US 6,574,760 B1
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(12) United States Patent
`Inventor: Marc Mydill, Garland, TX (US)
`(73) Assignee: Texas Instruments Incorporated,
`Dallas, TX (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`( * ) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/413,926
`OCt- 7: 1999
`. Related. US. Application Data
`PTOVlslonal aPphcatlon NO- 60/106312: filed 0“ NOV- 3:
`Int. Cl.7 ......................... G01R 31/28; G01R 31/26
`(52) use. ....................... 714/724, 714/721, 714/734,
`714/738; 324/765; 716/4
`(58) Field of Search ................................. 714/724, 734,
`714/736, 737, 745, 3, 738; 324/731; 703/2,
`14; 702/121, 123; 706/919, 920; 716/4
`References Cited
`................... 714/33
`5/1988 Beck et a1.
`4,744,084 A *
`..................... 703/14
`5,467,291 A * 11/1995 Fan et a1.
`5,497,381 A *
`3/1996 O’Donoghue et a1.
`...... 714/745
`5,668,745 A *
`9/1997 Day ........................... 702/121
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner—Emmanuel L. Moise
`E74) Agorgexlfigel‘gt, dor FETERlObErt 1]) Marshall, Jr.; W’
`ra y’
`re eric
`e CC y’
`An automatic. test apparatus for assuring quality and reli-
`ability of semiconductor integrated Circuit deVices compris-
`ing a computerized tester controller performing virtual
`timing, formatting, and pattern generation for testing said
`devices; and a test head controlled by the controller, com-
`prising pin electronics, dc subsystem, and support for self-
`testing built into the Circuit. The computerized tester con-
`trollcr comprises pattern sequence control, pattern memory,
`scan memory, timing system and driver signal formatter,
`thereby executing virtually high speed functional tests based
`on test patterns, combined With ac parametric tests 0f said
`devices. Furthermore,
`the computerized tester controller
`dynamically transforms data stored in the computer into
`instructions for the test head and into pattern sequence
`matched to the digital function stimulus and response
`required by the design of the devices.
`3,723,873 A *
`3/1973 Witteles ..................... 324/765
`19 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Linear Exhibit 1027


`US. Patent
`Jun. 3, 2003
`Sheet 1 0f 6
`US 6,574,760 B1
`N .


`US. Patent
`Jun. 3, 2003
`Sheet 2 0f 6
`US 6,574,760 B1
`38 MAX VDD 38 VDD
`FIG. 3


`US. Patent
`Jun. 3, 2003
`Sheet 3 0f 6
`US 6,574,760 B1
` Nun-“I
`v_LIJ_ _,
`.Z/é VIII/1171’:
`F10, 5


`US. Patent
`Jun. 3, 2003
`Sheet 4 0f 6
`US 6,574,760 B1


`US. Patent
`Jun. 3, 2003
`Sheet 5 0f 6
`US 6,574,760 B1
`FIG. 7
`FIG. 8


`US 6,574,760 B1
`US. Patent


`US 6,574,760 B1
`This application claims priority under 35 USC §119(e)
`(1) of Provisional Application No. 60/106,812, filed Nov. 3,
`The present invention is related in general to the field of
`semiconductor devices and testing and more specifically to
`a testing methodology assuring device quality and reliability
`without conventional burn-in while using a low-cost tester
`the inventor of the transistor and Nobel
`W. Shockley,
`prize winner, demonstrated in the late ’50s and early ’60s the
`effect of fabrication process variations on semiconductor
`device performance; he specifically explored the depen-
`dence of the p-n junction breakdown voltage on local
`statistical variations of the space charge density; see W.
`Shockley, “Problems Related to p-n Junctions in Silicon”,
`Solid-State Electronics, vol. 2, pp. 35—67, 1961.
