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`draft - drawn
`service; also : the persons so selected 8 : an order for
`the payment of money drawn by one person or bank
`on another 9 : a heavy demand : STRAIN 10 : a current
`of air; also : a device to regulate air supply (as in a
`stove) —- on draft : ready to be drawn from a recep—
`tacle (beer on draft)
`2draft adi l : used or adapted for drawing loads (N
`horses) 2 2 being or having been on draft (N beer)
`3draft vb 1 : to select usu. on a compulsory basis; esp
`: to conscript for military service 2 : to draw the pre-
`liminary sketch, version. or plan of 3 : COMPOSE, PRE-
`PARE 4 : to draw off or away -— draft-cc \draf—‘té,
`draf-\ n
`'draft-\ n : a person who
`drafts-man \'draft—smon.
`draws plans (as for buildings or machinery)
`drafty \'draf-té, 'draf—\ adj draft0i~er; -est : exposed to
`or abounding in drafts of air
`ldrag\'drag\ n 1 : a device pulled along under water for
`detecting or gathering 2 : something (as a harrow or
`sledge) that is dragged along over a surface 3 : the act
`or an instance of dragging 4 : something that hinders
`progress; also : something boring 5 : STREET (the
`main N) 6 : clothing typical of one sex worn by a
`member of the opposite sex
`2drag vb dragged; drag-ging 1 : HAUL 2 : to move with
`painful or undue slowness or difficulty 3 : to force
`into or out of some situation, condition, or course of
`action 4 : PROTRACT (N a story out) 5 : to hang or lag
`behind 6 : to explore, search. or fish with a drag 7 : to
`trail along on the ground 8 : DRAW, PUFF (~ on a cig-
`arette) —- drag-ger n
`TRAWL 2 : a network of
`drag-net \\ n 1 : NET.
`(a police
`planned actions for pursuing and catching
`drag-o-man \‘dra—gc-mam n. pl ~mans or -men \—m9n\
`: an interpreter employed esp. in the Near East
`drag-on \'dra-gon\ n [ME, fr. 0F, fr. L dracan—, draco
`serpent, dragon, fr. Gk drakon serpent] : a fabulous
`animal usu. represented as a huge winged scaly ser-
`pent with a crested head and large claws
`dragon-fly \-rf1i\ n : any of a group of large harmless
`4-winged insects that hold the wings horizontal and
`unfolded in repose
`‘dra-goon \dro-‘gfin, dra-\ n [F dragon dragon, dra-
`goon. fr. MF] : a heavily armed mounted soldier
`1dragoon vb : to force or attempt to force into submis—
`sion : COERCE
`drag race n : an acceleration contest between vehicles
`drag strip n z a site for drag races
`‘drain \'dran\ vb 1 : to draw off or flow off gradually
`or completely 2 : to exhaust physically or emotion-
`ally 3 : to make or become gradually dry or empty 4
`: to carry away the surface water of : discharge sur-
`face or surplus water 5 : EMPTY, EXHAUST —-— drain-
`er n
`2drain n 1 : a means (as a channel or sewer) of draining
`2 : the act of draining 3 : a gradual outflow; also
`: something causing'an outflow (a ~ on our savings)
`drain-age \'dramij \ n 1 : the act or process of draining;
`also : something that is drained off 2 : a means for
`draining : DRAIN, SEWER 3 : an area drained
`drain-pipe \'dran—upip\ n : a pipe for drainage
`draw on vb :
`drake \'drak\ n : a male duck
`draw out vb ,
`dram \'dram\ n 1 —— see WEIGHT table 2 : FLUID DRAM
`drawstring \I
`3 : a small drink
`use in closii
`[LL. fr. Gk, deed. drama. fr.
