`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jan. 28, 1997
`7/1982 Briscoe ..................................... .. 59/86
`7/1988 Neyret ....... ..
`403/349 x
`4/1990 Bemtetal. .... .
`... .... 59/86
`9/1991 Swager .................................... 59/86 x
`9/1989 wrpo .................................. .. 403/349
`Primary Examiner-——Anthony Knight
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Lowe, Price, LeB1anc & Becker
`A releasable connecting pin for a shackle or the like com-
`prises a pin (45) having a cylindrical body (46) with a head
`(47) at one end and a boss (48) at the other end. The boss
`comprises a cylindrical neck (49) and spaced radially
`extending projections (50a, 50b, 50c) in the form of a male
`coupling element. A female coupling element comprises
`apertured flange plates (51, 52) having apertures (53) of a
`shape complementary to the cross sectional shape of the
`boss (48) through the projections (50a, 50b, 50c) to permit
`the flange plates (51, 52) to slide over the boss (48). One
`flange plate (51) is rotatable about the neck (49) to misalign
`the boss projections (50a, 50b, 50c) with corresponding
`notches in the aperture (53) to engage the flange plate (51)
`behind the boss (48). Set screws 58 extend through aligned
`apertures (54, 55) in the flange plates (51, 52) to prevent
`relative rotation and disengagement from the boss (48).
`22 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`United States Patent
`Inventor: Louis G. Peterson, Queensland,
`[73] Assignee: G.E.T. Australia Pty Ltd., Queensland,
`[21] Appl. No.: 341,102
`Nov. 18, 1994
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Nov. 19, 1993
`Australia ................................ PM2514
`Int. Cl.6 .................................................... .. F16B 21/04
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`........................ .. 403/319; 403/348; 403/316;
`403/79; 59/85
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 403/348, 349,
`403/319, 317, 316, 315, 79; 411/553, 551,
`396, 549; 59/86, 84, 85, 93
`References Cited
`8/1899 Black ............................ 403/348 X
`3/1907 Arnold .
`.... .. 403/316 X
`6/1912 Nelson .
`403/79 X
`10/1914 Gailor .. .. ...
`. ..... 403/267
`4/1917 Rottrner
`403/79 X
`12/1920 Lowe ................................ .. 403/316 X
`Page 1 of 11
`Page 1 of 11
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 28, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 6
`Fig 1
`Fig 2
`Fig 3
`Page 2 of 11
`Page 2 of 11
`U.S. PatentU.S. Patent
`Jan. 28, 1997Jan. 28, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 6Sheet 2 of 6
`Fig 4Fig 4
`8a 8a
`Page 3 of 11Page 3 of 11
`Page 3 of 11
`Page 4 of 11
`Page 5 of 11
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 28, 1997
`Sheet 5 of 6
`Fig. 10a
`Fig 11
`Page 6 of 11
`Page 6 of 11
`U.S. PatentU.S. Patent
`Jan. 28, 1997Jan. 28, 1997
`Sheet 6 of 6Sheet 6 of 6
`Page 7 of 11Page 7 of 11
`Page 7 of 11
`This invention is concerned with improvements in releas-
`able connection of a connecting pin to a coupling member
`such as a shackle or the like.
`In the releasable attachment of one member to another in
`a wide range of engineering applications, it is common to
`use a connecting pin, which in some applications permits
`flexible or relative pivotal movement between the members
`so connected.
`Typically such connecting pins may be used in:
`rigid interconnection of boom elements of cranes,
`pivotal connection of a crane boom to a chassis or frame,
`shackle pins for chains and wire ropes,
`dragline bucket chain couplings,
`bucket and blade couplings for earthworking equipment,
`The connecting pins usually engage in aligned apertures
`in spaced cheeks or clevises associated with a coupling
`member such as a shackle and usually the pins have an
`enlarged head portion which engages on the outer surface of
`one cheek member with the free end of the pin extending
`outwardly from the outer surface of the opposite cheek or
`clevis. A locking or engaging means may be attached to the
`free end of the pin to prevent its withdrawal from the spaced
`cheeks or clevises of the coupling member.
