`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`Publication number:
`0 567 800 A1
`9 6
`@ Application number: 931055924
`Int. cm GOBF 1/00
`(23) Date ofiiling: 92.04.93
`(9 Priority: 29.94.92 us 975919
`@ Date of publication of application:
`03.11.93 Bulletin 93144
`Designated Contracting States:
`Old Orchard Road
`Armonlr, N.Y. 1050-nl(US)
`Inventor: Hartrlck, Thomas Vincent
`170 Sharpstead Lane
`Galthersburg, MD 20878{US)
`Inventor: Stevens, Jetlrey Noel
`13637 Sandpiper Lane
`Galthersburg, MD 20B78{US)
`Inventor: Sabia, Nicholas James
`2213 Drury Road
`Silver Spring, MD 2o9os(us)
`Flepresentative: Miinlg, Anton, Dipl.-Ing.
`IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme
`Patentwesen und Urheberrecht
`D-70548 Stuttgart (DE)
`® Data processing system and method to enforce payment of royalties when copying softcopy
`mar lrtetllc g;
`Permitted ‘rlxt Utrun 5; IP13. 4)
`1:-2-nu: 1-can 94¢ rug. 7)
`@ A publisher 0! a softcopy book includes royalty
`payment information either within the structured doc-
`text of
`the book or
`in a royalty payment
`information file which accompanies the book. To
`read the book from the storage disk, the user applies
`a special softcopy book reading program at his
`If the user enters a command to copy
`the book onto a writable storage medium such as a
`magnetic disk or to print a hardcopy oi the book with
`a printer or to transmit a copy oi the book over a
`modem, a royalty payment program intercepts the
`copying command and suspends the copying oper-
`presents the user with a display of the royalty pay-
`ment information stored in the book text or in a file
`accompanying the book. The user must select the
`option of paying a royalty to the publisher before the
`royalty payment program permits a copy of the book
`to be made.
`I919. 51
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`Hank Xerox (UK) Business Services
`£3. 10.r‘3.6.r‘3.3. 1|
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 1
`Technical Field
`The invention disclosed broadly relates to data
`processing and more particularly relates to the
`management of copying and printing operations for
`a softcopy document by a data processor, so as to
`comply with royalty payment
`requirements for
`making copies of the document.
`Background Art
`Modern word processing and text editing pro-
`grams employ structured document architecture to
`provide greater control and flexibility in the dis-
`played and printed appearance of documents pre-
`pared with the programs. Structured document ar-
`chitecture is described. for example, in the copen-
`ding U.S. patent application serial number 344.332,
`filed April 26, 1989. entitled "A Method for Man-
`ipulating Elements Within a Structured Document
`Using Active Intent Interpretation.” by C. J. Ben-
`nett, D. A. Foulger. E. M. Hesse and D. W. Walsh,
`assigned to the IBM Corporation and incorporated
`herein by reference. A structured document can be
`prepared in accordance with the standardized gen-
`eral markup language. such as is described in the
`International Standard's Organization
`8879-1986. A data stream of
`text marked up in
`accordance with the standardized general markup
`language. will have its text divided into elements
`consisting of a begin tag and its content and termi-
`nated by an and tag. when necessary. Within a
`WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor,
`text is displayed to the user as it will appear when
`it is printed, even though its structure is defined by
`the begin tags and end tags for each element of
`text. Formatting of the elements within a structured
`document is done when the document is displayed
`to the user. These elements which fall
`into the
`category of commoniy used elements include para-
`graphs, simple lists. ordered lists, bulleted lists.
`and list items.
`Large documents marked up with structured
`document architecture tags. can be manipulated as
`a softcopy book, by the method described in the
`copending U.S. patent application serial number
`486,461, filed February 28, 1990, entitled "Method
`for Associating Annotation with Electronically Pub-
`lished Material" by J. P. Devries, J. J. Slater, M. E.
