`Ex. 2001
`Part 4 of 4
`(19) World Intellectual Property
`lntemational Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`24 February 2005 (24.02.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005101795] A2
`(51) International Patent CIasslllcatlon7:
`(21) Intemntlonnl Application Ntnnber:
`(74) Agent: LIU. Cull‘. Z.; Cooley Godward LLP. 30(1) El
`Camino Real. Five Palo Alto Square, Palo Alto. CA 94306-
`2155 (US).
`(22) International Filing Date:
`I August 2003 (01.08.2003)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`I001 [.991
`2 August 2002 (02.08.2002)
`2 August 2002 (02.08.2002)
`2 August 2002 (02.03.2002)
`2 August 2002 (0’2.08.?.002)
`Applicant: ULTRADUTS, INC. [US/US]; 486lI Warm
`Springs Blvd.. Fremont. CA 94539 (US).
`Inventors: LEE. Howard, Wing, l-loon; 45176 Imnaha
`Court. Fremont. CA 94539 (US). CI-IIN. Alan, Hap‘. I76.
`Brandt Court. Milpitas. CA 95035 (US). PFENNINGER,
`William, Matthew; 3214 Belmont Terrace. Fremont, CA
`94539 (US). KESHAVARZ, Majtd; I688 Omhard Way.
`Pleasanton. CA 94566 (US).
`Designated States (national): AE. AG. AL. AM. AT. AU.
`AZ. BA. BB. BG, BR. BY, BZ. CA, CH. CN. CO. CR. CU,
`CZ. DE. DK, DM. DZ. EC. EE. ES, Fl. GB. GD. GE. GH.
`GM, HR. HU. ID. IL. IN. IS. JP. KE. KG. KP. KR. KZ. LC.
`LK. LR. LS. LT, LU. LV, MA. MD. MG, MK, MN. MW.
`MX, MZ. NI, NO. NZ. OM. PG. PH, PL. PI‘. RO, RU, SC.
`SD. SE. SG. SK, SL. SY. TJ. TM, TN. TR. T1‘. TZ. UA.
`UG. UZ. VC. VN. YU. ZA. ZM. ZW.
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH. GM.
`KE. LS. MW, MZ. SD. SL. SZ. TZ. UG. ZM. ZW).
`Eurasian patent (AM. AZ. BY, KG. KZ, MD, RU. TJ. TM).
`[European patent (AT. BE. BG, CH. CY. CZ. DE. DK. BE.
`ES. I71. FR. GB. GR. HU.
`I13. IT. LU. MC. NL. PT. RO.
`SE. SI. SK. TR). OAPI patent (BF. BJ. CF. CG. CI. CM.
`GA, GN. GQ. Gw, ML. MR. NE. SN. TD. TG).
`without intentatianal search repon and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For rwa-letter code: and other abbreviations. refer to the "Guid-
`ance Nate: on Code: and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`7) Abstract: The invention relates to quantum dots. nanncomposite materials with quantum dots. optical devices with quantum
`dots. and related fabrication methods. In one embodiment. a quantum dot comprises a core including a semiconductor material Y
`N ¢ 1
`o 2
`0 selected from the group consisting of Si and (Be. The quantum dot also comprises a shell surrounding the core. The quantum dot
`is substantially defect free such that the quantum dot exhibits photnluminescence with a quantum cfficiency that is greater than 10
`W0 2005/017951
`[0001] The invention relates generally to quantum dots. More particularly,
`the invention relates to quantum dots, nanocomposite materials with quantum dots,
`optical devices with quantum dots, and related fabrication methods.
`[0002] As telecommunication networks continue to expand their need for
`bandwidth, it is becoming increasingly necessary to introduce new technologies to
`keep up with growing demands. These technologies should not only facilitate the
`need for bandwidth but also be easily incorporated into today’s network
`infrastructure. At the same time, they should be flexible and versatile enough to lit
`the requirements of the future. While current telecommunication systems comprise a
`combination of electronic and optical data§transrnission, there is pressure to move
`towards all-optical networks due to the increased bandwidth provided by high bit-
`rates and parallel transmission through wavelength division multiplexing.
