`U.S. PATENT NO. 7,304,670 TO HUSSEY et al.
`(“the ‘670 Patent”)
`TRW Automotive U.S. LLC: EXHIBIT 1061
`OF U.S. PATENT NUMBER 8,599,001

`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Hussey et a].
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,304,670 B1
`Dec. 4, 2007
`(75) Inventors: Robert M. Hussey, Liverpool, NY
`(US)' William H Havens Skaneateles
`NY (Us)
`(73) Assignee: Hand Held Products, Inc., Skaneateles
`Falls, NY (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 08/828,340
`(22) F1led:
`Mar. 28, 1997
`(51) Int- Cl-
`H04N 5/217
`G06K 7/10
`(52) US. Cl. ................................ .. 348/241; 235/462.11
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 348/241,
`348/243,247, 250, 251,254; 382/261,373;
`358/406, 504; 235/462.11,462.24
`?l f
`l t
`h h t
`ee app 10a Ion e or Comp e e Seam 15 Dry
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`* cited by examiner

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 7,304,670 B1

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 2 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 3

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 3 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`FIG 4

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 4 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`COUNT = 0
`’\_ 104
`FIG. 5A

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 5 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`COUNT = 0
`(FIRST SCENE) \- 10s
`COUNT = 0
`f 110
`FIG. 5B

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 6 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`COUNT = 0
`FIG. 6

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 4, 2007
`Sheet 7 0f 7
`US 7,304,670 B1
`|.|||||||||||.||||.||| .
`FIG. 7