`drama \I dra—mc. ' dra-\ n
`ments or c111
`dran to do, act] 1 : a literary composition designed
`draw up vb 1
`for theatrical presentation 2 : dramatic art. literature,
`pull oneself
`or affairs 3 : a series of events involving conflicting
`dray \'dra\ n
`forces —— dra-mat-ic \drc-‘ma—tik\ adi ——'— dra-mat-
`i-cal-ly \—ti—k(9—)lé\ adv — dra-ma-tist \'dra—mc—tist,
`ldread \'dred\
`'dréi-\ n
`reluctance t(
`'drii~\ vb —tized; -tiz-ing l
`dra-ma-tize \'dra—mo-utiz,
`1dread n : gre;
`: to adapt for or be suitable for theatrical presentation
`3dread adj l : (
`2 : to present or represent in a dramatic manner —
`dram-a-ti-za-tion \ndra-mc-tona-shan. .dra—\ n
`dread-ful \'dl
`drank past and past part of DRINK
`Idrape \'drap\ vb draped; drawing 1 : to cover or
`or Shocking .
`adorn with or as if with folds of cloth 2 : to cause to
`hang or stretch out loosely or carelessly 3 : to arrange
`or become arranged in flowing lines or folds
`2drape n l : CURTAIN 2 : arrangement in or of folds 3
`dread-now he
`: the cut or hang of clothing
`1d“am vain:
`and ON draa
`drap-er \'dra-p9r\ n, chiefly Brit : a dealer in cloth and
`ages. or emo1
`sometimes in clothing and dry goods
`like vision :
`drap-ery \'dra-p9~re\ n, pl ~er-ies l Brit : DRY GOODS
`notable for it
`2 : a decorative fabric esp. when hung loosely and in
`folds; also : hangings of heavy fabric used as a cur-
`2 lty 4 : IDEAL
`dream \'drérr
`dreamt \'dre
`dras-tic \'dras-tik\ adj : HARSH. RIGOROUS, SEVERE (~
`: to indulge i1:
`punishment) — dras-ti-caldy \-ti—k(9-)lé\ adv
`reverie or in;
`draught \'draft\, draughty \I draf-té\ chiefly Brit var of
`dreamvland \I
`country that
`draughts \'drafts\ n, Brit : CHECKERS
`dream up vb ;
`draughts-man chiefly Brit var of DRAFTSMAN
`dream-world \
`1draw \'
`dro\ vb drew \'drii\; drawn \'dron\; draw-
`ing 1 : to cause to move toward a force exerted 2 : to
`cause to go in a certain direction (drew him aside) 3
`dreay \.d .
`: to move or go steadily or gradually (night ~s near)
`dreafry “1321.4:
`dréorig sad, it
`2 : DISMAL, G
`emy fire) 6 : INHALE (N a deep breath) 7 : to bring or
`‘dredge \'drej\
`pull out (drew a gun) 8 : to cause to come out of a
`container (~ water for a bath) 9 : EVISCERATE 10 : to
`2 search with o
`dredge n : a m
`require (a specified depth) to float in 11 : ACCUMU—
`LATE. GAIN (~ing interest) 12 : to take money from
`3l'll‘tidge vb drc
`a place of deposit : WITHDRAW 13 2 to receive regu-
`sprinkling (as
`larly (N a salary) 14 : to take (cards) from a stack or
`dl'fbgs \'dregz\
`the dealer 15 : to receive or take at random (~ a win-
`Sirable part (t
`ning number) 16 : to bend (a bow) by pulling back the
`string 17 : WRINKLE. 51111le 18 z to change shape by
`ldrench \'drenc
`dress \'dres\ w
`or as if by pulling or stretching (a face drawn with
`= t0 prepare fc
`sorrow) l9 : to leave (a contest) undecided : TIE 20
`LlSH (N a 51
`: DELINEATE, SKETCH 21 : to write out in due form
`: CLOTHE; als.
