`and Data Security
`Dorothy Elizabeth Robling Denning
`Reading, Massachusetts I Menlo Park, California‘
`London 1 Amsterdam I Don Mills, Ontario I Sydney
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. i
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. i
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Denning, Dorothy E., (Dorothy Elizabeth), 1945A
`Cryptography and data security.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`1. ComputersvAccess control.
`2. Cryptography.
`3. Data protection.
`I. Title.
`ISBN 0~201—l0150—5
`Reprinted with corrections, January 1983
`Copyright © 1982 by Addison~Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
`transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-
`wise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
`Published simultaneously in Canada.
`ISBN O—20l—l0|50—5
`BCDEFG H lJ—MA—89876543
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. ii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. ii
`In memory of my Father,
`Cornelius Lowell Robking
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. iii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. iii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. iv
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. iv
`Electronic computers have evolved from exiguous experimental enterprises in the
`1940s to prolific practical data processing systems in the 19805. As we have come
`to rely on these systems to process and store data, we have also come to wonder
`about their ability to protect valuable data.
`Data security is the science and study of methods of protecting data in
`computer and communication systems from unauthorized disclosure and modifica-
`tion. The goal of this book is to introduce the mathematical principles of data
`security and to show how these principles apply to operating systems, database
`systems, and computer networks. The book is for students and professionals seek-
`ing an introduction to these principles. There are many references for those who
`would like to study specific topics further.
`Data security has evolved rapidly since 1975. We have seen exciting develop-
`ments in cryptography: public-key encryption, digital signatures, the Data Encryp-
`tion Standard (DES), key safeguarding schemes, and key distribution protocols.
`We have developed techniques for verifying that programs do not leak confidential
`. data, or transmit classified data to users with lower security clearances. We have
`found new controls for protecting data in statistical databases—and new methods
`of attacking these databases. We have come to a better understanding of the
`theoretical and practical limitations to security.
`Because the field is evolving so rapidly, it has been difficult to write a book
`that is both coherent and current. Even as the manuscript was in production, there
`were new developments in the field. Although I was able to incorporate a few of
`these developments, they are not as well integrated into the book as I would like.
`In many cases, I was only able to include references.
`Some areas are still unsettled, and I was unable to treat them to my satisfac-
`tion. One such area is operating system verification; another is the integration of
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. V
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. v
`cryptographic controls into operating systems and database systems. I hope to
`cover these topics better in later editions of the book.
`Data security draws heavily from mathematics and computer science. I have
`assumed my audience has some background in programming, data structures,
`operating systems, database systems, computer architecture, probability theory,
`and linear algebra. Because I have found most computer science students have
`little background in information theory and number theory, I have included self-
`contained tutoriais on these subjects. Because complexity theory is a relatively new
`area, I have also summarized it.
`This book is used in a one-semester graduate computer science course at
`Purdue University. The students are assigned exercises, programming projects,
`and a term project. The book is suitable for a graduate or advanced undergraduate
`course and for independent study. There are a few exercises at the end of each
`chapter, most of which are designed so the reader can recognize the right answer. I
`have purposely not included solutions. There is also a puzzle.
`Here is a brief summary of the chapters:
`Chapter I, Introduction, introduces the basic concepts of cryptography, data
`security, information theory, complexity theory, and number theory.
`Chapter 2, Encryption Algorithms, describes both classical and modern
`encryption algorithms, including the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and
`public-key algorithms.
`Chapter 3, Cryptographic Techniques, studies various techniques related to
`integrating cryptographic controls into computer systems,
`including key
`Chapter 4, Access Controls, describes the basic principles of mechanisms
`that control access by subjects (e.g., users or programs);to objects (e.g., files
`and records). These mechanisms regulate direct access to objects, but not
`what happens to the information contained in these objects.
`Chapter 5, Information Flow Controls, describes controls that regulate the
`dissemination of information. These controls are needed to prevent programs
`from leaking confidential data, or from disseminating classified data to users
`with lower security clearances.
