is like sheeting duct-ts n a tiarre‘. "I first eh-ceuntered the Game Sea
`the first dav I started werltirig at Flare eac't in mid 1989. and it hadn't
`even been reieasee‘ than, se it was definitely a surprise." recalls
`Sutherland. "iitlthc-tigh the engine; eats a bit eulttv newadaas. back.
`then it seemed intpressivelv cenipact.”
`Hesse-mt, in these eerie dates, ceding fer the Game Elev wasn't
`esactitr a wal'it in the part-t.
`" Part ef the challenge in develeprng fer
`Game Flea was that there was hmited dttttcr't'ientatiehi it was tasuallti'
`scirne vetv basic hardware inferrnatien that was translated frem the
`' h
`Japanese," cetitinues Sutherland. Thankfully the CPU that pewered
`the pertahc was at least ltnewn te pregramr'iers. ”at the Game
`Eev's heart was a castrated EEC] — a CPU l was verv tamilier with
`hfll’h “‘9 SHEEN“ £5“le AWE-”3'11 CFC-P Ehhlfiirfi- JD” fiitman. the
`IE'QE’WUEW CUFF hflh'nd H5555 a”? H993 and ”7'5 superlative
`i'irffl'r‘iS-"Er' MairD“ the Git-”ht?- Eflt‘- The? ”9'3 tat-ten W'- 3 19"”
`lEETL'T-‘E 5th?“ 55 ””3 “3'5” '“SWCI'DHE and
`ThE‘r had 3'39 remeved "”95" “l ”"3 registers.
`Ths‘ ”Elm“? W35 133993 "" 3”” “hf 13 WE
`WU amt-‘55 “3 3 “3t
`'3'“ WE'WW‘ f?" "“0”?
`than =3 Shflll'dm Wald HUGE-“55 ‘ bl” ”1‘3
`pasting WU'U' be hard 1‘3 manage. HDWEV_E'-
`W35 srflat That ='- “EU far ”7W9 'T'P-mfl'l't' ”‘3” l
`W35 USE-‘5 “3|-
`'ih'l'?‘ ”WET Wfll'kmElE ef a”?
`[SEW-ES Wflflh I'll—7'
`'77 la‘r' terms ‘5 V'Ch‘if-
`HE‘E'E- MaCl'fiCE-‘k if-‘l “373W m “J” threugl‘
`the hearse "It heasted "wt-tar sri’nnle screen
`HTCF'IECIUE W'tl" '5 hir'Q'E character
`WHUDEU 5399” that W“ cecld screll."
`he Earh- "A 5W3” 13‘3”": “f characters
`fur all'ifl'fllfr-SJ“id-"7'3. 5‘ Elm':3' Ellie 53% ft”
`sp: tes Et’tllll a third similar site ban-t
`shated between paeltgretrrtd and
`sprites. We were always fighting
`pertahle. and it alse made rt east.r te pert peJZFJIar NEE franchises '.e
`the machine.
`were plenty ef theml te effertlesslv pick up the plav this shit-iv new
`Iwas beneficial in twe tit-alas: it allewed NEE ewners land there
`ash: treur parehts fer semethine.“ chuckles Dylan iCuthhert. farmer
`Argenaut empletiee and Managing Ditecter ef Iii-Games- “The
`career a machine can run, the mere peeple erttet,r themselves and
`wa 'tt te plav mete games en it."
`its the Japanese release date
`appreached. Nintehde cenfessed that it
`Hireshi ‘ramauchi cenfrdenthLLr predicted
`that it weuld sell ever 25 millien in the
`Hewevet. while it was easv en pew-st
`censuihptienL the Game Bev's simple
`screen wasn't adered bv everaene and
`even at the time there were rumblings
`er eiscentettt ever its blurriness. Fast-
`first three seats — quite a held claim.
