`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` v. No. IPR2015-00483
`PARALLEL NETWORKS Patent no. 5,894,554
`LICENSING, LLC, IPR2015-00485
` Patent Owner. Patent no. 6,415,335
` Cambridge, Massachusetts
` August 26, 2015
`Reported by:
`Dana Welch, CSR, RPR, CRR, CLR
`Job No. 96799
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide
`(877) 702-9580
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`Microsoft Corp. v. Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC
`IPR2015-00483 & IPR2015-00485

`Page 2
` August 26, 2015
` 8:56 a.m.
` Deposition of MICHAEL MITZENMACHER, held
`at Charles Hotel, 1 Bennett Street, Cambridge,
`Massachusetts, before Dana Welch, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, Registered Professional
`Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter, and Notary
`Public of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
`1 2 3 4 5
`7 8 9
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`Page 3
`For the Petitioner:
`1501 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005
` - and -
`2001 Ross Avenue
`Dallas, TX 75201
`For the Patent Owner:
`300 Crescent Court
`Dallas, TX 75201
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`(877) 702-9580
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` Q. Could you state your name for the record.
` A. Michael David Mitzenmacher.
` Q. Who's your current employer?
` A. Harvard University.
` Q. How long have you been employed by
` Harvard?
` A. I started at Harvard in January 1999, so a
` little over 16 years.
` Q. Don't need to do the math.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Could you give us your home address?
` A. Certainly. 33 Cary, that's C-a-r-y,
` Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421.
` (Exhibit 2008, Patent Owner's Notice of
` Deposition of Michael Mitzenmacher in '335 patent,
` marked for identification.)
` (Exhibit 2009, Patent Owner's Notice of
` Deposition of Michael Mitzenmacher in '554 patent,
` marked for identification.)
` Q. You're here today to testify with regards
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`Page 5
` to a report, some testimony that you provided in
` connection with an IPR, correct?
` A. Yes. I believe they're, I guess,
` officially two separate IPRs, but yes, that's my
` understanding.
` Q. Fair enough.
` And you are correct and I'll represent to
` you that there are two IPRs that have been
` consolidated by the board. One related to a '335
` patent and you're familiar with that patent,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And another relating to the '554 patent.
` You're familiar with that one as well, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And before you, 2008 and 2009 are
` deposition notices that you're appearing here today
` on behalf of Microsoft, correct?
` A. That would be my understanding.
` Q. And you've been retained by Microsoft in
` this case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You performed some work for Microsoft in
` this case?
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` A. Yes. Again, I'd have to go back and check
` my contract as to whether officially if I'm working
` for Microsoft or the law firm on behalf of
` Microsoft, but with that caveat, yes.
` Q. And your caveat is you don't remember
` whether it's the attorneys of Microsoft or
` Microsoft itself that's retained you, correct?
` A. I would have to go back and check the
` agreement.
` Q. Do you remember approximately when you
` were first retained?
` A. I would have to go back and check. I
` recall the reports were turned in, if I'm recalling
` right, around December 2014. And so it would have
` been some number of months before that time. I
` can't recall exactly. My guess is it would have
` been, you know, between two and four months before
` that but I'd have to go back and check.
` Q. Did you in connection with the work that
` you did related to the '335 and the '554 patent
` prepare reports?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many reports did you prepare?
` A. If I recall correctly, I prepared a report
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`Page 7
` for each of the patents.
` Q. So one report for the '335 patent and one
` report for the '554 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you've been handed Exhibit 7. Which
` patent does that one refer to?
` A. The '554.
` MR. MICALLEF: You mean Exhibit 1007.
` Q. You've been handed Exhibit 1007, which is
` your report relating to the '554 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let me hand you what's previously been
` marked as Exhibit 1007 as well. This one relates
` to the '335, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the difference, if you look on the
` face of those two exhibits, they're both 1007 but
` one relates to the '335, one relates to the '554,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And one is marked with the number 485 as
` the IPR review number.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. And one should be 483?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Who drafted these reports?
` A. I drafted these reports in conjunction
` with -- in collaboration with counsel.
` Q. One more housekeeping matter, let's get
` you the patents as well.
` You're going to get handed first
` Exhibit 1001.
` Have you seen that before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. This is the '554 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'm going to hand you Exhibit 1004..
