`Mosaic and the Web
`Advance Proceedings
`Volume II
`Editors: Conference Organizing Committee
`Ira Goldstein, OSFR]. C0-chair
`Joseph Hardin, NCSA/UTUC, Co—chair
`Tim Berners—Lee. MIT/CERN
`Larry Brandt, NSF
`Robert Cailliau, CERN
`Jim Fullton. CNIDR
`Tim Krauskopf. Spyglass Inc.
`Yasuyo Kikuta. Fujitsu
`Barbara Kucera, NCSA/UTUC
`Corinne Moore, Uniforum
`R.P.C. "Rick" Rodgers. NLM
`Michael Schwartz, U of Colorado
`Yuri Rubinsky. SoftQuad
`Tony Rutkowski. Internet Society
`Jackie Stewart, OSFRI
`Marty Tenenbaum. EIT
`Janet Thot-Thompson. NRC
`17 through 20 October 1994
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. Cover

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. i
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. i

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. ii
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. ii

`Words of Welcome:
`On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, we are pleased to welcome you to the
`Second international World Wide Web Conference: Mosaic and the Web. As was the case with
`the First International Conference held at CERN, this one has turned out to be far more
`popular than anticipated. We want to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of
`the Web and is continuing to build it.
`There is plenty of hyperbole in hyperspace. but it is not an exaggeration to say that we are all
`taking part in an historic process. We are engaged in a collective global project that will
`affect everyone on the planet and that keeps growing at phenomenal rates. The purpose of
`this conference is to provide a place where users and developers. the experienced and the
`novice. can all come together. exchange their experiences. and share their excitement about
`these new technologies. The proceedings provided here are another way to share in that
`excitement. knowledge. and experience.
`Participants from all over the world will present papers. posters and demonstrations at this
`conference, and that diversity reflects the richness of the comrnunitv that is producing the
`new global information infrastructure and populating it with content. We have tried to
`provide as much connectivity and opportunity for people to get together and show each
`other their work as possible. The openness of this community and its commitment to truly
`global perspectives are some of its fundamental strengths. and this conference is dedicated
`to furthering that openness and global view. The Web has always been meant as an open
`space where people could come together. to work, play or converse. That is also the goal of
`this conference.
`Joseph Hardin
`lra Goldstein
`October 1994
`The papers listed in the table of contents reflect the presentations given at the conference. The papers
`printed in this document are indicated by a page number in the right-hand margin; papers with a bullet
`( - ) in the right-hand margin are not included in this document. All conference papers are available in
`the electronic proceedings, which can be accessed via the conference home page at the URL listed below.
`Plenary sessions and tutorials are not included in the proceedings.
`The conference poster was adopted, with the perm1'S.9f0N Ofififlflii magazine 0"“ 5“? A-*\A5'r fmm “"3
`cover of the 12 August 19.9-“I issue Gf‘ magazine. The digital composite was created by I. Kalhcl:
`and B. Schulz. both of NCSA/UIUC. using contributions from public domain sources on the Internet.
`The printed and electronic versions of the Advance Proceedings were assembled by members of the NC‘SA
`Software Development Group staff with the particular efforts of F. Baker. M. Burkee, J. File, and j.
`Conference home page: hzzp: ,!',f'w1¢w.nCsa.uiuC . etiu/SDG/IT9é;'IT9-élnfo.hcrT.l
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. iii