`: DRAFT (~ up a will) 22 : FORMULATE (N compari-
`clothes 5 : to z
`sons) 23 : INFER (~ a conclusion) 24 : to spread or
`range (the hai
`elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling through
`dies 25 : to produce or allow a draft or current of air
`2 = to apply ferti
`dr98§ n l : APPA
`(the chimney ~s well) 26 : to swell out in a wind (all
`Sisting of a on:
`sails Ning)
`2draw n l : the act. process. or result of drawing 2 : a
`3 er \—kar\
`dress 1141' : suita
`lot or chance drawn at random 3 : a contest left un—
`mg formal dre
`decided or deadlocked : TIE 4 : one that draws atten—
`ares-sage \dra—I
`tion or patronage
`horse of com;
`draw-back \'dro-ubak\ n : DISADVANTAGE 2
`DCI‘CCDtible sig
`draw-bridge \-.brij\ n : a bridge made to be raised.
`lowered, or turned to permit or deny passage
`ldress down vb
`dress-er \'dre-s
`draw-er \'dror, 'dro-ar\ n 1 : one that draws 2 pl : an
`undergarment for the lower part of the body 3 z a Slid-
`2 With a miner
`dresser n : one
`ing boxlike compartment (as in a table or desk)
`are-954113 \'dre-I
`draw-ing \'dro-in\ n 1 : an act or instance of drawing:
`dresses 2 : a s:
`esp : an occasion when something is decided by
`t a seasoned in:
`drawing lots (tonight’s lottery ~) 2 : the act or art of
`used to cover
`making a figure. plan. or sketch by means of lines 3
`dFESSing gown ,
`: a representation made by drawing : SKETCH
`mg or resting
`drawing card n : DRAW 4
`dressy \'dre-sé\
`drawing room n : a formal reception room
`2 : STYLISH, sr
`drawl \'drol\ vb : to speak or utter slowly with vowels
`drew past of DR
`greatly prolonged — drawl n






`GE. dreahnicm, to strain
`yge, DRY] 1. todraw off
`7 water or any liquid from
`[to dram swamps] 3. to
`awrence drums the Great
`1 from (a. cup, glass. etc.)
`5, or resources) gradually
`3w off or trickle through
`;he drawing or flowing off
`lually; fade [his courage
`ts waters [central EurOpe
`1. a channel or pipe for
`._ a draining or exhausting
`s strength, resources, etc.
`for drawing ofl discharge,
`drain lost in a wasteful,
`ess, or method of draining
`nt of pipes, etc. for carry.
`'hich is drained off 4. a,
`a used to carry off water,
`*drako, male, as in OHG.
`< OE. draw < L. draw,
`as 17th and 18th cent. 2.
`—96; Eng. admiral & bucv
`) mountain range in E
`ni. from S Cape Province
`Cape Horn & the South
`gme < ML. dragma < L.
`otheaan‘es’ Weight a unit
`symbol, 3 2. Avoirdupois
`is (1/16 ounce) 3. same a:
`alcoholic liquor 5. a small
`L. < Gr.. a deed, drama,
`se *drd-, to work, whence
`' composition that tells a
`by means of dialogue and
`s; play; now often specif.,
`2. the art or profession of
`: collectively [Elizabethan
`iteresting, vivid, etc. as to
`quality of being dramatic
`a trademark for DIMEN-
`[LL. dramatims < Gr.
`with drama. 2. 4) having
`sp. conflict; like a play b)
`exciting qualities; vivid,
`:a . mat/ilcal —dra - mat'l-
`lly with sing. 12.] the art of
`lays performed and
`:ic e ect; esp., exaggerated
`) tis par some) [ModL. <
`AMA + L. personae, p1. of
`characters in a play, or a
`1. the act of
`:ed I -tiz 11:9 ,[< LL; drama
`1' to ma 3 mt" a drama,
`performance on the stage,
`present (actions, oneself.
`drama” quality to ‘7‘"
`natized 2' to dramatize
`n. [G. dramaturgie < Gr.
`'amatist, orig., contriver <
`{K} the art of writing plays
`tur’gic, dram’a-tur’gi-cal
`~dram’a-tur’glst, dram’-
`France: suburb of Paris:
`1g [ME. drapen, to weave
`< drop: see DRABI] 1. to
`r as with cloth or clothes
`ernent, cloth. etc.) artist:-
`3 hang or fall in folds, as a
`11>, cloth] 1. cloth hanging
`irtain: usually used in pl.