`Chapter 6, Inference Controls, describes controls that protect confidential
`data released as statistics about subgroups of individuals.
`I am deeply grateful to Jim Anderson, Bob Blakley, Peter Denning, Whit
`Diflie, Peter Neumann, and Rich Reitman, whose penetrating criticisms and sug-
`gestions guided me to important results and helped me focus my ideas. I am also
`grateful to Greg Andrews, Leland Beck, Garrett Birkhoff, Manuel Blum, David
`Chaum, Francis Chin, Larry Cox, Tore Dalenius, George Davida, Dave Gifford,
`Carl Hammer, Mike Harrison, Chris Hoffmann, Stephen Matyas, Jon Millen,
`Bob Morris, Glen Myers, Steve Reiss, Ron Rivest, Brian Schanning, Jan Schlorer,
`Gus Simmons, and Larry Snyder. These people gave generously of their time to
`help make this a better book.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. Vi
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. vi
`I am thankful to the students who read the book, worked the problems, and
`provided numerous comments and suggestions: George Adams, Brian Beuning,
`Steve Booth, Steve Breese, Carl Burch, Steve Burton, Ray Ciesielski, Cliff
`Cockerham, Ken Dickman, James Drobina, Dave Eckert, Jeremy Epstein, Tim
`Field, Jack Fitch, Jim Fuss, Greg Gardner, Neil Harrison, Ching-Chih Hsiao,
`Teemu Kerola, Ron Krol, Meng Lee, Peter Liesenfelt, Paul Morrisett, Tim Nodes,
`Bhasker Parthasarathy, Steve Pauley, Alan Pieramico, Steve Raiman, Dan Reed,
`David Rutkin, Paul Scherf, Carl Smith, Alan Stanson, Mark Stinson, Andy Tong,
`and Kim Tresner. I am especially thankful to Matt Bishop for providing solutions
`and for grading.
`The working version of the book was prepared on the department’s VAX
`computer. I am grateful to Doug Comer, Herb Schwetman, and the many others
`who kept the system operational and paid careful attention to backup procedures.
`I am grateful to the people who helped with the publication of the book, especially
`Peter Gordon, Gail Goodell, Cheryl Wurzbacher, and Judith Gimple.
`I am especially grateful to my husband, Peter, for his encouragement, sup-
`port, advice, and help throughout.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. Vii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. vii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. Viii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. viii
`1.1 Cryptography
`1.2 Data Security
`1.3 Cryptographic Systems
`Pub|ic—Key Systems
`1.3.2 Digital Signatures
`Information Theory
`Entropy and Equivocation
`Perfect Secrecy
`1.4.3 Unicity Distance
`Complexity Theory
`1.5.1 Algorithm Complexity
`Problem Complexity and NP—Completeness
`1.5.3 Ciphers Based on Computationaily Hard Problems
`Number Theory
`1.6.1 Congruences and Modular Arithmetic
`1.6.2 Computing lnverses
`1.6.3 Computing in Galois Fields
`2.1 Transposition Ciphers
`Simple Substitution Ciphers
`Single-Letter Frequency Analysis
`2.3 Homophonic Substitution Ciphers
`2.3.1 Beale Ciphers
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. ix
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. ix
`2.3.2 Higher-Order Homophonics
`Polyalphabetic Substitution Ciphers
`2.4.1 Vigenére and Beaufort Ciphers
`Index of Coincidence
`2.4.3 Kasiski Method
`2.4.4 Running-Key Ciphers
`2.4.5 Rotor and Hagelin Machines
`2.4.6 Vernam Cipher and One-Time Pads
`Polygram Substitution Ciphers
`Playfair Cipher
`Hill Cipher
`Product Ciphers
`Substitution-Permutation Ciphers
`2.6.2 The Data Encryption Standard (DES)
`Time—Memory Tradeoff
`Exponentiation Ciphers
`Pohlig-Hellman Scheme
`2.7.2 Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) Scheme
`2.7.3 Mental Poker
`2.7.4 Oblivious Transfer
`Knapsack Ciphers
`2.8.1 Merkle-Hellman Knapsacks
`2.8.2 Graham-Shamir Knapsacks
`Shamir Signature-Only Knapsacks
`A Breakable NP-Complete Knapsack
`Block and Stream Ciphers
