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`(NDA) 021487
`October 16, 2003
`1 New molecular entity (NME)
`S Standard review drug
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`Products on Application (NDA) #021487
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`Label and Approval History
`Drug Name(s)
`(NDA) 021487
`FDA Application No.
`Label Information
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`Note: Not all labels are available in electronic format from FDA.
`The supplement type of the 11/14/2013 approval does not usually require new labeling.
`View the label approved on 10/24/2013 (PDF)11 for NAMENDA, NDA no. 021487
`- To see if other previously-approved labels are available on this site, go to the "Approval History" section of this page.
`Older labels are for historical information only and should not be used for clinical purposes.
`Approval History
`NDA 021487
`Note: Not all reviews are available in electronic format from FDA.
`Older labels are for historical information only, and should not be used for clinical purposes.
`Approval dates can only be verified from 1984 to the present.
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`Supplement Approval
`11/14/2013 018
`Manufacturing Change or Addition
`Patient Package Insert
`E D°Wn'0ad data
`This supplement type does
`not usually require new labeling.
`10/24/2013 014
`Labeling Revision
`10/24/2013 012
`Labeling Revision
`10/24/2013 010
`Labeling Revision
`03/11/2013 017
`Manufacturing Change or Addition
`10/04/2006 008
`Labeling Revision
`04/19/2006 007
`Labeling Revision
`05/17/2005 006
`Formulation Revision
`05/02/2005 004
`Labeling Revision
`09/22/2004 002
`Control Supplement
`10/16/2003 000
`Label (l;Dl:)12
`Letter (PDF)13
`Label (pDl:)14
`Letter (PDF)15
`Label (PDl:)16
`Letter (PDF)17
`Letter (pDl:)18
`Letter (l;Dl:)19
`Letter (pDl:)20
`l_ettet (pDF)21
`Letter (pDF)22
`Label (PDF)23
`Letter (PDF)24
`Review 25
`This supplement type does
`not usually require new labeling.
`Label is not available
`on this site.
`Label is not available
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`Petitioners' Ex. 1014
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`Petitioners' Ex. 1014
`Page 6
`Rx Only
` Approval Labeling Text
`NDA 21-487
`Page 1
`NAMENDA™ (memantine hydrochloride) is an orally active NMDA receptor antagonist.
`The chemical name for memantine hydrochloride is 1-amino-3,5-dimethyladamantane
`hydrochloride with the following structural formula:
`NH2 . HCl
`The molecular formula is C12H21N•HCl and the molecular weight is 215.76.
`Memantine HCl occurs as a fine white to off-white powder and is soluble in water.
`NAMENDA is available for oral administration as capsule-shaped, film-coated tablets
`containing 5 mg and 10 mg of memantine hydrochloride. The tablets also contain the
`following inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, colloidal
`silicon dioxide, talc and magnesium stearate. In addition the following inactive
`ingredients are also present as components of the film coat: hypromellose, triacetin,
`titanium dioxide, FD & C yellow #6 and FD & C blue #2 (5 mg tablets), iron oxide black
`(10 mg tablets).
`Mechanism of Action and Pharmacodynamics
`Persistent activation of central nervous system N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
`by the excitatory amino acid glutamate has been hypothesized to contribute to the
`symptomatology of Alzheimer’s disease. Memantine is postulated to exert its therapeutic
`effect through its action as a low to moderate affinity uncompetitive (open-channel)
`NMDA receptor antagonist which binds preferentially to the NMDA receptor-operated
`cation channels. There is no evidence that memantine prevents or slows
`neurodegeneration in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
`Memantine showed low to negligible affinity for GABA, benzodiazepine, dopamine,
`adrenergic, histamine and glycine receptors and for voltage-dependent Ca2+, Na+ or K+
`channels. Memantine also showed antagonistic effects at the 5HT3 receptor with a
`potency similar to that for the NMDA receptor and blocked nicotinic acetylcholine
`receptors with one-sixth to one-tenth the potency.
`In vitro studies have shown that memantine does not affect the reversible inhibition of
`acetylcholinesterase by donepezil, galantamine, or tacrine.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1014
`Page 7
` Approval Labeling Text
`NDA 21-487
`Page 2
`Memantine is well absorbed after oral administration and has linear pharmacokinetics
`over the therapeutic dose range. It is excreted predominantly in the urine, unchanged, and
`has a terminal elimination half-life of about 60-80 hours.
`Absorption and Distribution
`Following oral administration memantine is highly absorbed with peak concentrations
`reached in about 3-7 hours. Food has no effect on the absorption of memantine. The
`mean volume of distribution of memantine is 9-11 L/kg and the plasma protein binding is
`low (45%).
`Metabolism and Elimination
`Memantine undergoes little metabolism, with the majority (57-82%) of an administered
`dose excreted unchanged in urine; the remainder is converted primarily to three polar
`metabolites: the N-gludantan conjugate, 6-hydroxy memantine, and 1-nitroso-deaminated
`memantine. These metabolites possess minimal NMDA receptor antagonist activity. The
`hepatic microsomal CYP450 enzyme system does not play a significant role in the
`metabolism of memantine. Memantine has a terminal elimination half-life of about 60-80
`hours. Renal clearance involves active tubular secretion moderated by pH dependent
`tubular reabsorption.
