`The case for persistent­connection HTTP

`The case for persistent­connection HTTP
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`Jeffrey C. Mogul Digital Equipment Corporation Western Research
`Laboratory, 250 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA
`Published in:  
`· Proceeding
`SIGCOMM '95 Proceedings of the conference on Applications,
`technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer
`Pages 299­313 
`ACM New York, NY, USA ©1995 
`table of contents ISBN:0­89791­711­1  doi>10.1145/217382.217465
`· Newsletter
`ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Homepage
`Volume 25 Issue 4, Oct. 1995 
`Pages 299­313 
`ACM New York, NY, USA 
`table of contents  doi>10.1145/217391.217465
` 1995 Article
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`The success of the World­Wide Web is largely due to the simplicity, hence ease of implementation, of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
`(HTTP). HTTP, however, makes inefficient use of network and server resources, and adds unnecessary latencies, by creating a new TCP
`connection for each request. Modifications to HTTP have been proposed that would transport multiple requests over each TCP connection.
`These modifications have led to debate over their actual impact on users, on servers, and on the network. This paper reports the results
`of log­driven simulations of several variants of the proposed modifications, which demonstrate the value of persistent connections.
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 1


`The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP
`Jeffrey C. Mogul
`Digital Equipment Corporation Western Research Laboratory
`250 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301
`The success of the World-Wide Web is largely due to
`the simplicity, hence ease of implementation, of the Hy-
`pertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP, however,
`makes inefficient use of network and server resources,
`and adds unnecessary latencies, by creating a new TCP
`connection for each request. Modifications to HTTP
`have been proposed that would transport multiple re-
`quests over each TCP connection. These modifications
`have led to debate over their actual impact on users, on
`servers, and on the network. This paper reports the
`results of log-driven simulations of several variants of
`the proposed modifications, which demonstrate the
`value of persistent connections.
`1. Introduction
`People use the World Wide Web because it gives quick
`and easy access to a tremendous variety of information in
`remote locations. Users do not like to wait for their results;
`they tend to avoid or complain about Web pages that take a
`long time to retrieve. Users care about Web latency.
`Perceived latency comes from several sources. Web ser-
`vers can take a long time to process a request, especially if
`they are overloaded or have slow disks. Web clients can
`add delay if they do not quickly parse the retrieved data and
`display it for the user. Latency caused by client or server
`slowness can in principle be solved simply by buying a
`faster computer, or faster disks, or more memory.
`The main contributor to Web latency, however, is net-
`work communication. The Web is useful precisely because
`it provides remote access, and transmission of data across a
`distance takes time. Some of this delay depends on
`bandwidth; you can reduce this delay by buying a higher-
`bandwidth link. But much of the latency seen by Web
`users comes from propagation delay, and you cannot im-
`prove propagation delay (past a certain point) no matter
`how much money you have. While caching can help, many
`Web access are ‘‘compulsory misses.’’
`If we cannot increase the speed of light, we should at
`least minimize the number of network round-trips required
`for an interaction. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol
`(HTTP) [3], as it is currently used in the Web, incurs many
`more round trips than necessary (see section 2).
`Several researchers have proposed modifying HTTP to
`eliminate unnecessary network round-trips [21, 27]. Some
`people have questioned the impact of these proposals on
`network, server, and client performance. This paper reports
`on simulation experiments, driven by traces collected from
`an extremely busy Web server, that support the proposed
`HTTP modifications. According to these simulations, the
`modifications will improve user’s perceived performance,
`network loading, and server resource utilization.
`The paper begins with an overview of HTTP (section 2)
`and an analysis of its flaws (section 3). Section 4 describes
`the proposed HTTP modifications, and section 5 describes
`some of the potential design issues of the modified
`protocol. Section 7 describes the design of the simulation
`experiments, and section 8 describes the results.
`2. Overview of the HTTP protocol
`The HTTP protocol [1, 3] is layered over a reliable
`bidirectional byte stream, normally TCP [23]. Each HTTP
`interaction consists of a request sent from the client to the
`server, followed by a response sent from the server to the
`client. Request and response parameters are expressed in a
`simple ASCII format (although HTTP may convey non-
`ASCII data).
`An HTTP request includes several elements: a method
`such as GET, PUT, POST, etc.; a Uniform Resource
`Locator (URL); a set of Hypertext Request (HTRQ)
`headers, with which the client specifies things such as the
`kinds of documents it is willing to accept, authentication
`information, etc; and an optional Data field, used with cer-
`tain methods (such as PUT).
