United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: Aug. 4, 1998
`Brown et al.
`Inventors: Charles Allen Brown; Don R.
`Wiseman. both of Corvallis. Oreg.
`[73] Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Co.. Palo Alto. Calif.
`“A New Approach To Dynamic lDD Testing”. by: Mike
`Kealing. GerRAd Inc. & Dennis Meyer. Catec Inc.. 1987.
`IEEE. 1987 International Test Conference. Paper 13.3. pp.
`316—321. Feb. 1987.
`“HP83000 Digital IC Test System—F330 User Training.
`Model F330". by: Hewlett—Packard Company. Printed in the
`Federal Republic of Germany. Sep. 1994. Revision 0.95.
`[21] Appl. No.: 741,879
`[22] Filed:
`Oct. 30, 1996
`Int. CLG ..................................................... G01R 31/26
`[52] US. Cl. ............................................. 324fl6s; 324/769
`[58] Field of Search
`324/769. 768.
`324/754. 158.1. 765; 327/401; 371/225
`References Cited
`5/1996 Righter ................................ 324/765
`9/1996 Budison et a].
`..... 327/401
`9/1996 Miller, Jr. et al.
`..................... 371/225
`“A General Purpose IDDQ Measurement Circuit”. by: Ken-
`neth M. Wallquist. Alan W. Righter. and Charles F. Hawkins.
`Aug. 1993. IEEE. Paper 31.3. International Test Conference
`1993. pp. 642—65 1.
`Testing With
`IDDQ/ISSQ Production
`QuiC—Mon”. by: Kenneth M. Wallquist —Philips Semicon-
`ductor. 1995. IEEE. IEEE Design & Test of Computers. pp.
`62—69. Month unavailable.
`Primary Examiner—Ernest F. Karlsen
`Assistant Examiner—Anh Phung
`Attorney Agent, or Firm—Raymond A. Jenski
`IDDQ of an integrated circuit is rapidly measured with
`system test equipment providing sampled pass/fail outputs.
`A switch couples the power supply to the integrated circuit
`and another switch returns a sense signal input
`to the
`integrated circuit such that the power may be interrupted to
`measure the decay of the voltage across the integrated
`circuit. A monitor signal output is coupled to the integrated
`circuit to enable monitoring of the voltage decay. At least
`one processor. which periodically samples the voltage
`signal. compares the magnitude of the voltage signal at the
`time of each said periodic sample to a predetermined refer—
`ence signal. indicates a voltage signal less than the reference
`signal and calculates the IDDQ based upon the number of
`periodic samples from the time power is removed from the
`integrated circuit and the voltage of the reference signal.
`11 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Linear Exhibit 1023


`Fig. 1




`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 6
`Pointer To
`Leakage Current
`Test Process
`Set VDD Threshhold
`Obtain Period
`Length. L
`Obtain Shunt
`Open Switch
`Indicate DUT
`Fails Test
`DUT Passes
`Perform Other
`Pass/Fail Tests; Await
`Next Text Cycle.
`Return To Other
`Tests When Leakage
`Current Test
`Process Complete
`Fig. 4
`Count Number Of
`Test Cycles in) From
`Opening Of Switch
`Calculate Time To
`Threshold Crossing
`Calculate lDDQ Value
`Output IDDO
`Perform Other Pass/Fail
`Tests Await Next
`Test Cycle


`503 Compare VDD To
`Reference Voltage
`Not Crossed
`5 Reference
`Crossed: Calcu|ate


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 5 0f 6
`For The Sampled VDD Voltage
`Magnitude. Recall Decaying
`Residual Voltage Signal
`Time Constant Time
`Values And Associated
`IDDQ Values From Memory
`Signal Selected
`Fig. 6
`Compare Recalled Time
`Constant Values To Calculated
`Time To Threshold
`Select Decaying Residual
`Voltage Signal Having The
`Time Constant Vaiue Most
`Nearly Equal To The
`Calculated Time To
`Threshold Crossing
`Determine lDDQ Value
`Associated mm The Decaying
`Residual Voltage


`Time (,LL sec)


`The present invention is generally related to the testing of
`integrated circuits and more particularly related to the rapid
`functional testing and evaluation of the quality and current
`leakage of digital CMOS integrated circuits.