` rsmm;m-:mm%.M.*t_,
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. iv

`Table of Contents
`Volume I
`. 3
`. -
`. .15
`Ethical Web Agents
`. .
`David Eichmann .
`Web Search Agents for Effective Data Distillation
`Jeffrey Graber .
`The TkWWW Robot: Beyond Browsing
`Scar! Spetka .
`Auto-FAQ: An Experiment in Population Leveraging
`Steven D. Whitehead .
`W\NWinda: An Orchestration Service for WW Browsers and Accessories
`YechezkaI~Shim0n Gmfreund, John Nicol, Russel Sasnen, Vincent Phua .
`A Tool for Individualizing the Web
`K. A. Oostendorp. W. F Punch, R. W Wiggins .
`. .
`. .25
`. .39
`. .49
`. 61
`The Electronic Beowulf « from Ar1g]o—Saxon Text to Hypertext
`Andrew Ford, Andrew Prescott .
`Art Galleries and Exhibits on the WWW
`. 73
`. 81
`Margaret L. Mclzzughlirz .
`Cultural Heritage and Cyberspace
`Marry Harris .
`Mosaic Tour of the University of Delaware Botanical Gardens
`Eiizabetlz Mackenzie, John Fretf.
`Critical Thinking with the Interactive Text: Decentering Textual Authority with Mosaic
`James Francis Perruzzelli
`Ovid: The Metamorphoses
`Hope A. Greenberg .
`. .
`. 87
`. -
`The File Room: An Interactive Computer Project Addressing Censorship
`Maria Roussos, Paul Brenner
`Language Learning and the World Wide Web
`Rober! Godwin-Jones
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. v

`Graftiti on the Web: A Cultural Interchange or a Lighthearted Romp with an Artist 111 Wfibland
`that Stops Being Lighthearted at the End
`Elizcrbctfz Ft'.rcliet'
`Chelsey Bonestell Art Gallery
`Ktttltiwn H ttmm
`Intaging the Future: Issues of Identity and Authenticity of a Work of Art
`Sift’ G(>N.ff{eJ'
`. 99
`H ow to Present Lots of Volatile Information on the World Wide Web
`l)rmufd Jertnin_t;.r, Peter Damon . Maia Good, Ryszard Pt'.rarskt'
`The Web in z\stronon1_v and Related Space Sciences
`. 109
`I)unim’ E_t;rt'!. Andre Hcrdc .
`l,{lt:t.-ironic Publication and Data Distribution for the Star Formation Group in the Five College
`Astronomy Department
`Karen M, Srmm .
`lntplcmcntation oJ'A5:troph_\,'.<:ics Tools on the Web
`Altair Rirfmmnd. Margo I)uestei'ltaus. Nick White .
`The WWW Server at the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics
`Hf Bmd. £5. ()!.s'rm, C. CI'tr:'.rrt'm1, B. Sirooaas, 1. Hawkir1.s‘, B. Anrfa
`A N[!'<1\VC b Tools
`/(‘oi’):-'1‘! E. Juc‘k.s'mt
`"tailoring Information Presentation with Words and Pictures at the COSSC
`Jtmuac M. .lnrc1m1, Mark Cresr'teHo—DitImar
`ijl.5V.i\SlI'()pl1)’SlCS and the World Wide Web
`la’:-hrum A.t2r1'a, Bret! Stroozas, Wiflimrt Boyd, Cami.’ Christiaiz, Kite!" Chen
`.='\'ASA's Use of the World Wide Web to Deliver Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision Data in Near—Real
`.S'_\'c=rl S. Ti’!it'.’l(’(’(J’
`P]ztnctar_\-' Science Data Distributation on the We
`.S'tr.~'mt S:'rn'm*_t'. Thmnas C. -.S'rz.’t'n
`b: The Magellan Standard Products Catalog
`Panel: Experience Workshop with HTML Authoring Tools
`Design Considerations for an HTML Editor
`Liam Quin
`.lmim."iun Rymz D(t_\: Bricm 5uflt't'::m. Jefi'Spt'tttlr1i!c. Elliot Solmtrat-'. .
`Enviromnent for Preparing HTML Documents
`John R. Pttnin. Mttkkai S. Krf.w'tnarno(ir'rity .
`. J47
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. vi