`The server parses the request, and takes action according
`to the specified method. It then sends a response to the
`client, including (1) a status code to indicate if the request
`succeeded, or if not, why not; (2) a set of object headers,
`meta-information about the ‘‘object’’ returned by the serv-
`er; and (3) a Data field, containing the file requested, or the
`output generated by a server-side script.
`URLs may refer to numerous document types, but the
`primary format
`the Hypertext Markup Language
`(HTML) [2]. HTML supports the use of hyperlinks (links
`to other documents). HTML also supports the use of in-
`lined images, URLs referring to digitized images (usually
`in the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) [7] or JPEG for-
`mat), which should be displayed along with the text of the
`HTML file by the user’s browser. For example, if an
`HTML page includes a corporate logo and a photograph of
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 2


`the company’s president, this would be encoded as two
`inlined images. The browser would therefore make three
`HTTP requests to retrieve the HTML page and the two
`3. Analysis of HTTP’s inefficiencies
`I now analyze the way that the interaction between
`HTTP clients and servers appears on the network, with em-
`phasis on how this affects latency.
`Figure 3-1 depicts the exchanges at the beginning of a
`typical interaction, the retrieval of an HTML document
`with at least one uncached inlined image. In this figure,
`time runs down the page, and long diagonal arrows show
`packets sent from client to server or vice versa. These
`arrows are marked with TCP packet types; note that most
`of the packets carry acknowledgements, but the packets
`marked ACK carry only an acknowledgement and no new
`data. FIN and SYN packets in this example never carry
`data, although in principle they sometimes could.
`0 RTT
`Client opens
`TCP connection
`1 RTT
`Client sends
`HTTP request
`for HTML
`2 RTT
`Client parses
`Client opens
`TCP connection
`3 RTT
`Client sends
`HTTP request
`for image
`4 RTT
`Image begins
`to arrive
`Server reads
`from disk
`Server reads
`from disk
`Figure 3-1: Packet exchanges and round-trip times
`for HTTP
`Shorter, vertical arrows show local delays at either client
`or server; the causes of these delays are given in italics.
`Other client actions are shown in roman type, to the left of
`the Client timeline.
`Also to the left of the Client timeline, horizontal dotted
`lines show the ‘‘mandatory’’ round trip times (RTTs)
`through the network, imposed by the combination of the
`HTTP and TCP protocols. These mandatory round-trips
`result from the dependencies between various packet ex-
`changes, marked with solid arrows. The packets shown
`with gray arrows are required by the TCP protocol, but do
`not directly affect latency because the receiver is not re-
`quired to wait for them before proceeding with other ac-
`The mandatory round trips are:
`1. The client opens the TCP connection, resulting in
`an exchange of SYN packets as part of TCP’s three-
`way handshake procedure.
`2. The client transmits an HTTP request to the server;
`the server may have to read from its disk to fulfill
`the request, and then transmits the response to the
`client. In this example, we assume that the response
`is small enough to fit into a single data packet, al-
`though in practice it might not. The server then
`closes the TCP connection, although usually the
`client need not wait for the connection termination
`before continuing.
`3. After parsing the returned HTML document to ex-
`tract the URLs for inlined images, the client opens a
`new TCP connection to the server, resulting in
`another exchange of SYN packets.
`4. The client again transmits an HTTP request, this
`time for the first inlined image. The server obtains
`the image file, and starts transmitting it to the client.
`Therefore, the earliest time at which the client could start
`displaying the first inlined image would be four network
`round-trip times after the user requested the document.
`Each additional inlined image requires at least two further
`round trips. In practice, for documents larger than can fit
`into a small number of packets, additional delays will be
`3.1. Other inefficiencies
`In addition to requiring at least two network round trips
`per document or inlined image, the HTTP protocol as cur-
`rently used has other inefficiencies.
`Because the client sets up a new TCP connection for
`each HTTP request, there are costs in addition to network
`• Connection setup requires a certain amount of
`processing overhead at both the server and the client.
`This typically includes allocating new port numbers
`and resources, and creating the appropriate data
`structures. Connection teardown also requires some
`processing time, although perhaps not as much.
`• The TCP connections may be active for only a few
`seconds, but the TCP specification requires that the
`host that closes the connection remember certain per-
`connection information for four minutes [23] (Many
`implementations violate this specification and use a
`much shorter timer.) A busy server could end up
`full of connections
`‘‘TIME_WAIT’’ state, either leaving no room for
`new connections, or perhaps imposing excessive con-
`nection table management costs.
