`New International

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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language,
`unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove
`and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).—ISBN 0-87779-202-X
`(carrying case).—ISBN 0-87779-206-2 (imperial buckram).
`I. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
`1902-1972. II. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`PE 1625. W36
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`' (cid:9)
`chiffer (cid:9)
`chff.fer also chif.tre \'shifa(r)\ a -s IF rMJfre, fr. It cffea
`figure, fr. ML, Zero — more at CIPHER] : FtOtiRP, Nr1MRFR.
`sped!: a figure in a music score indicating the harmony (as it
`is figured bass)
`tch11•to, \shi'fxn, 'shif,tin sometimes -On\ is -s (F, fit., r.a, ft.
`cM/le old rag, alter . (influenced by chfffrr thing of no value,
`Zero) of MF chfpr, fe. MME chip - more at Clint)s 1 . any of
`various ornamental additions to a woman's dross (as a knot of
`ribbons) 2 : a sheer plain-weave very lightweight clothing
`fabric made of hard-twisted single yarns of wool, silk, cotton,
`rayon, or nylon and usu. given a dull soft finish
`sehifIon \'\ a dJ 1 : like the fabric chiffon in sheerness or
`softness (- taffeta) 2 of pie' cake, or padding : having a light
`delicate texture achieved usu. by adding whipped egg whites or
`Chihli)-nade \ shif.>'odd, - ad\ a -s IF chit nnnadr, fr. chiffon +
`-ado: fr the shredded vegetables, resembling roes] : shredded
`or finely cut vegerahie4 used to shop or naiad dressing
`ehit•fo.Hier also chif-fors- nier \shifa:ni(a(r, - ia\ or chef-
`fn-vier \shef - \ A -s IF rhifjonniee, fr.
`rhijJ<m + -ter -Cr) 1: an ornamental cabinet
`with drawers or shelves;cif . a high and
`narrow chest at drawers
`ehlhfo-robe \'shila,rob\ n -s [chiffonier +
`wardrobe] : a combination of wardrobe and
`chest of drawers
`chtg•a.tat \'chica,tC\ or dzeg-ge-tai \'lea-\
`a -s (Mongolian tchikhkri, lit, Song-eared, (cid:9)
`fr. tchikhl rat] I a wild ass of Mongolia being (cid:9)
`pp oh. a variety of the kiting
`chIg.ger \ 'chtga(r) alto 'It-\ alto chtg.Ra
`\-g-a\ a -s [of African origin; akin to vtolof
`flea insect, Yoruba Jtgas (if Cot) 1 [in-
`flueoced in meaning by chlgor) crtf;or I
`2 : one of many h-forged larval mites (family
`Trombtculidae) that attach themselves to
`various vertebrates including man to suck (cid:9)
`blood causing intense itching and Inca) irrita-
`tion and in some instances revving as vectors of tenth typhus
`or other infectious diseases - called also chigoe, harrrst mite.
`La (cid:9)
`Ci*er, red brig
`h goon \'shin,yan, .' also-on a-st F, alter. (influenced by
`MF rignors c hignon, fr. Naar, tefgne moth,
`scurf, fr. L urea moth) of MF choignon
`chain, collar, nape of the neck, fr. (as-
`criter, uatmfo,
`lr. L canna
`' chain - more at CriA1N] (cid:9)a smooth
`knot, twist, or arrangement of hair, either (cid:9)
`natural or artificial that is worn at the back
`of the head esp. at the nape of the neck
`chig-oe V'chig(,)a, -R. also 'chi-A also ehe-
`goe \'ch'e-\ or the-gre \'chFi,,(r)\ is -s [of
`Cariban origin; akin to Galibi chicn chigoe] (cid:9)
`1 also chigoe flea : a (tea (Tanga pmetrans)
`w hich is common in the West Indies and So- Amerka and
`has been introduced into other tropical regions and of which
`the fertile female harrows under the skin of the foot or other
`exposed part Of the body or man and animals causing anent dis-
`comfort - called also chigger 2 [influenced in meaning by
`chigger] : crtaiore 2
`chi-hna•hna \cha'w'! ,) wa, sh3-, -' wa(,)wa , - w,\ n d uae tap
`(SiesSp, fr. Chfhoahea, state and city in Mexico) : a very small
`round-headed large-eared short-coated dog (average weight
`two to six pounvis) reputed to antedate Aztec civilization
`Ch(hnahtla pines , urn cap C [fr. Chfhuaitun state , its locality]
`: R ctniferoo tree (Picas kiapltrlto c'•ihanhuona) forming
`extensive forests chiefly in Mexico and yielding soft durable
`chbka.ra \chi`khn \ a -s (Hind [ clk8nf, fr. Skt rhfkkifre, a
`kind of antelope, prob. of Dravidian Orion; akin to Kannada
`rigor!, create black antelope ) Joe ehin . kn.ra \chin'-. -in'-\
`the common gazelle (,aze/a benertiil u( India 2 : route.
