`In re the application of:
`Confirmation No.: 7942
`US Application No.: 11/349,491
`Filed: February 7, 2006
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Examiner: Amiri, Nahid
`Group Art Unit: 3679
`June 24, 2008
`Please consider the following amendments and remarks in response to
`the outstanding Office Action mailed March 24, 2008,.
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`Please AMEND claims 20 and 64 as follows.
`(Previously Presented) A safety pin comprising a head, a shaft, a
`distal end and a longitudinal axis starting at the head. extending along the
`shaft and terminating at the distal end, wherein at least one of the shaft and the
`distal end includes an element thereon that extends relative to a side of the
`shaft, wherein the shaft is semi—cylindrical, having a semi—circular cross—
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the element extends
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the element extends
`in a direction that is generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
`safety pin.
`(Original) The safety pin of claim ii, wherein the element extends
`radially outward from the rest of the shaft and the distal end.
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the head extends
`radially outward from the side of the shaft.
`(Withdrawn). The safety pin of'clai'm l,-wherein the element is
`formed by stamping the distal end to flatten and widen it.
`Page 2 of 15
`Page 2 of 15
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the distal end is
`integral with the shaft.
`(Previously Presented) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the
`shaft has one or more flat sides.
`(Withdrawn) The safety pin of claim 9, wherein there are two or
`more sides that are positioned at different radial distances away from the
`longitudinal axis of the safety pin.
`1 i.
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the distal end ofthe
`safety pin is substantially cylindrical.
`(Withdrawn) The safety pin of claim 1. wherein the distal end has
`steps therein.
`(Withdrawn) The safety pin of claim i,Wherein the distal end has
`flat sides.
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the distal end of the
`safety pin has a transverse hole therein.
`(Original) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein a "distal tipiof the
`distal end of the safety pin is tapered.
`Page 3 0f 15
`Page 3 of 15
`(Previously Presented) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the
`element comprises a shoulder between the distal end of the safety pin and the
`(Previously Presented) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the
`element is rigidly fixed in its position relative to one of the shaft and the distal
`(Withdrawn) The safety pin of claim 1, wherein the head is
`removably connected to the shaft.
`(Currently Amended) A system for retaining engagement of first
`and second elements within ‘a Coupler, the system comprising:
`a safety pin insertable into an aperture formed through a
`sidewall of the coupler, the safety pin comprising ahead, a shaft depending
`from the head along a longitudinal axis, and a distal end. of the shaft opposite
`the head, at least one of the shaft and the distal end including an element
`thereon that extends radially outwardly from a portion of the shaft; and
`a plate fixable to the sidewall of the coup" ler and disposed over a
`sector of the aperture to occlude a portion of the aperture and prevent passage
`of the distal end of the safety pin through the aperture.
`Page 4 of 15
`Page 4 of 15
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 21, wherein the plate
`is removable.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 22, wherein by
`removing the plate, the size of the hole is altered to allow the shaft, the distal
`end and the element to pass through the hole.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the
`element extends outwards.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the
`element extends in a direction that is generally perpendicular'to the
`longitudinal axis of the safety pin.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the
`element extends radially outward from the rest of the shaft and the distal end.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the head
`extends radially outward from the. side of the shaft.
`(Withdrawn) The system of claim 20, wherein the element is
`formed by Stamping the distal end to flatten and widen it.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the distal
`end is integral with the shaft.
`Page 5 0f 15
`Page 5 of 15
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the shaft
`is substantially cylindrical.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the shaft
`has one or more flat sides.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 32, wherein there are
`two or more sides that are positioned at different radial distances away from
`the longitudinal axis of the safety pin.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the shaft
`is semi-cylindrical, having a semi~circular cross section.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the distal
`end of the safety pin is substantially cylindrical.
`(Withdrawn) The system of claim 20, wherein the distal end has
`steps therein.
`(Withdrawn) The system of claim 20, wherein the distal end has
`flat sides.
`(Previously Presented) The system of Claim 20, wherein the distal
`end of the safety pin has a transverse hole therein.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein a distal
`tip of the distal end of the safety pin is tapered.
