Webster’s II
`New College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin Company
`Boston - New York
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1018, p.1

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`Wehster’s II new college dictionary.
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1018, p.2

`dismission Q displeasure
`'o.i.s-sion ldls-mIsh’an) n. Disinissal.
`dis-min-sive (dis-mls’iv) adj. 1. Serving to dismiss. 2. Showing in-
`dillerence or disregard <3 dfsrnissivc sh:-t1g>
`dispmount (tlls~n1nunt"') v. -mnuntced, -mount-ing,
`-mounts. —v:‘. To get oil or down, as horn a ‘horse or bicycle :
`Amour. —vt. 1. To remove from a nzounti
`setting, or support. 2.
`To unseat, as [mm a horse. 3. To disassernh e [a mechanism].
`tdislmountl}. The act or manner of dismounting esp. from It horse.
`-—’a-ble adj.
`dis-o-he-di-once (clis'a-béfdé-ans) :2. Failure or rei-usal to obey.
`—dis’o-beltlioent adj. -dis'o-be’ di-en:-ly adv.
`dis-D-hey (di’s'a-b.’l-' ) V. -Iseyed, -be-jr-ins, -be;-s. {ME disoheien
`-: OI-‘r. dssobeir < vLst. "dl'.9obedire di.-:—, not + Lat. oboedire. to
`obey. —see on:r.] -—w'. To reluse or fail to obey an order or rule.
`- Pt. To refuse or fail to obey. --dis’ o-beyler n.
`dis-0-hlige (dis'a-blij’ J rt. -lsliged, -blig-ing, -blig--es. 1. To
`neglect or refuse to act in accord with the wishes of. 2. To offend, as
`by slighting. 3. To inconvenience. —’ o-blig' ins-1-p adv.
`dis-oroder {dis-ofldar) n. 1. Lack of order or regular arrangement :
`CONFUSIDN. 2. A breach of civic order or peace : public disturbance. 3.
`an ailment that affects normal, healthy functioning. —vt. -tiered,
`-deeming, -ders. 1. To throw into disorder or confusion. 2. Th dis-
`turb the normal hgrsical or mental healthol : nuance."
`dis-or-do-red {dis-dfldardj adj. 1. In at condition of disorder : ms-
`zummceo. 2. Physically or mentally ill : osnm-torn. -dis-orb
`dared-lp adv. —tlis»or’dered-ncss n.
`dis-or-der-ly {dis-or’ liar-IE} adj. 1. Locking regular or logical order
`or arrangement. 1. Not disciplined : tm'atn.r. 3. Disturbing the public
`peace or decorum. —dis-orlderuli-noes 11.
`it syns: 1. ntsonoeuv, Msssv, ussrsrsmartc adj. core meaning :
`lacking regular, logical order «ca disorderly room l-ull oi> ant:
`ORDERLT 2. ntsomsatr, morons, lt0W'l3Y, UNEULY adj. core meaning :
`upsetting civil order or the peace <a disorderly mob>
`disorderly conduct a. Law. A petty oilcnse involving a distur-
`bance of public peace or decorum.
`dis-or-gan-ize {dis-or’ga-niz’) vt. _-iled, -iz--ing, -lz-us. To de-
`stroy the organization, structure, or unity oi. —t.lisoor‘gan-i-zn’-
`Izion n. —dis-or’gan-hood" adj.
`dis-o-ri-ent (dIs—or'eent', -or’-3 Vt. -ent--ed, -ent-ins, -ents.
`To cause to lose t:-ne’s sense of direction, position, or relationship with
`one's surroundings. —tlis-o’.1-1-tart-taftion n.
`dis-own [dis-fin’) vt. -owned, -oivn-ins, -ovms. To refuse to
`claim or accept as one’s own : ncsuomre.
`dis-par-age (di-sptlrllil Vt. -used. -fig-ing, -ug-es. [MB dispar-
`agen, to degrade 4: OE‘. desparager : des—, apart l-C Lat. dis-J + parage.
`rank < per. peer. -sec i’3£It3.} 1. To speak ol in a h¢_lil;tl_iog way ; DI-
`cnv. 2. To reduce in rank or esteem. —dis-pnrlnge-men: n.
`—di.s-pa.e'n5-er n. —dis-pa:-‘as-i.n,g-Iv adv.
`dis-pa-rate ldislp-at-it, dl-spafllt) adj. (Lat. dispazatns, p.1)arl:. of
`disparate. to separate : dt's—. apart + parars. to prepare] Completely
`dissimilar. —dis’pn-rote-ly adv.