`HfatNEn ANTTtr'en
`chi.kee \chs'ki; 'chikt, 'chP-\ or chic-ken \chs'kP, 'chikPT\ a
`-s (prob. fr, Creek) : a stilt house of the Seminole Indians that
`is built open on all sides and thatched usu, with palmetto leaves
`it pine; akin to Hindi die pine)
`chif V'chel\ a -s (Poniabi
`' Cttte cone
`Chil- or Chilo- alto Cheil- or cheflo- comb Joon (I'LL, fr, Gk
`chrit., ehalo-, fr, riteihla - more at .n,t) : lip (Ckitnps{s)
`chi-la-ca•yo-te a> • fo-te \,chilnka 'yfoil-F\ as -s
`(Amer5p, fr, Nahuatl tuil,kavnrft, yeah. fr. ritak smooth +
`nydril gourd] 1 : any of several gourds of Mexico and the
`southwestern U.S. ( s fehinocyatla Jnhorea, P. r h,
`Cucurblra Jtrtit/, and C. foetiditrtmn) a, their fruit, 2 r: the
`ppulpp of a chiiaravote fruit
` \ki'la(a)ream\ a , pf chllar.Ia \-Pa\ (ML, fr.
`chit- + -a "um) : One of a pair of anatomical processes he-
`tween the bases of the last (hnrth) pair of walking lens in f or
`king crab
`chit-Main \'chil,blln\ a -s [arhift + Mato) I a redness and
`swelling of toes, fineers, nose, or ears Or sometimes cheeks in
`cold weather accompaoied by Itching and burning and some-
`times followed by cracking of skin and ulceration and believed to
`he based on a constitutional instability of the local cirrtlatinn
`chilcat usu rap, car of Cliff AT
` \ciuil'ki%t 's\ a, pl chiICOftn or Chilcotlns sera cap
`(II. Chikotin river, British Columhin, Canada) 1 a:an Atha-
`paskan people in the Chilcttin river valley. Itritish Columhin
`b a member of such peutle 21 the language of the Chilcotin
`tchild 1'chfid, esp before patter or rorsranaer -i-old\ n, of chil-
`dren \ children, -d-rn also -don sometlmer -ul-\ I MF, Sr. Ot(
`cild; akin to OSw Auldrr all the children of the same mar-
`riage, litter, Goth kitthri tomb, Inkltko pregnant, Ski iafhora
`belly, L gntfa gal/not - m ore at a-ti] 1 a . an unborn or
`recently barn human brine: FIT , t,, t'FANr, none h raw dint
`: a female infant 2 a: a twine rrrsnn Of either sea esp. be-
`tween infancy and yo+nh'a rl iv for both chldee, and dolts)
`<a - bride) -these -• authors - 1.••uin Auchincloss) b : one
`who enhtbits the characteristics Of a very yo u ng person (as lm
`mxence or lack of restraint) she ,inu,Id stay what she was -
`a Placid grownup''- until she dtr'1 -tdaA R,svvlir) t I am g-
`in mast matters of practical business -O.tviT Olmes ttu15)
`e - A person who has not yet came Of age - camp-ire one
`Id12), von of c••nicciar, Arta nF nrsr-RrTtON 3 itra chiles
`V'cNUaild\, usu ran, nmhatr It child or youth wellborn or of
`noble birth - is's used as a title esp- in early English ballads
`and romances - I -t'r iiorold) 'C/tilde Roland) 4 a : a an
`tarn daughter to male or ftmnle descendant in the first degree
`: the immodiare rrnr eny of human parents to ! an adopted
`child c t any s cif••••: direct descendant fns a grandchild) -
`trod esp. in wills 5 : nrsi -rNnA-T : a member of the tribe or
`clan- us, used in pl. (the children of Israel) B a : one who in
`character hr practices show, strong sitns of the relationship to
`or the influence of another (ass disciple of a teacher) (a of
`God) b : one who has been vtrnnely conditioned by a rifler,