`Synchronous Stream Ciphers
`Linear Feedback Shift Registers
`3.2.2 Output-Block Feedback Mode
`3.2.3 Counter Method
`Self-Synchronous Stream Ciphers
`3.3.1 Autokey Ciphers
`3.3.2 Cipher Feedback
`Block Ciphers
`3.4.1 Block Chaining and Cipher Block Chaining
`3.4.2 Block Ciphers with Subkeys
`Endpoints of Encryption
`End-to-End versus Link Encryption
`Privacy Homomorphisms
`One-Way Ciphers
`Passwords and User Authentication
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. X
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. x
`3.7 Key Management
`Secret Keys
`Public Keys
`3.7.3 Generating Block Encryption Keys
`3.7.4 Distribution of Session Keys
`Threshold Schemes
`Lagrange interpolating Polynomial Scheme
`3.8.2 Congruence Class Scheme
`4.1 Access—Matrix Model
`The Protection State
`4.1.2 State Transitions
`Protection Policies
`Access Control Mechanisms
`Security and Precision
`4.2.2 Reliability and Sharing
`4.2.3 Design Principles
`Access Hierarchies
`Privileged Modes
`4.3.2 Nested Program Units
`Authorization Lists
`4.4.1 Owned Objects
`4.4.2 Revocation
`4.5.1 Domain Switching with Protected Entry Points
`4.5.2 Abstract Data Types
`4.5.3 Capability-Based Addressing
`4.5.4 Revocation
`4.5.5 Locks and Keys
`4.5.6 Query Modification
`Verifiably Secure Systems
`Security Kernels
`4.6.2 Levels of Abstraction
`4.6.3 Verification
`Theory of Safe Systems
`4.7.1 Mono-Operational Systems
`4.7.2 General Systems
`4.7.3 Theories for General Systems
`Take—Grant Systems
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. Xi
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. xi
`Lattice Model of Information Flow
`Information Flow Policy
`Information State
`5.1.3 State Transitions and information Flow
`5.1.4 Lattice Structure
`Flow Properties of Lattices
`Flow Control Mechanisms
`Security and Precision
`5.2.2 Channels of Flow
`Execution-Based Mechanisms
`5.3.1 Dynamically Enforcing Security for Implicit Flow
`Flow-Secure Access Controls
`5.3.3 Data Mark Machine
`Single Accumulator Machine
`Compiler-Based Mechanism
`Flow Specifications
`Security Requirements
`5.4.3 Certification Semantics
`5.4.4 General Data and Control Structures
`5.4.5 Concurrency and Synchronization
`5.4.6 Abnormal Terminations
`Program Verification
`5.5.1 Assignment
`5.5.2 Compound
`5.5.3 Alternation
`5.5.5 Procedure Call
`Flow Controls in Practice
`System Verification
`5.6.2 Extensions
`A Guard Application
`Statistical Database Model
`Information State
`6.1.2 Types of Statistics
`6.1.3 Disclosure of Sensitive Statistics
`6.1.4 Perfect Secrecy and Protection
`6.1.5 Complexity of Disclosure
`Inference Control Mechanisms
`Security and Precision
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. xii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. xii
`6.2.2 Methods of Release
`Methods of Attack
`Small and Large Query Set Attacks
`6.3.2 Tracker Attacks
`6.3.3 Linear System Attacks
`6.3.4 Median Attacks
`Insertion and Deletion Attacks
`Mechanisms that Restrict Statistics
`Celt Suppression
`Implied Queries
`Mechanisms that Add Noise
`6.5.1 Response Perturbation (Rounding)
`6.5.2 Random-Sample Queries
`Da_ta Perturbation
`6.5.4 Data Swapping
`6.5.5 Randomized Response (Inquiry)
`INDEX 393
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. xiii
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. xiii
`Cryptography is the science and study of secret writing. A cipher is a secret meth-
`od of writing, whereby plaintext (or cleartext) is transformed into ciphertext
`(sometimes called a cryptogram). The process of transforming plaintext into ci-
`phertext is called encipherment or encryption; the reverse process of transforming
`ciphertext into plaintext is called decipherment or decryption. Both encipherment
`and decipherment are controlled by a cryptographic key or keys (see Figure 1.1).
