`In re Reexamination of
`US. Patent No. 6,322,901
`Inventor: Moungi Bawendi, et al.
`Patentee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Application Serial No: 08/969,302
`Filed: November 13, 1997
`Issued: November 27, 2001
`For: Highly Luminescent Color-Selective
`Nano-Crystalline Materials


`Group A11 Unit:
`Atty. Dkt. No; 038~0003RX
`Client Ref.
`I hereby certify that on this 16th day of October, 2009, a copy of the attached Request
`for Reexamination in the above entitled matter has been served via Federal Express upon the
`addressed below:
`Steptoe & Johnson LLP
`1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`v/5’[§SLM/ J/7
`RusseLlT Wong
`EX. 2005


`PTO/83158 (02-09)
`Approved for use through 08/31/2010. OMB 0651-0033
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Attorney Docket No.: 038-0003RX
`Date: October 16, 2009
`..This is a request for interpertes reexamination pursuant to 37 CFR 1.913 of patent number
`issued November 27 2001
`. The request is made by a third party requester, identified herein below.
`a. The name and address of the person requesting reexamination is:
`Russell T. Wong
`20333 State Highway 249, Suite 600
`Houston, Texas 77070
`b_ The real party in interest (37 CFR 1.915(b)(8)) is: Nanoco Technologies Ltd.
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`PTO/83158 (02-09)
`Approved for use through 08/31/2010. OMB 0651-0033
`US Patent and Trademark Office; US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995‘ no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
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`publications 37 CFR 1.915(b)(3)
`b. An identification of every claim for which reexamination is requested, and a detailed explanation of the pertinency
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`It is certified that the estoppel provisions of 37 CFR 1907 do not prohibit this reexamination. 37 CFR 1.915(b)(7)
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`The name and address of the party served and the date of service are:
`Steptoe & Johnson LLP
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`October 16‘ 2009
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`In re Reexamination of
`US. Patent No. 6,322,901
`Inventor: Moungi Bawendi, et a1.
`Patentee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Application Serial No.: 08/969,302
`Filed: November 13, 1997
`Issued: November 27, 2001
`For: Highly Luminescent Color-Selective
`Nam-Crystalline Materials
`Group Art Unit:
`Atty. Dkt. No.2 038-0003RX
`Client Ref.
`OF US. PATENT NO. 6,322,901
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 311 and 37 CFR § 1.913
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


`Exhibit 1
`Exhibit 2
`Exhibit 3
`Exhibit 4
`Exhibit 5
`Exhibit 6
`Exhibit 7
`Exhibit 8
`Exhibit 9
`Exhibit 10
`Exhibit 1 1
`US. Patent No. 6,622,901
`Margaret Hines and Philippe Guyot—Sionnest, “Synthesis and
`Characterization of Strongly Luminescin g ZnS-Capped CdSe
`Nanocrystals,” Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 468—471
`Response to Office Action mailed April 20, 2000
`Murray et al. “Synthesis and Characterization of Nearly Monodisperse CdE
`(E = S, Se, Te) Semiconductor Nanocrystallites,” J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1993,
`115, 8706—15 (“Murray”)
`M. Kuno et al. “The Band Edge Luminescence of Surface Modified CdSe
`Nanocrystallites: Probing the Luminescence State,” J. Chem. Phys. 1997,
`106(23), 9869-82 (“Kuno”)
`Danek et a1. “Preparation of ll—Vl quantum dot composites by electrospray
`organometallic chemical vapor deposition,” J. Cryst. Growth, 1994, 145,
`714-720 (“Danek”)
`Kortan et al. “Nucleation and Growth of CdSe on ZnS Quantum Crystallite
`Seeds, and Vice Versa, in Inverse Micelle Media,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990,
`112, 1327—32 (“Kortan”)
`Original Claims
`Office Action Dated May 12, 1999
`Response to Office Action mailed September 13, 1999
`Office Action Mailed January 20, 2000
`Exhibit 12
`Notice of Allowance
`Exhibit 13
`Exhibit 14
`Exhibit 15
`US. Patent No. 5,559,057 (“Goldstein”)
`Premachandran ct al., “The Enzymatic Synthesis of Thiol—Containing
`Polymers to Prepare Polymer—CdS Nanocomposites,” Chem. Mater., 1997,
`1342—47 (“Premachandran”)
`Coffer ct al., “Characterization of quantum-confined CdS nanocrystallites
`stabilized by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),” Nanotechnology 1992 69-76


`Exhibit 16
`Exhibit 17
`Tischchenko, et 31., Solid State Communications, V01. 96, 1995, 795-798
`Probability and Statistics for Modern Engineering, Second Edition, PWS-
`KENT Publishing Company, 1990, page 47


