`“On-Chip CMOS sensors for VLSI Imaging Systems,”
`IFIP Transactions VLSI 91 Halaas & Denyer eds. pp. 157-166 (1992) by Peter
`Denyer et al.
`TRW Automotive U.S. LLC: EXHIBIT 1053
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`IFIP Transactions
`VLSI 91

`VLSI 91

`IFIP Transactions A:
`Computer Science and Technology
`International Federation for Information Processing
`Technical Committees:

`VLSI 91
`Proceedings of the IFIP TC10/\NG 10.5 International Conference on
`Very Large Scale Integration
`Edinburgh, Scotland, 20-22 August, 1991
`Edited by
`University of Trondheim
`Trondheim, Norway
`University of Edinburgh
`,-'Edinburgh/, Scotland

`Sara Burgerhartstraat 25
`P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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`T K
`« I 5 2 S
`ISBN: 0 444 89019 X
`ISSN: 0926-5473
`© 1992 IFIP. All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
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`pp. 127-136, 177-186, 367-386: Copyright not transferred.
`Printed In The Netherlands
`. pg

`Ten years ago, IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing) asked
`Professor Sidney Michaelson to establish a working group on "VLSI". The aim of
`this group should be to initiate conferences and workshops all over the world to pro-
`mote the development of VLSI. This has been achieved with great success and the
`biannual series of conferences VLSI 81 through to VLSI 89 has been recognised for
`its high quality. VLSI 91 comes full circle, returning the conference to Edinburgh,
`the venue for the original VLSI 81.
`In 1981 Sidney said that "The major problem in VLSI is really the control of com-
`plexity. The hardest part is the control of autonomous yet interacting processes.
`We do not yet have satisfactory techniques for handling that sort of thing, but I
`think the techniques we need to develop are independent of whether you are pro-
`gramming or designing a chip".
`This statement is still valid. Even if a decade has passed where the focus in the
`VLSI arena has been on tools of all kinds to assist our imperfect minds and hands,
`we certainly still have a long way to go before we have become Masters of Complex-
`The papers chosen for this conference by the hard working International Pro-
`gramme Committee reflect the continuing interest in improving design tools and
`the wide range of engineering concerns which surround the effective exploitation
`of VLSI.
`Professor Michaelson was the initiator of VLSI 91, a conference that for us also
`would be an opportunity to show him our deep respect in his year of retirement. It
`was a sad moment during our preparations for VLSI 91 in February that we heard
`that Sidney had died. His firm voice ofjustice, and his particular care for the young
`and less privileged will for many of us be strongly linked to his memory.
`These proceedings take a few steps further in our common understanding.
`Professor Arne Halaas,
`Programme Chairman

`Programme Chairman
`A. Halaas
`University of Trondheim
`Programme Committee
`G. Birtwistle
`University of Calgary
`P. B. Denyer (Deputy Chairman)
`University of Edinburgh
`M. Fourman
`University of Edinburgh
`C. E. Goutis
`University of Patras
`J. P. Gray
`P. Michel
`S. Murai
`T. Nishimukai
`G. Saucier
`C. H. Sequin
`University of Berkeley
`J. Staunstrup
`T. Yanagawa
`NEC Corporation
`General Chairman
`1. Barron
`Division Ltd
`Organising Committee
`Chairman and Treasurer
`D. J. Rees
`University of Edinburgh
`M. Fourman
`University of Edinburgh
`P. B. Denyer
`University of Edinburgh
`Exhibitions Coordinator
`R. A. McKenzie
`University of Edinburgh
`Demonstrations Coordinator
`D. Rogers
`University of Edinburgh
`A. D. Milne
`Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd
`J. P. Gray
`Algotronix Ltd
`Conference Secretariat
`CEP Consultants Ltd
`26-28 Albany Street
`EH1 3QH

`B D
`A. Halaas and 13,
`_ em, (E S)
`science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
`é"fJ$‘§':np. All rights reserved.
`Peter B. Denyer, David Renshaw, Wang Gouyu, Lu Ming Ying,
`Stuart Anderson
`Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Edinburgh,
`Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, Scotland
`We present techniques for the integration of vision sensors and processors on
`common CMOS substrates. This establishes the feasibility of single-chip vision
`systems which offer reductions in size, power and cost over contemporary
`Potential electronic vision applications are widespread; examples include:-
`. bar-code and text readers
`. security cameras
`. image capture for DTP
`. biometric verification; fingerprints, faces, etc.
`. fax
`. production line inspection
`. video telephones
`. vision subsystems in robots and autonomous vehicles
`. consumer camcorders and still cameras
`. automotive applications
`Virtually all of these applications, and a host of others, are sensitive to cost, size
`and power consumption. This applies not only to the camera function but also to