`Current HTTP practice also means that most of these
`TCP connections carry only a few thousand bytes of data. I
`looked at retrieval size distributions for two different ser-
`In one, the mean size of 200,000 retrievals was
`12,925 bytes, with a median of 1,770 bytes (ignoring
`12,727 zero-length retrievals, the mean was 13,767 bytes
`and the median was 1,946 bytes). In the other, the mean of
`1,491,876 retrievals was 2,394 bytes and the median 958
`bytes (ignoring 83,406 zero-length retrievals, the mean was
`2,535 bytes, the median 1,025 bytes). In the first sample,
`45% of the retrievals were for GIF files; the second sample
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 3


`included more than 70% GIF files. The increasing use of
`JPEG images will tend to reduce image sizes.
`TCP does not fully utilize the available network
`bandwidth for the first few round-trips of a connection.
`This is because modern TCP implementations use a tech-
`nique called slow-start [13] to avoid network congestion.
`The slow-start approach requires the TCP sender to open its
`‘‘congestion window’’ gradually, doubling the number of
`packets each round-trip time. TCP does not reach full
`throughput until the effective window size is at least the
`product of the round-trip delay and the available network
`bandwidth. This means that slow-start restricts TCP
`throughput, which is good for congestion avoidance but
`bad for short-connection completion latency. A long-
`distance TCP connection may have to transfer tens of
`thousands of bytes before achieving full bandwidth.
`4. Proposed HTTP modifications
`The simplest change proposed for the HTTP protocol is
`to use one TCP connection for multiple requests. These
`requests could be for both inlined images and independent
`Web pages. A client would open an HTTP connection to a
`server, and then send requests along this connection when-
`ever it wishes. The server would send responses in the
`opposite direction.
`This ‘‘persistent-connection’’ HTTP (P-HTTP) avoids
`most of the unnecessary round trips in the current HTTP
`protocol. For example, once a client has retrieved an
`HTML file, it may generate requests for all the inlined
`images and send them along the already-open TCP connec-
`tion, without waiting for a new connection establishment
`handshake, and without first waiting for the responses to
`any of the individual requests. We call this ‘‘pipelining.’’
`Figure 4-1 shows the timeline for a simple, non-pipelined
`0 RTT
`Client sends
`HTTP request
`for HTML
`1 RTT
`Client parses
`Client sends
`HTTP request
`for image
`2 RTT
`Image begins
`to arrive
`Server reads
`from disk
`Server reads
`from disk
`Figure 4-1: Packet exchanges and round-trip times
`for a P-HTTP interaction
`HTTP allows the server to mark the end of a response in
`one of several ways, including simply closing the connec-
`tion. In P-HTTP, the server would use one of the other
`mechanisms, either sending a ‘‘Content-length’’ header be-
`fore the data, or transmitting a special delimiter after the
`While a client is actively using a server, normally neither
`end would close the TCP connection. Idle TCP connec-
`tions, however, consume end-host resources, and so either
`end may choose to close the connection at any point. One
`would expect a client to close a connection only when it
`shifts its attention to a new server, although it might main-
`tain connections to a few servers. A client might also be
`‘‘helpful’’ and close its connections after a long idle
`period. A client would not close a TCP connection while
`an HTTP request is in progress, unless the user gets bored
`with a slow server.
`A server, however, cannot easily control the number of
`clients that may want to use it. Therefore, servers may
`have to close idle TCP connections to maintain sufficient
`resources for processing new requests. For example, a
`server may run out of TCP connection descriptors, or may
`run out of processes or threads for managing individual
`connections. When this happens, a server would close one
`or more idle TCP connections. One might expect a ‘‘least-
`recently used’’ (LRU) policy to work well. A server might
`also close connections that have been idle for more than a
`given ‘‘idle timeout,’’ in order to maintain a pool of avail-
`able resources.
`A server would not close a connection in the middle of
`processing an HTTP request. However, a request may have
`been transmitted by the client but not yet received when the
`server decides to close the connection. Or, the server may
`decide that the client has failed, and time out a connection
`with a request in progress. In any event, clients must be
`prepared for TCP connections to disappear at arbitrary
`times, and must be able to re-establish the connection and
`retry the HTTP request. A prematurely closed connection
`should not be treated as an error; an error would only be
`signalled if the attempt to re-establish the connection fails.