`Moran, J. Unger and E. Cassorla. assigned to the
`IBM Corporation and incorporated herein by refer-
`ence. The Devries, et al. patent application de-
`scribes a method for creating on-line softcopy
`books from the same marked up source material
`used to create printed information such as a word
`processor or a markup language source used with
`a text formatter. A book data stream is provided, in
`an intermediate format for storing on-line informa-
`tion, specifically designed to be used by a book
`display program. The data stream captures and
`preserves structural
`information about the books,
`by using the structured document tags. The meth-
`od is suited to display on-line softcopy books in a
`useable manner on a variety of display devices. A
`book display program manipulates the book data
`stream and allows users to interact with the on-line
`information. The electronic book may be used like
`a hard copy book. except that it is displayed on a
`display screen. The method allows readers to treat
`on-line softcopy books as if they were hard copy
`books, and uses the book data stream as its input.
`The book data stream is created by a special
`softcopy book building program which processes
`the marked source material by performing a word
`frequency analysis to town compact data tokens
`which represent the words in the book. The com-
`pacted, tokenized text is then stored as the book
`data stream on a storage disk such as a compact
`optical disk. To read the book data stream from the
`storage disk, a special softcopy book reading pro-
`gram, which reconverts the compacted, tokenized
`text into the marked source material, which is then
`capable of being displayed on a display device.
`copied as
`file onto other
`disks,printed on a hardcopy printer or transmitted
`over a modem to other data processors. The pro-
`cess for converting the marked source material to
`the book data stream is described in the US Patent
`5.099.426 by Fl. G. Carlgren and W. D. Modlin.
`entitled "Method for Use of Morphological Informa-
`tion to Cross Reference Keywords Used for
`formation Retrieval", assigned to the IBM Corpora-
`tion and incorporated herein by reference.
`The special softcopy book reading program
`has been embodied in the IBM BookManager (TM)
`READ program, which helps the user manage.
`search and look at on-line books. There are two
`products, Book-
`complementary Bookltllanager
`Manager BUILD is the special softcopy book build-
`ing program. which creates on-line books from files
`marked-up with Generalized Markup Language.
`The BookManager READ product can then man-
`age, search and show the on-line books created by
`BookManager BUILD. The BookManager READ
`program product is described in the IBM publica-
`tion "BookManager
`(TM) HEAD, Displaying On-
`Line Books." publication number S023-0449-0.
`February 1989. The BookManager BUILD program
`is described in
`IBM publication
`(TM) BUILD -Preparing On-Line
`Books." publication number SC23-D450-0, Febru-
`ary 1989. These publications are available from
`IBM branch ofiices.
`The BookManager BUILD and BookManager
`READ program products use on-line.
`books which are formatted using the Generalized
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 2
`Markup Language (GML) described in the following
`two IBM publications: “IBM BookMaster — Text Pro-
`grammers Notebook -Flelease 3.0." publication
`number SO34-5012-02, September 1990 and "IBM
`BookMaster - Users Guide - Release 3.0." publica-
`tion number SC34-5009-03. September 1990. Both
`of these IBM BookMaster publications are available
`through IBM branch offices.
`Softcopy books are frequently communicated.
`stored. displayed and modified in their softcopy
`form. with hard copies only occasionally made.
`Authors of such electronic books or documents
`frequently desire to impose appropriate forms of
`security treatment for the electronic books so gen-
`erated and they wish to have any rights of au-
`thorship in their works, respected. This is provided
`by the invention described in the copending U.S.
`patent application serial number 546,334. filed June
`29. 1990, entitled "Structured Document Tags In-
`voking Specialized Functions" by T. V. Hartrick, P.
`E. Higgins and N. J. Sabia. assigned to the IBM
`Corporation and incorporated herein by reference.
`The Hartrick. et al. patent application describes a
`means to enforce the author's intentions for the
`treatment of his electronic books or documents.
`The author may place a copyright notice on his
`softcopy documents, and the mechanism increases
`the prominence of that notice. Security labels such
`as "Company Confidential." "Do Not Copy." or
`"Do Not Distribute." which the author may place on
`the softcopy of
`the document. are enforced by
`limiting or preventing copying.
`The invention disclosed by Hartrick, et al.
