70 0.93/gyg‘
`.90 oo$5’1*/
`90 0055!--I
`Information Disclosure Citation
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Tltla. Source. and Penlnent Pages)
`A " " '-'- '
`- -: wasdsan-Object-9riontod«-Weh‘4;sNNSA-'J=echnieaI—-
`Committee Meeting, Cambridge. May I995, Imp:/lw3objé!/. pages I-
`I 01 3 7
`Microsoft Corp. V. Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC
`IPR20 1 5-00483
`T °“’°2”'
`°"’“""”‘- -—:
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`°"“"9“ ---
`T ”"”‘ --:
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`rou Art at
`3: ct um er
`lln Dal
`Information Disclosure Citation
`us. PATENT oocum ENTS
`HT .°’""°*Zjj
`‘""°’” jjj
`fl °°’**’” T1IIII
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, ‘flue, Source! and Pertinent Pages)
`= 5-oi-54-;J=A-Web<oFBisaibated—9bjeeLs",
`- a es 1-16
`. 553.01, April 2:, 1996.1?’ ; u
` '
`=3‘: : T.—
`5 . /a - moi
`EXAMINER: Initial itcimiun considered, whclhcrar not citation is in ccnformancc with MPEP 5 609. Draw line through citation irnol in conramance am not
`considered. lnclud: copy of this tom with nut comrnuniulim to the applicnm.

` Application No.
`Lowery. et al.
`U '
`.?-o' 27
`Best Available Copy
`“' "“‘ "‘°"“°““"“ .
`mil T %
`mun nanxjj
`mu 1:
`mama ‘j
`Information Disclosure Citation
`' PTO-1449

`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`. Filing Date
`November 27. 2006
`L°""°"" “ “"
`Docket Number
`0662“ 0125
`°‘"”°3 éjj
`T o
`0511 2/98
`°”"”‘ -_:
`°"°”"‘ -——
`EEfiEEEEEfilIEiflflfliigwgl °9’””‘
` 3, Volume 2, Number‘ 4, April I, I995.
`3. 5
`DOCUMEITI(IncludingAuthor.Tlllc,Source,and PertinentPages) _DATE
`' e". CmucMdlated
`. llaborative Technologies and the World
`cb I-lypenext". prepared for
`I994 in Geneva, Switzerland,
`mm: consummzn _
`A. M.
`4 -/NW
` oonsidcmd.
`lniiial ifcilafion considered, wlmlsuornm citation is in cmlbnnnnca with MPEP 5 609. Draw line Lhxough simian ifnot in conformance and no:
`lncluda copy ofthis fon_-n with next cornmuniation to I11: appiiuna.
`DALDI 1952278.!

`'“ 3" ‘“PP“°‘"°"
`Information Disclosure Citation
`L°“'‘''Y- “ ‘*1’
`Docket Number
`Group Art Uott
`I-‘(ting Dore

`mm .-.m:& ::j
`°"°”°" j
` SE -
`('3O r:3:1:-<
`rnCI >atatH -< 52
`DOCUMENT (tnetudiog Author. Title. Source. and Pertinent Pages)
`* war-as-Web/4o-a-bosoo+Hgit-Porformonoo-Distributed Computing - on Evolving Virtual
`Northeast Parallel Architectures Center. Syracuse University, pages 1-1 0.
`wave based coma grain distributed
`3", Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University. Handout Material at
`Prototype", National Center for
`erco - tinAlications.Universit of Illinois aesl-10.
`mm: constnt-zmzn
`I ‘M - QM f
` through citation if not in conformance and not
`lnitirti rfoilotion considered. whether or not citation is in oonforrnattoe with MPEPG 609. Draw line
`considered. include copy of this form with next comnrunicotion to the owlicar-rt.
`DAL0l:9522T8.I '

`Filing Date
`November 27. 2006
` PTO-I449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in _an Application
`Application No.
`Docket Number
`Lowery, et al.
`Gmnp Art Unit
`”°°"'“"'" "°
`lnclud: copy of this form with nexl communication
`on is in ponfonnance with MPEP 5 609. Draw line through ciwion ifno! in conlbnnance and not
`to the appiiconl.