`US 7,304,670 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates generally to image signal processing
`and in particular to a method and apparatus for adjusting
`pixel values.
`2. Background of the Prior Art
`When pixel values, representative of pixel voltages are
`read from an image sensor pixel array, slight inconsistencies
`are observable betWeen the voltages of the various pixels
`even When the array is exposed to a scene of uniform
`radiance. The inconsistency in the pixel values read from the
`various pixels is commonly referred to as “noise” either of
`a ?xed pattern noise type or a random noise type.
`Fixed pattern noise refers to inconsistencies in the respon
`siveness of an image sensor output that results from sensor
`characteristics or properties affecting pixels of the sensor in
`the same Way each time data is captured from those pixels.
`Random, or stochastic noise refers to inconsistencies Which
`vary each time data is captured from the pixels.
`While random, or stochastic noise cannot be compen
`sated, it is useful to adapt an imaging system in video signal
`generating or decoding applications to automatically com
`pensate pixel values that deviate from patterns that might be
`expected based on the array’s radiance pattern.
`Various problems have been noted in prior art imaging
`systems con?gured for ?xed pattern noise compensation,
`both in set up routine methods for con?guring an imaging
`system for ?xed pattern noise compensation, and in methods
`for compensating pixel values read from a pixel array.
`In one knoWn setup routine for con?guring an imaging
`system to compensate for ?xed pattern noise, a pixel array
`is exposed to uniform “dark frame” by shielding the pixel
`array from light. The pixel values read from the array during
`exposure to the dark frame are then used to determine pixel
`offset terms. This method can be employed to estimate an
`additive component of ?xed pattern noise, but cannot be
`used to determine a multiplicative component of ?xed
`pattern noise. Furthermore, the setup method involving
`exposure to a dark frame is susceptible to measurement
`clipping. If a change in incident radiance does not result in
`a change in pixel value, then clipping has occurred.
`In a knoWn analog hardWare method for compensating
`voltages read from a pixel array, hardWare components are
`provided and selectively activated to compensate pixel volt
`ages shifted out of a pixel array. A major problem With this
`scheme is that values read from the array can be corrected
`only to a small number of discrete voltages, thereby limiting
`the precision of the correction. Also, this scheme requires
`additional hardWare.
`Failure to compensate adequately for ?xed pattern noise
`has signi?cant consequences, for example, When an imaging
`system is employed in indicia decoding applications. In such
`applications, it is common to de?ne an area of interest in a
`captured image before decoding algorithms commence.
`Fixed pattern noise has been observed to cause a symbology
`decoding apparatus to misplace edge positions, and to result
`in erroneous identi?cation of edge positions. The likelihood
`of an erroneous edge position identi?cation increases When
`a decoding apparatus is employed to captured symbols
`having higher densities.
`There is described a pixel value adjustment method and
`apparatus. In one embodiment, pixel values can be adjusted
`by execution of an algorithm for adjusting pixel pixel values
`is capable of operating in a decoding operating application.
`In one embodiment, an apparatus capable of executing an
`algorithm for adjusting pixel values is capable of operating
`in a video display operating application.
`The features discussed above and other features of the
`invention Will become clear to persons skilled in the art from
`a reading of a Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodi
`ments combined With the referenced draWings.
`In the draWings, Wherein like numerals are used to indi
`cate the same elements throughout the vieWs,
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an image processing system
`in Which the present invention may be implemented;
`FIG. 2 is a simpli?ed graphical representation of a digital
`output of an image sensor exposed to a scene of uniform
`radiance corresponding to a single roW of pixels;
`FIG. 3 shoWs a pixel array and an associated lens attached
`FIG. 4 shoWs an electrical diagram of an image sensor
`illustrating schematic representations of electrical compo
`nents of the image sensor Whose variance in physical
`properties gives rise to variance in emitted signal output
`betWeen the several pixels;
`FIG. 5a is a How diagram of a con?guration method for
`con?guring an imaging system to compensate for an addi
`tive component of pixel-speci?c ?xed pattern noise;
`FIG. 5b is a How diagram of a con?guration method for
`con?guring an imaging system to compensate for an addi
`tive and multiplicative component of pixel-speci?c ?xed
`pattern noise.
`FIG. 6 is a How diagram of a con?guration method for
`con?guring an image system to compensate for column
`dominant ?xed pattern noise;
`FIG. 7 is a table for use in describing a column dominant
`noise compensation con?guration method Which summa
`rizes average column White values for a group of columns.
`There is described a pixel value adjustment method and
`apparatus. In one embodiment, pixel values can be adjusted
`by execution of an algorithm for adjusting pixel values. In
`one embodiment, an apparatus capable of executing an
`algorithm for adjusting pixel values is capable of operating
`in a decoding operating application. In one embodiment, an
`apparatus capable of executing an algorithm for adjusting
`pixel value is capable of operating in a video display
`operating application.
`The invention relates to a method and apparatus for
`con?guring an imaging system to compensate for ?xed
`pattern noise, variations in pixel values captured from an
`image sensor that vary according to a ?xed pattern. In a
`method for con?guring an imaging system for compensating
`an additive term component of ?xed pattern noise, a pixel
`array is exposed to a scene of knoWn radiance and an
`average White value is determined for each pixel of an array.
`Each average White value is compared to a predetermined
`reference value to determine a correction value for each
`pixel. In a method for con?guring an imaging system for

