The following paper was originally presented at the
`Ninth System Administration Conference (LISA ’95)
`Monterey, California, September 18-22, 1995
`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`Dan Mosedale, William Foss, and Rob McCool
`Netscape Communications
`For more information about USENIX Association contact:
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 1

`Administering Very High
`Volume Internet Services
`Dan Mosedale, William Foss, and Rob McCool – Netscape Communications
`Providing WWW or FTP service on a small scale is already a well-solved problem.
`Scaling this to work at a site that accepts millions of connections per day, however, can
`easily push multiple machines and networks to the bleeding edge.
`In this paper, we give
`concrete configuration techniques that have helped us get the best possible performance out
`of server resources. Our analysis is mostly centered on WWW service, but much of the
`information applies equally well to FTP service. Additionally we discuss some of the tools
`that we use for day-to-day management.
`We don’t have a lot of specific statistics about exactly how much each configuration
`change helped us. Rather, this paper represents our many iterations through the ‘‘watch the
`load increase; see various failures; fix what’s broken’’ loop. The intent is to help the reader
`configure a high-performance, manageable server from the start, and then to supply ideas
`about what to look for when it becomes overloaded.
`Our Site
`runs what we
`Netscape Communications
`believe to be one of the highest volume web services
`on the Internet. Our machines currently take a total
`of between six and eight million HTTP hits per day,
`and this number continues to grow. Furthermore, we
`make the Netscape Navigator, our web browser,
`available for downloading via FTP and HTTP[1].
`The web site[2] contains online documentation
`the Netscape Navigator, sales and marketing
`information about our entire product line, many gen-
`interest pages including various directory ser-
`vices, as well as home pages for Netscape employ-
`ees. All of the machines run the Netscape Server,
`but most of the strategies in this paper should apply
`to other HTTP and even FTP servers also.
`At various times, we have tried out various
`configurations of machines running the given operat-
`ing systems; Figure 1 shows a list.
`Each of our WWW servers has an identical
`tree uploaded to it
`(more on this later).
`Before the Netscape Navigator was released to the
`Internet community for the first
`time, we thought
`the web pages we intended to serve and
`debated how we would spread the load across multi-
`ple machines when that became necessary. Because
`of problems reported using DNS round-robin tech-
`niques[3], we chose to instead implement a randomi-
`zation scheme inside of
`the Netscape Navigator
`In short, when a copy of the Navigator is
`accessing or, it
`periodically queries the DNS for a hostname of the
`form, where X is a random
`number between 1 and 16. Each of our web servers
`has a number of the homeX aliases pointing to it.
`Since this strategy is not something that will be
`available to most sites, we won’t spend more time
`on it here.
`Another scheme which we have looked into is
`nameserver-based load balancing.
`depends upon a nameserver periodically polling each
`content server at site to find out how loaded they are
`(though a less functional version could simply use
`static weighting). The nameserver then resolves the
`domain name to the IP address of the server which
`currently has the least
`load. This has the added
`benefit of not sending requests to a machine that is
`overloaded or unavailable, effectively creating a poor
`man’s failover system.
`It can, however,
`leave a
`Sun uniprocessor (60 Mhz) SPARCserver 20
`SGI 2-processor Challenge-L
`SGI Indy (150 Mhz)
`SGI Challenge-S (175 Mhz)
`HP 9000/816
`90 Mhz Pentium PC
`90 Mhz Pentium PC
`Solaris 2.3 & 2.4
`IRIX 5.2
`IRIX 5.2 & 5.3
`IRIX 5.3
`HP-UX 9.04
`Windows NT 3.5
`BSD/OS 2.0
`Figure 1: Tested hardware/software configurations
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 2

`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`dead machine in the server pool for as long a dura-
`tion as the DNS TTL. Two DNS load balancing
`schemes that we plan to investigate further are RFC
`1794[4] and lbnamed[5].