`Page 6 0f 15
`Page 6 of 15
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the
`element is in the form of a shoulder between a distal tip of the safety pin and
`the shaft.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the
`element is rigidly fixed in its position relative to one of the shaft and the distal
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 20, wherein the head
`is removably connected to the shaft.
`(Previously Presented) A coupler 'for coupling an accessory to an
`excavator, the coupler comprising:
`two side plates and a latching element that is moveable
`substantially parallel to and between the' two side plates; and
`a safety pin passing through a hole in one of the side plates for
`engaging the latching element for securing it, the safety pin comprising a head,
`a shaft, a distal end and a longitudinal axis startingia't the head, extending
`along the shaft and terminating at the distal end, wherein at least one of the
`shaft and the distal end includes an element thereon thatextends relative to a
`side of the shaft, the element preventing remoVal ofthe Safety pin from the
`Page 7 0f 15
`Page 7 of 15
`(Previously Presented) The coupler of claim 43, wherein there is
`also an opposing hole in axial alignment with the first hole, the opposing hole
`being in an opposite side plate of a coupler.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the element extends
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the element extends
`in a direction that is generally perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
`safety pin.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the element extends
`radially outward from the rest of the shaft and the distal end.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the head extends
`radially outward from the side of the shaft.
`(Withdrawn) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the element is
`formed by stamping the distal end to flatten and widen it.
`(Original) The coupler ofclaim 43, wherein the distal end is
`integral with the shaft.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the shaft is
`substantially cylindrical.
`(Previously Presented) The coupler of'claim 43, wherein the shaft
`has one or more flat sides or faces.
`Page 8 0f 15
`Page 8 of 15
`(Original) The coupler of claim 53, wherein there are two or
`more sides that are positioned at different radial distances away from the
`longitudinal axis of the safety pin.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the shaft is semi—
`cylindrical, having a semi—circular cross section.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the distal end of the
`safety pin is substantially cylindrical.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43,~wherein the distal end has
`steps therein.
`(Withdrawn) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the distal end has
`flat sides.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the distal end ofthe
`safety pin has a‘ transverse hole therein.
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein a distal tip of the
`distal end of the safety pin is tapered.
`(original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the element is in the
`form of a shoulder between a distal tip of the safety pin and the shaft.
`(Previously Presented) The coupler of claim 43,'wherein the
`element is rigidly fixed in its position relative to one ofthe shaft and the distal
`Page 9 0f 15
`Page 9 of 15
`(Original) The coupler of claim 43, wherein the head is
`removably connected to the shaft.
`(Currently Amended) The system of claim 34, wherein the distal
`end of the safety pin is substantially cylindrical and wherein the plate includes
`substantially half of the aperture to allow- passage of the semi—cylindrical shaft
`half—eylindfiea-l—shaft through the aperture, but to prevent the cylindrical distal
`end from passing through the aperture.
`Page 10 0f 15
`l l
`Page 10 of 15
`Please amend the drawings by replacing original Drawing Sheets l/S —
`5/5 with attached Replacement Drawing Sheets l/S—S/S. The Replacements
`Sheets contain changes to Figures 1-3, 5, and 7-9. No new matter is being
`Page 11 of 15
`Page 11 of 15
`Favorable reconsideration of the subject application is requested in view
`of the foregoing amendments and the following remarks.
`Claims 1—5, 7, 9, i2, lS—l8, 22, 23, 25—28, 30—35, 38—43, 45—49, 51,
`57, and 59-64 are pending in the application, with claims 1, 20, and 43 being
`the independent claims. By this amendment, claims 6, lo, l3, 14, 19, 29, 36,
`37, 50 and 58 have been withdrawn, and claims 20 and 64 have been amended
`to clarify the invention. No new matter has been added.
`In the Office Action, the drawings were objected to because the same
`reference numerals were used to identify all variations of the same name part.
`Replacement drawing sheets are submitted herewith to obviate these
`objections. Favorable consideration of the replacement drawings and
`withdrawal of the objections to the drawings are requested.
`Claims 20—23, 25—42, and 64 have been rejected under 35 USC l 12,
`second paragraph. The first reason for these rejeCtions isthat “at least one .of
`the shaft" in claim 20 is unclear. Applicant traverses this rejection, because the
`claim reads “at least one of the shaft and the distal end." Applicant submits
`that this is definite, requiring one or both of (l) the. shaft and (2) thedistal end.
