Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs:
`Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies
`L. Richard Carley*, Georges G.E. Gielen, Rob A. Rutenbar* and Willy M.C. Sansen
`*Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
`Electrical Engineering
`Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
`Leuven, Belgium
`Digital synthesis tools such as logic synthesis and semicustom
`layout have dramatically changed both the frontend (specification
`to netlist) and backend (netlist to mask) steps of the digital IC de-
`sign process. In this tutorial, we look at the last decade’s worth of
`progress on analog circuit synthesis and layout tools. We focus on
`the frontend and backend of analog and mixed-signal IC design
`flows. The tutorial summarizes the problems for which viable solu-
`tions are emerging, and those which are still unsolved.
`1 Introduction
`The microelectronics market and in particular the markets for
`ASICs, ASSPs and high-volume commodity ICs are characterized
`by an ever increasing level of integration complexity. In recent
`years, complete systems that before occupied one or more boards
`are increasingly being integrated on a few chips or even one single
`chip. Examples of such “systems on a chip” are the single-chip TV
`or the single-chip camera, as presented at the 1996 International
`Solid-State Circuits Conference. Although most functions in such
`integrated systems are implemented with digital or DSP circuitry,
`the analog circuits needed at the interface between the electronic
`system and the “real” world are also being integrated on the same
`die for reasons of cost and performance. The booming market share
`of mixed-signal ASICs in modern electronic systems for telecom,
`consumer, computing, and automotive applications is a direct result
`of this. Since the early 1990s, the average growth rate of the mixed-
`signal IC market has been between 15 and 20% per year.
`Together with this increase in circuit complexity, also the de-
`sign complexity has increased drastically. At the same time, many
`present ASIC application markets are characterized by shortening
`product life cycles and time-to-market constraints. These con-
`straints can only be met by using advanced computer-aided design
`(CAD) tools. In the digital world, logic synthesis and semi-custom
`layout have emerged as the de facto strategies for managing the
`frontend (specification to gate-level netlist steps) and the backend
`(netlist to mask steps) of the design process. Unfortunately, we do
`not (yet) have robust circuit synthesis and layout tools in the analog
`domain. The design cycle for analog and mixed-signal ICs remains
`long and error-prone.
`This tutorial attempts to address this lack of mature, commer-
`cial analog CAD tools. Our central purpose is to suggest that the
`news is not all bad here: the circuits research community has been
`working aggressively for over a decade to solve the difficult design
`problems posed by analog and mixed-signal ICs. Given the success
`of synthesis and semi-custom layout in digital designs, we focus
`our tutorial also on tools to support the frontend and backend of the
`analog design process, i.e., custom circuit synthesis and layout.
`Given space limitations, this necessarily means that our review of
`relevant efforts in each area is brief and some interesting work is
`omitted. Two omissions we note specifically. We do not treat any
`analog hardware description behavioral modeling languages. The
`topic is extremely important and is likely to have a substantial im-
`pact on how analog synthesis moves forward, but as of this writing
`the dust has not yet settled on any of the proposed standards. And,
`we do not cover analog and mixed-signal simulation strategies.
`These are much more mature than the comparable synthesis and
`layout tools, and there are numerous commercial offerings. With
`those caveats, this tutorial strives to give an overview of the state-
`of-the-art in the field of analog circuit and layout synthesis, where
`we are today, and where we are going tomorrow.
`2 Frontend Solutions: Analog Synthesis
`In this section we present the hierarchical design methodology used
`in most analog CAD systems today, followed by a survey of the dif-
`ferent approaches undertaken towards analog circuit synthesis.
`This frontend synthesis consists of two steps: topology selection
`and circuit sizing.
`Hierarchical Design Methodology
`For the design of a complex analog macroblock like a phase-locked
`loop or an analog-to-digital converter, the analog block is typically
`decomposed into smaller subblocks (e.g. a comparator or a filter),
`each of which is then designed separately. In such a hierarchical
`scheme, most experimental analog CAD systems presented today
`use a performance-driven design strategy, that consists of the alter-
`nation of the following steps in between two levels of the design hi-
`erarchy [1,2,3]:
`• Top-down path:
`- topology selection
`- specification translation (circuit sizing)
`- design verification
`• Bottom-up path:
`- layout generation
`- detailed design verification (after extraction)
`Throughout the design constraints have to be passed down the
`hierarchy in order to make sure that the top-level block at the end
`meets its specifications. Redesign iterations are needed when the
`design fails to meet the specifications at some point in the design
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`In this design process topology selection is the step of selecting
`the most appropriate circuit topology out of a set of alternatives,
`that can best meet the given specifications. A topology can be de-
`fined hierarchically in terms of lower-level subblocks. For an ana-
`log-to-digital converter for instance, this could be selecting be-
`tween a flash, a successive approximation, a Delta-Sigma or any
`other topology. Specification translation is then the step of mapping
`the specifications for the block under design at a given level (e.g.
