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`Exhibit 2105
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`Exhibit 2105
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`movememul deem». a nulufitlunfi mm “wens. s.
`ommunication or progress: a language barrier.
`L SYNONYMS 1 fence, railing, barricade, hurdle, bar,
`blockade, roadblock. 2 a barrier to international trade
`obstacle, obstruction, hurdle, stumbling block, bar,
`impediment, hindrance, curb.
`bar-view method > noun contraception using a device
`or preparation that prevents sperm from reaching an
`barrier reef > noun a coral reef dose to the share but
`separated from it by a channel 9‘? deep water.
`bar-ring [‘bérim/ > preposliian except for; if not for.
`har-ri-o 1'béréfi} snoun (pl. barrios) ‘l (in a Spani§w
`speaking country) a district of a town. 2 (in the US) the
`Spanishspeaking quarter of a town or city.
`bar-ris-ter /'baresl,or/ b noun (5‘ H! 51*. a lawyer qualified
`to argue a Case in court, especially in the higher courts.
`bar-room [hfirxébnx »,x‘(313n)/' ) em a room where
`alcoholic drinks are served over a counter.
`bar-row‘ l’barfi/ y 0mm 1 a metal frame with two wheels
`used to carry objects such as luggage. 2 a wheelbarrow.
`, ORIGIN Old English, ‘Streicher, bier.’
`barrow“ y noun an ancient burial mound.
`hat-tender ,'béir,temlar/ » noun a person serving; drinks
`7 DEREVATIVES bar-tending noun.
`bar-tar /'béirzar/ p writ exchange goods or services for
`other goods or services.
`xchangemeilz haggle,
`7- ORIGXN probably from Old French banner ‘deceive.’
`bar-yuan Wharéfin/ a» noun Physvcs a-sulmtomic particle
`with a mass equal to m- gremer than that of a proton.
`— omens from Greek bums ‘heavy.’
`havsal /'bésal. -zeL/ > adjective chiefly :echnira‘ forming or
`belonging to a bottom layer or base.
`ha 53! mat-afield: rate V. noun the rate m which
`53% as}: 561/ p on #131338 of bridge
`# SYNGNYMS 1 ioundatxon, Bounm, root, suppuii,
`stand, pedestal. plinth, rein. 2 basis, foundation,
`bedrock, starting point, source, origin, moms), core,
`key CQlIIUQV'lEHL 3 headquarters, camp, site, station,
`settlement, post, cenler.
`w ANTONYMS top.
`\ M A_
`v verb 1 use something: as :1
`foundatien for: he film
`is based an a novel. 2 situate something at a center of
`l— SYNONYMS '2 found, build, construzt, form, groundfl
`(be based on) derive from, spring (mm, Stem
`from, depend on. 2 locate, situate, position, install,
`station, site.
`— DERIVA'l‘iVES based adjerlwe.
`w PHRASES touch base infcrmal briefly make or renew
`— ORlGlN Creek basis ‘base, pedestal}
`base2 s aaleclive 1 without moral principles: the baser
`instincts of greed and selfishness. 2 old use of low 50633
`SYN o NYMS sordid, ignoble, low. mean,
`immoral, unscrupulous, unprincioled, dishonest,
`dishonorable, shameful, shah” y, contemptibln,
`ANTOmMs noble.
`— neslvnTivES base-ness mun.
`ORIGIN Latin busxus ‘shm’t.’
`base-ball /‘hés,bél/ b mmn a team game played With a bar
`and. ball on a diamondshaped circuit of four bases. to all
`ofwhich in mm a batter must run to score.
`base-hail cap s noun a cotton cap with a large bill.
`base-board /‘hés,bé dj >noun a narsow wooden board
`running along the base of an interior wall.
`base hit 9 noun Baseball 2! fair ball hit such That the batter
`can advance safely to first base wilhout aid of an error
`committed by the fielding learn or a fielder’s Choice.
`base iump > mm A parachute jump from a fixed point,
`e.g., a high building.
`— ORIGIN from building, antenna tower, span, earth
`(referring to the types of Stnlfiu re used).
`base-less ,i‘béslis/ u» adjenlive not based on feet; untrue.
`base-line [‘bssljn/ l» 1mm ‘3 a minimum or snarling palm
`used for comparisons: (in towns, volleyball, etc.)
`l’he’llne marking each end Ola mum. 3 Baseball the line
`between bases, which a runner musr stay close. to.
`base-man ['bésmeu/ » new (m baseman) Baseliall a
`fielder designated to cover first, second, or third base.