`Figures 2 and 3 summarize some of the perfor-
`mance statistics for the various servers on July 26,
`1995 along with their assigned relative load. Our
`setup allows us to give each machine a fraction of
`the total traffic to our site measured in sixteenths of
`the total.
`In addition to assuming 1/16 of
`WWW load,
`the 150 MHz Indy also wears the
`aliases,, and
`currently runs all CGI processes for the entire site.
`Total CGI load for this day accounted for 49,887 of
`its 1,548,859 HTTP accesses (more on this later).
`The Tools
`The traffic and content size of our web site
`grew very quickly, and we collected a number of
`tools to help us manage the machines and content.
`We used a number of existing programs, some of
`which we enhanced, and developed a few internally
`as well. We’ll go over many of these here;
`intent is to focus on tools that are directly useful in
`managing web servers and content. We will avoid
`discussing HTML authoring programs and utilities;
`those who are
`see http://home.
`for pointers to many such tools.
`Document Control: CVS
`Since our content comes from several different
`sources within the company, we chose to use
`CVS[6] to manage the document
`tree. This has
`worked moderately well, but is not an ideal solution
`for our environment.
`the creation of content
`In some some ways,
`resembles a mid-to-large programming environment.
`A document revision system became necessary to
`govern the creation of our web site content as multi-
`ple ‘‘contributing editors’’ added and deleted material
`from the content tree. CVS provided a reasonably
`easy method to retrieve older source or detailed logs
`of changes made to HTML dating back to the crea-
`tion of the content tree.
`One drawback of CVS is that many of the folks
`who design our content found it difficult to use and
`understand due to a lack of experience with UNIX.
`A cross-platform GUI-based tool would be especially
`well-suited to this market niche.
`Host type
`SGI 150Mhz
`R4400 Indy
`SGI 175 Mhz
`R4400 Challenge S
`SGI 175 Mhz
`R4400 Challenge S
`BSD/OS 90 Mhz
`Figure 2: WWW Server activity for the period between 25/Jul/1995:23:58:04 and 26/Jul/1995:23:58:59
`Host type
`Host type SGI 150 Mhz
`R4400 Indy
`Host type SGI 175 Mhz
`R4400 Challenge S
`Host type SGI 175 Mhz
`R4400 Challenge S
`Host type BSD/OS 90
`Mhz Pentium
`Figure 3: Five busiest minutes for the tested hosts
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 3

`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`Content Push
`Once we had multiple machines serving our
`WWW content, it became necessary to come up with
`a reasonable mechanism for getting copies of our
`master content tree to all of the servers outside our
`firewall. NCSA distributes their documents among
`server machines by keeping their content tree on the
`AFS distributed filesystem[3].
`It seemed to us that another natural solution to
`this problem was rdist[7], a program specifically
`designed for keeping trees of files in sync with a
`master copy. However, we felt we couldn’t use this
`unmodified, as its security depended entirely on a
`.rhosts file, which is a notoriously thin layer of pro-
`tection. With the help of some other developers, we
`worked on incorporating SSL[8] into rdist in order to
`provide for encryption as well as better authentica-
`tion of both ends. With SSL, we no longer need to
`rely on a client’s IP address for its identity; crypto-
`In the development of our SSLified rdist, we
`decided that it would be a good idea to use the latest
`rdist from USC, in part because it has the option of
`using rsh (1) for its transport rather than rcmd (3).
`Because it doesn’t use rcmd (3), it no longer needs to
`be setuid root, which is a real security win. One
`side effect of this is that we now have an SSLified
`version of rsh (1), which we use to copy log files
`from our servers back to our internal nets.
`During the course of our server growth, we
`wrote and/or borrowed a number of tools for moni-
`toring our web servers. These include a couple of
`tools to check response time, a log analyzer, and a
`program to page us if one of the servers goes down.