` Have you seen this before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. This would be the '335 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When is the first time that you saw either
` of these patents, exhibit [sic] '554 or '335?
` A. Again, it would have been around the time
` that I was retained for the case. I can't remember
` the exact dates of when that was, but it would have
` been, you know, a small number of months before the
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` report. I can't recall having seen these patents
` before the -- before the talk of engagement on the
` case.
` Q. Let's take look at the Exhibit 1007 that
` relates to the '554 patent.
` A. Okay.
` Q. I want you to turn to the back of that
` report, there's an Appendix A, correct?
` A. Give me a second.
` Yes.
` Q. What is Appendix A?
` A. It's a list of the materials considered.
` Q. So materials listed in Exhibit A is the
` sum total of the things that you reviewed in
` connection with preparing your report, correct?
` A. Well, to the best of my recollection,
` there may have been other things that I might have
` examined in the context of background that turned
` out not to be relevant for my opinions. But in
` terms of the things that were considered that were
` relevant, yeah, this is the list of materials
` considered.
` Q. There's nothing that you relied upon in
` preparing your report that is not listed in Exhibit
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` A, correct?
` A. Unless there are mistakes, that would be
` my understanding, but I believe that this list is
` complete.
` Q. Do you believe that the materials that are
` listed in Exhibit A were sufficient for you to
` provide the opinions that you have in your two
` reports for the '335 and the '554 patent?
` A. Yes, absolutely. These were, I believe,
` more than sufficient for giving or expressing my
` opinions. There are arguments where I discuss
` knowledge of about one of ordinary skill in the
` art, so that depends on my, I guess I would say,
` personal knowledge and experience or my
` understanding of one of ordinary skill in the art
` and that's not listed. But again, in terms of
` documents that I relied upon, these were more than
` sufficient to be opinions that I was giving, I gave
` in the report.
` Q. Was there anything that you asked for from
` Microsoft or counsel that you weren't provided?
` A. Not that I can recall. I don't think so.
` Q. Have you reviewed the '554 report since it
` was written?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Are there any corrections or mistakes that
` you noticed substantively that you believe you need
` to correct?
` A. I don't think there are substantive
` corrections. I mean some time has passed. So for
` instance, I noticed in reviewing it I think it said
` I had 18 issued patents and I think now that's 19.
` I had a patent issued this year. But in terms of
` what I think you're asking for, which is changes in
` the substance of the arguments, no, I don't think
` there's any corrections or changes.
` Q. Same question for the '335 report, is
` there anything in the '335 report that
` substantively needs to be changed?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. How long do you estimate did it take you
` to prepare the '554 report and the '335 report?
` A. I can't recall specifically. I would have
` to go back and look at -- look to see the time that
` I charged, but certainly these are fairly extensive
` reports. It would have been well more than
` 50 hours, could have been a hundred or possibly
` slightly more than that.
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` Q. How much are you being paid per hour?
` A. $750 per hour.
` Q. Is anything with regards to your
` compensation conditioned on the outcome of this
` case?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know how many hours that you have
` billed either Microsoft or Microsoft's attorneys?
` A. No. Again, I'd have to look that up. I
` can't recall.
` Q. You estimate somewhere between 50 to
` 100 hours?
` A. Yes. I'd expect that at this point I've
` charged over a hundred hours and also expect that
` it's less than 200, but I'd have to go back and
` check further for within that range.
` Q. You worked with attorneys to prepare for
` this deposition, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times did you meet with attorneys
` in preparation for today's deposition?
` A. Just yesterday.
` Q. How long did you meet yesterday?
` A. Well, if you include lunch, which was sort
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` of non-business talk, it was probably about five,
` five and a half hours.
` Q. Had you had any telephone calls or other
` meetings prior to yesterday specifically in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. I don't believe so, I mean, except for
` regarding things like logistics, like where do we
` meet them and getting a room and such. But
` otherwise, no.
` Q. There's two Microsoft attorneys here
` representing you today, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are those the two individuals that you met
` with?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you meet with anyone else in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever talked with anyone at
` Microsoft in connection with the '554 or '335
` reports that you did?
` A. No, not that I recall.
` Q. You didn't talk to any Microsoft engineers
` or in-house lawyers, to your knowledge?
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` A. No.