`[0003] Currently, optical networks use light for much of the transmission of
`data between nodes in an optical circuit. Optical cross-connects function as switches
`in these nodes by routing signals arriving at one input-port to one of a variety of
`output-ports. Most current optical cross-connect systems comprise high-speed
`electronic cores, which are complex, cumbersome, and expensive. These switches
`typically require a light signal to be translated into an electronic signal, which is
`switched or routed to an output-port before being reeonverted to a light signal. The
`size, and expense of such optical-to-electronic~to-optical
`components become even more problematic with higher bit-rates and port counts,
`W0 2005/017951
`even as the cost of electronic components decreases, due to cross-talk and RF
`transport issues.
`[0004] 0130 devices are typically the rate-limiting component in an optical
`network. As such, many options are being considered to reduce the need for both
`OEO conversions, as well as electronic-signal processing in optical network
`components. This has lead to emphasis being placed on the development of “all~
`optical” switching technology, in which optical signals passing through a switch are
`diverted to the appropriate destination without being converted to electronic signals.
`[0005] For most current applications, electronically controlled optical cross-
`connects with optical-cores can be used as an all-optical switch.
`In these devices,
`light routing does not require OEO conversion, but operation of the switch is
`electronically controlled.
`The various all-optical switching technologies that
`currently support such systems include electromechanical switches (e.g., MBMS or
`bulk optics), tl1ermo~optic switches (e.g., phase shifi, capillary, or “bubble” , and
`In addition, a variety of
`electro-optic switches (e.g., LiNl>O3 or liquid crystal).
`nonlinear optical switches (e.g., semiconductor optical amplifiers) use a light beam,
`rather than electronics, to operate the switch.
`[0006] Many all-optical switching technologies are relatively slow and are
`therefore generally limited to static configuration control. For example, applications
`such as basic fiber/wavelength routing, provisioning, and restoration typically
`require switching speeds around lms. These relatively slow all-optical switches,
`however, are generally inadequate for fast switching applications such as dynamic
`packet switching (~lns), optical modulation (~ 100 ps), header reading in packet
`switched networks
`(< 25 ps), and all-optical data-processing (<lps).
`[0007] Currently, devices based on electric field-induced optical changes,
`such as the electro—optic effect (a xm effect) and electro-absorption (a 7;“) effect) are
`utilized for optical modulation and switching. However, these devices are rapidly
`approaching their speed limits, as they rely on fast electronic signals in order to
`perform optical processing or modulation, and these electronic signals suffer
`increasingly greater losses due to the fundamental limitations of high-speed electrical
`W0 2005/017951
`propagation. Devices based on nonlinear optical phenomena, such as cross-gain
`modulation (XGM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers, 762’ based phenomena (e.g.,
`difference-frequency mixing (DFM)), and xm (or Kerr) based phenomena (e.g.,
`cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing ('FWM)), have the potential to
`switch at rates required for packet-switching, optical data processing, and other
`future high-speed switching applications. Devices based on such phenomena have
`the potential (depending on the mechanism) for switching speeds approaching‘ (and
`even exceeding) ten terabits per second (10 Tbit/s), or 10 nillioii bits per second. Of
`these nonlinear optical phenomena, )6” based phenomena have the most flexibility
`but currently suffer from a lack of practical materials with both high nonlinearity and
`relatively low loss.
