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`Library of Congress Cataloging-r'r:—'on Data
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`1. To serve as an ninen or ii warning of; precise: Clouds
`portend is storm. 2. To itidicate by prediction; lorecast. [ME
`portendesi < Lat. porleridere. See tori-‘.]
`pot-tent (pfir-'I!n|"',_ pot’-J ii. 1. A prophncypf something
`Important or
`us; an omen. 2. Pmphctii: or threaten-
`ing sigrlifitzsnce. 3. Soniething a.i:tia.-ciri or niarvolons; a prod-
`[l..iit.portennari it near. p.past. o pafiendsrr, noportenrl.
`See toe.'reun.]
`pot-teri°1ior.I.s (poi-can-‘rat. por—J adj. 1. Of the nanite of or
`otmxtituting I ponesit; foreboding. 2. Full of nnspedfiahle
`significance; exciting wonder and awe. 3. Marked by pain-
`rete-ritioutly weighty. —por-tanrtotia-I: rrdti.
`[p5l"I=Il’. porl‘-i
`. A person amp
`to carry
`—por;t.en nous-nus rt.
`burdens. esp. an attendant who carries h
`at a hotel or
`passe:-igeisina eepuigcai-orparorr:iir..
`Z. A railroaid entpln:3éeeAwho‘waibs on
`worker for I
`or an institution. [ME ptmosir -C AN -C
`LLIL gore.-nor «t (at. per-rat-e. to I:-I.l'I')"._ See par-l=*.]
`poi’ tar
`{p-Er-‘tar. pot’-I rt. Cliiefly Bomb. One in charge of
`a" gate or door. [ME < AN < LLat. portdnus < Lat. pone.
`gate. See pl‘-32]
`pol‘-tIr_’ (p&r"rat. pot’-) ii. Arlatk beet made Etoiti rnalt dried
`at a high temperatitri-.. [Short for porter’: ale.)
`Poi--tar tpaxrm, part-1. Cole Albert. 1891?—1‘J64. Amer.
`composer and lyricist rflnembered for his witry satires.
`Porter. Sir dowel. h. 1920. flridsh chemist who shared a 1967
`Nobel Prize.
`Porter. ilnthorlno Aririe. 1890-1980. Amer. writer known for
`her short stories arid her novel ship of Fools (1962).
`Porter. Bodily Robert. h. 1917. British hiochernist who shared
`In ydriuy.
`. Henry.1 52-1910. Amer. writer
`i-ii-tmiiiiiiiabd u" 0
`whose worlts include Cabbage: and Kirtss (19041.
`1."'l'.9I.'-ll, pothl 1|. 1. The carrying of burdens
`or goods as
`e by porters. 2.. The i-Jtarge for this activity.
`[.'I01"lOr'Is! [p6rl"I3r-Ta,
`fir’-I II. Var. of pnrtraaa.
`par-tiIi'_-IIoi.u-I lp6r1'I:rr- nus’, pot’-_) rt. 1. A cure! beef from
`the thick ei'id of the short loin. harm a T-shaped bone and
`I sizable pint: of tcnderloiri. 2. Ar
`riic. An aieholne or a
`‘rftar-VII’, path]. A city of S-central CA N of
`Bakersfield; oitiided 1859. Pop. 23,563.
`port-fa-ll-ti {poi-t~foI'1E-6', port-J ii. pl‘. 435. Li. A portable
`ease for l1o|di'i1,fSinateri.iiJ, such as p otographs or drawing.
`b. The nut
`collected in such I case, esp. when repre-
`sentative of a person’: work. 2. The offioe or post of a cabinet
`rnernhcr or ri'i.irii'..ttet of state. 3. A group of invutme-rm. [lta|.
`porrirfoglia : pom: (4 portare, to egg 4 hit.
`‘rte; see
`para‘) -1- pfngiia. sheet l'€
`lat. faiairm, leaf; see Hill-."“J.]
`port-boll lport"ho1",poi't’-J it. 1. Nani. A anial1.ii.tii.circu.|at
`window that can be opened in a ship's side. 2. An opciiing in
`a fortified wall; art ei-nhraaure.
`Port Hue-no-nio {WI-I1E'l1'IE}. A town of S CA W of Ins An-
`gelcs. Pop. 20,319.
`Pork Hu-ton uiyonrfaii. -aim. A city of SEMI on Lake Huron
`NNE of Detroit; rim settled in 1686. Pop. 33,594.
`pot-tlcoo (pdr"tI-kn’, pot-"-I ii.,
`1. -ones or «too. A porch or
`walkway with a roof supported y onliirnns, often leading to
`die mu-cue: of a building. [lta|. < Lat. ponicitt < pone. gate.
