`Third Edition
`Macmillan Reference Books
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`© The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1985
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`First edition 1975, second edition 1981
`Third edition first published 1985 by
`London and Basingstoke
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`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`Sippl, Charles J.
`Dictionary of microcomputing — 3rd ed.
`1. Microcomputing — Dictionaries
`I. Title.
`001.64’04'0321 QA765
`ISBN 0-333-3'l071—6
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`Page 2 0f 6
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`20 bipolar transistor
`known by the logic, circuit built with the
`process. e.g.,
`(TTL) and emitter-coupled logic (ECL).
`Actually all common bipolar technologies
`are remarkably similar, being based on the
`formation of silicon layers with different
`electrical properties. The usual difference is
`the number and sequences of diffusion
`operations required to manufacture the
`transistor: A semiconductor
`device that has a base of either a p-typc or
`n-type material sandwiched between two
`masses of the opposite type of material (the
`collector and emitter). The two types of
`transistors (pnp or npn) have opposite
`applied-voltage polarities.
` Elli! iii!
`Bipolar transistor (npn).
`bistable: A device with two possible set-
`tings, like a light switch, which is either on
`or off. Binary numbers, which consist of the
`digits 0 and 1 can represent conveniently the
`two states of a bistable device. Both a
`progrm and its data are stored in memory in
`binary number notation. Bistable states can
`be illustrated as follows:
`if the bistable
`component is in stable state A, an energy
`pulse will drive it to state B; if the bistable
`component is in stable state 8, an energy
`pulse will drive it to state A.
`bistable multivibrator: A specific circuit
`which has two stable states, requiring two
`input pulses in order to complete a cycle.
`bistable relay: A relay which requires two
`pulses to finish one cycle composed of two
`operational canditions. Frequently referred
`to as a locked,
`interlocked. or latching
`bistable trigger circuit: A circuit that is
`binary; i.e., it has two states, each requiring
`an appropriate trigger for excitation and
`transition from one state to the other. Same
`as flip-flop.
`See binary digit.
`bit density: A specific number of bits of
`information contained within a given area,
`such as the number of bits “written" along
`an inch of magnetic tape.
`bit memory organization: Each element
`of a memory is a binary digit (bit), capable
`of representing either a 1 or 0. At any
`instant during the execution of a program,
`the memory is a grid of binary Is and Us,
`with each bit representing one small piece
`of information.
`position: A specific
`memory, space, or time at which a binary
`digit occurs or is located.
`bit rate: The rate at which binary digits, or
`the pulses representing them, pass a given
`point on a communications line or channel.
`bit-slice architecture: With the discovery
`that a complete central processing unit
`(CPU) could be placed on a single chip, it
`was found that additional functions (prin—
`cipally, a memory) could be added to form a
`computer-on-a-chip. However, it was also
`found that certain advantages could be
`achieved (namely, speed) by partitioning
`the CPU into slices rather than putting it all
`on one chip. A typical control section is
`assembled with several identical 2- and 4-bit
`the arithmetic and logic unit
`slices for
`(ALU) and the registers. The slices are
`connected in parallel. making it possible to
`together units
`that have
`different word lengths. This approach is
`used to form microprocessors with word
`lengths ranging from 4- to 32-bits. Bit slice
`architecture allows the word length to be
`tailored to the accuracy and precision
`requirements of
`Software architecture allows the user to
`develop high-speed floating-point instruc-
`tions and function instructions, as required
`for scientific calculations. Bit-slice architec-
`ture usually employs bipolar technology
`because of
`the necessity for
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`18 binary cell
`using 2 as its base and using only the digits
`zero (0) and one (1).
`binary cell: An elementary unit of storage
`which can be placed in either of two stable
`binary chain: An entire series of separate
`binary circuits, each capable of existing in
`either one of two states. They are arranged
`so that each circuit can affect or modify the
`condition of adjacent circuits.
`binary code: A code in which every code
`is one of two distinct
`types of
`for example,
`the presence or
`absence of a pulse, on or off.
`binary-coded character: A letter, digit,
`punctuation mark, etc., represented by a
`fixed number of consecutive binary digits.