`angs or is cut to hang, as
`42 5
`drains mto or through 1319. Football a play in Which the
`1. orig" a maker of cloth 2. [Erin] a dealer in cloth and
`quarterback while fading back hands the ball to a running
`dry goods
`back, who moves into the line —SYN. see PULL ——nbeat to
`Dffi'Per (dralpar)
`1. HenIrJy, 1837—82; U.S. . astronomer
`the draw to be quicker than (another) in doing something,
`2. John William, 1811—82;
`.3. historian & sczentist, born
`as_1.n drawmg one's weapon —draw and quarter Medieval
`in England: f_ather_of pres.
`1. to execute by tying each arm and leg to a
`drapery (dra’par e) n., pl. -er-ies [ME. 8: OFr. dra era:
`difierent horse, and then driving the horses in four difl‘erent
`see DRAIjE 8c -ERY] 1. [Bnt.] same as DR)! GOODS 2.. Brit]
`directions eviscerate and cut into pieces after hanging
`the busxness of a. draper
`3. a) hangings, covering, or
`clothing arranged 1n loose folds b) an artistic arrangement —draw away to move away or ahead —draw on (or nigh)
`of such hangings, etc., esp. as represented in sculpture,
`to approach —draw oneself up 1. to assume a straighter
`painting, etc.
`_4. [le curtains of heavy matenal
`posture; stand or sit straight 2. to bridle ”draw out 1. to
`drag.tic (dras'trk) ad}: [GL drasttkos, active < dran, to do:
`extend; lengthen; prolong ,2. to take out; extract 3. to
`see DRAMA] acting With force; havmg a strong or Violent
`get (a person) to answer or talk —draw up 1. to arrange
`eflect; severe; harsh; extreme—dras’tbcal-ly adv.
`in order;.marshal 2. to compose (a document) in proper
`, drat (drat) 'interj. [aphetic '< ad rot < God rot] canfoundl
`form; draft 3. to bring or come to a stop
`darnl: a mild oath expressmg annoyance
`draw-back (-bak') n. a1. money paid back from a charge
`drapted (dratlid) «adj. [cf. DRAT] [Collqu darned '
`previously made; refund, esp. of import duties when the
`draught (draft, draft) n.,
`lit., ad]. now chtefly Brzt. sf. 'of
`taxed commodities are later exported 2. anything that
`prevents or lessens full satisfaction; shortcoming
`‘ draughts (drafts, drafts) 11.1”. [Brit] the game of checkers
`redraw-bar (—barl) n. a coupling used to connect railroad
`draughts-man (.mon) n., pl. —men ,(rman) 1. Brit. 5?. of
`cars, or a bar at the rear of a tractor for attaching a. plow,
`DRAFTSMAN 2. [Brit] any of the pieces used m playing
`barrow, etc.
`draughts wdraughts'man-ship’ n.
`draw-bore (-hori) n. a hole bored through a mortise-and-
`draught-y (draf’te, draft) adj. draught'i-er, draught'i-est
`tenon Jaint so that 'a pin driven into it will force the
`Brit. :1). of DRAFTY —draught'i-ly adv. Tdmught'i-ness n.
`tenon more securel
`into the mortise
`Dra-Va (dra'vag river in SC Europe flowmg from S Austria
`draw-bridge (—brijl n. a bridge that can be raised. lowered,
`into the Danu e in N Yugoslavia: c. 450 mi.
`or drawn aside
`drave (dray) archazc pt. of DRIVE
`draw-down (-doun’) n. a lowering of the water level of a
`Dra-vid-i-an (dra vid'é an) n. [< Sans. Drdmda, name of
`lake, etc., as in supplying industry with water
`district in southern India]
`1. any of a group of inter-
`draw-ee édro/él) n. the arty that the drawer directs, by
`mixed races chiefly inS India and N Ceylon 2. the family
`means 0 a bill of exc ange, order, draft, etc., to pay
`of non-IndoEuropean languages spoken by these races,
`money over to a third part
`(called payee)
`including Tamil, Malayalam. etc. wadj. of the Drawchans
`draw-er (drolar; for 5, dror) n.