`.—d.is_’pn-rate-ness n.
`dis-par-i-ty {d1-spit’!-te) 11., pl‘. -tics. {OFr. disparitc < LL.-«it. dis-
`paritos ; Lat. dis-, not + Lat. paritas, equality < par. eq_usl.] 1. The
`condition or Inc: of being unequal in age, rank, or degree : Dmtaettct.
`9.. Lncongruity or unlilteness.
`dis-pas-eion {dis-pash’at1} rt. Freedom from passion, bias, or emo-
`dis-pas-sion-ate (dis-pssh’ a-nit) adj. Devoid of or unallected by
`passion, bias, or emotion : onjecrivt <9 dispassionats ruling‘: - dia-
`aslaion-nteely adv. . --dis-posflsion-ate-noes n.
`'s»patch also den-patch (dl-spéch'} [Sp. daspnchar or Ital. di'—-
`spaccirtte, both -C UPI. despeecbier, to satire: : des—, apart {< Lat. dis-J
`+ (em)pseclu'er, to hinder < impedicane, to entangle (Lat.
`+ Lat. petiica, s.hacklc).] — Vt. -punched, -patch-ins, -patch-es.
`1. To send oil’ to a particular destination or on-specific business. 2. To
`finish or deal with romptly. 3. To put to death summarily. -11. 1.
`The act of sendingo . 2. The act oi putting to death. 3. Speed in move-
`ment or performance : Haste. 4. A written message, esp. an official.
`communication, sent with speed. 5. An item sent to a news organi-
`zation, as by a correspondent. '
`dis-patch-er.(dis—pach’arJ rt. 1. One that dispatches. 2. One who
`sends out trains, buses, trucks, or taxis according to a schedule. 3.
`Computer Sci. A routine that controls the order in which input and
`output devices obtain access to the processing system.
`dis-pel {d1'—spil’) v. -polled, -i_pelalin_g, -pals. [ME dispellen -C
`Lat. dfspellere-: dis-, apart + pa are, to drive] —vt. I. To rid one’s
`mind of -cdispel all-fea1s> 2. To cause to go in various directions :
`sI:‘.A‘t‘l‘EB.. —vi. To disappear by or as if by rising : ntssmrrt.
`dis-pen-so-Isle (di-spenlsa-hal) adj. 1. Not msential; unimportant.
`2. Capable of being dispensed, administered, or dlsnihuted. 3. Subject
`to dispensation, as a vow or church law. —dia-penfsa-lsilli-ty,
`dis-pen’ so-ble-nose n.
`(di-spenlsa-re) 21., pl. -rice. 1. An office in an in-
`stitution, as s ospital or school, {roan which medical suppliesand
`preparations are dispensed. 1. A public institution that dispenses med-
`icines or medical care. -
`discpcncsuation ldis’pan-silshan, -pén-)1). 1. The act of dis-pens—
`ing. 2. Something dispensed. 3. A specific system or arzangqmfi
`which something is dispensed or administered. 4. An
`release from an obligation orrule,gtanteclh=yor asifbyana
`5. I. An exemption from an obligation, as a church law or vow
`in a particular case by an ecclesiastical authority. b. 'I‘31e=tlo.;
`containing this exemption -dis’
`-saltion-al cdf.
`dis-pen-sn-to-ry (di-spEn'ss-for E, -tt'ir’é).n., pl. -rles
`in which the preparation, uses, and contents of medicines
`scribed : saanmacoroem. 2. Archaic. A dispensary.
`dis-pens: {di'Aspéns’) V. -pensccl-, -pensvins, -pens-"en
`dispensen < Med. Lat. dispensers, to exempt < La.t., to d1
`freq. of dispendere. to weigh out : dis-, apart + pentlers, to, w
`—v't. I. To distribute in portions or parts. 2. To prepare and gm
`{medicines}. 3. To administer (e.g., laws}. 4. To release or cxempp
`iron: a duty or religious obligation. ——Vi. To grant dispensation ‘
`cmption. — dis use with. 1. To forgo. 2.. To dispose of.
`dis-pens-er [ ~spEn’sarJ :1. One that dis
`es, esp. a ma
`container that allows the contents to he ta en out and usgdw
`dvcnient or
`icstntflfibedfaniomts <1ae:up cli]':penser>l-
`s-pé pa)vt. -p
`,-p‘n3,-pea. o e
`dis-pen-so] {dl-sp£tr’sa1} n. The act or process oI'di.spcr9in,:
`con ‘tion ad being dispersed : ntsratsonon.