`There are a wide variety of releasable locking means for
`such pins including spring clips engaging through an aper-
`ture in the cheek or clevis of a shackle into a tangentially
`formed groove formed adjacent the free end of the pin and
`in some cases the spring members engage in apertures
`extending through the free end of the pin.
`Although initially, such pin locking means are generally
`effective for their purposes, the efl’ects of wear in the pin and
`the locking means soon reduces the reliability of retention
`therebetween and imposes a serious safety risk in operation
`of the apparatus. To avoid safety problems it is customary to
`weld the locking means to the pin as soon as wear becomes
`While welding of the locking means to the pin certainly
`enhances retention of the pin, this in turn gives rise to other
`In some cases the connecting pins include a rectangular
`head which engages in a socket of complementary shape in
`the cheek or clevis of the connection arrangement to prevent
`rotation of the pin in use. In other cases however,
`connecting pin is free to rotate.
`When a rotatable pin has its locking means welded to
`ensure retention, it is considered by some users that this can
`prevent the pin from rotating in use leading to premature
`wear on one side of the pin and also on the chain link,
`shackle, connecting eye or other coupling connected to the
`member by the pin. Other uses however prefer the pin to be
`locked against rotation so that they can visually monitor the
`eifects of wear.
`Another serious disadvantage associated with prior art pin
`retaining systems and/or the practice of welding the retain-
`ing means to the pin arises when it is necessary to uncouple
`members connected by the connecting pin or to replace the
`pin due to wear.
`Page 8 of 11
`In many cases the weld between the retaining system and
`the pin may be ground or chiselled away or even cut oif with
`an oxy-acetylene cutting torch. In more severe cases, an
`oxygen lance may be required to sever the connecting pin to
`facilitate its removal.
`All of these removal systems are time consuming, occu-
`pationally hazardous and can lead to damage in one or both
`of the members coupled by the pin.
`It is an aim of the present invention to provide a retention
`means for a coupling pin, which retention means is simple
`and easy to operate while at the same time is reliable and
`safe in use.
`According to one aspect of the invention there is provided
`a releasable retention means for a connecting pin of a
`coupling member said retention means comprising:
`a male coupling element having an end boss with at least
`one radially extending projection;
`a female coupling element having a flange member with
`an aperture of a shape complementary to said end boss
`having at least one radially extending projection, said male
`and female coupling elements in use being engagable by
`relative axial movement therebetween whereby said end
`boss is extendable through the aperture in said female
`element when said end boss is aligned with the aperture of
`complementary shape in said female element and, by rela-
`tive coaxial rotation between said male and female coupling
`elements, said one or more radially extending projections
`engage against a retaining face of said flange member to
`prevent withdrawal of said boss through said aperture.
`Preferably, said end boss comprises three radial projec-
`tions spaced substantially evenly in the same plane.
`Suitably, at least one of said radial projections differs
`dimensionally from an adjacent projection.
`If required the male coupling element may be formed at
`one or both ends of a connecting pin.
`Alternatively the male coupling element may be associ-
`ated with an outer face of said coupling member coaxial with
`a pin receiving aperture in said coupling member to provide
`a coupling pin therethrough.
`Alternatively the female coupling element may be asso-
`ciated with an outer face of said coupling member coaxial
`with a pin receiving aperture in said coupling member to
`receive a coupling pin therethrough.
`If required a locking means is provided to retain said male
`and female coupling elements in coupled engagement.
`Suitably said locking means comprises a locking member
`extending between said male and female coupling elements.
`The releasable retention means may be adapted to permit
`relative rotation between said connecting pin and said reten-
`tion means.
`Alternatively the releasable retention means may be non
`rotatably secured to said connecting pin.
`In order that the invention may be more fully understood
`and put into practical effect, reference will now be made to
`a preferred embodiment illustrated in the accompanying
`drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a connecting pin
`according to one form of the invention.
