`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 5,894,554
`Issued: April 13, 1999
`Filed: April 23, 1996
`Inventors: Keith Lowery, Andrew B. Levine and Ronald L. Howell
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2015-00483
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, Cover

`I have been retained by counsel for Microsoft Corporation as an
`expert witness in the above-captioned proceeding. In this supplemental
`declaration, I have been asked to verify the authenticity of a variety of exhibits
`filed in this proceeding that were objected to by Parallel Networks Licensing, LLC.
`Exhibit 1009 as filed is a true and correct copy of Andresen et al.,
`SWEB: Towards A Scalable World Wide Web Server On Multicomputers,
`September 1995 ("SWEB 95"), downloadable from the University of California
`Santa Barbara computer science department (“UCSB CS”) website.1 Page
`numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the bottom of the document, but
`no other alterations have been made. The UCSB CS website shows a date of
`September 1, 1995 for SWEB 95. Based on my experience and review of the
`website, the UCSB CS website is a place where an authentic copy of a UCSB CS
`technical report would likely be found. For example, the UCSB CS website
`includes a “Research” menu with a link to a “Tech Reports” listing. 2 This “Tech
`Reports” listing includes an entry for a variety of technical reports, 3 including a
`1 (Ex. 1082 at 2)
`2 (Ex. 1082 at 4)
`3 (Ex. 1082 at 6)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 1

`link to the SWEB 95 technical report, again showing a September, 1995 date.4
`Nothing about Exhibit 1009's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`Exhibit 1010 as filed is a true and correct copy of Andresen et al.,
`SWEB: Towards A Scalable World Wide Web Server On Multicomputers, April
`1996 ("SWEB 96"), downloadable from the IEEE website.5 Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other
`alterations have been made. The IEEE page states that SWEB 96 was published in
`the 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium (“IPPS”) in 1996, with
`conference dates of April 15-19, 1996. Based on my experience, the IEEE website
`is a place where an authentic copy of a previously published IEEE paper would
`likely be found. For example, the IEEE website explains that it allows access to
`scientific and technical content published by the IEEE and its publishing partners.6
`Nothing about Exhibit 1010's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`Exhibit 1012 as filed is a true and correct copy of Garland et al.,
`Implementing Distributed Server Groups for the World Wide Web, January 25,
`1995 (“Garland”), downloadable from the Defense Technical Information Center
`4 (Ex. 1082 at 8)
`5 (Ex. 1082 at 34)
`6 (Ex. 1082 at 36)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 2

`(“DTIC”) website.7 Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the
`bottom of the document but no other alterations have been made. The DTIC page
`lists a report date of January 25, 1995. Garland includes a stamp on the first page
`stating “DTIC SELECTED MAR 20 1995.” Based on my review of the website,
`the DTIC website is a place where an authentic copy of a DTIC selected
`publication would likely be found. For example, the DTIC website explains that
`“DTIC enables the defense research and development community to maximize the
`availability, use and collaboration of the almost 4,000,000 technical records
`resulting from Defense-funded technical activities.”8 Nothing about Exhibit 1012's
`condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`Exhibit 1014 as filed is a true and correct copy of Lagoze et al.,
`Dienst: Implementation Reference Manual (“Dienst”), downloadable from the
`Cornell University Library’s eCommons website.9 Page numbers and an exhibit
`label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other alterations have
`been made. The eCommons website shows Dienst, a technical report, having an
`issuance date of May, 1995, published by Cornell University. Based on my review
`of the website, the Cornell’s eCommons is a place where an authentic copy of a
`7 (Ex. 1082 at 37)
`8 (Ex. 1082 at 41)
`9 (Ex. 1082 at 46)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 3