`Since that time, numerous researchers have investigated
`semiconductor integrated circuit (IC) process steps to show
`that each process step has its design window, which in most
`cases follows a Gaussian bell-shaped distribution curve with
`unavoidable statistical tails. These researchers have illumi-
`nated how this statistical variation affects the performance
`characteristics of semiconductor devices, and how to keep
`the processes within a narrow window. The basis for deter-
`mining the process windows was in most cases careful
`modeling of the process steps (such as ion implantation,
`diffusion, oxidation, metallization, junction behavior, effect
`of lattice defects and impurities, ionization, etc.); see for
`example reviews in F. van de Wiele et al., “Process and
`Device Modeling for Integrated Circuit Design”, NATO
`Advanced Study Institutes Series, Noordhoff, Leyden, 1977.
`Other modeling studies were addressing the simulation of
`circuits directly; see, for example, US. Pat. No. 4,744,084,
`issued May 10, 1988 (Beck et al., “Hardware Modeling
`System and Method for Simulating Portions of Electrical
`Today, these relationships are well known to the circuit
`and device designers; they control how process windows
`have to be designed in order to achieve certain performance
`characteristics and device specifications. Based on these
`process parameters, computer simulations are at hand not
`only for specification limits, but within full process capa-
`bility so that IC designs and layouts can be created. These
`“good” designs can be expected to result in “good” circuits
`whenever “good” processes are used in fabrication; device
`quality and reliability are high. Based on testing functional
`performance, computer-based methods have been proposed
`semiconductor device conformance to design requirements.
`See, for example, US. Pat. No. 5,668,745 issued Sep. 16,
`1997 (Day, “Method and Apparatus for Testing Semicon-
`ductor Devices”).
`However, when a process is executed during circuit
`manufacturing so that
`it deviates significantly from the
`center of the window, or when it is marginal, the resulting
`semiconductor device may originally still be within its range
`of electrical specifications, but may have questionable long-
`term reliability. How can this be determined? The traditional
`answer has been the so-called “burn-in” process. This pro-
`the semiconductor device to
`cess is intended to subject
`accelerating environmental conditions such that the device
`parameters would show within a few hundred hours what
`would happen in actual operation after about 2 years.
`In typical dynamic burn-in, circuit states are exercised
`using stuck-fault vectors. The accelerating conditions
`include elevated temperature (about 140° C.) and elevated
`voltage (Vdd about 1.5><nominal); the initial burn-in is for 6
`hr, the extended burn-in is 2 sets of 72 hr, with tests after
`each set. Since 6 hr burn-in is equivalent to 200 k power-on
`hours, device wearout appears early, the reliability bathtub
`curve is shortened, and the effect of defects such as particles
`will be noticed.
`There are several types of defects in ICs, most of which
`are introduced during the manufacturing process flow. In the
`last three decades, these defects have been studied exten-
`sively; progress is, for example, reported periodically in the
`Annual Proceedings of the IEEE International Reliability
`Physics Symposium and in the reprints of the Tutorials of
`that Symposium.
`the number of
`In the so-called bathtub curve display,
`failures is plotted versus time. The initial high number of
`failures is due to extrinsic failures, such as particulate
`contamination, and poor process margins. The number of
`failures drops sharply to the minimum of intrinsic failures
`and remains at this level for most of the device lifetime.
`After this instantaneous or inherent failure rate, the number
`of failures increases sharply due to wearout mortality
`(irreversible degradation such as metal electromigration,
`dielectric degradation, etc.).
`Based on functional tests and non-random yields, auto-
`mated methods have been proposed to analyze defects in IC
`manufacturing and distinguish between random defects and
`systematic defects. See, for example, US. Pat. No. 5,497,
`381, issued Mar. 5, 1996 (O’Donoghue et al., “Bitstream
`Defect Analysis Method for Integrated Circuits”).