`The tool to check response time is designed to
`be run from a machine external to the server being
`monitored. Every so often, it wakes up and sends a
`request to an HTTP server for a typical document,
`such as the home page.
`It measures the amount of
`time that it took from start to finish; that is, from
`before it calls connect() to after it gets a zero from
`read() indicating that the server has closed the con-
`If you choose a relatively small document,
`this time can give you a good general indication of
`how long people are unnecessarily waiting for docu-
`ments (since under ideal conditions a small docu-
`ment should come back nearly instantaneously).
`our typical monitoring setup, we run monitor pro-
`grams from remote, well-connected sites as well as
`from locally-networked machines. This allows us to
`see when problems are a result of network conges-
`tion as opposed to lossage on the server machines.
`The logfile analyzer, which is now a standard
`part of the Netscape Communications and Commerce
`server products, provides information about the busi-
`est hours or minutes of the day, and about how
`much data transfer client document caching has
`saved our site. The analyzer can be very helpful in
`determining which hours are peak hours and will
`require the most attention. Because of
`the high
`volume of traffic at our site, we designed it to pro-
`cess large log files quickly.
`The program to page us when a server becomes
`unreachable is similar to our response time program.
`The difference is that when it finds that a server
`does not respond within a reasonable time frame for
`three consecutive tries, it sends an e-mail message to
`us along with a message to our alphanumeric-pager
`gateway to make sure we know that a server needs
`At times when we knew that we wouldn’t be
`able to come in and reboot the server, we used a
`UNIX box with an RS232-controlled on/off switch to
`automatically hard boot any system not responding
`to three sequential GET requests. A small PC with
`two serial ports is enough to individually monitor 10
`systems and provides recovery for most non- fatal
`system errors
`(e.g., most problems other
`hardware failure or logfile partitions filling up).
`Previous works [9, 10, 11] have explored HTTP
`performance and have come to the conclusion that
`HTTP in its current form and TCP are particularly
`ill-suited to one another when it comes to perfor-
`mance. The authors of some of these articles have
`suggested a number of ways to improve the situation
`via protocol changes. For the present, however, we
`are more interested in making do with what we
`More practically speaking, most TCP stacks
`have never been abused in quite this way before, so
`it’s not too surprising that they don’t deal well with
`this level of load. The standard UNIX model of
`forking a new server each time a connection opens
`scale particularly well
`and the
`Netscape Server uses a process-pool model for just
`this reason.
`The problems that took the most time for us to
`solve involved the UNIX kernel. Not having sources
`for most platforms makes it something of a black
`box. We hope that sharing some hard-won insights
`in this area will prove especially useful
`to the
`TCP Tuning
`There are several kernel parameters which one
`can tweak that will often improve the performance
`of a web or FTP server significantly.
`The size of the listen queue corresponds to the
`maximum number of connections pending in the ker-
`nel. A connection is considered pending when it has
`not been fully established, or when it has been
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 4

`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`established and is waiting for a process to do an
`accept (2). If the queue size is too small, clients will
`sometimes see ‘‘connection refused’’ or ‘‘connection
`timed out’’ messages.
`If it is too big, results are
`sporadic: some machines seem to function nicely,
`while others of similar or identical configuration
`become hopelessly bogged down. You will need to
`to find the right size for your listen
`queue. Version 1.1 of the Netscape Communications
`and Commerce Servers will never request a listen
`queue larger than 128.
`In kernels that have BSD-based TCP stacks, the
`size of
`the listen queue is controlled by the
`SOMAXCONN parameter. Historically,
`this has
`been a #define in the kernel, so if you don’t have
`access to your OS source code, you will probably
`need to get a vendor patch which will allow you to
`In Solaris,
`this parameter
`tcp_conn_req_max and can be read and written using
`ndd (1M) on /dev/tcp. Sun has chosen to limit the
`size to which one can raise tcp_conn_req_max using
`ndd to 32. Contact Sun to find out how to raise this
`limit further.