`Cornell University publication would likely be found. For example, Cornell’s
`eCommons explains that it is a “service of Cornell University Library that provides
`long-term access to a broad range of Cornell-related digital content of enduring
`value,” and committed to preserving documents “for the long term.”10 Dienst is
`part of the Computer Science Technical Reports collection,11 which is a collection
`of technical reports form Cornell’s computer science department from 1968-
`2002.12 Nothing about Exhibit 1014's condition creates a suspicion about its
`Exhibit 1042 as filed is a true and correct copy of Callaghan, RFC
`1813: NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification, June 1995(“Callaghan”),
`downloadable from the RFC Editor website.13 Page numbers and an exhibit label
`have been added to the bottom of the document but no other alterations have been
`made. RFC 1813’s page recites a date of June 1995. Based on my experience and
`my review of the website, the RFC Editor website is a place where an authentic
`copy of an RFC would likely be found. For example, the RFC Editor website
`10 (Ex. 1082 at 50)
`11 (Ex. 1082 at 46)
`12 (Ex. 1082 at 53)
`13 (Ex. 1082 at 64)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 4

`explains that it “maintains the master repository of RFCs.”14 The Internet
`Engineering Task Force’s website states that “[w]hen in doubt, the RFC Editor site
`is the authoritative source page” for RFCs.15 Nothing about Exhibit 1042's
`condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`Exhibit 1043 as filed is a true and correct copy of Derler, The World-
`Wide Web Gateway to Hyper-G: Using a Connectionless Protocol to Access
`Session-Oriented Services, March 1995 (“Derler”), downloadable from the
`Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media (“IICM”) at the Graz
`University of Technology.16 Page numbers and exhibit labels have been added to
`the bottom of the document but no other alterations have been made; the
`typesetting of Exhibit 1043 is inconsistent with the version available at IICM but
`the content appears identical. Based on my review of the website, the IICM
`website is a place where an authentic copy of an IICM thesis would likely be
`found. For example, the IICM website (when viewing the English version)17
`includes a link to “Research,”18 which then includes a link to “Finished Theses.”19
`14 (Ex. 1082 at 65)
`15 (Ex. 1082 at 66)
`16 (Ex. 1082 at 67)
`17 (Ex. 1082 at 172)
`18 (Ex. 1082 at 173)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 5

`The “Finished Theses” page includes a link to Derler in the set of 1995 theses.20
`Nothing about Exhibit 1043's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`Exhibit 1045 as filed is a true and correct copy of Sun Microsystems,
`Inc., Solaris 2.4 Introduction, 1994 (“Solaris Introduction”), downloadable from
`Oracle’s Legacy Solaris Documentation website.21 Page numbers and an exhibit
`label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other alterations have
`been made. Based on my review of the website, Oracle’s Legacy Solaris
`Documentation website is a place where an authentic copy of a Solaris user manual
`or other document would likely be found. For example, Oracle’s website lists
`document libraries for a variety of legacy Solaris versions, including 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
`7, 8, and 9.22 When viewing the document library for Solaris 2.4,23 a section of
`documents titled “Solaris 2.4 User AnswerBook” includes a link to Solaris
`Introduction.24 I note that other documents also include 1994 dates.25 Nothing
`about Exhibit 1045's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`19 (Ex. 1082 at 175)
`20 (Ex. 1082 at 67)
`21 (Ex. 1082 at 183)
`(Ex. 1082 at 245)
`23 (Ex. 1082 at 248)
`24 (Ex. 1082 at 183)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 6

`Exhibit 1046 as filed is a true and correct copy of Powell, Spinning
`the Web: Setting Up World Wide Web Servers, September 1994 (“Powell”),
`accessible from Virginia Tech’s Digital Library and Archives.26 Page numbers and
`an exhibit label have been added to the bottom of this printed webpage but no other
`alterations have been made. Based on my review of the website and,
`Powell’s webpage URL is a place where an authentic copy of Powell’s article
`would likely be found. For example, shows that the webpage was
`identical to the current version in each of the following years: 2012,27 2008,28
`2003,29 and 1997.30 The Virginia Tech website also states that Powell was
`“presented at the Southern Ohio ASIS workshops” on “September 19-20, 1994 at
`25 See, e.g., (Ex.
`1082 at 251)
`26 (Ex. 1082 at 277)
`Servers-web.html (Ex. 1082 at 282)
`Servers-web.html (Ex. 1082 at 287)
`Servers-web.html (Ex. 1082 at 292)
`Servers-web.html (Ex. 1082 at 297)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 7