`Page 8 of 11
`FIG. 2 is a cross sectional top plan view through A-—A in
`FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the pin of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 4 is a plan view of a coupling element according to
`the invention.
`FIG. 5 is a side elevational view of the pin of FIG. 1 to
`which are attached a pair of coupling elements of FIG. 4.
`FIG. 6 is a top plan view of the arrangement of FIG. 5.
`FIG. 7 shows an alternative embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 8 shows yet another embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 9 shows a connecting pin according to a further
`embodiment of the invention.
`, FIG. 9a is an end elevation view of FIG. 9.
`FIGS. 10a and 10b show a pair of female coupling
`elements for use with the pin of FIG. 9.
`FIG. 11 shows an exploded cross-sectional view of the
`assembly of the pin of FIG. 9 and the retention means of
`FIG. 10.
`FIG. 12 shows an exploded isometric view of a modified
`form of the assembly of FIG. 11.
`In FIG. 1, the coupling pin comprises a generally cylin-
`drical body portion 1, an enlarged head portion 2, a necked
`portion 3 and a shaped end portion 4 comprising three
`radially extending projections Sa, Sb, Sc as shown in FIG. 2.
`Each of projections Sa, Sb, 5c is of a different size. As seen
`in FIGS. 2, projections Sa, Sb and 5c are circumferentially
`equally spaced.
`FIG. 3 shows a top plan view of the coupling pin of FIG.
`1 wherein the head portion 2 is of a rectangular configura-
`FIG. 4 shows a retention means in the form of an
`apertured plate 6 comprising a generally circular central
`portion 7 having radially extending regions 8a, 8b and 8c
`corresponding in size and shape to projections Sa, Sb and Sc
`When apertures 8a, 8b and 8c respectively are aligned
`with projections Sa, Sb and Sc, plate 6 is a neat sliding fit
`over shaped boss 4 of the pin.
`FIGS. 5 and 6 show a pair of plates 6 engaged over the
`boss 4 of pin 1 with the regions 8a, 8b, 8c of lower plate 6
`aligned with corresponding projections Sa, Sb and Sc of the
`pin. The upper plate 6 is rotated through 45° relative to lower
`plate 6 to misalign the respective regions 8a, 8b and 8c
`relative to projections Sa, Sb and Sc.
`It will be readily apparent that when either or both of
`upper and lower plates 6 is rotated or otherwise moved such
`that respective aperture regions 8a, 8b and 8c are misaligned
`with projections Sa, Sb and Sc, the coupling pin may be
`securely retained in the coupling cheeks or clevises of say,
`a dragline bucket, crane boom couplings or pivot points etc.
`Moreover as in most cases, the coupling pins are utilized
`in a horizontal position, the necked region 3 of the pin allows
`the retaining plates 6 to be displaced laterally relative to their
`axially aligned engagement/disengagement position.
`With a rectangular pin head 2, the pin can, in use, be
`constrained against rotation to minimise the risk of disen-
`gagement between retaining plates 5 and the projections on
`the boss 4 of the pin. If required the pin may be allowed to
`rotate freely to minimise wear as in use the chance of both
`plates becoming simultaneously aligned with the respective
`projections against a gravitational force tending to laterally
`misalign the apertures in necked region 3 is considered a
`statistical improbability.
`If required however, one or both of plates 6 may include
`a bendable tag (not shown) which may be bent downwardly
`with a hammer or the like when the plates are attached and
`axially misaligned. This ensures
`relative rotation
`between the plates 6 cannot occur.
`Alternatively, when two plates are employed, a bolt or set
`screw (not shown) extending through aligned apertures in
`the plates may retain the plates in an axially misaligned
`In yet another embodiment employing either one or two
`plates 6, a set screw (not shown) could extend into a
`threaded radial aperture (not shown) in the boss 4 of the pin
`such that the projecting head of the set screw prevents the or
`each plate from being removed from the pin even when the
`plate apertures are aligned with the pin projections.
`FIG. 7 shows an alternative embodiment of a connecting
`pin retaining means.