`employed to place a special copyright notice on
`the first page of the displayed document as it is
`displayed on the display device. A special struc-
`tured document
`tag for copyright which accom-
`panies the copyright notice character string can be
`located anywhere in the structured document's for-
`matted text stream. This is referred to as a global
`If a printer is connected to the system and
`commanded to print the document. a cover page
`can be selectively printed which includes the copy-
`right notice. before the rest of the structured docu-
`ment is printed by the printer.
`Another feature disclosed by Hartrick, et al. is
`placement of a special "Do Not Copy" label on
`pages of the document as it is displayed. A special
`structured document tag accompanies the "Do Not
`Copy“ label
`in the structured document. Its pres-
`ence will cause the "Do Not Copy" string. to be
`selectively displayed on all pages when the docu-
`ment is displayed on the display device. Still fur-
`if a printer connected to the system is com-
`manded to print the document. the printing opera-
`tion will be aborted in response to the presence of
`the special structured document tag for the "Do
`Not Copy“ label. Still further, if a disk drive storage
`device is connected to the system. a write to disk
`command for the document will be aborted in re-
`sponse to the special structured document tag for
`the "Do Not Copy” label. Still further. if a commu-
`nications adapter is connected to the system. a
`transmission command for the document will have
`function aborted in response to the special
`structured document tag for the “Do Not Copy"
`Authors. of course. are in the business of au-
`thoring to make money. And this is motivation is
`not different for those authors and their publishers
`who have chosen the medium of softcopy books
`for their publications. What is needed is a means to
`enforce the payment of royalties to publishers and
`authors of sottcopy books. when a reader desires
`to make a copy of a portion or all of the book.
`The following terminology is used in this descrip-
`in referring to structured document architec-
`ture concepts.
`Standardized General Markup Language. A markup
`language consisting of tags used to prepare struc-
`tured documents. Refer to International Standards
`Organization standard 8879-1986 for definition and
`Structured document
`A document prepared in accordance with
`SGML-compliant type definition.
`SGML-defined entity consisting of a begin tag and
`its alphanumeric string content. and including an
`end tag. when necessary.
`Empty element
`An element whose contents are null, containing
`neither text nor other elements.
`Current document position
`The document position which determines the cur-
`rent page for display.
`Commonly used elements
`into the category of
`Those elements which fall
`commonly used elements include Paragraphs, Sim-
`ple Lists, Ordered Lists, Bulleted Lists and List
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 3
`Tag name
`The name given to a set of elements which all
`abide by the same rules of formatting. Examples of
`a tag name include PARAGRAPH. SIMPLE LIST,
`Formatted Text Stream
`The formatted text stream is the sequence of al-
`phanumeric characters which includes the struc-
`tured document tags and associated text for the
`elements comprising the structured document.
`Objects of the Invention
`the invention to
`is therefore an object of
`provide an improved method for managing the soft
`copy text of a structured document in a data pro-
`cessing system. so as to comply with royalty pay-
`ment requirements of the document.
`is still a further object of the invention to
`provide an improved method for managing the
`printing of pages of a structured document, so as
`to comply with royalty payment requirements oi
`the document.
`the invention to
`is yet another object of
`provide an improved method for managing the writ-
`ing oi a structured document into a bulk storage
`medium. so as to comply with royalty payment
`requirements of the document.
`the invention to
`is yet a further object of
`provide an improved method for managing the tele-
`communication ct soft copies of a structured docu-
`ment. so as to comply with royalty payment re-
`quirements of the document.
`Summary of the Invention
`The author or publisher of a softcopy book
`specifies the royalty amount he wants to be paid
`by users who copy the book or individual chapters
`of the book. The source text of the book has the
`form of
`the structured document. formatted text
`In accordance with the invention, the publisher
`includes royalty payment information either within
`the structured document text of the book or in a
`information file which accompa-
`royalty payment
`nies the book. The publisher then writes a copy of
`the book onto a compact disk optical storage me-
`dium, a floppy disk magnetic storage medium, or
`other suitable storage medium. The book is stored
`on the storage medium as a compacted. tokenized
`To read the book from the storage disk.