`dis-pears: (dI-spurs’ ) V. -parsed, -pets-ins. -1)-e-rs-e
`person < OF: disperser < Lat. disperses. p.pnrt. ol tl:I".spar3g[g.'
`perse : dis, apart + spargere. to scatter] —vt. 1. To brea]:
`scatter in various directions. 2. To cause to vanish or tllsappgu
`17111.. 3. To disseminate {e.g., knowledge). 4. To separate
`spectra] rays. —vi. 1. To move or scatter in different directions
`Vanish : disappear <'I'he fog dispersed by ninc.> —dis-peelsqu-,7
`—tlis-pets-" ed-ly [-spfitlsid-lé} adv. -dis-pets =' er n. ‘
`Mi-ble ad}.
`sparse system 11. A continuous medium containing dis
`entities oi any size or state.
`die-per-sion (dl-spilr"zl'tan, -shan) n. 1. a. The act or process nf‘
`persing, la. The state of being dispersed. 1. Statistics. The.
`scatter of data, use. about some man or median value. 3. Pl: 1'
`The separation of a complex wave into component parts :
`a given characteristic, as wavelength or frequency. b. The ac
`visible light intfl its Color cofllpontnts by diffraction or r
`Chain. A suspension at smog or ham nized milk, of solid liq"
`gaseous particles, ofcolloidal size or ages, in a liquid, sollrl,
`eons medium.
`dlsoper-sive (d!-sphr’sl'v, -ziv} adj. Tending to disperse or
`dispersed. —dis-pozrlsive-1'p aria. —dis.per-Fsive-neas-n"
`dis-plr-it (di-spitllt) vt. -it-ed, -it-Eng, -its. {nt(s}- +.
`lower in or gpprive of spirit : DISHEJLRTEN.
`(d1-spit I-tid} adj. Marked by low spirits-
`ened ordejected. -dis-pizlit-ed-ly adv.
`" .
`dis-place {dis-pl:is"} vt. -placed, -plnc-ins, -plat:-_e
`change the place or position oi : REMOVE. 2. To talce the plat"
`t-I..u~I'r. 3. To that
`from an oliice or position. 4. To cause 3
`ical-displacement of <wster displaced by a 5]-iip> —t|js
`Isle adj.'er n.
`clisplalced person 1]. One who has been driven from
`homeland by war.
`discplacevnzsnnt (dis-pl§s’mantj I1. 1. The act of-displacing tilt‘
`of being displaced. 2. Chem. A reaction in which one ltir.td_'.of
`molecule, or radical is removed iron: combination and replaced -
`other. 3. Physics. a. The weight or volume cl a fluid displaced
`flouting body, used esp. as a measurement of the weight-at _
`ships. in. A vector or the tna.g'nitude of a vector from the initial a _
`to a subsequent position assumed by a body. 4. Pt)-chaanal.
`ing ol an emotional silent, as of anger, from an appropriate
`accc table object.
`111: ton in. Naut. A unit for'ng-
`men: of a ship afloat, equivalent to one long too or appmsc.
`meter of salt water.
`dis-pla [di-split’) vt. -played, -play-ins. -plays. [M33
`on, Esp nien 4: AN despleier < Med. Lat. displicare < Lit.
`: dis-, apart + plicare, to fold] 1. To put lorth for viewi
`2. To make noticeable : MJLNIFEST <d.isployed their kn
`eshibit ostentstiouslp : rumour <di'splny ouc’s ricl1es>;4.'Tua'
`dm-red with an identifiable form or character. 5. To express. 3-3. _
`lures or bodily posture. 6. To spread out : UNFURL. —11..l.'._ T112
`displs ‘
`esp. in uhlic eadaibition. 2. A demonstration or
`tioo <2 ‘
`genius: 3. Vulgar ostentation <n1ade'a_dJ .
`their wt:alth> 4. An advertisement designed to catch the ear
`purer Set‘. A device that gives information in a visual form;
`Cathodcnay tube.
`dis-please (dl.s— IE2’) V. -pleased, -pleas-ing, uplan-
`disp esen< Oi’-'1.
`e.sptlaisir\< VLat. ‘displacore: Lat. dis-.(1’EW
`lat. placate, to e:|lm.] — vr. To cause annoyance or dis
`— vi. To cause displeasure. —’in§-ly adv.