`l. a person or thing that
`or their languages: also Dra-vid’lc
`draws 2. a person who draws liquor, as at a bar 3. a
`draw (dro) vt. drew drawn, draw’lng [ME. drawen < OE.
`person who draws an order for the payment of money 4. a
`dragon, akin to ON. draga, to drag, G.
`tragen, to bear.
`draftsman 5. a sliding box in a table, bureau, chest, etc..
`carry < IE. base *dherdgh-, to pull, draw. along. whence. L.
`that can be drawn out and then pushed back into place
`trahere, to pull, draw (cf. TRACTION)] I. mduatmg tractwn
`drawers (drorz) mpl. [< DRAW, because drawn on] an
`1. to make move toward one or along Wlth one by or as
`long or short, for the lower part of the
`by exerting force; pull; haul; drag [a horse draws the cart]
`body,_ with a. se arate opening for each leg; underpants
`2. a) to pull up (a sail, drawbridge, etc.) b) to pull down
`draw-mg gdrd'ing n. 1. the act of one that draws; specif.,
`(a. window shade, etc.) a) to pull in (a dragnet. etc.)
`(1) to
`the art 0
`representing something by lines made on a.
`pull aside or together (a curtain, etc.) 6) to pull across, as
`surface with a. pencil, pen, etc. 2. a picture, design, sketch,
`a violin bow over strings 3. to pull back the bowstring of
`etc. thus made 3. a lottery
`(an archer’s bow) 4. to need (a specified depth of water)
`drawing account an account of or for money paid for
`to float in: said of a ship 5. Billiards to give backspm to
`expenses, advances on salary, etc., as to a salesman
`(the cue ball
`6. Cricket to deflect
`(the ball)
`to the
`drawing board a flat. smooth board on which paper,
`side of the fie d on which the batsman stands. by a slight
`canvas, etc.
`is fastened for making drawings —on the
`turn of the bat
`7. Golf to deliberately cause (a ball)
`drawing board in the planning stage
`to hook slightly 11. indicating attraction 1. a) to. attract;
`redrawing card an entertainer, speaker, show, etc. that
`charm; entice b) to attract (audiences_of a specrfied size
`normally can be expected to draw a large audience
`drawing room [< withdrawing room.- orig. name for room
`or kind) 2. to take (air, smoke, etc.) into the mouth or
`lungs; breathe in, inhale, etc.
`3. to bring forth; elicit
`to which guests withdrew after dinner] 1. a. room where
`[his challenge drew no reply] 4. to bring about as a result;
`guests are received or entertained' living room or parlor:
`bring on; provoke [to draw the enemy's fire] 5. Med. to
`term no longer much used 2. a ormal reception #3. a.
`cause a flow of (blood, pus, etc.) to some part
`III. mdt-
`private compartment on a railroad sleeping car, with
`acting extraction 1. to pull out; take out; remove; extract,
`accommodations for several people
`as a tooth, cork, weapon, etc. 2. a) to remove (a li uid,
`draw-knife (drd’nif’) n., pl. -knives’ (.nivzl) aknife with a
`etc.) by sucking, draining. distilling, seeping. etc.
`handle at each end, usually at
`bring up, as water from a well c) to cause (liquid) to flow
`right angles to the blade, which is
`from an opening, tap, etc. [to draw a bath, to draw blood]
`drawn toward the user in shaving
`3. to take out the viscera of; disembowel 4. to get or
`a surface: also drawing knife
`receive from some source [to draw a good salary] 5. to
`drawl (drol) vt., vi.