`a type of :coon or occupation, or is state of affairs (a -- Of
`New York) (a =~ of toil) <a of the depression) 1 , some-
`thing in a relationship suggesting that of child to parent: as
`a : rgavt•CT, RrcI.tT (technical development, the children of
`British brains and ingenuity -Roy Lewis A Angna ;sinnde)
`<1-ached wire .. , is truly a -o of the Plains -tv,p Webb} p-lui-
`[and is the ^- of its rivers and of the sea -S.L.A.Marshali}
`it : nEPENoENT, st•nsrntARY (another
`of both competing out-
`fits was marketing their pproducts in the Middle East and
`Africa -F,-O-f causer) -this child dial I t, aE - with child
`I : PRroNANT (the is wish child', 2 nh, I rA( ;rn, tarn rirvT
`IChild c)i -col - rvrpl-s (MB chillers, fr. dnild, n oft : to bear
`yvtingg I Rive birth
`tChAdbOartng \'.,.-.\ a -s (ME rhitd)serl,e, fr . rblld + berme,
`fr. gerund of fares to bear-more at RraR):the net of prnduc-
`ing or bringing birth children : rnan•gmov
`zchtldbearing \"\ o dJ 101, relating to, or suitable for ehiid-
`hearing'the -w period of life) (women of (cid:9)
`ehildhtd \'s,'\ a (ME. fr. child + bed) : the condition of a
`woman in childbirth : rARTIMITION, t.y1Ng-tv <women in-'')
`(visiting her the first week after her .- -Samuel Putnam)
`childbed fever A : rt• rnrrnAL rrvrp
`388 (cid:9)
`Chftdbtr ii \'I e\ is -s 1 th (cid:9)
`f b
`e set oringing forth a child or off
`child-Centered \'ti••\ ad/ : designed to develop the indhidua
`and social qualities of a student rather than provide a pen
`eralized information or training by way of prescribed subiec
`matter - used of elementary or secondary education o:
`schools (a child-centered curriculum) (today, the school i-
`more and more child-reaterrd -Kimball Young)
`chlldCrowtntf \'.,..\ a : the loud crowing sound made by as
`infant or child with spasmodic croup
`Childs tar of Icnrc )
`chfhdet \'childa(r)\ chiefly dial pin! ctm-o
`child guidance If 1 : the clinical study and treatment of rho
`personality and behavior problems of esp , maladjusted ant
`delinquent children by a staff of srrecialists usu- comerisins
`If poystctan or psycotattist a clinical psycnntocisi, and i
`psychiatric social worker : the field of study or practice
`of child guidance or the movement devoted to it
`Childhood \'child hhod\ as -s (ME childhod, fr. GE didhPd fr.
`ild child + -hdd -hood) 1 , the period of being a child (a
`happy • but an adulthood fraught with trot•bles) 2 : the
`quality or state of being a child 'the ignorance and infirmities
`of _ stand in need of restraint and correction - John Locke)
`(reach manhood without having experienced '-') (experience
`the bonds of .- and parental love) 3 : ctroaela <a toy de-
`signed to appeal to -.) 4 :the tarty period in the develop.
`ment of somahmg <thrre was a -- of religion as there was a -
`of science -Tiers (ir..Supp.> (industrial hygiene in America
`had an oneasy -o-Victor Robinson)
`child.tng \'ch(ldlb\ ad) [ME, fr, pres. part, of tchild) 1: hear-
`ing children of youn g ', PREGNANT, PARTt'atnNT 2 I rRn-
`nt'ettvF rnurrrt't. 3 of Parrett : producing younger as
`smaller blossoms around an ouster blossom
`chltdtng pink a : an annual pink (Giant/non proflfer) natural.