`TOPS On—Line —Automating the Construction and Maintenance of HTML Pages
`Kemzie H. Jones .
`. .
`. 173
`Panel: Beyond HTML
`. -
`. 181
`. I89
`SGML, HTML and Beyond: Case Study from UCLA
`J’ejj'.S'uttor .
`The Transformation of SGML Documents for Presentation on the WWW
`Eric Freese .
`. .
`HTML to the Max: SGML Intelligence to the World Wide Web
`C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. Robert F. Goldstein .
`Putting Paper Documents in the World Wide Web
`Andreas Myka .
`. 199
`Panel: Finding Your Way
`Untangling the Web — The Role of Text Retrieval in Hypertext Environment
`Theresa Kasper .
`Creating a Web Analysis and Visualization Environment
`. 213
`Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss .
`The Ge0Web Project: Using the World Wide Web and WAIS for Finding Distributed Geographic
`. .209
`. .225
`Brandon 5. Plewe .
`Electronic Document Publishing on the WWW
`Steven F Rang
`Standardized Formatting for HTML Data for Print Output
`Richard Pasewark
`. .239
`James Baggott, Sharon E. Dennis .
`Chemistry in the Web: Hyperactive Molecules
`Henry S. Rzepa, Christopher Leach .
`VVWW Entrez: A Hypertext Retrieval Tool for Molecular Biology
`Jonathan Epstein, Jonathon KCIHS .
`The Web as a Computational Engine for Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology
`Robert Pearlsrein. Peter C. Fitzgerald .
`. .245
`. '
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. vii

`From Grass Roots to Corporate Image m The Maturation of the Web
`Christine A. Quinn .
`The University of Illinois College of Engineering Web
`Kairiirz Duck Sherwood .
`The Campus Conundrum: Building a Sustainable CWIS
`Pieter Lechner: Kent Wada .
`MIT's Campus Wide Information System: Scaling up for World Wide Web Support
`Peter Raden. Suzarta Li.rann' .
`. .235
`. 263
`. '
`. 27]
`. '
`Phoenicia: A Model for World-Wide Web Based Campus Information Systems
`John A. Krupcr, Marc G. Levenan! .
`Projecting an Image to Promote Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences Using Mosaic
`Ellen Tarimni
`The Media Business on the WVVW
`. '
`. 283'
`. .. '
`(}m‘_\- Wm’:
`The Economic Consequence of the World Wide Web
`xlrmi./d Kling .
`Where Coinmercial Services and the Web Are Headed
`Hem‘): Haul:.
`WWW-based Home Banking Services in Switzerland: A Case Study
`Ric,‘/1ar(l' Drrmfa
`Some FAQs about Usage—Based Pricing
`. .30]
`. .
`Hal Varian. Jefi'MacKi'e-Mason .
`Understanding Return on Investment for Information Discovery and Retrieval Technology
`PIu'h'p S. Wherry. Mark A. Krause, Dr: Richard K, Sciambi .
`. -
`Finding What You Want to Buy Using the Web
`/lrmu—Lcr1a Nerhes. Paul Pastel, Craig Milo Rogers
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. viii

`. 1061
`. .325
`A Synchronous Collaboration Tool for WW
`. .315
`Tak Woo. Michael J. Rees .
`Using Mosaic for Remote Electron Beam Test System Control: A Case Study on Distributed
`Ronald Scharf Werner Woiz .
`Beyond the Web: Teleoperation Via Mosiac
`Ken Goldberg, Michael‘. Mascha .
`Collaborative Viewing of Scientific Data: The UARC Project
`Terry E. Weymouth .
`Extending WWW for Synchronous Collaboration
`Thane J. Frivoid, Ruth E. Lang, Martin W. Fang .
`The Sociable Web
`. .333
`. '
`Judith Donath, Niel Roberytson .
`Wide Area Policy Discussion: The Town Meeting on the Vice President’s National Performance
`Roger Hurwirz, Larry Koskinen. John C. Mailer): .
`. 0
`The Journal of Computer—Mediatecl Communication
`Margaret L. McLaughlin,
`An Interactive Electronic Bulletin Board Implementation for Mosaic and HTTP Server
`James Halama, Anne Kraft
`A Multimedia Bulletin Board in the WWW Environment
`Nicholas Frego. Anthony Volpemesta
`Wide-Area Collaboration and Cooperative Computing
`John C. Maiiery, Tim Barriers-Lee .
`Workshop Panel
`A Local Web for Information Delivery
`Lauren A. Bcdnarcyk, Kevin D. Bond .
`AMS on the World Wide Web
`David’ W Fiiiatrault, Craig A. Liglztie, James E. Simmons, Jerrold M. Grochow .
`Constructing a Corporate Memory Infrastructure from Internet Discovery Technologies
`Minn H. Huynh, Laird Popkin .
`. 345
`. 355
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. ix