`US 7,304,670 B1
`compensating both an additive and multiplicative compo
`nent of ?xed pattern noise, a pixel array is exposed to a ?rst
`scene having a ?rst knoWn radiance, and frames of the scene
`are captured, and then the array is exposed to a second scene
`having a second knoWn radiance and frames of the second
`scene are captured. After ?rst and second average White
`values are determined for each pixel additive and multipli
`cative term correction values for each pixel are then deter
`mined by solving for a system of equations relating the ?rst
`and second average White values and ?rst and second scene
`radiances. Correction values can be utiliZed to correct pixel
`values of a frame of image data, and a decoding algorithm
`for attempting to decode a frame of image data including
`pixel values can be activated.
`According to its major aspects and broadly stated the
`present invention relates to a method and apparatus for
`con?guring an imaging system to compensate image signals
`for the effects of ?xed pattern noise, Which affects image
`sensor element outputs in the same Way each time data is
`captured from those elements. An imaging system according
`to the invention can include a setup mode of operation for
`determining parameters for use in compensating ?xed pat
`tern noise, and a run mode of operation Wherein the param
`eters determined in a setup mode are used to compensate
`pixel values or values captured from the pixel elements.
`Fixed pattern noise can result from a variety of sources.
`For example ?xed pattern noise can result from inconsis
`tencies in the physical properties of electrical components of
`the image sensor such as sWitching components associated
`With each pixel, or in certain types of image sensors With
`column ampli?ers associated With each column. Fixed pat
`tern noise can also result from certain illumination apparatus
`con?gurations. If the illumination is characteristically non
`uniform, but its characteristics are ?xed each time data is
`captured, then ?xed pattern noise results. Another common
`source of ?xed pattern noise is an optical phenomena knoWn
`as the cosine4 (cosine) effect Which results in outer pixels of
`an array receiving loWer intensity ligh rays than center
`pixels on exposure to a scene of uniform radiance.
`Fixed pattern noise associated With a pixel can be
`expressed mathematically by
`Where PM is the observed or measured pixel value, PREP
`is a reference value normally selected to correspond to an
`actual irradiance of light received at a pixel, M is a multi
`plicative or gain term, and A is an additive, or offset term
`in?uencing ?xed pattern noise. Typically, M is a value near
`unit and A is a small fraction of PM, the measured pixel
`Value. For some sources of ?xed pattern noise, such as the
`cosine effect, the multiplicative term is dominant While for
`other sources of ?xed pattern noise, such as ampli?er offset
`?xed pattern noise, the additive term is dominant. Other
`sources of ?xed pattern noise have both signi?cant multi
`plicative and signi?cant additive terms contributing to ?xed
`pattern noise.
`In certain setup routines that can be implemented accord
`ing to the invention Which are best used in the case Where the
`additive term of ifxed pattern noise is expected to be
`dominant, the multiplicative term of ?xed pattern noise may
`be considered to be unitary. When the multiplicative term is
`assumed t be unitary, Eq. 1 reduces to
`In a setup routine that can be implemented for determin
`ing only an additive term of ?xed pattern noise, an image
`sensor is exposed to a scene of uniform radiance, and a
`predetermined number of frames of the scene are captured in
`the system’s memory. The gray scale value, or White value
`associated With each pixel of the pixel array image sensor is
`then calculated and also stored into memory. As the number
`of predetermined frames increases the contribution of Zero
`mean random noise to the average White value diminishes
`since, by de?nition, Zero means random noise is as likely to
`result in an increase in a pixel value as it is to result in a
`decrease in pixel value. That is, positive and negative
`random noise terms tend to cancel each other as the number
`of frames increases.
`The scene of uniform radiance to Which a pixel array is
`exposed is preferably a gray scale uniform radiance scene,
`that is, a scene Which does not result either in a maximun
`clipped or minimum clipped pixel value being read from the
`pixels in the pixel array. By providing a uniform radiance
`scene yielding gray scale pixel values betWeen these tWo
`limits, the problem of measurement clipping is avoided.
`Once an average White value is determined for each pixel,
`a reference value is subtracted from an average White value
`to determine a correction value for each pixel. The reference
`value, substituted for PREP in Eq. 2 may be a predetermined
`gray scale value or may be determined based on the value of
`all or some of the remaining average White values. The
`reference value normally corresponds to the actual light
`irradiance of light falling on the pixel. While this value
`cannot be measured directly, it can be assumed for the
`purposes of determining a correction value, in one simpli?ed
`embodiment, that each pixel in an array that is exposed to a
`scene of uniform radiance has equal irradiance of light
`falling thereon, or that pixels in a prede?ned region of an
`array have the same levels of irradiance received thereon.
`This is used to calculate the correction values. Once deter
`mined, the correction value associated With each pixel is
`stored into memory. When the imaging system is sWitched
`from a setup mode to a run mode of operation, the correction
`values are retrieved from memory and used to correct pixel
`values of captured frames. Because the correction values are
`determined before the imaging system is sWitched from a
`setup mode of operation to a run mode of operation, the
`correction values are independent of any image represented
`in the captured frames captured by the imaging system When
`in a run mode of operation.
`In a setup method that can be implemented accord accord
`ing to the invention for determining both multiplicative term
`and additive terms in?uencing ?xed pattern noise a pixel
`array is exposed to at least tWo scenes having uniform but
`differing radiances. It can be seen With reference to Eq. 1
`that if the relationship betWeen the differing radiances of the
`?rst and second scenes is knoWn, the multiplicative term,
`along With the additive term of ?xed pattern noise can be
`In accordance With a method that can be implemented for
`determining both multiplicative and additive ?xed pattern
`noise terms, a plurality of frames of a pixel array are
`captured When the array is exposed to a scene of a ?rst
`radiance, and a plurality of additional frames are captured
`When an array is exposed to a scene having a second
`radiance. In order to determine the multiplicative and addi
`tive terms for a given pixel, the average White value of the
`pixel folloWing exposure to the ?rst scene is substituted for
`PM in equation 1 in the development of a ?rst equation, and
`the average White value of the pixel folloWing exposure to
`the second scene is substituted for PM in the development of
`a second equation. PREP for a given pixel in the ?rst and
`second equations Will normally correspond to the expected
`actual irradiance of the pixel during exposure to the ?rst and