`Special Populations
`Renal Impairment: Adequate information on the effect of renal impairment on the
`pharmacokinetics of memantine is not available. As the major route of elimination is
`renal, however, it is very likely that subjects with moderate and severe renal impairment
`will have significantly higher exposure than normal subjects.
`Elderly: The pharmacokinetics of NAMENDA in young and elderly subjects are
`Gender: Following multiple dose administration of NAMENDA 20 mg b.i.d, females
`had about 45 % higher exposure than males,but there was no difference in exposure when
`body weight was taken into account..
`Drug-Drug Interactions
`Substrates of Microsomal Enzymes: In-vitro studies have shown that memantine
`produces minimal inhibition of CYP450 enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2C9,
`CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4. These data indicate that no pharmacokinetic
`interactions with drugs metabolized by these enzymes are expected.
`Inhibitors of Microsomal Enzymes: Since memantine undergoes minimal
`metabolism,with the majority of the dose excreted unchanged in urine, an interaction
`between memantine and drugs that are inhibitors of CYP 450 enzymes is unlikely.Co-
`administration of NAMENDA with the AChE inhibitor donepezil HCl does not affect
`the pharmacokinetics of either compound.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1014
`Page 8
` Approval Labeling Text
`NDA 21-487
`Page 3
`Drugs Eliminated via Renal Mechanisms: Memantine is eliminated in part by tubular
`secretion. In-vivo studies have shown that multiple doses of the diuretic
`hydrochlorothiazide/triamterene (HCTZ/TA) did not affect the AUC of memantine at
`steady state. Memantine did not affect the bioavailability of TA, and decreased AUC and
`Cmax of HCTZ by about 20%.
`Drugs that make the urine alkaline: The clearance of memantine was reduced by about
`80% under alkaline urine conditions at pH 8. Therefore, alterations of urine pH towards
`the alkaline state may lead to an accumulation of the drug with a possible increase in
`adverse effects. Drugs that alkalinize the urine (e.g. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors,
`sodium bicarbonate) would be expected to reduce renal elimination of memantine.
`Drugs highly bound to plasma proteins: Because the plasma protein binding of
`memantine is low (45%), an interaction with drugs that are highly bound to plasma
`proteins, such as warfarin and digoxin, is unlikely.
`The effectiveness of NAMENDA (memantine hydrochloride) as a treatment for patients
`with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease was demonstrated in 2 randomized, double-
`blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies (Studies 1 and 2) conducted in the United States
`that assessed both cognitive function and day to day function. The mean age of patients
`participating in these two trials was 76 with a range of 50-93 years. Approximately 66%
`of patients were female and 91% of patients were Caucasian.
`A third study (Study 3), carried out in Latvia, enrolled patients with severe dementia, but
`did not assess cognitive function as a planned endpoint.
`Study Outcome Measures: In each U.S. study, the effectiveness of NAMENDA was
`determined using both an instrument designed to evaluate overall function through
`caregiver-related assessment, and an instrument that measures cognition. Both studies
`showed that patients on NAMENDA experienced significant improvement on both
`measures compared to placebo.
`Day-to-day function was assessed in both studies using the modified Alzheimer’s Disease
`Cooperative Study – Activities of Daily Living inventory (ADCS-ADL). The ADCS-
`ADL consists of a comprehensive battery of ADL questions used to measure the
`functional capabilities of patients. Each ADL item is rated from the highest level of
`independent performance to complete loss. The investigator performs theinventory by
`interviewing a caregiver familiar with the behavior of the patient. A subset of 19 items,
`including ratings of the patients’ ability to eat, dress, bathe, telephone, travel, shop, and
`perform other household chores has been validated for the assessment of patients with
`moderate to severe dementia. This is the modified ADCS-ADL, which has a scoring
`range of 0 to 54, with the lower scores indicating greater functional impairment.
`The ability of NAMENDA to improve cognitive performance was assessed in both
`studies with the Severe Impairment Battery (SIB), a multi-item instrument that has been
`Petitioners' Ex. 1014
`Page 9
` Approval Labeling Text
`NDA 21-487
`Page 4
`validated for the evaluation of cognitive function in patients with moderate to severe
`dementia. The SIB examines selected aspects of cognitive performance, including
`elements of attention, orientation, language, memory, visuospatial ability, construction,
`praxis, and social interaction. The SIB scoring range is from 0 to 100, with lower scores
`indicating greater cognitive impairment.
`Study 1 (Twenty-Eight-Week Study)
`In a study of 28 weeks duration, 252 patients with moderate to severe probable
`Alzheimer’s disease (diagnosed by DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, with Mini-
`Mental State Examination scores ≥3 and ≤14 and Global Deterioration Scale Stages 5-6)
`were randomized to NAMENDA or placebo. For patients randomized to NAMENDA,
`treatment was initiated at 5 mg once daily and increased weekly by 5 mg/day in divided
`doses to a dose of 20 mg/day (10 mg twice a day).
