Sybil P.
`Editor in Chief
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`San Francisco Washington, D.C.
`New York
`London Madrid Mexico City Milan
`New Delhi
`San Juan
`Sony, Ex. 1007, p.1

`On the cover: Photomicrograph of crystals of vitamin 8 1•
`(Dermis Kunkel, University of Hawaii)
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have heen published previously in the following works: P. B.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. J.
`Markus, Electronics and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed., Copyright© 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`All rights reserved. J. Quick, Artists' and lllustrators' Encyclopedia, Copyright© 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. Blakiston' s Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d ed., Copyright © 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 7th ed.,
`Copyright© 1958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology,
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; U.S. Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual 11-1, vol.
`1, 1972; Communications-Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary
`of Technical Tams for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech(cid:173)
`nical Report 67158, 1967; Glossary of Air Traffic Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary of Range
`Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; A DOD
`Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic Terms, !st ed., Department of Defense, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp.
`and ed., A Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary,
`2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms in Information Sciences Technology,
`Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Glossary ofStinfo Terminology, Office of Aerospace Research,
`U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary of Electronic, Technical, and imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Person(cid:173)
`nel, 1962; ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright© 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
`States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-042333-4
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms I
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..-Sth ed.
`ISBN 0-07-042333-4
`1. Science-Dictionaries. 2. Technology-Dictionaries.
`I. Parker, Sybil P.
`Ql23.M34 1993
`Copyright© 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill, Inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re(cid:173)
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw-Hill. The International Edition is not available in
`North America.
`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-113584-7.
`Sony, Ex. 1007, p.2

`meconium ileus
`Male scorpion fty (Panorpa).
`in the fetal intestine, becoming the first fecal discharge of the
`newborn. { m;i'ko·ne·;im}
`meconium i!eus
`Intestinal obstruction in the newborn
`with cystic fibrosis due to trypsin deficiency. { m;i'ko·ne·;im
`'il·e·;is }
`[INV zoo] The scorpion flies, a small order of
`insects; adults are distinguished by the peculiar prolongation of
`the head into a beak, which bears chewing mouthparts.
`{ me'kap·tn;i J
`Increase in muscle length with main(cid:173)
`tenance of the original degree of tension. { me' sis·t;i·s;:is }
`[HISTOL] The middle, muscular layer in the wall of a
`vein, artery, or lymph vessel. { 'me·de·;i }
`media conversion
`[cOMPUT scI] The transfer of data from
`one storage type (such as punched cards) to another storage type
`(such as magnetic tape). { 'me·de·;:i k;:in,v;:ir-zh;:in}
`media conversion buffer [coMPUT scI] Large storage area,
`such as a drum, on which data may be stored at low speed during
`nonexecution time, to be later transferred at high speed into core
`memory during execution time. { 'me·de·;:i k;:in,v;:ir·zh;:in ,b;:if(cid:173)
`[ANAT] Toward the median line or plane of the body
`or of a part of the body. { 'me·de,ad }
`[ANAT] 1. Being internal as opposed to external (lat(cid:173)
`eral). 2. Towardthemidlineofthe body.
`[SCI TECH] Located
`in the middle. { 'me·de·;:il }
`medial arteriosclerosis
`[MED] Calcification of the tunica
`media of small and medium-sized muscular arteries. Also
`known as medial calcinosis; Miinckeberg' s arteriosclerosis.
`{ 'me·de·;:il ,ar-tif'e·o·skl;:i'ro·s;is }
`medial calcinosis See medial arteriosclerosis. { 'me·de·;:il ,kal·
`s;:i'no·s;:is }
`medial lemniscus [ANAT] A lemniscus arising in the nucleus
`gracilis and nucleus cuneatus of the brain, crossing immediately
`as internal arcuate fibers, and terminating in the posterolateral
`ventral nucleus of the thalamus. { 'me·de·;:il lem'nis·k;:is }
`medial moraine
`[ GEOL] 1. An elongate moraine carried in or
`upon the middle of a glacier and parallel to its sides. 2. A
`moraine formed by glacial abrasion of a rocky protuberance
`near the middle of a glacier. { 'me·de·;:il m;:i'ran }
`medial necrosis
`[MED] Death of cells in the tunica media of
`arteries. Also known as medionecrosis. { 'me·de·;:il ne'kro·
`S;JS }
`media migration
`[CHEM ENG] Carryover of fibers or other
`filter material by liquid effluent from a filter unit. { 'me·de·;i
`[MATH] 1. Any line in a triangle which joins a vertex
`to the midpoint of the opposite side. 2. The line that joins the
`midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid. Also known
`[sci TECH] Located in the middle.