`the subsequent image processing functions, which are invariably computationally
`Commonly such systems are constructed from commodity camera modules, frame
`grabbers and PC’s, or dedicated image processing hardware. These systems can
`hardly be described as miniature, and their cost and power consumption severely
`limit their application. Only where production volumes are very large, as in
`consumer camcorders, do all parameters fall to attractive levels.
`Fortunately the advancing capability of VLSI, especially CMOS,
`permits the integration of video~rate A/D conversion and the implementation of
`custom image
`architectures. Challenging
`applications, such as fingerprint verification, have become possible within a few
`tens of cubic inches, consuming a few watts of power. This is still far from ideal and
`the dominant limiting factor is usually the camera module itself.
`It is well known that silicon can act as an excellent photoreceptor over the visible
`spectrum. The majority of solid-state cameras today use CCD technology (a variant
`of MOS) which, over two decades, has been highly refined to optimise this function
`Some sensor manufacturers use a variant of single-channel MOS technology in
`which only doping levels are altered to optimise optical performance parameters
`such as anti-blooming.
`Other workers [1,2] have recognised the attraction of implementing sensors in an
`unmodified CMOS process, permitting the inclusion of the sensor with other
`control and processing functions on the same chip. Despite encouraging results this
`technique has never been developed to the point at which the sensor performance
`matches that of CCD cameras. The purpose of our work is to realise, in unmodified
`CMOS technology, array image sensors which match the performance of CCD
`cameras. We have succeeded in this aim and report here the circuit techniques and
`results that we have achieved, including demonstrator single-chip vision systems,
`In common with others [3] we use a photodiode sensor comprising an array of MOS
`transistors, one per pixel, Figure 1. The photodiode is implemented by extending
`the source region of the transistor. This may be reset and then isolated under
`control of the MOS transistor gate. All of the gates in each row are driven in
`Once reset, the reverse-biased (photo)diode converts incident light into a small
`photocurrent which gradually discharges the photodiode capacitance. The pixel is
`read by opening the gate, connecting the photodiode to the MOS transistor drain.
`All of the drain in each column are connected in common and only one row is read
`at any time.
`Commonly, the column lines are gated through an analogue multiplexer to a single
`external charge sense amplifier. The requirements of this amplifier are daunting
`considering that high-speed and wide dynamic range must be achieved from 3

`charge packet in the pixel which may be of the order of lit). Accordingly we have
`replaced this scheme by providing charge sense amplifiers at the top of each
`column. These need not work so quickly, since their activation frequency is equal
`te rather than the pixel rate, and they are situated as close as possible
`to the pixel array. Their sole constraints are the need to achieve a good dynamic
`range and to be realised within the pixel pitch (of the order of 10—20um). We use a
`single-ended differential charge integrator which gives a low impedance 1v
`analogue representation of the pixel charge with a theoretical dynamic range of
`70dB. The read time is approximately 500nsec.
`Figure 1. Architecture of a CMOS image sensor with
`column charge sense amplifiers.
`The voltage representation at the output of these sense amplifiers is sampled and
`stored on a row of capacitors and the information on these is multiplexed out in the
`conventional manner, with the exception that we implement the output charge
`integrator on-chip, including a sample-and-hold stage. For applications requiring
`a composite video waveform it is relatively easy at this stage to include an analogue
`multiplexer to switch in blanking and sync. levels at appropriate times.
`Serially-scanned operation is achieved by adding vertical and horizontal digital
`shift registers at the periphery of the array and these also must match the pixel
`pitch. The vertical register successively activates the row lines, whilst the

`1 read-out within each line. The
`horizontal register controls the sequential pixe
`f the array is quite insensitive to these control waveforms and
`s, in contrastto CCD, and this IS a distinctive advantage ofthe approach_
`performance 0
`Prototype CMOS arrays usingthis architecture give remarkably good results. They
`de margins of temperature and supply voltage. The Single
`operate over very Wi _
`parameter ofconcernis fixed pattern noise from two sources; threshold vamationg
`in the MOS pixel access tran
`rtical stripes. Without compensation these
`effects have an rms v
`eliminated these effects by:—
`(i) reducing the applied pixel reset voltage to make the actual reset value in-
`dependent of the gate potential and gate threshold.
`an offset compensating phase in the common sense ampfi.
`(ii) implementing
`fiers during idle periods, such as line and frame sync
`These circuit
`techniques successfully eliminate the fixed pattern noise and
`overcome a traditional objection to the potential ofthis approach.
`Figure 2. A demonstration CMOS CCTV camera.
`Figure 2 shows a completed CCTV camera chip fabricated on a standard 2 11110110“
`CMOS ASIC line. The chip contains an array of array of 312 x 287 pixels With
`timing and automatic exposure control on«chip.

`Figure 3. Comparison of CCD and CMOS camera performance
`under identical conditions:- (a) CCD (b) CMOS
`Figure 3 compares the picture output ofthis device with an existing CCD camera
`module. The results are subjectively indistinguishable.
`By electronically controlling the integration period we can proportionately
`decrease the sensitivity ofthe array. We can achieve this through the vertical shift
`registerby controlling the duration, in cycles, ofa ‘reset’ pulse entered at the top of
`this register. This varies the integration time in steps equal to the line period. We
`further gate this signal with one of short duration to reduce the exposure time in
`Steps equal to the pixel period, down to a minimum time constrained by the read
`time of the column sense amplifiers. This is approximately 500nsec, giving a total
`exposure range of 40,000:1.
`Ifwe now alter the exposure time in response to the monitored video output we can
`implement fully automatic electronic exposure control and avoid the need for
`mechanical iris control on the lens.

