`MS 1135
`MS 1135
`I, Scott Smith, state that I am over the age of eighteen and am otherwise
`competent to make this declaration. I hereby declare as follows.
`I am an Intellectual Property Analyst at Shook, Hardy & Bacon.
`The Mod4Win 2.20 software is available at a website hosted by the
`Computer Support Center of Lawrence, Kansas. Specifically, as shown in the
`screenshot below, the “M4W220SLZIP” file is available at the following URL:
`2010—2/EXTRA. The “www.chatnfiles.com” website is a shareware BBS archive.
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`MS 1135 — Page 1
`The “M4W220SLZIP” listing shows a creation date of Monday,
`August 21, 1995 at 4:20 am, as shown in the screenshot above. This zip file
`contains an install package and resources, each with the same August 21, 1995
`date, as shown below.
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`The “m4w_usa.hl__” resource file, shown in the screenshot above,
`corresponds to the fully extracted “M4w_usa.hlp” file after the installation routine
`is executed. The fully extracted “M4w_usa.hlp” file is shown in the screenshot
`MS 1135 — Page 2
`, m.
`I opened the fully extracted “M4w_usa.h1p” file.
`The table of
`contents for the file is shown below.
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`About IVIndule Files and
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`MS 1135 — Page 3
`I converted the “M4w_usa.hlp” electronic file to the printed version
`that is included in MS 1103. The content of the printed version (MS 1103)
`corresponds to the content of the “M4w_usa.hlp” electronic file, which was
`included with the Mod4Win 2.20 software in August 1995.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Scott Smith
`Date: December 23, 2014
`MS 1135 - Page 4