`the kernel on a server machine
`needs to have enough memory to buffer all the data
`that it is sending out.
`In variants of UNIX that use
`a BSD-based TCP stack,
`these buffers are called
`mbufs. The default number of mbufs in most ker-
`nels is way too small for TCP traffic of this nature;
`reconfiguration is usually required. We have found
`trial and error is required to find the right
`-m’ shows that
`requests for
`memory are being denied, you probably need more
`mbufs. Under IRIX, the parameter you will need to
`TCP employs a mechanism called keepalive
`that is designed to make sure that when one host of
`a TCP connection loses contact with its peer host,
`and either host is waiting for data from its peer, the
`waiting system does not wait indefinitely for data to
`arrive. Under the sockets interface, if the socket the
`system is waiting for
`is configured to have the
`SO_KEEPALIVE option turned on, the system will
`send a keepalive packet to the remote system after it
`has been waiting for a certain period of time. It will
`continue sending a packet periodically, and will give
`up and close the connection if the system does not
`respond after a certain number of tries.
`Many systems provide a mechanism for chang-
`ing the interval between TCP keepalive probes. Typ-
`ically, the period of time before a system will send a
`keepalive packet is measured in hours. This is to
`make sure that
`the system does not send large
`numbers of keepalive packets to hosts which, for
`example, have idle telnet sessions that simply don’t
`have data to send for long periods of time.
`With a web server, an hour is an awfully long
`If a browser does not send information the
`server is waiting for within a few minutes,
`likely that the remote machine has become unreach-
`able. In the past, router failures were the typical
`cause of hosts becoming unreachable.
`In today’s
`Internet, that problem still exists, while at the same
`time an increasingly large number of users are using
`a modem with SLIP or PPP as their connection to
`the Internet. Our experience has shown that
`types of connections are unstable, and cause the
`most situations where a host suddenly becomes
`silent and unreachable. Most HTTP servers have a
`timeout built in so that if they have waited for data
`from a client for a few minutes, they will forcibly
`close that connection. The situations where a server
`is not actively waiting for data are the ones most
`important for keepalive.
`If ‘‘netstat -an’’ shows many idle sockets in the
`kernel or idle HTTP servers waiting for them, you
`should first check whether your server software sets
`the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. The Netscape
`Communications and Commerce servers do so. The
`second thing you should check is whether your sys-
`tem allows you to change the interval between
`keepalive probes. Many systems such as IRIX and
`provide mechanisms
`keepalive interval to minutes instead of hours. Most
`systems we’ve encountered have a default of two
`hours; we typically truncate it
`to 15 minutes.
`your system is not a dedicated web server system,
`you should consider keeping the value relatively
`high so idle telnet sessions don’t cause unnecessary
`network traffic. The third thing you should check
`with your vendor is whether their TCP implementa-
`tion allows sockets to time out during the final
`stages of a TCP close. Certain versions of the BSD
`TCP code on which many of today’s systems are
`based do not use keepalive timeouts during close
`situations. This means that a connection to a system
`that becomes unreachable before it has fully ack-
`nowledged the close can stay in your machine’s ker-
`If you see this situation, contact
`your vendor for a patch.
`Your Vendor Is Your Friend; Or, The Value of the
`In almost every case, we have gotten quite a bit
`of value from working directly with the vendor.
`Since very high volume TCP service of the nature
`we describe is a fairly new phenomenon, OS vendors
`are only beginning to adapt their kernels for this.
`There are patches to allow the system adminis-
`trator to increase the listen queue size for IRIX 5.2
`and 5.3, as well as enabling the TCP keepalive timer
`while a socket
`is in closing states. These patches
`also fix other problems including a few related to
`multiprocessor correctness and performance. Con-
`tact SGI for the current patch numbers; if you are
`using a WebFORCE system you should already have
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 5

`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`them. With these patches, most parameters the
`administrator will
`If you are using Solaris 2.3, you will definitely
`to get
`the most recent release of the kernel
`jumbo patch, number 101318.