`In this embodiment, boss members 10 are welded to the
`outer cheeks or clevises 11a of a shackle 11 (part shown)
`having a chain or cable eye 12 or the like located between
`cheeks 11a. Boss members 10 have a central aperture 13
`which is axially aligned with connecting pin 14 securing the
`eye 12 to shackle 11. This permits pin 14 to be inserted or
`removed through a boss member 10.
`Boss members 10 comprise a generally cylindrical neck
`15 which is secured to cheek 11a by a weld bead 16. Located
`at the free end of each boss member 10 are three radially
`extending projections 17 having a configuration similar to
`the boss 4 in FIGS. 1 and 2.
`A female coupling element 18 in the form of a circular
`flange has a first recess 19 having a cross sectional shape
`complementary to the cross sectional shape of boss 10 to
`permit the coupling element to be engaged over boss 10 such
`that boss 10 is located in a second recess 20 of generally
`circular shape and of a diameter larger than first recess 19 to
`form three circumferentially spaced shoulders 21.
`After coupling element 18 is located over boss 10, cou-
`pling element 19 is rotated through about 60° to locate
`projections 17 in alignment with shoulders 21 whereby axial
`disengagement of the male coupling element (boss 10) and
`the female coupling element 18 is prevented.
`A pair of socket headed set screws 22 are located in
`respective apertures 23 in coupling element 18, which
`apertures 23, when the assembly is in a locked position, are
`aligned with threaded apertures (not shown) in the end of
`boss 10.
`When set screws 22 are secured the apertures 13 through
`which pin 14 may be removed or inserted are securely closed
`and the flange like female coupling element 18 provides
`protection against physical damage of the boss 17 during
`use. The coupling elements 18 may thus be removed readily
`to replace a worn pin 14.
`Although in the embodiment shown, there is a clearance
`between the ends of the pin 14 and respective coupling
`elements 18 it should be understood that thrust washers or
`springs or cylindrical thrust bearers may occupy the spaces
`at the opposite ends of the pin.
`FIG. 8 shows a similar arrangement to that of FIG. 7
`except that the male and female coupling elements are
`In this embodiment, as in FIG. 7 connecting pin 30
`secures the cheeks 31 of shackle 32 to eye 33.
`Page 9 of 11
`Page 9 of 11
`A female coupling element 34 have a first recess 35 and
`a second recess 36 of the same general configuration as that
`of coupling element 18 of FIG. 7.
`Male coupling element 37 has a circular flange plate 38,
`a cylindrical neck 39 and a boss 40 having circumferentially
`spaced projections 41, again similar in configuration to boss
`member 10 of FIG. 7. Similarly, recessed apertures 42
`receive the heads of socket headed set screws (not shown)
`which secured in aligned apertures (not shown) in female
`coupling element 34 to secure the retention assembly in a
`locked state.
`FIGS. 9-11 illustrate yet another embodiment of the
`In FIG. 9 there is shown a connecting pin 45 having a
`cylindrical body por11'on 46 and a head portion 47 which may
`be circular or square in shape depending upon whether or not
`it is required for the pin to be rotatable or fixed against
`Integrally formed on one end of the pin 45 is a male
`coupling element 48 having a cylindrical neck 49 and
`circumferentially spaced radial projections 50. As shown in
`FIG. 9a, which shows an end elevation of the boss 48, the
`radial projections 50a, 50b and 50c are not of identical size.
`Although the projections 50a, 50b and 50c may be equally
`spaced circumferentially,
`is preferred that
`they are
`unequally circumferentially spaced.
`Projection 50a has a width greater than projections 50b
`and 50c which have the same width. The radial angle
`between the central axes of projections 50a and 50b is 115°
`whilst the angle between 50a and 50c and 50c and 50b are
`120° and 125° respectively. This difference in projection size
`and the angular spacing of the projections is preferred to
`ensure that the corresponding female coupling elements(s)
`can only be fitted in one position to ensure accurate align-
`ment and a constant wear pattern in a locked position.
`FIG. 10 shows a female coupling element assembly
`comprising a first apertured flange plate 51 and a second
`aperture flange plate 52.