`as midline.
`[STAT] An
`average of a series of quantities or values; specifically, the quan(cid:173)
`tity or value of that item which is so positioned in the series,
`when arranged in order of numerical quantity or value, that there
`are an equal number of items of greater magnitude and lesser
`magnitude. { 'me·de·;:in }
`median effective dose See effective dose 50.
`tiv 'dos }
`median infective dose See infective dose 50.
`in'fek·tiv 'dos }
`median lethal dose See lethal dose 50.
`median lethal time
`[MICROBIO] The period of time required
`for 50% of a large group of organisms to die following a specific
`dose of an injurious agent, such as a drug or radiation. { 'me·
`de·;:in 'leth·;il ,tim}
`median mass
`[GEOL] A less disturbed structural block in the
`middle of an orogenic belt, bordered on both sides by orogenic
`structure, thrust away from it. Also known as betwixt moun(cid:173)
`tains; Zwischengebirge. { 'me·de·;:in 'mas }
`median maxillary cyst
`[MED] Cystic dilation of embryonal
`inclusions in the incisive fossa or between the roots of the central
`incisors. Also known as nasopalatine cyst. { 'me·de·;:in 'mak·
`s;:i,lere ,sist }
`median nasal process [EMBRYO] The region below the fron(cid:173)
`tonasal sulcus between the olfactory sacs; forms the bridge and
`mobile septum of the nose and various parts of the upper jaw
`f 'me·de·;:in 'naz·;:il ,pra·s;:is }
`and lip.
`median nerve test
`[MED] A test for loss of function of the
`median nerve by having the patient abduct the thumb at right
`{ 'me·de·;in 'leth·;:il
`{ 'me·de·;m i 'fek·
`{ 'me·de·;:in
`Inflammation of the mediastinum.
`angles to the palm with fingertips in contact and forming a
`pyramid. { 'me·de·;:in 'n;irv ,test }
`median particle diameter
`[GEOL] The middlemost particle
`diameter of a rock or sediment, larger than 50% of the diameter
`{ 'me·de·
`in the distribution and smaller than the other 50%.
`;:in 'pard·;i·k;:i! dI,am·;:id·;:ir }
`median point
`[MATH] The point at which all three medians
`of a triangle intersect. { 'med·e·;:in ,point }
`median strip [civ El!!G] A paved or planted section dividing
`a highway into lanes' according to direction of travel. { 'me·
`de·;:in 'strip }
`{ ,me·de,as·t;:i'nfd·;:is )
`[ANA T] 1. A partition separating adjacent parts.
`2. The space in the middle of the chest between the two pleurae.