`Integrated circuits (ICs) are regularly subjected to quality
`checks and performance evaluations following their manu-
`facture. Since the quantity of devices is substantial. the
`testing is performed by automated equipment which has
`been optimized for throughput and accuracy. Examples of
`automated test equipment for IC manufacture are an
`HP83000 model F330 Digital IC Test System. available
`from Hewlett Packard Company and an S9000 Test System.
`models MX or FX available from Schlumberger. Inc.
`Generally. these types of test equipment are configured as
`shown in FIG. 1. in which the IC Test System 101 is coupled
`to a workstation 103 (or similar computer interface for
`automated programming of the IC Test System) and accepts
`an IC device under test (DUT) 105. The DUT can be an
`individual packaged IC or a wafer containing a multitude of
`IC dice or any stage of process between the two. In the HP
`83000 Test System. a dedicated mainframe controller 107
`controls the preprogrammed operations of the test equip-
`ment and directs a DUT Interface 109 to configure its
`resident hardware to source or receive signals tolfrom the
`DUT 105. Electrical and mechanical interconnection and
`attachment for the duration of the testing process is achieved
`by a DUT Interconnect board 111. which typically has 100
`to 400 connection pins to temporarily connect to the pads or
`package pins of the DUT 105.
`Since the DUT 105 is usually a digital device. a number
`of the DUT inputs are forced to logic levels established by
`the controlling program of the mainframe 107 during test-
`ing. Other of the IC outputs are monitored for the resulting
`logic level produced by the DUT in response to the forced
`logic levels. A determination of the logic state of the
`monitored outputs is made by the DUT Interface 109 and the
`results are analyzed and reported as pass/fail by the main-
`frame 107. Depending upon the test desired by the engineer.
`the test program can sequence through a number of cycles to
`test the operating performance of the DUT or to test static
`parameters of particular portions of the DUT.
`One of the static. or quiescent. tests which is performed on
`an IC is that of quiescent current drain (IDDQ or 1880). One
`or more IDDQ monitors may be designed onto the DUT
`Interconnect ]]I or designed into the circuin of the IC to
`detect leakage of portions of the IC digital circuitry and to
`provide an overcurrent error when the quiescent current
`exceeds a predetermined value. See. for example, US.
`patent application Ser. No. 08/741379. “Multiple On-Chip
`IDDQ Monitors". filed on Oct. 16. 1996. on behalf of
`Charles Allen Brown. and assigned to the assignee of the
`present invention. It has also been suggested (see. Keating et
`a]... “A New Approach To Dynamic IDD Testing”. Proc.
`1987, Int’l Test Conf.. IEEE CS Press. 1987. pp. 316—321;
`Wallquist et al.. “A General Purpose IDDQ Measurement
`Circuit”. Proc. 1993. Int’l Test Conf.. IEEE CS Press. 1993.
`pp. 642—651; and Wallquist. “Achieving IDDQ/ISSQ Pro—
`duction Testing With QuiC-Mon”. IEEE Design and Test of
`Computers. IEEE Press. Fall 1995. pp. 62—69.)
`that a
`Keating/Meyer circuit be used to test leakage of Ics. Such a
`test configuration will be called a Keating/Wallquist circuit
`is shown in the
`hereinafter. A Keating/Wallquist circuit
`diagram of FIG. 2 to test IDDQ and operates by placing the
`DUT 105 in a powered. quiescent (unclocked) state and
`subsequently removing the supply power from tester power
`supply 201 by opening switch 203. The intrinsic capacitance
`205 of the DUT 105. the parasitic capacitance 207 of the
`interconnect to the DUT. and. perhaps. purposefully added
`capacitance (not shown) stores enough electric charge to
`maintain a voltage across the quiescent DUT. This voltage is
`monitored at the DUT for a decay in voltage magnitude as
`the internal impedance of the DUT IC bleeds off the charge.
`A defective IC (or an IC of marginal quality) experiences a
`relatively rapid decay of voltage while a good IC demon-
`strates a relatively slow decay of voltage.
`Conventional IC Testing Systems. being designed for
`production line performance testing. provide rapid pass/fail
`results on a DUI but are not equipped to provide signal
`analysis of the kind needed to determine the Keating]
`Wallquist circuit decay waveform and to analyze circuit
`performance or defects indicated by the waveform. Thus.