`dis-pleas-ure (dis-plezhlarl n; 1. The condition or fact ol I
`apsy ircurc
`irpier Dpot
`E be
`E pet
`opaw, for
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1018, p.3

`-' intentional 0 interface
`marriage. 3. The import, significance, or thrust of something. 4. Med.
`‘me manner or course of healing of a surgical wound. 5. A concept
`yegaided as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge.-
`1- .syns:.rz~n'r1~rrro1v, arm, DESIGN, sun, GOAL, nvi-ant, Mtamuo,
`p1_AN, POINT, runrosn, ranorr, view 1'1. core meaning : wha.t.m:le in-
`tends to do or achieve (was never my intention-to get involved in
`their scheme}
`inotenotiunonl (in—ten’sho-rial) adj. 1. Deliberately done an in-
`tentional oversight> 2. Relating to logical intention or connotation.
`..-in-t.en’t.ion-alfi-ty (-nrllr-re) rr.
`'—in-tenltion-aloly adv.
`in-ter tin-tor’) vt. -tcrred, -ter-rin.g,_-tern. [ME enteren -6 OF:
`enterror < Med. L:1t.'ir1rerrt1re : Lat. in-, in + Lat. terro, earth] To
`place in a grave or tomb.
`i;11;e|:'—prsf. [ME < OFr. < Lat. < inter, between, a.mong.] 1. Between
`gamong <inte.rnatioual> 2. In the. midst of : wm-rm <r‘rrte.rtropical>
`3. Mutual : mutually <r'ntsrrelate> 4. Reciprocal : reciprocally scin-
`.[irt—ter'a—b§.ng"} rr. var. oflmennonano.
`;_n.1'.e|'-act (in tar-filler’) vi. -not-ed, -act-ing, -acts. To act on
`each other.
`53.1-.e.-r-ac-tion (i‘.n't9r—ak"-shun) 11. I. at The act or process of inter-
`acfing. b. The state of undergoing interaction. 2. Physics. Any. of four
`fundamental ways in which bodies can influence each other, classified
`as strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational.
`imter-ac-tive [i.u’tor—illt'tiv) adj. 1. Acting or capable of acting on
`each other. 2. Computer Sci. Of or relating to a two-way electronic or
`communications system in which response is direct and continual. 3-.
`Of, relating to, or being a form of. television entertainment in which
`the viewer participates directly. —in’ter-ncleive-ly adv.
`in-ter n-li-a (lnftar sf-is-o, ii-'16-3) adv. [Lat] Among other things.
`inatet a-1i-as (inn;-or ails-or’, ails-cs’) adv. [Lat] Among other
`irlfarter-brain (I-n’ tor-bran’) n. 'I'be_diencephslon.
`in-oer-breed fin’ t-or-bred’) V. -bl.-ed _(-bred’ J, -breed-ing,
`-breeds. — vi. 1. To breed with another kind or species. 2. To breed
`within a narrow range or with closel
`related types or iridividuals :
`numnso. —vt. To-cause to interbteecll
`imter-ca-lar-y {In-ttirllra-lerfé, In’tsr—l<§l?o-re) adj. [ interco-
`lnrius ~: intsrcalare, to intcrcalate] _1. a. Inserted in the calendar to
`make the calendar year correspond to the solar year. —Used of a day
`or a month. h. Having an intercalary clay or month inserted. —Used of
`a year. 2. Lnterpolated.
`in-ter-caolate (in-tut’ lea-lat’) vt. -Int-ed, -lat-ing, -laces. [l'.at_.
`ititsrcclare, irrtercalat- : inter-, among +calare, to proclaim.'j 1. To in-
`sert (a day or month) in a calendar. 2. To insert; interpolate, or inter-
`e. --in-oer-"ca-lalt-.ion n. —iI1-tel’ ca-la’ rive adj.
`in-ter-cede (in’tor-séd’_ ) Vi. -(ted-ed, -cedoing, -codes. [Lat.r'.tr-
`toroedats, to intervene : inter, between + cedars, to go.] 1. To argue
`on anotber’s behalf. 2. To act as mediator in a dispute.
`c.Brl’er I].
`imter-cel-lu-lrtr [in’tsr-selfya-lat} adj. Between or.HJ11EII1g cells.