` Q. You've worked prior to this case for
` Microsoft before, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you turn in Exhibit 1007, the '554
` version, to paragraph 5 of your report, there's an
` indication there at the -- in the last sentence
` that you've consulted with Microsoft in the past,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you describe for me the scope of
` those consulting activities?
` A. Yes, give me a second. So I worked for
` Microsoft long ago. In fact, when I was a summer
` in college, I was a summer intern for Microsoft, I
` believe, in the years 1989 and 1990, although I'd
` have to go back and check that. I have consulted
` on behalf of Microsoft on a previous case in front
` of the ITC. This was a Motorola versus Microsoft
` case.
` From approximately August 2013 to I
` believe -- I believe around either May or
` June 2014, while I was on sabbatical from Harvard,
` I arranged that I worked half time at Microsoft
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` Research New England in a role similar to visiting
` researcher, that's specifically referred to here in
` my report.
` I have on and off over time also had a
` sort of visiting researcher relationship with
` Microsoft Research New England. What that means is
` that I could come in, you know, roughly a day a
` week or a day every other week, it was usually more
` like a day every other week, and talk and
` collaborate with their researchers.
` I have not had any relationship with
` Microsoft, I think, sort of since the end of my
` sabbatical, other than for this case.
` Q. Is there anything else that falls within
` what you identify in paragraph 5 as consulting in
` the past for Microsoft besides this internship that
` you referred to, the ITC case, the 2013-2014
` sabbatical work, and then other on and off every
` other week visiting researcher work?
` A. I wouldn't call it consulting. I think at
` times I've traveled to give talks at a Microsoft
` research lab in Silicon Valley and that arrangement
` I guess was -- it wasn't as a consultant. I mean,
` I would just go in and give a talk or such and they
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` could pay some expenses.
` So I just should have mentioned that but
` that wasn't really a consulting relationship other
` than they did pay some of my expenses when I would
` travel to give a talk there.
` Q. So the 2013-2014 sabbatical, that was
` taken from your duties at Harvard?
` A. Yes. Officially I was on, I guess, sort
` of a half time sabbatical from Harvard and sort of
` I spent half time at Microsoft Research New
` England. It was a standard scheduled sabbatical.
` Q. What's a standard scheduled sabbatical?
` A. Harvard has a policy where you get
` sabbatical every number of years, so I had garnered
` enough time that I was due a sabbatical. In fact,
` my sabbatical was slightly delayed because I was
` busy being department chair, so I delayed it until
` I finished my term as department chair. So I went
` on what would have been a delayed but regularly
` scheduled sabbatical under Harvard's policies.
` Q. Prior to the 2013-2014 visiting researcher
` role that you had at Microsoft Research New
` England, had you been or acted as a visiting
` researcher with Microsoft Research New England?
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` A. Just in the capacity that I think I
` described to you where I was on and off at various
` periods as a visiting researcher in this once every
` week or other week capacity.
` Q. When did you first start taking advantage
` of the visiting research role or opportunity at
` Microsoft Research New England?
` A. I'd have to go back and check. I'm
` honestly not sure. It would have been even the
` very late 2008, '9, '10 period but I actually think
` I probably didn't start until after that, sometime
` 2010 to '12.
` Q. Let's talk about the cases that you
` identify that you've been involved in on paragraph
` 10 of your report.
` A. Yes.
` I should point out that this might be
` another place where, again, there's been additions.
` There are probably some cases that I would have now
` that weren't listed here simply because of the
` timing of the report.
` Q. Understood.
` Let's go through these. If there's any
` that you need to supplement, we can do that. What
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` I want to quickly do is I don't want to get into
` the details of any of these, but what I would like
` to know for each of the ones listed by bullet point
` starting on page 5 and continuing to page 6 is the
` party you represented, whether they were the
` plaintiff or defendant.
` A. Okay. So the first one, Juniper Networks,
` Incorporated versus Palo Alto Networks, I was for
` Palo Alto Networks, which was the defendant.
` For the United States International Trade
` Commission case, that was the Motorola versus
` Microsoft case, I was for Microsoft, which, I
` guess, was the defendant --
` Q. Respondent.
` A. -- or respondent officially in that case.
` U.S. Ethernet Innovations versus Acer, I
` was for the plaintiff, U.S. Ethernet Innovations.
` U.S. Ethernet Innovations versus Ricoh, et
` al., I was for the plaintiff, U.S. Ethernet
` Innovations.