`iced Icorn Europe with small flowers in terminal bracted head,
`chitd.tah \ 'childish - (cid:9)
`h adf (cid:9)
`E cMldihe, fr. OF ritdisc, In,
`ci!d child + -tc -ish] (cid:9)
`: of, relating to, befitting, or re-
`sembling a child <a • 3 simplicity) (I fell sick with some -3 corn
`plaint-'-Coma Harris) <a - (.tee) 2 1 marked by immaturity
`or simplemindedness : PUr1LE, Petty (a and spheral re-
`mark) - child-ish -ly ode - child-ish • ness is -ma
`child labor a : the employment of a child in A business or in-
`dustry r,p, in vinlatian of state or federal statutes prohibiting
`the employment of children under a specified ace
`child-teas \ 'chi(at!dll)s\ acI : having no otrspring (till he
`duos-.; and the family will the out with him -LC.Powys)
`- co,tu•tere-C ens A -n
`tehjidhke \'• s*\ ad! (Ichild - -like) of, relating to, or having
`the characteristics of A child or childhood; tap : marked by
`innocence, trust, frankness, and ingenuousness
`'Chfidllke \"\ adv : in the manner of a child - ehild•ilke-
`ness n -Es
`Child.IV \'chi(a)t(d)it\ ad] -rat/-rnT [ME, ft. OE cifdfic, !r-
`nnd child + -tie -ly) : ctttotnce, rnttotsa I
`Childminder \'n,..\ a -s Brit : nARY -an TrR
`child Psychiatry as : psychiatry applied to the treatment of
`children - compare Chi c, PSVcHcLoGy
`child psychology a : the study of the Psychological character.
`istics of infants and children and the application of general
`pps chological principles to infancy and childhood
`chi)dren If of cotta
`chit•dren.lte \'chitdra,rmTt\ n -s (John George Children tf $S2
`Eng, scientist + E -ice] : a mineral (Fe,Mn)AliPOa)(OH)s-
`211 r 0 consisting of a hydrous basic iron aluminum phosphate
`in translucent pole yellowish to dark brown orthorhombic
`crystals (hardness 4.5-5, sp. gr. 3.1 g-3.24)
`children of Israel : the Jewish people
`children of light (trans. of G k halal ton phltor) 1 : Christians
`as having roceised the divine light or hang enlightened by it -
`in allusion to Luke 16: a IRSV) 2 : a name assumed by the
`early Quakers
`children's-hang \'••,•\ as : If water hemlock (Clear. mnrulusa)
`children's carte I nivevttn Cnt'RT
`children 's day n, eta can CAD : a special day (usu- the
`second Sunday in June) observed throughout the world by
`Proteslam churches with exercises for children
`Childs pre, ?d liar of atn.a
`child's play a 1 : extremely simple work : an extremely simpic
`task (nor will it he exactly child's play ... to dispose of In7
`ships --N" I'. 'Times) 2 : an act of small importance *,his in-
`jury was chid-, play ctmparai with the damaee he inflicted)
`Child welfare a : social work centered upon the welfare of
`(Ins upon improvement in health and home condi-
`tions) gad Upon nOCauonal training
`chile nor of arrt
`refills \chili, -li\ adl, urn cap (fr, Chile, country in So,
`America]: of or from Chile : of the kind or style prevalent in
`Chile I cl ,FAN
`Ichil•ean o, Chi).lan \'chiltan afro -iyan\ ad), am cap (Ch/fr,
`country in So. America + F an or-Ion] 1 : of, relating to, or
`characteristic Of Chile 2 1 of, relating t0, or being the sub-
`region of the Nentropical biogeographic region that inchide,
`temperate So. America
`, Chilean \ "\ a -s cap : a native or inhabitant of Chile
`:hilean bellflower n, use cap C 1 . craF- arils 2 : a pros-
`trate perennial herb (Nolan ariptleilntia) of southwestern So.
`America that is sometimes cultivated for its large bell-shaped
`flowers which are usu. blue with a yellow and while throat
`:hilean guava a, via cap C I a Chilean shrub fifrrn+s uRall
`hearing an edible berry with a Pleasant flavor
`shllean Jasmine a , anti cap C : a showy woody vine (Sfandr-
`rota local of the family Armevenceae used as an ornamental
`and having asitlary or terminal racemes of white Or Flush
`flowers each of which may he two inches across
`chtlean laurel a, urn rap C : erattysAN Ntmtro
`Chilean nitrate n, non top C : sodium nitrate from Chile
`Chilean Hitt n, arts cap C' I is Chilean scrub {Gner/na hetrro•
`(cid:9) li t , cornl-red
`(cid:9) family
`antng n edible seed
`(cid:9) ire hazelnut -rolled tdso C/ Ile hazel
`ehlloan strawberryriser ca (cid:9)
`p C : a Men' World strawberry
`It eacaeia chinrnrin) a from a variety Of which (F. chilornsis
`anon,rrsal many of the common cultivated strawberries Origin.