`ter the time. There might have been
`meving c'eiects ware incred-btv ttard ta
`Aeseeiated magazines:
`quite a few peeple that sceffed at
`Why- theGame 3w
`WES great. __ IL- ef‘c'r.:i
`-_-LL._;. [:{_;-'1:5::
`-._, H-
`'tt':"i -t_tL-5.-L=_L-'L-],~_-_LL-LvL-;.Lr._-L
`.F;:-tti.i- :4 ever
`.-;-Lt;--_i.;._;.|'-._.-_it__t-. a»; err-thee:
`.L- |-_
`l Lit c
`-t-:L| em” 'e-rl w... 11-. can-t
`.-L :ttt-.-.--.:-.r Fan-ah:
`:i: :ng t '-.'t'ith excels-1t
`tL n * fie- ptL-c ca.-
`'t aging-L .; If
`t; 5-le
`’33:?! .3
`_ L J f-L. a
`t -
`:t-“_-- lac,- tjtf‘rjt‘L-a-gtg
`r_cL -..J. u,
`L.» a a
`~ it sut-t' -L
`.L --
`:Ev'-_-'t3 Ec'
`5~-|?:-‘5"='"'"=t3"‘-'-- "-453”
`f-..tL-ir_-h ”L15 I'ill"[|:-i" sic.
`l‘a'lf'th"? "9 Evil?“
`_ v
`such epttrntsrnL but when the machine
`Eflhl’llfl'fifil'r Sflld 354111410 units in its first this an sale in Jana” in
`1ggg. such scepticism seemed {Wrights mLEptacfld_ |-[ wag painfttllv
`ehvieus that Hrntende —and ‘t'eltei — had struck geld ence again
`Seltware pleved a massive tale in this victerv and ne game is
`rnere significant in shaping the Game Eteti‘s histenr than the ultra
`addictive puzzle title Tears created by Russian preprammer Alexei
`Paitlnev. Altheueh this legendary title was already Widelv available
`an PC at the time. its appearance en the Game Eletr is atguablv the
`tease-n why it is remembered se fendli,r tedati. CED ef Nintende ef
`America. tvlir‘ieru Arakawa wrtnessed a demenstratien et the peader
`at a trade shew in 1938 and meved guiclttv te ensure that Tales
`weuld became the lSame E-etr's first “killer app'. It was :ncluded
`as a pack-in title in evenr regien except Japan and wele becente
`instrumental -n cementing this censele's reputatten as a 'r‘nest-have'
`gadget In the US. where the initial shipment ef ene mrll:e-.t cer‘iseles
`sale net With-n a matter at weeks.
`he was the case with the Game fitWatch. the Game Eleti used
`LCC' techhelegtr. but instead {if statt-s Images 't beasted a 'det-
`l‘natntt' screen and snuld theretere display- iEtEi hit; 144 indiv'tdual
`|cintels. It was menpchreme. laclted lighting and cettld ertlv dzsplat.r
`fDLIt' different shades el gretr. but it Is ur‘irtuestir'tirtalt‘tilt-L.r erte ef the
`reaser'is why the certsele was such an erterrtteus success. It meant
`that the machine was incrediblv energv efficient by the standards
`ef the tarts, and altheugh It's rur‘rteured that sew-sat ef Nirttende's
`ta play. "“r’eu dte'n't want lets ef the
`screen he have a let at data I that was
`that-lifts centiniiet-sltt" eanla hs Hates Chris Sutherland " It meant
`seeping ”1.3 bachcreunds plainer er en suri-"ig there were pauses
`in the screlI-ng Dbiects the bullets had te be made larger, er with
`signif.cant eutl nes se that platters ceuld mere easihr spet them ”
`This prehlem was amplified by the fact that the screen functaenee‘
`best when viewed it direct light; te tackle this emblem a wide
`variety et belt-en peripherals were develeped that net en-‘v added
`light seurces but alse I‘l'lElgf'tlfLE-El the displav. The usefulness at such.
`eavices was guestiehable at best; when installed they rendered the
`Game Etev distinctly urt-pn!ta'd|ts.
`Mere settware 1e lewed. with earls- htts such as Super Marie
`tart-cl. Basebalt Castt'evart-a i'i': Eelrtt-ttrtt's HEtr'itfrigE-aftii‘l Centre
`helpi'ig te lteep interest in the censc'e high. this: had been the case
`with the 8-bit HES. the Earn-a First.I U'tjfltflad a superlative degree ef
`th'rd-parttLt supper! w-th all ef the pig rtarttes in the ndttstrt.r packing
`the certsele with their seftware. Kenan‘n, Seuare. Capeem, Item
`and Hudsc-n — as wail as plentv ef ether publishers and develepers
`— a-l pledged tci suppert Nintende. This resulted in an avalanche ef
`seftware and made rt v'et'irr hard fer rivats trite Atari and Sega te gain
`a feathete. desp te [."iEEIF mere techni-callt.r pewerful Lens and Game
`[feat hardware.