`{ ,me·de·;:i'stI·n;:im }
`medical bacteriology
`[MED] A branch of medical microbi(cid:173)
`ology that deals with the study of bacteria which affect human
`health, especially those which produce disease. { 'med·;:i·k;:il
`bak,tif'e'a!·;:i·je l
`medical chemical engineering
`[CHEM ENG] The application
`of chemical engineering to medicine, frequently involving mass
`transport and separation processes, especially at the molecular
`level. { 'med·;J·k;:il 'kem·;:i·k;:il ,en·j;:i'nif'iD }
`medical climatology
`[MED] The study of the relation be(cid:173)
`tween climate and disease. { 'med·;:i·k;il ,k!I·m;:i'tal·;:i·je}
`medical electronics
`[ELECTR] A branch of electronics in
`which electronic instruments and equipment are used for such
`medical applications as diagnosis, therapy, research, anesthesia
`control, cardiac control, and surgery. { 'med·;i·k;:il i,lek'tran·
`medical entomology
`[MED] The study of insects that are
`vectors for diseases and parasitic infestations in humans and
`domestic animals. { 'med·;:i·k;:il ,en·t;:i'ma!·;:i·je}
`medical ethics
`[MED] Principles and moral values of proper
`medical conduct. { 'med·;:i·k;il 'eth·iks }
`medical examiner
`[MED] A professionally qualified physi(cid:173)
`cian duly authorized and charged by a governmental unit to
`determine facts concerning causes of death, particularly deaths
`not occurring under natural circumstances, and to testify thereto
`in courts of law. { 'med·;:i·k;:il ig'zam·;:i·n;:ir }
`medical frequency bands
`[COMMUN] A collection of radio
`frequency bands allocated to medical equipment in the United
`States. { 'med·;:i·k;:il 'fre·kw;:in·se ,banz}
`medical genetics [GEN] A field of human genetics concerned
`with the relationship between heredity and disease. { 'med·;i·
`k;:il j;:i'ned·iks }
`medical geography [MED] The study of the relation between
`geographic factors and disease. { 'med·;:i·k;:ilje'ag·r;i·fe}
`medical history
`[MED] An account of a patient's past and
`present state of health obtained from the patient or relatives.
`{ 'med·;:i·k;:il 'his·tre }
`medical imaging
`[MED] The production of visual represen(cid:173)
`tations of body parts, tissues, or organs, for use in clinical
`diagnosis; encompasses x-ray methods, magnetic resonance
`and positron-emission
`tomography, and ultrasound. { 'med·;:i·k;:il 'im·ij·iu }
`medical microbiology
`[MED] The study of microorganisms
`which affect human health. { 'med·;:i·k;:il :mI·kro·bI'a!·;:i·je}
`medical mycology [MED] A branch of medical microbiology
`that deals with fungi that are pathogenic to humans. { 'med·;:i·
`k;:il mI'kal·;i·je J
`medical parasitology
`[MED] A branch of medical microbi(cid:173)
`ology which deals with the relationship between humans and
`those animals which live in or on them. { 'med·;:i·k;il ,par·;:i·
`[MED] A branch of medical micro(cid:173)
`medical protozoology
`biology that deals with the study of Protozoa which are parasites
`of humans. { 'med·;:i·k;il ,pro·do·zo'al·;:i·je }
`medical radiography
`[MED] The use of x-rays to produce
`photographic images for visualizing internal anatomy as an aid
`in diagnosis. { 'med·;:i·k;Jl ,rad·e-'ag·r;i·fe }
`[MED] 1. A medicinal substance. 2. Treatment
`by or administration of a medicine. { ,med·;:i'ka·sh;:in}
`[MED] Of, pertaining to, or having the nature of
`medicine. { m;:i'dis·;in·;:iJ}
`medicinal oil
`[MATER] A highly refined, colorless, tasteless
`and odorless petroleum oil used medicinally as an internal lu-
`Sony, Ex. 1007, p.3

`I 'plat ,fin
`{ 'plat ,lod
`{ 'plat ,maj·::i,la·
`or bars to form passages for the flow of fluids.
`iks,chan·jar }
`plate finish
`[GRAPHICS] A smooth, hard finish given to paper
`by a calendering machine. { 'plat ,fin·ish ]
`plate girder [ civ ENG] A riveted or welded steel girder having
`a deep vertical web plate with a pair of angles along each edge
`to act as compression and tension flanges.
`( 'plat ,gard·ar }
`girder bridge
`[c1v ENG] A fixed bridge consisting, in
`simplest form, of two flange plates welded to a web plate in
`{ 'plat :gard·ar ,brij l
`the overall shape of an I.
`plate glass
`[MATER] Flat, high-quality glass with plane, par(cid:173)
`allel surfaces.