`4.1. Protocol negotiation
`Since millions of HTTP clients and tens of thousands of
`HTTP servers are already in use, it would not be feasible to
`insist on a globally instantaneous transition from the cur-
`rent HTTP protocol to P-HTTP. Neither would it be prac-
`tical to run the two protocols in parallel, since this would
`limit the range of information available to the two com-
`munities. We would like P-HTTP servers to be usable by
`current-HTTP clients.
`We would also like current-HTTP servers to be usable
`by P-HTTP clients. One could define the modified HTTP
`so that when a P-HTTP client contacts a server, it first
`attempts to use P-HTTP protocol; if that fails, it then falls
`back on the current HTTP protocol. This adds an extra
`network round-trip, and seems wasteful.
`P-HTTP clients instead can use an existing HTTP design
`feature that requires a server to ignore HTRQ fields it does
`not understand. A client would send its first HTTP request
`using one of these fields to indicate that it speaks the P-
`HTTP protocol. A current-HTTP server would simply ig-
`nore this field and close the TCP connection after respond-
`ing. A P-HTTP server would instead leave the connection
`open, and indicate in its reply headers that it speaks the
`modified protocol.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 4


`4.2. Implementation status
`We have already published a study of an experimental
`implementation of the P-HTTP protocol [21].
`In that
`paper, we showed that P-HTTP required only minor
`modifications to existing client and server software and that
`the negotiation mechanism worked effectively.
`modified protocol yielded significantly lower retrieval
`latencies than HTTP, over both WAN and LAN networks.
`Since this implementation has not yet been widely adopted,
`however, we were unable to determine how its large-scale
`use would affect server and network loading.
`5. Design issues
`A number of concerns have been raised regarding P-
`HTTP. Some relate to the feasibility of the proposal; others
`simply reflect the need to choose parameters appropriately.
`Many of these issues were raised in electronic mail by
`members of the IETF working group on HTTP; these mes-
`sages are available in an archive [12].
`The first two issues discussed in this section relate to the
`correctness of the modified protocol; the rest address its
`5.1. Effects on reliability
`Several reviewers have mistakenly suggested that allow-
`ing the server to close TCP connections at will could im-
`pair reliability. The proposed protocol does not allow the
`server to close connections arbitrarily; a connection may
`only be closed after the server has finished responding to
`one request and before it has begun to act on a subsequent
`request. Because the act of closing a TCP connection is
`serialized with the transmission of any data by server, the
`client is guaranteed to receive any response sent before the
`server closes the connection.
`A race may occur between the client’s transmission of a
`new request, and the server’s termination of the TCP con-
`In this case, the client will see the connection
`closed without receiving a response. Therefore, the client
`will be fully aware that the transmitted request was not
`received, and can simply re-open the connection and
`retransmit the request.
`Similarly, since the server will not have acted on the
`request, this protocol is safe to use even with non-
`idempotent operations, such as the use of ‘‘forms’’ to order
`Regardless of the protocol used, a server crash during the
`execution of a non-idempotent operation could potentially
`cause an inconsistency. The cure for this is not to compli-
`cate the network protocol, but rather to insist that the server
`commit such operations to stable storage before respond-
`ing. The NFS specification [26] imposes the same require-
`5.2. Interactions with current proxy servers
`Many users reach the Web via ‘‘proxy’’ servers (or
`‘‘relays’’). A proxy server accepts HTTP requests for any
`URL, parses the URL to determine the actual server for that
`URL, makes an HTTP request to that server, obtains the
`reply, and returns the reply to the original client. This
`technique is used to transit ‘‘firewall’’ security barriers,
`and may also be used to provide centralized caching for a
`community of users [6, 11, 22].
`Section 4.1 described a technique that allows P-HTTP
`systems to interoperate with HTTP systems, without adding
`extra round-trips. What happens to this scheme if both the
`client and server implement P-HTTP, but a proxy between
`them implements HTTP [28]? The server believes that the
`client wants it to hold the TCP connection open, but the
`proxy expects the server to terminate the reply by closing
`the connection. Because the negotiation between client and
`server is done using HTRQ fields that existing proxies must
`ignore, the proxy cannot know what is going on. The
`proxy will wait ‘‘forever’’ (probably many minutes) and
`the user will not be happy.
`P-HTTP servers could solve this problem by using an
`‘‘adaptive timeout’’ scheme, in which the server observes
`client behavior to discover which clients are safely able to
`use P-HTTP. The server would keep a list of client IP
`addresses; each entry would also contain an ‘‘idle timeout’’
`value, initially set to a small value (such as one second). If
`a client requests the use of P-HTTP, the server would hold
`the connection open, but only for the duration of the per-
`client idle timeout. If a client ever transmits a second re-
`quest on the same TCP connection, the server would in-
`crease the associated idle timeout from the default value to
`a maximum value.