`US 7,304,670 B1
`second scenes, respectively. Solving for the set of tWo
`equations having tWo unknowns using Well knoWn compu
`tational methods solves for both the multiplicative and
`additive components of ?xed pattern noise.
`Further aspects of the invention relate to methods and
`apparatuses for compensating pixel values read from a pixel
`array, once the additive term and/ or multiplicative term
`correction values have been determined. As discussed in the
`background, prior art compensation schemes include hard
`Ware components Which are selectively activated so that
`voltages read from a pixel array are automatically corrected
`in accordance With previously determined correction terms.
`In th present invention, gray scale correction values can
`be stored in predetermined memory locations 0 the imaging
`system. Preferably, so that processing time is minimized, the
`correction terms are read from memory and used to correct
`pixel values in the case of decoding applications only When
`stored pixel values are read from memory during execution
`of a decoding algorithm. An advantage of the compensation
`method of the present invention is that the method of the
`present invention alloWs correction values to be selected
`betWeen a large number of discrete values, Without requiring
`the providing of costly and space consuming physical ele
`ments as in the prior art design. The correction method of the
`present invention may be used in combination With a hard
`Ware implemented compensation scheme.
`An imaging system 10 having an image sensor 12 and
`control processor 14 in Which the present invention may be
`incorporated is shoWn in FIG. 1.
`Image sensor 12 includes, on a single substrate a tWo
`dimensional array 16 of light sensitive picture elements, or
`pixels upon Which an optical system is arranged to focus an
`image of indicia and further includes a timing and control
`circuit 18 for electrically addressing pixels P via horiZontal
`and vertical address lines 20 and 22, thereby causing elec
`trical signals representing the image to be read out of array
`16 via output 24 thereof. After ampli?cation by ampli?er 26,
`and conversion by analog-to-digital converter 28 the latter
`signals are output from image sensor 12 as serial digital
`parallel image data signals on lines D0:D7 or as a digital
`serial image data signal on data lines D0-D1.
`Digital image data is supplied from sensor 12 to processor
`14 With the aid of a ?rst signal knoWn as a frame start pulse
`and a second signal knoWn as data valid pulse. Because the
`use of such signals is Well knoWn to those skilled in the art,
`their use Will not be described in detail herein.
`Image sensor control processor 14 preferably comprises a
`microprocessor 30 Which may be of either the single chip or
`multi-chip types, and Which may include on chip and/or off
`chip program and data (Working) memories 32 and 34,
`depending upon the complexity of the program used to
`control image sensor 12 and to process image data produced
`thereby. Microprocessor 30 may be of the type Which is
`formed on a single integrated circuit chip and Which
`includes an on-chip read only programmable program
`memory 32 and an on-chip read-Write Working memory 34.
`Microprocessor 30 may also be of the type Which includes
`four eight-bit (I/O) ports, 40 through 46, each bit of each
`port being independently controlled by the stored program.
`Because microprocessor systems of this type, and their
`multi-chip equivalents are Well knoWn to those skilled in the
`art, microprocessor 30 Will not be described in detail herein.
`With reference noW to speci?c attributes of the present
`invention, FIG. 2 is a simpli?ed representation of the digital