`Application No.
`Docket Nurnltcr
`Group Art Unit
`Filing Date
`. Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`I November 27, 2006
` _.a.
` U
`sing the Worid Wide Web
`Dcpnicnt oOornptct Scicncc. Uiversity ofToronto. pagcs 246-255.
`EXAMINER: Initial ifcitation considered. whcthcr or not citation is In conromtanoc with MPEP 5 609. Draw line lhmush citation irnot in conrorrnance and not
`lnciudc copy of this form with next ccmurtunication to the applicant.
`‘£3. r.Ie

` P7011449 _ Applicnnus)
`Information Disclosure Citation
`November 21, 2006
`"‘ ‘"' ”“""‘°‘“'°“
`'‘°‘”‘'''’' °”'''
`Group An Unll
`Filing Date
`Docket Nun-nlm
`vs. nvrawr nocumsms
`nocumawr NO.
` EH
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Title. Source. and Pertinent Pages)
`091 N"
`; »- 4,6pagu.
`‘ -
`. . -
`ah] f‘. I.‘
`as-to-Bynemiecorporale Data.
`= aware-Pveduer-Peovidea-Open-Links-to-Deiabeeea-Enabling Delivery of Dynamic,
`PersnalizcdContenttoWebSites".SybaseAnnouncesGeneralAvailabilityofWeb.$ql.pagas l- -
` one: consmmsn
`4 ‘/0 ‘Jan?
`EM NER: lnil ifcimion consirleted. whether or not citation is in cmronna
`11:? with MP5!’ § 609. Draw line through cilnlion ifnol in confnmuncc and no:
`considacd. Include copy of this form with novel communication to the upplieonl.
`DALOI :9$1278.|
` e Browser Extenoions. and Enable
`le Content and Application Servets". Sybase, Inc. Announces WEB

`"°“’°'Y- “ 3'-
`Group Art Unit
`Nam er
`Information Disclosure Citation
`‘F 3" A"P"°“"°”
`DOCUMENT (IneludingAuthor.Title. Sourec. and Pertinent Pagcs) E
`to ‘U«'30In
`«-: ymamic Data", Proceedings
`the SENIX Symposiumo Internet Tcchnoicgi
`Monterey, Califomin. Dccemher
`I997. 13 acs.
`-— »: -:- : API". Journal rcfcrence: Computer
`.ll|3 l6acs.
`Iniiiat if ciuuion considered. whether or not cimion is in conformance wilh MPEP § 609. Draw '
`Include copy oflhis form with next couummicalion to me applicant.
`DALO I 952178.!
`Mg 37
`us. PATENT nocu M ems
`I-‘lung Due
`November27. zoos

`Information Disclosure Citation
`.. In an Application
`Application No
`Dotlm Qlurnbor
`Lowery. at at.
`Group Art Unit
`Filing Date
`DOCUM ENT (Including Author, Title, Source. and Pertinent Pages)
`_Ao nu--.....
`IBCO, 4 pages.
`5 '/t"a2mJ’
`EXAMINER: Initial ircitation considered‘, whalhcr or not cilulion is in conformance with MP5
`P 5 609. Draw line Ihtpugh cilotion ifnol in confomnnce and not
`considmd. Include copy of this form with next cunmumicallon lo the lpplicnnL
`DALDI 352273.!