`user applies a special softcopy book reading pro-
`gram at his workstation, which reconverts the com-
`pacted, tokenized text into the structured document
`source text. which is then capable of being dis-
`played on a display device.
`In accordance with the invention. the user also
`applies a royalty payment program in conjunction
`with the softcopy book reading program. If the user
`enters a command to copy the book onto a writable
`storage medium such as a magnetic disk or to print
`a hardcopy of the book with a printer or to transmit
`a copy of the book over a modem,
`the royalty
`payment program intercepts the copying command
`and suspends the copying operations. Instead, the
`the royalty payment program presents the user
`with a display of the royalty payment information
`stored in the book text or in a file accompanying
`the book. The user must select the option of pay-
`ing a royalty to the publisher before the royalty
`payment program permits a copy of the book to be
`The royalty payment information contained in
`the structured document text of the softcopy book
`or in the royalty information file accompanying the
`softcopy book. can include royalty payment
`formation on individual chapters of the book. as
`well as on the entire book. If the user is displaying
`a particular chapter oi the book at his workstation
`at the time he enters the copying command, the
`royalty payment program displays royalty payment
`information for the current chapter being displayed.
`as well as that for the entire book.
`When the user selects to pay the royalty. a
`communication session is established between the
`user's workstation and the publisher's data proces-
`for example by placing a call
`through a
`modem and over the public telephone network. A
`message is sent by the royalty payment program
`to the publisher's data processor. requesting that
`the user be permitted to make a copy of a speci-
`fied part of the book or of the entire book. The
`request message includes the user's name, his
`mailing address, and his credit card number or
`other billing information. The message also con-
`tains enough information about the book so that the
`publisher's data processor can compute the royalty
`amount the user is to pay.
`After checking that the user's offered mode of
`payment is effective. the publisher's data processor
`sends back to the user's royalty payment program,
`an authorization message to make the proposed
`copy. The royalty payment program in the user's
`workstation then recommences the copying opera-
`tion which was suspended. allowing the proposed
`copy of the book to be made.
`The publisher's data processor records the re-
`quest by the user to make the copy of the book,
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 4
`and prepares a bill to the user's credit card ac-
`The authorization message sent by the pub-
`lisher's data processor in response to the user's
`request, can contain authentication data which is
`used by the royalty payment program in the user's
`workstation to authenticate the authorization mes-
`sage trcm the publisher. This prevents the user or
`others from circumventing the royalty payment pro-
`In accordance with the invention. the authoriza-
`tion message may also contain starting page data
`which is used in the recovery of aborted copying
`sessions by the user. As the user is making the
`proposed copy, an acknowledgement signal is pe-
`riodically sent from the user's workstation to the
`publisher's data processor. This is done for each
`page or chapter successfully copied by the user.
`The publisher's data processor counts the acknowl-
`edgement signals. If the user's copying of the book
`fails before the proposed copying is completed.
`then the publisher's data processor stores a fault
`record with the number of the last page or chapter
`of the book which was successfutly copied. This is
`indicated by the number of acknowledgement sig-
`nals received by the publisher. Later. when the
`user reconnects his workstation with the publisher's
`data processor and makes another request to copy
`the book. a new authorization message is sent by
`the publisher to the user, with the identity of the
`last page or chapter successfully copied.
`user does not reconnect to the publisher, then the
`publisher's data processor will bill the user for only
`the portion of
`the book which was successfully
`The resulting invention provides an improved
`means to enforce the payment of royalties to pub-
`lishers and authors of softcopy books. when a
`reader desires to make a copy of a portion or all of
`the book.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`These and other objects. features and advan-
`tages of the invention will be more fully appre-
`ciated with reference to the accompanying figures.
`is a system block diagram of the user's
`including the royalty payment pro-
`gram, in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 2 is a system block diagram of the pub-
`|isher's data processor. including the royalty billing
`program. in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 3A is a first example of element tags and
`associated text.
`Fig. 3B illustrates the memory organization of
`element tags and associated text. for the first ex-
`ample of Fig. 3A.