`[0008] Research involving the development of 75(3) based all-optical devices
`has been extensively pursued since the mid-1980s and has primarily focused on
`silica fiber-based devices. This is due to the relatively large figure-of-merit (FOM)
`for nonlinear optical switching for silica. There are many practical definitions of a
`FOM that take into account the many parameters that can be important and relevant
`to all-optical switching. One example of such a FOM is defined as -13% , where An
`a -
`is the induced refractive index change, a is the linear and nonlinear absorption
`coefficient, and 1: is the response time of the material. For this FOM, which is
`particularly relevant for resonant optical nonlinearities where light absorption is
`the larger the FOM, the better will be the performance of the all—optical
`switching. A definition of a FOM useful for nonresonant optical nonlinearities,
`Where ideally no or little light absorption occurs, is 27/,0/1, where 7 is the nonlinear
`index of refraction, Bis the two-photon absorption coefficient, and 7» is the
`wavelength of operafion.
`In this case, usefiil all-optical switching typically occurs
`when FOM>1.
`Due to the low linear and nonlinear
`losses of light at
`telecommunication wavelengths in silica, the FOM for silica is adequate even though
`An and y (Which are related to Re[x_(3).m]) are small.
`W0 2005/01795]
`[0009] Many all-optical switching devices have been demonstrated using
`silica fiber (e.g., nonlinear directional couplers, nonlinear optical loop mirrors, and
`soliton-based switches). Due to the small 7 of silica, however, impractical fiber
`(~1000 kin) are required for
`these devices
`to operate at
`telecommunication powers (~ 10 mW). As a result, there is a great deal of interest in
`developing materials with both a large FOM and a large 7 to reduce overall device
`sizes and latency. For certain applications, device sizes ~l mm or less are desirable
`for integration of multiple devices and to provide insensitivity to temperature
`fluctuations and manufacturing fluctuations
`tolerance over
`_ distances). In addition, low latency is needed as the data rates increase.
`In addition to large nonlinearities with large FOMs, it is desirable that
`commercial optical switching components are low cost and compatible with high-
`throughput automated fabrication. Historically, semiconductor processing, used to
`make microprocessor chips, has been one of the most cost-efieetive and automated
`processes for miniaturization. While this technology is extremely advanced in the
`field of microelectronics, it is still in its infancy with respect to optics. For instance,
`for xm based devices, crystalline L1NiO3 carmot be arbitrarily inserted within a
`waveguide created by these techniques.
`In addition, polymeric nonlinear materials,
`which are more easily processed, typically have values for 7;“) that are too low for
`efficient switching.
`[0011] Presently, there are a variety of approaches being pursued to reduce‘
`the size of x“) based all-optical switches. Approaches being considered include
`using semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), manufacturing photonic bandgap
`structures with nonlinear materials, enhancing nonresonant optical nonlinearities
`using local field effects, and developing new crystalline materials and polymeric
`materials with high optical nonlinearities.
`[0012] While proof-of-concept for all-optical switches based on SOAs has
`been shown, problems with amplified spontaneous emission buildup currently make
`cascading many of these switches problematic.
`In addition, the materials used for
`“'0 2”°5’°"95‘
`SOAs (typically Inl’) are expensive and create inherent difiiculties with coupling to
`standard silica fibers and waveguides. Photonic bandgap materials are another
`promising approach, but manufacturing using the previously proposed materials is
`still beyond current practical capabilities. While enhancing nonlinearities using local
`field effects is an interesting approach, enhancement factors of only ~ 10x have been
`achieved to date. Finally, new nonlinear crystalline materials have been developed
`(e.g. periodically poled LiNbO3 and p-toluene sulphonate (PTS)) but are typically
`expensive and difficult to princess, making incorporation into waveguide devices
`problematic. Nonlinear polymers, with more appealing mechanical properties, have
`also been developed, but problems such as kinks in the polymer chains can limit the
`maximum nonlinearity to a value still unsuitable for practical all-optical applications.
`In cases where highly nonlinear polymers have been produced (e.g., polyacetylene),
`many of the appealing mechanical properties are lost, creating problems similar to
`those found in crystalline materials.
`In addition to high nonlinearity and processability, nonlinear
`materials desirably should also be low-loss in the wavelength range~of—interest (e.g.,
`from absorption or scattering). These materials desirably should also have a linear
`index of refraction that is compatible with the specific architecture of the device in
`which they are to be used (e.g., a nonlinear waveguide core should have an index of
`refraction higher than the cladding surrounding it). As such, it has been extremely
`to find a practical material" that
`simultaneously satisfies various
`requirements for a commercial xm based nonlinear device.