`converter) into individual specifications for each of the subblocks
`(e.g. comparator) within the selected block topology, so that the
`complete block meets its specifications, while possibly also opti-
`mizing the design towards some application-specific design objec-
`tives (e.g. minimal power consumption). The translated specifica-
`tions can then be verified by means of (behavioral or circuit) simu-
`lations. At the lowest level in the design hierarchy, the subblocks
`are single devices and specification translation reduces to circuit
`sizing (or dimensioning), which is the determination of all bias pa-
`rameters, element values and device sizes in the circuit tuned to
`each specific application.
`Approaches Towards Analog Circuit Synthesis
`Circuit synthesis is the inverse operation of circuit analysis, where
`the subblock parameters (such as device sizes and bias values) are
`given and the resulting performance of the overall block is calculat-
`ed, as is done in SPICE. During synthesis, the block performance is
`specified and values for the subblock parameters needed to meet
`these specifications have to be determined. This inverse process is
`not a one-to-one mapping, but usually is an underconstrained prob-
`lem with many degrees of freedom. The different analog circuit
`synthesis systems that have been explored up till now can essential-
`ly be classified in the way how they eliminate these degrees of free-
`The first class of analog synthesis systems presented in the mid
`to late eighties were knowledge-based. Specific heuristic design
`knowledge about the circuit topology under design was encoded ex-
`plicitly in some computer executable form, that was then executed
`during the synthesis run for a given set of input specifications to ob-
`tain the design solution. The knowledge was encoded in different
`ways in different systems. The IDAC tool [4] used manually de-
`rived and prearranged design plans or design scripts to carry out the
`circuit sizing. The design equations specific for a particular circuit
`topology had to be derived and the degrees of freedom in the design
`had to be solved explicitly during the development of the design
`plan using simplifications and design heuristics. This approach is il-
`lustrated schematically in Fig. 1a.
`The big advantage of using design plans is their fast execution
`speed, which allows for fast performance space explorations [1].
`The big disadvantages are the lack of flexibility and the large time
`needed to develop a plan for each topology and design target, as an-
`alog design heuristics are very difficult to formalize in a general and
`context-independent way. It has been reported [5] that the creation
`of a design script or plan typically takes 4 times more effort than is
`needed to actually design the circuit once. Considering the large
`number of circuit schematics in use in industrial practice, this es-
`sentially restricted the commercial usability of the tool and limited
`its capabilities to the initial set of schematics delivered by the tool
`developer. Also the integration of the tool in a spreadsheet environ-
`ment under the name PlanFrame did not fundamentally change this
`[6]. The selection of the topology had to be carried out by the de-
`signer himself in IDAC.
`circuits and also added a heuristic approach towards topology selec-
`tion to the system. Hierarchy allowed to reuse design plans of low-
`er-level cells while building up higher-level cell design plans, and
`therefore also leveraged the number of device-level schematics
`covered by one top-level topology template. Collecting and order-
`ing all the design knowledge in the design plan however still re-
`mained a time-consuming job. The approach was later on adopted
`in the commercial MIDAS system [5]. Other ways to encode the
`knowledge have been explored as well, such as in BLADES which
`is a rule-based system to size analog circuits.
`Figure 1. The two basic approaches towards analog circuit
`synthesis: a) knowledge-based, b) optimization-
`design plans
`design plan
`In order to make analog design systems much more open for
`new circuit schematics, an alternative solution was sought since the
`late eighties in using optimization techniques to implicitly solve for
`the degrees of freedom in analog design while optimizing the per-
`formance of the circuit under the given specification constraints.
`This approach is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1b. At each itera-
`tion of the optimization routine, the performance of the circuit has
`to be evaluated. Depending on which method is used for this, two
`different subcategories can be distinguished.