`Claim 64 also is rejected under Section 112, because there is no
`antecedent basis for "half-cylindrical shaft." Claim 64 has been amended to
`obviate this rejection by replacing “half-cylindrical shaft” with “semi—cylindrical
`Page 12 of 15
`Page 12 of 15
`shaft,” which does have antecedent basis. Favorable consideration and
`withdrawal of the rejections under Section 112 are requested.
`Claims 1—5, 7, 10, 16—18, 27, 28, 33, 43, 45—47, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56,
`and 60—62 stand rejected under 35 USC 102 as anticipated by US Patent No.
`166,379 (Hipkins et al.). Claims 1, 12 20, 25, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 40, and 41
`stand rejected under 35 USC 102 as anticipated by US patent No. 355,980
`(Dimon). Claims 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 43, and 59 stand rejected under 35 USC 102
`as anticipated by US Patent No. 6,877,259 (Nishimura et al.) Claim 9 stands
`rejected under 35 USC'103 as u'npatentable over Hipkins et al. in view of US
`Patent No. 4,030,694 (Schimmel) and claim 32 stands rejected under 35 USC
`103 as unpatenta‘b'le over Dimon in view of Schimmel. Applicant traverses
`these rejections.
`Hipkins et al. relates to railroad rail joint fastenings‘ and discloses a
`system including fish plates, slotted rails, andvT—headed bolts. Dimon relates
`to a clevis comprising a plow clevis and a clevis pin. Nishimura'et al. relates to
`a pin assembly and an implements connecting apparatus including a pin
`assembly for connetting first and second members. HOwever, nowhere does
`. any of Hipkins et al., Dimon, and Nishimura et al. teach or suggest a semi—
`cylindrical shaft having a semi—circular cross-section, as recited in independent
`claim 1. The Examiner appears to be taking that a cylindrical s‘haft would also
`include a semi—cylindrical shaft, but such a position is untenable. Claim 1
`requires a semi—cylindrical shaft, and none of the cited documents teaches this
`feature. Accordingly, Applicant submits that claim 1
`is patentable.
`Page 13 0f 15
`Page 13 of 15
`Dimon was used in the Office Action to reject independent claim 20.
`Applicant disagrees. As now recited in claim 20, a plate is fixable to the
`sidewall of the coupler and is disposed over a sector of the aperture. Dimon
`does not teach or suggest such a feature. Accordingly, Applicant submits that
`claim 20 is patentable over the art of record.
`With regard to independent claim 43, Applicant submits that the cited
`documents fail to teach or suggest two side plates and a latching element that
`is movable substantially parallel to and between the two side plates. The
`Examiner indicates that elements C and C’ are the parallel plates, but no
`latching element is-unde’rstood to be' between those plates that is also movable
`substantially parallel thereto. Similarly. the tube indicated by the examiner by
`reference numeral 24in Nishimura et al. is not understood to move
`substantially parallel to two side plates. Because the cited documents fail to
`teach these features, claim 43 is allowable over the cited documents.
`For the foregoing reasons, Applicant submits that independent claims 1',
`20, and 43 are allowable over the cited documents. Favorable reconsideration
`and withdrawal of the rejections to these claims are requested.
`The remaining claims depend from one of the independent claims and
`are submitted to be allowable by virtue of this dependency, as well as for
`reciting other patentable features of the invention. Favorable and independent
`consideration of the dependent claims are requested.
`Page 14 of 15
`Page 14 of 15
`Applicant submits that this application is in condition for allowance.
`Favorable consideration, withdrawal of the rejections and an early Notice of
`Allowance are requested.
`Applicant's below-signed representative may be reached by telephone
`at (585) 232—6500 with any questions regarding this application. All written
`correspondence should continue to be forwarded to the address of record for
`this application.
`Respectfully submitted,
`MichaelJ. Didras, Registration No. SS,l12
`Customer Number 23387
`1600 Bausch 6: Lamb Place
`Rochester. New York 14604
`Telephone: 585-232—6500
`Fax: 58S~232—2l 52
`Page 15 0f 15
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