`There are two basic types of ciphers: transpositions and substitutions. Trans-
`position ciphers rearrange bits or characters in the data. With a “rail-fence”
`cipher, for example,
`the letters of a plaintext message are written down in a
`FIGURE 1.1 Secret writing.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 1
`pattern resembling a rail fence, and then removed by rows. The following illus-
`trates this pattern:
`The key to the cipher is given by the depth of the fence, which in this example is 3.
`Substitution ciphers replace bits, characters, or blocks of characters with
`substitutes. A simple type of substitution cipher shifts each letter in the English
`alphabet forward by K positions (shifts past Z cycle back to A); K is the key to the
`cipher. The cipher is often called a Caesar cipher because Julius Caesar used it
`with K = 3. The following illustrates Caesar’s method:
`A code is a special type of substitution cipher that uses a “code book” as the
`key. Plaintext words or phrases are entered into the code book together with their
`ciphertext substitutes, as shown next:
`3790 1701
`The term code is sometimes used to refer to any type of cipher.
`In computer applications, transposition is usually combined with substitu-
`tion. The Data Encryption Standard (DES), for example, enciphers 64-bit blocks
`using a combination of transposition and substitution (see Chapter 2).
`Cryptanalysis is the science and study of methods of breaking ciphers. A
`cipher is breakable if it
`is possible to determine the plaintext or key from the
`ciphertext, or to determine the key from plaintext-ciphertext pairs. There are three
`basic methods of attack: ciphertext-only, known—plaintext, and chosen—plaintext.
`Under a ciphertext-only attack, a cryptanalyst must determine the key solely
`from intercepted ciphertext, though the method of encryption, the plaintext lan-
`guage, thepsubject matter of the ciphertext, and certain probable words may be
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 2
`known. For example, a message describing the location of a buried treasure would
`probably contain words such as BURIED, TREASURE, NORTH, TURN,
`Under a known-plaintext attack, a cryptanalyst knows some plaintext—
`ciphertext pairs. As an example, suppose an enciphered message transmitted from
`a user’s terminal to the computer is intercepted by a cryptanalyst who knows that
`the message begins with a standard header such as “LOGIN”. As another exam-
`ple, the cryptanalyst may know that the Department field of a particular record
`contains the ciphertext for Physics; indeed, the cryptanalyst may know the De-
`partment field of every record in the database. In some cases, knowledge of prob-
`able words allows a close approximation to a known-plaintext attack. Encrypted
`programs are particularly vulnerable because of the regular appearance of
`keywords—e.g. begin, end, var, procedure, if, then. Even if the exact position of
`encrypted keywords is unknown, a cryptanalyst may be able to make reasonable
`guesses about them. Ciphers today are usually considered acceptable only if they
`can withstand a known—plaintext attack under the assumption that the cryptana—
`lyst has an arbitrary amount of plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
`Under a chosemplaintext attack, a cryptanalyst is able to acquire the cipher-
`text corresponding to selected plaintext. This is the most favorable case for the
`cryptanalyst. A database system may be particularly vulnerable to this type of
`attack if users can insert elements into the database, and then observe the changes
`in the stored ciphertext. Bayer and Metzger [Baye76] call this the planted record
`Public—key systems (defined in Section 1.3) have introduced a fourth kind of
`attack: a chosen-ciphertext attack. Although the plaintext is not likely to be intelli-
`gible, the cryptanalyst may be able to use it to deduce the key.