`For burn-in, the devices need facilities equipped with test
`sockets, electrical biasing, elevated temperature provision,
`and test equipment. Considering the large population of
`devices to be burned-in, the expense for burn-in is high
`(floor space, utilities, expensive high-speed testers for final
`device test, sockets, etc.). As an example of a proposal to
`avoid burn-in, see J. A. van der Pol et al., “Impact of
`Screening of Latent Defects at Electrical Test on the Yield-
`Reliability Relation and Application to Burn-in
`Elimination”, 36th Ann. Proc. IEEE IRPS, pp. 370—377,
`1998. It is proposed that voltage stresses, distribution tests
`and Iddq screens are alternatives to burn-in, but the tests
`cover only device specification and are thus too limited and
`An additional concern is the effect burn-in has on the
`devices which are subjected to this procedure. After the
`process, many survivors are “walking wounded” which
`means that their probable life span may have been shortened
`to an unknown degree.
`In addition to the greatly increased cost for burn-in, the
`last decade has seen an enormous cost increase for automatic
`testing equipment. Modern high-speed testers for ICs cost in
`excess of $1 million, approaching $2 million. They also
`consume valuable floor space and require considerable
`installation (cooling) effort. These testers not only have to
`perform the traditional DC parametric device tests, but the
`ever more demanding functional and AC parametric tests.
`DC parametric tests measure leakage currents and compare
`input and output voltages, both of which require only modest
`financial investment. Functional tests are based on the test


`US 6,574,760 B1
`pattern of the device-to-be-tested, a tremendous task for the
`rapidly growing complexity of modern ICs. AC parametric
`tests measure speed, propagation delay, and signal rise and
`fall. These tests are combined to “at speed” functional tests.
`For the required timing control, calibration, and many
`patterns at high speed, the lion share of the financial invest-
`ment is needed (between 80 and 95%). Included here are the
`pattern memory and timing for stimulus and response,
`format by combining timing and pattern memory, serial shift
`registers (scan), and pattern sequence controller.
`Traditional automatic test equipment (ATE) incorporates
`expensive, high performance pattern memory subsystems to
`deliver complex test patterns during production test of
`digital ICs. These subsystems are designed to deliver wide
`patterns (typically 128 to 1024 bits) at high speeds (typically
`20 to 100’s MHZ, more than 400 MHZ on new devices). The
`depth of the pattern storage is typically 1 to 64 million. The
`width, speed and depth of the pattern memory requirements,
`along with the sequencing capability (loops, branches, etc.)
`combine to significantly affect
`the cost of the pattern
`subsystem, to the extent that most pattern subsystems rep-
`resent a significant component of the overall ATE cost.
`The traditional pattern memory subsystem limitations are
`often the source of test program development problems and
`initial design debug inefficiencies. The number of test pat-
`terns required is proportional to the number of transistors in
`a device. As the device integration rapidly progresses, the
`corresponding test pattern requirements will present increas-
`ingly difficult challenges for cost effective traditional pattern
`memory subsystems.
`In summary, the goal of avoiding the expensive burn-in
`procedure and replacing it by a low-cost, fast, reliable and
`flexible procedure has remained elusive, until now. An
`urgent need has, therefore, arisen for a coherent approach to
`both a low-cost method and a low-cost testing equipment
`offering a fundamental solution not only to avoid burn-in,
`but to guarantee quality and reliability of semiconductor
`devices in general, and to achieve these goals with testers of
`much reduced cost. The method should be flexible enough to
`be applied for different semiconductor product families and
`a wide spectrum of design and process variations and should
`lend itself as a guiding tool during wafer fab processing as
`well as after testing at multiprobe and after assembly and
`packaging. The method and the testers should increase
`manufacturing throughput and save floor space, time and
`energy. Preferably,
`these innovations should break the
`stranglehold of cost increases for fast testers which are today
`a significant part of the skyrocketing cost of IC device
`production, and expedite the time-to-market required for
`new IC products.
`invention provides a testing method and
`The present
`apparatus assuring IC device quality and reliability by
`testing yield based on process capability and not yield based
`on device specifications. With this fundamental change
`intest methodology, burn-in can be eliminated or reduced to
`a few percent of the product volume having questionable
`characteristics, and the cost of testers is reduced to about 5%
`of today’s high-speed tester cost. The levels of reliability are
`comparable to six-sigma levels (the six-sigma methodology
`is defined in relation to specifications).