`[0014] An ideal 75°’ based nonlinear optical material should have a number
`of characteristics, which can include the following:
`Large Re[x(3);ju]
`in the wavelength range-of-interest (Re[x‘3)m,] is directly
`related to An and 7).
`Low optical losses from single- and multi—photon absorption and/or resonant
`and nonresonant scattering in the wavelength range-of-interest.
`Ideally, the
`photon energies corresponding to the wavelength range-of-interest are such that
`W0 2005/017951
`the two-photon absorption threshold is not met (i.e., the sum of the two photon
`energies are lower than the resonance energy), so that two-photon absorption
`and higher multi~photon absorptions are negligible.
`A rnulti-photon transition near the wavelength range-of-interest such that
`resonant and near resonant enhancement of ac“) occurs (but ideally no or little
`rnulti—absorption occurs).
`A precisely selected linear index of refraction compatible with the desired
`application (e.g., waveguides) and intended device architecture.
`Physical and chemical compatibility with the specific device architecture and
`materials with which the material will be used.
`The ability to be processed for incorporation into optical devices.
`Low cost oflrnanufacturing and incorporating the material.
`[0015] While many materials may have one or more of these desirable
`characteristics, at present, no single material comprises a sufficient number of these
`. characteristics required for an optimal xm based optical switch.
`In fact, besides
`SOAs, no commercial devices are currently available, primarily due to a lack of
`appropriate nonlinear optical materials.
`[0016] A candidate for an appropriate nonlinear optical material
`is one
`formed using quantum dots. Over the past several years,
`there has been an
`increasing interest in exploiting the extraordinary properties associated with quantum
`dots. As a result of quantum confinement effects, properties of quantum dots can
`difier fiom corresponding bulk values. These quantum confinement effects arise
`fiom confinement of electrons and holes along three dimensions. For instance,
`quantum confinement effects can lead to an increase in energy gap as the size of the
`quantum dots is decreased. Consequently, as the size of the quantum dots is
`decreased, light emitted by the quantum dots is shifted towards higher energies or
`shorter wavelengths. By controlling the size of the quantum dots as well as the
`material forming the quantum dots, properties of the quantum dots can be tuned for a
`specific applicafion.
`W0 2005/017951
`[0017] Previous attempts at forming quantum dots have largely focused on
`quantum dots of direct band gap semiconductor materials, such as Group II-VI
`semiconductor materials.
`In contrast
`to such direct band gap semiconductor
`materials, Group IV semiconductor materials such as Si and Ge have energy gaps,
`chemical properties, and other properties that render them more desirable for a
`variety of applications. However, previous attempts at forming quantum dots of Si
`or Ge have generally sufiered from a number of shortcomings.
`In particular,
`formation of quantum dots of Si or Ge sometimes involved extreme conditions of
`temperature and pressure while suffering from low yields and lack of reproducibility.
`And, quantum dots that were produced were generally incapable of exhibiting
`adequate levels of photoluminescence that can be tuned over a broad spectral range.
`Also, previous attempts have generally been unsuccessfulin producing quantum dots
`of Si or Ge that are sufiiciently stable under ambient conditions or that can be made
`sufliciently soluble in a variety of matrix materials.
`It is against this background that a need arose to develop the quantum
`dots, nanocomposite materials, and optical devices described herein.
`In one innovative aspect, the invention relates to a quantum dot.
`one embodiment,
`the quantum dot comprises a core including a semiconductor
`material Y selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge. The quantum dot also
`comprises a shell surrounding the core. The quantum dot is substantially defect flee
`such that the quantum dot exhibits photoluminescence with a quantum efficiency
`that is geater than 10 percent.