`Claims for Which Reexamination is Requested ...................................................................... 1
`II. Real Party in Interest ............................................................................................................... 2
`III. Summary of the Request .......................................................................................................... 2
`Prior Art ........................................................................................................................ 3
`1. Hines ....................................................................................................................... 3
`2. Murray .................................................................................................................... 6
`Kuno ....................._................................................................................................ 10
`4. Danek .................................................................................................................... 11
`5. Kortan ................................................................................................................... 12
`Change in the Law Concerning Obviousness ............................................................. 13
`IV. Statement Pointing Out Each Substantial New Question of Patentability ............................ 13
`V. Background of the ‘90] Patent .............................................................................................. 14
`The ‘901 Specification ................................................................................................ 14
`The Prosecution of the ‘901 Patent ............................................................................. 16
`VI. Detailed Explanation Under 37 CFR 1.915(b) ...................................................................... 19
`Hines ........................................................................................................................... 20
`1. Hines Anticipates Claim 1 of the ‘901 Patent ...................................................... 21
`2. Hines Anticipates Claims 2 and 3 of the ‘901 Patent ...........................................24
`Hines Anticipates Claims 4 and 5 of the ‘90] Patent ........................................... 25
`4. Hines Anticipates Claim 6 of the ‘901 Patent ...................................................... 26
`Hines Anticipates Claims 7 and 8 of the ‘901 Patent ...........................................26
`Hines and Murray render Claims 7 and 8 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 28
`7. Hines Anticipates Claim 9 of the ‘901 Patent ...................................................... 29
`8. Hines Anticipates Claims 10 and 11 of the ‘901 Patent ....................................... 30
`9. Hines and Murray render Claims 10 and 11 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 33


`10. Hines Anticipates Claim 12 ofthe “901 Patent37
`11. Hines Anticipates Claim 13 and 14 of the ‘901 Patent ........................................ 37
`12. Hines Anticipates Claim 15 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 38
`13. Hines Anticipates Claim 16 ofthe ‘901 Patent3‘9
`14. Hines Anticipates Claim 17 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 39
`15. Hines Anticipates Claims 18—20 of the ‘901 Patent .............................................4O
`16. Hines and Goldstein render Claim 19 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ......................41
`17. Hines and Premachandran render Claim 21 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious .................................................................................................................42
`18. Hines and Coffer render Claim 21 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ...........................44
`19. Hines Anticipates Claims 22—25 of the ‘901 Patent ............................................. 46
`20. Hines Anticipates Claims 26—27 of the ‘901 Patent ............................................. 47
`21. Hines Anticipates Claim 28 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 48
`22. Hines Anticipates Claim 29 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 49
`23. Hines Anticipates Claim 30 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 49
`24. Hines Anticipates Claim 31 of the ‘901 Patent .................................................... 50
`Kuno ............................................................................................................................ 51
`1. Kuno Anticipates Claim 1 of the ‘901 Patent ....................................................... 53
`2. Kuno Anticipates Claims 2 and 3 ofthe ‘901 Patent ........................................... 55
`3. Kuno Anticipates Claims 4 and 5 of the ‘901 Patent ........................................... 56
`4. Kuno Anticipates Claim 6 of the “901 Patth ....................................................... 57
`5. Kuno Anticipates Claims 7 and 8 of the ‘901 Patent ........................................... 57
`6. Kuno and Murray render claims 7 and 8 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 58
`7. Kuno Anticipates Claim 9 of the ‘901 Patent ....................................................... 60
`8. Kuno Anticipates Claims 10 and 11 of the ‘901 Patent ....................................... 61
`9. Kuno and Murray Render Claims 10 and l l of the “901 Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 62
`10. Kuno Anticipates Claim 12 ofthe ‘901 Patent ..................................................... 65
`1 1. Kuno Anticipates Claim 13 and 14 of the ‘901 Patth ......................................... 65


