Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection
` For intravenous use only
`Nitroglycerin is 1,2,3-propanetriol trinitrate, an organic nitrate whose structural formula
`whose empiric formula is C3H5N3O9, and whose molecular weight is 227.09. The
`organic nitrates are vasodilators, active on both arteries and veins.
`Dextrose (Dextrose Hydrous, USP) is D-glucose monohydrate, a hexose sugar whose
`structural formula is
`whose empiric formula is C6H12O6 • H2O, and whose molecular weight is 198.17.
`Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection is a sterile, nonpyrogenic solution of nitroglycerin
`and dextrose in water for injection. The solution is clear and practically colorless. Each
`100 mL contains 10 mg, 20 mg, or 40 mg nitroglycerin (added as Diluted Nitroglycerin,
`USP with propylene glycol); 5 g Dextrose Hydrous, USP; 0.84 mL Alcohol, USP (added
`as a dissolution aid); and 105 mg Citric Acid Hydrous, USP (added as a buffer). The pH
`of the solution is adjusted with sodium hydroxide and, if necessary, hydrochloric acid.
`Although dry nitroglycerin is explosive, nitroglycerin in 5% dextrose is not.
`Composition, osmolarity and pH are given in Table 1.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0001

` Table 1
` Composition
` Hydrous, USP
` (g/L)
` *Osmolarity
` (mOsmol/L)
` (calc)
` pH
`(3.0 to 5.0)
`(3.0 to 5.0)
`(3.0 to 5.0)
` 25 mg Nitroglycerin
` in 5% Dextrose Injection
`50 mg Nitroglycerin
`in 5% Dextrose Injection
`100 mg Nitroglycerin
`in 5% Dextrose Injection
`* Normal physiologic osmolarity range is approximately 280 to 310 mOsmol/L.
`Administration of substantially hypertonic solutions (≥600 mOsmol/L) may cause
`vein damage.
`Clinical Pharmacology
`The principal pharmacological action of nitroglycerin is relaxation of vascular smooth
`muscle and consequent dilatation of peripheral arteries and veins, especially the latter.
`Dilatation of the veins promotes peripheral pooling of blood and decreases venous return
`to the heart, thereby reducing left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and pulmonary
`capillary wedge pressure (preload). Arteriolar relaxation reduces systemic vascular
`resistance, systolic arterial pressure, and mean arterial pressure (afterload). Dilatation of
`the coronary arteries also occurs. The relative importance of preload reduction, afterload
`reduction, and coronary dilatation remains undefined.
`Dosing regimens for most chronically used drugs are designed to provide plasma
`concentrations that are continuously greater than a minimally effective concentration.
`This strategy is inappropriate for organic nitrates. Several well-controlled clinical trials
`have used exercise testing to assess the anti-anginal efficacy of continuously-delivered
`nitrates. In the large majority of these trials, active agents were indistinguishable from
`placebo after 24 hours (or less) of continuous therapy. Attempts to overcome nitrate
`tolerance by dose escalation, even to doses far in excess of those used acutely, have
`consistently failed. Only after nitrates have been absent from the body for several hours
`has their anti-anginal efficacy been restored.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0002