`in-tar-cept (in'tar-sept' ) Vt. -cent-ed. -cc-pt-tog. -cepts. [
`intercipere, intercept-_ : inter-. between + cap-ere, to seize] 1. a. To
`stop or interrupt the progress or course of. b. To take possession of by
`catching (an opponent's ball), esp. in football. 1_To intersect. 3. Obs.
`To cut off from access or communication. 4. Th prevent. -11. (in’ -
`tar-sEpt"). 1. Math. The distance from the origin of coordinates along
`acoorglinate axis to the point at which a line, curve, or surface inter-
`sects the axis. 2. Interception" "<21 radio intercept‘; —in'ter-oeph
`Intercept form ofthe
`equnt'1'_on'oj a iirre:
`in-terocep-tion {l'n’tar-sépfshan) n: 1. The act'oi intercepting or
`state of being intercepted. I 3. Something intercepted. b.-An inter-
`_cepted pass, esp. a forward ‘pass in football.
`In-ter-cep-tor also in-ter-cept-er (In’t:.~r-sepftorj n. 1. One
`that intercepts." 2. A fast-climbing, highly maneuverable fighter plane
`_-designed to intercept enemy aircraft.
`1{n-ter- cee-sion (i.n'tsr-sesh'an) n. [ME'< C)Pr. < Lat. imercessio,
`Intervention < intercessor, p.part. of interceders. l:o.interve11e. —see
`I51 boot
`YIT1 abuse
`th this
`th thin
`on out
`division ".-'a about,
`' drurge
`edible; gallop,
`mrn1tceDe.] I. Entreaty in favor of another. 2. Mediation in a dispute.
`—in"ter-cos’ sion-cl adj. —'in"1-.e1'-ces'oor 21. —in'ter-
`cats’ 50:; adj.
`in-ten ange (In'tar—ch:'1nj") .v. -changed, -chang-ing,
`-clung-es. [ME enterchnrtngsn -: _OFr. entrechnngier : inter-. be-
`tween (<: Lat.) + ahctugier. to ohnnge'.] — vt. 1. To switch each-of (two
`things) into the place of the other. 2. To give mutually : sxcnarvce.
`—vi'. To change places with each other." -12. (inlt-or-ch§ni’). 1. The
`act, process, or an instance of interchanging : EXCHANGE. 2. A highway
`intersection allowing traffic to move freely from one road to another
`without crossing another line-of Lrafiic. -i.n’ter-eharrgfer r1.
`in-tier-change-a-ble {tn’tar—chin'ia-bal) adj. Capable of mutuni
`exchange. — i.I1’'Iange’no]ril’i«ty, in'te.r-change ’ a-b1c-
`ness :2. —in’tear-cha.nge'a.b1y adv"
`in-eer-clav-i-cle (i.n'tor-klivfi-kal) 11. A bone in brunt of the ster-
`num and between the clavicles in most reptiles.
`in-ter-colole-ginte (In'.tor—1to—lE ljit, -ii-it) adj. Involving or repre-
`senting two ortoore colleges.
`in-t-.e1--co-lam-m’-n-tion (in’tar-ks-1u.m’ne-slshan) ll. 1. The
`upfn spaces between the columns in a colonnade. 2. The system by
`w ich the columns of a colonnade are spaced.
`in-tier-com (inftar-kc-m’) rr. [Short [or I‘NTE.RCDi\o.MUTlICATi0N.] An
`intercommunication system, as between two rooms.
`in-ter--com-mu-ni-cate fin’-tor-ks-myo‘o’ n1-lnit’) vi. -cat-ed,
`--cat-ing, —cate.a. I._ To communicate with each other. 2. To be con-
`nected or next to, as rooms. —r'r1’tcroconr-mu"n.i-caftion rt.
`—in'1:er--com-mu’ 1:u'oca'tive. [-lr.=‘1’tlv, -l-to-tiv) adj.
`in-ter-con-nect (in'tar-Ito-nekt '} V. -nect-ed. -nect-ing,
`-nects. —vr'. To be connected one to the other. —vt.' To connect
`with one another. —in’terocon-ncdtion n.
`in-ter-con-ti-nenotal [in’tar-Iron’ to-uénltli adj. 1. Extending or
`occurring betweerfor among continents <r'ntsrcontincr:tu.l trade> 2.
`Capable of traveling from one continent to another <£t1tercontir1entol
`in-oer-can-vet-sion [In’tar-ken-vilrlzhan, -shon) :1. Mutual con-
`version Cintercorrversion of two chemical compounds> -—in"ter-
`con~'vert'i-bil'i-ty n. —in'ter-cunavertf i.b1e adj.