`A cipher is unconditionally secure if, no matter how much ciphertext is inter-
`cepted, there is not enough information in the ciphertext to determine the plaintext
`uniquely. We shall give a formal definition of an unconditionally secure cipher in
`Section 1.4. With one exception, all ciphers are breakable given unlimited re-
`sources, so we are more interested in ciphers that are computationally infeasible to
`break. A cipher is computationally secure, or strong, if it cannot be broken by
`systematic analysis with available resources.
`The branch of knowledge embodying both cryptography and cryptanalysis is
`called cryptology.
`Classical cryptography provided secrecy for information sent over channels where
`eavesdropping and message interception was possible. The sender selected a cipher
`and encryption key, and either gave it directly to the receiver or else sent it indi-
`rectly over a slow but secure channel (typically a trusted courier). Messages and
`replies were transmitted over the insecure channel in ciphertext (see Figure 1.2).
`Classical encryption schemes are described in Chapter 2.
`Modern cryptography protects data transmitted over high~speed electronic
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 3
`FIGURE 1.2 Classical information channel.
`ciphertext ——-—-D
`secure key distribution channel
`lines or stored in computer systems. There are two principal objectives: secrecy (or
`privacy), to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of data; and authenticity or integ-
`rity), to prevent the unauthorized modification of data.
`Information transmitted over electronic lines is vulnerable to passive wire-
`tapping, which threatens secrecy, and to active wiretapping, which threatens au-
`thenticity (see Figure 1.3). Passive wiretapping (eavesdropping) refers to the
`interception of messages, usually without detection. Although it is normally used
`to disclose message contents, in computer networks it can also be used to monitor
`tralfic flow through the network to determine who is communicating with whom.
`Protection against disclosure of message contents is provided by enciphering trans-
`formations, which are described in Chapter 2, and by the cryptographic techniques
`described in Chapter 3. Protection against traffic flow analysis is provided by
`controlling the endpoints of encryption; this is discussed in Chapter 3.
`Active wiretapping (tampering) refers to deliberate modifications made to
`the message stream. This can be for the purpose of making arbitrary changes to a
`message, or of replacing data in a message with replays of data from earlier
`messages (e.g., replacing the amount field of a transaction “CREDIT SMITH’S
`ACCOUNT WITH $10” with the amount field of an earlier transaction “CRED-
`IT JONES’S ACCOUNT WITH $5000”). It can be for the purpose of injecting
`false messages,
`injecting replays of previous messages (e.g.,
`to repeat a credit
`transaction), or deleting messages (e.g.,
`to prevent a transaction “DEDUCT
`$1000 FROM SMITH’S ACCOUNT”). Encryption protects against message
`FIGURE 1.3 Threats to secure communication.
`insecure channel
`active wiretapping
`passive wiretapping
` ____j__:_
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 4
`modification and injection of false messages by making it infeasible for an oppo-
`nent to create ciphertext that deciphers into meaningful plaintext. Note, however,
`that whereas it can be used to detect message modification, it cannot prevent it.
`Encryption alone does not protect against replay, because an opponent could
`simply replay previous ciphertext. Cryptographic techniques for protecting against
`this problem are discussed in Chapter 3. Although encryption cannot prevent
`message deletion, the cryptographic techniques discussed in Chapter 3 can detect
`deletions of blocks or characters within a message stream. Deletion of entire mes-
`sages can be detected with communication protocols that require message
`FIGURE 1.4 Threats to data stored in computer systems.
`Computer system
`I c
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 5
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 5
`Data in computer systems is vulnerable to similar threats (see Figure 1.4).