`detailed analysis beyond pass/fail has not been practical.
`Furthermore. certain parasitic features of the testing inter-
`connect to the DUT have yielded ambiguous results in the
`measured decaying voltage waveform
`An apparatus and method for measuring IDDQ of a
`device under test employs a circuit tester providing a power
`supply output from a power supply which supplies power to
`the device under test. Afirst switch couples the pOWer supply
`output to the device under test. A monitor signal output is
`coupled to the device under test to enable monitoring of a
`decay signal. At least one processor opens the first switch
`and thereafter periodically samples the signal at the monitor
`signal output. compares the magnitude of the signal at the
`time of each periodic sample to a predetermined reference
`signal magnitude. indicates a threshold crossing when the
`comparison indicates a magnitude of the signal less than the
`reference signal magnitude. and calculates in response to the
`indication of threshold crossing. the value of IDDQ based
`upon the number of periodic samples from the time the first
`switch is opened and the signal.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an integrated circuit tester
`which may employ the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a Keating/Wallquist test
`circuit which may be employed in the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a Keating/Wallquist test
`circuit which may be employed in the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a flowchart of a process of determining IDDQ
`which may be employed in the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart of the process of determining
`whether the predetermined VDD threshold has been crossed
`and may be employed in the present invention.
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart of the process of calculating a value
`of IDDQ which may be employed in the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a VDD versus time graph showing residual
`voltage decay waveforms which may be useful in the present
`A preferred embodiment of the present invention employs
`an Hewlett-Packard Company HP83000 test system to


`accomplish rapid testing of CMOS integrated circuits. In
`order to provide detailed functional data from equipment
`which conventionally outputs pass/fail results. the preferred
`embodiment employs a version of a Keating/Wallquist cir-
`cuit suitable to the present invention to sense the quiescent
`leakage current (IDDQ) of a CMOS logic circuit. The
`schematic of FIG. 3 illustrates the connection of the Keating/
`Wallquist circuit in the preferred embodiment. A power
`supply 301 is located on the DUT Interface 109 to provide
`operating power for the device under test 105 and samples
`the voltage VDD at the DUT. This sample is returned as a
`sense voltage to the power supply 301 by way of a sense
`line. In this way a very close tolerance can be maintained
`over the value of VDD thereby enabling precision testing of
`the DUT even at
`low supply voltages. A resistor 303
`provides a coarse feedback to the sense line during periods
`when a VDD sample is not being returned to the power
`supply 301. Two field efiect transistors 304 and 305 are
`located on the DUT Interconnect 111. Transistor 304 is
`connected in series with the power supply 301 and couples
`power to the device under test 105. This supplied power also
`charges a parasitic capacitor 309. a supplemental capacitor
`307. and an intrinsic capacitor 205 of the device under test.
`The separate VDD sense line is returned to the power supply
`301 via the series-coupled transistor 305. When the main-
`frame 107 signals its readiness to perform an IDDQ test. a
`signal is coupled to the gate of transistors 304 and 305
`simultaneously so that both transistors are turned oh”. This
`switching of the transistors causes the cessation of supplying
`voltage to the DUT 105 and the disconnection of the sense
`voltage being returned to the power supply 301. respec-
`tively. It is a feature of the present invention that
`switches. one in the power supply and one in the voltage
`sense return. are employed in an IDDQ test to provide a
`more accurate control of VDD when the transistors 304 and
`305 are in the on state.
`Once the transistors 304 and 305 are turned OK. the power
`decay signal represented by the supply voltage. VDD.
`applied to the device under test 105 is determined by the
`charge remaining in the parasitic capacitor 309. a supple-
`mental capacitor 307 which may be added for ease of
`measurement. and the intrinsic capacitor 205. When an
`lDDQ measurement is made. the logic of the device under
`test 105 is placed in a predetermined but unclocked and
`quiescent state or set of states. such that only the DUT
`leakage current is being drawn. In a simplified analysis. this
`leakage current is drawn by the expected channel resistance
`(RC). which is an unavoidable impedance related to the
`number of gates in the logic circuit and the particular
`processes used in the manufacture of the circuit. and a defect
`resistance (RD) which is indicative of an undesirable defect
`such as gate oxide shorts. A first approximation to the
`performance of VDD after the removal of the power supply
`is the well known RC time constant exponential decay.