`See per-".1 —porFd-otieri-‘ tidy‘.
`'1'-l 8. A heavy curtain
`pol‘-tloro or par-dare {poi--tyarr‘,
`LLat. portdrfits < Lat.
`arm, gate.
`hung atzroits a doorway. ['F|'., fern. 0 mm, finer 4: OFI. -:
`pot-don I
`rfslian, par -1: it. 1. A section or quantity within
`a larger
`' 3; it part of it whole. 2. A part separatod from a
`whole. 3. A art allotted to a person or group. as: I. A help-
`.‘l'he pat-tofancttate reoe.'ivedhy1rihreir.i'.'.A
`woman's dowry. it A person's lot or fate.
`-« mu. -dotted.
`-IIDIPIHQ. -tlons. 1. To divide into parts for dislxiliiition; par-
`oel. 2. To provide with it share. irihetilarice, or dowry. [ME -1.
`O§i-. -e Ln. poi-tio, portion-. &e para-".1 — porfuoti-a-bla
`ad,-. —por-ltiomar ti. - poi‘-"t!on-1:5: adj.
`rt-‘land, part’-J. 1. A city of SW MB on an arm
`of the G
`of Maine S of Lewi.-iton; settled c. 1632. Pop.
`64,348. 2. A city of NW OR on the W’i'.lla.rrii.-rte IL; founded
`1345. Pop. 437.3-19. — PD|"l:l'|flU'8f It.
`rt’-) ii.
`Purtlaird oeiuont or port-land cariterit tporfllanii.
`A hydraulic cement made by hearing a niixture of
`and day in a ltiln and pulverisirig the resulting material. [After
`Portlaisd, an 1.i.tbati district of S Fai,]
`POH Lou-ls (ltislis, lifi:iFi‘:.
`lo‘i‘:-E-‘J. The up. of Mauritius. in
`the NW on the lrirlian Ocean; founded 1?35. P
`potttly‘ lDOrt"|e. p5rt"—J tidy. —lJ-er. -LI-ear. 1.
`stout; eorptilent. See Syns at fat 2. Archaic. Staoely; majestic;
`imposing. 5< ro.r.'i'5.] —port-‘ll-nus it.
`port-man-teau {pc‘:rt—iiian!t<‘:. pow. pt‘irt’ni.iii-to-". port’-J
`two hinged com artmentx. ['Fr. parzmiairmtir : ports (-6.
`is.,£i. -toaux or minus I-toz. -boa-‘I. A large leather siijtcare
`parser, to carry «: 0 1.; seei-on-5) + iiia-iizemt, cloak ['< OI-‘r.
`i-iia-rite.‘ < Lat. n:an£el'IirmJ.]
`portmamaau word fl. A word formed by merging the sounds
`of two dificmnt words: for ¢X:Ir|-ml‘.
`and tneanin
`from church e and sitort.
`Ponlhloru-by (:'.ui5t:'he. rnorr’-J. The cap. or‘ rap".
`Guinea. on SE New Guinea.
`For-to or F&"Do llpritiltdifi). See
`on a lapuh
`Pd:ghu:a|e*_fl'I [a- If
`].‘iiKe:iIy 37::
`. 1,115.47-y-_
`tlznuc Ocean;
`poi-tonaii PL,
`l. porunfolll. A
`load or unio
`cargo, obtain supp its. at undergo Math
`port of aim-y it., pi‘. ports of entry. A place where traiq-1,,‘
`may enter or leave I country
`0 trial gupuvha
`"ti °* 5°-':*.i~=»=*=:.i:.'=..'2.“.~*.1*~°*°~"
`idad on an Inn at the Adam. Pop. 55.905. W“ "’T-ii.
`'5 I illq.
`center in the !'.-’th oeiit. P
`. 123.000.
`Port or-at-iga fiérflnj. 6r"v]. A citynldf NE FL on [I|¢
`coast ssc of Dayton! Beadi
`P6110 VIl'h0 [\I'Ei"yI56). A city 0 NW Brazil on die Main‘
`R. unit the Bolivian border. Pop. 101,162.
`t on
`toast o Australia.
`P0S1;”?hi|'ltlEegEU lfllfipll. A large deep-writer inlet at in
`iciw mu
`criprion. an oi’
`ggaun. I4: OFl'., lflllflfl < p.pa1'L til partraire, to mm;
`'1 ,
`CI 01
`D I} I
`pg;.y;I;;g1:;i5'|;{p5i:‘:u'HIst.hpt¥;t—:rni,hA person who malts pg.