`aced - called also bench trrnwle-.y
`eiiite-nPRs \'chii'e-\ A pt hot sing or pt in eons,, ate cap C: a
`showy Chilean twining vine !Lapoeerta err) that is related
`to the smilax, has leathery alternate leaves, and produces deep
`rosy red trumpet-shaped blossoms followed by oval edible
`vthOwish fnrits
`chile honita alto Chilean bonito n. uru cap C : A common
`bonito (Saeda c/tlizcsk) of the Pacific coast of the Americas
`being metallic hive about and silvery below with dark oily
`flesh that cans esp, well - compare ATLANrlo novno
`chilecttoplon car of cura.FCTtornssi
`Chile hazel n, eve rap C : rnrrs't vtrr
`chile mill or chtlean mill e, tent cop C I a machine for crushing
`suhstances (as ore) by means of heavy rollers moviog in a
`Chile nettle n, are cap C ! a plant Of the famiy Loasattae
`1cm.le-n0 Vch)9T1.?na, -3n(,)yoA A -s car (SP, odi, k n_, fr.
`Chile) 1 a native Or inhabitant of Chile
`Zchfleno \"\ n -s njurn cop (MesSp, fr, Sp, ad)„ of Chile) :
`severe curb bit with the curb strap replaced by a metal ring
`Chile pine or chilled pine n , ant cop (:: ntnvgry rrzcIE
`Chile saltpeter arses Chile niter n Ise rap C : sodium nitrate
`esp. ocvrrint naturally as in eajichei
`chill or chile ar chil • tt \'chill , di\ a.pI chiller or chiles or
`ctnllfes [Sp r(-ltr, 1t. Nahuatl chilli) 1 a : MIT PPPPrR 1; Ills
`[ova rememR 2h Is usu chilI1. c41,lIt Prft I a rtpyer whether
`hot or sweet 2 : H-I errmrR 2 3 a : A thick sauce made
`princinahy of meat and chilies Is : Cttrt CoN CARVE 4 : a
`moderate reddish orange that is yellower and duller than
`Bymiono and duller and very tightly cellower Itinn crab apple
`5 : a hot dry southerly wind in runis;a
`-chills -see unetirA
` \'kilF,ad\ a -s (LL rhllfad-, ehftlns, fr. (3k tMilnr,
`fr, rhinol thousand; akin to Ski raharrn thousand, and perh.
`L mall, - more at sin r) 1 : x g•oup of 1000 (a •-- of arms)
`(--s of scan) 2 : a herb I Of Ihut) veers I'eu a
`t-hit-l-ad.a! \:•s:ad'l\ a/ro Chil•I•atl•lc \-dik\ ad) : of or
`snaring to is chiliad
`tttlfan sag cap war of cmtgan
`hil•l•arch \
`(cid:9) n •s ((III chinorrhtr, chlttaxhea, h.
`chtftot thousand + acchh, 'archon -arch) : the commander
`of a thousand men in ancient Greece
`hii.i-assn \-neat\ n -s (ML chiliaamm, Is', I.I. ehfllaafea
`chiliast (after such pairs as Gk enthoanlasrls enthusinsl:
`earhoeatasmna enthusiasm), fr, (assumed) Gk chtila,fgs, fr.