`There are. of course. additional complexities and non-
`linearities but generally these can be ignored for the period
`of time immediately following the removal of the power
`supply. In the preferred embodiment. VDD is coupled from
`the DUT to the DUT Interface 109 for processing and
`determination of IDDQ.
`In some instances.
`it may be
`desirable to provide additional buffering or amplification of
`the VDD performance so a bufler amplifier (shown in
`phantom) may be disposed on the DUT Interconnect 111.
`As previously mentioned. conventional integrated circuit
`automated test equipment is designed for rapid pass/fail
`indications and is not generally equipped to provide ana-
`lytical data such as an analysis of an RC time constant
`voltage decay. It is a feature of the present
`that recognition of a detected pass/fail event
`(which may be a pass/fail test separate and independent of
`an IDDQ pass/fail test) following a predetermined number
`of test cycles can be processed to yield an approximation of
`the voltage decay waveform and from this approximation
`the lDDQ current value can be determined. In the preferred
`embodiment one or more of the tests programmed to be
`performed by the HP83000 test system is that of an IDDQ
`pass/fail. In this instance the test system is programmed to
`test for lDDQ pass/fail over a sequential number of cycles.
`each cycle equaling a predetermined amount of time (for
`in the preferred embodiment approximately 5
`microseconds). It should be noted that since the test system
`can testin excess of 100 DUT test points at a given time. that
`an IDDQ and other leakage current measurements can be
`performed at the same fime as other DUT parameters are
`measured. Nevertheless. the following discussion considers
`the measurement of leakage current in isolation but other
`measurements. including other IDDQ measurements. can be
`made at the same time.
`Referring now to FIG. 4. a process for the preferred
`embodiment to recover a functional measurement of leakage
`current performance from a pass/fail high speed measure-
`ment system is shown. While the workstation 103 is very
`capable and flexible. a dedicated use to directly control
`leakage current tests is relatively expensive. Therefore. in
`the preferred embodiment. the mainframe 107 is prepro—
`grammed to test the drooping VDD in a succession of tester
`cycles. The test sample times are predetermined and down-
`loaded from the workstation 103 to the mainframe 107.
`When the decaying VDD drops below a selected threshold.
`a failure is indicated starting at one of the test sample times.
`Leakage current is tested following the placing of the
`DUT in an appropriate low power or quiescent state. In the
`preferred embodiment. a value of lDDQ leakage current is
`determined independently from a determination of IDDQ
`pass/fail while employing a pass/fail series of tests; that is.
`a DUT may not fail the conventional IDDQ test but its EDDQ
`value can be determined by continuing the sampling of the
`decaying VDD until it drops below another predetermined
`voltage threshold for which IDDQ characteristics are
`known. These characteristics can be DUT 105 and DUT
`Interconnect 111 resistances and capacitances which have
`been previously determined from prior measurement and
`device samples at
`the predetermined voltage threshold.
`These characteristics can also be a measured family of VDD
`decay voltage curves which have been previously correlated
`to specific IDDQ current values. Either IDDQ determination
`method may be employed in alternate embodiments.
`When an IDDQ determination is to be performed. the
`program experiences a pointer, 401. from the workstation
`103 to the test process which defines. among other things.
`the IDDQ test. The process may be distributed between the
`workstation 103. the mainframe 107. and the DUT Interface
`109 as the designer deems most optimum. In general. the
`preferred embodiment assigns calculation steps to the work-
`station. Since this particular ]DDQ test is likely to be one of
`many IDDQ tests to be run by the entire test suite of the test
`system. a VDD threshold limit is set at step 403. It should be
`noted that this limit can be (and in the preferred embodiment
`is) different from a limit equated to a determination of a
`failed DUI" due to an excessive IDDQ value. Three other
`parameters obtaining the period length. L. (step 405).
`obtaining the supply voltage. VDD. (step 407). and obtaining
`the shunt capacitance of the intrinsic capacitor. the parasitic
`capacitor. and any pm‘posefully added supplemental capaci-


`5 .789.933
`tors (step 409). Transistors 304 and 305 are placed in the ofl’
`(open) state at step 413. A determinau'on of whether the
`conventionally established IDDQ device failure current is
`made at steps 414. 415. and 416. A determination of whether
`the previously established VDD threshold has been crossed is
`made at a comparison step 417. Since the RC time constant
`is related to lDDQ. a selected voltage after a given amount
`of time can be related to the leakage current of the DUT.