`par‘-trmiitra l1:‘:r_'n-ighibr’. pér:-13:51. Tli_c an or mm,’
`o ni
`rig portraits.
`portrar .
`om-tints as .-i
`I UYl'
`I on
`II.TI.LI'e0 .
`"°.l.';-’.'2°’ *P5'a...“*'-:*'*:;i W *'*'i""°-.i~
`or destzihegpin wo
`3. To irrtpresent iliranititictilly, sit‘:
`stage. [ME pomcie:-r < Dir. portrait: : pori-. forth [c 1,,
`_or6-, irirth; see no-‘J + train, to draw fa: Lat. I'rriI!m. lo
`d.ra3).] —poi'_-trq_rJ'a-h:lit_a.ri_f. —por-itllyflr tr.
`por_'t‘I'n'-ll lpoi~tra"al,2po£-I ti. 1. Tlie_act D[ a[b
`piecing or portraying. _ .
`representanoii or
`woman om.’
`or porter es . in a convent.
`poi--troaadtpoi-Iti-ti. post) also pnlr-tar-ess I-tar-Is] .._ _i.
`Port any-iii (roi"al}. See
`entrance to
`tie: Cana ; oun
`Pc£':taSI'I‘: (5;-éd’}. A city DEhil:'E5F-ETD! on
`builders of the canal in 1859. Pop. 3?4,000.
`Port SI'Il.It (p6r' sl-ltih’, -Iii?) also Pa‘! du Slrlllt [pi5n' Ila
`fin’. poi dfi
`ti-lift?) it. A seniihartl ftmieiiled
`$ Fmmh§odm Dame de Parr—du-.'i‘a.litt. aTrappistalihq
`{p5rt's‘ ',
`‘rt’-I adv. 6' rrd". 1. On it port water-
`front. 2. Nastr. On ti:
`rt side of a illlp or boat.
`not opposite
`1194. R) . 187,900. 2. A city of SE 131-! ah the Allsniit
`e Treaty ofPaIl'I!$I'.|l0'LItl1, ending the Russo-jn
`on the Ohio R. S o Columbus. Po . 21,676. 4. An independ-
`War, was signulhefre i.ii19D5.Pop.?.5.9'1S.5. A city o son
`t_i:ity of SE VA o posit: Nnrfilli. Pop. 103.907.
`POI1 5°|ll'l"lly (trial 6}. See Stanley.
`; 51:11:.
`1905. P0 . 20532. .
`PoIl~'lt_ESl:'£:a.1I (sci:-din’). Afiéty of NF. Sudan on I2: Red Se!
`Pol"1::‘g‘lJ lgillnchii-gal. p:5r":J. A countliy of SW European
`the W Iberian Penitisula. isiduding the Madeira ls. and Ilit
`Ami-es in the N Atlantic Ocean; at: iridepcriiicnt 1tiII|;\‘J0I
`.-5&3. "-}
`liop. 9,?33,00D. M of
`tn Fortiigal or its peop
`-viI«. .|l'l'- Pu‘
`nmlnne In
`§E‘l=‘€"“.....,..‘.“I;".........““"€ §I%l“l’§““‘ °‘ ’}°'°.‘;‘."."’.‘.'.t:".‘-.""...$
`and Email. [Poi-t. parnigués < VLat. '
`i-iiigaiéus.-‘s, ult. <
`Ll..aL Ponies Cale, the ancient port of
`ya [Oponol-l
`Poi-ttiijiioao mii.iHtf-iirar II. A complex calm-iitii sipl\OI19P_h‘_“'
`of the genus F salsa of warm seas, having a broad SJIIW
`float {tom whi
`hang numerous long siirigin tvrindts.
`por°tI.I-III:-a [p6r’cha—|5iit|'a, pér’-J it. Any o _ various Sflsfl
`in siiiii
`plants of tfie_Qmuh .
`g!'fl?IrdJ,flD7.‘i_gD‘rl;I ml
`< Latfapomtifiz, purslatie <
`of pom. 53:‘
`{front the gatelike covering or’ die seed capsule}. Sc: PW’
`pos. itbbr. 1. Poaitiori. 2.. Positive.
`PD'I_l‘d_I {p6-s3i"d:, pf:-sa"nl:i) it. A
`ft-_siiir.-i! ring;
`..< .o' <patrirto
`hating E
`Joseph and MI
`4: Llat. priuafire. no test E l.aI1‘.pPIfllISi|1%|JBvl.'.. See iiwml
`poso;1[fi!iz)I:.p1_3a:ad.po:-"|JiIg.polvas. — mr.l_1.