`binary-coded decimal (BCD): A system of
`number representation, or an information
`code, in which each decimal digit is repre-
`sented by a combination of four binary
`digits (bits), as follows:
`Binary Decimal Binary Decimal
`binary-coded decimal {BCD} place value:
`The 8421 system represents each decimal
`digit with four binary digits with the place
`value of each bit equal to 8, 4, 2, or 1,
`reading from left to right. A conversion of
`the decimal number 3571 into its BCD
`equivalent using the 842] place value con-
`cept would be as follows:
`Digit: Binary value:
`Place value:
`binary counter: A flip-flop or
`circuit that gives one output pulse for two
`input pulses, thus dividing by two.
`It is usually conveyed as a 1 or 0 of anything
`that can be used to store or convey informa-
`tion (such as 1 or 0, yes or no). 2. A single
`character in a binary number. 3. A single
`pulse in a group of pulses. 4. A unit of
`information capacity of a storage device.
`The capacity in bits is the logarithm to the
`base two of the number of possible states of
`the device. See also byte.
`binary dump: A dump or printout of the
`contents of a memory unit (in binary form)
`onto some external medium, such as paper
`tape or printout forms.
`binary loader: This is used to load a binary
`format, such as those produced by a binary
`dump program, a link editor, or an assem-
`bler, into memory.
`binary point: The point mid-way between
`integral powers of two in a particular binary
`binary search: A method of searching fOr
`an element in a table or serial file; the loca-
`tion is successively narrowed down by hal-
`ving the table or file at every iteration. In
`other words, if the key is not located after
`the search interval is divided by two, the
`binary search is continued on the half which
`is known to contain the key.
`signalling: A communications
`mode in which information is passed by the
`presence and absence , or the plus and minus
`variations, of One parameter of the signall-
`ing medium only.
`binary synchronous communications (BSC):
`introduced in 1966,
`it became the
`industry standard for medium- and high-
`speed data communications. However, as
`new digital networks, satellite communi-
`cations, and other advanced transmission
`techniques came on the scene, they created
`a need for a full duplex line protocol that
`was more efficient than BSC. This need is
`being met by newer standards, such as the
`high-level data link control (HDLC).
`1. Most commonly, a
`binary digit {bit}:
`unit of information equalling one binary
`decision, or the designation of one of two
`possible and equally likely values or states.
`binary-tmdecimal conversion: The actual
`process of converting a binary number to its
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`1. A visable, audible, or other com
`veyor of information. 2. The intelligence,
`message, or effect to be conveyed over a
`communication system. 3. A signal wave. 4.
`The physical embodiment of a message. 5.
`A detectable impulse (voltage, current,
`magnetic field, or light impulse) by which
`information is communicated through an
`electronic or optical means, or over wire,
`cable, microwave, or laser beams.
`signal, interrupt: A signal that causes a
`processor to suSpend the current execution
`and transfer control to special interrupt-
`handling software. Vectored interrupts use
`a set of memory locations that have the
`addresses of interrupt—service routines to
`which control is transferred.
`supervisory control: Refers
`character or signal used to indicate the
`various operating states of circuit combina-
`tions. These characters or signals may auto-
`matically actuate equipment or indicators at
`a remote station.
`1. A technique for data
`signature analysis:
`in which the entire data
`record is compacted into one or more
`hexadecimal words through an algorithm
`that weights each bit equally. For all practi-
`cal purposes, this signature is unique to the
`data and may be compared to a known good
`signature. 2. This refers to the conversion of
`bit patterns into easily identifiable alpha-
`compresses a long data stream into a unique
`readily recognizable ”signature“ of four
`hexadecimal characters. This
`enables users to isolate system faults right
`down to a single node or component level.
`Signatue analysis will not
`fill all
`needs; it can tell only whether or not a
`particular node is operating correctly. It
`cannot tell what the problemis or why it
`occurred, only what component must be
`replaced to fix the system. On the other
`hand, signature analysis can detect prob-
`system: On
`systems, 2K to 4K bits of information can be
`signal converter
`stored on a disk susbystem for later retrie-
`val. The storage subsystem coutains both
`the disk and a processor that accepts
`requests for signatures, retrieves the stored
`data, and then transmits the compressed
`signature data to the correct crt terminal,
`where it is displayed by the display subsys—
`tern. Often a signature request can be made
`via dial-up lines just by entering such
`information as an account number or a
`credit card number into the keyboard of a
`terminal. Then, when the stored signature
`is displayed on the on screen, the operator
`can determine its validity by comparing the
`displayed signature with the signed docu-
`ment prepared by the customer.