`The comparison step 417 employed in the preferred
`embodiment is shown in FIG. 5. The VDD voltage magnitude
`is sampled at step 501. A VDD magnitude greater than the
`threshold voltage magnitude does not trigger a calculation of
`IDDQ while a measured VDD less than the threshold voltage
`magnitude initiates the calculation of IDDQ. This compari-
`son and determination is shown in steps 503 and 505. While
`a pass/fail result is obtained. a further process yields a value
`for IDDQ. If the result from the comparison step 417 shows
`that the threshold voltage has not been crossed (“N”). the
`process moves to step 419 to allow other pass/fail tests to be
`performed during the present test cycle. If the leakage
`current test process is complete. the mainframe will progress
`to another series of programmed test. If not. the next test
`cycle is awaited and another threshold limit test is made at
`step 417.
`If the threshold voltage has been crossed (“V") at step
`417. a calculation of the time to such crossing is made at step
`423. A count of the number of test cycles. N. since the
`opening of the switch is made at step 421. The length of the
`period. L. is multiplied by the number of test cycles to yield
`a total
`t. In a first alternative of the preferred
`embodiment. the value of IDDQ is calculated at step 425 by
`using the following formula:
`IDDQ—{Tr— “r;—
`which is derived from the leakage current through the
`defect resistance (RD) device under test:
`when the switches 304 and 305 are closed. the current
`into the DUT 105. its intrinsic capacitance 205. and
`associated parasitic capacitance 309. and supplemental
`capacitance 307 is given by:
`I=—&— +
`where RC is the DUT channel resistance (which is
`known from previous characterizations of other DUTs).
`RD is the DUT defect resistance. CD is the intrinsic
`capacitance of the DUT. and C is the total shunt
`capacitance. including the parasitic capacitance and
`supplemental capacitance. Since the individual design-
`ing the IDDQ test may choose the voltage at which the
`leakage current calculation is made. the difference
`between the power supply voltage VDD and the refer-
`ence 503 selected by the designer can be made small so
`Ifthis is so.
`arv _ AV
`~ A:
`and At is a result of the calculation of step 423. To
`further simplify the leakage current calculation.
`total shunt capacitance can be made significantly larger
`than the intrinsic capacitance:
`Thus. when the switches 304 and 305 are opened.
`From this calculation the value of IDDQ is output at step
`427 and the process moves to the next test process.
`In a second embodiment. a family of decaying residual
`DUT voltage curves related to time and derived from
`previous measurements of sampled DU'l‘s (with known
`values of shunt capacitance) is stored in a memory 113.115
`which may be part of the mainframe controller 107 or the
`workstation 103. When a measured value of voltage is
`provided from a sample. the time relating to each of the
`decaying residual voltage signals at this sample voltage are
`returned from the memory at step 601 of FIG. 6. The recalled
`time values are compared. at step 603.
`to the time to
`threshold crossing which was calculated at step 423. The
`related residual voltage curve for which the recalled time
`value is found closest to the actual sampled time period is
`deemed representative of the residual voltage decay
`waveform. at step 605. The IDDQ value which is related to
`the representative residual voltage curve is selected as the
`actual IDDQ value at step 607. Referring to FIG. 7. a family
`of decaying residual voltage curves is shown for IDDQ
`values of 64 [1A. 32 uA. 16 MA. 8 M. 1 “A. and open socket
`(no DUT installed in the DUT Interconnect 111 ). When a
`measurement of VDD equals 3.30 volts. for example. the
`memory returns the values of time corresponding to each
`residual voltage curve. ie. 50 usec for the 64 uA curve. 75
`usec for the 32 uA curve. 100 usec for the 16 uA curve. etc.
`If the time elapsed. based upon the number of test cycles. is
`100 usec. the present invention deems the value of IDDQ to
`be 16 uA and this is the value provided for IDDQ analysis.
`Thus. by employing the present invention. a rapid pass/
`fail test system will provide more detail regarding the value
`of IDDQ than mere pass/fail.