`In the subcategory of equation-based optimization approaches
`(simplified) analytic design equations are used to describe the cir-
`cuit performance. In OPASYN [8] and later also CADICS [9] the
`design equations still had to be derived and ordered by hand, but the
`degrees of freedom were resolved implicitly by optimization. The
`tool performed rule-based topology selection. The OPTIMAN pro-
`gram [10,11] added the use of a global simulated annealing algo-
`rithm, but also tried to solve two remaining problems. The symbolic
`simulator ISAAC [12] was developed to automatically generate the
`(simplified) design equations needed to evaluate the circuit perfor-
`mance and in this way to reduce the introduction time for new cir-
`cuit schematics. Computer-aided symbolic analysis is now possible
`for the ac behavior (both linear and weakly nonlinear) of analog cir-
`cuits up to the complexity of an entire 741 opamp. The symbolic
`equations can also be used to provide a designer insight into the be-
`havior of an analog circuit. The second problem of ordering the de-
`sign equations into an application-specific design or evaluation plan
`was then tackled using constraint programming techniques in the
`DONALD program [13,14]. Together with a separate topology se-
`lection tool based on boundary checking and interval analysis [15],
`all these tools are now integrated into the AMGIE analog circuit
`synthesis system from K.U. Leuven [16]. Table 1 shows the results
`of a recent synthesis experiment for a pulse detector frontend (con-
`sisting of a charge-sensitive amplifier and a 4-stage pulse-shaping
`amplifier). A reduction of the power consumption with a factor of
`6 was achieved by the synthesis system compared to the solution
`generated by an expert designer.
`OASYS [1] adopted a similar design plan based sizing ap-
`proach, but explicitly introduced hierarchy in the design of analog
`Several other equation-based tools exist as well, such are for in-
`stance STAIC [17] and ISAID [18]. An application of this tech-

`nique to the high-level synthesis of data converters can be found in
`AZTECA/CATALYST [19] and SDOPT [20], the two tools target-
`ing different types of converters.
`Table 1.
`Example of synthesis experiment.
`peaking time
`counting rate
`< 1.5 ms
`> 200 kHz
`1.1 ms
`200 kHz
`< 1000 rms e-
`20 V/fC
`750 rms e-
`20 V/fC
`output range
`> -1..1 V
`-1..1 V
`40 mW
`0.7 mm2
`1.1 ms
`294 kHz
`905 rms e-
`21 V/fC
`-1.5..1.5 V
`7 mW
`0.6 mm2
`A drawback of the equation-based approach is that the design
`equations still have to be derived, which for certain characteristics
`such as transient or large-signal responses can be quite tedious to do
`with sufficient accuracy. Therefore, in recent years and with im-
`proving computer power, a second subcategory of approaches has
`been presented that perform a full SPICE simulation run at every it-
`eration of the optimization. For a limited set of parameters this was
`already possible in DELIGHT.SPICE [21]. However, the challenge
`was to solve for all degrees of freedom, in case no good initial start-
`ing point could be provided. The FRIDGE tool [22] calls the SPICE
`simulator throughout a simulated annealing optimization loop, and
`is in this way capable of synthesizing low-level analog circuits (e.g.
`opamps). The introduction of a new circuit schematic in such an ap-
`proach is relatively easy, but the drawback are the long run times,
`especially if the initial search space is large.
`An in-between solution was therefore explored in the ASTRX/
`OBLX tool from CMU [23], where the linear small-signal charac-
`teristics are simulated efficiently using AWE [61], whereas equa-
`tions have to be provided for all other characteristics. ASTRX com-
`piles the initial synthesis specification into an executable cost func-
`tion whose minimum represents a good solution; OBLX then
`numerically searches for a good minimum of this function via an-
`nealing. For efficiency, the tool also uses a dc-free biasing formu-
`lation of the analog design problem, where the dc constraints are
`solved by relaxation throughout the optimization run. ASTRX/
`OBLX has been successful in a wide variety of cell-level designs
`[24]. Other simulation-based approaches can be found in tools such
`as OAC [25], which is based on redesign starting from a previous
`design solution stored in the system's database.
`Other tools have attempted to integrate the topology selection
`step as part of the optimization loop. This was done using a mixed
`optimization formulation with boolean variables representing topo-
`logical choices [26], or by using a genetic algorithm to find the best
`topology choice [27,28].
`A recent application of the simulation-based optimization ap-
`proach to the high-level optimization of analog RF receiver front-
`ends was presented in [29]. A dedicated RF front-end simulator was
`developed and used to calculate the ratio of the wanted signal to all
`kinds of unwanted signals (noise, distortion, aliasing...) in the fre-
`quency band of interest. An optimization loop then determines the
`optimal specifications for the receiver subblocks such that the de-
`sired signal quality for the given application is obtained at the low-
`est possible power consumption for the overall front-end topology.