`signal charge: A quantity of electrical
`charge in a potential well (or a discrete
`region of a bucket-brigade device) that, in
`conjunction with the bias charge (if used).
`defines the signal level.
`In harsh
`signal conditioner,
`industrial environments, some signal condi-
`tioners feature high noise rejection, filter-
`ing, input protection, and excellent tem-
`stability in order
`to assure
`integrity. Economical and
`easy to use, they provide a prepackaged,
`cost-effective analog signal-handling and
`interface capability for a wide variety of
`transducers or process signals.
`signal conditioning: To process the form
`or mode of a signal so as to make intelligible
`to, or compatible with, a given device,
`including such manipulation as pulse shap-
`conversion: The
`changing a signal from one form to another
`as in mixing or modulating.
`signal converter: A particular transducer
`designed to convert one standardized trans-
`mission signal to another. Signals on this
`type circuit originate in the data-terminal
`equipment to select whether the signal con-
`verter is to be conditioned to transmit or
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`signal element
`1. Also called a unit inter-
`signal element:
`val. That part of a signal which occupies the
`shortest interval of the signaling code. It is
`considered to be of unit duration in building
`up signal combinations. 2. A pulse or signal.
`An absence or presence of voltage or cur-
`rent in a communication medium.
`signal frequency noise: Refers to noise
`that lasts for a significant time period and is
`highly localized in frequency.
`signal generator: An oscillator, designed
`to provide known voltages (usually from 1
`volt to less than 1 volt) over a wide range of
`frequencies; used for testing or ascertaining
`performance of radio-receiving equipment.
`It may be amplitude, frequency, or pulse-
`signal level: The level at any point in a
`transmission system, as measured by a
`voltmeter (VU meter) across the circuit
`expressed in dB or VU in relation to a
`reference level, now 1 mW in 600 ohms.
`signal processors, digital: Macroarithme-
`tic processors (MAP) allow minicomputers
`and large scientific computer systems to
`perform complex mathematical operations
`in real time, while still acquiring data. The
`programmable MAP can provide the host
`computer with the capability of a fast-
`Fourier-transform processor, array pro-
`cessor, display processor, image processor,
`voice processor, or data-acquisition system.
`The main advantage of MAP is its speed
`and its
`fast powerful
`memory and its inputtoutput capacity. It is
`available with multiported memory having
`cycle times of 125 or 500 nanoseconds and
`can optimally be addressed in 8-, 16-, or
`32-bit words. A multiprocessor, MAP con»
`sists of up to 4 arithmetic processors, a
`control processor, up to 4 multiported
`memories, up to 64 inputioutput devices,
`and the host computer. The control pro-
`cessor is a stripped-down version of a mini-
`computcr. It has some arithmetic capacity
`but no memory of its own, since it is used to
`set up I/O operations
`and calculate
`addresses and address patterns (in some
`Refers to
`signal shaping and filtering:
`precedures that are used in modems to
`confine the signal to a specific frequency
`band, to minimize influence of noise, and to
`control intersymbol interference. The long-
`haul portion of a typical voice-channel facil-
`ity has a well-defined frequency band
`determined by the channel-bank filters.
`tracing: The tracing of a signal
`through each stage in order to locate a fault.
`signal transducer: Refers to a particular
`transducer designed to coavert one stan-
`dardized transmission signal to another.
`1. Conveying elec-
`trical energy over a distance by wires, either
`to operate controls or make indications
`(telemetering), process acoustic informa-
`tion (telephony, broadcasting), or pass pic-
`information (facsimile,
`Also used to denote radio, optical,or acous-
`tic wave propagation. 2. Conveying elec-
`trical energy from point to point along a
`path. 3. The sending of data to one or more
`locations or recipients. 4. The sending of
`data from one place for reception elsew-
`here. 5. In ASCII coding and communi-
`cations, a series of characters including
`headings and texts.
`sign control, flip-flop: Refers to the con-
`trol of a specific flip-flop which is used to
`store the algebraic sign of numbers.
`sign digit: A character (+ or —) used to
`designate the algebraic sign of a number.
`signed magnitude: A binary representa~
`tion for integers where the Most Significant
`Bit (MSB) acts as the sign (0 for "+“, 1 for
`”—“) and the rest of the bits contain the
`magnitude, of absolute value, or
`significant digit: A digit that contributes
`to the precision of a number. The number of
`significant digits is counted beginning with
`the digit contributin g the most value, called
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