`Fig. 3C illustrates the appearance of the dis-
`play ot text for the first example of Figs. 3A and
`Fig. 4 is a more detailed diagram oi the mem-
`ory image for a second example of the formatted
`text stream 25, showing in particular the element
`coordinates 156 associated with each particular
`element in the formatted text stream.
`Fig. 5 illustrates the appearance of the display
`of text for the second example of Figs. 4.
`Fig. 6 is a diagram of the initially unloaded
`parameter table 56.
`Fig. 7 is a diagram of the parameter table 56
`after the it has been loaded with information from
`elements with special tags.
`Figs. 8 and 8A show a flow diagram of the
`royalty payment program 45.
`Fig. 9 is a flow diagram of the royalty billing
`program 74.
`Fig. 10 illustrates the CD ROM 55‘ which in-
`cludes the softcopy book and the royalty informa-
`tion file 58, in a second embodiment of the inven-
`Fig. 11 shows the display of royalty payment
`information at the user's workstation.
`Description of the Best Mode for Carrying Out the
`is a system block diagram of the user's
`workstation, including the royalty payment program
`in accordance with the invention. The work-
`station 10 includes the processor 20 which is con-
`nected by means of the bus 29 to the memory 22.
`The processor 20 executes program instructions
`for the programs stored in the memory 22. Also
`connected to the bus 29 are the display 26. key-
`board 50, printer 44, magnetic disk drive 46. com-
`pact optical disk drive 55 and the network adapter
`48. The network adapter 48 is connected to the
`communications network 49, which can be the pub-
`lic switched telephone network.
`The memory 22 stores User Profile 23.
`structured document, formatted text stream 25 (Fig.
`4), Loaded Parameter Table 56L (Fig. 7), Display
`Buffer 26‘ (Fig. 5), BookManager Sottcopy Reading
`Program 35. Floyalty Payment Program 45 (Fig. 8).
`Communications Application Program 47. and Op-
`erating System 27.
`The user's workstation is connected over the
`network 49 to the publisher's data processor 15, as
`is shown in Fig. 2. The publisher's data processor
`15 includes the network adapter 92 which is con-
`nected to the network 49 and to the bus 98. Also
`connected to the bus 98 is the processor 94 and
`the memory 96. The processor 94 executes pro-
`gram instructions for the programs stored in the
`memory 96.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 5
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 5
`The memory 96 stores first book data 70 which
`includes Total Pages. Chap. 1 Pages and Chap. 2
`Pages for the first book. It also stores second book
`data 72 which includes Total Pages. Chap.
`Pages. Chap. 2 Pages. and Chap. 3 Pages for the
`second book.
`It also stores the Royalty Billing
`Program 74 (Fig. 9). Publisher's Private Key 76.
`Public Key Encryption Program 78. Communica-
`tions Application Program 79, and Operating Sys-
`tem 80.
`The author or publisher of a softcopy book
`specifies the royalty amount he wants to be paid
`by users who copy the book or individual chapters
`of the book. The source text of the book has the
`form of
`the structured document. formatted text
`stream 25.
`In accordance with the invention. the
`publisher includes royalty payment intonnation ei-
`ther within the structured document
`text of
`book or in a royalty payment information file which
`accompanies the book. Two examples are given of
`a structured document, formatted text stream which
`includes royalty payment information. the first ex-
`ample being shown in Figs. 3A, 3B and 3C.
`The display device 26 coupled to the proces-
`sor 20 displays in WYSIWYG form. a plurality of
`document elements such as paragraphs 28 and 38,
`the list 30. which includes the list items 32. 34 and
`36 shown in the display 26 ot Fig. 3C. Cursor 54 is
`also shown. The elements can include lists which
`are either ordered or unordered, and elements can
`also include graphics as well as text. 01‘ special
`note is the copyright notice 40 and the "Book
`Fleproduction Fee" royalty message 306 displayed
`in WYSIWYG form for the page of the structured
`document shown in the display 26 of Fig. 3C. The
`document elements 28-42 are organized in a for-
`matted text stream having an ordered sequence. as
`can be seen in Fig. 3A. using structured document
`notation. where the ordered sequence is specified
`by a corresponding ordered sequence of the plural-
`ity of element tags. The paragraph 28 in Fig. 3A is
`shown in the structured document notation with the
`begin tag [p] and the end tag [fp]. Each element
`such as the paragraph 28 shown in Fig. 3A.