`In another embodiment, the quantum dot comprises a core including a
`semiconductor material Y selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge. The
`quantum dot also comprises a ligand layer surrounding the core. The ligand layer
`includes a plurality of surface ligands. The quantum dot exhibits photoluminescence
`with a quantum efficiency that is greater than 10 percent.
`W0 2005/017951
`In another innovafive aspect, the invention relates to a nanocomposite
`In one embodiment, the nanocomposite material comprises a plurality of
`quantum dots. The plurality of quantum dots includes a semiconductor material Y
`selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge, and at least one quantum dot of the
`plurality of quantum dots exhibits photoluminescence with a quantum efliciency that
`is greater than 10 percent. The nanocomposite material also comprises a plurality of
`molecules-coupling the plurality of quantum dots to form one of a linear array, a
`two-dimensional array, and a three-dimensional array.
`In another embodiment,
`the nanocomposite material comprises a
`plurality of quantum dots arranged in one of a two-dimensional array and a three-
`dimensional array.
`‘The plurality of quantum dots includes a semiconductor material
`Y selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge, and at least one quantum dot of
`the plurality of quantum dots exhibits photoluminescence with a quantum efficiency
`that is greater than 10 percent.
`In a further innovative aspect, the invention relates to an optical
`In one embodiment, the optical device comprises a waveguide core and a
`nanocomposite material optically coupled to the waveguide core.
`nanocomposite material includes a plurality of quantum dots. A quantum dot of the
`plurality of quantum dots includes a core that includes a semiconductor material
`selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge, and the quantum dot exhibits
`photoluminescence with a quantum efficiency that is greater than 10 percent. The
`nanocomposite material has a nonlinear index of refiaction 7 that is at least 109
`‘cm:/W when irradiated with an activation light having a wavelength 2. between
`approximately 3 it 10's cm and 2 X 10" cm.
`In another embodiment, the optical device comprises a waveguide
`core including a portion formed of a nanocomposite material. The nanocomposite
`material includes a matrix material and a plurality of quantum dotgdispersed in the
`matrix material. A quantum dot of the plurality of quantum dots includes a core that
`includes a semiconductor material selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge.
`W0 2005/01 795]
`The quantum dot is substantially defect free such that the quantum dot exhibits
`photoluminescence with a quantum efficiency that is greater than 10 percent.
`In a further embodiment, the optical device comprises a film formed
`of a nanocomposite material. The nanocomposite material includes a plurality of .
`quantum dots. A quantum dot of the plurality of quantum dots includes a core that
`includes a semiconductor material selected from the group consisting of Si and Ge,
`and the quantum dot exhibits photoluminescence with a quantum efficiency that. is
`greater than 10 percent.
`In a still further innovative aspect, the invention relates to a method
`of fonning a quantum dot.
`In one embodiment, the method comprises providing a
`particle that includes a semiconductor material Y selected from the group consisting
`of Si and Ge. The method also comprises applying sound energy and light energy to
`the particle to form a quantum dot that exhibits photoluminescence with a quantum
`efficiency that is greater than 10 percent. The quantum dot includes a core, and the
`core includes Y.
`In another embodiment, the method comprises reacting, in a reaction
`medium maintained at a temperature between approximately -78°C and 300°C, a
`source of a semiconductor material Y selected from the group consisting of Si and
`Ge with a reducing agent to form a particle that includes a core. The core includes
`Y, and the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of Group IIA metals,
`transition metals, and lanthanides. The method also comprises reacting the particle
`with a source of surface ligands to form a ligand layer surrounding the core to form a
`quantum dot. The ligand layer includes at least one surface ligand.
`[0028] For a better understanding of the nature and objects of the invention,
`reference should be made to the following detailed description taken in conjunction
`with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`[0029] Figures 1(a), l(b), 1(c), and 1(d) illustrate quantum dots according to
`some embodiments of the invention.
`WO 2005101795]
`[0030] Figure 2 illustrates the energy gap of quantum dots fabricated from
`silicon plotted as a function of the size of the quantum dots, according to an
`embodiment of the invention.