`The method for assuring quality and reliability of IC
`devices, fabricated by a series of documented process steps,
`comprises first functionally testing the devices outside their
`specified voltage range, yet within the capabilities of the
`fabrication process steps, then interpreting these electrical
`data to provide non-electrical characterization of the
`devices, thereby verifying their compositional and structural
`features, and finally correlating these features with the
`fabrication process steps to find deviations from the process
`windows, as well as structural defects.
`The present invention can be applied to all logic devices,
`specifically those made by CMOS technology, such as
`wireless products, hard disk drives, digital signal processors,
`application-specific devices, mixed-signal products,
`microprocessors, and general purpose logic devices. It can
`also be adapted to Memory products, and expanded to
`imbedded testing, analog testing, and optimized
`Based on the well-proven premise that good designs result
`in good products when good manufacturing processes are
`used, the present invention avoids the traditional method of
`at-speed functional testing and testing of propagation delays,
`and rather tests instead for so-called process “outliers”, both
`of the systematic and the non-systematic kind. The outlier
`methodology verifies critical process parameters on each
`chip, such as voltage box for Vdd, tight Iddq, and leakage
`current, as opposed to conventional methodology which
`verifies electrical specification on each chip for each speci-
`fied parameter.
`The outlier methodology emphasizes logic testing includ-
`ing testing at-speed built-in self test (BIST), delay fault,
`I-drive, and wide voltage box. The tester of the present
`invention is capable of DC testing, including continuity,
`leakage current, Iddq, and logic testing,
`including slow
`tests, serial scan, algorithmic patterns (for
`memory devices), delay path fault, and at-speed BIST.
`However, the tester of the present invention does not need
`traditional at-speed functional device testing.
`Newer test methodologies, design-for-test (DFT) and
`BIST techniques are reducing the need to deliver test pat-
`terns at high speed to several classes of advanced logic
`devices. Relaxing traditional at-speed test requirements rep-
`resents an opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of
`ATE. However, even with reduced pattern speed
`the depth, width and complexity of the
`required pattern sequences can still have a significant impact
`on the architecture and cost of the ATE. The invention takes
`advantage of the potentially lower pattern speed require-
`ments of devices compatible with newer test methodologies,
`DFT or BIST techniques, by eliminating the need for a
`traditional pattern memory subsystem, thereby avoiding a
`significant component of ATE cost.
`In one embodiment of the present
`(relatively low cost) workstation or general purpose com-
`puter controlling the tester is used as a “virtual” pattern
`memory system. In this function, the computer stores and
`delivers digital
`test patterns and thus replaces the
`(expensive) pattern sequence controller (pattern memory
`sub-system) in traditional testers. The workstation is needed
`for other tester control functions anyway, so it represents no
`added cost.
`In an embodiment of the invention, the tester controller is
`a high performance work station providing user interface,
`factory connectivity, as well as tester control. The worksta-
`tion uses “virtual” memory for program and data storage.
`Test patterns are stored in the workstation memory as direct
`memory access (DMA) blocks, and transferred to the device
`under test
`for digital stimulus and response
`comparison, as needed, during production testing. Although
`the pattern data is not transferred “at speed” to the DUT, the


`US 6,574,760 B1
`use of DMA techniques ensures that the patterns are trans-
`ferred as efficiently as possible, in order to minimize test
`In a specific embodiment of the invention, the pattern bits
`stored in the tester controller are executed as a stream of
`DMA blocks in order to generate the traditional parallel
`pattern simultaneously applied to the device-under-test.
`Since the workstation’s memory is “virtual”,
`the test
`pattern depth is no longer constrained by traditional pattern
`memory subsystem costs and limitations, avoiding difficult
`cost/limitation tradeoff decisions.