`the University of Cincinnati.”31 Nothing about Exhibit 1046's condition creates a
`suspicion about its authenticity.
`10. Exhibit 1048 as filed is a true and correct copy of Bradley et al., Web-
`based Access to an Online Atlas of Anatomy: The Digital Anatomist Common
`Gateway Interface, 1995 (“Bradley”), downloadable from the U.S. National
`Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (“NIH/NLM”) website.32 Page
`numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the bottom of the document but
`no other alterations have been made. As indicated by the copyright notice on the
`footer of the first page, Bradley was published by the American Medical
`Informatics Association (“AMIA”). Based on my review of the website, the
`NIH/NLM website is a place where an authentic copy of AMIA publications
`would likely be found. For example, the NIH/NLM website includes a listing of
`AMIA publications,33 including the 1995 Proceedings of the Annual Symposium
`on Computer Application in Medical Care34 which includes a link to Bradley.35
`Nothing about Exhibit 1048's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`31 (Ex. 1082 at 302)
`32 (Ex. 1082 at 304)
`33 (Ex. 1082 at 308)
`34 (Ex. 1082 at 311)
`35 (Ex. 1082 at 304)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 8

`11. Exhibit 1049 as filed is a true and correct copy of Kaashoek et al.,
`Dynamic Documents: Extensibility and Adaptability in the WWW, MIT (Sept. 15,
`1994), downloadable from MIT’s Parallel & Distributed Operating Systems Group
`(“PDOS”).36 Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the bottom of
`the document but no other alterations have been made. Based on my review of the
`website, the PDOS website is a place where an authentic copy of an MIT computer
`science publication would likely be found. For example, the PDOS website
`includes a publications section that lists a variety of papers by authors associated
`with PDOS,37 including a link to Kaashoek.38 Nothing about Exhibit 1049's
`condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`12. Exhibit 1059 as filed is a true and correct copy of Allman, Changes in
`Sendmail Version 8, March 1994 (“Allman”), downloadable from
` Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the
`bottom of the document but no other alterations have been made. Based on my
`experience, is a place where an authentic copy of sendmail and its
`36 (Ex. 1082 at 355)
`37 (Ex. 1082 at 367)
`38 (Ex. 1082 at 355)
`(internally: \doc\changes\ (Ex. 1082 at 455)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 9

`accompanying documentation would be found. For example,
`includes a “past-releases” folder that includes prior releases of sendmail.40
`Sendmail version 8.7.6 includes Allman with a modification date of May 19,
`1995.41 Nothing about Exhibit 1059's condition creates a suspicion about its
`13. Exhibit 1069 as filed is a true and correct copy of the cover page,
`publication page, and table of contents of the Proceedings of IPPS ’96, The 10th
`International Parallel Processing Symposium, April 15-19, 1996, Honolulu,
`Hawaii, downloadable from the IEEE website.42 Page numbers and an exhibit
`label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other alterations have
`been made. Based on my experience, the IEEE website is a place where an
`authentic copy of an IEEE proceedings document would likely be found. For
`example, IEEE allows you to browse conference publications,43 including the IPPS
`40 (Ex. 1082 at 466)
`(internally: \doc\changes\ (Ex. 1082 at 455)
`42 (Ex. 1082 at
`43 (Ex. 1082 at 474)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 10

`’96 proceedings.44 Nothing about Exhibit 1069's condition creates a suspicion
`about its authenticity.
`14. Exhibit 1070 as filed is a true and correct copy of Administrative
`Content, Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical
`Care, October 28-November 1, 1995, New Orleans, Louisiana, downloadable from
`NIH/NLM website.45 Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the
`bottom of the document but no other alterations have been made. Based on my
`review of the website, the NIH/NLM website is a place where an authentic copy of
`an AMIA journal would likely be found, as described above with respect to
`Bradley. See ¶ 10 above. For example, the NIH/NLM website’s entry for the 1995
`Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care
`includes a link to the Admininstrative content, including journal masthead, notices,
`indexes, etc.46 Nothing about Exhibit 1070's condition creates a suspicion about its
`44 (Ex. 1082 at
`0002.pdf (Ex. 1082 at 477)
`46 (Ex. 1082 at 518)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 11