`Both of flange plates 51 and 52 have spaced apertures
`53a, 53b, respectively, corresponding to the cross sectional
`shape of the neck 49 and projections 50 of pin 45 shown in
`FIG. 9.
`Flange plate 51 includes threaded apertures 54 to receive
`the shanks of socket headed set screws (not shown) and
`flange plate 52 also includes recessed apertures 55 to receive
`the heads of the screws. Apertures 54 and 55 are radially
`misaligned by 60° relative to the positions of the matching
`apertures such that when apertures 54 and 55 are aligned and
`secured by set screws, their respective apertures 53 are
`misaligned by about 60°.
`FIG. 11 shows an exploded view of the assembly of pin
`45 and flange plates 51 and 52.
`The female coupling element assembly (comprising
`plates 51 and 52) is secured to the pin 45 in two steps.
`the aperture 53a of plate 51 is aligned with
`projections 50 on boss 48 and plate 51 is slid axially along
`neck 49 until projections 50 extend beyond the outer face
`51a of plate 51. Plate 51 is then rotated counter clockwise
`through about 60° until apertures 54 are aligned in an upright
`manner. In this position, the projections 50 of pin 45 are in
`shouldered abutment with the inwardly projecting regions
`50 of plate 51.
`Plate 52 is then aligned with projections 50 of pin 45 and
`is slid over projections 45 until the inner face 52a of plate
`52 engages the outer face 51a of plate 51. In this position,
`apertures 54 and 55 of plates 51 and 52 respectively are
`aligned to permit set screws (not shown) to be secured
`The assembly of plates 51 and 52 comprising a female
`coupling element is thus securely locked to the boss 48 of
`pin 45 and relative rotation therebetween is prevented by the
`engagement of projections 50 in the corresponding radial
`notches 57 in aperture 53b of plate 52.
`In the locked position,
`the female coupling element
`assembly protects the boss 48 on the end of pin 45 against
`wear or deformation in use.
`A particular advantage of this embodiment is that by
`having the pin retention means coact directly with the pin
`itself, this embodiment is able to resist the outward “spread-
`ing” forces often encountered with shackles under heavy
`load conditions.
`If required, plate 51 may be secured by welding to the
`outer face of a shackle cheek in a manner similar to the
`embodiments described in FIGS. 7 and 8.
`FIG. 12 shows an exploded isometric view of a modified
`form of the assembly of FIG. 11 and for the sake of clarity
`the same reference numerals have been employed.
`-The assembly of FIG. 12 is substantially identical to that
`of FIG. 11 except that three set screws 58 with lock washers
`59 are radially spaced by about 60° about
`the female
`coupling elements 51 and 52.
`It will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art that
`notwithstanding wear, dirt and rust likely to occur in use, the
`coupling pins according to the invention may be readily
`attached or detached to members without
`the need for
`special equipment or the risk of damage to the members
`being coupled.
`It will be equally apparent to a skilled artisan that many
`modifications and variations may be made to the invention
`without departing from the spirit and scope thereof.
`I claim:
`1. A releasable retention system for a clevis pin of a
`clevissed coupling member of heavy engineering equip-
`ment, said retention system comprising:
`a male coupling element having an end boss with a least
`one radially extending projection;
`a female coupling element having a flange member with
`an axially extending aperture of a shape complemen-
`tary to a cross sectional shape of said end boss having
`at least one radially extending projection, said male and
`female coupling elements in use being slidably and
`non-rotatably engageable by relative axial movement
`therebetween whereby said end boss is extendable
`through the aperture in said female element when the at
`least one radially extending projection on said end boss
`is aligned with the complementary axially extending
`aperture in said female element and thereafter, by
`relative coaxial rotation between said male and female
`coupling elements, said one or more radially extending
`projections engage against a retaining face of said
`flange member to prevent withdrawal of said boss
`through said aperture, wherein when said male and
`female coupling elements are engaged, said end boss is
`circumferentially surrounded by said female coupling
`element for protection against physical damage.