`chtftot thousand ] : the theological doctrine that Christ will
`come to earth in a visible form and set ape theocratic kingdom
`over all the world and thus usher in the millennium
`hild-ant \-Aso\ as -s (LL rhiliaatrs) : one that belIeyes in
`chiliasm : MtttENAatAN
`hihhas• tic \:..:untik\ adl I MrtsNAauts - chi1•i•a•tf-
`051.17 \-tdk(a?Ii;\ ado
`hil1C0(ate mar Of CHILACAyOTe
`hill con Carne \:chilii,kan'ksrng, -II), 1 ken-, .'kin-, -nf\ is
`.Sp chile rose carne chili with meat]: a hathly spiced stew of
`chopped of around beef and minced chilies or chili powder and
`Chll.l•co- the \,chifk oothg\ a -a (modlf- of Mexsp relocate)
`• a Californian herbaceous vine 'F,hfnaFnsthr marrocarpa) or
`the family C...rlattaceae having bats-like prickly trail
`ch1•hd•l•al \ki'lidSnl\ ad! (ML chitltliam + If all • of or
`relating to is chiliditlm
`chi•ild-t•nm \-tam\ n -s (NL, fr, chit- + -idhum) ! the curves
`plate that covers the cardinal process of the dorsal valve nt
`certain brachiopods
`chtl•l.pep•per \ • chil-c:pepa(r)~ \ a (so called is, its color) • a
`common rockfish (.c,ix ,srndri gnod,I), brick-red above and
`pink below, that is If well-known market fish of the California
`chill pepper n [rh/Il + pepper] : Crust
`chill powder is : a condiment made of chilies around to a
`pow cc
`c Ill sang,, n I a condiment sauce consisting f pureed toma-
`toes -casoninrs, and spices rant, made with ch,lies but mew
`usu. Irma-pared with to and green surer pepper,
`Chilli a vas of CHrutms
`chill vinegar if : rrrcFR tauCL
`cMI-Rat or chit-eat \'chil,kat \ a, of ehilkat or chitttats ar
`chilcat or chilcats at. cap ( prop . IF, Tlingit tcfi-rat, lit„
`storehouses for salmon) 1 : a Ifingit people of southeastern
`Alaska 2 : a member of the Chifkat opie
`'Chill \'chil\ rh -ma'-ova/-s (Sts chrltrn, ehifen, h- chffe,
`,heir cold (n,), frost, fr. OE rete,
`tole;; akin to OE eeald,
`caid cold (add.) - more at Coto) vi 1 a I to grow or become
`cold or chill often rapidly (as the hot mixture •-u, It begins to
`thicken) It : to shiver or quake with cold or as if with cold
`(wake up in the morning alternately swrating and ring in
`a n)emotionalsoieurF -R,E.McGill) 2110 became taken with
`a chill (sense Is) • have n chill 3 Of it meta! : to become
`Carfare-hardened by sudden cooling while solidifying - or
`1 a : to make cold- or chilly ( the cold wind from the north
`---ed the day} (the watem -ed the swimmer to the marrow)
`it : to treat (as a food or beverage) by cooling < - the wine
`before serving) 0 : to refrigerate (as food) without freezing
`2 : to affect as it with cold : CHreg (was forced to -• his
`enthusiasm) : tAMrrra, nt-re s,, oiscOUaAOE. ntawr*r (rain
`^•-rd the glittering pageant -Rill Sumner) 3 : to cool (metal)
`suddenly at the surface no as to effect a change in solidification
`that often: increases the hardness 4 : to produce a doll or
`clouded appearance upon (a varnished surface by cold
` tntrlOM rt 2 5 dfaf Eng : to take the chill off (a liquid)
`\"\ ad), usu -ER' -EST 1 a : moderately hot unpleasantly
`cold (a •-- night) b , into, RAW (a n- wind 2: affected by
`n penetrating cold : benumbed or shivering with card : ctatimn
`(, travelers) 3 : coot in manner or feeling : lacking warmth
`I nt,Ti NT, rnRMAt, UNFRtnNnty <a ^- reception) 4 - ota-
`CYnlaAtirNO, I),Nli, nixmem,uu (-• penury -thomas
`aehtli \"\ as -s (n /rfft) 1 is : a sensation of cold attended with
`shivering or convulsive shaking of the body due to a di,.