`‘ PTO-I449
`Appiicnlion No.
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Docket Number
`Group An Uni:
`Fmug om
`5 . /4 - ,7 at! 4°
`EXAMINER: Initial ifcilnxlun considctcd. wmlhez or not cilalion is in ccnfon-narwc with MPEP § 609. Draw line through citation if no! in conformance and not
`considcrrd. Include copy of this form will! ncxl con-zmunimion to the applicant.
`DALOI :952278.l
`./l of 37
`.‘ 3
`DOCUM BN1‘ (lnclutilng Author, Tlile, Source, and Pertinent Pages)

`' PTO-I449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Application No.
`um II‘
`u.s. PATENT oocumx-:m's
`Lowery. ct al.
`Group An Uni!
`Filing Date
`Novembcr 27, 2006
`oocumawr N0.
`2us:->1’ O2
`DOCUMENT (Including Author. Tltle. Source, and Pertinent Pages)
`, 6'/a -gm;
`EXAMINER: Initial ifciuxion considered. whclhcl or not citation is in conlhrrnam-.c with MP5? 5 609. Draw line uuough citation iron! in conformance and not
`co-nsfdcted. hcludc copy of this form with next comnwnicolion lo the opplitanl.
`DALOI 951278.]
`P N-00050797

`Application No.
`Lowery. etnl.
`Group An mm
`Docket Number
`06624 I .01 25
`Flllng om
`November 27, 2006
`Information Disclosure Citation
`-- nocumznmo.
`in an Application
`rain‘ No‘?
`.1 FILE
`. -..»

`: ‘
`- == nS1ateIessandSla:c!'ul lnl‘<m:salionSyslen1s".8
`:3 5 30'3g
`—_ “ '
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`~«- H:
`: c$ New l'':.-: include remolc
`Imp-JIwww.highbeam:omllibraryldo:frecprin1.asp?docid=IO l : I 82494&crr|in fo==l‘¢nund 1 7°/o6JAP|oc‘/o3ADo
`e Business Wire°4lI2I|996 w e I-3.
`I adminislmionofdalabascandautomaticLrafficdistributionmungmultiplescrvtrs".I>lighBean1Research.
`we -W
`EXAMINER: Initial itcimion considered. whether or not cimion is in oonfon-mmcc wnh MPEPS 609. D;.':-» I-.n= through ciunion irnol in tunfnmancc and ncl
`considcrrd. Include copy or this fem with next. ccmnwnicalinn lo lb: opplicsml.
`DALDE :95Z2'Ill.l

`Application No.
`Lowery, ct nl.
`Group An Unlt
`Dulce: Numbcr
`06624 I .0l2S
`u.s. mu-am‘ oocumawrs
`Filing Date
`November 27, 2006
`-; gman
`'~. -.-:-:7
`:/Iwww.w).org/PcopIdRaggctzlbook4/ch01.html, pages 1- I6.
`' ‘
`urn‘ '.)uT
`n F Ike
`ll, “K 3 7
`Info rmation Disclosure Citation
`in'an Application

`Information Disclosure Citation
`"' 3" APP"°‘“'°"
`Application No.
`Docket Number
`L°"’°'3" " “"
`Group Ar! Unlt
`Filing Date
`November 27, 2005
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Title. Source, and Pertinent Pages)
`- non-secure Webscxver l.l-eval, and NCSA
`November 1995. ac: I-8
`= the World Wie Wet; Interface Kit". Oracle
`nkrx-: consnm-nun)
`J9 - /a - am?/’
`tnirlnl if citation considmd. whether or not eilauon is in confommnoe with MPEP
`considered. Include copy orusis fomvwilh next communication to the applicant.
`DA L01 :951278.l