`In general, we’ve
`found Solaris 2.4 able to handle much more traffic
`than even a 2.3 system with scalability patches
`If upgrading to 2.4 is an option, we highly
`recommend it especially when your traffic starts to
`reach the range of multiple hundreds of thousands of
`hits per day. The 2.4 jumbo patch number 101945 is
`also recommended, both for security as well as sta-
`bility reasons.
`Generally, the less information that you need to
`log, the better performance you will get. We found
`that by turning off logging entirely, we typically
`realized a performance gain of about 20%.
`In the
`future, many servers will offer alternative log file
`formats to the current ‘‘common log format,’’ which
`will provide better performance as well as record
`only the information most
`to the site
`the ability to perform
`Many servers offer
`reverse DNS lookups on the IP addresses of the
`clients that access your server. While it is very use-
`ful information, having your server do it at run-time
`tends to be a performance problem. Since many
`DNS lookups either timeout or are extremely slow,
`the server then generates extra traffic on the local
`and devotes
`(often non-trivial)
`amount of networking resources to waiting for DNS
`response packets.
`For high-volume logging, syslogd also causes
`performance problems; we suggest avoiding it.
`one is logging 10 connections per second, and each
`connection causes two pieces of data to be logged
`(as it does for us),
`this could mean up to 20
`context-switches into syslogd and 20 out of it per
`second. This overhead is
`in addition to any
`logging-related I/O and all processing related to
`actual content service.
`On our site, the logs are rotated once every 24
`hours and compressed into a staging directory. A
`separate UNIX machine inside of our firewall uses
`an SSLified rsh (1) to bring the individual logs to a 4
`gigabyte partition where the logs are uncompressed,
`concatenated and piped to our analysis software.
`Reverse DNS lookups are done at this point rather
`than at run time on the server, which allows us to do
`only one reverse lookup per IP address that con-
`nected during that day. Processing and lookups on
`the logs from all of the machines on our site takes
`approximately an hour to complete.
`A single compressed log file is approximately
`70 megabytes, and consequently, we end up with
`over 250 MB of log files daily. Our method of log
`manipulation allows for an automated system of
`backing up and processing a months worth of data
`with little or no human intervention. Tape backups
`are generated onto 8mm tape once monthly.
`Overall analysis of the log files shows con-
`sistent data supporting the following:
`a) Peak loads occur between 12 and 3 o’clock
`rates were
`between 120-140 connections per second, per
`machine. A second peak of roughly half the
`amplitude occurs between 5 and 6 o’clock
`load day of the
`b) Wednesday is the highest
`week, generating more than both weekend
`days combined.
`We found that one UNIX machine doing high-
`volume content service was about all that an Ether-
`net could handle. Putting two such machines on a
`single Ethernet caused the performance of both
`to degrade badly as
`the net became
`saturated with traffic and collisions. More analysis
`of our network data is still needed. We are finding
`it to be more cost effective to have one Ethernet per
`than to purchase FDDI equipment for all of
`As an aside, we have found SGI’s addition of
`the ‘‘-C’’
`switch to netstat (1)
`in IRIX to be
`extremely useful.
`It displays the data collected by
`in a full-screen format which is updated
`This is fairly simple: get lots of it. You want
`to have enough memory both for buffering network
`data and for your filesystem cache to keep most of
`the frequently accessed files
`memory. The filesystem read cache hit-rate percen-
`tage on our web servers is almost always 90% or
`above. Most modern UNIXes automatically pick a
`reasonable size for the buffer cache, but some may
`require manual
`tuning. Many OS vendors include
`useful tools for monitoring your cache hit rates: Sys-
`tem V derivatives have sar; we also found HP/UX’s
`monitor (1M) and IRIX’s osview (1) helpful.