`is a
`structured document element having a begin tag
`[p], the text of the paragraph in this example, and
`then an end tag [lp]. The begin tag and the end tag
`serve to identity the element type,
`in this case
`indicating a paragraph. The order of occurrence of
`the WYSIWYG display of paragraph 28 on the
`display 26 is determined by the order of occur-
`rence in the fon'natted text stream of the structured
`document element representing that paragraph 28
`shown in Fig. 3A. within the context of the order ot
`occurrence of the other structured document ele-
`ments. as for example,
`graph 38.
`the list 30 and the para-
`accordance with
`strings such as the royalty message 306. are em-
`bedded within special elements having special
`structured document tags in the structured docu-
`ment. Specifically.
`the royalty message element
`306 is a string embedded between a begin tag
`[royalty] and an end tag [lroyalty]. when the pro-
`cessor 20 detects the presence ot a special
`such as a royalty begin tag.
`it makes special note
`of its presence within the memory 22, so that when
`specified printer 44. disk drive storage 46, or com-
`munications adapter 48 functions are requested.
`copying is inhibited and a royalty payment process
`in invoked. For example. if a royalty element 306 is
`identitied in the document text 25, then the printer
`44 function will be inhibited if the user requests the
`printing of the structured document within which
`the royalty element is identified.
`The order of occurrence of the structured doc-
`ument elements such as the paragraph 28, list 30
`and paragraph 38, can be determined by their
`order of occurrence in the formatted text stream
`stored in the memory 22 as is shown in Fig. 3B.
`Fig. 3B shows that the structured document text
`with its tags ot Fig. 3A. have been stored in the
`memory 22 in a linear sequential order, which is
`the formatted text stream 25. Paragraph element
`28 includes tags 28a and 28b and text 28c. List
`element 30 includes tags 30a and 30b.
`item element 32 includes tags 32a and 32b
`and text 32c.
`item element 34 includes tags 34a and 34b
`and text 34c.
`item element 36 includes tags 36a and 36b
`and text 36c.
`Paragraph element 38 includes tags 38a and 38b
`and text 38c.
`The special copyright notice element is repre-
`sented by the begin tag 40a and the end tag 40b
`which surrounds the copyright notice string 400.
`the special royalty message "Book Fle-
`production Fee" element
`represented by the
`begin tag 306a, and the end tag 306b, which sur-
`rounds the “Book Reproduction Fee" string 306c.
`In accordance with the invention, when the proces-
`sor 20 searches through the formatted text stream
`25 stored in the memory 22 and detects the pres-
`ence of the begin tag 306a or the end tag 306b for
`the royalty message string 306c.
`the processor
`loads the royalty message string 306c into a speci-
`fied partition 306| of the parameter table 56 shown
`in Fig. 6 in the memory 22 and it sets a flag 366 or
`368 to indicate the presence of a royalty message
`string. as shown in Fig. 7.
`Still further in accordance with the invention, at
`the time of initial program loading for the royalty
`payment program 45 into the data processing sys-
`tem shown in Fig. 1, a default parameter table 56 is
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 6
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1021, p. 6
`loaded into memory at a pre-specified partition.
`The default parameter table 56 shown in Fig. 6 will
`have a set of default values entered therein which
`are stored in the memory 22. Alternately. the user
`can enter a profile of values for the parameter table
`56. The parameter table 56, as loaded at the initial
`program loading. will include the characters repre-
`senting each special tag such as the royalty tag "-
`[royalty]" and the like. as is shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
`Also included in the parameter table 56 of Fig. 6
`will be values indicating the response which the
`data processing system is to make when particular
`tagged strings are identified in the document text
`loaded into the memory 22. For example,
`if a
`royalty tag "[roya|ty]" is detected in a structured
`document, then the default parameter table 56 will
`indicate that if the document is to be displayed on
`the display 26, the page displayed will include the
`royalty message.