`' PTO-1449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`'“ 3" ""°"°‘“'°“
`-- nocumsmno.
`Appllulion No.
`""“""'V' "N"
`Docket No mba:-——"IT;'.:.?up An Unit
`' H92
`U.S. PATENT l"I€.-‘ClJ:\U:'.-"W."
`I-‘Jir-.3 Dale
`l November 27, zoos
`DA 8
`NON-PATENT zuzsc L=3I;f.n«_"_Is
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Title. Ssazrcc. mud Pcrtlnenl Pages)
`...— ..
`‘ :.
`= a;l page.____ _
`‘_".‘:“. -:.:.:" flgfis,
`"‘—-‘um _
`= .."
`', -
`-'. '
`load CharacIerizminn", mp.:.-:r.1:ntol'CompuzcrScienc::.
`- University ofsasltalchewan, l':le:II/UscrslmacI7IDcskloplrtcxv‘liicramrdscholorI.hnrn. 9/25/2005.
`acs I8 arcs.
`o,x'1'1: r':'r3'.‘vsIo1-zrzz-:0
`é_°/0 ’o7J7/
`INER: Initial ifcitaxiun considered, whether on not cnauon is m confotmnntu with .M!':'-.9 § 609. Draw line uuough ciuuion irnau in conronnancc and not
`consicgctcd. Include copy of this form with next cotnnunlcation to th: applicant.
`(emu or
`‘N n of
`/5‘ Vi 37

`lnforxnation Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Applic.-uion No.
`Docks-l Number
`Lowery. el al.
`Group An Uoll
`! M :
`F —: _
`3 oocuM£m'No.
`Q !
`- _ —_--
`DOCUMENT (IncludingAuthor.Title, Source,and Pertinent Pugs) ‘
`—" I
`pril I995.
`://J.«w'»' ; rrcIxrc1194.m?number=?
`794. 6/29/2005 ac: 1-7.
`-= -
`" -;. la Workstations", Journal of Parallel and
`Diributed éopmin I 4. :2. go 5-.
`§on:nal,;gcsl5-. ‘
`. iona|Tnslrs". August I993 Hewlett-Packard
`5 Co1'npulin‘g,SystcmsandNetworks",
`Department ofComputer Science. The Hong
`I of Science and Technology. 1996 IEEE. 9 pages . published in IEEE [NI-'0COM'96. The
`I Conference on Computer Communications. Fineenlh Annual Joint Conference ofthe IEEE
`Computer and Communfcations Societies, “Nelworking the Nexl Generation", March 24-28. 1996.
`I San Francisco Califomia. Proceedins Volume 2.
`. stemforfleterogeneous 'Kong Universi
`9 -/ a - 9200/I
`I=.x.~\.\:a.V§-‘.5 lnilinl irciminn considered, whether or not citation is in
`conformance with MPEP § 609. Draw lino throng: cimion it not in conformance and not
`I:-elude copy ofthis form with next coumunicuion to the npp!ic:nL
`D.-\l.')i 9751273. I

`Application No.
`Dot-lm Number
`um. «
`Group Art Unit
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`I- °°°"“"“"°' Ti
`Filing natt-
`DOCUMENT (Including Author.Title.Source,and Pertinent Pages) —DATE
`, 9| IEEE, pages 336-343,
` H*Sl:—Review'¥-l996-Volume-FirsH9aue-Glusler-Mean-gement Software,
`- :lInhse.cs.ricc.cdu/NI-1SErevicwlCMS/Chater4.htn1I 7122/2005 -- es l-25.
`Shoja. G. C.. "A Distributed Facility for Load Sharing and Parallel Processing Among
`Workstations". Department of Computer science, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Canada.
`aes :53-172.
`EXAMINER: Initial ifciution considered, whether or not citation is in cnnlonmtnce with MPEP 5 609. Draw lint: through citation lien! in cnnformnnrr and not
`considered. Include copy of this fnrrn with next communication to the nppticant.
`DA 1.01 1952118.!
` E—

`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Lowery. et al.
`App|i::Itt'c|'| No.
`Docket Number
`DOCUMENT (IncludingAuthor,Title, Source. and Pcninent Pages) —DATE
`Andresen. ct aI., "SWEB: Towards a Scalable
`Seternber I995, 26 - - ;
`Zhou, et al., “Utopia: 3 Load Shari
`ng Facility for Large. Heterogeneous Distributed Computer
`S lems Software Practice of Ex eriencc. Volume 23 I2 December 1993 aes l30$-I336.
`Yarborough. et al.. “Providing mainframe access as a single service on the corporate intemet".
`Telecommunications June 1994 Volume 28, aes6 aes
`Kwan. 6! al.. "NCSA's World Wide Web Server: Desig and Perfonnanee". Computing Practices,
`I995 {EBB aes 68-74.
`Berners-bee, el all. “World-Wide Web", Conference - Corn
`puting in High Energy Physics 92.
`Annec . France 23-27 S (ember I992, aes I-6.
`3*'1F)i OOC5.3I %(/3H U!C WGI".2.U3
`I I
`EXAMINER: Initial if citation considered. whether or not citation is in conformance with MP2? 9 609. Dmw line through citation ifnot in confcrmmec and not
`include copy or this form with next camnwnicllion lo the applicant.
`é ~/ww