`Behavioral models and power estimators are used to describe the
`different subblocks at this high level.
`In summary, the initial design systems like IDAC were too
`closed and therefore failed on the market place. The trend towards
`open analog design systems that allow the designer to easily extend
`and/or modify the design capabilities of the system without too
`much software overhead has been evident. The research progress
`over the last ten years has resulted in the development of several ex-
`perimental analog synthesis systems, with which several designs
`have successfully been synthesized, fabricated and measured; this
`includes not only operational amplifiers but also filters [30] and
`data converters.
`Finally, it has to be added that industrial design practice not only
`cares for a fully optimized nominal design solution, but also expects
`high robustness and yield in the light of varying operating conditions
`(supply voltage or temperature variations) and statistical process tol-
`erances and mismatches. Precautions for this were already hardcoded
`in the design plans of IDAC [4], but are more difficult to incorporate
`in optimization-based approaches. The ASTRX/OBLX tool has been
`extended with these manufacturability considerations [31]; the strat-
`egy uses a nonlinear infinite programming formulation to search for
`the worst-case “corners” at which the evolving circuit should be eval-
`uated for correct performance. The approach has been successful in
`several test cases but does increase the CPU time required (e.g., by
`roughly 4X-10X). More work in this direction is clearly needed.
`3 Backend: Analog Cell and System Layout
`Perhaps unsurprisingly, analog layout is a bit more mature than an-
`alog circuit synthesis, in large part because it has been able to lever-
`age mature ideas from digital IC layout. In our review we distin-
`guish two different layout problems: cell layout, which transforms
`a transistor-level schematic with 10-100 devices into a mask layout,
`and system assembly, in which large, basic functional blocks are
`laid out, and the goal is to floorplan, place, and route them.
`Cell Layout Strategies
`The earliest approaches to custom analog cell layout relied on
`procedural module generation. These approaches are a workable
`strategy when the analog cells to be laid out are relatively static, i.e.,
`necessary changes in device sizing or biasing result in little need for
`global alterations in device layout, orientation, reshaping, etc. In
`such instances, a procedural generation scheme which starts with a
`basic geometric template and completes it by correctly sizing the
`devices and wires can be quite satisfactory. [32] is an often cited
`early example. The more recent system at Philips [5] is a good ex-
`ample of practical application of these ideas on complex circuits.
`Often, however, changes in circuit design require full custom
`layout, which can be handled with a macrocell-style strategy. The
`terminology is borrowed from digital floorplanning algorithms,
`which manipulate flexible layout blocks, arrange them topological-
`ly, and then route them. For analog cells, we regard the flexible
`blocks as devices to be reshaped and reoriented as necessary. Mod-
`ule generation techniques are used to generate the layouts of the in-
`dividual devices. A placer then arranges these devices, and a router
`interconnects them—all while attending to the numerous parasitics
`and couplings to which analog circuits are (unfortunately) sensi-
`ILAC from CSEM was an important first attempt in this style
`[33]. It borrowed heavily from the best ideas from digital layout: ef-
`ficient slicing tree floorplanning with flexible blocks, global rout-
`ing via maze routing, detailed routing via channel routing, area op-
`timization by compaction. The problem with the approach was that
`it was difficult to extend these primarily-digital algorithms to han-
`dle all the low-level geometric optimizations that characterize ex-
`pert manual design. Instead, ILAC relied on a large, very sophisti-

`cated library of device generators.
`ANAGRAM and its successor KOAN / ANAGRAM II from
`CMU kept the macrocell style, but reinvented the necessary algo-
`rithms from the bottom up, incorporating many manual design op-
`timizations [34,35,36]. For example, the device placer KOAN re-
`lied on a very small library of device generators, and migrated im-
`portant layout optimizations into the placer itself. KOAN could
`dynamically fold, merge and abut MOS devices, and thus discover
`desirable optimizations to minimize parasitic capacitance during
`placement. KOAN was based on an efficient simulated annealing
`algorithm. Its companion, ANAGRAM II, was a maze-style de-
`tailed area router capable of supporting several forms of symmetric
`differential routing, mechanisms for tagging compatible and in-
`compatible classes of wires (e.g., noisy and sensitive wires), para-
`sitic crosstalk avoidance, and over-the-device routing.
`Other device placers and routers operating in the macrocell-
`style have appeared (e.g., [37,38]), confirming its utility. Results
`from tools using this approach can be quite impressive. For exam-
`ple, Figure 2 (from [36]) shows six analog cell layouts—four man-
`ual and two from KOAN/ANAGRAM II. The automatic layouts
`compare favorably to the manual ones.