` Edgenet Incorporated versus Home Depot
` U.S.A., I was for the defendant or on the side of
` the defendant, acting for the defendant, Home
` Depot.
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` 3Com Corporation versus D-Link Systems, I
` was for the plaintiff, 3Com Corporation.
` 3Com Corporation versus RealTek
` Semiconductor, I was for the plaintiff, 3Com.
` Let's see. France Telecom versus Marvell
` Semiconductor, I was for the plaintiff, France
` Telecom.
` MiniCheck OCR versus Global Payments Check
` Services, I was for the defendant, Global Payments
` Check Services.
` Qiang Wang versus Palo Alto Networks, et
` cetera, I was for the defendant, Palo Alto
` Networks.
` JobDiva Incorporated versus Monster
` Worldwide, I was for the plaintiff, JobDiva.
` Q. Was there any others that you can remember
` at least that should be added to this?
` A. Yes. So the parties were Finjan,
` F-i-n-j-a-n, versus Blue Coat, I was for the
` plaintiff, Finjan.
` There's another case, I believe, that's
` NNTP versus Huawei, H-u-a-w-e-i. I was for the
` plaintiff, NNTP.
` Q. Going back to the start of the list on
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` page 5 --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- the Juniper Networks/Palo Alto Networks
` case, was that a patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The ITC case between Motorola and
` Microsoft, was that a patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were the U.S. Ethernet cases patent cases?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was the Edgenet versus Home Depot case a
` patent case?
` A. No. I believe that was a trade secret
` case.
` Q. Was the 3Com or the 3Com cases patent
` cases?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was France Telecom versus Marvell case a
` patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I assume the MiniCheck versus Global
` Payments was not a patent case.
` A. No. That was, again, as I recall, a trade
` secret case.
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` Q. The Palo Alto Networks case, was that a
` patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was the JobDiva versus Monster Worldwide a
` patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the Finjan versus Blue Coat, was that
` a patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was the NNTP versus Huawei a patent
` case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. There's no other consulting that you have
` been involved with with Microsoft besides what
` we've discussed; is that correct?
` A. No.
` Q. Let's turn to the patents that are at
` issue in this case. How did you go about
` familiarizing yourself with the '554 patent and the
` '335 patent?
` A. Well, when examining the patents, you
` obviously start with reading the patents, the
` background section and the claims most importantly.
` I also examined the file history when studying the
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` patents themselves.
` Q. When you refer to the file history in this
` case, there is an original file history, correct?
` A. That's my understanding, I believe so. I
` think I've seen it referred to as the original file
` history.
` Q. There's also multiple reexaminations of
` both of these patents, correct?
` A. Yes. I was sort of thinking of all of
` those as part of the file history.
` Q. Fair enough.
` Did you also review the reexamination
` histories?
` A. Yes. That would have been part of my
` examination of the file history.
` Q. Did you read the entirety of the
` reexamination histories?
` A. As I recall, they were very long, maybe
` even thousands of pages, so yes, I tried to focus
` in on the highlights, but I -- you know, I believe
` that in my skimming through I found the important
` parts where there was actual relevant content.
` Q. And the important parts you called out in
` your report?
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` A. Well, I would say that there may have been
` other parts that may have been important to other
` people for other reasons. The parts that were
` relevant for my opinions I called out in my report.
` Q. How would you describe at a high level
` what the subject matter of the '554 and '335
` patents are?
` MR. MICALLEF: Object to form.
` A. So, I mean, as I discuss in my report and
` sort of let me find the section.
` Q. Page 16 may be a good place to start.
` A. Oh, yeah. I was actually looking around
` page 79, I mean. So the patents at a high level
` are talking about Web servers and multiprocessor
` Web servers and, in particular, the idea of load
` balancing and potentially offloading requests or I
` might use the word "tasks" to describe it at
` various points or "jobs" is another term that's
` typically used in this setting, offloading of tasks
` or jobs to what in the patents they refer to as
` page servers. So at a high level, this is really
` about coming up with a multiprocessor or I might
` describe it as a distributed Web server.
` As I try and explain carefully in my
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` report, one reading the patent, one of ordinary
` skill in the art reading the patent might
` mistakenly think that multiprocessor or distributed
` Web servers were novel according to the description
` of the patent. But as I describe in my report
` generally at a high level and specifically with
` regard to the claims, I don't believe that's the
` case.