`rob. freq. of
`Withdraw (money) held in an account 6. to have accruing
`DRAW] to speak slow , prolonging
`to it [savings that draw interest] 7. to write (a check or
`the vowels —n. a slow manner
`8. to reach (a conclusion or inference); deduce
`of speech characterized by pro—
`9- to get or pick (a number, straw. prize, etc.) at random,
`longation of vowels —drawl'er n. —drawl'ing-ly adv
`as in a lottery .10. to bring (a contest or game) to a tie
`drawn (dron) pp. of DRAW —adj. 1. pulled out of the sheath
`11. Card Games a) to take or get (cards) ' b) to cause (a
`2. with neither side winning or losing; even; tied 3. dis-
`card or cards) to be played out [draw your opponent’s
`emboweled; eviscerated 4. tense; haggard
`IV. indicating tension 1. to pull out to its fullest
`udrawn butter melted butter, sometimes thickened and
`extent; make tense; stretch; extend [to draw a rope tight]
`Seasoned, used as a sauce
`2- to pull out of shape; distort 3. to stretch, flatten, or
`drawn-work (-wurk') n. ornamental work done on textiles
`shafe (metal) by die stampin , hammering, etc.
`4. to
`by pulling out threads to produce a. lacelike design
`Ina 8 metal into (wire) by pu ling it through holes V.
`draw-plate (drolplati) n. a metal plate with holes through
`indicating delineation to ”pull” across paper, etc.)
`1. to
`which Wire is drawn to get the desired thickness
`make (lines, figures, pictures, etc.), as with a pencil, pen,
`frdraw poker a form of poker in which each player is dealt
`brush, or stylus; sketch; diagram 2. to describe in words
`five cards face down, and may be dealt replacements for
`3. to make (comparisons, etc.); formulate —vi.
`1. to
`any unwanted cards (usually not more than three)
`draw something (in various senses of the wt.)
`2. to be
`draw-shave (—shavl) 11. same as DRAWKNIFE
`drawn or have a drawing effect 3. to come; move; approach
`draw-string (-strin l) n. a string drawn through a hem, as in
`[to draw nearer] 4. to shrink or contract 5. to allow a
`the waist of a garment or mouth of a bag. to tighten or
`draft of air, smoke, etc. .to move through [the chimney
`close it by taking up the fullness
`draws well] 6. to suck (on a tobacco pipe, etc.)
`7. to
`draw-tube Ltd—obi,
`-tyo"6b/) n. a tube sliding Within
`attract audiences 8. to become filled with wind: said of
`another tube, as in the eyepiece of a Il'ucl'OSCOpe
`Salls 9. to steep: said of tea 10. to make a demand or
`dray (are) 11. [ME. dreye, orig, a drag, sled < OE. ‘drage,
`demands (on or upon) 11. Hunting a) to track game by
`lit., something drawn, dragnet < dragon, to DRAW] a low,
`following its scent b) to move slowly toward the game after
`sturdily built cart with detachable Sides, for carrying heavy
`gointing: said of hounds —n. l. a drawing or being drawn
`loads ——vt. to carry or haul on a dray —m'. to drive a dray
`In various senses) 2. the result of drawing 3. a thing
`dray'age (-ij) 1!. 1. the hauhng of a load by dray s2. the
`drawn 4. the cards dealt as replacements in draw poker
`charge made for this
`5. [from the former withdrawal of stakes in such a case]
`drayman (-man) 21., pl. -men the driver of a dray
`a tie; stalemate [the game ended in a draw] 6. a thing Dray-ton (dratI’n), Michael 1563—1631; Eng. poet
`that attracts interest, audiences, etc.
`{37. the movable
`dread (dred) vt. [ME. dreden <.Late OE. (West Saxon)
`part of a drawbridge
`8. a gully or ravine that water
`drwgan, aphetic for ondraedan (akin to OS. andradtm. OHG.
`fat. 5pc, cfir; ten, Even; is, bite; g5. horn, {20—01. look; oil, out; up, far; get; joy; yet; chin; she; thin, then; 7111, leisure; n, ring;


`Boston - New York


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