`Pharmacokinetics: The volume of distribution of nitroglycerin is about 3 L/kg, and
`nitroglycerin is cleared from this volume at extremely rapid rates, with a resulting serum
`half-life of about 3 minutes. The observed clearance rates (close to 1 L/kg/min) greatly
`exceed hepatic blood flow; known sites of extrahepatic metabolism include red blood
`cells and vascular walls.
`The first products in the metabolism of nitroglycerin are inorganic nitrate and the 1,2-and
`1,3- dinitroglycerols. The dinitrates are less effective vasodilators than nitroglycerin, but
`they are longer-lived in the serum, and their net contribution to the overall effect of
`chronic nitroglycerin regimens is not known. The dinitrates are further metabolized to
`(non-vasoactive) mononitrates and, ultimately, to glycerol and carbon dioxide.
` To avoid development of tolerance to nitroglycerin, drug-free intervals of 10-12 hours are
`known to be sufficient; shorter intervals have not been well studied. In one well-
`controlled clinical trial, subjects receiving nitroglycerin appeared to exhibit a rebound or
`withdrawal effect, so that their exercise tolerance at the end of the daily drug-free interval
`was less than that exhibited by the parallel group receiving placebo.
`Clinical Trials: Blinded, placebo-controlled trials of intravenous nitroglycerin have not
`been reported, but multiple investigators have reported open-label studies, and there are
`scattered reports of studies in which intravenous nitroglycerin was tested in blinded
`fashion against sodium nitroprusside.
`In each of these studies, therapeutic doses of intravenous nitroglycerin were found to
`reduce systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure. The heart rate was usually
`increased, presumably as a reflexive response to the fall in blood pressure. Coronary
`perfusion pressure was usually, but not always, maintained.
`Intravenous nitroglycerin reduced central venous pressure (CVP), right atrial pressure
`(RAP), pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure (PCWP),
`pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). When
`these parameters were elevated, reducing them toward normal usually caused a rise in
`cardiac output. Conversely, intravenous nitroglycerin usually reduced cardiac output
`when it was given to patients whose CVP, RAP, PAP, PCWP, PVR, and SVR were all
`Most clinical trials of intravenous nitroglycerin have been brief; they have typically
`followed hemodynamic parameters during a single surgical procedure. In one careful
`study, one of the few that lasted more than a few hours, continuous intravenous
`nitroglycerin had lost almost all of its hemodynamic effect after 48 hours. In the same
`study, patients who received nitroglycerin infusions for only 12 hours out of each 24
`demonstrated no similar attenuation of effect. These results are consistent with those
`seen in multiple large, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of other formulations of
`nitroglycerin and other nitrates.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0003

`Indications and Usage
`Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection is indicated for treatment of peri-operative
`hypertension; for control of congestive heart failure in the setting of acute myocardial
`infarction; for treatment of angina pectoris in patients who have not responded to
`sublingual nitroglycerin and ß-blockers; and for induction of intraoperative hypotension.
` Contraindications
` Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to
` it.
` In patients with pericardial tamponade, restrictive cardiomyopathy, or constrictive
` pericarditis, cardiac output is dependent upon venous return. Intravenous nitroglycerin is
` contraindicated in patients with these conditions.
` Solutions containing dextrose may be contraindicated in patients with known allergy to
` corn or corn products.
` Do not use Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection in patients who are taking certain
` drugs for erectile dysfunction (phosphodiesterase inhibitors) such as sildenafil, tadalafil,
` or vardenafil. Concomitant use can cause severe hypotension, syncope, or myocardial
` ischemia.
` Do not use nitroglycerin in 5% dextrose in patients who are taking the soluble guanylate
` cyclase stimulator riociguat. Concomitant use can cause hypotension.
` Warnings
` Nitroglycerin readily migrates into many plastics, including the polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
` plastics commonly used for intravenous administration sets. Nitroglycerin absorption by
` PVC tubing is increased when the tubing is long, the flow rates are low, and the
` nitroglycerin concentration of the solution is high. The delivered fraction of the
` solution's original nitroglycerin content has been 20-60% in published studies using PVC
`tubing; the fraction varies with time during a single infusion, and no simple correction
`factor can be used. PVC tubing has been used in most published studies of intravenous
`nitroglycerin, but the reported doses have been calculated by simply multiplying the flow
`rate of the solution by the solution's original concentration of nitroglycerin. The actual
`doses delivered have been less, sometimes much less, than those reported.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0004