`oro itpartii:iilarpcstotiotposni.te,as or
`2. To affect a partieiiiar mental arntiide. 3. To reptesenl 0'19’
`self §alsely; pretend to be other than what one is. — In 1- 7“
`plat: la nittdel. for eina.i'rip1e} in a specific position. 2. T0 “"
`forth in words; propoimd: pose a q-iresliosi. 3. To pill l°"
`ward; presenh pose d ti:-rerit. —n. 1. A bodily Illinidt 9'
`position. esp. one assumed for a portrait. Z. A studied :irIm|d'
`ed for eflect. Sne Syris
`‘gm: OF:-. poser < VI.:it.
`Pffm pasta. pause. See Mun
`) rm. posed. pus-Iii
`F"h,(E:. [Short for oppose.
`_g1tietai:ion of opp-area;
`fig {obsolete} {-C. OFL; at
`"mam [pit-sSd'n. in-1...:
`- “:4 god of the waters, ezinlic
`J‘-gar] rt. Orie who '
`gr @1131’) II. A hafflin l
`Wm; (pa-seer’) ii. Oat: w
`#535, or 1'|1'I{'Il1t£ to iinpte
`4 OH. See P051 -l
`h r:d".S an df ls
`"'” '[',',5.rtii mu. -tt-an. -it-i
`fig existence oi; postulate. Sr
`5m.mri:l., as for study; su
`. 0 pa
`:i force or a Stfllltfilfl pl|
`, D, appfI1'O[).l'iIDC place. It.
`m,¢.|.inR’i|s placed. h. The ti
`ml 4,
`advannigeous pl:
`ldxifl to the surroutiding cit-
`uinitude on a serum quest»
`wit. 8. A post of einploymei
`{or which I parrii:i.tla_r player
`_,1-mi;-,eitiei-it of the pieces or (
`mt. 1U.I. The act or procr-
`PgWo4l‘|:lOf| posited. 11.3. A
`given amount of securities or .
`gen:-itiis or commodities hel-
`‘im_ c. The ownership status
`iiiirsiriieuts. —rr.u. -tlcinod.
`,m_. or position. 2. To delete‘:
`“mm «c 0Fr. position <
`m_ p.p¢:r. of pcmere, in plric
`adj. — po-alitlon-ll-ly rm‘:-I.
`posltlotial notation ii. A sysie
`the rtilue of a di
`t dt
`ni‘-ls I
`pagan paper it.
`. A cttiilcd
`giitiifiu, or recommends :2 pa
`Ina-mflrriolto 1.
`P“.|.uug {pen-‘I-Liv]: tidy. 1'. h
`it, acceptance, or
`M mnvi.ri,g forward or in :1 di
`3. F.xp].'iei' or
`tax to
`riltlfl doubt; in!
`tn lit.
`_ .3.
`oonlitlct-it; dogmatic. 6.
`pmtrihed. T. Concerned will
`iriil inlmen. B. Composed of
`niuilar qualities or attrihu!
`iting to positivism.
`ti. 01 o
`lniiri.-ui autliority rather than I
`or relating to religion based ¢‘
`rare or reason alone. 10. Ir.-fi>
`diriutg. 11. Math. 3. Rt‘l:llin|
`ilnri rem. h. Relating tn or h
`«r living a quantity, ritiinber.
`Tied or underarm
`iigtn or
`in cl¢CK.l'il.' chars;
`rlrcrron. 13. Medic. Indicati-
`sliimsc, condition. or organisl
`Jiidicatin or marlted hi‘
`stiiitce o a stimiilus. such '35
`lighl and dark in their origin:
`l pliotographk: print made ft
`[tinting to, or being the sinlfl
`Ill-‘Ill! or adverb, as opttosri
`itipcrlatiire. 1?. Driven hy
`Ilittiiigh iriterrnediate In:ii:hiI1~
`l'Iost'rii.te drive. —- rt. 1. Art al
`istic. Z. P5308. Sort-ierliiiig pcr
`A quantity greater than cur
`rli:ir;¢_ 5. A phornga
`ie im.
`iripcat as in nature.
`. Cal‘?!
`an adjective or adverb. b.
`dii-ision of some pipe oi-g:Iris.
`smaller and less powi:rful- [W
`0Fr. posiiif -e Lat. pasiii‘:-its.
`Pvmrt. of posters. to place. 5-
`"IIosi‘l-ttiiii-neais. po8’i"‘l‘
`P05-Iouplgm [p6z’I-ti—\'iz*:iI
`l'i:ntgi1d_'m3 that sense
`iii of liumiiii ltnowle git and
`cation of this doctrine in I4
`C. The gyslnm of Augusta Cl
`Ology and metaphysics and 6
`ltieiioes, beginning with lust]

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