` Appllcttt-tt'(s)
`Anplicafion No.
`Lowery, et al.
`Information Disclosurc Citation
`Group Art Ustlt
`in an Appllcation
`Docket Numhcr
`Flllng Date
`November 27, 2006
`U1: W EI -<
`DOCUMENT (Including Author. Title, Source. and Pertlnentfages)
`;. :';....u u
`-T-% .
`"" - collaboration”. aes I-2.
`M.‘ st-a
`J»-1 .
`Dar, et al.. "Semantic Data Caching and Replacement". 12 pages.
`Eichmann. David.
`“Application Architectures for Web-Based Data Access",
`'JIwww.csw.ntl ;
`Awd of the Aca crec actor l‘Tecil Scis
`June 1991 163
`é '/flu-We f
`Initial if citation cottsidctcd. wltcther or not citation is in tzunfottnlnce with M
`considered. Include copy or this ram with next comntunlcation to the applicant.

`PTO- l44_9
`[Iiformation Disclosure Citation
`'" 3" “PP"°‘“'°"
`Applicauim No.
`L°"°'V- " a"
`Filing Date
`Group Ari lJIlt
`Docket Niamber
`November21. 2006
`mm: cuss
`—T— ,
`eacnc3 en2-1 2P
`nOc2-l2 <
`U) c:an Or-:-U307
`ves L :~'r.>
`NON-PATENT nocummvrs
`DOCUMENT (lnciuding Author. Title, Source, and Pertinent Pages)
`(off ~°‘I"
`Fn..E - h :llw\ mno/2005.14 -
`-- -
`IIurww.rnicrosol!.cornIprcsspassII 996lfeb9GIiishipr.rns
`3 ..|
`—1n,..: .
`- hup:llwww.p,-nphcompxom/infols
`=:.- onContentRau1ing",pnges I-I4,
`-"- --
`-- “'
`- -'-- .. ‘ -.
`.~\H.s|-I J3 '
`Bowman. el al.. “Scalable lntemet Resource Discove
`ry: Research Problems and Approaches",
`23 1994 aesl-2|.
`. /¢».,2¢a,?

`‘ M »/
` _.-._._..._._-._._
`Inixinl ireinazion considered. whether or not eimion is in ccnrmmance will‘! MPEP § 609. Draw line through citation ifnol in conformance :.1-: ms!
`consideted. Include copy onhi: fon-n with next comnumieallon Io lhcapplicanL
`DALDI :952278.l
`9.; if 57

`Docket Number
`Information Disclosure Citzuioza
`‘“ 3” "1"-"'°‘“'°“
`:;°“"'3" ‘I:°"'
`roup Art
`n I
`Fmng Due
`November 21. .2005
`cuss _
`no~—-.1j» II
`oocumsw (menacing Author. Tllle. some. and Pertinent Pages)
`and Retrieval of |
`|_ T
`I-(eteroeneous lnformuigan". 9292: H4.
`anem", pages I -
`.‘ JJ
`Shklar. et aI., "Providing '.‘fcb Access to Legacy Data".
`ht!'qf.§§5!ar:':vww4 .. osaljm-nl, IIZSIZOO6. aes |.3,
`1 I1 '1 5 . | W I1 C, —
`mi "Developer Discussion: ot‘via-Mex (tm)-- cx_outpu1W.jpeg -. 5 pages.
`, DATE consmmzo
`é ~/a-Mai
`EXAMINER: Initial ifcimicn oonsidctcd. \9"l€X'f|‘E.:J:'-G0! ciuxlion is in conformance wilh MPEP § 609. Draw tine through citalion ifnot in ca-wfiotrnance and not
`Im-ruue copy onhi: form with mm en.-mm-.u'caIion to I11: applicanl.
`3.2 01/ 77