`Developing In—house Applications for Northrop Grumman on the F/A-13 E/F Pfogfam Using
`Mosiac and HTTPD
`J. M. It-tier .
`. -
`. °
`Mosiae Streamlines Government Computer Contract
`Neil/i. Peterson .
`.r-‘xT&T and the World Wide Web
`. '
`W1'lIia.-n H. Holland .
`. -
`. 36]
`C)mniPort: Integrating Legacy Data into the WWW
`_S'1'ir2l'Ie_v G. Fom’, Robert C. Stem .
`Utilizing Mosaic and the WWW in an Operations Environment
`7}:m Fmiller, Mikw Pinglcton .
`A 'l'cle~confcrencing Experiment with WWWfM0siaC
`CIrJt._'fri'm' Ma__w:r—Kre.s.i'. Wiit't'mn Bender; John Bazik .
`An lnlormation Clearinghouse Server for Industry Consortia.
`1:’rim: .S’rrzr'.' Brm’3a."a Singer .
`Joining the Web: Technology and Culture
`Phifiip S. Vi’/2e:~r_v, Mark A. Krause, Richard K. Sciambi .
`. 373
`ystems (MEMS) Research and Development via the WEB
`(Torporate Communication Integration through Mosiac, WAIS and Gopher
`Karin‘ .M0r({\'
`MPRS. Mosiac and WAIS — A Two-way Data Dispenser
`C.'lrri'.v Pm/2. [)i'um' Dr'Giot'cmm'
`Facilitating Microelcctromechanical S
`Sridhrir Gtrllaprtlii, Peter Wili
`fvlcisaic/WW'W in a Business School: New
`Opportunities for Information Sharing and Teaching.
`A case study in Implementing Organisational Wide Networked Multimedia
`John Brien. F'cgg_v Hattukairien
`WWW Financial Automated Management Environment at ORNL
`Nrmrjv Grady. Ruth Amt Manning. Forrest Hofiinarz. Ron Lee, Jim Kohl
`The Loss of Control in the Creation of Cornrnunity: Leveraging the Web for Business
`.S‘lrr'm1un Wior), Ryrm Mar1c*ns. M’ike Girl!
`(Jnlinc Procurement at ISI: Transitioning to the Web
`."i.'H1(l-Lfffrl :\’r1c'l:es, Cesar‘ Pinrr. Paul Pastel, Craig Milo Rogers
`The Natiottai Science Foundation (NSF) LastLane Project
`I)ai'id Gt1l‘l’(’r
`A+ Texture
`Mar! M('A /r'.rI¢'r
`Mercury: WWW~Based Corporate Information
`M. K'e’!ly. M. Wi'le:z.\'
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. x

`LITBASE - A WWW Interface to Documented Databases
`Rowan Limb. Stephen MCKearney
`Large—scale Database Publishing
`Rr)berrA. Boucher
`MORE: A Case Study in Re-engineering a Database Application for the Web
`David Eichmami
`Climate Reserach and the Web: Integrating World Wide Web and Mosaic Capabilities into the
`Climate Diagnostics Center
`Jttlict A. Cr;-llins‘ .
`. .385
`. .392
`EOSDIS. HDF. and Mosaic: Accessing Earth Science Data
`Theodore Meyer, Ramachandran Suresiz, Douglas Hg, Bruce Moxmi .
`Interactive Species Distribution Modelling Using the World Wide Web
`Tony Boston, David Srockwell .
`Serving Digital Map Information Through the WWW and Wide-Area information Server
`Douglas D. Neberl .
`Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of Moored Buoys
`N. N. Sareide. L. McCarty. D. C. McC1urg .
`. 40]
`. -
`. .413
`Using the information Highway to Explore Climate Variability
`C‘. Bruce Baker; Danny Brinegar
`Browsing. Analysis, and Retrieval of Climate Data with Mosaic and FERRET
`Steve Hankin
`Panels: Distance Education
`The Virtual Community: Distance Education and Community Master Planning
`Josep/2 Sragg .
`Combining WVVW/Mosaic with Reallime Multimedia Conferencing in Distance Education
`H. W Lie, P. E. Dybi-'ik .
`. .423
`Uses of Mosaic in a University Setting
`Judv Cosxel Rice. Rosina Bignall. Dalinda Bond, Phillip J. ‘Windley .
`. .429
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xi