` Q. You believe that the '335 patent and '554
` patent are directed to distributed Web servers?
` A. Well, yes, that's a way of describing it.
` In particular, it's discussing, as it described,
` say, in the abstract, you know, a method or methods
` for Web servers and, in particular, managing
` dynamic Web page generation requests, among other
` requests, and utilizing a distributed system
` involving what are referred to as page servers
` along with a Web server to provide -- to respond to
` requests to Web servers.
` Q. What do you mean when you refer to
` multiprocessor?
` A. Again, that there would be potentially
` more than one machine, although the patents do
` discuss implementations where these pieces might
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` run on a single machine.
` Q. If you look at, for example, the first
` page of the cover of the '554 patent --
` A. Uh-huh, yes.
` Q. -- the architecture that's shown there on
` the cover, which is also Figure 4 if you want to
` see a larger view, includes a Web client, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the Web client is basically a browser
` or something like that?
` A. Yes, that would be a typical Web client.
` Q. Okay. And there's shown a request that's
` sent from the Web client to a Web server, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then there's an interceptor that's
` also shown kind of in the same general vicinity as
` the Web server?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then there is shown in Figure 4
` something being sent to a dispatcher, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then there are multiple page servers
` that are shown on the backend, right?
` A. Yes.
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`Page 26
` Q. And there are also data sources that are
` shown connected to those page servers, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Isn't it fair to say that what's disclosed
` in the '335 and '554 patents isn't a distributed
` Web server but a system that takes advantage of a
` centralized Web server?
` A. I -- again, I don't think I would
` necessarily characterize it that way. Again, there
` are multiple embodiments described, so certainly
` there are cases where you have a single machine,
` cases described in some of the embodiments where
` you would have multiple machines. So you can think
` of, again, maybe moving down from the 30,000 feet
` view that we started with. You know, there are --
` the claims refer to certain architectural or design
` aspects corresponding to these embodiments which
` map to the figures you've described.
` But again, the -- one of the main purposes
` or ideas described throughout the patent is the
` potential benefits or use of multiple machines and
` load balancing among the machines for efficiency.
` So I would describe it, I think, somewhat
` differently than you did.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide
`(877) 702-9580
`PN EXHIBIT 2086, pg. 26
`Microsoft Corp. v. Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC
`IPR2015-00483 & IPR2015-00485

`Page 27
` Q. In the claims, and if you want to look at
` a representative claim, you can look at claim 12,
` for example, of the '554 patent --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- that's on page 15 of Exhibit 1001, it
` refers to a single Web server, correct?
` A. Sorry. Which? In the '554 patent?
` MR. MICALLEF: You're referring to the
` certificate of correction claims, counsel?
` A. Yeah, it's a bit difficult to tell where
` the actual claims are with the certificate of
` correction.
` Q. Yeah.
` So if you take a look at page 15 of
` Exhibit 1001 --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- there's a certificate of correction
` there.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Or at least the start of a certificate of
` correction, right?
` A. Yes. Thank you.
` Q. And do you have an understanding that the
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide
`(877) 702-9580
`PN EXHIBIT 2086, pg. 27
`Microsoft Corp. v. Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC
`IPR2015-00483 & IPR2015-00485

`Page 28
` certificate of correction claims are the, quote,
` unquote, live claims for the purposes of this IPR?
` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. And you're familiar with those claims,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Your report goes into a lot of detail
` about the claims and how particular references meet
` those claims, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the same is true for the '335 patent,
` right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you look at claim 12 in the preamble
` there's a reference to a Web server, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And claim 12 is directed to a single Web
` server, not a distributed Web server, correct?
` A. So I'm confused by your language or
` terminology in that a distributed Web server may
` also refer to a single Web server. Distributed
` simply means that it would consist of multiple
` hardware devices connected, say, through a network,
` for instance. I would agree with you that the
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide
`(877) 702-9580
`PN EXHIBIT 2086, pg. 28
`Microsoft Corp. v. Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC
`IPR2015-00483 & IPR2015-00485

`Page 29
` claim certainly refers to a Web server, and as I've
` mentioned, there are embodiments where that Web
` server and some of the other corresponding items
` may be on

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