`turbance of the temperature-regulating mechanism of the hotly
`resulting from exposure to cold, from infection accompanied
`by fever, or from a reaction to adverse nervous stimuli
`(nervous ^•-) b : a disagreeable sensation of coldness (feel a
`in both hands and fret) (she felt the --of fear-F.r. Fl nr-
`ston) C chief lc Brit : a usu, respiratory illness resaitint) rip,
`from exposure to cold or stamp <he caught a -- 1mm s itin ~l
`in a draft) (take a r 3 ) 2 a : a degree of cold that would
`induce shivering in a lightly dressed reason < an autumn w in
`it In cold atmospheric condition 'the.. ,, of the night)
`the air)
`31 a check to ,uthusiasm or warmth of feeling : an Atmosphere
`of discouragement : a depressing influence or effect upon the
`ferlinps or spirit (a •-- spread over the group at the sad news)
`(a -- in his attitude toward opponents) 4 a : a metal
`mold or portion of a mold serving to coot rapidly and often
`to harden the surface of manta metal brought in contact with
`it it : the hardened part of a casting ins the read of a car
`wheeb 5 : a jointed steel ham that actuates the Platen in some
`hand printing presses
`Achill 1pk/)V ( matt. of htE jets waft f will] now dial: I will
`chti•ta.gite \'ciuila,gft\ a -s (ChItlaenr, Queensland, Australia,
`+ F -ire) : a ntinnral consistine OI a magnum- wulfenite
`chill-cast s'.:. oil), of a metal or ./hn• : cast with a chill
`(sense 4n)- chill canting a
`chilled Irons t chilled cast iron - compare CAST tears
`chilled shot n : lead shot that has an antimony content of 3
`to 6 percent
`Chili-er \'chila(N\ a -s (rrhill + -em] I I an eerie or friehtening
`story of murder, violence, or the supernatural 2: a refrirerater
`compartment for chilling fonds 3 - an apparent usal in
`pparoleum refineries to remove was from porn//in thusnillate,
`by chilling 4 : a coolerman in a meat-parking establishment
`0111111 tar J cart
` \ 'vhillli, -Ii\ uric : ant ty
`ehill•1•neas Yehii'enss, -in-\ n -ts ('chitty + 'nest) : the quality
`or state of helm ¢ chilly
`chlilingl aide : in a chilling manner
`chili mold a : cren -L 4a
`chill-ness \-loss\ n -Fs : ctrttaru
`chill plow inc Chilled plow n : F plow having the share and
`moldboard of chilled ,ta imeri or can iron
`chillproaf \ .:.\ vt ('chill + proof] : to rest (Neer) ,n As to
`percent the development of turbidity an esposurr in cold
`- chitrproatlug \'.'..\ is
`chiltroone \'sr\ n ( , chill + room) I a room for refrigeration
`nsn. at temperature, above freezing
`chills and fever n : MALARIA 2
`chiibsome \l chiis>m\ d[' - crn.Ly, cote <a --November)
`chit-ham \'chibm\ n -s (iiintli e dam, fr. per rhllam) ! the
`part O( a hookah containing the tobacco en the chase of
`tobacco used in it (it was the hiterest I ever smoked
`ehlldnm•ehee \.,chi\ n -s (Hindi a laaerl, fr. Per rh/lnmrhl)
`India : a metal wash basin
`'chilly \'chili, -li\ odi, usu -ER/-EST [°,hill +.y] I A 1 notice-
`ably ably cold cold enough '- chill c , d amp, < d t r)
`( .-drink) h:CnIlL I ( A-wind, cold, deep, and miser-NO
`2 : unpieasantiv affected by cold (in the thin coat the hop was
`manifestly -) 3 : having a tendency to chill: as a : Incising
`humanly warm qualities, esp. warmth of feeling ,a -, . model of
`r virtues -John Buchan ) <a female figure in marble - a
`but Well medium for depicting abstract virsnies -C.W.
`Cunningron) (a-- personality' (A tough) it I ONrntreintY
`(a - rtt ption) C: coldly critical to calm and--mind - G.N.
`Shuster) 4 : having a tendency to arouse fear or apprehen-
`sion (a giggling, degenerate handyman ... a-'- thing to watch
`-Walcott Gihhs) 'this study of a mind for which realit y he,
`ceased to exist is a rice--piece of work-New t'nrkee)
`zehil-ty A'chihhS, -1(1(i5 adr to a chilly mmmloe (the whale
`landscape of Asia to which I had bitherso been so --- indiffer-
`ent-Edmond lavinr)
`Chill zone re : a harder zone in intru stye tgneotu Fork , that are
`fine-grained )ecanse of rapp d raoline
`chi•lo V1,1(.15', o, tar (Nt., fr. 1, Chita, a nickname, lit
`having large lips, prop, motlif. of Gk rhritns lip) : a Remo
`small slender dull colored nncntrnal moths ifamdv P.Tandidatl
`the larvae of which are borers in cereals and other gasses
`Chill,- - sec cats,-

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