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`30 @
`Registration No. 20-045138
`(19) Korean Intellectual Propeny Office (KR)
`(12) Registered Utility Model Gazette (Y1)
`(51), Int. Cl.
`(45} Patent date: May 2"“, zoos
`A62C 35/68 (2006. 01)
`(1 1) Registration Ne: 20-0415188
`(24) Registration Date: April 24*, 2005
`(21) Application No.: 20-2006-0003045
`(22) Application Date: February 3“, 2006
`(73) Patentee: Young-soon Lim
`No. 504, 503''1 Building, Galactic Village Apartments, Jung 4(sa)-dong,
`Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
`(72} Inventor: Young-soon Line
`No. 504, 508‘“ Building, Galactic Village Apartments, Jung 4(sa)-dong,
`Wonrni-gu, Bucheon—si, Gyeonggi-do
`(74) Agent:
`Joon-key Choc
`Primary Examiner: Seong-real Lee
`(54) Clamp for connecting socket fixing of sprinklers
`1. Technical field of the invention.
`The design is about the clamp which is used to fix the socket of the fire sprinkler for the simple, first
`and strong connection of sprinklers with the movement offire pipelines in case of fire.
`11. The invention issues to be addressed.
`The past fire Sprinkler 5 connecting devices are fixed by way ofa threaded connection with screws.
`Therefore, it is necessary to bore a hole in the clamp of the socket to produce a screw thread on its
`surface and also to produce a screw thread outside the socket. In this way, the firmness of the screw
`should be taken into consideration, which will cause inconvenience and waste of time.
`[11. Solutions.
`It is installed on the side of the groove formed on the clamp to make it a flexible device like a hinge
`to connect and, with the help of its flexibility, to fix it.
`IV. Object of the invention.
`Registration No. 20-0415183
`Representative Drawings
`Description of the Drawings
`Fig. l: Separation schematic diagram of the structin'e.
`Fig. 2: Connection schematic diagram ofthe structure.
`Fig. 3: Working conditions diagram ofthis invention.
`Fig. 4: The plan of this invention using a flexible clamp.
`< The following are the explanations to the codes in the figures >
`1: Sodke
`2: Supptntde
`10, 10a: Clamp body
`12: Fixed Groove
`14: Hinge slot
`20: Binding face
`30: Flexible SupportClip
`32: Hinge surface
`Clamping surface
`36: Operatinghandle
`38: Expansionsalient point
`Detailed Description ofthe Invention
`Purpose ofthc Invention
`Description of the Prior Art
`The design is about the clamp which is used to fix the socket of the fire sprinkler for the simple,
`fast, and strong connection of sprinklers with the movement of fire pipelines in case of fire.
`Generally, the sprinkler is the device which sprinkles the firevextinguishing foam that exits the
`main pipe line through the sub-pipes distributed rationally in the building.
`In this way, sockets have to be installed to connect the sprinklers with the sub—pipes to the ceiling
`of the building. 011 top of this, no leakage can be allowed to occur during this process.
`However, the fire-extinguis hing foam from the sprinklers should be sprinkled right against the fire
`sources in the event ofa fire or other accidents. Therefore,
`the socket should be firm and fixed
`enough to provide a strong enough pressure.
`In the past, to fix the socket that connects the sprinklers tothe fireextinguishing foam supply
`pipes, the inventor registered the No. 382708 fire sprinkler connecting device,
`FSRH 00023 05
`Registration No. 20.0415i83
`The past tire sprinklers connecting devices are fixed by way of a threaded connection with screws. It is therefore
`necessary to bore a hole in the clamp ofthe socket to produce a screw [head on its surface and also to produce a
`screw thread outside the socket. In this way, the finnness ofthe screw should be taken into consideration, the result
`of which will be inconvenience and waste oftimc.
`Specifically, high pressure Will be produced during the flow of the fimetrtinguishing foam. This pressure nukes
`the fire-extinguishing foam supply pipes vibrate, screws loosen,
`and unfixable sprinklers,
`thus causing the
`misalignment of the fire-extinguishing foam to the fire source.
`Problem to be Solved by the Invention
`In order to overcome the above—mentioned shortcomings, we aim to produce clamps which can fix the sockets to
`the supporting table quickly, easily, and firmly.
`The purpose of this study isto combine the open surface of the fixed groove formed on the clamp with the hinge
`surface to form a flexible support clip. Thus, the result will be a fixed socket with the help of its flexibility and the
`resultant of the forces ofthe supporting table.
`Structure and Function of the Invention
`Next, wewill give unas detailed as possible explanation to the project with reference toLhe accompanying
`drawings. First of all, unified symbols have been labeled on each schematic diagram for unified description.
`Figure I, Saturation schematic diagram of the clamp designed to fix the sockets. Figure 2, the schematic diagram
`when the clamp is connected. Figure 3, the diagram under working conditions.