`In another embodiment of the invention, only the changes
`between patterns have to be stored and loaded. This feature
`makes pattern storage much more efficient.
`In contrast,
`traditional pattern memory systems store all digital infor-
`mation for all pins for each pattern, even though only a small
`percentage of the total information changes from pattern to
`pattern. This increases storage requirements and increases
`the amount of time needed to compile and load pattern
`information into the tester.
`In yet another embodiment of the invention, the worksta-
`tion capability to create execution flexibility is exploited to
`avoid the cost/limitation tradeoff of traditional pattern
`memory systems due to dedicated hardware.
`Conventionally, loops, repeats, branches, subroutines, etc.
`are limited by the architecture and cost of the pattern
`memory subsystem hardware. In contrast, according to the
`invention, the pattern sequences are controlled by the work-
`station software. The only limit to pattern execution flex-
`ibility is software execution overhead. This overhead,
`however, is generally small with respect to the total pattern
`execution time in this application.
`The technical advances represented by the invention, as
`well as the objects thereof, will become apparent from the
`following description of the preferred embodiments of the
`invention, when considered in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings and the novel features set forth in the
`appended claims.
`FIG. 1 lists the tests performed according to the outlier
`methodology of the invention at IC wafer multiprobe and at
`final device probe.
`FIG. 2 shows the Vdd outliers as a detail of the Vdd test
`of the invention.
`FIG. 3 shows the Iddq test and its interpretation within the
`outlier methodology.
`FIG. 4 summarizes schematically several reliability fail-
`ure mechanisms of multi-level metal IC devices detected by
`the outlier methodology.
`FIG. 5 shows an example of the outlier methodology of
`the invention as applied to detecting several classes of IC
`FIG. 6 is a simplified block diagram of the virtual function
`tester (VFT), a major embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 7 is an example of a test flow using the VFT and the
`outlier methodology of the invention.
`FIG. 8 illustrates schematically the interaction of the VFT
`with the built-in self-test circuit of the device-under-test
`using a high-speed clock.
`FIG. 9 illustrates schematically the interaction of the VFT
`with the critical delay path circuit of the device-under-test
`using a high-speed clock.
`FIG. 10 illustrates the embodiment of the invention for the
`VFT to generate a virtual parallel patterns/timing by storing
`and executing a stream of direct-access-memory blocks.
`Proven good circuit designs will deliver product with the
`expected performance characteristics if and when the pro-
`cesses employed in production are within their defined
`process windows. However, in real manufacturing, system-
`atic and non-systematic process “outliers” may deliver prod-
`uct with questionable quality. As defined herein, an “outlier”
`is defined as the portion of the distribution that lies outside
`the normal level of variation. An “outlier” is the value that
`lies unusually far from the main body of the data. According
`to the invention, outliers are no longer screened by the
`burn-in procedure, but by electrical tests
`at circuit multiprobe, and
`at device final test.
`At multiprobe testing, outliers are detected so that they can
`be attributed to three levels:
`outlier chips,
`outlier wafer, and
`outlier wafer lots.
`In FIG. 1, the tests performed for finding outlier chips are
`tabulated in two sections: The special tests introduced by the
`invention, and additional normal tests adopted by the outlier
`methodology. The special tests include ultra extreme Vdd
`tests, Iddq tests, and input leakage tests.
`Special Tests for Identifying Outlier Chips
`Ultra Extreme Vdd Tests
`In CMOS device specifications, Vdd values, the voltage
`supplied to the drain, are typically bracketed by a low and
`a high value, defining the Vdd voltage box. For example, for
`a 5 V digital signal processor device, the specification of the
`Vdd box may be defined by a low value of Vdd min=4.75 V
`and a high value of Vdd max=5.25 V. According to the
`invention, however, the detection of outliers requires more
`extreme values: Vdd ult min=3.0 V, Vdd ult max=8.0 V.