`12. Kuno Anticipates Claim 15 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 66
`13. Kuno Anticipates Claim 16 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 67
`14. Kuno Anticipates Claim 17 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 67
`15. Kuno Anticipates Claims 18—20 of the ‘90] Patent .............................................. 68
`16. Kuno and Premachandran render Claim 21 of the ‘90] Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 69
`17. Kuno and Coffer Render Claim 21 of the ‘90] Patent Obvious ........................... 72
`18. Kuno Anticipates Claims 22—25 of the ‘90] Patent .............................................. 73
`19. Kuno Anticipates Claims 26—27 of the ‘90] Patent .............................................. 74
`20. Kuno Anticipates Claim 28 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 75
`21. Kuno Anticipates Claim 29 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 76
`22. Kuno Anticipates Claim 30 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 76
`23. Kuno Anticipates Claim 31 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 77
`Danek .......................................................................................................................... 78
`1. Danek Anticipates Claim ] of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 78
`2. Danek Anticipates Claims 2 and 3 of the ‘90] Patent .......................................... 80
`3. Danek and Murray Renders Claim 3 of the ‘90] Patent Obvious ........................ 82
`4. Danek Anticipates Claims 4 and 5 of the ‘90] Patent .......................................... 83
`5. Danek Anticipates Claim 6 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 86
`6. Danek Anticipates Claims 7 and 8 of the ‘90] Patent .......................................... 87
`7. Danek Anticipates Claim 9 of the ‘90] Patent ..................................................... 87
`8. Danek Anticipates Claims 10 and 11 of the ‘90] Patent ...................................... 88
`9. Danek Anticipates Claim 12 of the ‘90] Patent ................................................... 9O
`10. Danek Anticipates Claim 13 and 14 of the ‘90] Patent ....................................... 90
`11. Danek Anticipates Claim 15 of the ‘90] Patent ................................................... 91
`1‘2. Danek Anticipates Claim 17 of the ‘90] Patent ................................................... 92
`13. Danek Anticipates Claims 18-20 of the ‘90] Patent ............................................ 92
`14. Danek and Premachandran Render claim 21 of the ‘90] Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................................. 93
`15. Danek and Coffer Render claim 21 of the ‘90] Patent Obvious .......................... 95
`MIT90]_2005—001 0


`16. Danek Anticipates Claims 22-24 of the ‘901 Patth ............................................ 97
`17. Danek Anticipates Claims 26—27 of the ‘901 Patent ............................................ 98
`18. Danek Anticipates Claim 28 of the ‘90] Patent ................................................... 99
`19. Danek Anticipates Claim 29 ofthe ‘901 Patth ................................................. 100
`20. Danek Anticipates Claim 30 of the ‘901 Patent ................................................. 100
`21. Danek Anticipates Claim 31 ofthe ‘901 Patent ................................................. 101
`Kortan and Murray.................................................................................................... 102
`l. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 1 of the ‘90] Patent Obvious ....................... 105
`2. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 2 and 3 of the ‘90] Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 107
`3. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 4 and 5 of the ‘90] Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 108
`4. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 6 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ....................... l 10
`5. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 7 and 8 of the ‘901 Patth
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... l 10
`6. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 6 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ....................... 111
`7. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 10 and 11 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 112
`8. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 12 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 114
`9. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 13 and 11 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 114
`10. The Kortan and Murray References Render Claim 15 of the ‘901
`Patent Obvious .................................................................................................... 1 15
`l 1. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 16 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... l l6
`l2. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 17 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 1 16
`13. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 18—20 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... l 17
`14. Kortan, Murray, and Premachandran chdcr Claim 21 of the ‘901
`Patent Obvious .................................................................................................... 118
`15. Kortan, Murray, and Coffer Render Claim 21 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 120


`16. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 22—24 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ............................................................................................................... 122
`17. Kortan and Murray Render Claims 26 and 27 of the ‘901 Patent
`Obvious ................................................................................................. .« ............. 122
`18. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 28 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 123
`19. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 29 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 124
`20. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 30 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 124
`21. Kortan and Murray Render Claim 31 of the ‘901 Patent Obvious ..................... 125
`VII. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 126


`Claims for Which Reexamination is Requested
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 311 and 37 CFR § 1.913, reexamination of claims 1—31 ofUS.
`Patent 6,322,901 (“the ‘901 Patent”) (Exhibit 1) is respectfully requested, in View of the
`following references:
`Margaret Hines and Philippe Guyot~Si0nnest, “Synthesis and
`Characterization of Strongly Luminescing ZnS—Capped CdSe
`Nanocrystals,” Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 468471.
`Murray et a1. “Synthesis and Characterization of Nearly Monodisperse CdE
`(E Z S, Se, Te) Semiconductor Nanocrystallites,” J. Am. Chem, Soc. 1993,
`115, 8706-15.
`M. Kuno et al. “The Band Edge Luminescence of Surface Modified CdSe
`Nanocrystallites: Probing the Luminescence State,” J. Chem. Phys. 1997,
`106(23), 9869—82.
`Danek et al. “Preparation of II-VI quantum dot composites by electrospray
`organometallic chemical vapor deposition,” J. Cryst. Growth, 1994, 145,
`Prem achandran
`Seeds, and Vice Versa, in Inverse Micelle Media,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990,
`112, 1327—32.
`US. Patent No. 5,559,057.
`Premachandran et 211., “The Enzymatic Synthesis of Thiol-Containing
`Polymers to Prepare Polymer—CdS Nanocomposites,” Chem. Mater., 1997,
`Coffer et a1., “Characterization of quantum—confined CdS nanocrystallites
`stabilized by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),” Nanotechnology 1992 69—76.
`More specifically:
` 1
`F 1
`t Kortan et a1. “Nucleation and Growth of CdSe on ZnS Quantum Crystallite
` 19
`Reexamination of claims:
`is requested in View of:
`' 1-20 and 22—31
`The combination of Hines and Murray.
`7, 8, 10, and 11
`The combination of Hines and Goldstein. .,
`i 21
`The combination of Hines and Premachandraiijwm
`The combination of Hines and Coffer.
`MIT901_2005—001 3