` _
`Figure 4 Shows a simple scheme for such a control algorithm. The video stream 15
`d in three bins:- very white, average and very black. The
`exposure is increased or decreased according to whether the image content is
`judged to be too bright or too dark.
` "%/////////
`Figure 4. Automatic exposure control decision diagram
`We have implemented scheme (which costs approximately 1000 gates) on
`several CMOS sensor arrays and obtained satisfactory performance.
`Over a series of prototypes we have i
`arrays to match or out—perform typical monochrome CCD performance in most
`respects. A detailed companson is given in Table 1. The CM
`from the CCTV camera demonstrator device shown in Figure 3. The CCD data is
`compiled from manufacturers data sheets.

`CMOS Camera
`CCD Camera
`1.5um process
`sawraaonlevel mam
`52dB 3%
`composite video
`composite video
`1v p-p
`1v p-p
`time range
`dark current
`as fraction of saturation
`at room temperature,
`20msec integration time
`a““"‘°°“’i“g fa°"°r
`Table 1. Comparison of CCD and CMOS sensor performance
`5. Application Examples
`We report here two examples which illustrate the potential of this technology for
`integrated vision applications.
`Our first example is a low-resolution camera for use in intruder-alarm verification.
`This device is installed with a Passive Infrared detector and, upon detecting an
`alarm, transmits a short sequence ofvideo to a control unit which compresses and
`transmits this data to a remote monitoring station. Within a few seconds of an
`alarm event a remote observer can deduce its cause and take appropriate action.
`As greater than 95% ofsuch alarms are false, the provision ofvideo verification will
`eliminate much unnecessary police action.
`Passive alarm units are very low cost items and cost is a primary constraint on this
`_t is
`1 15

`Figure 5 shows the complete intruder~alarm camera module. This includes a 1.53pm
`CMOS camera chip measuring 5.8mm x 4.0mm combining a 156x100 pixel sensor
`array with all timing and control electronics on—chip. The device is customised for
`this application, and this includes drivers which automatically trigger lamp or
`flash devices to assist in dark conditions. A further novel feature of this device is
`the use ofa miniature glass lens which is bonded directly to the sensor chip surface_
`This enables a 90° field ofview and assists in improving th
`this small unit.
`Figure 5. Complete alarm verification camera module using a
`custom CMOS sensor with a miniature chip-mounted lens
`modem unit.
`The assembly shown is on a ceramic hybrid substrate and includes a 5v regulator.
`a clock crystal and approximately one dozen passive components. A simple bipolar
`stage provides suflicient output impedance to drive 20OPt of co—axial cable to the
`Our second example shown in Figure 6 is a very substantial single-chip ViSi°“
`processing system. This includes:-
`. 258 X 258 pixel array.
`. Image preprocessing and quantisation to form a normalised
`binary image.

`. 64-cell 2000 Mops/sec correlator array.
`. Post-correlation decision hardware.
`. 16k bits RAM cache.
`. 16k bits ROM look—up table.
`two external devices (one 64kbit RAM and one 8051
`with the aid of
`microcontroller) this device performs all of the image sensing and processing
`functions necessary to capture and verify a fingerprint against a stored reference
`print within one second.
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`‘ 250-
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`Figure 6. An integrated vision system 258 x 258 sensor array and
`image processor for fingerprint capture and verification
`This is perhaps the best example of our goals; the integration of a sensor and
`powerful image processor on one substrate.
`We have demonstrated several other devices in both 2 micron and 1.5 micron ASIC
`CMOS technologies and claim that these techniques are portable to any commodity
`CMOS process.
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`The aim of ‘smart’ vision devices, incorporating image sensors and processors in
`one chip has been substantiated. These integrated devices can be implemented
`today in unmodified commodity CMOS technology. Vision systems implemented in
`this way enjoy unprecedented reductions in size, cost and power consumption.
`This work was supported by SERC award GR/F 36538, Automated Security
`Holdings P1c., De La Rue and VLSI Vision Ltd.
`1. Lyon, R.F., “The Optical Mouse and an Architectural Methodology for Smart
`Digital Sensors”, VLSI Systems and Computations, 1981, Springer-Verlag,
`ISBN 3-540-11251-0, pp. 1-19.
`2. Tanner, J.E. and Mead, C., “A Correlating Optical Motion Detector”, 1984, Con-
`ference on Advanced Research in VLSI, MIT, pp. 57-64.
`3. Renshaw, D. and Denyer, P.B., “ASIC Vision”, CICC 1990, §7.3.
`4. Anderson, S. et al., “A Single Chip Sensor and Image Processor for Fingerprint
`identification”, CICC 1991, §12.1.


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