`[0031] Figure 3 illustrates photoluminescence (PL) spectra from six samples
`with different sizes of silicon quantum dots, according to an embodiment of the
`[0032] Figure 4(a) illustrates the energy gap of quantum dots fabricated from
`germanium plotted as a function of the size of the quantum dots, according to an
`embodiment of the invention.
`[0033] Figure 4(b) illustrates size-selective photoluminescence (PL) spectra
`for different sizes of germanium quantum dots, according to an embodiment of the
`[0034] Figure 5(a) illustrates concentration dependence of the linear index of
`refraction of engineered nonlinear nanocomposite materials doped with silicon and
`germanium quantum dots, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0035] Figure 50))
`illustrates concentration dependence of the optical
`nonlinearity of engineered nonlinearnanocomposite materials doped with silicon and
`germanium quantum dots, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0036] Figures 6(a), 6(b), 6(0), 6(d), 6(e), and 6(1)
`illustrate nonlinear
`directional couplers comprising engineered nonlinear nanocomposite materials,
`according to some embodiments of the invention.
`[0037] Figures 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(6), and 7(i) illustrate an embodiment
`of a nonlinear Mach-Zehnder
`interferometer comprising an engineered
`nonlinear nanocomposite material.
`[0038] Figures 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), and 8(d) illustrate an alternative embodiment
`a nonlinear MZ interferometer
`nanocomposite material.
`[0039] Figure 9 illustrates a figure-of-merit (FOM) for all-optical switching
`with an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material as a function of quantum dot
`size, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`1 0
`W0 2005/017951
`illustrate photoluminescence spectra of
`[0040] Figures 10(a) and lofty)
`silicon quantum dots made in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
`[0041] Figures 1l(a) and l1(b) illustrate photoluminescence spectra of
`germanium quantum dots made in accordance with an embodiment ofthe invention.
`[0042] Figure 12 illustrates an opfical device comprising an engineered
`nonlinear nanocomposite material, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0043] Figure 13 illustrates a passive directional coupler known in the art.
`[0044] Figures 14(a),
`l4(c), and 14(d)
`illustrate a simulation of
`nanocomposite material, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0045] Figure 15 illustrates a MZ interferometer known in the art.
`[0046] Figures 16(a), l6(b), 16(c), l6(d), and l6(e) illustrate a simulation of
`switching in a MZI switch comprising an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite
`material, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0047] Figures l7(a), 17(b), l7(c), l7(d), and l7(e) illustrate several possible
`embodiments of an optical
`transistor comprising an
`engineered nonlinear
`nanocomposite material.
`[0048] Figures l7(f), l7(g), l7(h), and l7(i) illustrate a simulation for an
`transistor comprising an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material,
`according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0049] Figure 18 illustrates a waveguide Bragg-reflector known in the art.
`[0050] Figures 19(3) and l9(b) illustrate an aotivatable nonlinear waveguide
`Bragg—reflector comprising an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material in de-
`activated and activated states, according to an embodiment of the invention.
`[0051] Figures 20(a) and 20(b) illustrate a tunable nonlinear waveguide
`Bragg-reflector in de-activated and activated states, according to an embodiment of
`the invention.
`[0052] Figures 21(a) and 2l(b) illustrate two preferred embodiments of
`. Reconfigurable Integrated Optical Systems, where lasers are used to induce an index
`W0 2005/017951
`increase in order to define transient optical waveguides, according to some
`embodiments of the invention.
`[0053] Figure 22 illustrates one preferred embodiment of a reconfigurable
`photonic bandgap integrated optical system.
`[0054] Figure 23 illustrates a wavelength converting optical cr0ss~connect
`(OXC) subsystem in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
`[0055] Figure 24 illustrates an all—optical TDM multiplexer in accordance
`with an embodiment of the invention.
`[0056] Figure 25 illustrates an all-optical TDM demulfiplexer in accordance
`with an embodiment of the invention.