`in-ter-cos-tal (in'tar-kosltolj adj. [N'Lat. fntercostolis : lN'l'ER- +
`Lat. costs, rib.] Situated or occurring between the ribs.
`in-ter-course {iriftor-kors’, -l(ors').r1. [ME erttercours < 0Fr.. en-
`iracottrs < Lat. iutercursus, p.part. of intercirrrere. to mingle with :
`inter-, between + crtrrere, to run.] 1. Exchangeur communications be-
`tween persons or grou s. 2. Sexual intercourse.
`irrater-crop [In tor-
`p’) V. -cropped, -cropvping, -crops.
`—vi'. To grow a second crop between the rows of another. —vt. To
`plant a crop between the rows of (another crop]. --in'tr-nu-._r-op-' n.
`in -ter-cur-rent lin’ tor-kfir’ ant] adj.
`[Lat;' 1'-ntcrcurrens,
`iritsrcttrrertt-, pr_.part. oi intcrcurrsre, to mingle with. —see INTER-
`coossn] 1. Occurring as an interruption or delay in a process. 2.
`Partial. Occurgrig during the course of an existing disease.
`{I11'r3r-tlEn’tl) adj. 1. Located between -the teeth. 2.
`Pronounced with the tip of the tongue between the teeth, as '(th) in
`these or (th) in thunder. —n. An interde.otal_consonant.'-
`in-ter-ode-pend-em: {In’tar-di-pen-'dont). adj. Murually depend-
`ent. —i:n’
`cl’ ence n.
`in-terodict-.{in’tar-di1<t'] vt. -dict-ed, -dict-ing, -dicta". [Alter-
`ationof ME entcrdirerr, to place under a church ban < OFI. entrsdit,
`aninterdict < p;pa.rt.'oit:ntrod.1'.te-, to forbid < Lat. iuterdicere 2 inter-,
`between + dicere, to say.] 1. To forbid or place under an ecclesiastical
`or legal sanction. 2. To destroy or interrupt (an enemy line of com-
`munication] by firepower so as to halt an enemy's advance. —n. (in? -
`tar-dil-rt’). 1. A prohibition by court order.'2..Rom. Goth. C11. A11
`ecclesiastical censure excluding a person or -area from participation in
`most sacraments and from Christian burial. -—i.l:|''1:.ion n.
`—in'eer--tlicltlve, in'ter-dicfto-ry adj. —'in'ter-dic-"1.1've-
`ly adv —in’tcr-dicftor 1:.
`5 '
`imoeraest. tinftrist, -tor-ist, -trest-'1 1!.
`[ME, legal claim < ol=r.
`Lat, it ‘is of importance, 3rd person sing, indicative of iriteresse, to be
`between :r'nter-, between + esse, to be.]_-1. a. A feeling of concern or
`curiosity about something. b. Something, as a quality, that causes
`such a feeling. 2. Regard for one’s advantage or benefit : SELF-INTEREST.
`3-. :1. A claim, right, or legal share in somcthin ll. Something-in which
`such a claim, right, or share is held. c. Invo vement with or partici-
`pation in something. 4. a. A charge" for a loan, usu. a percentage of the
`amount loaned. b. An excess beyond what is due. 5. A group of persons
`sharingtsp, a financial interest in an industry or enterprise. —vt.
`-eat-ed, -est-ing, -eats. 1. To stimulate the curiosity-or hold the
`attention of. 2. To cause to become concerned or involved with. 3.
`Obs. To-concern or alfcct.
`" -'
`in-teroestoed (inltri-stid, -tor-i-sfld, —ta—res'tidJ. adj. -1. Having or
`displaying curiosity or concen-1. 2. Possessing a claim, right, or share.
`—in’ ten--est-ed.-1y adv. —in-'.t;er-eetoed-neon n.

`in-ter-est-ing [irilui-sting, —tar~'i~st'1'ng, -to-res’tiug)'adj. Amusing
`or holding attention. —iI1'teroes1:-ing-l}r. adv.
`in-ter-face tinftar-foe’) n. 1. A surface" forming a common bounda-
`ry between adjacent regions. 2. :1. A point at which independent sys-
`tems or diverse groups interact. h. The" device or system -by which
`interaction at an interface is eilected. c. ‘Computer Sci. The point of
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1018, p.4

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