`2. A retention system according to claim 1 wherein said
`end boss comprises three radial projections spaced substan-
`tially evenly in the same plane.
`3. A retention system according to claim 2 wherein at least
`one of said radial projections dilfers dimensionally from an
`adjacent projection.
`Page 10 of 11
`Page 10 of 11
`4. A retention system according to claim 1 wherein the
`male coupling element is formed at one or both ends of said
`clevis pin.
`5. A retention system according to claim 1 wherein the
`male coupling element is associated with an outer face of
`said coupling member coaxial with a pin receiving aperture
`in said coupling member to receive said clevis pin there-
`6. A retention system according to claim 1 wherein the
`female coupling element is on an outer face of said coupling
`member coaxial with a pin receiving aperture in said cou-
`pling member to receive said clevis pin therethrough.
`7. A retention system according to claim 1 wherein a
`locking means is provided to retain said male and female
`coupling elements in coupled engagement.
`8. A retention system according to claim 7 wherein said
`locking means comprises one or more locking members
`extending between said male and female coupling elements.
`9. A retention system according to claim 7 wherein the
`locking means is adapted to permit relative rotation between
`said clevis pin and said retention system.
`10. A retention system according to claim 7 wherein the
`locking means is non rotatably secured to said clevis pin.
`11. A releasable retention system according to claim 1
`wherein the axially extending aperture of said female cou-
`pling element comprises a first recess having a cross sec-
`tional shape complementary to the cross sectional shape of
`the end boss and a second circular recess of a diameter larger
`than the first recess.
`12. A releasable retention system according to claim 11
`including a closed end wall to completely surround said end
`boss when said female coupling element is coupled with said
`male coupling element.
`13. A releasable retention system as claimed in claim 12
`wherein said end boss includes two or more radial projec-
`14. A releasable retention system as claimed in claim 11
`wherein said male coupling element is formed at one or both
`ends of said clevis pin.
`15. A releasable retention system as claimed in claim 11
`wherein the male coupling element is coaxially disposed on
`an outer face of said coupling member with a pin receiving
`aperture in said coupling member to receive the clevis pin
`16. A releasable retention system as claimed in claim 11
`wherein the female coupling element is coaxially disposed
`on an outer face of said coupling member with a pin
`receiving aperture in said coupling member to receive the
`clevis pin therethrough.
`17. A releasable retention system according to claim 11
`further comprising a locking means for retaining said male
`and female coupling elements in coupled engagement.
`18. A releasable retention system according to claim 17
`wherein said locking means comprises one or more locking
`members extending between said male‘ and female locking
`19. A releasable retention system for a clevis pin of a
`clevissed coupling member of heavy engineering equip-
`ment, said retention system comprising:
`a male coupling element having an end boss with at least
`one radially extending projection;
`a female coupling element having first and second flange
`members, each with an axially extending aperture of a
`shape complementary to a cross sectional shape of said
`end boss, said male and female coupling elements in
`use being slidably and non-rotatably engageable when
`the at least one radially extending projection on said
`end boss is extended through said aperture in said first
`flange member and into said aperture in said second
`flange member and thereafter by relative coaxial move-
`ment between said first flange member and, in combi-
`nation, said male coupling element and said second
`flange member, said first and second flange members
`are fastened to prevent relative rotation between each
`other by locking means whereby said one or more
`radially extending projections of said male coupling
`element engage against a retaining face of said first
`flange member to prevent withdrawal of said end boss
`through the aperture of said first flange member, said
`end boss being circumferentially surrounded by said
`second flange member for protection against physical
`20. A retention system as claimed in claim 19 wherein
`said end boss comprises three radial projections.
`21. A retention system as claimed in claim 19 wherein the
`male coupling element is formed at one or both ends of a
`clevis pin.
`22. A retention system as claimed in 19 wherein the first
`flange member is secured to an outer face of said coupling
`member coaxial with a pin receiving aperture in said cou-
`pling member to receive said clevis pin therethrough.
`Page 11 of 11
`Page 11 of 11