`Thus, a P-HTTP client reaching the server through an
`HTTP-only proxy would encounter 1-second additional
`delays , and would never see a reply to a second request
`transmitted on a given TCP connection. The client could
`use this lack of a second reply to realize that an HTTP-only
`proxy is in use, and subsequently the client would not at-
`tempt to negotiate use of P-HTTP with this server.
`A P-HTTP client, whether it reaches the server through a
`P-HTTP proxy or not, might see the TCP connection closed
`‘‘too soon,’’ but if it ever makes multiple requests in a brief
`interval, the server’s timeout would increase and the client
`would gain the full benefit of P-HTTP.
`The simulation results in section 8 suggest that this ap-
`proach should yield most of the benefit of P-HTTP. It may
`fail in actual use, however; for example, some HTTP-only
`proxies may forward multiple requests received on a single
`connection, without being able to return multiple replies.
`This would trick the server into holding the connection
`open, but would prevent the client from receiving all the
`5.3. Connection lifetimes
`One obvious question is whether the servers would have
`too many open connections in the persistent-connection
`model. The glib answer is ‘‘no, because a server could
`1If the proxy forwards response data as soon as it is ‘‘pushed’’
`by the server, then the user would not actually perceive any extra
`delay. This is because P-HTTP servers always indicate the end of
`a response using content-length or a delimiter, so the P-HTTP
`client will detect the end of the response even if the proxy does
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 5


`close an idle connection at any time’’ and so would not
`necessarily have more connections open than in the current
`model. This answer evades the somewhat harder question
`of whether a connection would live long enough to carry
`significantly more than one HTTP request, or whether the
`servers would be closing connections almost as fast as they
`do now.
`Intuition suggests that locality of reference will make
`this work. That is, clients tend to send a number of re-
`quests to a server in relatively quick succession, and as
`long as the total number of clients simultaneously using a
`server is ‘‘small,’’ the connections should be useful for
`multiple HTTP requests. The simulations (see section 8)
`support this.
`5.4. Server resource utilization
`HTTP servers consume several kinds of resources, in-
`cluding CPU time, active connections (and associated
`threads or processes), and protocol control block (PCB)
`table space (for both open and TIME_WAIT connections).
`How would the persistent-connection model affect resource
`If an average TCP connection carries more than one suc-
`cessful HTTP transaction, one would expect this to reduce
`server CPU time requirements. The time spent actually
`processing requests would probably not change, but the
`time spent opening and closing connections, and launching
`new threads or processes, would be reduced. For example,
`some HTTP servers create a new process for each connec-
`tion. Measurements suggest that the cost of process crea-
`tion accounts for a significant fraction of the total CPU
`time, and so persistent connections should avoid much of
`this cost.
`Because we expect a P-HTTP server to close idle con-
`nections as needed, a busy server (one on which idle con-
`nections never last long enough to be closed by the idle
`timeout mechanism) will use up as many connections as the
`configuration allows. Therefore, the maximum number of
`open connections (and threads or processes) is a parameter
`to be set, rather than a statistic to be measured.
`The choice of the idle timeout parameter (that is, how
`long an idle TCP connection should be allowed to exist)
`does not affect server performance under heavy load from
`many clients. It can affect server resource usage if the
`number of active clients is smaller than the maximum-
`connection parameter. This may be important if the server
`has other functions besides HTTP service, or if the memory
`used for connections and processes could be applied to bet-
`ter uses, such as file caching.
`The number of PCB table entries required is the sum of
`two components: a value roughly proportional to the num-
`ber of open connections (states including ESTABLISHED,
`CLOSING, etc.), and a value proportional to the number of
`connections closed in the past four minutes (TIME_WAIT
`connections). For example, on a server that handles 100
`connections per second, each with a duration of one
`second, the PCB table will contain a few hundred entries
`related to open connections, and 24,000 TIME_WAIT
`entries. However, if this same server followed the
`persistent-connection model, with a mean of ten HTTP re-
`quests per active connection, the PCB table would contain
`only 2400 TIME_WAIT entries.
`PCB tables may be organized in a number of different
`ways [16]. Depending on the data structures chosen, the
`huge number of TIME_WAIT entries may or may not af-
`fect the cost of looking up a PCB-table entry, which must
`be done once for each received TCP packet. Many existing
`systems derived from 4.2BSD use a linear-list PCB
`table [15], and so could perform quite badly under a heavy
`connection rate. In any case, PCB entries consume storage.