`Effects on the ADCS-ADL:
`Figure 1 shows the time course for the change from baseline in the ADCS-ADL score for
`patients in the two treatment groups completing the 28 weeks of the study. At 28 weeks
`of treatment, the mean difference in the ADCS-ADL change scores for the NAMENDA -
`treated patients compared to the patients on placebo was 3.4 units. Using an analysis
`based on all patients and carrying their last study observation forward (LOCF analysis),
`NAMENDA treatment was statistically significantly superior to placebo.
`Clinical Improvement
`Clinical Decline
`in ADCS-ADL Score
`Mean (± SEM) Change from Baseline
`Weeks of Treatment
`Figure 1: Time course of the change from baseline in ADCS-ADL score for patients
`completing 28 weeks of treatment.
`Figure 2 shows the cumulative percentages of patients from each of the treatment groups
`who had attained at least the change in the ADCS-ADL shown on the X axis.
`The curves shows that both patients assigned to NAMENDA and placebo have a wide
`range of responses and generally show deterioration (a negative change in ADCS-ADL
`compared to baseline), but that the NAMENDA group is more likely to show a smaller
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`NDA 21-487
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`decline or an improvement. (In a cumulative distribution display, a curve for an effective
`treatment would be shifted to the left of the curve for placebo, while an ineffective or
`deleterious treatment would be superimposed upon or shifted to the right of the curve for
`Cumulative Percentage of Patients
`ADCS-ADL Change from Baseline
`Figure 2: Cumulative percentage of patients completing 28 weeks of double-blind
`treatment with specified changes from baseline in ADCS-ADL scores.
`Effects on the SIB:
`Figure 3 shows the time course for the change from baseline in SIB score for the two
`treatment groups over the 28 weeks of the study At 28 weeks of treatment, the mean
`difference in the SIB change scores for the NAMENDA™-treated patients compared to
`the patients on placebo was 5.7 units. Using an LOCF analysis, NAMENDA treatment
`was statistically significantly superior to placebo.
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`Clinical Improvement
`Clinical Decline
`Weeks of Treatment
`in SIB Score
`Mean (± SEM) Change from Baseline
`Figure 3: Time course of the change from baseline in SIB score for patients completing
`28 weeks of treatment.
`Figure 4 shows the cumulative percentages of patients from each treatment group who
`had attained at least the measure of change in SIB score shown on the X axis.
`The curves show that both patients assigned to NAMENDA™ and placebo have a wide
`range of responses and generally show deterioration, but that the NAMENDA group is
`more likely to show a smaller decline or an improvement.
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`Cumulative Percentage of Patients
`SIB Change from Baseline
`Figure 4: Cumulative percentage of patients completing 28 weeks of double-blind
`treatment with specified changes from baseline in SIB scores.
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`Study 2 (Twenty-Four-Week Study)
`In a study of 24 weeks duration, 404 patients with moderate to severe probable
`Alzheimer’s disease (diagnosed by NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, with Mini-Mental State
`Examination scores ≥5 and ≤14) who had been treated with donepezil for at least 6
`months and who had been on a stable dose of donepezil for the last 3 months were
`randomized to NAMENDA™ or placebo while still receiving donepezil. For patients
`randomized to NAMENDA, treatment was initiated at 5 mg once daily and increased
`weekly by 5 mg/day in divided doses to a dose of 20 mg/day (10 mg twice a day).
`Effects on the ADCS-ADL:
`Figure 5 shows the time course for the change from baseline in the ADCS-ADL score for
`the two treatment groups over the 24 weeks of the study.At 24 weeks of treatment, the
`mean difference in the ADCS-ADL change scores for the NAMENDA/donepezil treated
`patients (combination therapy) compared to the patients on
`placebo/donepezil(monotherapy) was 1.6 units. Using an LOCF analysis,
`NAMENDA/donepezil treatment was statistically significantly superior to
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`NDA 21-487
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`Clinical Improvement
`Clinical Decline
`Mean (± SEM) Change from Baseline
`in ADCS-ADL Score
`Weeks of Treatment
`Figure 5: Time course of the change from baseline in ADCS-ADL score for patients
`completing 24 weeks of treatment.
`Figure 6 shows the cumulative percentages of patients from each of the treatment groups
`who had attained at least the measure of improvement in the ADCS-ADL shown on the X
`The curves show that both patients assigned to NAMENDA/donepezil and
`placebo/donepezil have a wide range of responses and generally show deterioration, but
`that the NAMENDA/donepezil group is more likely to show a smaller decline or an
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`Cumulative Percentage of Patients
`ADCS-ADL Change from Baseline
`Figure 6: Cumulative percentage of patients completing 24 weeks of double-blind
`treatment with specified changes from baseline in ADCS-ADL scores.
`Effects on the SIB:
`Figure 7 shows the time course for the change from baseline in SIB score for the two
`treatment groups over the 24 weeks of the study .At 24 weeks of treatment, the mean
`difference in the SIB change scores for the NAMENDA™/donepezil treated patients
`compared to the patients on placebo/donepezil was 3.3 units. Using an LOCF analysis,
`NAMENDA/donepezil treatment was statistically significantly superior to