`7, 8, 10, and 11
`The combination of Kuno and Murray.
`The combination of Kuno and Premachandran.
`The combination of Kuno and Coffer.
`1—20 and 22—31
`”The combination of Danek and Murray.
`__ “W T K
`The combination of Danek and Premachandran.
`y, 21
`uuuuuuuuT The combination of Danek and Coffer.
`1-20 and 22-31
`The combination of Kortan and Murray.
`The combination of Kortan, Murray and Premaehandran.
`The combination of Kortan, Murray and Coffer.
`Real Party in Interest
`Nanoco Technologies Ltd. is the real party-in-interest in this inter partes reexamination.
`Summary of the Request
`The ‘901 Patent claims coated nanocrystals capable of light emission. The claimed
`nanocrystal compositions have a core nanocrystal of a first semiconductor material and an
`overcoating of a second semiconductor material. The core nanocrystals are purported to be
`members of a monodisperse particle population, meaning that the distribution of particle sizes
`within the population is narrow.
`Everything claimed in the ‘901 Patent was already known or was obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the application leading to the ‘90] Patent was filed. The prior


`art references discussed below either anticipate or render obvious (either alone or in combination
`with other references) each of the claims of the ‘901 Patent.
`Prior Art
`This section provides a brief overview of the most important references relied on to
`support petitioner’s allegations of a substantial new question of patentability. This section is not
`intended to be an exhaustive description of each of the references. Section V below provides a
`detailed explanation of the pertinence of the prior art references to each of the claims. Section V
`below also mentions additional secondary references that show aspects of particular claims.
`These secondary references are not discussed in this section.
`A publication by Margaret Hines and Philippe Guyot—Sionnest, “Synthesis and
`Characterization of Strongly Luminescing ZnS-Capped CdSe Nanocrystals,” Journal ofPhysical
`Chemistry, l996, 100, 468471 (“Hines”) (Exhibit 2) is directed to ZnS-Capped CdSe
`Nanocrystals. Hines is 102(b) prior art to the ‘901 Patent. Hines was disclosed to the patent
`office in an information Disclosure Statement during the prosecution of the ‘901 Patent, but was
`never cited in an Office Action. The Hines abstract states:
`of ZnS—capped CdSe
`semiconductor nanocrystals using organometallic reagents by a
`two—step single-flask method. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
`transmission electron microscopy and optical absorption are
`consistent with
`containing a
`core of nearly
`monodisperse CdSe of 27— 30 A diameter with a ZnS capping 6 i 3
`A thick. The ZnS capping with a higher bandgap than CdSe
`passivates the core crystallite removing the surface traps. The
`nanocrystals exhibit strong and stable band-edge luminescence
`with a 50% quantum yield at room temperature.
`MIT901_2005—001 5


`The ‘901 specification mentions Hines, admitting that it reports the preparation of ZnS-
`capped CdSe nanocrystallites exhibiting improved luminescence quantum yields of up to 50 0/6.
`‘901 Patent, col. 2, lines 15—26. However, the ‘901 specification states:
`[T]he quality of the emitted light remained unacceptable because
`of the large size distribution (12-15% rms) of the core of the
`resulting capped nanocrystallites. The large size distribution
`resulted in light emission over a wide spectral range. In addition,
`the reported preparation method does not allow control of the
`particle size obtained from the process and hence does not allow
`control of color.
`Id. The ‘901 specification does not state how Applicants concluded that the CdSe cores
`described in Hines have 12—15 % rms size distribution and Hines does not state this.
`Hines specifically states that the cores described therein are “monodisperse,” as that term is used
`in the ‘901 Patent, having 27—30 A diameter. ' See

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