`The simulation results in section 8 show that persistent-
`connection HTTP significantly reduces the number of PCB
`table entries required.
`5.5. Server congestion control
`An HTTP client has little information about how busy
`any given server might be. This means that an overloaded
`HTTP server can be bombarded with requests that it cannot
`immediately handle, leading to even greater overload and
`congestive collapse. (A similar problem afflicts naive im-
`plementations of NFS [14].) The server could cause the
`clients to slow down, somewhat, by accepting their TCP
`connections but not immediately processing the associated
`requests. This might require the server to maintain a very
`large number of TCP connections in the ESTABLISHED
`state (especially if clients attempt to use several TCP con-
`nections at once; see section 6).
`Once a P-HTTP client has established a TCP connection,
`however, the server can automatically benefit from TCP’s
`flow-control mechanisms, which prevent the client from
`sending requests faster than the server can process them.
`So while P-HTTP cannot limit the rate at which new clients
`attack an overloaded server, it does limit the rate at which
`any given client can make requests. The simulation results
`presented in section 8, which imply that even very busy
`HTTP servers see only a small number of distinct clients
`during any brief interval, suggest that controlling the per-
`client arrival rate should largely solve the server congestion
`5.6. Network resources
`HTTP interactions consume network resources. Most
`obviously, HTTP consumes bandwidth, but IP also imposes
`per-packet costs on the network, and may include per-
`connection costs (e.g., for firewall decision-making). How
`would a shift to P-HTTP change consumption patterns?
`The expected reduction in the number of TCP connec-
`tions established would certainly reduce the number of
`‘‘overhead’’ packets, and would presumably reduce the to-
`tal number of packets transmitted. The reduction in header
`traffic may also reduce the bandwidth load on low-
`bandwidth links, but would probably be insignificant for
`high-bandwidth links.
`The shift to longer-lived TCP connections should im-
`prove the congestion behavior of the network, by giving the
`TCP end-points better information about the state of the
`network. TCP senders will spend proportionately less time
`in the ‘‘slow-start’’ regime [13], and more time in the
`‘‘congestion avoidance’’ regime. The latter is generally
`less likely to cause network congestion.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1061, p. 6


`At the same time, a shift to longer TCP connections
`(hence larger congestion windows) and more rapid server
`responses will increase short-term bandwidth requirements,
`compared to current HTTP usage. In the current HTTP,
`requests are spaced several round-trip times apart; in P-
`HTTP, many requests and replies could be streamed at full
`network bandwidth. This may affect the behavior of the
`5.7. User’s perceived performance
`The ultimate measure of the success of a modified HTTP
`is its effect on the user’s perceived performance (UPP).
`Broadly, this can be expressed as the time required to
`retrieve and display a series of Web pages. This differs
`from simple retrieval latency, since it includes the cost of
`rendering text and images. A design that minimizes mean
`retrieval latency may not necessarily yield the best UPP.
`For example, if a document contains both text and
`several inlined images, it may be possible to render the text
`before fully retrieving all of the images, if the user agent
`can discover the image ‘‘bounding boxes’’ early enough.
`Doing so may allow the user to start reading the text before
`the complete images arrive (especially if some of the
`images are initially off-screen). Thus, the order in which
`the client receives information from the server can affect
`Human factors researchers have shown that users of in-
`teractive systems prefer response times below two to four
`seconds [25]; delays of this magnitude cause their attention
`to wander. Two seconds represents just 28 cross-U.S.
`round-trips, at the best-case RTT of about 70 msec.
`Users may also be quite sensitive to high variance in
`UPP. Generally, users desire predictable performance [17].
`That is, a user may prefer a system with a moderately high
`mean retrieval time and low variance, to one with lower
`mean retrieval time but a much higher variance. Since
`congestion or packet loss can increase the effective RTT to
`hundreds or thousands of milliseconds, this leaves HTTP
`very few round-trips to spare.
`6. Competing and complementary approaches
`Persistent-connection HTTP is not the only possible
`solution to the latency problem. The NetScape browser
`takes a different approach, using the existing HTTP
`protocol but often opening multiple connections in parallel.
`For example, if an HTML file includes ten inlined images,
`NetScape opens an HTTP connection to retrieve the HTML
`file, then might open ten more connections in parallel, to
`retrieve the ten image files. By parallelizing the TCP con-
`nection overheads, this approach eliminat

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