`as the trees rc!|ei:i btr. the pestilenhr e‘. the Game litei,r remained
`hue-tram wh:|e rival rtandheles tel bv the wavside This success was
`he deubt assisted hv dualiw games such as the Legend Cit a’ercra
`wh ch kept the censele relevant in the increasingly fashiert-ce'tscieus
`F‘lavStatren era. l-lewevet. af'flll‘E' upgrade wasn't far eff a":t: this
`time filitttende wetild enhance the cencept ‘at mete ceh'v'rncrngév
`_ the Game 3'3“.“ Celer delivered the bright and attractive visua s that
`fans had been cIa-‘iteurng fer since the eatlv tainetes and flltth-sh
`the machine was based heal-“Ill.r Ian The existii‘a Game 3W IECh
`tit was even backwards cempat pic with existing black and white
`SCEA Ex. 1023 Page 2


`_ tilt-##T‘u":'— _ —" WWE—r'
`instant EXPERT
`Hattie-acre HeeLe TIME
`tasted I.-1
`sea 3ij
`but Don't“ .‘imffe When They
`Say You’re Grounded"
`«L s:Hip} ..
`| Ea
`tfigfiifi lE'IITt'f}
`' else"
`teen emcee ctr-rue
`scenefinancial I!“
` l
`t‘-..-'-" :"J' -“'.."l-' It's't' 2-"
`2".” 2"." “"4"" ".".-"" 'r".-"'"‘
`sens hseee asee 131a
`Ilfllf'l 3w] Tilt sheer tithes cinemas. Inchidmg grant third-party supeert. gayethe Gerne Edythe edge.
`sTtie San-Ht Barr's tid carneatgn pushed all dte rightttuttens.
`" t- f. . if
`- ..'.- hung-”wt
`lane reu- r-:-'.t JI rem-urt- r I.- .- -.l
`|-.:--- 1'. J :IrrI-Ihl'rrtrl
`mar-1r:- |-:r-ii I-ti-ruu'r hilt-Hue Ir 'Ih_dl'.-_'I_-dlr'”rfl u...- I I... i.; :J :5 I
`1”- ' Jul-Instr Ia- r-.;-.'I'r er-J '.-l sung. as; flJlu'JLl- .r :l-II I-q .lf' Ir- In: .
`Hairy-gr.“ .-'-u 'I'I-'|"rr.-I mustn- I'II F_|‘.'I-irr '_-I._'|l-' ar-J-r. p. ._..
`. .. ,..-.- -
`must cut at this humble setup was ne easy task. "The engineers
`at here dabbled With the basic seund effects that eur ewn waite-
`based audre system ceuld supply." recalls fylachacek. ”'hriest e!
`I think f'yfarlt
`the engineers at Ftare didn't understand it that well.
`Elettendge was the eniy ene df us that really knew new as get
`the seund he wanted. Later an we did incerpeirate seme scund
`samplrng inte seme titles and were able te play back lew duality
`i That perfect marriage of Tetris and
`the Game Boy found a new audience 3!
`F'f'rLlL hf iiCltrTrC El‘t. Pl'tlif EFL-5. hf I‘d-5. Hit-WEE Ft. Ftr'ii HE DESI EH
`menths flat — including testing — a ceuple ef years earlier Eiut the
`Dartsey ffeng Land engine was able to shift 2-4 characters a frame
`by the end. and suddenly we were able in driye a let ef rendered
`with that ene because it was a juggling act between dphl‘hiSir‘tg
`the backgreund eneugh te free up space te include the sprites
`yeu needed. Just te get this juggling in perspectrire. if each unique
`character available in bath ef these banks fer the backgreunds
`were eniy displayed ence en screen. yeu'd enfy fill a due rter ef the
`tn'sible screen space. Just like the NES. yeu reaily had te use a let
`ef repeated characters as fill the bee kgreund. If yeu were deing a
`big l-eng scrolling level with lets ef unique scenery then massrye
`ameunts ef dawn leading re the banks had te take place."