`According to the drawings. the object of study and the clamp used to fix the sprinkler is made up of a fixed groove
`(12) and aclamp body ([0), the diameter of which the outer ring is larger than that ofthe fixed sockets (I), the
`binding face (20), which connect to the clamp body (10) at right angles, and the flexible supporting clips [30}.
`which interact with the front of the fixed groove (l2) exiting on the open surface of the clamp body (10}.
`The clamp body (10) shall match up to the width of the square pipe supporting table {2) installed in finishing
`materials of the ceiling of the buildings and parallel to ( 10) (Ina) in accordance with its width. In this way, the
`lower part of body (10) will form a right angle and form the same bend with the upper part of the clamp body (10).
`Now, the clamp body (10) can be installed on the socket (l) to form a fixed groove (12).
`The Inter ring diameter of the above-men tinned fixed groove (12) is larger than that of the sockets (l). in order for
`the sockets (l) to get in and out freely. In addition, the front part of the open part has been set for the access ofthe
`sockets (1).
`Now, we can here a hinge slot (14) on one side of the fixed groove (12) to provide access for the hinge surface (32)
`of the flexible support clip (30), while the other side of the slot (l6) can be fixed on the clamping surface (34) of
`the flexible support clip (30).
`The abovementioned flexible support clip [30) is usually Iflflde up of flexible steel wire. Therefore. one side of it
`could be bent
`to form the hinge surface (32) and combined with the clamp body (10) with of the groove (1-1),
`giving it the possibility to rotate, While the other side could becombined with the claiming surface (34) with the
`slot [16} to open and close the open end ofthe fixed groove (12).
`Meanwhile. for the convenience ofthe flexible support clip {30) located in the middle of the clamping surface (34),
`an operating handle (36) is designed to facilitate the operation.
`it is
`According to the above descriptions, while installing the clamp used tolix the socket ofthe
`necessary to insert
`the socket (l) and the support
`table (2) with sprinklers that are installed on the finishing
`materials of the ceiling by the cross over method. This method goes through the fitted groove (12) of the clamp
`body {10) to closely combine the support table (2) and the binding face (20) .Then, weshould turn the flexible
`support clip (30) and fix the fixed groove (12] on the slot (16).
`In this way. the clamping surface (34) on the
`flexible support clip (30) can be clipped in the slot (16) and the socket (I) can be fixed firmly. Thus, the spiinkler
`and the fire-extinguishing foam supply tube can be connected as long as the socket remains fixed.
`Registration No. Ell-0415138
`Figure 4 is the plan of this invention using a flexible support clip (30). Ifany flexible expansion salient points {38)
`exit betWeen the flexible support clip (30) and the clamping surface {34), it is possible to stretch it according to the
`diameter of the socket {1).
`installation of sockets which connect
`invention will achieve the easy and fast
`In sunuoary,
`fire-extinguishing foam supply tube with the sprinklers on the supporting table. Besides, it will not only provide
`convenience to the operation but also solve the looseneas caused by the flow of the liquid in the tube.
`(5?) Claims
`Claim 1
`For the connection ofthe sprinklers with the fire-extinguishing foam suppljtir tube, the sockets which connect with
`square pipes installed on the finishing materials of the ceiling were invented. To achieve the firm connection, the
`outer ring diameter ofthe fixed groove {12} is denigned to be larger than that of the sockets (1). In this way, the
`clamp body (10) can form a straight angle and a binding face {20) with its lower part. A rotating device can be
`made through the combination of the upper part of the clamp bod).r (10) with the hinge. For the easyr opening and
`closing ofthe fixed groove (12), the hinge surface (32) and the claiming surface {34] are designed to form the
`clamp used to fix the socket of the sprinklers, which could make the best ofthe flexible supporting clips (30).
`Claim 2
`Besides the claim 1, on the clamping surface (34) ofthe flexible supporting clips (30}. the clamp used to fix the
`sockets ofthe sprinklers of the operating handles [36} has been installed.
`Claim 3
`Besides the claim 1,011 the side ofthe flexible supporting clips (30), more than one expansion salient points
`(381133 been installed with the clamp used to fix the sockets of the sprinklers.
`Drawin gs
`Regisu'ation No. 20-0415188
`FIG. 4
`Telephone: [312) 759-9999 Facsimile: (800) 803-0676
`1450 Sandpebbie Drive, Suite 112. Wheeling, IL 60090
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`July '7, 2011
`from the Korean language into the English language is accurate and
`correct to the best ofmy knowledge and proficiency.
`MY. n. _ M muss-1mm
`I, Dongshert Wong , hereby cerafv that I am competent
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`in both
`Ifurther certifir that under penatty ofperjury , translation ofthe
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`[Kim—04151as_KR2020060003045_Engfish. pdf]
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