`output of image sensor 12 When pixel array 16 is exposed to
`a scene of uniform radiance. For purposes of simplifying the
`description of the invention, the digital output of FIG. 2
`illustrates only 20 representative column values of the pixel
`columns in a commercially available pixel array, Which are
`available in many different dimensions including 160 roWs
`by 160 columns (in a VVL 1070 image sensor available from
`VLSI Vision Limited), and Which are expected to become
`available in increasing densities. The above referenced VVL
`1070 image sensor is a monochrome image sensor.
`In an ideal image sensor, output 50 might be expected to
`yield an identical pixel value for each pixel in a roW on
`exposure to a scene of uniform radiance. From roW output
`50 it is seen that an actual image sensor does not exhibit such
`behavior. Instead, pixel values vary from pixel to pixel in the
`roW. The variation, or inconsistency in the pixel values
`generated by the pixels in an array on exposure of the sensor
`to a uniform radiance scene is referred collectively to as
`Fixed pattern noise refers to a variation among pixel
`values resulting from factors affecting pixel values in the
`same Way and to the same extent each time data is read from
`the pixels.
`One source of ?xed pattern noise results from differences
`in the siZe and other physical characteristics of miniature
`integrated circuit components. With reference to the pixel
`array schematic diagram of FIG. 4 each pixel location 72, 74
`has associated thereWith sWitching circuit component (not
`shoWn) and a separate column ampli?er 80 is associated
`With each column of array 16. The voltages exhibited by
`pixels of the array Will vary from one another on exposure
`to a uniform radiance scene as a result in part of slight
`differences in the physical properties of sWitching circuit
`components and ampli?ers 80, and other electrical compo
`nents Which may be associated With array 16. Column
`ampli?ers are the dominant source of ?xed pattern noise in
`several types of available image sensors. Differences in the
`physical characteristics of optical components, namely of
`pixels 72, 74 of pixel array 16 can also give rise to noise that
`varies according to a ?xed pattern.
`Fixed pattern noise can also result from certain illumina
`tion apparatus con?gurations. If the illumination is charac
`teristically nonuniform, but its characteristics are ?xed every
`time an image is captured, then ?xed pattern noise results.
`An illumination apparatus can result in ?xed pattern noise if,
`for example, the illumination apparatus includes a bank of
`illuminators Which are not precisely matched, or if one or
`more illuminators are sWept over a target scene. By correct
`ing the effects of ?xed pattern noise, a truer representation
`of a given scene is produced by an imaging system.
`Another source of ?xed pattern noise is an optical phe
`nomena knoWn as the cosine“, or cosine effect, Which is
`described With reference to FIG. 3. According to the cosine
`effect, the irradiance at a given pixel 64 is proportional to the
`cosine to the fourth poWer of the angle 66 de?ned betWeen
`optical axis 67 and pixel 64 as seen by lens 68. Therefore
`outer pixels, eg. 69 tend to have loWer irradiances associated
`thereWith than center pixels 70. A detailed discussion of the
`cosine effect appears in Modern Optical Engineering, Smith,
`Warren J. (McGraW-Hill, 1966), pp. 132-133.
`Referring again to the block diagram of FIG. 1 aspects of
`imaging system enabling system 10 to compensate for ?xed
`pattern noise Will be described in detail. According to the
`invention, imaging system 10 has tWo modes of operation:
`A ?rst, set up mode for con?guring th

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