`Panel: A Web of Students, Teachers, Projects, and Resources: Current K-12
`Use in the United States
`. -
`. °
`. '
`K-12 Clients and Servers: Who are the Providers, What is the User Base?
`Janice Abrahams, John Clement.
`A Sampling of Collaborative K-12 Projects on the Web
`Louis‘ Game: .
`Useful information Resources for Education
`Jane Smith .
`. .44}
`. -
`. .449
`. -
`. -
`Panel: Innovative Learning Environments and Teaching Paradigms
`Learning on the WW'W: A Case Study
`Daniel Perron .
`Using the World-Wide Web (WWW) in a Graduate Engineering Design—team Class
`Jack Hang, Larry Lefier, George Toye .
`Mcndclwebz An Electronic SciencefMath/History Resource for the WWW
`Roger B. Bitmzlmrg .
`[ntegrzitiiig Simulations and WWW Courseware
`. 459
`Cohuri Smratori. Alrm Slater .
`Building a Research-based Interactive Discovery Gallery for Education: The NCSA Bridge
`R. M. Panojf M.S omit. B. Davenport .
`Bell Atlantic - West Virginia World School
`Korlrryrt H. Hilts .
`Panel: K-12 Education
`. .467
`. 1073
`Developing a Frog Dissection Kit for K-12 Education
`/)rii»-id W Robertson, William E. Johnston, ‘Wing Nip, Kesfzea Williams .
`Designiiig a Server for 21 K-8 School
`B()!l'Hl(’ Tfmrber. Bob Dmris .
`Organizing Information in Mosaic: A Classroom Experiment
`Robert Wray. Ronald Chang, Joseph Phillips, Seth Rogers, William Walsh. Jolm Laird. .475
`K-12 (School) Uses of the Web
`Ray M'a.s'rm, Craig Milo Rogers, Suzanne W005
`An Effective Environmental Studies Curriculum for ‘Bl-l2V
`Miciirzel Keeler
`Pm Ridge. Lila Cl1(’i'iii(’
`A Web of Resources for introductory Computer Science
`Samuel A. Rel2cl.rky
`Improving Education through a CS Digital Library with Three Types of WWW servers
`Edward Fox. Diirig/it Barnette
`Courseware for Parallel Computing using Mosiac and the World Wide Web
`S. I-lm'le'\'. A. D. Marshall. 5'. N. Mclntosh-Smith, N. M. Stephens. .
`_ 487
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xii

`The World Explorer System
`John Schmirz .
`An lndividualised Course for the C Programming Language
`8017 Kumntelfeld, Jud)’ Kay
`Innovative Courseware Development Paradigms with Mosaic and WW
`Rajiv Tewari
`Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Ties to Integrate Internet, Using Mosiac, Into the Curriculum
`Par Ward
`The SDRS Critical Issues Server
`Jim Ncmra, Randy Knuth
`Spinning a Useful Weblet
`Al Globus, Chris Beaumorzrt
`Mosiac and Tele—Amphi, Hypertext Hypermedia Services with Interactive Work Tools for Interac-
`tive Multimedia Distance Teaching
`Natalie Begac, Bernard Bouchare, Alain Guittot, Yannick Lecompte, Jean-Francois Lop-
`rovest, Jean Segnin
`Using WWW as an Information System to Reduce the Average Period of Study by Better Infor-
`mation Providing and to Relieve Administration
`Bernd Mueller
`An Interactive Foreign Language Teaching Tool Using the WWW
`Jonathan Lieberman, Nadine O'Conner Dr'Vt'!o
`Hypermedia for I-IyperKids
`Judy Cossel Rice
`Communicating Information about Virus Structure via the World Wide Web
`Stephen Spencer, Jean-Yves Sgro
`A WWW Front End to an OODBMS
`Martin Sjolin .
`The Wide Area Technical Report Server
`Kim‘ Maly, J. French, A. Selman, E. Fox .
`Evolving information Services: Lessons Learned from the Boston Restaurant List
`Ellis S. Cohen .
`. 511
`. .523
`The Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index: Lessons in Indexing Diverse Resources
`Marc D. VanHeyningen .
`. 535
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xiii