`Relatively non-absorptive intravenous administration sets are available. If intravenous
`nitroglycerin is administered through non-absorptive tubing, doses based upon
`published reports will generally be too high.
`Some in-line intravenous filters also absorb nitroglycerin; these filters should be avoided.
`Solutions containing dextrose without electrolytes should not be administered through the
`same administration set as blood, as this may result in pseudoagglutination or hemolysis.
` The intravenous administration of solutions may cause fluid overloading resulting in
` dilution of serum electrolyte concentrations, overhydration and congested states of
` pulmonary edema. The risk of dilutional states is inversely proportional to the electrolyte
` concentrations of the injections. The risk of solute overload causing congested states
` with peripheral and pulmonary edema is directly proportional to the electrolyte
` concentration of the injections.
`General: Severe hypotension and shock may occur with even small doses of
`nitroglycerin. This drug should therefore be used with caution in patients who may be
`volume depleted or who, for whatever reason, are already hypotensive. Hypotension
`induced by nitroglycerin may be accompanied by paradoxical bradycardia and increased
`angina pectoris.
`Nitrate therapy may aggravate the angina caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
`As tolerance to other forms of nitroglycerin develops, the effect of sublingual
`nitroglycerin on exercise tolerance, although still observable, is somewhat blunted.
`In industrial workers who have long-term exposure to unknown (presumably high) doses
`of organic nitrates, tolerance clearly occurs. Chest pain, acute myocardial infarction, and
`even sudden death have occurred during temporary withdrawal of nitrates from these
`workers, demonstrating the existence of true physical dependence.
`Some clinical trials in angina patients have provided nitroglycerin for about 12
`continuous hours of every 24-hour day. During the nitrate-free intervals in some of these
`trials, anginal attacks have been more easily provoked than before treatment, and patients
`have demonstrated hemodynamic rebound and decreased exercise tolerance. The
`importance of these observations to the routine, clinical use of intravenous nitroglycerin
`is not known.
`Lower concentrations of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection increase the potential
`precision of dosing, but these concentrations increase the total fluid volume that must be
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0005

`delivered to the patient. Total fluid load may be a dominant consideration in patients
`with compromised function of the heart, liver, and/or kidneys.
`Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection should be administered only via an infusion pump
`that can maintain a constant infusion rate.
` Intracoronary injection of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection has not been studied.
`Solutions containing dextrose should be used with caution in patients with known sub­
` clinical or overt diabetes mellitus.
`Laboratory Tests: Because of the propylene glycol content of intravenous
`nitroglycerin, serum triglyceride assays that rely on glycerol oxidase may give falsely
`elevated results in patients receiving this medication.
`Drug Interactions: The vasodilating effects of nitroglycerin may be additive with
`those of other vasodilators.
`Concomitant use of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection with phosphodiesterase
`inhibitors in any form is contraindicated (see Contraindications).
`Concomitant use of nitroglycerin in 5% dextrose with riociguat, a soluble guanylate
`cyclase stimulator, is contraindicated (see Contraindications).
`Marked symptomatic orthostatic hypotension has been reported when calcium channel
`blockers and organic nitrates were used in combination.
`Intravenous nitroglycerin interferes, at least in some patients, with the anticoagulant
`effect of heparin. In patients receiving intravenous nitroglycerin, concomitant heparin
`therapy should be guided by frequent measurement of the activated partial
`thromboplastin time.
`Administration of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection through the same infusion set
`as blood can result in pseudoagglutination and hemolysis. More generally, Nitroglycerin
`in 5% Dextrose Injection should not be mixed with any other medication of any kind.
`Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility: Animal
`carcinogenesis studies with injectable nitroglycerin have not been performed.
`Rats receiving up to 434 mg/kg/day of dietary nitroglycerin for 2 years developed dose-
`related fibrotic and neoplastic changes in liver, including carcinomas, and interstitial cell
`tumors in testes. At high dose, the incidences of hepatocellular carcinomas in both sexes
`were 52% vs. 0% in controls and incidences of testicular tumors were 52% vs. 8% in
`controls. Lifetime dietary administration of up to 1058 mg/kg/day of nitroglycerin was
`not tumorigenic in mice.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0006