`Threats to secrecy include browsing, leakage, and inference. Browsing refers to
`searching through main memory or secondary storage for information (e.g., conf1—
`dential data or proprietary software programs). It is similar to eavesdropping on
`communication channels, but there are two important differences. On the one
`hand, information stored in computer systems has a longer lifetime; in this sense,
`browsing poses a more serious threat than eavesdropping. On the other hand,
`information transmitted over electronic lines is vulnerable to tapping even when
`access to the system is denied. Browsing is possible only if the user has access to
`the system and to unauthorized regions of memory. Access controls, described in
`Chapter 4, can prevent this.
`Cryptography protects against browsing by making the information unintel-
`ligible. It can supplement access controls and is especially useful for protecting
`data on tapes and discs which, if stolen, can no longer be protected by the system.
`Cryptography cannot, however, protect data from disclosure while it is being pro-
`cessed in the clear. Access controls are needed for this purpose, and these controls
`must include procedures that clear memory between use to ensure that confiden-
`tial data is not inadvertently exposed. If access is not controlled, encrypted data
`can also be vulnerable to ciphertext searching (e.g., finding employees making
`identical salaries by searching for records with identical ciphertext salaries); cryp-
`tographic solutions to this problem are described in Chapter 3.
`Leakage refers to the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes
`with legitimate access to the data. A compiler, for example, could leak 21 propri-
`etary software program while it is being compiled. An income tax program could
`leak confidential information about a user. A file editor could leak classified mili-
`tary data to a user without a security clearance. Cryptography and access controls
`must be supplemented with information flow controls, discussed in Chapter 5, to
`control information dissemination.
`Inference refers to the deduction of confidential data about a particular
`individual by correlating released statistics about groups of individuals. For exam-
`if Smith is the only non—Ph.D. faculty member in a Physics department,
`Smith’s salary can be deduced by correlating the average salary of all faculty in
`the department with the average salary of all Ph.D. faculty in the department.
`Although cryptography and access controls can protect the data records from
`browsing, they do not provide a mathematical framework for determining which
`statistics can be released without disclosing sensitive data. Inference controls, dis-
`cussed in Chapter 6, address this problem.
`Threats to authenticity include tampering and accidental destruction. Tam-
`pering with data in computer systems is analogous to active wiretapping on com-
`munication channels, but differs from it in the same ways browsing differs from
`passive wiretapping. Like active wiretapping, tampering can be for the purpose of
`making arbitrary changes to data (e.g., changing the Salary field of an employee
`record from $20,000 to $25,000). It can be for the purpose of replaying data stored
`previously in a record (e.g., to restore a previous balance in an accounting record),
`or replaying data stored in some other record (e.g., to make the Salary field of an
`employee record the same as that of a higher paid employee). It can also be for the
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 6
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 6
`purpose of overwriting data with nonsense (e.g., overwriting a cryptographic key
`so that encrypted data becomes inaccessible). Finally, it can be for the purpose of
`inserting records (e.g., adding a dummy employee record to the payroll file) or
`deleting files or records (e.g., to remove a bad credit report). Cryptographic tech-
`niques can help protect against these threats by making it possible to detect false
`or replayed ciphertext. But it cannot prevent them. Access controls are essential
`for the reliable operation of the system. Backup is vital for recovery.
`Accidental destruction refers to the unintentional overwriting or deletion of
`data. Unintentional overwriting is caused by faulty software (e.g., because an
`array subscript is out~of-range). Cryptography cannot protect against this threat.
`Access controls,
`implemented in language processors and in hardware, provide
`error confinement by preventing programs from writing into the memory regions
`of other programs or into system tables. Unintentional deletion is caused by soft-
`ware or hardware failure (e.g., a disk head crash), and by user mistakes (e.g.,
`inadvertently deleting lines of a file during an editing session). Backup is needed to
`recover from accidental as well as deliberate destruction. Many text editors have
`automatic backup facilities so that an earlier version of a file is easily recovered;
`some have facilities for undoing each editing command.