`hase‘men'l: ['basmenl,’ p noun a mom or floor below
`ground level. '
`— pamm probably from former Dutch, ‘lounclailan.’
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`Exhibit 2105
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`— SYNDNYMS 1 debate. discussion, argument,
`controversy, disagreement= issent, conflict.
`2 quarrel, argument, altercation, squabble, falling,
`out, disagreement, difference of opinion, clash.
`‘—- Anromms agreement.
`-- DERIVATIVES dis-potent / ’pycTomt/ noun.
`« DRlClN Latin disputare ‘to estimate!
`disqual-i-fy ldis'kwélefi/ a» verb (disqualifies,
`disqualifying, disqualified) prevent someone from
`performing an activity or taking up a job because they
`have broken a law or rule or are unsuitable: he was
`'ed from being a company director.
`SYN o NYMS rule out, bar. exclude, prohibit, debar,
`,. DERIVATIVES dismal-'-
`dis-qui-et i’dis‘kwi-it/ y noun a feeling of worry or
`unease. a» verb make someone worried or uneasy.
`— DERIVATIV as disquieting adjetlive dis-quietude
`‘i’dis‘kWi-i,t(y)073d/ noun.
`disqui-si-tion /fiiskwa‘zi8Hen/ v- imun e long: or
`complex discussion of a topic in speech or writing,
`» ORiGlN Latin, ‘investigaiion.’
`disregard /,disri‘g'aird/ p verb fail to consider or pay
`attention to someone or something.
`— SYNC] NYMS ignore, lake no notice of, pay no attention
`to, discount, overlook, turn a blind eye to, shut one‘s
`eyes to, gloss over, brush off/aside, shrug off.
`p noun lack of attention or consideration: they have
`shown utter disregard for customers.
`, SYNONYMS indifference, nonobservance,
`inattention, heedlessness, neglect, contempt.
`-» ANTONYMS attention.
`dis~re.pair mist-1 119(9)}7’ P noun poor condition due to
`dis-rep‘u-ta-hle /clis‘repyotehol/ > adjective nol
`respectable in appearance or character.
`W SYNONYMS bad, unwholesome,villainous, unsavory,
`slippery, seedy, sleazy; informal crooked, shady, shifty.
`. ANTONXMS respectable.
`5.pos-a°bie income p noun income remaining
`’after deduction of taxes and other compulsory charges,
`available to be spent or saved as one wishes.
`disposal /dis‘pozel/ b noun the action of disposing or
`getting rid of something.
`PHRASES at one's disposal available for one to use
`whenever or however one wishes.
`dis-pose /dis’poz/ pvsrb 1 (dispose of) get rid of
`something by throwing it away or by giving or selling it
`to someone. 2 (disyose of) overcome a rival, problem, or
`threat. 3 (usu. be disposed to) make someone likely to
`do or think something: I am no? disposed to argue about
`it. 4 (as adj. disposed) having a specified attitude: he was
`never favorably disposed toward the proposals. 5 arrange
`people or things in a particular way.
`T— SVNONYMS (dispose of) throw away, throw out.
`get rid of, discardjettison, scrap; ‘rlformal dump,
`. .
`.. W.
`trash. junk, ditchi
`, DEKlVATlVES dis-poS-err.
`— ORlGIN Latin disponerc ‘arrange.’
`disposition /,dispa‘zisgen/ p noun 1 a person‘s naluml
`qualities of mind and character. 2 an inclination or
`tendency to do something. 3 the way in which people or
`thi “are
`, ged.
`C Si NONYMS 1 temperament, nature, character,
`constitution, makeup, mentality. 2 arrangement,
`positioning, placement, configuration, setup, lineup,
`dis-pos«sess /,dispa’zes/ > verb deprive someone of land
`or property.
`— DERIVATIVES dis‘pos-session noun.
`dis-proof /djs‘proof/ p noun evidence that something is
`dis-proportion /,tlispre’porsnan/ p noun a state of
`inequality between two things.
`~ DER IVATWES dis-proportional adjective
`disproportion-ally adve‘b.
`dis-pro-pontiawaie [Idispre‘porsnanil/ S adjective mo
`large or too small in comparison with something else.
`~ DERIVATIVES dis-propomion‘ate-ly adverb.
`disprove ,‘dis‘pro‘ov/ > verb prove that something is
`1 - SYNONYMS refute, prove false, rebut, debunk,
`demolish; informal shoot full of holes, blow out of the
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`Exhibit 2105
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