`( 'plat 'glas }
`plate ice See pancake ice. { 'plat ,Is }
`plate impedance See anode impedance. { 'plat im,ped·ans }
`plate input power See anode input power. { 'plat 'in,put ,pail·
`platelet [HISTOL] Seethrombocyte. [HYD] Asmallicecrys(cid:173)
`tal which, when united with other such crystals, forms a layer
`of floating ice, especially sea ice, and serves as seed crystals for
`further thickening of the ice cover. { 'plat-l;it ]
`platelet-activating factor
`[IMMUNOL] A phospholipid re(cid:173)
`leased by leukocytes that causes aggregation of platelets and
`other effects, such as an increase in vascular permeability and
`bronchoconstriction. Abbreviated PAF. { :plat-l::it 'ak·ta,vad·
`ii) ,fak·t::ir }
`plate-load impedance See anode impedance.
`im,ped·ans }
`[GRAPHICS] The forming of printing plates; the
`plate may be an offset plate, gravure plate, or a photogelatin
`plate. { 'plat,mak·i!J }
`plate modulation See anode modulation.
`[MECH] The ratio of the stress component Txx
`an isotropic, elastic body obeying a generalized Hooke's law
`to the corresponding strain component Sxx• when the strain com·
`ponents Syy and S,, are 0; the sum of the Poisson ratio and twice
`the rigidity modulus. { 'plat ,maj·a·fas }
`[ENG] 1. A flat plate against which something rests or
`is pressed. 2. The rubber-covered roller of a typewriter against
`which paper is pressed when struck by the typebars.
`ENG] A flat surface for exchanging heat in a boiler or heat
`exchanger which may have extended heat transfer surfaces.
`( 'plat·an}
`plate neutralization See anode neutralization. { 'plat ,nti·tr::i·
`la,za·shan }
`[GRAPHICS) A type of printing press with a flat
`platen press
`surface bearing the inked type; another flat surface, bearing the
`paper, is pressed against the type; small hand presses are orcli(cid:173)
`narily of this sort. { 'plat·an ,pres }
`plate proof
`[GRAPHICS] A proof obtained from a printing
`plate. { 'plat ,priif }
`plate pulse modulation See anode pulse modulation. { 'plat
`'pals ,maj·a,la·sh;in }
`plate resistance See anode resistance. { 'plat ri,zis·tans l
`plate saturation See anode saturation. { 'plat ,sach·a,ra·sh::in}
`plate scale
`[ASTRON) The ratio of the angular distance be(cid:173)
`tween two stars to the linear distance between their images on
`a photographic plate. { 'plat , ska! )
`plate-shear test
`[ENG] A method used to get true shear data
`on a honeycomb core by bonding the core between two thick
`steel plates and subjecting the core to shear by displacing the
`plates relative to each other by loading in either tension or
`compression. { 'plat :shir ,test }
`plate tectonics [ GEOL] Global tectonics based on a model of
`the earth characterized by a small number (10-25) of semirigid
`plates which float on some viscous underlayer in the mantle;
`each plate moves more or less independently and grinds against
`the others, concentrating most deformation, volcanism, and seis(cid:173)
`mic activity along the periphery. Also kn&;iwn as raft tectonics.
`{ 'plat tek'tan·iks l
`plate theory
`In gas chromatography, the the(cid:173)
`ory that the column operates similarly to a distillation column;
`for example, chromatographic columns are considered as con(cid:173)
`sisting of a number of theoretical plates, each performing a
`partial separation of components. { 'plat , the·a·re }
`plate tower [CHEM ENG] A distillation toweralong the internal
`height of which is a series of transverse plates (bubble-cap or
`sieve) to force intimate contact between downward flowing liq(cid:173)
`uid and upward flowing vapor. { 'plat ,tau·::ir }
`plate·type exchanger
`[MECH ENG] Heat-exchange device
`similar to a plate-and-frame filter press; fluids flow between the
`frame-held plates, transferring heat between them. { 'plat ,tip
`iks,chan·jar }
`plate vibrator
`[ENG] A mechanically operated tamper fitted
`with a flat base. { 'plat vI'brad·ar }
`plate wave [Acous] A type of ultrasonic vibration generated
`in a thin solid, such as a sheet of metal having a thickness of
`less than one wavelength, and usually consisting of a variety of
`simultaneous modes having different velocities; it is used in
`metal inspection. Also known as Lamb wave. { 'plat ,wav }
`platform [coMPUT sci] The hardware system and the system
`software used by a computer program.