`In the next generation of cell-level tools, the focus shifted to
`quantitative optimization of performance goals. For example,
`KOAN maximized MOS drain-source merging during layout, and
`ANAGRAM II minimized crosstalk, but without any specific,
`quantitative performance targets. The routers ROAD [39] and
`ANAGRAM III [40] use improved cost-based schemes that route
`instead to minimize the deviation from acceptable parasitic bounds
`derived from designers or sensitivity analysis. The router in [41]
`can manage not just parasitic sensitivities, but also basic yield and
`testability concerns. Similarly, the placer in [42] augments a
`KOAN-style model with sensitivity analysis so that performance
`degradations due to layout parasitics can be accurately controlled.
`In the newest generation of CMOS analog cell layout tools, the
`device placement task has been separated into two distinct phases:
`device stacking, followed by stack placement. By rendering the cir-
`cuit as an appropriate graph of connected drains and sources, it is
`Figure 2. KOAN/ANAGRAM II Cell Layouts. Six layouts of
`the identical CMOS opamp are shown. The two
`middle layouts are automatic, the rest manual.
`possible to identify natural clusters of MOS devices that ought to be
`merged—called stacks—to minimize parasitic capacitance. [43]
`gave an exact algorithm to extract all the optimal stacks, and the
`placer in [44] extends a KOAN-style algorithm to dynamically
`choose the right stacking and the right placement of each stack. [45]
`offers another variant of this idea: instead of extracting all the stacks
`(which can be time-consuming since the underlying algorithm is
`exponential), this technique extracts one optimal set of stacks very
`fast. The idea is to use this in the inner loop of a placer to evaluate
`fast trial merges on sets of nearby devices.
`The notion of using sensitivity analysis to quantify the impact
`on final circuit performance of low-level layout decisions (e.g., de-
`vice merging, symmetric placement / routing, parasitic coupling
`due to specific proximities, etc.) has emerged as the critical glue
`that links the various approaches being taken for cell level layout
`and system assembly. Several systems from U.C. Berkeley are no-
`table here. An influential early formulation of the sensitivity analy-
`sis problem was [46] which not only quantified layout impacts on
`circuit performance, but also showed how to use nonlinear pro-
`gramming techniques to map these sensitivities into constraints on
`various portions of the layout task. In related work, [47] showed
`how to extract critical constraints on symmetry and matching di-
`rectly from a device schematic.
`One final problem in the macrocell style is the separation of the
`placement and routing steps. In manual cell layout, there is no ef-
`fective difference between a rectangle representing a wire and one
`representing part of a device: they can each be manipulated simul-
`taneously. In a place-then-route strategy, one problem is estimating
`how much space to leave around each device for the wires. One so-
`lution strategy is analog compaction, e.g., [48,49], in which we
`leave extra space during device placement and then compact. A
`more radical alternative is simultaneous device place-and-route. An
`experimental version of KOAN [50] supported this by iteratively
`perturbing both the wires and the devices.
`We expect to see macrocell-style custom cell layout schemes
`maturing over the next few years. Of course, there are still problems
`to solve. The wirespace problem remains, though simultaneous
`place-and-route seems to offer an elegant solution. As we noted in
`[51] an open problem is “closing the loop” from cell synthesis to
`cell layout, so that layouts which do not meet specifications can, if
`necessary, cause actual circuit design changes (via circuit resynthe-
`sis). How to control this loop, and how to reflect layout concerns in
`synthesis and synthesis concerns in layout remain difficult.
`3.2 Mixed-Signal System Assembly and Layout
`A mixed-signal system is a set of custom analog and digital func-
`tional blocks. Assembly means floorplanning, placement, global
`and detailed routing (including the power grid). As well as parasitic
`sensitivities, the new problem at the chip level is coupling between
`digital switching noise and sensitive analog circuits.
`Just as at the cell level, procedural generation remains a viable
`alternative for well-understood designs with substantial regularity
`(e.g., switched capacitor filters [52], or data converters [5]).