`Mill's“ programmers feund that werking en the Game Etey
`was preferable te ceding fer ether ecipuler platferms. including
`its demeslic brether. the NES. "i learned te pregram bit a GED?
`precesser system. rapidly switching te EElEl cries befere turning Fiare
`in 1988." remembers Machacek "Wed-ring initially en the NES
`breught me back te ESGE. but the Game Bey allewed me te
`return te EEliZl which i preferred. In seme ways the Game
`Eley seemed a step up frem ether systems I had used; the
`hrnstrad CPC 454 had he sprites and the Eft Spectrum
`—- which I leye 1e hits — had attribute preblems. reside
`frem the lack ef celeur. it was a yery simifar lermat la
`the NES that we were already working with." in fact.
`the machine‘s feet-shade greyscale screen was seen
`as a benus by seme pregrammers. "I had been
`making games fer the Spectrum that were using
`the screen as wet twe celeurs. se menechrerne
`didn't phase me at all." cemments Hitman. "Feur
`shades was heayen fer me— it was fine mere than I
`had bean using an the Spectrum!" Dyer time yarieus
`tricks were deyeleped in erder te werf-r areund the
` ll?
`I CiSlt'E' prredtrced a
`supplement tailed Get that
`was deed-ted to handheld
`machines. widtlhu Genie Bey
`bit'I‘ig the iriain fetus.
`The Game Bey isn't
`actually the first machine he
`use interchangeable genre
`cartridges Miltpn Bradley's
`Micrctyisicin. released a
`decade bit-ferre- rrr 15E. has
`that he nciur
`The Game Eve-y yersicrn
`cif Tel'n's has shifted an
`estcinislririig 33 millien units
`werfdwide — althnugh this
`includes all cuuius bundled
`with the machine itself
`The link cable allay-us
`simtilfaneetrs mtiltrpltiy-er
`gaming. but it had ether
`uses — fer example.
`Petrer'ndn used the cable
`te exchange data hetween
`as me packs
`flil'fl'l iii-5|] Milli-en Game
`Bey statues have been said
`during its lifespan
`Affiluugh the Gerrse Elie-y
`has a reputatigii uf ltuing a
`systertt aimed at yetiriiger
`gamers. Ninteitttn's early
`Strategy was he target nlr'ler
`users. and the first .a'ltfuurls'.
`reflected this stance
`f'tlint-ende develupe-d en
`accessciry called the 'Werk
`Eld'y" which featured a mini
`fraybeard and a ca rtriclgs
`that herd prngrants such as
`a calendar. measurement
`GD nyersinn tent art-[I {I pfturm
`hee-k. it was never refeased
`The fetur 11A batteries
`r'l'JlilLlll'L‘L‘f by the ISame Elrtyr
`preyide reugltly .35 hutirs at
`play tirfiu
`fine at the FETUS! creatiy'e
`ecripherrils relea serf fer
`the system was the Game
`Bey lCamera. which alley-yeti
`users tn tel-re tats-r112 urn-tel
`black. and white shcits. anrl
`_. %
`shet'tcemings ef the display. "We were yery clear that
`serites needed te stand eut clearly frem backgreunds. and
`the backgreunds weuld blur a bit when you screlled guickly due
`re the lag en the display." says Machacek " Efferts were made In
`giye impertant sprites. like the player character. streng eutlines te
`help delineate them frem the rest. theugh "
`[In the audie side ef things the Game Bey effered an additienal
`challenge fer cedars "The semd chip was interesting." cemments
`Cuthbert. ”It had a 'user waye table' ei semethirrg daft like 2t}
`entries. each ef which was r1-bit. se it yeu ceuld refresh it quick
`eneugh it ceuld play sampled
`agitttntstat'cttt tiiiit tt tiltiiit tn
`teams 3 .litihlusltr 1W1
`regular FM-St'y'ffl chip and a
`neise generater." Getting the
`seunds. albeit yery lew-res
`samples. It else had a were
`mum '
`then print them cut using
`the Game Edy Printer
`Famed: Game Bey
`uwrturs include Fin-bin
`Williams. Vanilla. lee. thl
`Effiith. Bruce I."'.fi||is and. er.