`Nitroglycerin was weakly mutagenic in Ames tests performed in two different
`laboratories. Nevertheless, there was no evidence of mutagenicity in an in vivo dominant
`lethal assay with male rats treated with doses up to about 363 mg/kg/day, p.o., or in in
` vitro cytogenetic tests in rat and dog tissues.
`In a three-generation reproduction study, rats received dietary nitroglycerin at doses up to
` about 434 mg/kg/day for six months prior to mating of the F0 generation with treatment
`continuing through successive F1 and F2 generations. The high-dose was associated with
`decreased feed intake and body weight gain in both sexes at all matings. No specific
`effect on the fertility of the F0 generation was seen. Infertility noted in subsequent
`generations, however, was attributed to increased interstitial cell tissue and
`aspermatogenesis in the high-dose males. In this three-generation study there was no
` clear evidence of teratogenicity.
` Pregnancy Category C: Animal teratology studies have not been conducted with
` nitroglycerin injection. Teratology studies in rats and rabbits were conducted with
`topically applied nitroglycerin ointment at doses up to 80 mg/kg/day and 240 mg/kg/day,
` respectively, and no toxic effects on dams or fetuses were seen. There are no adequate
` and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Nitroglycerin should be given to a
` pregnant woman only if clearly needed.
`Nursing Mothers: It is not known whether nitroglycerin is excreted in human milk.
`Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when
`nitroglycerin is administered to a nursing woman.
`Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in the pediatric population have not been
`established. However, the relationship between hemodynamic effects of nitroglycerin
`and dose in the pediatric population have been documented in the literature.
` Table 2
` Studies in the literature used doses of nitroglycerin injection in pediatric patients ranging
` from 0.5 to 5 mcg/kg/min. The following chart can be used to calculate the flow rate in
` mL/hour of nitroglycerin using the 100 mcg/mL (25 mg/250 mL) concentration of
` nitroglycerin.
`Note: Very low infusion rates may require that a more dilute concentration of
`nitroglycerin infusion solution be prepared.
`Flow Rate (mL/hour)
` Using the 100 mcg/mL (25mg/250 mL) Concentration
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0007

` Patient Weight in kg
` 10
` 12
` 14
` 16
` 18
` 20
` 2
` 4
` 6
` 8
` kg/
` 0.48
` 2.4
` 4.8
` 9.6
` 14.4
` 19.2
` 24
` 48
` 0.6
` 3
` 6
` 12
` 18
` 24
` 30
` 60
` 0.72
` 3.6
` 7.2
` 14.4
` 21.6
` 28.8
` 36
` 72
` 0.84
` 4.2
` 8.4
` 16.8
` 25.2
` 33.2
` 42
` 84
` 0.96
` 4.8
` 9.6
` 19.2
` 28.8
` 38.4
` 48
` 96
` 1.08
` 5.4
` 10.8
` 21.6
` 32.4
` 43.2
` 54
` 108
` 1.2
` 6
` 12
` 24
` 36
` 48
` 60
` 120
` 0.12
` 0.1*
` 0.36
` 0.24
` 0.6
` 0.5
` 1.8
` 1.2
` 1.2
` 1
` 3.6
` 2.4
` 2.4
` 2
` 7.2
` 4.8
` 3.6
` 3
` 10.8
` 7.2
` 4.8
` 4
` 14.4
` 9.6
` 6
` 5
` 18
` 12
` 12
` 10*
` 36
` 24
` *Dose not studied in pediatric trials
`Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of Nitroglycerin did not include sufficient numbers of
` subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger
` subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses
` between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient
` should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range reflecting the
` greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant
`disease or other drug therapy.
` Do not use unless vacuum is present and solution is clear.
`Adverse Reactions
`Adverse reactions to nitroglycerin are generally dose-related and almost all of these
`reactions are the result of nitroglycerin's activity as a vasodilator. Headache, which may
`be severe, is the most commonly reported side effect. Headache may be recurrent with
`each daily dose, especially at higher doses. Transient episodes of lightheadedness,
`occasionally related to blood pressure changes, may also occur. Hypotension occurs
`infrequently, but in some patients it may be severe enough to warrant discontinuation of
`therapy. Syncope, crescendo angina, and rebound hypertension have been reported but
`are uncommon.
`Allergic reactions to nitroglycerin are also uncommon, and the great majority of those
`reported have been cases of contact dermatitis or fixed drug eruptions in patients
`receiving nitroglycerin in ointments or patches. There have been a few reports of
`genuine anaphylactoid reactions, and these reactions can probably occur in patients
`receiving nitroglycerin by any route.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0008