`L°“’°’Y- “ “L
`Group Art Uni!
`information Disclosure Citation
`'" ‘"‘ "‘PP"°““°“
`I-‘Hing Due
`November 27. zoos
`I. °°°"'""""°' “ “"55 T """°
`uon : 3 ('12-r 29
`n 3:9-< r->Ch‘I’i W C 5'55:3
`DOCUMI-INT(Including Author.Title,Source,and Pertinent Pages) —
`“High Level Description ofthe tilie: Webkex Server (rm) - r:s_outpuIW$.jpeg. 5 ages.
`. (1% ' I4 ‘I 6
`I III J/I995
`I VCIWS T (4. T A A o I
`la» Dieitn-r’
`gi-‘Q_RMATl0NWEEK for Business and Technology Managers. November 13, 1995
`\ IN’. 1-
`May 1994, Volume 7, no pages.
`A _ um mt. «‘i»».e.s
`mm-: cousrnr-men
`6' ‘/6/ *4-'2'”;
`Initial if cimion considered, whether or not cimion Is in conform
`include copy of this form with next communication to the appiicenr.
`arm: with MPEP§ 609. Draw line through citation ifnol in conformance and not
`DALOI 952278.!

`Lowery, etal. .
`Group An Unlt
`Application No.
`Docket Number
`' PTO-I449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Filing Dale

`08/MI I 995
`DOCUMENT(lneludlng Author. Title. Source,and Pertinent Pages) _DATE
`"Information Systems Management”. Spring I996, Volume 13. No. 2. 8 pages. -
`Eckerson. Wayne. “Three-Tier Clientlscrver Architecture -Achieving Scalability. Perfonmncc. _
`in Clientlserver A llcations". 21 aes.
`and Efficnen
`Business Wire, January 30. 1996, Headline: Next Demonstrates ileal Solutions for the Web at
`WebMania Event: Steve Jobs unveils pmducts, services and customer suppott for NeXT solution,
`3 3 65
`M Reuters‘News. August 14, I995,
` Headline: NeX‘l' Computerjoi-is lnlemet bandwagon, I page.
`Business Wire. August I4, 1995. Headline: Spinning Objects forthe Web; Desktop to
`WWW.NeXT's Object Sofiware Enables the Rapid Development ofCustom Applications". J
`4 -/ a - aw I
`loilial ifelxmion eonsideted. whether or not cilatlon is in confonnencc with MPEP si 609. Draw line through L-iumm ilnol in conformance and not
`considered. Include eepy or this form with next cornrnuniullon to the applicanl.
`3J/ % 37

`Information Disclosure Citation
`Docket Number
`L°“"'Y~ °' "-
`Group An Uoll
`Piling Due
`November 27. zoos
`'“ ““ “‘PP_"°‘"‘°"
`2tnr-'>- O2!
`DOCUMENT(Including Author, Title, Source, and Pertinent Pages) -DATE
`Business Wire, ;_\ugust l4. I995. Headline: NcXT Computer, Inc., - Questions an Answers -
`Ob cc: Worl - Auusl l995; WebOb'ccls - The Power ofOb'ects for the WWW. 3 es.
`Business Wire.
`August I4. I995. Headline: NcXT Webobjects Delivers the Power ofobjccts to the WWW:
`Industry's firs! tool to cnablc rapid devclopmcnt of complex Web-based applications,
` lnfoworld. Augusl 21. I995. Headline: Next plans objcc:-oricnlcd app development for Web. I page.
`Initial if citation considered. whclhct or not citation is in confomuancc wi
`consldmd. Include copy of thin form wilh ncxlcosrununlcmion to ill: Ippliclnl.
`08/21/ I995