`Our Typical Configuration
`A typical webserver at our site is a workstation
`class machine (e.g., Sun SPARC 20, SGI Indy, or
`Pentium P90)
`running between
`128 and 150
`processes. For UNIX machines at
`least, we have
`found 128 megabytes of memory to be about
`that our machines can use. With this much
`memory, we have all the network buffer space we
`need, we get a high filesystem read-cache hit rate,
`and usually have a few (or even tens of) megabytes
`to spare (depending on the UNIX version).
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 6

`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`Generally one gigabyte or more of disk is
`necessary. These days, each of our servers generates
`over 200 megs of log data per day (before compres-
`sion), and the amount of HTML content we are
`housing continues to grow. Data from sar and ker-
`nel profiling code suggest that our boxes are spend-
`ing between 5% and 20% of their time waiting for
`disk I/O. Given the high read-cache hit-rate, we
`expect that by moving our log files onto a separate
`fast/wide SCSI drive and experimenting with filesys-
`tem parameters, this percentage will decrease fairly
`Miscellaneous Points
`In this section, we will discuss a few random
`that we have learned during our
`managing web servers.
`A Bit About Security
`In addition to the normal security concerns of
`sites on the Internet[12], web servers have some
`unique security ‘‘opportunities’’. One of the most
`notable is CGI programs[13]. These allow the
`author to add all sorts of interesting functionality to
`a web site. Unfortunately, they can also be a real
`security problem: since they generally take data
`entered by a web user as their input, they need to be
`very careful about what such data is used for.
`If a CGI script
`takes an email address and
`hands it off to sendmail on the command line, the
`script needs to go through and make sure that no
`unescaped shell characters are given to the shell that
`might cause it to do something unexpected. Such
`unexpected interplay between different programs is a
`common cause of security violations. Since many
`users who want to provide programmatic functional-
`ity on their web pages are not intimately familiar
`with the ins and outs of UNIX security, one
`approach to this problem is to simply forbid CGI
`programs in users’ personal web pages.
`However, we suggest an alternative: mandate
`use of taintperl[14] for CGI programs written by
`users. Perl is already one of the predominant script-
`ing languages used to write CGI programs;
`extremely powerful for manipulating data of all sorts
`and producing HTML output.
`taintperl is a version
`of perl which keeps track of the source of the data
`it uses. Any data input by the user is con-
`sidered by the taintperl interpreter to be tainted, and
`can’t be used for dangerous operations unless expli-
`citly untainted. This means that such scripts can be
`reasonably easily audited by a security officer by
`grepping for
`the untaint command and carefully
`analyzing the variables on which it is used.
`Web Server Heterogeneity
`An interesting feature of our site is that it is an
`testbed for ports of our server to new plat-
`forms. Since it was clear to us from the beginning
`that we would be using it this way, we needed to
`think about how we would deal with CGI programs
`and their environment. After some thought, we
`decided that it just wasn’t practical to try to port and
`test all of our CGI content (and force our users to do
`the same for their home pages) to every new plat-
`form that we wanted to test.
`It turned out that we
`were very fortunate to have considered this early, as
`we eventually ended up testing our Windows NT
`port on our web site.
`We designated a single alias to a machine that
`would run all of our CGI programs. We then
`created the guideline that all HTML pages should
`simply point all CGI script references to this alias.
`A nice side effect is that this type of content is parti-
`tioned to its own machine which can be specifically
`tailored to CGI service.
`If the machine pool con-
`tains many incompatible machines, this setup avoids
`having to maintain binaries for CGI programs com-
`piled for each machine. An average day at our site
`shows 50,000 (out of 7.5 million) requests for CGI
`scripts (note that this ratio is almost certainly very
`dependent on the type of content served).
`An additional experiment would be to partition
`other types of content (e.g., graphics) to their own
`machines in the same way.