`These ultra extremes define the Vdd tests for detecting
`Ultra High Vdd Margin
`As defined herein, the voltage Vdd and the current Idd
`refer to the power input of CMOS devices; Iddq refers to the
`quiescent or leakage current of the drain current Idd.
`By applying the ultra high Vdd stress, it is possible to
`break down marginal transistor oxides or intra/inter-level
`oxides, thereby creating parasitic currents measurable as
`Iddq. These defects cause time-dependent failure mecha-
`nisms which can be screened out by measuring Iddq. The
`type of failures eliminated by this test may be particle
`induced, or may be due to poor intrinsic process margins
`(faults such as filaments or residue).
`the high Vdd stress test comprises first
`applying the ultra high Vdd and then measuring Iddq. In
`several product families, it was found that approximately
`80% of all burn-in failures can be detected by the high Vdd
`stress followed by an Iddq screen.
`Ultra Low Vdd Margin
`Temperature activated failure mechanisms cannot be
`found by ultra high Vdd stress followed by Iddq testing. In
`this problem category fall,
`instance, marginal via
`connections, weak contact, and marginal p-n junctions.
`According to the invention, these potential failure mecha-
`nisms can be found by characterizing the ICs at ultra low
`Vdd, categorizing outliers as falling outside “typical low
`Vdd” values, and eliminating those statistically suspect


`US 6,574,760 B1
`In FIG. 2, the low Vdd outliers 20 are located on the Vdd
`axis 21 relative to the Vdd specification range 22 and the
`typical low Vdd process capability 23. The ordinate 24 plots
`the number of occurrences. Devices having low Vdd values
`in the outlier range 20 are suspect of reliability problems and
`are, therefore, either to be discarded or subjected to con-
`ventional burn-in processes.
`Quiescent Current Iddq Tests
`In FIG. 3, the quiescent current Iddq of the drain current
`Idd is plotted (axis 35) as a function of the voltage Vdd
`applied to the drain of CMOS transistors (axis 36). Normal
`Iddq curves traces have reference numbers 37. They exhibit
`negligible Iddq values up to high Vdd voltages 38. At max
`Vdd+0.5 V, max Iddq (39 in FIG. 3) should be computed for
`Iddq mean+4 sigma. Typically, max Iddq is between 60 and
`100 nA.
`In a static design, as shown in the insert of FIG. 3, of a P
`transistor 300 and a N transistor 301 in series, whenever
`either one of the transistors is off,
`there should be no
`conductive path between Vdd and Vss; no current Idd should
`flow. However, if any current is observed, it is the result of
`a faulty off-transistor.
`During Iddq test,
`the leakage of all the inverters of a
`circuit are measured in parallel. This current should be on
`the yA range provided:
`there is no conductive path in the circuit design;
`no single transistor, when in the off state, draws any
`What complicates this test are the facts that not all designs
`have a completely non-conductive regime during when in
`the off state, and that in new technologies, which aim at
`achieving ever higher speed, transistors have become leaky.
`An example of such leaky characteristic is indicated in FIG.
`3 by curve 40. These facts, in turn, drive high Iddq values at
`maximum specified Vdd voltage and make it impossible,
`to detect an abnormal
`leakage path, which is
`generally in the range of a few yA and will thus be just
`“noise” in the 10 to 100 yA of the total Iddq of the device.
`In order to remedy this dilemma, the methodology of the
`invention reduces the voltage Vdd at which Iddq is measured
`so that the normal high currents of the transistors are avoided
`and a tight Iddq limit can be applied. The low Vdd (41 in
`FIG. 3) should be selected to have Iddq+4 sigma<1 yA (42
`in FIG. 3), or other outlier limit.
`Furthermore, the Iddq readpoints at high Vdd and low
`Vdd are interpolated. They should not fall on a linear curve
`through the origin (43 in FIG. 3). However, if they do, then
`a parasitic resistance is indicated which strongly suggests a
`process-related problem.