`Extremely rarely, ordinary doses of organic nitrates have caused methemoglobinemia in
`normal-seeming patients. Methemoglobinemia is so infrequent at these doses that further
`discussion of its diagnosis and treatment is deferred (see Overdosage).
`Data are not available to allow estimation of the frequency of adverse reactions during
`treatment with Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection.
` Overdosage
`Hemodynamic Effects: The ill effects of nitroglycerin overdose are generally the
`results of nitroglycerin's capacity to induce vasodilation, venous pooling, reduced cardiac
`output, and hypotension. These hemodynamic changes may have protean manifestations,
`including increased intracranial pressure, with any or all of persistent throbbing
`headache, confusion, and moderate fever; vertigo; palpitations; visual disturbances;
`nausea and vomiting (possibly with colic and even bloody diarrhea); syncope (especially
`in the upright posture); air hunger and dyspnea, later followed by reduced ventilatory
`effort; diaphoresis, with the skin either flushed or cold and clammy; heart block and
`bradycardia; paralysis; coma; seizures; and death.
`Laboratory determinations of serum levels of nitroglycerin and its metabolites are not
`widely available, and such determinations have, in any event, no established role in the
`management of nitroglycerin overdose.
`No data are available to suggest physiological maneuvers (e.g., maneuvers to change the
`pH of the urine) that might accelerate elimination of nitroglycerin and its active
`metabolites. Similarly, it is not known which -if any- of these substances can usefully be
`removed from the body by hemodialysis.
`No specific antagonist to the vasodilator effects of nitroglycerin is known, and no
`intervention has been subject to controlled study as a therapy of nitroglycerin overdose.
`Because the hypotension associated with nitroglycerin overdose is the result of
`venodilatation and arterial hypovolemia, prudent therapy in this situation should be
`directed toward increase in central fluid volume. Passive elevation of the patient's legs
`may be sufficient, but intravenous infusion of normal saline or similar fluid may also be
`The use of epinephrine or other arterial vasoconstrictors in this setting is likely to do
`more harm than good.
`In patients with renal disease or congestive heart failure, therapy resulting in central
`volume expansion is not without hazard. Treatment of nitroglycerin overdose in these
`patients may be subtle and difficult, and invasive monitoring may be required.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0009

`Methemoglobinemia: Nitrate ions liberated during metabolism of nitroglycerin can
`oxidize hemoglobin into methemoglobin. Even in patients totally without cytochrome b5
`reductase activity, however, and even assuming that the nitrate moieties of nitroglycerin
`are quantitatively applied to oxidation of hemoglobin, about 1 mg/kg of nitroglycerin
`should be required before any of these patients manifests clinically significant (≥ 10%)
`methemoglobinemia. In patients with normal reductase function, significant production
`of methemoglobin should require even larger doses of nitroglycerin. In one study in
`which 36 patients received 2-4 weeks of continuous nitroglycerin therapy at 3.1 to 4.4
`mg/hr, the average methemoglobin level measured was 0.2%; this was comparable to that
`observed in parallel patients who received placebo.
`Notwithstanding these observations, there are case reports of significant
`methemoglobinemia in association with moderate overdoses of organic nitrates. None of
`the affected patients had been thought to be unusually susceptible.
`Methemoglobin levels are available from most clinical laboratories. The diagnosis
`should be suspected in patients who exhibit signs of impaired oxygen delivery despite
`adequate cardiac output and adequate arterial pO2. Classically, methemoglobinemic
`blood is described as chocolate brown, without color change on exposure to air.
`When methemoglobinemia is diagnosed, the treatment of choice is methylene blue, 1-2
`mg/kg intravenously.
`Dosage and Administration
`Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection is intended for intravenous administration using
`sterile equipment. It should be administered only via an infusion pump that can maintain
`a constant infusion rate. A container which has lost its vacuum, or one in which
`particulate matter is visible, should not be used.
`Dosage is affected by the type of infusion set used (see Warnings). Although the usual
`adult starting dose in published studies has been 25 mcg/min or more, these studies used
`PVC tubing, so the delivered doses were less than those reported. When nonabsorptive
`tubing is used, doses must be reduced.
`Even using nonabsorptive tubing, the dose necessary to achieve a given response will
`vary greatly from patient to patient. Patients with normal or low left-ventricular filling
`pressure (e.g., patients with uncomplicated angina pectoris) may respond fully to as little
`as 5 mcg/min, while other patients may require a dose that is one or even two orders of
`magnitude higher. Continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate is necessary
`in all patients receiving this medication; in many cases, invasive monitoring of
`pulmonary capillary wedge pressure will also be indicated.
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0010