`Computer systems are vulnerable to another problem: masquerading. If an
`intruder can gain access to a system under another user’s account, then the intrud-
`er can access the user’s data files and all other information permitted to the user.
`Similarly, if a program can spoof legitimate users logging into the system into
`believing that they are conversing with the system, the program might be able to
`obtain confidential information from these users (e.g., their login passwords). Pro-
`tection against masquerading requires that the system and user be able to mutual-
`ly authenticate each other. Such strategies that use encrypted passwords are
`described in Chapter 3. “Digital signatures” provide a more general means of
`authenticating users or processes; they are introduced in Section 1.3.3.
`Data security is the science and study of methods of protecting data in
`computer and communications systems. It embodies the four kinds of controls
`studied in this book: cryptographic controls, access controls, information flow con-
`trols, and inference controls. It also embodies procedures for backup and recovery.
`This section describes the general requirements of all cryptographic systems, the
`specific properties of public-key encryption, and digital signatures.
`A cryptographic system (or cryptosystem for short) has five components:
`A plaintext message space, W}.
`A ciphertext message space, 6.
`A key space, J(.
`‘M —> C, where K c J(.
`A family of enciphering transformations, EX:
`A family of deciphering transformations, DK: 6 —> W, where K 6 J(.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 7
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 7
`FIGURE 1.5 Cryptographic system.
`Each enciphering transformation EK is defined by an enciphering algorithm
`E, which is common to every transformation in the family, and a key K, which
`distinguishes it from the other transformations. Similarly, each deciphering trans-
`formation DK is defined by a deciphering algorithm D and a key K. For a given K,
`DK is the inverse of EK; that is, DK(EK(M)) = M for every plaintext message M. In
`a given cryptographic system, the transformations EX and DK are described by
`parameters derived from K (or directly by K). The set of parameters describing EK
`is called the enciphering key, and the set of parameters describing DK the decipher-
`ing key. Figure l.5 illustrates the enciphering and deciphering of data.
`Cryptosystems must satisfy three general requirements:
`The enciphering and deciphering transformations must be eflicient for all
`The system must be easy to use.
`The security of the system should depend only on the secrecy of the keys and
`not on the secrecy of the algorithms E or D.
`Requirement (1) is essential for computer applications; data is usually enciphered
`and deciphered at the time of transmission, and these operations must not be
`bottlenecks. Requirement (2) implies it must be easy for the cryptographer to find
`a key with an invertible transformation. Requirement (3) implies the enciphering
`and deciphering algorithms must be inherently strong; that is, it should not be
`possible to break a cipher simply by knowing the method of encipherment. This
`requirement is needed because the algorithms may be in the public domain or
`known to a cryptanalyst, whence knowing K reveals EK and DK. Note, however, the
`converse need not hold; that is, knowing EK or DK need not reveal K. This is
`because the enciphering key describing EK or the deciphering key describing DK
`could be derived from K by a one-way (irreversible) transformation (see Section
`1.5.3). This technique is used in public-key systems (see Section 1.3). We shall
`assume the algorithms E and D are public knowledge.
`There are specific requirements for secrecy and authenticity. Secrecy re-
`quires that a cryptanalyst not be able to determine plaintext data from intercepted
`ciphertext. Formally, there are two requirements:
`Secrecy requirements
`It should be computationally infeasible for a cryptanalyst to systematically
`determine the deciphering transformation DK from intercepted ciphertext C,
`even if the corresponding plaintext M is known.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1017, p. 8
`It should be computationally infeasible for a cryptanalyst to systematically
`determine plaintext M from intercepted ciphertext C.
`Requirement (1) ensures that a cryptanalyst cannot systematically determine the
`deciphering transformation (guessing may be possible). Thus, the cryptanalyst will
`be unable to decipher C or o