`i. Any level
`or almost level surface; a small plateau. 2. A continental area
`covered by relatively flat or gently tilted, mainly sedimentary
`strata which overlay a basement of rocks consolidated during
`earlier deformations; platforms and shields together constitute
`[MIN ENG] A wooden floor on the side of a gangway
`at the bottom of an inclined seam, to which the coal runs by
`gravity, and from which it is shoveled into mine cars.
`1. Temporary or permanent solid bed on which artillery pieces
`are supported to give greater stability. 2. Metal stand at the
`base of some types of guns upon which the gun crew stands
`while serving the gun. { 'plat,form }
`platform balance
`[ENG] A weighing device with a flat plate
`mounted above a balanced beam. { 'plat,form ,bal·::ins }
`platform beach
`[GEOL] A looped bar or ridge of sand and
`gravel formed on a wave-cut platform. { 'plat,form ,bech)
`platform blowing [ENG) Special technique for blow-molding
`large parts made of plastic without sagging of the part being
`formed. { 'plat,form ,blo·i!J }
`platform conveyor
`[MECH ENG] A single- or double-strand
`conveyor with plates of steel or hardwood forming a continuous
`platform on which the loads are placed. { 'plat,form kan,va·
`platform deck
`[NAV ARCH] A partial deck fitted in the hold
`of a ship. { 'plat,form ,dek }
`platform erection
`[NA v]
`In the alignment of inertial navi(cid:173)
`gation equipment, the alignment of the stable platform vertical
`axis with the local vertical. { 'plat,form i,rek·sh::in }
`platform facies See shelf facies. { 'plat, form ,ra'Shez }
`platform framing
`[BUILD] A construction method in which
`each floor is framed independently by nailing the horizontal
`framing member to the top of the wall studs. { 'plat,form ,fram·
`platform reef
`[GEOL) An organic reef, generally small but
`more extensive than a patch reef, with a flat upper surface.
`{ 'plat,form ,ref)
`[MET] A white brittle brass containing 75% zinc and
`25% copper; used for jewelry. { ph'ten·a }
`[MET} Forming a thin, adherent layer of metal on an
`object. Also known as metal plating. { 'plad·il) }
`plating rack
`[MET] A fixture that holds, and conducts current
`to, a piece of work during electrodeposition. { 'plad·il) ,rak }
`platinic chloride See chloroplatinic acid. { pla'tin·ik 'klor,Id }
`platinic sodium chloride See
`sodium chloroplatinate.
`{ pla'tin·ik 'sOd·e·am 'klor,Id }
`platinic sulfate See platinum sulfate. { pla'tin·ik 'sal,fat l
`[MINERAL] A silver-white cubic mineral com(cid:173)
`posed of platinum, iridium, and related metals, occurring in
`grains. { :plat·an·::i'rid·e·am }
`platinite See platynite. { 'plat·an,It )
`platinochloride See chloroplatinate. { :plat·an·o'klor,Id }
`[!NORG CHEM] A double salt of platinous
`cyanide and another cyanide, such as K2Pt(CN)4 ; used in pho-
`tography and fluorescent x-ray screens. Also known as cyano(cid:173)
`platinate. { :plat·an·o'sI·a,nid )
`[MET] 1. Resembling or related to platinum. 2. A
`copper-nickel-zinc alloy used for electrical resistance wire.
`{ 'plat·an,oid }
`platlnotron [ELECTR] A microwave tube that may be used as
`a high-power saturated amplifier or oscillator in pulsed radar
`applications; requires permanent magnet just as does a magne(cid:173)
`tron. { pla'tin·::i,tran }
`platinous chloride See platinum dichloride.
`platinous Iodide See platinum iodide. { 'plat·;m-as 'f·a,did )
`[CHEM] A chemical element, symbol Pt, atomic
`[MET] A soft, ductile,
`number 78, atomic weight 195.09.
`{ 'plat·an·as
`Sony, Ex. 1007, p.4

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