`If necessary, DNS-based
`load-balancing could be used to spread out
`across multiple machines of the same type (e.g.,
` could be used to refer to multiple
`machines whose only purpose in life is to serve GIF
`Both FTP and HTTP offer a easy way to han-
`dle file transfer, each with relative strengths.
`FTP provides a ‘‘busy signal’’, that is, feedback
`to the user indicating that a site is currently process-
`ing too many transactions. That limit is easily set
`by the site administrator. HTTP provides a mechan-
`ism for this as well, however it is not implemented
`by many HTTP servers primarily due to the fact that
`it can be very confusing for users. When a user con-
`nects to an FTP site,
`they are allowed to transfer
`every document they need in that session. Due to
`HTTP’s stateless nature and the fact that it uses a
`new connection for each file transfer, a user can
`easily get an HTML document and then be refused
`service when asking for
`the document’s inlined
`images. This makes for a very confusing user experi-
`ence. It is hoped that future work in HTTP develop-
`ment will help to alleviate this problem. Further
`work in URL or URN arenas will hopefully provide
`more formal mechanisms for defining alternative dis-
`tribution machines.
`In a system planning sense, FTP should be con-
`sidered to be a separate service, and therefore can be
`cleanly served from a completely different computer.
`This offers easier log analysis of file delivery vs.
`html served, and also aids in security efforts. A sys-
`tem running only one service, correctly configured,
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1073, p. 7

`Mosedale, Foss, & McCool
`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services
`is less likely to be breached, and if breached, does
`not mean loss of security for our entire site.
`Performance gains are also likely. Content typ-
`ically served by FTP is composed of large files,
`compared to HTTP-served data which is typically
`designed to be small and quickly accessible by
`modem users. A document and its inlined images are
`short enough to be delivered in short periods. Mix-
`ing the two different types can make it hard to pin
`down system bottlenecks, especially if FTP and
`HTTP are being served from a single machine.
`Many times the two services will compete for the
`same resources, making it hard to track down prob-
`lems in both areas.
`While running both FTP and HTTP servers on
`one machine, we found that 128 HTTP daemon
`processes and an imposed limit of 50 simultaneous
`FTP connections was about all a workstation-class
`system would tolerate. Further growth beyond that
`would cause each service to be periodically denied
`network resources. Once separated, however, 250
`simultaneous FTP connections on a workstation-class
`machine was handled easily.
`HTTP service, on the other hand, offers a
`method to gather useful information from the reques-
`tor via forms before allowing file transfer to take
`place. This became a necessity at Netscape, as the
`encryption technology in our software required a cer-
`tain amount of legal documentation to be agreed to
`prior to download.
`Conclusion and Future Directions
`Although sites such as ours are currently the
`exception, we expect that they will soon become the
`rule as the Internet continues its exceedingly rapid
`growth. Additionally, we expect content to become
`vastly more dynamic in the future, both on the front
`end (using mechanisms such as server push[14] and
`Java[15]) and the backend (where using SQL data-
`bases and search engines will become even more
`common). This promises to provide many new chal-
`lenges, especially in the area of performance meas-
`urement and management.
`We hope that the techniques and information in
`this paper will prove helpful to folks who wish to
`administer sites providing a very high volume of ser-
`for his
`to Brendan Eich
`toolsmithing and his willingness to get his hands
`dirty with the kernel, to Jeff Weinstein for SSLrsh
`and SSLrdist, to Rod Beckwith for general network
`magic, and to Gene Tran for help with performance
`measurement and the SGI kernel profiler. Thanks to
`Bill Earl, Mukesh Kacker, Mike Karels and Vernon
`Schryver for TCP bug-fixes and general advice. We
`also appreciate the input from the folks who took the
`time to read drafts of our paper.
`About the Authors
`The authors have been responsible for
`and babysitting of
`Netscape web site since its inception.
`Dan Mosedale <> is Lead
`UNIX Administrator at Netscape. He has been
`managing UN

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