`to Federal and State Tax Forms, Information and Assistance
`Taxing Times « WWW Access
`William J. Proffer
`The Internet Grows U
`Chris Cooper
`The EDGAR Project: Using
`p: Bringing Commercial Applications to End Users
`Mark Ginsburg
`NE'I‘wor'th and MO
`Ruben Frasca .
`skit} 'r'i{e'iixiii:L.;.i 'FL1;1a’bis'fi{bLi}i'o'n" Chianne-l of the Future
`Mosiuc Forms Database Access: A Palaeobotanic Case Study
`I)ui-id A. Gee, Mike Boulrer
`An lrucractive Forum for Convection-Diffusion Problems
`Brad!e_v Carl Beck. Arimrzia Baplixta
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xiv

`Volume II
`SunWeb: User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's lntemal Web
`. .547
`Jakob Nielsen, Darrel! Sana .
`Discovering Usability Improvements for Mosaic: Application of the Contextual Inquiry Tech-
`nique with an Expert User
`David R. Brinon Jrz, Artluu-A. Reyes .
`Countering the Surf Impulse: Designing an Attention-Holding Web Site
`Neil Randall .
`Designing User Interfaces for Public Information and Scientific Research
`J0£’!' D. Register: John L. Gemne .
`A Communal History—of—Use Mechanism to Aid Resource DlSCO\’6I’}’ in the “WW
`Will Hill, Mark Rasenslein. Larry Stead .
`. .559
`. 569
`Lessons Learned Implementing a Navigation Server for the Web
`David Glazer
`Active Outlining of HTML Documents: An X—Mosiac Implementation
`Jm'—Cltielt Hm. John McCarthy
`From the Yanomamo to Wudangshan: Representing Ethnography on the World Wide Web
`Gary Seaman
`Adding a New Dimension to the Desktop
`Andrew J. Bovt'ngd(m
`Mosaic Launches New Dimensions in the LAN Management
`Jaromir Likavec
`. .583
`Japan Window: A US—.lapan WWW Collaboration for Japan Information
`Burton H. Lee. Michael Bayle. Alsultiro G010, Yaslmltisa Sakamoro .
`The Web in Germany: No Problems?
`Michael Lena, Tom Baker: lrzke Bruening, Lorlmr Klein .
`lntemet Growth in Australia and Asia’s Four Dragons
`Phillip Rang .
`. '
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xv

`. '
`. 6
`lnnovation and implernentatios Adopting and Managing World Wide Web Services in Academic
`.. .
`Michael Rid!e_\.'
`Introducing Mosaic to Library End Users to Access the Britannica Onltne
`Nanc}-' R. John, Edward J. Valauskas .
`. .‘.
`Swim at Your Own Risk
`Ann Koopman. Sharon Hay .
`North Suburban Library System Internet Training Project
`Jack Frirts. Phyllis Geren, Bob Davis.
`South Seas BUBL: A WWW’ Information Service for
`r1!a.¢.rm'r G. Smitft
`Bringing the Internet to Faculty: Building Partnersh
`Library and Information Studies
`ips to Customize Access to Internet
`Tltzt.-mix E. Jctrec
`Cities Onlinc: Public Acess to City Services on the Web
`Pam’ Mockaperris. Ron Ohlander Craig Milo Rogers
`The Role of the Web in Connecting Community: The Deirelopirnenti
`Network (CCNet)
`.»1!ainaG. Kartfer.
`for Goverment Services
`Dan Camrall
`.1\pplic:ttion.< of Mosiac in Health Care Delivery
`K. Srinims“, K. Gopinalli, V. Ja
`gamtathan, R. Karinthi, M. Fuchx,
`Dynatntic Hypertext Control and Navigation
`Katie Oliver: Cltrixtine Remenyik
`W3 Based Medical information Syst
`J. H. Hallgren . K. E. Willard. D. P. Corzneilv
`I’. V. Raddy,
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1077, p. xvi

`The Virtual Hospital
`Jeffrey Graber .
`Design of Hypertex

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