`[0057] Figures 26(3), 26(b), 26(c), 26(d), 26(6), and 26(f) illustrate various
`configurations for introducing trigger pulses into optical devices, according to some
`embodiments of the invention.
`[0058] Figures
`illustrate preferred
`embodiments of generic optical devices.
`[0059] Figures 28(a) and 28(b) illustrate tapered claddings in accordance
`with some embodiments of the invention.
`[0060] Figures 29(a), 29(b), and 29(c) illustrate three preferred embodiments
`of Linear Arrayed Waveguide Devices.
`[006]] Figure 30 illustrates all-optical wavelength conversion using an
`engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material of an embodiment of the invention.
`[0062] Figure 31 illustrates all-optical demultiplexing for TDM systems
`using an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material of an embodiment of the
`- invention.
`[0063] Figure 32 illustrates an all-optical AND logic gate (also wavelength
`converter) using an engineered nonlinear nanocomposite material of an embodiment
`of the invention.
`WO 2005101795]
` ——?——__
`[0064] The following definitions may apply to some of the elements
`described with regard to some embodiments of the invention. These definitions may
`likewise be expanded upon herein.
`[0065] As used in this specification and the appended claims, the singular
`forms “a”, “an”, and “the” include plural refer’ences- unless the content clearly
`dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to “a quantum dot” includes a
`mixture of two or more such quantum dots and may include a population of such
`quantum dots.
`[0066] “Optional” or “optionally” means that the subsequently described
`event or circumstance may or may not occur and that the description includes
`instances where the event or circumstance occurs and instances in which it does not.
`For example, the phrase “optionally surrounded with a shell" means that the shell
`may or may not be present and that the description includes both the presence and
`absence of such a shell.
`[0067] Embodiments of the invention relate to a class of novel materials
`comprising quantum dots. As used herein, the terms "quantum dot", “dot”, and
`"nanocrystal" are synonymous and refer to any particle with size dependent
`properties (e.g., chemical, optical, and electrical properties) along three orthogonal
`dimensions. A quantum dot can be differentiated from a quantum wire and a
`quantum well, which have size-dependent properties along at most one dimension
`and two dimensions, respectively.
`It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that quantum
`dots can exist in a variety of shapes, including but not limited to spheroids, rods,
`disks, pyramids, cubes, and a plurality of other geometric and non-geometric shapes.
`While these shapes can affect the physical, optical, and electronic characteristics of
`quantum dots, the specific shape does not bear on the qualification of a particle as a
`quantum dot.
`W0 2005017951
`[0069] For convenience, the size of quantum dots can be described in terms
`of a "diameter". In the case of spherically shaped quantum dots, diameter is used as
`is commonly understood. For non-spherical quantum dots, the term diameter, unless
`otherwise defined, refers to a radius of revolution (e.g., a smallest radius of
`revolution) in which the entire non~spherical quantum dot would fit.
`[0070] A quantum dot will typically comprise a “core” of one or more first
`materials and can optionally be surrounded by a “shell” of a second material. A
`quantum dot core surrounded by a‘ shell’is referred to as a “core-shell” quantum dot.
`[0071] The term "core" refers to the inner portion of the quantum dot. A
`core can substantially include a single homogeneous monoatornic or polyatomic
`material. A core can be crystalline, polycrystalline, or amorphous. A core may be
`"defect" free or contain a range of defect densities. In this case, "defect" can refer to
`any crystal stacking error, vacancy, insertion, or impurity entity (e.g., a dopant)
`placed within the material forming the core. Impurities can be atorrric or molecular.
`[0072] While a core may herein he sometimes referred to as "crystalline", it
`will be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art that the surface of the core may
`be polycrystalline or amorphous and that this non-crystalline surface may extend a
`measurable depth within the core. The potentially non-crystalline nature of the
`“core-surface region” does not change what is described herein as a substantially
`crystalline core. The core-surface region optionally contains defects. The core-
`surface region will preferably range in d