`15. Exhibit 1071 as filed is a true and correct copy of Table of Contents,
`Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care,
`October 28-November 1, 1995, New Orleans, Louisiana, downloadable from the
`NIH/NLM website.47 Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to the
`bottom of the document but no other alterations have been made. Based on my
`review of the website, the NIH/NLM website is a place where an authentic copy of
`an AMIA journal would likely be found, as described above with respect to
`Bradley. See ¶ 10 above. For example, the NIH/NLM website’s entry for the 1995
`Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care
`includes a link to the journal’s table of contents pages.48 Nothing about Exhibit
`1071's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`16. Exhibit 1073 as filed is a true and correct copy of Mosedale et al.,
`Administering Very High Volume Internet Services, USENIX (Sept. 17-22, 1995)
`(“Mosedale”), downloadable from the USENIX website.49 Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other
`0013.pdf (Ex. 1082 at 562)
`48 (Ex. 1082 at 518)
`full_papers/mosedale.pdf (Ex. 1082 at 581)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 12

`alterations have been made. Based on my review of the website, the USENIX
`website is a place where an authentic copy of a previous USENIX publication
`would likely be found. For example, the USENIX website includes a listing of
`USENIX conference proceedings and their publications.50 This listing includes the
`conference Mosedale was presented at,51 as well as a link to Mosedale.52 Nothing
`about Exhibit 1073's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`17. Exhibit 1074 as filed is a true and correct copy of Ang et al.,
`Integrated Control of Distributed Volume Visualization Through the World Wide
`Web (1994), downloadable from the IEEE website.53 Page numbers and an exhibit
`label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other alterations have
`been made. As described above, the IEEE website is a place where an authentic
`copy of an IEEE publication would likely be found. See ¶ 3. Nothing about
`Exhibit 1074's condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`18. Exhibit 1075 as filed is a true and correct copy of Doyle et al.,
`Embedding Interactive External Program Objects Within Open-Distributed
`50 (Ex. 1082 at 590)
`51 (Ex. 1082 at 592)
`internet-services (Ex. 1082 at 594)
`53 (Ex. 1082 at 595)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 13

`Hypermedia Documents (May 1995) (“Doyle”), downloadable from the Society of
`Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (“SPIE”) website.54 Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to the bottom of the document but no other
`alterations have been made. As can been seen in the footer, Doyle was published
`by SPIE, and the SPIE website also explains that Doyle was published on March
`14, 1995.55 Based on my review of the website, the SPIE website is a place where
`an authentic copy of a SPIE publication would likely be found. For example, SPIE
`explains that the website publishes research papers from the Proceedings of SPIE
`and the Society’s 10 scholarly journals.56 Nothing about Exhibit 1075's condition
`creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`19. Exhibit 1076 as filed is a true and correct copy of Varela et al.,
`Providing Data on the Web: From Examples to Programs (1994), downloadable
`from’s capture of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s
`Department of Computer Science.57 Page numbers and an exhibit label have been
`54 (Ex.
`1082 at 597)
`55 (Ex.
`1082 at 597)
`56 (Ex. 1082 at 604)
`IT94/Proceedings/DDay/varela/paper.html (Ex. 1082 at 606)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 14

`added to the bottom of the printed webpage, as well as a header and footer that
`were added when it was printed as is common when printing a webpage, but no
`other alterations have been made. Based on my review of the website,
`is a place where an authentic copy of Varela’s website would likely be found. For
`example, explains its “purposes include offering permanent access for
`researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to
`historical collections that exist in digital format.”58 Nothing about Exhibit 1076's
`condition creates a suspicion about its authenticity.
`58 (Ex. 1082 at 616)
`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 15

`Microsoft v. Parallel Networks, IPR2015-00483 and IPR2015-00485
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1104, p. 16

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