`More generally though, work has focussed on custom place-
`ment and routing at the block level. For row-based layout, an early
`elegant solution to the coupling problem was the segregated chan-
`nels idea of [53] to alternate noisy digital and sensitive analog wir-
`ing channels in a row-based cell layout. The strategy constrains dig-
`ital and analog signals never to be in the same channel, and remains
`a practical solution when the size of the layout is not too large. For
`large designs, analog channel routers were developed. In [54], it
`was observed that a well-known digital channel routing algorithm

`could be easily extended to handle critical analog problems that in-
`volve varying wire widths and wire separations needed to isolate in-
`teracting signals. Work at Berkeley substantially extended this
`strategy to handle complex analog symmetries, and the insertion of
`shields between incompatible signals [55].
`The WREN [56] and WRIGHT [57] systems from CMU gen-
`eralized these ideas to the case of arbitrary layouts of mixed func-
`tional blocks. WREN comprises both a mixed-signal global router
`and channel router. WREN introduced the notion of SNR-style (sig-
`nal-to-noise ratio) constraints for incompatible signals, and both the
`global and detailed routers strive to comply with designer-specified
`noise rejection limits on critical signals. WREN incorporates a con-
`straint mapper (influenced by [46]) that transforms input noise re-
`jection constraints from the across-the-whole-chip form used by the
`global router into the per-channel per-segment form necessary for
`the channel router (as in [55]). WRIGHT uses a KOAN-style an-
`nealer to floorplan the blocks, but with a fast substrate noise cou-
`pling evaluator so that a simplified view of substrate noise influenc-
`es the floorplan. (We should mention here that substrate coupling is
`an increasingly difficult problem as more and faster digital logic is
`placed side-by-side with sensitive analog parts. See [58,59] for de-
`tailed treatments on substrate coupling.)
`Another important task in mixed-signal system layout is power
`grid design. Digital power grid layout schemes usually focus on
`connectivity, pad-to-pin ohmic drop, and electromigration effects.
`But these are only a small subset of the problems in high-perfor-
`mance mixed-signal chips which feature fast-switching digital sys-
`tems next to sensitive analog parts. The need to mitigate unwanted
`substrate interactions, the need to handle arbitrary (non-tree) grid
`topologies, and the need to design for transient effects such as cur-
`rent spikes are serious problems in mixed-signal power grids. The
`RAIL system from CMU [58,60] addresses these concerns by cast-
`ing mixed-signal power grid synthesis as a routing problem that
`uses fast AWE-based [61] linear system evaluation to electrically
`model the entire power grid, package and substrate during layout.
`Figure 3. shows an example RAIL redesign of the data channel
`from [62] in which a demanding set of dc, ac and transient perfor-
`mance constraints were met automatically.
`Most of these system layout tools are fairly recent, but because
`they often rely on mature core algorithms from similar digital lay-
`out problems, many have been prototyped both successfully and
`quickly. Several full, top-to-bottom prototypes have recently
`emerged (e.g. [63,64]). We believe there is still much work to be
`done to enhance existing constraint mapping strategies and con-
`straint-based layout tools to handle the full range of industrial con-
`Figure 3. RAIL power grid design for IBM data channel
`cerns, and to be practical for practicing designers.
`4 Conclusions
`Despite the dearth of commercial offerings, there has been sub-
`stantial progress on tools for custom analog circuit synthesis and
`layout over the last decade. Cast mostly in the form of numerical
`and combinatorial optimization tasks, linked by various forms of
`sensitivity analysis and constraint mapping, leveraged by ever fast-
`er workstations, some of these tools are beginning to show glim-
`mers of practical application. We are not “there” yet, but we are
`making real progress.
`We are grateful to our many students and colleagues at CMU and
`K.U. Leuven for their assistance with the preparation of this manu-
`script. The authors at CMU were supported by the Semiconductor
`Research Corp, U.S. National Science Foundation, IBM, Intel and
`Harris. The authors at KUL acknowledge support from several in-
`dustrial companies, E.C. ESPRIT, Belgian IUAP, ESA-ESTEC.
`[1] R. Harjani, R. Rutenbar, L. Carley, “OASYS: a framework for analog
`circuit synthesis,” IEEE Trans. CAD, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1247-1266,
`December 1989.
`[2] G. Gielen, K. Swings, W. Sansen, “Open analog synthesis system
`based on declarative models,” chapter 18 in Analog Circuit Design (J.
`Huijsing, R. van der Plassche and W. Sansen. eds.), Kluwer Academic
`Publishers, pp. 421-445, 1993.
`[3] E. Malavasi et al., “A top-down, constraint-driven design methodol-
`ogy for analog integrated circuits,” chapter 13 in Analog Circuit
`Design (J. Huijsing, R. van der Plassche and W. Sansen. eds.), Kluwer
`Academic Publishers, pp. 285-324, 1993.
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