`Danny Baker
`A 4-pleyre-r adapted was
`else released which allewerrl
`games In an ppcirt mnre than
`2‘ players; linking Several at
`these up alleys-ted fG-player
`skirmishes in .F."i‘l..'r!?l'j|.:ll'il 2000
`IThe camera add-tin rnaairia yetttetake- grair-ty menachranie pictures.
`FIET FtEi EiFlfl'lEFl
`sampled audie- fer specifrc purpeses.“
`IIII-then ceding fer the Game Gey. marry deyelepets leund that its
`similarity with the NES was immensely beneficial. "It was ebyieusly
`a little less pewerful. hut many tricks we used an the NES translated
`well.” recalls lyfachacek. "Herring pseude screlling screeits by using
`a repeating character pattern in places and dewnleading a repeating
`'tet-iture' te them that appeared te screll was eiten seen. We atways
`crammed in lets ef carefully timed parallax scielling effects as well.
`access in the yidee Fistful was limited. and the space far characters
`and sgrrtes was small. se yeu censtantly had te dewnlead artwerk
`1e the yidee Fishif but ceuld eniy cle a little bit per frame. Trying te
`super-aptimise yeur dewnlead cede se that it wasted ne time
`and shifted as much data as pessible really paid eff I think.
`between judicieus use at H-Ellank as well as lif-Elank
`dewnleading I managed te shift abaut 24 characters per
`frame. which atlewed us in dc the see at anirnatiens
`that appeared in Dentey ft’dng Land in 15395." Elased en
`the greundbreaking ISGl-rendered SNES hit Denkey
`hang Chantry this highly enieyab'e platfermer is
`arguably the title that pushed the eriginal Game
`Eley te its abselute limrts. and Machacelt is preud
`ef what he achieyed. ”I deliberately sat dewn
`and spent three weeks deing nething but engine
`werk fe get it te a paint that it ceuld handle anything
`we threw at it." he remembers. "sit that time many games
`were dewnleading abeut sis te eight characters a frame
`In the melee bank and flanks-y ilt'nng Land needed much
`mere then that with all cf the rendered arrwerk it had te
`artwerfr. lden't think anyene cemplained after that. especially when
`it said It millren units!"
`Haying played an integral part in the success at this near-
`legendary censete by ceding seme ei its mes: memerabre titles. it
`seems almest churlish te ask them what made the Game Bey se
`Depular. but we‘ll de it anyway. "in the 1980s there were plenty
`ef dedicated handheld. battew-eewered gaming machines." says
`lyfachacek. "‘i’eti'd buy a Space invaders handheld. er a Pac—ilrfan
`ene. er whateyer. Here we had a single deyice that yeu ceuld buy
`It was far
`Superidr as these ether machines in eyery way and eyen
`came with mulliplayer capability if yeu had a cable.
`Traditienal garners were new en the mere. But at
`the same ttrr'ter that perfect marriage at Tetn's and
`the Game Eley feund a new audience that weren't
`necessarily inte games. and didn't eyen realise
`prehably that yeu ceuld buy mere games. but simply
`beught the 'tey that plays that funrty little blacks
`and censeies. the lSame Eiey ceuld be taken te schdcil er
`effices; cembined wrth the law price. this was eneugh
`fer nan-gamers te get sucked in fee.“ The legacy cf the
`ISame Hey is censiderable and same resist that tesei's
`teddy. "firrguably "r’eltei's phifeatfehy has centintled With
`the Iy'u'ii." states Sutherland. "The fewer spec and price
`tats e1 games far and carry them all areund simply.
`5'4"” '-
`game' that their friends had. Llnlike heme cemputers
`design ideals ceritinua te influence Nintende's thinking eyen
`peint meant it has a larger initial petential audience.
`altheugh remember the games are always what
`driye. Ide knew that my lead artist get fed up at waiting
`fer me te finish this werk! It was techy stuff that was
`inyisible te him. and yeu haye te unearstand that three weeks
`te write an engine seemed like an age when we had put
`cut the Game Bey yersien ef Lrlrftr‘lr'F Superstars in three
`actually driye the sales — that‘s why peeple
`buy it. net because cf the hardware. Tents
`was re Game Bey what lr’iii’ri Seeds is ie Wii.”
`:II "There's nowhere yeti can‘t play it' —
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`SCEA Ex. 1023 Page 3
`SCEA Ex. 1023 Page 3

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