`Input Leakage Tests
`While device input leakage currents of about 10 yA are
`conventionally specified, the methodology of this invention
`reduces the acceptable limit to about 70 nA. Devices with
`substantially higher leakage currents are classified as outli-
`ers. These devices have to be submitted to parametric tests.
`the drive current of transistors in the
`on-state (“I-drive”) has to be measured, as well as param-
`eters with low Cpk. This number, used for characterizing
`process capability, compares the actually measured sigma
`distribution of parameters to the target distribution, espe-
`cially relative to the centering of the distributions. A value
`of Cpk=2 is ideal, values of Cpk<1.5 are suspect of outliers.
`Additional Normal Tests Adopted for Identifying Outlier
`the second section of tests performed for
`In FIG. 1,
`finding outlier chips are conventionally performed tests for
`meeting the specifications, which have been adopted by the
`outlier methodology of the invention. These tests comprise:
`tests for electrical continuity;
`tests for electrical shorts;
`tests for the high values of input and output voltage and
`tests for the low values of input and output voltage;
`low speed functional tests; and
`low voltage test at high speed, however without timing
`test, using a high speed clock (see below, apparatus of
`this invention and FIGS. 6, 7 and 8).
`All of the above tests for identifying outlier chips are
`low-cost tests (performed by the low-cost apparatus of the
`invention, see below). Chips which have passed the above
`outlier tests no longer have to be burned-in, since experience
`has shown that they are guaranteed of good quality and high
`reliability. Chips which have failed the above outlier tests
`are not processed further through the assembly and pack-
`aging steps, but scrapped as products and submitted to
`failure analysis for identifying the root-cause of the defects
`and the manufacturing processes no longer within their
`process windows. It is a pivotal advantage of the present
`invention that the data of the electrical tests failed can be
`interpreted to provide non-electrical characterization of the
`failed circuits, leading to verification of compositional and
`structural features of the chips. By correlating these features
`with the documented fabrication process steps, deviations
`from the process windows as well as structural defects can
`be found.
`In FIG. 4, a number of electrical and thermomechanical
`defects and reliability failure mechanisms in multi-level
`metal ICs are schematically summarized which can be
`identified using the outlier methodology of the invention. On
`the left hand side are the electrical failure mechanisms,
`mostly caused by electromigration, on the right hand side the
`thermomechanical failure mechanisms, mostly caused by
`stresses. In the four levels of metallization, the top metal IV
`shows electromigration voiding 110 and stress voiding 210.
`Further, the protective overcoat has a crack 211. Metal III
`exhibits a metal side hillock 212, causing shorting between
`line portions of this metallization. Electromigration causes
`the interlevel shorting 112 from metal III
`to metal II,
`bypassing the via connection 30. Further,
`the interlevel
`insulator (oxide) shows crack 213. The via 31 between metal
`II and metal I suffers from electromigration vias 113. Metal
`I exhibits metal adhesion problems 215. The contact 32 of
`metal I to the moat has a bypass due to contact electromi-
`gration 114.
`FIG. 5 illustrates an example of the outlier methodology
`as applied to detecting IC failures. The voltage activated
`failures are caught by the high voltage Vdd stress explained
`above. The temperature activated mechanisms are caught by
`the low voltage Vdd test explained above,
`instead of
`elevated temperature.
`Among the high voltage activated failures illustrated in
`FIG. 5 are a weak oxide 50 under the polysilicon gate 51
`causing a high-resistance leakage bypass 52; a weak inter-
`level oxide 53, affected by a particle 54 and causing a
`leakage current through a high resistance shunt 55; and a
`marginal connection 56 of via 57 between two metal layers
`58, causing increased resistance 59.
`Among the low voltage detected failures illustrated in
`FIG. 5 are a silicon lattice defect, transformed by a hydrogen
`passivation process step into a high resistance shunt 501 to
`ground; and a confirmation of the marginal via connection
`56, caused by electromigration.
`Tests for Identifying Outlier Wafers
`According to the invention, wafers having too many
`outlier chips are suspect of po

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