`We claim:
`1. An apparatus for determining an IDDQ value of a
`device under test comprising:
`a circuit tester providing a power supply output from a
`power supply. said power supply output providing
`power to the device under test;
`a first switch which couples said power supply output to
`said device under test when closed;
`a monitor signal output. coupled to the device under test
`whereby a decay signal is monitored; and
`at least one controller which opens said first switch and
`thereafter periodically samples said decay signal at said
`monitor signal output. compares the magnitude of said
`decay signal at the time of each said periodic sample to
`a predetermined reference signal magnitude. indicates
`threshold crossing when said comparison indicates a
`magnitude of said decay signal less than said reference
`signal magnitude. and. in response to said indication of


`5 ,789,933
`threshold crossing. calculates the value of IDDQ based
`upon the number of periodic samples from said opening
`of first switch and said decay signal.
`2. An apparatus for determining an IDDQ value in accor-
`dance with claim 1 further comprising a sense signal input
`at said power supply and a second switch coupled to the
`device under test and to said sense signal input of said power
`supply when closed and responsive to said controller to open
`when said first switch is opened.
`3. An apparatus for determining an IDDQ value in accor-
`dance with claim 1 wherein said at least one controller
`further comprises a memory for storing at least one decay
`signal versus time relationship associated with an IDDQ
`4. An apparatus for determining an IDDQ value in accor-
`dance with claim 2 wherein said first and second switches
`each further comprise a transistor and wherein a gate of each
`said transistor is connected together.
`5. An apparatus for determining an IDDQ value in accor—
`dance with claim 1 wherein said decay signal further com-
`prises a voltage.
`6. A process of determining an IDDQ value of a device
`under test comprising the steps of:
`providing a power supply output signal from a power
`coupling said power supply output signal to the device
`under test via a first switch;
`opening said first switch thereby disconnecting said
`power supply output signal. from the device under test;
`periodically sampling the magnitude of a decay signal
`indicative of power decay from said device under test
`after said first switch is opened;
`comparing at least one of said. periodically sampled decay
`signal magnitudes to a predetermined reference signal
`indicating a threshold crossing when said comparison step
`indicates a magnitude of said decay signal less than
`said refaence signal magnitude;
`calculating the value of IDDQ. in response to said indi-
`cated threshold crossing. based upon the number of
`periodic samples from said opening of first switch and
`said decay signal.
`7. A method in accordance with the method of claim 6
`wherein said calculating step further comprises the steps of:
`determining the amount of lime between each periodic
`counting the number of periodic samples occurring from
`the time following the opening of said first switch; and
`multiplying said determined amount of time between each
`periodic sampling by the counted number of periodic
`samples to yield the magnitude of the total time period
`from said opening of said first switch and said indica-
`tion of said threshold crossing.
`8. A method in accordance with the method of claim 7
`wherein said step of calculating the value of IDDQ further
`comprises the steps of:
`obtaining a first magnitude of said decay signal before
`said opening of said first switch;
`determining an amount of capacitance shunting the device
`under test when said first switch is open;
`calculating a ditference between said first magnitude and
`at least one magnitude of said periodically sampled
`decay signal;
`multiplying said calculated difference by said determined
`amount of capacitance and dividing by said magnitude
`of the total time period thereby establishing a first
`current; and
`combining said first current with the current drawn by the
`channel resistance of the device under test.
`9. A method in accordance with the method of claim 7
`wherein said step of calculating the value of IDDQ further
`comprises the steps of:
`for said sampled magnitude of said decay signal. recalling
`from a memory at least one decay signal curve time
`value and associated IDDQ value of a plurality of
`stored decay curve time values and associated IDDQ
`comparing said recalled time value to said total time
`determining as said IDDQ value said associated IDDQ
`value when said comparison step indicates said recalled
`decay curve time value is more nearly equal to said
`total time period than any other of said plurality of
`stored decay curve time values.
`10. A method in accordance with the method of claim 6
`further comprising the steps of:
`coupling a sense signal equal to said power supply output
`signal to a sense input of said power supply via a
`second switch; and
`opening said second switch essentially simultaneously
`with said first switch thereby disconnecting said sense
`signal from said power supply.
`11. A method in accordance with the method of claim 7
`further comprising the step of determining device under test
`failure for excessive IDDQ.

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