`Fig. 4 is a more detailed diagram of the mem-
`ory image for a second example of the formatted
`text stream 25. showing in particular the paragraph
`coordinates 156 associated with each particular
`paragraph. heading and other element in the for-
`matted text stream 25. The formatted text stream
`25 illustrated in Fig. 4 has structured document
`tags similar to those referenced above. The struc-
`tured document of Fig. 4 is shown as it
`is dis-
`played in WYSIWYG form on the display 26 of Fig.
`5. The structured document 25 of Fig. 4 has three
`major parts.
`the book title portion consisting of
`elements 300 to 314, the first chapter portion con-
`sisting of elements 316 to 340, and the second
`chapter portion consisting of elements 342 to 350.
`The book title portion of the second example
`document 25 of Fig. 4, has the following elements:
`"[bk] Book Title [:’bk]" 300.
`"[ed] Second Edition [!ed]" 302.
`"[cpr] (0) ABC Co 1990 [r'cpr]" 304.
`"[roya|ty] Book Reproduction Fee [!roya|ty]" 306.
`"[amount] $20.00 [lamount]" 303.
`"[phone] 1-600-123-1234 [Iphone]'' 310.
`"[public key] 13A723F9...6 [!public key]‘' 312. and
`"[validation] The Book
`Ftepro Fee
`[Nalidation]" 314.
`Royalty message 306 is represented by the
`special tag [royalty] followed by the special royalty
`message string “Book Fteproduction Fee" and fol-
`lowed by the end tag [froyalty]. The default table
`56 column 364 of Fig. 7 shows that this string will
`be displayed on the display 26. When a royalty
`element such as 306.
`is the first
`to occur in a
`structured document 25 and it does not occur
`within a chapter heading such as [ht], it is consid-
`ered a global element which is given effect for the
`entire book.
`is flagged in the book royalty flag
`column 366 of the default table 56 of Fig. 7. Since
`royalty element 306 is the first occurring royalty
`it repre-
`element in the structured document 25.
`sents the royalty message for copying the entire
`book. The associated royalty information in the
`special elements which occur immediately follow-
`ing royalty message 306 are also considered glo-
`bal elements which apply when the entire book is
`to be copied. The associated elements to royalty
`element 306 are "[amount] $20.00 [:'amount]" 308.
`"[phone] 1-800-123-1234 [{phone]" 310, "[public
`key] 13A723F9...6 [fpublic key]" 312, and
`[validation] The Book
`[!validation]" 314.
`The element "[amount] $20.00 [famount]" 306
`represents the charge for copying the entire book.
`The default table 56 column 364 of Fig. 7 shows
`that this string will be displayed on the display 26.
`[fphone]" 310 represents the phone number of the
`publisher's data processor 15, which is called over
`the telephone network 49. The default
`table 56
`column 364 of Hg. 7 shows that this string will be
`displayed on the display 26.
`[!public key]" 312 is the publisher's public key
`which the user's royalty payment program 45 uses
`to validate that the authorization message received
`from the publisher is authentic. The default table 56
`column 364 of Fig. 7 shows that this string will not
`be displayed on the display 26.
`The element "[yalidation] The Book Flepro Fee
`Is Paid [!va|idation]" 314.
`is the string which the
`user's royalty payment program 45 compares with
`the publisher's authorization message to insure that
`it is authentic. The default table 56 column 364 of
`Fig. 7 shows that this string will not be displayed
`on the display 26.
`The first chapter portion of the second example
`document 25 of Fig. 4. has the following elements:
`"[h1] First Chapter Heading [l’h1]" 316.
`"[roya|ty] Chapter Reproduction Fee [.-‘roya|ty]"
`"[amount] $ 1.00 [lamount]" 320.
`"[validation] First Chapter Fee Paid [lvalidation]"
`"[p] Paragraph of text [!p]" 324,
`"[h2] First topic heading [m2]" 326.
`"[p] Paragraph of text [z'p]" 328.
`"[p] Paragraph of text [!p]