` Application No.
`Information Disclosure Citation
`L°"’°'Y- °""-
`Docket Number
`Group Artunlt
`i" 3" “‘P""“""°"
`Filing Date
`November 21, 2006
`DOCUMENT(Including Author. Title. source. and Pertinent Pages) _DATE
`World-Wide Web Objects", Thesis submitted to the
`ofCo!crado I995. 93
`M W Yang, eta|.. “An Architecture for Integrating O0DDs with WWW". Journal Reference: Computer
`Networks and ISDN S stems, Volume 28 issues 7-! 1. . 1243, aes I-15.
`i "Case Study: Python in a Commercial Environment". http:/Iwww.lymorglgreg/Casestudyl
`December 31. 2005,
`/% -
`I '/‘J - JMVX
`initial it’ citation considered. whcthe: or not citation is in conformance with MPEP§ 609. Draw line through citation if not in eonfonnanee and not
`considered. Inciudc copy ofthis form with next communication to the tpptiennt.
`£0, of,
`PN-0005081 1

` ' PTO-I449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`"‘ ‘"3 APP"°“"°”
`Application No.
`_.t..L"“’?":" $31"
`Group rt
`'9 3992
`u.s. PATENT ooct:.~;:"«Tfi°s
`Fm D
`ng ate
`November 27.2006
`' one
`FOREIGN l’ATEt\"t' c»m_;_-;_=3s_.t_=.'t~t1s
`NON-PATENT DOC1.-'.‘-t-'":t':l‘{’S
`DOCUMENT(Including Author, Tttte,So-tree. :I:.--J Pertinent Pages) _
`Mallory. John. "A Common LISP Hypermedia Server". M:-.;»' 5. I994, Proceedings of the First
`International Conference on the World-Wide Web GCIIIFIZI QERN Ma 5 1994
`n Fifth International World-Wide WebConference. May 5-
`E ' "
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`I a lteattons on the Web". aes I-tt.
`::"...- : laying
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`EXAMINER: Initial it‘citation considered. whetherornot citationis in eonlbtmance wits: .\'..'".=.i’ 5 609. Draw line through citation ifnot in conformance .-tnq not
`Include copy onhir form with next communication’ to the applicant.
`I F“.~E
`77,7 tr?t

`Information Disclosure Citation
`Lowery. et aL
`In an Appllcat
`Dnclccl Number
`Group An Uni!
` Fmng Date
`November 27, 2005
`Application No.
`.comlrods.hIml l2I3OI2005. I2
`hnp:I/.javn woa-Id.con1/javaworld/jvwOJ-l996lidgns.javu I995/ l995.023.hImJ 2/5/2006, 2
`' /a. -/M8’
`MPEP § 609. Dmw line through cilalion from in confbrnun.-: and not
`EXAMINER: Initial ifamion wn'i".':.a§.
`considertd. Include copyol".)..a_Inrrn -rm.
`whether or not citation is in confonnmcc with
`next comrmnfcation to 01: applicant.

`' PTO-1449
`Application No.
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Docket Number
`Group Art Unit
`Flllng Om
`lnilial if citation considered. whclher ornoi citation is in confon-ounce with MPEP
` 3609. Dtaw line through citation if not in confornnnce and not
`lnciudc copyofthis form will: ncxl communication to tho applicant.