` Lower concentrations of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection increase the potential
` precision of dosing, but these concentrations increase the total fluid volume that must be
` delivered to the patient. Total fluid load may be a dominant consideration in patients
` with compromised function of the heart, liver, and/or kidneys. The necessary flow rates
` to achieve various dose rates with the available concentrations are shown in the following
` table.
`Using nonabsorptive tubing, the initial adult dosage of Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose
`Injection should be 5 mcg/min. Subsequent titration must be guided by the clinical
`results, with dose increments becoming more cautious as partial response is seen. Initial
`titration should be in 5 mcg/min increments at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes. If no response
`is seen at 20 mcg/min, increments of 10 and even 20 mcg/min can be used. Once some
`hemodynamic response is observed, dosage increments should be smaller and less
`When the concentration is changed, the tubing must be disconnected from the patient and
`flushed with the new solution before therapy is continued. If this precaution is not taken,
`then depending upon the tubing, pump, and flow rate used, it might be several hours
`before nitroglycerin is delivered at the desired rate.
`Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and
`discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
`Do not add supplementary medication to Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection.
` Table 3
` Necessary Flow Rates (mL/hr*)
` 400
` 0.8
` 1.5
` 2.3
` 3
` 4.5
` 6
` 7.5
` 9
` 12
` 15
` 18
` 21
` 24
` 27
` 30
` 36
` Solution Concentration (mcg/mL)
` 200
` 3.0
` 4.5
` 6
` 9
` 12
` 15
` 18
` 24
` 30
` 36
` 42
` 48
` 54
` 60
` 72
` 100
` 6
` 9
` 12
` 18
` 24
` 30
` 36
` 48
` 60
` 72
` 84
` 96
` 108
` 120
` 144
` Dose (mcg/min)
` 10
` 15
` 20
` 30
` 40
` 50
` 60
` 80
` 100
` 120
` 140
` 160
` 180
` 200
` 240
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0011

` 84
` 168
` 280
` 96
` 192
` 320
` 150
` 300
` 500
` *With a set that produces 60 drops/mL, 1mL/hr = 1 drop/min.
` 42
` 48
` 75
` Size (mL)
` 0338-1047-02
` How Supplied
`Nitroglycerin in 5% Dextrose Injection is supplied in glass container as follows:
`Product Name
` 25 mg Nitroglycerin in
` 5% Dextrose Injection
` 50 mg Nitroglycerin in
` 5% Dextrose Injection
`100 mg Nitroglycerin in
` 5% Dextrose Injection
` Exposure of pharmaceutical products to heat should be minimized. Avoid excessive heat.
` Protect from freezing. It is recommended the product be stored at room temperature
` (25°C). Brief exposure up to 40°C does not adversely affect the product. Protect from
`light until time of use.
` 1A0694
` 250
` 250
` 0338-1049-02
` 0338-1051-02
`Baxter Healthcare Corporation
`Deerfield, IL 60015
`Printed in USA
`Baxter is a registered trademark of Baxter International Inc.
`Rev. October 2014
`Reference ID: 3638427
`Ex. 2035-0012

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