`' PTO-I449
`Application No.
` Appllunus)
`Lowery. ctal.
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Docket Number
`Group An Unit
`Filing Data '
`DOCUMENT ('.:ac.'udlng Author. Title. Source, and Pertinent Pages)
`1 0/091! 995
`09/4/ I 995
`é '/a ' 54”/’
`lnmal nfcnauon cot-uidcrrd, whether or not citation is in confonnance Will’! MPEP§ 609. Draw lune through citation ifnot in confnnnancc and not
`considered. Include copy orthis form with nnxl cntnmuuication to the applicant.‘
`- operating system", 5 pages
`DAN! :‘J51278.l

`' 910.1449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Application No.
`Docket Number
` Appllcanus)
`Lowery, at at.
`Group An Unit
`Filing Date
`lmual Ifellzmon considered. whcthcr or not citation is in conform
`considcnd. Include copy of this form with next cm-nrnunicalion to tie: applicant.
` E .

`filing Dan.-
`November 27. zoos
`us. PATENT oocum mrs
`lnformatipn Disclosure Citation
`L°‘”“Y- “' “'-
`Dacia! Number
`Group An Unit
`'” 3" ""PP"°‘"'°“
`I. oocum am‘ NO.
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Tlfle. Source. and Penincnl Pagcs)
`:ff:J|. E
`DALI)! :‘JS22‘l8.!

`Information Disclosure Citation
`tn gm Application
`nocuMr.N1' no.
`— '
`I Application No.
`.‘ 99/003342
`nntktt Numbcr
`Filing Date
`06624] .0125
` November} 7. 2906
`um rmzur nocumzms
`suscmss } mum:
`- “vss Iilfl
`~ em". ACM Ttansaotion on Office
`DOCUMI-‘.N'I‘ ficciu fling Author. Title. Source, and Pertinent Pages)
`3;-..___._ ,,_ .. _.
`1'1 A
`E! .- rslwww db/www't_‘.l.December30.2005, ll gages.
`I omelcristi/Public/worldwww
`I -
`=—!'- '
`via the Web", pagcs 461-474.
`' g on the World Wide Wcb”, pages 739-148 Septemb.-r I 09/15/1994 ~.
`i! InformationSystems,Vol.2.No.3..’u:;: I934,pagcs235-156.
`. ..
`,, -
`elObjcctCache",_I4 pages.
`é ‘/4 - ,2 mi
`EXAMINER: Initial ifcitation cottsiducd, wltethar or mt ci::.tion is inconformancc with MPEP § 909. Draw usemany: citation irnot .»'-f'f,-amzmmm,-¢ and no;
`lncluilc copy oflhil form with next cuntmuntzzziua to the opplicanl.
`' DAlDI:951178.l

`Information Disclosure Citation
`0 he N bcr
`m an Apphcanon
`nun; one
`November 22'. 2006
`l‘°“'°"‘ °‘ 3"
`Gro pArIUn1:
` i'__':"_l<.ANSLATION
` coumnv l cuss
`DOCUMENT (Including Author, Tim, Source, and Pertinent Pages)

`Application No.
` Appllca nt{8)
`Lowery. ct al.
`Group Art Unit
`Filing Date
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`ppefling-Goilaberativo-lntbrmation ‘Ska
`BC Saed rkspace System",
`2/IS/2006, aes I-19.
` yriad Litctature Retrieval Engine".
`= usniizea-at-air;-‘-‘.4.-\!l-iklllklntorfeee-6'0-tho-OMN ISIM
`Q .- U‘So v\ B68 146.
`Mathews, at al., “NSSDC OMNIW
`eb: The First Space Physics WWW-Based Data Browsing and
`Retrieval System".
`hnp:// 99$_www9Slproceedings/papersléslomniwcb_paper.hrml.
`2/ISIZOO6 - esl
`initial it citation considmd. whether or not citation I
`s in coniom-umce with MPEP§ 609. Dvnw line tzuough citations not in wnfotmance and not
`oonsidmd. lnciud: copy of this form with next communication to the nppiicxot.
`PM ' -""'95217B.l

`Filing Dnte
`November 27, 2006
`Lowery. et al.
`Group Art Unit
`PTO- 1449
`Information Disclosure Citation
`in an Application
`Application No.
`Docket Numbcr
`06624 I .0l25
`Recs, el al.,
`pages I-12.
`“A Web of Distributed Objects". http;fIwww.w

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